API Overview
Deprecation Notice
This has been replaced by the OpenAPI documentation and will be removed soon.
InformaCast Mobile is Singlewire Software’s cloud-based, mobile device broadcast system that allows you to simultaneously send combinations of text, pre-recorded audio, and images to Android and iOS mobile endpoints such as cellular phones and tablets. While smart devices provide the richest interface and are the primary target, you can also send content via email, SMS messages to any cell phone, and audio calls to any telephone.
InformaCast Mobile (its web interface and Android and iOS mobile apps) is built upon a powerful representational state transfer (REST) application programming interface (API). Any operation supported by InformaCast Mobile can be achieved through its API, which uses the standard HTTP
verbs of POST
, and DELETE
to create, read, update, and delete resources, though not all verbs are available for all resources.
An API request is comprised of the application path (i.e. https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/), the API’s version, a resource path, and optional query parameters. The following API request could be used with an HTTP GET
to retrieve a user’s information.
Pasting this request into a web browser yields all known information about this user.
Visit http://www.tutorialspoint.com/http/http_quick_guide.htm to learn more about formatting HTTP requests or responses.
{"permissions": ["get"],
"lock": null,
"securityGroups": [],
"subscriptions": [
{"createdAt": "2014-05-22T12:55:14.932Z",
"id": "51839b40-e1b0-11e3-b343-0ab69cea9f8b",
"distributionListId": "29e56500-e1b0-11e3-b343-0ab69cea9f8b",
"userId": "d55af380-caf6-11e3-81cc-127b75e3b4bb"}],
"createdAt": "2014-04-23T14:52:04.152Z",
"id": "d55af380-caf6-11e3-81cc-127b75e3b4bb",
"name":"George Harrison"}
Before beginning to use the InformaCast Mobile API, you must have:
- A successfully registered account on InformaCast Mobile
- Internet access for the InformaCast Mobile website.
- A valid identity provider account with either InformaCast Mobile’s built-in identity provider, Microsoft Active Directory Federated Services (AD FS), Google OpenID Connect, or Windows Azure.
Mobile devices registering with InformaCast Mobile have the following prerequisites:
- For iOS devices, iOS 7.0.0 or later
- For Android devices, Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or later
- A separate identity provider account for each user who plans to receive InformaCast Mobile alerts on his/her device.
API Documentation
The documentation for the InformaCast Mobile API is separated into three panes:
- Navigation
- Documentation
- Sample Requests
The left Navigation pane includes a responsive table of contents that allows for easy navigation between InformaCast Mobile API’s operations and resources, and it also scrolls with you as you move through the content in the center pane.
The center Documentation pane includes definitions of certain aspects of InformaCast Mobile, explanations of each resource and its attributes, and the relevant HTTP request. The headings you may see pertaining to each resource include:
- HTTP REQUEST. The type of HTTP request (e.g. GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) along with the URL resource name.
- PRODUCES. The type of data that is produced from the request and contained in the body of the response (typically
). - CONSUMES. The type of data contained in the body of the request (if any). This data is used when processing the request (typically
). - PATH PARAMETER. Any data that may appear as a path parameter on the resource URL. The following example shows
as a path parameter:https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/961
- QUERY PARAMETERS. Any data that may appear as a query parameter (name/value pair) on the resource URL. The following example shows
as a query parameter:https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users?limit=1
- REQUEST PARAMETERS. The data that is contained in the request body that is used when processing the request (typically in the form of
). - RESPONSE. The data that is returned from the request, which is contained in the response body (typically in the form of
). - STATUS CODE. The HTTP response status code that is returned on the response (see Common Responses).
The Sample Requests pane on the right contains tab(s) of sample requests that pertain to the documentation in the center pane (currently, only cURL requests are shown, but we plan to add examples in other languages as we add support for different access libraries). The cURL examples should actually work if you copy and paste them into a shell window, although you may have to alter IDs and other values to match resources which actually exist in your account.
When working with the InformaCast Mobile API, it’s useful to be familiar with certain terms:
- Users. Individuals who will receive (and possibly send) notifications. Users can be assigned individual permissions and grouped into distribution lists and security groups with their own set of permissions.
- Permissions. Controls for the functionality that users can view and/or change, e.g. read permissions for distribution list, create and edit permissions for security groups and message templates.
- Distribution Lists. A way to organize and group users. Distribution lists are also the recipients of notifications. You cannot send a notification to a user who is not included in a distribution list.
- Security Groups. Another way to group users, but also assign them permissions, such as creating message templates or sending notifications to specific distribution lists.
- Load Definitions. A way to load many users at once along with their distribution list subscriptions and security group assignments.
- Message Templates. The building blocks of the notifications you will send to your mobile endpoints, e.g. message template name, subject, body text, etc.
- Confirmation Requests. A response for your recipients to send back to you after receiving a notification. You can also configure an escalation notification based on the responses you receive.
- Notifications. The combination of your previous efforts: notifications are your configured message templates sent out to users who are housed in a distribution lists with certain permissions assigned to them at either the user or security group level and who may respond to your notification through a confirmation request, if you have configured it.
API Explorer Tour
The API Explorer is your window into InformaCast Mobile’s API. You can use it to:
- View the resources and attributes that InformaCast Mobile has to offer
- Craft API requests
- Review the information the API will provide based on your requests
- Place information (users, distribution lists, security groups, message templates, etc.) directly onto the InformaCast Mobile server without touching the web interface
When viewing the API explorer, you can see the resources and attributes available to you.
Resources are objects with associated attributes, relationships to other resources, and a set of methods that operate on them. Attributes are the building blocks of resources; they are comprised of the data you can affect. For example, users is a resource that is comprised of the following attributes: an unique ID, a name, whether the user’s account is locked and for how long, an email address, whether the user (if using the built-in Singlewire identity provider) must reset his password upon next login, and the unique ID associated with the load definition that created the user’s record, if applicable.
The set of methods for interacting with resources and attributes are the standard HTTP
verbs of POST
, and DELETE
. These are housed in tabs underneath a resource’s attributes along with a description of your action, the fields available for your request, the HTTP URI associated with your API request, and the response your API request generates once click the GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE buttons.
Using the GET tab of the users resource as an example, a description of your action is “Get one resource by id or an array of resources by filtering attribute with GET.” Leaving all of the fields on the GET
tab blank and clicking the GET button, returns a list of all of your users. You can also see that the path parameter for your API request is /users
A full API request could then be crafted from this information: https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users
. Pasting this along with a URL-encoded authentication token query parameter into a web browser would also yield a list of your users, without the nice formatting of the JSON response you get in the API Explorer.
Along with the application and resource path and perhaps query parameters for pagination and search, you can also see the API’s version number, v1
, which must appear in your API requests:
As new API versions are made available, you can update your API requests to adopt the newer version. Any unmodified API requests will continue to reach older versions; however, they may eventually be deprecated and retired.
Sign into the API Explorer and familiarize yourself further by using the other resources, attributes, and methods.
Helpful Clients
The InformaCast Mobile API is built on a set of RESTful standards. You will want to find or use a familiar REST client for your programming language of choice. If you don’t already have a preferred REST client, here are a few suggestions to get you started:
- Java
- Ruby
- Python requests
- JavaScript/NodeJS
- Clojure
- Shell
Authenticating with the API is how you prove that you should be able to use it, and authentication is controlled through submitting an authentication token with every API request you make. This token is associated with a user, that user has permissions and security group memberships, and if the permissions and memberships allow it, your API request is processed.
How you create a token depends on the kind of application you are building:
User Interface Application. If your application has a user interface, you can embed a web browser and configure it to use the login mechanism provided by the InformaCast Mobile REST API server. The InformaCast Mobile token provider interface is responsible for logging in users through an identity provider associated with their InformaCast Mobile accounts, which results in an authentication token for your application to use when making requests on behalf of that user. For iOS applications, the Google Toolbox for Mac OAuth 2 Controller works well for providing the login interface and pairs naturally with their HTTP Fetcher for wrapping REST API requests to supply the authentication token. This is the preferred approach for obtaining an authentication token within your application because it allows the application to act on behalf of the specific user who has logged in with it.
Headless Application. If your application runs in the background, with no opportunity for user interaction, you need to create a permanent token through the administrative interface and store it securely within your application. If a single copy of your application is available as a service over the Internet to your users, you can manage this process entirely in-house. If you distribute copies of your application for your users to configure and run for themselves, your installation and configuration interface will need to provide a way for your users to store their own permanent tokens, and your documentation will need to explain how they will obtain them. Because of security concerns, you should never create or use permanent tokens unless you have no alternative.
Either kind of token grants access to InformaCast Mobile, so it is important to keep it secure. This is particularly important for permanent tokens, because if such a token must be revoked due to a compromise, you will need to update your shared web application, or tell your clients to update their configured token.
Create a Token for Experimentation
If you just need a token suitable for experimental exploration of the API, use the following steps.
- Open a web browser and go to the API Explorer. The API Explorer page appears.
Click the Login link at the top of the page. The InformaCast Mobile Login page appears.
Log in. Once you have successfully logged in, you are returned to the API Explorer and the authentication token assigned to you for that browser session is displayed in the field to the right of the Resources dropdown menu (highlighted in the following picture).
Copy and paste this token into the commands that you want to try out against the API. See Use the Token for more information.
As noted in Authentication, if you are building an application that will interact with the API on behalf of an interactive user, you will want to embed a web browser and direct the user to the InformaCast Mobile login interface. Use query parameters to inform the API that your user is logging in within your application through the client ID and client secret assigned to your application.
Since the implementation of an OAuth2 login is complex, try building on top of an open-source solution, such as the Google Toolbox for Mac OAuth 2 Controller. This is the approach used in-house at Singlewire. The documentation for the library will explain how your client information is configured and how the token is obtained at the end of a successful login process. Even if you plan to roll out your own OAuth 2 client implementation from scratch, the source and documentation of a library like this will be a valuable resource.
Create a Permanent Token
If you need a token to be embedded permanently in an application that runs in a headless mode (i.e. without the ability to ask a user to periodically log in for it and which needs to stay logged in), you will need to create a permanent token for it. (Or, as noted in Authentication, your clients can do so, and paste the token into your application’s configuration interface, if the application will be logging in on their behalf.)
Use the following steps to create a permanent token.
- Open a web browser and go to InformaCast Mobile’s web interface.
- Create a user with an appropriate set of permissions to meet the needs of your application.
Click the Users dropdown menu and go to Manage Users | user’s Name link | User Tokens tab. The Edit User Details page appears, displaying the contents of the User Tokens tab.
Click the Add button. The Add Token pop-up window appears.
Enter a name for your token in the Name field, e.g. InformaCast Mobile Plugin.
Click the Save button. The Generated Security Token pop-up window appears.
Copy and paste the token from the Generated Security Token pop-up window into your source code editor or application configuration window in order to embed it for future use.
Click the Done button. You are returned to the Edit User Details page and you can see your newly added token. Manually generated tokens, like the one you just created, have no expiration date.
Use the Token
The examples in this section show how to retrieve the
resource, which contains information about the login session associated with the authentication token.
As specified by OAuth 2’s Bearer Token Usage principles—on which the API relies—there are three methods for providing authorization for a request:
These methods are listed in decreasing order of convenience and preference. Wherever possible, the Authorization header method should be used. The other two methods are fallbacks for cases where that is simply not possible, and the final approach (e.g. URI query parameter) should only be used in testing and development contexts.
Authorization Header
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/session"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/session"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/session" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
A token may be passed via an Authorization request header field as defined by RFC2617. Additional details and guidelines can be found here. Using an Authorization header is the preferred method, and should be used whenever possible.
Form-encoded Body Parameter
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/session" \
-d "access_token=S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND%3D"
# When using a client library, the authentication
# header is taken care of for you, so there is no
# need to use a body parameter.
# When using a client library, the authentication
# header is taken care of for you, so there is no
# need to use a body parameter.
A token may be passed in the form body so long as the request is single-part and uses the x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Type. Additional criteria and guidelines can be found here. This approach can be used when it is not possible for you to set the Authorization header, as long as the other criteria are met. As discussed in the IETF guidelines, it is not possible to use this approach with the HTTP GET
URI Query Parameter
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/session?access_token=S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND%3D"
# When using a client library, the authentication
# header is taken care of for you, so there is no
# need to use a body parameter.
# When using a client library, the authentication
# header is taken care of for you, so there is no
# need to use a body parameter.
A token may be specified as an encoded query parameter and must be properly separated from additional query parameters using the &
character. Additional details and guidelines can be found here. This method should be used as a last resort, when neither of the other methods are possible, because it suffers from security deficiencies even when used with all the Cache-Control
headers recommended by the guidelines.
Assuming the token was valid, all three of the above methods would return something like the following:
"accessToken": "S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=",
"userId": "723f0df0-25ff-11e3-bb04-2a16fd5e656f",
"providerId": "a8105c2c-8e15-11e5-800a-efb9f24b4331",
"providerName": "Yoyodyne",
"email": "sallie.chin@yoyodyne.com",
"name": "Sallie Chin",
"isFusion": true,
"isLicenseValid": true,
"idleTimeout": 90,
"idleTimeoutCustom": true
Choosing an acting Domain
Once you have created any Domains, all API requests are interpreted in the context of a particular Domain, described as the “Acting Domain.”
To specify the Domain in which a particular request should operate,
you supply the desired Domain id
value either as the request header
, or as the request parameter domain
request parameter can either be a query parameter in the URL of any
request, or a body parameter for requests using HTTP methods other
than GET
If you do not specify a value for either the x-singlewire-domain
request header or the domain
request parameter, the first Domain
available to the user making the request, from a list sorted by Name
Path, will be assumed.
If you specify both the request header and the request parameter, the
request parameter value will be used, and the
header will be ignored. This allows the header
to specify a longer-lived acting context, while special requests can
occasionally act in a different Domain by adding the request
If the user associated with the request’s authentication token is not permitted to act in the specified Domain (or in the root Domain, if none was specified), the request will fail with a validation error.
Quick Start
Jump right in and learn the basic tenets of InformaCast Mobile.
InformaCast Mobile allows you to add users to its system, group these users into distributions lists, assign them permissions (such as read/write access for creating notifications), send them notifications comprised of message templates (or allow them to trigger notifications from their iOS or Android devices), and allow them to respond to their notifications through confirmation requests.
The following sections walk you quickly through the steps of sending a notification:
Create Your First User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'email': 'craig.smith@acme.com',
'name': 'Craig Smith'
user = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'email': 'craig.smith@acme.com'
'name': 'Craig Smith'
user = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"email": "craig.smith@acme.com", \
"name": "Craig Smith"}'
# This is a thin wrapper around rest-client;
# details on other ways you can use it are in
# http://www.rubydoc.info/github/rest-client/rest-client
"lock": null,
"name": "Craig Smith",
"securityGroups": [ ],
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T20:33:53.262Z",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"subscriptions": [ ],
"id": "2400c8e0-2329-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847"
Create a user named Craig Smith
. Start him with nothing but the most basic permissions.
Create Your First Distribution List
# Continuing the previous example:
dist_list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing the previous example:
dist_list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "To Just Craig Smith"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T20:40:38.627Z",
"id": "159e9330-232a-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"name": "To Just Craig Smith"
In order for Craig Smith to receive a notification, he must first belong to a distribution list.
Create a distribution list named To Just Craig Smith
Subscribe a User to a Distribution List
# Continuing with the user and distribution
# list objects from the previous example:
sub = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the user and distribution
# list objects from the previous example:
sub = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/2400c8e0-2329-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847/subscriptions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"distributionListId": "159e9330-232a-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T20:33:53.262Z",
"id": "2400c8e0-2329-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith"
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T20:40:38.627Z",
"id": "159e9330-232a-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"name": "To Just Craig Smith"
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T20:42:08.689Z",
"distributionListId": "159e9330-232a-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"id": "4b4cf210-232a-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"userId": "2400c8e0-2329-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847"
Notifications are sent to distribution lists that may contain one or many users. In order for Craig Smith to get any notifications, he must belong to a distribution list.
Once subscribed, Craig Smith
will now receive any notifications sent to that distribution list. Notice that this request contains the id
values that were assigned to both of the resources you created in the first two sections. The user ID is part of the resource path to the subscription, and the distribution list ID is a POST
parameter in the request body.
Register a User’s Device
# Continuing with the user object from the
# previous example:
reg = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the user object from the
# previous example:
reg = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/2400c8e0-2329-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847/devices" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"type": "Android", \
"name": "Android Nexus Fire 2", \
"deviceIdentifier": "APA91bFpOikKATC523g5Z_4-1puPNa_oE8t1sTzEwlfWKE0jFH-TvjAmFL_1ZkSCq7VGNA6dGn3jDQ5BsdZAf"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T16:54:23.115Z",
"deviceIdentifier": "APA91bFpOikKATC523g5Z_4-1puPNa_oE8t1sTzEwlfWKE0jFH-TvjAmFL_1ZkSCq7VGNA6dGn3jDQ5BsdZAf",
"type": "Android",
"name": "Android Nexus Fire 2",
"disabled": false,
"id": "511795b0-1d8a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Craig Smith wants to receive push notifications on his Android Device. Depending on the push notification service being used (e.g. APNS, GCM, SMS, etc.), different types of identifier information are needed to register the device.
Add a Confirmation Request
# Continuing the previous example:
conf_req = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing the previous example:
conf_req = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Are you there?", \
"options": ["Yes", "No"]}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T21:35:07.728Z",
"id": "b227cd00-2331-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"options": ["Yes", "No"],
"name": "Are you there?"
Message templates contain the building blocks of the notifications you will send to your users. Confirmation requests are one of those building blocks, and allow you to configure a response for your users to send back to you after receiving a notification. You can also configure an escalation notification to be sent if enough responses aren’t received.
Craig Smith will need to respond to his notification, so you will create a confirmation request before adding it to your message template.
This confirmation request allows Craig Smith to respond with Yes
or No
Create the Message Template
# Continuing with the confirmation request
# and distribution list objects from the previous
# example:
template = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the confirmation request
# and distribution list objects from the previous
# example:
template = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "For Craig Smith Only", \
"subject": "Hello, Craig. Are you there?", \
"body": "Please confirm you are present.", \
"confirmationRequestId": "b227cd00-2331-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847", \
"distributionListIds": ["159e9330-232a-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847"]}'
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": false,
"subject": "Hello Craig. Are you there?",
"distributionListIds": ["159e9330-232a-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847"],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"name": "For Craig Smith Only",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"image": 0,
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"audio": 0,
"confirmationRequestId": "b227cd00-2331-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T21:35:57.500Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"body": "Please confirm you are present.",
"id": "cfd267c0-2331-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"distributionLists": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T20:40:38.627Z",
"id": "159e9330-232a-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"name": "To Just Craig Smith"
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T21:35:07.728Z",
"id": "b227cd00-2331-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"options": ["Yes", "No"],
"name": "Are you there?"
"bodyCustomizable": false
You now have all the pieces you need to create a message template.
Message templates require a name (For Craig Smith Only
) and subject (Hello Craig. Are you there?
You should also supply the id
of the confirmation request you created, and a list containing the id
of the distribution list you created.
Send the Notification
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
sent = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
sent = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"messageTemplateId": "cfd267c0-2331-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847"}'
"recipientCount": 1,
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "b227cd00-2331-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"messageTemplate": {
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"name": "For Craig Smith Only",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"createdAt": "2015-03-09T21:57:41.199Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": false,
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": "4ec6ffa0-c6a7-11e4-b374-de9e84057a63",
"userIdsCustomizable": false,
"id": "4ecf15f0-c6a7-11e4-b374-de9e84057a63",
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"body": "Please confirm you are present.",
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"subject": "Hello Craig. Are you there?"
"smsReceived": 0,
"confirmationResults": {
"Yes": 0,
"No": 0
"initiator": {
"createdAt": "2014-05-29T15:41:37.010Z",
"id": "b8301520-e747-11e3-b541-c82a144feb17",
"lock": {
"end": null,
"start": null
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"name": "James Elliott",
"email": "james.elliott@singlewire.com"
"createdAt": "2015-03-09T21:57:41.247Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"confirmationRequestId": "b227cd00-2331-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"smsSent": 0,
"id": "4ed668f0-c6a7-11e4-b374-de9e84057a63",
"imageMimeType": null,
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2015-03-09T21:57:41.146Z",
"id": "b227cd00-2331-11e4-8e47-685b358ea847",
"options": [
"name": "Are you there?"
"image": 0,
"audio": 0,
"distributionLists": [
"createdAt": "2015-03-09T21:57:41.017Z",
"id": "4eb35090-c6a7-11e4-b374-de9e84057a63",
"name": "To Just Craig Smith"
"body": "Please confirm you are present.",
"userIds": null,
"readCount": 0,
"subject": "Hello Craig. Are you there?",
"initiatorId": "b8301520-e747-11e3-b541-c82a144feb17"
Creating a notification is the same as sending it. It will be delivered to all users’ registered devices who are subscribed to the distribution list(s) associated with the notification.
There are various counters in the Notification object which can be checked over time to monitor the progress as users read (and, if there is an attached confirmation request, respond to) it.
Change Log
To view or subscribe to upcoming API changes, check out the API Developer Announcements.
Changes from 2024-12-18
- BREAKING CHANGE: Files may no longer be uploaded by including a base64 blob in a JSON object. All file upload via
must now use multipart/form-data.
Changes from 2024-10-23
to the/message-template
route will return a validation error if the payload has bothalertTone=silent
. Any currently existing message templates that have a critical priority and silent alert tone will be treated as if it was not critical.
Changes from 2024-10-09
The breaking changes below were originally slated to be released on 2024-09-25. However, we have decided to delay these changes to 2024-10-09.
* BREAKING CHANGE: A GET to the */external-sources
routes for sites, buildings, floors, and zones will no longer return all external sources for the given subresource in the response. Instead, it will return just the external sources for the provided site, building, floor, or zone id.
* BREAKING CHANGE: Going forward, boolean parameters on our endpoints will no longer accept values that are not booleans or strings. We will return a validation error if invalid boolean parameters are passed.
* In particular, passing numbers into a boolean parameter will result in a validation error.
* In particular, passing null
into a boolean value will no longer be treated as false
, and we will instead treat the parameter as if it was never set.
* This means passing null
into a required boolean parameter with no default value will result in a validation error, as if it was never set.
* Note that supplying native boolean values is only possible when sending a JSON payload.
* The behavior where strings are passed into boolean parameters will remain unchanged. In particular, strings will be coerced to true
if the "true"
string is passed, and will be coerced to false
for all other string values.
* We will now run our request parameter coercion logic on GET and DELETE requests, in addition to the request parameter coercion logic already present on POST and PUT requests.
Changes from 2024-09-04
- BREAKING CHANGE HTTP requests will no longer be allowed and must be transitioned to HTTPS instead.
This is a security change, made to avoid clients passing authentication over an unencrypted channel.
Previously a
301 Moved Permanently
response was returned when making a request via HTTP, but now a426 Upgrade Required
response will be returned.
Changes from 2024-06-26
Scenario Notifications initiated on a floor with a floor plan image and boundary will now store a copy of that image with the boundary drawn on the image, represented by the new
response attribute.Scenario Notifications now accept optional
params which determine whether the abovefloorPlanWithBoundaryFile
attribute is included in the response and whether a CloudFront URL for the image is included.
Changes from 2024-05-15
BREAKING CHANGE Changed the behavior of the
attribute of a POST to/scenario-notifications
. Rather than only providingexternalId
, you must now provide atype
and alookupValue
in theinitiationDevice
JSON. For an API Device,type
will be"api-device"
will be the external ID of the API Device. The existing behavior of only requiringexternalId
will be deprecated for one release to allow payloads to be modified, and will no longer work on 2024-06-26.BREAKING CHANGE Changed the behavior of
. You will no longer be able to access a user’s Locations, Subscriptions, Security Groups, or Tokens directly from the/users
response. You will instead need to make specific requests to/users/{userId}
subresources to access this information.
Changes from 2024-04-03
- New API Devices resource combines external devices’ IDs with their location data, improving scenario initiations through inbound integrations.
- Scenario Notifications now accept an optional
, an API Device that can be used to determine the location of the scenario. - Scenario Notifications now accept an optional
, which determines whether the system prioritizes a provided location object or the location found ininitiationDevice
. Defaults to the location object. - The Reasons array on the Alarm Events endpoint is deprecated in favor of a new Events JSON object. This change helps store additional metadata about the event for logging and audit purposes. NOTE: The Reasons array will be removed at a later date.
- Manual Alarm Events are now accepted on the Alarm Events endpoint when they meet the criteria defined in Create an Alarm Event.
Changes from 2024-02-21
- New Scenario Rule Actions resource to allow configuring API connectors on a scenario
- New Rule Actions resource to view all API connectors
Changes from 2023-12-13
- BREAKING CHANGE You will no longer to be able to create API tokens that do not expire. These will now default to a 1 year expiration.
- A new Token Expiration Alarm is now available to notify admins of when API tokens are near expiration.
- Message Template ID is no longer required for Alarm Actions for easier of configuration.
- A new Token Expiration Report is now available to discover service accounts, users, and fusion servers with tokens that are nearing expiration.
- Document new request and response attributes for User Tokens
Changes from 2023-09-20
- The Site Buildings resource has a new
attribute which can be used to forcibly specify building address components (which must include accurate latitude and longitude) when there is a problem with the Google Maps data which is used to validate addresses.
Changes from 2023-08-09
- BREAKING CHANGE As of ICOP 14.17.1, on-premise resources such as MT, RG, etc. will no longer have their numeric ID’s associated with
cloud resources. This affects usage of the
query params. Users can now fetch these resources on-prem via their /Fusion/v1/* API’s using the new UUID id field. See table below for the complete list of new /Fusion/v1/ API’s available, and the InformaCast API docs for more info.
Old | New |
/V1/ActivationGroups | /Fusion/V1/ActivationGroups |
/V1/Admin/Telephony | /Fusion/V1/Admin/Telephony |
/V1/Admin/TtsLexicon | /Fusion/V1/Admin/TtsLexicon |
/V1/Admin/TtsVoices | /Fusion/V1/Admin/TtsVoices |
/V1/Bells | /Fusion/V1/Bells |
/V1/Endpoints | /Fusion/V1/Endpoints |
/V1/Messages | /Fusion/V1/Messages |
/V1/Plugins/NightBell | /Fusion/V1/Plugins/NightBell |
/V1/RecipientGroups | /Fusion/V1/RecipientGroups |
/V1/ScheduledBroadcasts | /Fusion/V1/ScheduledBroadcasts |
/V1/Plugins/CallAware | /Fusion/V1/Plugins/CallAware |
/V1/Plugins/M2M | /Fusion/V1/Plugins/M2M |
/V1/Plugins/NightBell | /Fusion/V1/Plugins/NightBell |
Changes from 2023-06-28
- BREAKING CHANGE Changed the behavior of
, now endpoints that haven’t reported build-info yet will not be included in the list. New qpinclude-pending
can be used to restore prev behavior. - BREAKING CHANGE The extension endpoints API has been changed to no longer return endpoints that have not registered their build information yet.
query parameter added which can restore previous functionality, if desired. - New alarm added,
. createdAt
fields added to the following resources:- Activation Groups
- Bell Schedules
- CUCM Cluster Fusion Servers
- CUCM Clusters
- Clear Device Schedules
- Device Groups
- Distribution Lists
- Extension Endpoints
- Extensions
- Failover Pairs
- Message Templates
- Ring Lists
- Scheduled Notifications
- Security Group Members
- Subscriptions
- Text-to-Speech Defaults
- Text-to-Speech Lexicons
- Text-to-Speech Voices
on Clear Device Schedules.BREAKING CHANGE Editing the backup endpoint of the failover pair, deleting the failover pair itself, or deleting the primary endpoint of a failover pair result in a factory reset of the backup endpoint. The factory reset occurs to prevent unexpected behavior if a backup endpoint becomes a standalone or primary endpoint.
- Routes affected:
PUT /failover-pairs/{failoverPairId}
DELETE /failover-pairs/{failoverPairId}
DELETE /extension/{fusionExtensionId}/endpoints/{primaryEndpointId}
- Routes affected:
Changes from 2023-05-16
- In the 2023-02-22 API release, the
attribute was added to thesites_buildings
resource. In a future release, it was to be used for contacting emergency services. That field will no longer be needed. The 2023-05-16 release will remove the attribute. If you have put any data in this attribute (despite the lack of access to it from the Administration Console), that data will be discarded.
- Scenarios can now be configured to automatically call emergency services when they are initiated (if this feature has been purchased for your organization).
- New attributes have been added to Site Buildings to support the new emergency calling feature.
- When previewing simulated answers for a
scenario, it is now possible to use the new
query parameter to determine whether a given latitude and longitude is within a one-mile range of a building with emergency calling enabled. This range is required to automatically initiate a response from emergency services when initiating a panic button scenario that also has emergency calling enabled. - When sending scenarios with emergency calling enabled, the Scenario
Notification resource will use a new
attribute to report whether the process of contacting emergency services has been initiated. - When an Incident is created from a scenario with
emergency calling enabled, a new
attribute reflects the latest update reported by the emergency services integration provider. - New fields have been added to the Load
Definitions resource to support integrations
with SISs (Student Information Systems) that support the OneRoster
format. Unless a provider has had these loaders enabled, adding
loaders of the
type with these fields will be disabled. Contact Singlewire Sales/Support if you need this feature. Additionally, connections between SCIM Groups created by these loaders and Distribution Lists are now enabled through a new field on the latter.
Changes from 2023-02-22
BREAKING CHANGE As announced last fall, there is a significant
change to the way that site information is communicated for scenarios.
This was previously implemented using a single site
field which
could be answered with a site ID or name. To improve consistency, and
to add support for more detailed location information, site
are being removed from scenarios, and instead a location
object will
be submitted when creating scenario notifications. This location
object will at minimum contain a site
object specifying the site ID,
but can also contain building
, floor
, and zone
objects (again,
specifying their IDs) for increasing levels of detail.
Rather than using a site
field, scenarios will indicate that they
support location information with a new locationEnabled
attribute. When locationEnabled
is true
, the text that clients
should use to prompt for location information will be configured using
the new attribute locationQuestionName
, and a backwards-compatible
variable in which a summary of the location
object will be made
available for customizing notification text will be configured using
the new attribute locationVariable
. Default answers for site,
building, floor, and zone can be configured using the new attributes
, defaultBuildingId
, defaultFloorId
, and
(an example of increased flexibility; previously it
was only possible to specify a default site).
Existing scenarios which have site
fields will be migrated
automatically to use locationEnabled
instead, and the values of
, locationVariable
, and defaultSiteId
be set up from the former site
To offer backwards compatibility with older mobile clients, for
several releases after the switch to using location
a synthetic
question will be reported in the fields
response for any
location-enabled scenario. (This fake site
field can be recognized
because it is the only site
field that will exist in a scenario,
will have an id
of 55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03
, and will
always have the highest rank
.) Clients that do not yet know how to
send the location
object will be able to continue sending this field
instead. Code that has been updated to send location
values must
filter out this question, since it is redundant with sending
, and attempts to send both location
and a site
will result in a validation failure. Applications should be updated to
send the more flexible location
object as soon as possible. A few
releases after location is supported, this backwards compatibility
mode will be removed: the synthetic site
question will stop
appearing in the fields
, and will no longer be accepted when sending
a scenario notificaiton.
NOTE We had previously planned on using a rank
of 0
for the
fake site
question, but this turned out to create compatibility
problems with older versions of some mobile apps, so we changed to
this approach for better compatibility during the transition period.
Even during the period of backwards compatibility, it will not be
possible to configure scenarios to have actual site
fields using the
scenarios API. The administrative web application will be updated to
use the new locationEnabled
and related attributes described above,
and any other integrations which directly manipulate scenario
resources will need to make the same changes.
- There is a new License Acceptances resource which will be used to support separately-licensed features as they are released in the future.
Changes from 2022-12-14
- When fetching site buildings, floors, and zones, it is now possible
to request that the names of parent resources (site, building,
and/or floor) be included in the response by supplying the query
with the valuetrue
. - Site buildings can now have address information associated with them, and when this is supplied, their latitude and longitude will be calculated. Sites themselves will report the latitude and longitude of the centroid (geographic average) of any buildings whose geolocation is known.
- Roll Call resources as part of Incidents. Roll Call allows for updating statuses and locations of users during an incident.
- The Clear Devices Schedules resource has been added to the API to allow for a means of clearing on-premises device screens on a specified schedule. This is meant to make end users more aware of when they have received a notification by keeping their screens clear when a notification is not active.
Changes from 2022-11-02
query param across all supported resources no longer returns the last reported synced resource id. Instead, a new query param (assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint
) was added which will return the last reported sync state for a specific endpoint which will include the last reported sync id. - BREAKING CHANGE When listing Notifications, the resource no longer
returns information about attached Areas of Interest, Device Groups, Distribution Lists,
Outbound Systems, or Users, unless their respective query parameter (
, orincludeUsers
) is utilized. - DEPRECATION NOTICE
is being replaced with/sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors
is being replaced with/sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/zones
. Any floors that already exist during this release will result in the creation of a building (“Main Building”) in that site which takes ownership of the floors. The backward-compatible APIs which do not include a building ID will work fine as long as there is at most one building in the site, and they will create a default building when creating a floor if the site has no buildings. Once multiple buildings per site are in use, only the new APIs will work reliably: the old APIs will non-deterministically choose a building ID, which will not work for looking up floors in other buildings. This also means that all users’ mobile clients must be upgraded to a current release before multiple buildings are created.
- Added Site Building resource for managing buildings belonging to sites.
Changes from 2022-09-21
BREAKING CHANGE The Message Templates resource no longer returns an embedded notification profile, unless the query parameter
is supplied with a true value.There are two pairs of extensions which are now treated by the user interface as a single concept: the iOS and Android push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for iOS/Android, and the macOS and Windows push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for Mac/Windows. Because of this, granting or revoking a user or group permission to one of either pair will automatically grant or revoke permission to the other, and enabling or disabling an extension in either pair will automatically enable or disable the other.
Changes from 2022-08-10
The Users resource now includes an attribute
which causes the user’s two factor authentication to be deactivated on next login (available only for Providers configured to use InformaCast’s own Identity Provider for login).The Scenarios endpoint includes three new attributes: the string
, which is used to specify a keyboard combination to send scenarios, and thesilentHotkey
boolean value (defaultfalse
) and stringcustomConfirm
, both of which are used to customize scenario-sending behavior.The Sites endpoint now has a new endpoint for Site Floors. See Site Floors for more details. This new endpoint has another endpoint for Site Floor Zones. See Site Floor Zones for more details.
The Sites endpoint now has a new endpoint for Site Role Recipients. See Site Recipients for more details.
The Site Roles endpoint now has a new endpoint for Site Roles Associated Sites. See Site Roles Associated Sites for more details.
The Sites endpoint includes a new request parameter: the boolean
to list the total amount of floors the site has.
Changes from 2022-06-29
- Notification previews can be created using a new
attribute when POSTing a Notification. It’s not actually sent to any recipients; it allows you to view the users and devices that would receive the notification were it to be sent. - When listing the Notification Devices
resource, requests can be filtered using the query parameters
, andtypes
. - The Notification Devices Response
includes a
object when theuserId
value is notnull
, which contains information about the user associated with the device as that user existed when the notification was sent (as preserved in the User Notifications table). - When listing the Notification Recipients
resource, requests can be filtered using the query parameters
have been removed from the Notification History Report. Please usenotificationProgress
Changes from 2022-06-01
- To make it easier to adjust to the removal of the
choice in Message Template display settings, the default value when omitted is now automatically assigned eithershow
based on whether the corresponding field contains content, instead of requiring the appropriate value to be expicitly sent in thePOST
parameters. This is effectively now backwards compatible with the behavior prior to 2022-05-18, when it would default toauto
, even though that is no longer a valid option itself.
Changes from 2022-05-18
- BREAKING CHANGE As previously announced, there have been a number
of changes to the Message Template API to
simplify working with them and sending notifications.
- The
choice is no longer available for any of the attributes which control the display of sections of the message template at send time (e.g.audioDisplay
). The only valid choices areshow
. Any formerauto
values were changed toshow
if the corresponding field in the Message Template contained content or if the corrensponding customizable setting (e.g.audioCustomizable
) wastrue
. If the attribute was empty and not customizable, its corresponding display attribute was set tohide
. - It is no longer possible to create or configure message templates
where the
attribute isshow
but there is no corresponding content and thecustomizable
attribute isfalse
. It will also be impossible to save a message template where an attribute has content but itsdisplay
value ishide
. - The
attributes now always have the valueshow
, because it is no longer possible to hide these elements. They will be completely removed in a future release once there has been time to update all API clients. - The
, andttsVoiceIdDisplay
attributes will no longer have their own independent values, they are controlled by the value ofaudioDisplay
. For any existing templates, ashow
value for any of these four attributes (after following the rules above for migration of formerauto
values) resulted inaudioDisplay
being set totrue
. - It is no longer possible to save Message Templates where
, orttsVoiceIdDisplay
has a value that differs fromaudioDisplay
(attempts to set any of these values other thanaudioDisplay
will be rejected). In a future release all butaudioDisplay
will be removed entirely, once there has been time to update all API clients. - The
, andmetadataCustomizable
attributes are no longer supported, and have been removed. Please use theisSubscribable
feature in Distribution Lists to replace the opt-out feature in Message Templates. - The User Message Templates resource,
which was tied to the removed
attribute, no longer returns any values. In a future release it will be removed entirely, once there has been enough time for all API clients to be updated. - The Opted Out Report no longer returns any values. In a future release it will be removed entirely, once there has been enough time for all API clients to be updated.
- The
- The Notification Profiles resource has a
new read-only attribute,
, which indicates whether a notification profile is the default to be used with Message Templates that do not specify a different one. - The Notification Profiles resource has a
new attribute,
, which can be set to true in any request to cause another new attribute,messageTemplates
, to be returned in the response, listing the IDs and names of all Message Templates that use it. - When
ing a Notification, there is a new request attributeextensionSettingsOverrides
, which can be used to disable device extensions which were enabled in the Notification Profile. - The Scenarios API now supports integration scenarios, which is a new type of scenario merging the additional layer of removed scenario launchers into existing scenario types.
Scenario Launchers
resource has been removed.
Changes from 2022-02-23
- BREAKING CHANGE In an upcoming release (likely in the spring of 2022) there will be a number of changes to the Message Template API to simplify working with them and sending notifications.
- The
choice will no longer be available for any of the attributes which control the display of sections of the message template at send time (e.g.audioDisplay
). The only valid choices will beshow
. Any existingauto
values will be changed toshow
if the corresponding field in the Message Template contained content or if the corrensponding customizable setting (e.g.audioCustomizable
) wastrue
. If the attribute was empty and not customizable, its corresponding display attribute will be set tohide
. - It will no longer be possible to create or configure message templates where the
attribute isshow
but there is no corresponding content and thecustomizable
attribute isfalse
. It will also be impossible to save a message template where an attribute has content but itsdisplay
value ishide
. - The
attributes will now always have the valueshow
, because it is no longer possible to hide these elements. They will be completely removed in an even later release once there has been time to update all API clients. - The
, andttsVoiceIdDisplay
attributes will no longer have their own independent values, they will be controlled by the value ofaudioDisplay
. For any existing templates, ashow
value for any of these four attributes (after following the rules above for migration of formerauto
values) will result inaudioDisplay
being set totrue
. - It will no longer be possible to save Message Templates where
, orttsVoiceIdDisplay
has a value that differs fromaudioDisplay
. In a future release all butaudioDisplay
will be removed entirely, once there has been time to update all API clients. - The
, andmetadataCustomizable
attributes are no longer supported, and will be removed immediately. Please use theisSubscribable
feature in Distribution Lists to replace the opt-out feature in Message Templates. - The User Message Templates resource, which was tied to the removed
attribute, will no longer return any values. In a future release it will be removed entirely, once there has been enough time for all API clients to be updated. - The Opted Out Report will no longer return any values. In a future release it will be removed entirely, once there has been enough time for all API clients to be updated.
- The
- The Notifications API now supports date/time variables which can be used in the subject/body/tts custom content. An additional
query param on GET requests was also added to return the subject/body back in its original form before the date/time variables were substituted. - Added a new Settings API resource for configuring globally preferred timezone/locale.
Changes from 2021-12-15
- BREAKING CHANGE As was announced on 2021-11-03, lockStart and lockEnd values for Users are no longer supported. User locks can be modified using isLocked instead.
Changes from 2021-11-03
- The Scenario response now includes
, which provides support for the new Panic Button scenarios using the/scenarios
- BREAKING CHANGE The locking system for Users has changed.
- lockStart and lockEnd will be replaced by the boolean isLocked.
- Existing user locks will be automatically converted to booleans. Current lockEnd dates will be ignored and users will now need to be unlocked manually.
- New lockStart dates are still accepted and will be converted to isLocked automatically. However, this is highly discouraged as support for lockStart will be removed completely in the next release.
- Do not attempt to lock or unlock users during the release window. Any locks added may be lost.
- BREAKING CHANGE As was announced on 2021-09-22, the user type
is no longer supported. These API endpoints will not accept it as a valid filtering parameter:
Changes from 2021-09-22
- BREAKING CHANGE As of the next release (currently scheduled for November 2021) the endpoints and filters associated
with unauthenticated user registration (for Cloud IDNs) will be removed.
- The user type
associated with unauthenticated users will be removed - User and User Device filtering will no longer accept or return users of type
- The user type
Changes from 2021-08-04
- The Pagination Parameters now support an
query param. - The
report has new attributesserviceProvider
. - The following resources can now be copied using a
endpoint:- Bell Schedules
- Confirmation Requests
- Device Groups
- Distribution Lists
- Message Templates
- Notification Profiles
- Ring Lists
- Scenarios
- Scheduled Notifications
- Security Groups
attribute in theTelephonyNumbers
report has been renamedphoneNumber
Changes from 2021-06-30
- The
query param under the CUCM Clusters has been removed. Please useinclude-total
instead. - The
query param under the CUCM Cluster Fusion Servers has been removed. Please useinclude-total
instead. - BREAKING CHANGE The
attribute in theTelephonyNumbers
report has been removed, as that concept no longer exists. - The
Incident Plans
resources. Each have various subresources and both are Domain-enabled. - The
report to view a list of all notification confirmation responses over a period of time.
- The Users documentation now includes the description of application types supported by the API. A new user type -
- is also documented. - A new user device type -
- is now supported by the User Devices API.
attribute in theTelephonyNumbers
report will be removed, as that concept will no longer be relevant. At the same time, thenumber
attribute will be renamedphoneNumber
, and some new attributes will be added.
, andDailyTelephonyBalance
reports have been removed. - BREAKING CHANGE The
key under theNotificationHistory
has been removed.
Changes from 2021-05-12
- The Message Template response and
Notification response now include
arrays, which provide a superset of the information that was previously available in theaudio
, andimageMimeType
attributes. Those older attributes are now redundant, and will likely be deprecated and removed in future releases. - The User Devices response now includes
a new
attribute which specifies the timestamp of the last update to a device’s registration record. - A new endpoint is added to allow direct access to all user devices: User Devices - Direct Access.
- BREAKING CHANGE As mentioned in the change log for the previous release, requests for image and audio data now involve redirection to AWS CloudFront content distribution network nodes geographically closer to the origin of the request, for improved performance.
BREAKING CHANGE As previously announced, GET requests to /areas-of-interest will return mobile and desktop devices. To maintain existing functionality, requests must specify only
in the new syncedDeviceTypes parameter. Requests specifyingsyncedDeviceTypes=desktop
are also valid, as discussed in the AOIs endpoint.BREAKING CHANGE As was announced earlier (Changes from 2020-12-09), it is no longer possible to convert regular user accounts to application or endpoint accounts; application and endpoint accounts can no longer belong to security groups or to have direct permissions (with the exception of custom applications - those still can have direct permissions and be members of security groups.)
Changes from 2021-04-14
- Cisco Unified Communications Manager Cluster Configurations
- Cisco Unified Communications Manager Cluster Server Specific Configurations
- BREAKING CHANGE All HTTP clients will need to support HTTP Status 302: Redirect responses, and to follow the redirect.
- BREAKING CHANGE All Advanced/Fusion Server installations will need to have network access to Amazon’s AWS CloudFront service.
query parameter for converting the audio format when retrieving audio files is deprecated, because it is no longer necessary (as described below), and will stop being supported in a future release. - BREAKING CHANGE
keys on Load Request responses have been removed. Associated data can be found on new/content
subresources respectively. - BREAKING CHANGE Previously, a parent resource path could be called with the appropriate object ID in the body of a
request, e.g. curl -X PUT -d ’{“id”: “
”}’ ’ . Correct requests must now specify the object ID as a path parameter, e.g. curl -X PUT ’/users/ /devices’ /users/ ./devices/ ’ - BREAKING CHANGE
requests to/notifications
will no longer return the entire associated Message Template. It will now only return the name of the Message Template (at the time the notification was sent). - The
header used when sending audio data has been corrected. It was previously a non-standard value which caused problems for some clients, and turned out to be the reason we needed to offer theconvert=pcm
query parameter. The value now returned,audio/wav
, allows the audio to be used without conversion everywhere it needs to be, so we are deprecating this query parameter (as noted above). - BREAKING CHANGE In our next release, GET requests to /areas-of-interest will return mobile and desktop devices. To
prepare for that change, a new
parameter will be required to only return AOIs that should be synced only to mobile apps. When nosyncedDeviceTypes
are specified, all synced AOIs will be returned in the response.
Changes from 2020-12-09
- Added /v1/brandings content section.
- Added documentation for
branding andput
branding requests. - Added
attribute to users. - Added
query param to users. - Added
object to detailed user response. - Added the /users/:user-id/all-permissions resource to allow requesting all of a user’s permissions at once.
- Added the initiationDetails type ‘inbound-cap’ to the POST /notifications API.
- Added the POST /extensions/e1b2db4b-626a-11e7-a3f9-0de43455e890/proxy/cap/event endpoint to allow event-based CAP message processing.
- Added
attribute to user devices. By default, this value will be set toFALSE
when adding devices for yourself andTRUE
when adding devices for other users. - Added
attribute to extensions. - Added Dynamic Replies to Confirmation Requests.
- Added Identity Providers resource.
- Added Self Service Subscriptions resource.
- Added
attribute to Distribution Lists. By default, this value will be set toFALSE
when creating a new Distribution List. - Added User Profile resource.
- BREAKING CHANGE In our next release, all HTTP clients will need to support HTTP Status 302: Redirect responses to follow the redirect.
- BREAKING CHANGE In our next release, all Advanced/Fusion Server installations will need to have network access to Amazon’s AWS Cloudfront service.
- BREAKING CHANGE The date format change mentioned in the Changes from 2020-09-23 Updated section have been implemented.
- BREAKING CHANGE When creating devices for yourself, you must now verify email, phone-call, and SMS devices by responding to the message prompting you to verify the device.
- BREAKING CHANGE In order to get the value of
(only for users that belong to the Cirrus IDP), you are now required to pass?includeIdp=true
as a query param in theGET
request. BREAKING CHANGE In order to make InformaCast Mobile more secure, in an upcoming release the following changes will be made that will prevent external application accounts from receiving permissions they do not require to perform their functions:
- It will no longer be possible to convert regular user accounts to application or endpoint accounts. PUT requests to
that effect such conversions will be rejected as invalid. The only exception will be made for cases when regular user accounts are converted to application accounts with application type set tocustom
. See Update a User for more details. - Application and endpoint accounts will no longer be allowed to belong to security groups or to have direct permissions.
POST requests to
will be rejected as invalid for users whose type isapplication
. The only exception will be made for application accounts whose application type iscustom
- that category of users will still be allowed to belong to security groups and to have direct permissions. See Add Permissions to a User and Place a User in a Security Group for more details.
- It will no longer be possible to convert regular user accounts to application or endpoint accounts. PUT requests to
Changes from 2020-09-23
- BREAKING CHANGE In an effort to better comply with official date and time standards, Singlewire
will be making a change to some API clients that perform date and time processing
for date and time fields. This change may break the backwards compatibility
of these API clients. Currently, the majority of date and time fields are in the
following format:
. With this change, InformaCast will instead use a proper ISO8601 date and time string. For example, InformaCast would return2020-06-23T23:06:22.828Z
instead of2020-06-23T23:06:22.828+0000
. This change will allow most languages to be able to parse date and time fields without issue (or custom processing). For most API clients, no changes will be necessary. For example, JavaScript’s built-in date parsing or libraries, such as moment.js, can handle both formats gracefully, and Java’s JodaTime library can do the same. If you have any custom date and time processing logic, please be sure to verify it can handle proper ISO8601 date and time strings before the format changes.
Changes from 2020-08-12
- Added Excel spreadsheet data type to Load Requests section.
Changes from 2020-06-24
Changes from 2020-05-13
Limits have been applied to particular resources restricting how many may be created. Affected (limits noted):
- Activation Groups
- Areas of Interest
- Bell Schedules
- Device Groups
- Distribution Lists
- Domains
- Extensions
- Message Templates
- Ring Lists
- Scheduled Notifications
Changes from 2020-04-01
- Requests to List All Load Requests will remove
, anddata
from the response. You will still be able to retrieve these attributes via Get a Load Request.
Activation Groups and Device Groups have received new attributes that are used for managing a new type of devices - multicast-capable Poly® phones. When a provider’s license enables the use of Poly® phones, the phones have to be placed in activation groups in order to be grouped by distinct multicast address and port combinations.
To enable such grouping, the following new fields were added to the payloads of the requests for creating or updating Activation Groups:
The details of an activation group returned by the REST API now also include the
attribute that describes its relationship with device groups.In addition to activation groups, the multicast-capable devices have to be placed in device groups in order to be able to receive audio notifications. To support that, the payloads of the requests for creating or updating Device Groups now include the
attribute. The details of a device group returned by the REST API include the following new attributes:activationGroups
.The details of a multicast-capable Device returned by the REST API will have an additional attribute that indicates which activation group it belongs to:
- The fact that orphaned Collaboration Groups cannot be automatically deleted when deleting a Domain was clarified.
Changes from 2020-02-19
- Announced as deprecated in October last year, the
attribute in Session has now been removed. The same information can be obtained by requesting a user’s domains with thetransitive
- The Bell Schedules, Collaboration Groups, Device Groups and Ring Lists resources have been Domain-enabled, so there are new Domain Bell Schedules, Domain Collaboration Groups, Domain Device Groups, Domain Ring Lists, Bell Schedule Domains, Collaboration Group Domains, Device Group Domains, and Ring List Domains resources, and new query parameters and response attributes in Bell Schedules, Collaboration Groups, Device Groups, and Ring Lists themselves when Domains are in use.
Changes from 2019-12-16
- REST APIs associated with hybrid devices along with the
audio option (only used for these devices) on Notification Profile Settings have been removed.
- The Confirmation Requests resource has been Domain-enabled, so there are new Domain Confirmation Requets and Confirmation Request Domains resources, and new query parameters and response attributes in Confirmation Requests themselves when Domains are in use.
Changes from 2019-11-13
- The
attribute on an InformaCast Device is now deprecated. This attribute was previously used only for hybrid devices (discontinued support for these Cisco IP Phones has been previously announced). In addition to removal of this Notification Profile Settings attribute, full REST API support for hybrid devices (i.e./V1/Devices/hybridDevices
) via the Fusion Server extension will also be removed.
- The
Scheduled Notifications Activities
resource has been removed.
Changes from 2019-10-30
- Added a
field to Message Templates, Bell Schedules, Ring Lists, Distribution Lists, and Device Groups (for Singlewire use only, API consumers should not use or rely on this value, nor assume that it will continue to exist). - Added
, andaxlError
fields to additions and exclusions for Device Groups, Activation Groups, and Licenses. - Domain Users can now be filtered by
query parameter, just like the raw Users resource. - The Message Templates, Notifications, and Notification Profiles resources have been Domain-enabled, so there are new Domain Message Templates, Domain Notifications, Domain Notification Profiles, Message Template Domains, Notification Domains, and Notification Profile Domains resources, and new query parameters and response attributes in Message Templates, Notifications, and Notification Profiles themselves when Domains are in use.
- When deleting a Domain it is now possible to specify that orphaned resources should be promoted to the parent domain instead of deleting them.
- OPTIONS requests now return a 204 status code instead of a 200.
in Session is now deprecated and will be removed soon. The same information can be obtained by requesting a user’s domains with thetransitive
flags.- The
Scheduled Notifications Activities
resource is deprecated and is scheduled to be removed on 2019-11-13.
Alarms are a resource which receive and store information on the health of InformaCast.
id | Type | Description |
dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003 | fusion_server_red | Alerts you when on-premises server(s) have entered/exited a severely degraded state of service. |
cdcf1a88-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003 | fusion_server_yellow | Alerts you when on-premises server(s) have entered/exited a mildly degraded state of service. |
e2125942-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003 | license_violation | Alerts you when your instance of InformaCast is in violation of your organization’s license. |
91b26697-934f-11ec-b6a2-99eae723bd46 | phone_cache_update_failed | Alerts you when InformaCast fails to build a list of registered Cisco IP phones for Unified CM. |
a25f212f-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003 | sis_loader_failed | Alerts you when InformaCast encounters errors during an import of data from your Student Information System (SIS). |
f28b0080-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003 | speakers_unregistered | Alerts you when on-premises server(s) have detected that their number of registered speakers is below your organization’s set amount. |
4f2a8452-71bc-11ed-aa23-9bc083285fdb | fusion_delta_sync_error_event | Alerts you when on-premises server(s) have failed to synchronize information they pulled from the InformaCast cloud. |
5bcebefb-4d8c-11ee-85bb-c5b3d0db8947 | token_expiration | Alerts you when on-premises server(s) have failed to synchronize information they pulled from the InformaCast cloud. |
List Alarms
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 4,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"id": "dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003",
"status": "OK",
"type": "fusion_server_red",
"muted": true,
"updatedAt": "2021-09-08T13:41:16.807Z",
"createdAt": "2021-04-14T22:36:32.409Z",
"permissions": [
Gets a list of all alarms available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /alarms
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first alarm was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeThresholds | Boolean | If true , include the list of Alarm Thresholds associated with the alarm. Only available for the speaker registration alarm. |
includeActions | Boolean | If true , include the list Alarm Action ids associated with the alarm. |
The alarm response format is detailed here.
Get an Alarm
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/f28b0080-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/f28b0080-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/f28b0080-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f28b0080-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"type": "speakers_unregistered",
"muted": false,
"updatedAt": "2021-09-08T13:41:16.807Z",
"createdAt": "2021-04-14T22:37:09.099Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single alarm by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /alarms/{alarmId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
alarmId | The id of the alarm to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeThresholds | Boolean | If true , include the list of Alarm Thresholds associated with the alarm. Only available for the speaker registration alarm. |
includeActions | Boolean | If true , include the list Alarm Action ids associated with the alarm. |
The alarm response format is detailed here.
Update an Alarm
# Continuing with the alarm object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the alarm object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/f28b0080-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"muted": true}'
"id": "f28b0080-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"type": "speakers_unregistered",
"muted": true,
"updatedAt": "2021-09-08T13:41:16.807Z",
"createdAt": "2021-04-14T22:37:09.099Z",
"permissions": [
Updates an existing alarm. Note that only muted and alarmThresholds may be updated as part of an update.
HTTP Request
PUT /alarms/{alarmId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
alarmId | The id of the alarm to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
id | String | N/A | The id of the alarm. |
muted | Boolean | N/A | Mutes an alarm, which prevents actions from being sent. |
alarmThresholds | Array[Alarm Thresholds] | N/A | The alarm thresholds of the alarm. |
The alarm response format is detailed here.
Alarm Thresholds
Alarm Thresholds contain information about the number of devices that can unregister before we activate the alarm. Only necessary on alarms which need to monitor device registration, eg. speakers.
Alarm Thresholds do not have their own endpoint, and are instead nested inside of an array in alarm resources.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the threshold. |
alarmId | String | The id of the associated alarm. |
endpointId | String | The id of the fusion server this threshold should be set to. Allows customization of thresholds if different servers have different speaker counts. |
threshold | String | The number of devices that can unregister before we send an alarm notification. |
Alarm Response
The JSON document used to represent a Alarm resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this alarm was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this alarm was last updated. |
id | String | The id of the alarm, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the alarm. Not writable. |
status | String | The status of the alarm, one of OK and ACTIVE , where ACTIVE indicates the alarm has detected a problem in the system. Not writable. |
type | String | A snake case description of the type of alarm associated with the resource. |
muted | String | Whether the alarm will send notifications when its state changes. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Alarm Actions
Alarm Actions are a resource that stores the notification details to be sent when an alarm is triggered.
Information about the action that should be triggered when an event occurs. Includes configuration for a message to be sent when a system health check fails.
List Alarm Actions
Gets a list of all alarm actions of a specific alarm available to the current user.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/cdcf1a88-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/cdcf1a88-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/cdcf1a88-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "bc7768e2-1ca0-11ec-aa38-592256cda945",
"alarmId": "dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"messageTemplate": {
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"optOut": false,
"inferredMessageType": "Text",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"ttsVoiceIdCustomizable": false,
"imageCustomizable": false,
"ttsVoiceIdDisplay": "auto",
"imageFiles": [],
"ttsCustomContent": "",
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"ttsCustomContentCustomizable": true,
"incidentPlanId": null,
"name": "sendstonoone",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"expiration": null,
"createdAt": "2021-09-23T19:02:02.393Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"subjectCustomizable": true,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"voice": {
"id": "751de142-841a-11ea-a32f-17f989f7588d",
"name": "Joanna",
"gender": "Female",
"language": "en-US",
"engine": "neural",
"synthesisProvider": "Amazon Polly"
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"syncId": "bc7768e2-1ca0-11ec-aa38-592256cda945:1632423769247",
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": true,
"areasOfInterest": [],
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": true,
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": true,
"audioFiles": [],
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"expirationCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"incidentPlanIdDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsCustomizable": true,
"ttsVoiceId": "751de142-841a-11ea-a32f-17f989f7588d",
"id": "bc7768e2-1ca0-11ec-aa38-592256cda945",
"notificationProfileId": "66405cdb-cde9-11eb-8059-87f0c8f1aa98",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"ttsType": "none",
"bodyCustomizable": true,
"imageMimeType": null,
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"ttsCustomContentDisplay": "auto",
"image": 0,
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"audio": 0,
"distributionLists": [],
"audioCustomizable": false,
"incidentPlan": null,
"expirationDisplay": "auto",
"incidentPlanIdCustomizable": false,
"body": "body",
"userIds": [],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"deviceGroups": [],
"followUp": false,
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"metadata": {},
"subject": "subject",
"alertTone": "default",
"users": [],
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"metadataCustomizable": false
"createdAt": "2021-09-21T14:48:40.549Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "02a29a4d-1aeb-11ec-9499-8bf44620b8b8",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"triggerOnStatus": "ACTIVE",
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": []
HTTP Request
GET /alarms/{alarmId}/actions
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first alarm event was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Path Parameters
Attribute | Type | Description |
alarmId | String | The id of the alarm you want to get all the actions of. |
Get Alarm Actions
The action triggered for each alarm type. Stores notification details.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/cdcf1a88-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions/136ccc57-1d71-11ec-aa38-c99a03e48334"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/cdcf1a88-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions/136ccc57-1d71-11ec-aa38-c99a03e48334"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/cdcf1a88-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions/136ccc57-1d71-11ec-aa38-c99a03e48334" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b",
"alarmId": "cdcf1a88-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"messageTemplate": {
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"optOut": false,
"inferredMessageType": "Text",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"ttsVoiceIdCustomizable": true,
"imageCustomizable": false,
"ttsVoiceIdDisplay": "auto",
"imageFiles": [
"fileName": "all-clear.png",
"size": 18003,
"contentType": "image/png",
"metadata": {
"data": {
"sampleFormat": "UnsignedIntegral",
"bitsPerSample": "8 8 8 8",
"planarConfiguration": "PixelInterleaved"
"width": 960,
"chroma": {
"blackIsZero": true,
"numChannels": 4,
"colorSpaceType": "RGB"
"height": 660,
"dimension": {
"imageOrientation": "Normal",
"pixelAspectRatio": 1.0,
"verticalPixelSize": 0.35285816,
"horizontalPixelSize": 0.35285816
"compression": {
"lossless": true,
"compressionTypeName": "deflate",
"numProgressiveScans": 1
"transparency": {
"alpha": "nonpremultipled"
"ttsCustomContent": null,
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"ttsCustomContentCustomizable": true,
"incidentPlanId": null,
"name": "All Clear",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"expiration": null,
"createdAt": "2021-06-15T14:53:10.319Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"subjectCustomizable": true,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"syncId": "66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b:1623768790807",
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": true,
"areasOfInterest": [],
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": true,
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": true,
"audioFiles": [],
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"expirationCustomizable": true,
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"incidentPlanIdDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsCustomizable": true,
"ttsVoiceId": null,
"id": "66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b",
"notificationProfileId": "66405cdb-cde9-11eb-8059-87f0c8f1aa98",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"ttsType": "none",
"bodyCustomizable": true,
"imageMimeType": null,
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"ttsCustomContentDisplay": "auto",
"image": 18003,
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"audio": 0,
"distributionLists": [],
"audioCustomizable": true,
"incidentPlan": null,
"expirationDisplay": "auto",
"incidentPlanIdCustomizable": false,
"body": "The situation is under control and the all-clear notification has been issued. Normal activities may be resumed. If you have any questions or concerns, please call <INSERT NUMBER HERE>.",
"userIds": [],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"deviceGroups": [],
"followUp": false,
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"metadata": null,
"subject": "ALL CLEAR! Resume normal activities.",
"alertTone": "all-clear1",
"users": [],
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"metadataCustomizable": true
"createdAt": "2021-09-24T19:53:23.605Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "136ccc57-1d71-11ec-aa38-c99a03e48334",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [
"deviceGroups": [],
"triggerOnStatus": "ACTIVE",
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": [
"email": "admin@dev.com",
"name": "admin",
"createdAt": "2021-06-15T15:04:22.588Z",
"type": "regular",
"selfRegistered": false,
"idleTimeout": 720,
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "f7a6d830-cdea-11eb-8059-ddbbbdf7035e",
"isLicensed": true,
"isLocked": false
HTTP Request
GET /alarms/{alarmId}/actions/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | The id of the Alarm Actions. |
alarmId | The id of the Alarm. |
Create Alarm Action
Create an alarm action.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/e2125942-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'alarmId': 'e2125942-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003',
'triggerOnStatus': 'ACTIVE',
'messageTemplateId': '66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b',
'userIds': ['f7a6d830-cdea-11eb-8059-ddbbbdf7035e']
“role” = requests.“post”(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/e2125942-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'alarmId': 'e2125942-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003'
'triggerOnStatus': 'ACTIVE'
'messageTemplateId': '66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b'
'userIds': ['f7a6d830-cdea-11eb-8059-ddbbbdf7035e'
“role” = JSON.parse(HTTParty.“post”(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/e2125942-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions" \
-X “POST” \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"alarmId": "e2125942-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003", \
"triggerOnStatus": "ACTIVE", \
"messageTemplateId": "66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b", \
"userIds": ["f7a6d830-cdea-11eb-8059-ddbbbdf7035e"]}'
"bitsPerSample":"8 8 8 8",
"name":"All Clear",
"collaborationGroupIds":[ ],
"body":"The situation is under control and the all-clear notification has been issued. Normal activities may be resumed. If you have any questions or concerns, please call <INSERT NUMBER HERE>.",
"deviceGroups":[ ],
"subject":"ALL CLEAR! Resume normal activities.",
"distributionListIds":[ ],
HTTP Request
POST /alarms/{alarmId}/actions/
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
alarmId | The id of the Alarm. |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
alarmId | String | N/A | The id of the alarm. |
triggerOnStatus | String | N/A | The status of the alarm, one of OK and ACTIVE , for which the alarm action should be sent. |
messageTemplateId | String | N/A | The id of the message template with which the alarm action is associated. If left empty, a blank message template will be used and we’ll notify the admin distribution list. When blank, custom recipient ids are not allowed. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | N/A | The list of ids for areas of interest that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
collaborationGroupIds | Array[String] | N/A | The list of ids for collaboration groups that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | N/A | The list of ids for device groups (fusion only) that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | N/A | The list of ids for distribution lists that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
userIds | Array[String] | N/A | The list of ids for users that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
Update Alarm Action
Update an alarm action.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions/66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'alarmId': 'dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003',
'id': '66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b',
'userIds': ['66ce1cf4-cde9-11eb-8059-113eda5e75d7', 'f7a6d830-cdea-11eb-8059-ddbbbdf7035e']
“role” = requests.“put”(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions/66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'alarmId': 'dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003'
'id': '66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b'
'userIds': ['66ce1cf4-cde9-11eb-8059-113eda5e75d7'
, 'f7a6d830-cdea-11eb-8059-ddbbbdf7035e'
“role” = JSON.parse(HTTParty.“put”(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions/66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b" \
-X “PUT” \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"alarmId": "dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003", \
"id": "66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b", \
"userIds": ["66ce1cf4-cde9-11eb-8059-113eda5e75d7", "f7a6d830-cdea-11eb-8059-ddbbbdf7035e"]}'
HTTP Request
PUT /alarms/{alarmId}/actions/{id}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
alarmId | The id of the Alarm. |
id | The id of the Alarm Action. |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
id | String | N/A | The id of the alarm action. |
alarmId | String | N/A | The id of the alarm. |
triggerOnStatus | String | N/A | The status of the alarm, one of OK and ACTIVE , for which the alarm action should be sent. |
messageTemplateId | String | N/A | The id of the message template with which the alarm action is associated. If left empty, a blank message template will be used. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | N/A | The list of ids for areas of interest that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
collaborationGroupIds | Array[String] | N/A | The list of ids for collaboration groups that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | N/A | The list of ids for device groups (fusion only) that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | N/A | The list of ids for distribution lists that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
userIds | Array[String] | N/A | The list of ids for users that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
Delete Alarm Action
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions/66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
“role” = requests.“delete”(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions/66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
“role” = JSON.parse(HTTParty.“delete”(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/actions/66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"message":"deleted 66f2bbfe-cde9-11eb-8059-e189c5a04e8b"
HTTP Request
DELETE /alarms/{alarmId}/actions/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
alarmId | The id of the Alarm. |
id | The id of the Alarm Action. |
Alarm Action Response
The JSON document used to represent an Alarm Action resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the alarm action. |
alarmId | String | The id of the alarm. |
triggerOnStatus | String | The status of the alarm, one of OK and ACTIVE , for which the alarm action should be sent. |
messageTemplateId | String | N/A |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | N/A |
collaborationGroupIds | Array[String] | N/A |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | N/A |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | N/A |
userIds | Array[String] | N/A |
Alarm Events
Alarm Events are a subreasource of alarm. Alarm Events are triggered for each alarm type. The Alarm Event holds onto information about what status was entered and when it was triggered.
Specific criteria must be met to manually create an Alarm Event. See Create an Alarm Event
List Alarm Events
Gets a list of all alarm events of a specific alarm available to the current user.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/events"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'limit': 1
“role” = requests.“get”(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/events"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'limit': 1
“role” = JSON.parse(HTTParty.“get”(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/events?limit=1" \
-X “GET” \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"id": "dcaghrf6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003",
"createdAt": "2020-03-05T21:33:21.670Z",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"event": {
"scenarioId": "f887309c-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac11832",
"scenarioName": "Alert",
"reasons": [],
HTTP Request
GET /alarms/{alarmId}/events
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first alarm event was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Path Parameters
Attribute | Type | Description |
alarmId | String | The id of alarm for which events are retrieved. |
Get Alarm Events
The events triggered for each alarm type. Stores information about the entered status and the time and date the event was triggered.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/events/r94ja6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
“role” = requests.“get”(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/events/r94ja6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
“role” = JSON.parse(HTTParty.“get”(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/events/r94ja6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003" \
-X “GET” \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"permissions": [
"id": "r94ja6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003",
"createdAt": "2020-03-05T21:33:21.670Z",
"status": "ACTIVE"
HTTP Request
GET /alarms/{alarmId}/events/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | The id of the Alarm Event. |
alarmId | The id of the Alarm. |
Create an Alarm Event
Create a new Alarm Event for a given alarm.
NOTE: The endpoint will only accept a manual POST if the payload meets the following criteria:
- Status is
- Alarm ID is one of the following
- Scenario Device Resolution Failed Alarm
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/events/r94ja6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
“role” = requests.“get”(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/events/r94ja6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
“role” = JSON.parse(HTTParty.“get”(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/alarms/dcaca6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003/events/r94ja6f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003" \
-X “GET” \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"permissions": [
"id": "e94f36f6-9d71-11eb-b775-0242ac110003",
"createdAt": "2020-03-05T21:33:21.670Z",
"status": "OK"
HTTP Request
POST /alarms/{alarmId}/events
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
alarmId | The id of the Alarm. |
status | The status status of the new Alarm Event. |
API Devices
API Devices are a way to represent devices which can initiate scenarios but don’t fall into a more specific category, or are created before a more specific category exists. These devices exist on a site and building with an optional floor and zone, and this location can be used as the scenario location if the device initiates the scenario.
List API Devices
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/apiDevices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/apiDevices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/apiDevices?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"buildingId": "0e283b29-d0cb-11ee-a4a2-7d58672d5647",
"permissions": [
"building": {
"id": "0e283b29-d0cb-11ee-a4a2-7d58672d5647",
"name": "West Building"
"siteId": "a5712235-d0ca-11ee-a4a2-8f9203fdd690",
"site": {
"id": "a5712235-d0ca-11ee-a4a2-8f9203fdd690",
"name": "Campus 1"
"zone": {
"id": "701002bf-d0cb-11ee-a4a2-937bcdbf062b",
"name": "Lobby"
"zoneId": "701002bf-d0cb-11ee-a4a2-937bcdbf062b",
"name": "Example API Device",
"createdAt": "2024-02-22T16:01:23.795Z",
"externalId": "701002bf-d0cb-11ee-a4a2-937bcdbf062c",
"id": "a0801a5a-d19b-11ee-8ff2-07c9c935e5bc",
"floor": {
"id": "17b3c627-d0cb-11ee-a4a2-7b6c1eb9cbbc",
"name": "1st floor"
"floorId": "17b3c627-d0cb-11ee-a4a2-7b6c1eb9cbbc"
"total": 2
Gets a list of all API Devices available to the current user (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /api-devices
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
siteId | String | ID of the site to limit results to |
buildingId | String | ID of the building to limit results to |
floorId | String | ID of the floor to limit results to |
zoneId | String | ID of the zone to limit results to |
To make this example more manageable, only the first API Device was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The api device response format is detailed here.
Get an API Device
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
api_device = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
api_device = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"site": {"id": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b", "name": "Campus 1"}
"buildingId": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b",
"building": {"id": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b", "name": "East Building"}
"id": "aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"name": "Example Device",
"createdAt": "2022-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single API Device by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /api-devices/{apiDeviceId}
The API Device response format is detailed here.
Create an API Device
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Vape Detector',
'externalId': 'aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4',
'siteId': 'bbc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4',
'buildingId': 'ccc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4',
'floorId': 'ddc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4'
api_device = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Vape Detector'
'externalId': 'aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4'
'siteId': 'bbc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4'
'buildingId': 'ccc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4'
'floorId': 'ddc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4'
api_device = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Vape Detector", \
"externalId": "aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", \
"siteId": "bbc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", \
"buildingId": "ccc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", \
"floorId": "ddc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4"}'
"externalId": "aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"siteId": "bbc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"site": {"id": "bbc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", "name": "Campus 1"},
"buildingId": "ccc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"building": {"id": "ccc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", "name": "East Building"},
"floorId": "ddc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"floor": {"id": "ddc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", "name": "1st Floor"},
"id": "ffc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"name": "Vape Detector",
"createdAt": "2022-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"permissions": [
Create a new api device.
HTTP Request
POST /api-devices
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The API device’s name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
externalId | String | N/A | A unique ID differentiating this device. Recommended not to use IP or MAC addresses. |
siteId | UUID | N/A | ID of the site to which this api device belongs. |
buildingId | UUID | N/A | ID of the building to which this api device belongs. |
floorId | UUID | N/A | Optional ID of the floor to which this api device belongs. |
zoneId | UUID | N/A | Optional ID of the zone to which this api device belongs. |
The api device response format is detailed here.
Update an API Device
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices/ffc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Vape Detector',
'externalId': 'aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4',
'siteId': 'bbc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4',
'buildingId': 'ccc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4',
'floorId': 'ddc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4'
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices/ffc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Vape Detector'
'externalId': 'aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4'
'siteId': 'bbc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4'
'buildingId': 'ccc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4'
'floorId': 'ddc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices/ffc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Vape Detector", \
"externalId": "aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", \
"siteId": "bbc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", \
"buildingId": "ccc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", \
"floorId": "ddc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4"}'
"externalId": "aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"siteId": "bbc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"site": {"id": "bbc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", "name": "Campus 1"},
"buildingId": "ccc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"building": {"id": "ccc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", "name": "East Building"},
"floorId": "ddc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"floor": {"id": "ddc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4", "name": "1st Floor"},
"id": "ffc3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"name": "Vape Detector",
"createdAt": "2022-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"permissions": [
Updates an existing api device.
HTTP Request
PUT /api-devices/{apiDeviceId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The API device’s name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
externalId | String | N/A | A unique ID differentiating this device. Recommended not to use IP or MAC addresses. |
siteId | UUID | N/A | ID of the site to which this api device belongs. |
buildingId | UUID | N/A | ID of the building to which this api device belongs. |
floorId | UUID | N/A | Optional ID of the floor to which this api device belongs. |
zoneId | UUID | N/A | Optional ID of the zone to which this api device belongs. |
The api device response format is detailed here.
Remove an API Device
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/api-devices/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b"
Deletes an existing api device.
HTTP Request
DELETE /api-devices/{apiDeviceId}
The deletion response format is detailed here.
API Device Response
The JSON document used to represent an API Device resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
buildingId | UUID | The ID of the building to which this API Device belongs. |
building | JSON | Contains the name and ID of the building to which this API Device belongs. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this API Device was created. |
floorId | UUID | The ID of the floor to which this API Device belongs. |
floor | JSON | Contains the name and ID of the floor to which this API Device belongs. |
id | UUID | The id of the API Device, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the API Device. |
name | String | The API Device’s name. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
siteId | UUID | The ID of the site to which this API Device belongs. |
site | JSON | Contains the name and ID of the site to which this API Device belongs. |
zoneId | UUID | The ID of the zone to which this API Device belongs. |
zone | JSON | Contains the name and ID of the zone to which this API Device belongs. |
Areas of Interest
Areas of Interest (AOIs) denote geographic regions that can distribute Notifications to Users currently found within the region.
A circular region around the Cincinnati Airport. As seen in the InformaCast Mobile administrative console, this AOI currently has one user within its bounds.
List All Areas of Interest
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 3,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"id": "0b45d70c-01ba-11e6-91d9-01444c9150eb",
"name": "MSN",
"geometryType": "circle",
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"radiusInM": 3182
"syncedDeviceTypes": [
"createdAt": "2016-04-13T20:55:24.605Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of all areas of interest. The visibility of AOIs may be limited by the permissions associated with the request, which are attributed through the user attached to the access token.
HTTP Request
GET /areas-of-interest
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first user was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 3 areas available when the request was made. The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The AOI response format is detailed here.
Get an Area of Interest
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
aoi = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
aoi = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4",
"name": "CVG",
"geometryType": "circle",
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"radiusInM": 3551
"syncedDeviceTypes": [
"createdAt": "2016-04-13T18:44:49.494Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single AOI by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /areas-of-interest/{aoiId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
aoiId | The id of the area to retrieve. |
The AOI response format is detailed here.
Create an Area of Interest
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Madison Airport',
'geometryType': 'circle',
'geometryValue': {
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': {
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [-89.34, 43.14]
'properties': {
'radiusInM': 3000
'syncedDeviceTypes': ['mobile']
aoi = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Madison Airport'
'geometryType': 'circle'
'geometryValue': {
'type': 'Feature'
'geometry': {
'type': 'Point'
'coordinates': [-89.34
, 43.14
'properties': {
'radiusInM': 3000
'syncedDeviceTypes': ['mobile'
aoi = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Madison Airport", \
"geometryType": "circle", \
"geometryValue": {"type": "Feature", \
"geometry": {"type": "Point", \
"coordinates": [-89.34, 43.14]}, \
"properties": {"radiusInM": 3000}}, \
"syncedDeviceTypes": ["mobile"]}'
"geometryType": "circle",
"name": "Madison Airport",
"id": "e83d84e6-2281-11e6-a729-83a644c48766",
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ -89.34, 43.14 ]
"properties": {
"radiusInM": 3000
"syncedDeviceTypes": [
"createdAt": "2016-05-25T14:06:42.385Z",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Creates a new area of interest (limit: 20).
HTTP Request
POST /areas-of-interest
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
geometryType | String | N/A | Option: circle . A circular region defined by center point given in latitude and longitude and a radius given in meters. |
geometryValue |
array[number] | N/A | An array with the latitude and longitude of the feature |
geometryValue |
String | N/A | Option: Point . The type of feature. |
geometryValue |
integer | N/A | For circular features, the radius of the circle in meters |
geometryValue |
String | N/A | Option: Feature . The type of geojson. |
name | String | N/A | The area’s display name |
syncedDeviceTypes | array[String] | N/A | Options: mobile desktop . The device types synced with the AOI, i.e. included in its count. Note: Submitting syncedDeviceTypes=mobile,desktop is equivalent to omitting the parameter. |
The AOI response format is detailed here.
Update an Area of Interest
# Continuing with the areas of interest object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the areas of interest object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/e83d84e6-2281-11e6-a729-83a644c48766" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "MSN"}'
"geometryType": "circle",
"name": "MSN",
"id": "e83d84e6-2281-11e6-a729-83a644c48766",
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ -89.34, 43.14 ]
"properties": {
"radiusInM": 3000
"syncedDeviceTypes": [
"createdAt": "2016-05-25T14:06:42.385Z",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Updates an existing area of interest.
HTTP Request
PUT /areas-of-interest/{aoiId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
aoiId | The id of the area to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
geometryType | String | N/A | Option: circle . A circular region defined by center point given in latitude and longitude and a radius given in meters. |
geometryValue |
String | N/A | Option: Point . The type of feature. |
geometryValue |
array[number] | N/A | An array with the latitude and longitude of the feature |
geometryValue |
integer | N/A | For circular features, the radius of the circle in meters |
geometryValue |
String | N/A | Option: Feature . The type of geojson. |
name | String | N/A | The area’s display name |
syncedDeviceTypes | array[String] | N/A | Options: mobile desktop . The device types synced with the AOI, i.e. included in its count. Note: Submitting syncedDeviceTypes=mobile,desktop is equivalent to omitting the parameter. |
The AOI response format is detailed here.
Remove an Area of Interest
# Continuing with the areas of interest object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the areas of interest object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/e83d84e6-2281-11e6-a729-83a644c48766" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted e83d84e6-2281-11e6-a729-83a644c48766"
Deletes an existing area of interest.
HTTP Request
DELETE /areas-of-interest/{aoiId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
aoiId | The id of the area to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Area of Interest Response
The JSON document used to represent an Area of Interest resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this area was created. |
geometryType | String | Option: circle . A circular region defined by center point given in latitude and longitude and a radius given in meters. |
geometryValue | GeometryValue | The geometry details. If present, this value determines the location, shape, and size of the area of interest. |
id | String | The id of the area, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the AOI |
name | String | The area’s display name |
syncedDeviceTypes | array[String] | Options: mobile desktop . The device types synced with the AOI, i.e. included in its count. Note: Submitting syncedDeviceTypes=mobile,desktop is equivalent to omitting the parameter. |
permissions | array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Geometry Value Response
A geometry value is represented by the following JSON document structure:
Attribute | Type | Description |
geometry |
array[number] | An array with the latitude and longitude of the feature |
geometry |
String | Option: Point . The type of feature. |
properties |
integer | For circular features, the radius of the circle in meters |
type | String | Option: Feature . The type of geojson. |
AOI Boundary Triggers
Boundary Triggers help create site-specific actions based on the presence or movement of Users within defined Areas of Interest (AOIs). Any action taken will also result in the creation of a Boundary Trigger Activity entry.
List All Boundary Triggers
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"perUserThrottlingInSecs": 600,
"areaOfInterestId": "cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4",
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20",
"messageTemplate": {
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"name": "Welcome to CVG",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"createdAt": "2016-05-25T15:38:34.925Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": true,
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": true,
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsCustomizable": true,
"id": "bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"imageMimeType": null,
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"audioSize": 0,
"imageHash": null,
"audioHash": null,
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"imageSize": 0,
"body": "Welcome to the Cincinnati International Airport. Your comfort and safety are important to use and we work to keep you informed of all local events.",
"userIds": [],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"metadata": {},
"subject": "Welcome to Cincinnati!",
"alertTone": "default",
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"metadataCustomizable": false
"name": "Arrive at CVG",
"createdAt": "2016-05-25T15:40:02.358Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"id": "f215963c-228e-11e6-a729-f95bf9c34bbf",
"notificationAction": "send-to-user",
"action": "entered",
"distributionLists": [],
"body": null,
"userIds": [
"subject": null,
"users": [
"email": "marc.loy@singlewire.com",
"name": "Marc Loy",
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"type": "regular",
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405",
"createdAt": "2016-04-05T21:10:58.989Z"
Retrieves the list of all boundary triggers (entering, exiting, or both) associated with the given area of interest. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of these triggers.)
HTTP Request
GET /areas-of-interest/{aoiId}/boundary-triggers
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
aoiId | The id of the Area of Interest whose triggers are being looked up. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first trigger was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that this is the only trigger available when the request was made. If multiple triggers are available, the total
count would contain the correct number of triggers regardless of how many were requested through pagination limits. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The boundary trigger response format is detailed here.
Get a Boundary Trigger
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers/f215963c-228e-11e6-a729-f95bf9c34bbf"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
trigger = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers/f215963c-228e-11e6-a729-f95bf9c34bbf"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
trigger = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers/f215963c-228e-11e6-a729-f95bf9c34bbf" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"perUserThrottlingInSecs": 600,
"areaOfInterestId": "cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4",
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20",
"messageTemplate": {
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"name": "Welcome to CVG",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"createdAt": "2016-05-25T15:38:34.925Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": true,
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": true,
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsCustomizable": true,
"id": "bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"imageMimeType": null,
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"audioSize": 0,
"imageHash": null,
"audioHash": null,
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"imageSize": 0,
"body": "Welcome to the Cincinnati International Airport. Your comfort and safety are important to use and we work to keep you informed of all local events.",
"userIds": [],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"metadata": {},
"subject": "Welcome to Cincinnati!",
"alertTone": "default",
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"metadataCustomizable": false
"name": "Arrive at CVG",
"createdAt": "2016-05-25T15:40:02.358Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"id": "f215963c-228e-11e6-a729-f95bf9c34bbf",
"notificationAction": "send-to-user",
"action": "entered",
"distributionLists": [],
"body": null,
"userIds": [
"subject": null,
"users": [
"email": "marc.loy@singlewire.com",
"name": "Marc Loy",
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"type": "regular",
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405",
"createdAt": "2016-04-05T21:10:58.989Z"
Retrieves a single boundary trigger by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /areas-of-interest/{aoiId}/boundary-triggers/{triggerId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
aoiId | The id of the area of interest. |
triggerId | The id of the trigger to retrieve. |
The boundary trigger response format is detailed here.
Create a Boundary Trigger
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Arrival Welcome',
'action': 'entered',
'per-user-throttling-in-secs': 300,
'notification-action': 'send-to-user',
'message-template-id': 'bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20',
'subject': 'Welcome to Cincinnati!'
trigger = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Arrival Welcome'
'action': 'entered'
'per-user-throttling-in-secs': 300
'notification-action': 'send-to-user'
'message-template-id': 'bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20'
'subject': 'Welcome to Cincinnati!'
trigger = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Arrival Welcome", \
"action": "entered", \
"per-user-throttling-in-secs": 300, \
"notification-action": "send-to-user", \
"message-template-id": "bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20", \
"subject": "Welcome to Cincinnati!"}'
"perUserThrottlingInSecs": 300,
"areaOfInterestId": "cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4",
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20",
"messageTemplate": {
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"name": "Welcome to CVG",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"createdAt": "2016-05-25T15:38:34.925Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": true,
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": true,
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsCustomizable": true,
"id": "bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"imageMimeType": null,
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"audioSize": 0,
"imageHash": null,
"audioHash": null,
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"imageSize": 0,
"body": "Welcome to the Cincinnati International Airport. Your comfort and safety are important to use and we work to keep you informed of all local events.",
"userIds": [],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"metadata": {},
"subject": "Welcome to Cincinnati!",
"alertTone": "default",
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"metadataCustomizable": false
"name": "Welcome 3",
"createdAt": "2016-05-25T17:51:16.446Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"id": "476810c8-22a1-11e6-a729-bdd2c948c5a0",
"notificationAction": "send-to-user",
"action": "entered",
"distributionLists": [],
"body": null,
"userIds": [],
"subject": "Welcome to Cincinnati!",
"users": []
Create a new Boundary Trigger.
HTTP Request
POST /areas-of-interest/{aoiId}/boundary-triggers
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
aoiId | The id of the area of interest. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
action | String | N/A | Option: entered , exited , both . Indicates if a notification should be sent out either when someone has entered or exited an area of interest. |
body | String | N/A | The body override of the Message Template |
distributionListIds | array[uuid] | N/A | When anyone from these Distribution lists crosses an area of interest, trigger this action. |
messageTemplateId | uuid | N/A | If a notification is being sent, the id of the Message Template to use. |
name | String | N/A | The trigger’s name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
notificationAction | String | N/A | Option: send-to-none , send-to-user , send-to-message-template-recipients . Indicates whether or not a notification should be sent out when someone has entered or exited an area of interest. The notication can be skipped, sent to the user, or to the recipients specified in the associated Message Template respectively. |
perUserThrottlingInSecs | Integer | N/A | The amount of time that must pass before another boundary trigger will fire for that user. |
subject | String | N/A | The subject override of the Message Template |
userIds | array[uuid] | N/A | When any User from this list crosses an area of interest, trigger this action. |
The boundary trigger response format is detailed here.
Update a Boundary Trigger
# Continuing with the boundary trigger object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the boundary trigger object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers/476810c8-22a1-11e6-a729-bdd2c948c5a0" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Welcome 2016"}'
"perUserThrottlingInSecs": 300,
"areaOfInterestId": "cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4",
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20",
"messageTemplate": {
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"name": "Welcome to CVG",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"createdAt": "2016-05-25T15:38:34.925Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": true,
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": true,
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsCustomizable": true,
"id": "bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"imageMimeType": null,
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"audioSize": 0,
"imageHash": null,
"audioHash": null,
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"imageSize": 0,
"body": "Welcome to the Cincinnati International Airport. Your comfort and safety are important to use and we work to keep you informed of all local events.",
"userIds": [],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"metadata": {},
"subject": "Welcome to Cincinnati!",
"alertTone": "default",
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"metadataCustomizable": false
"name": "Welcome 2016",
"createdAt": "2016-05-25T17:51:16.446Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"id": "476810c8-22a1-11e6-a729-bdd2c948c5a0",
"notificationAction": "send-to-user",
"action": "entered",
"distributionLists": [],
"body": null,
"userIds": [],
"subject": "Welcome to Cincinnati!",
"users": []
Updates an existing boundary trigger.
HTTP Request
PUT /areas-of-interest/{aoiId}/boundary-triggers/{triggerId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
aoiId | The id of the area of interest |
triggerId | The id of the trigger to update |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
action | String | N/A | Option: entered , exited , both . Indicates if a notification should be sent out either when someone has entered or exited an area of interest. |
body | String | N/A | The body override of the Message Template |
messageTemplateId | uuid | N/A | If a notification is being sent, the id of the Message Template to use. |
name | String | N/A | The trigger’s name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
notificationAction | String | N/A | Option: send-to-none , send-to-user , send-to-message-template-recipients . Indicates whether or not a notification should be sent out when someone has entered or exited an area of interest. The notication can be skipped, sent to the user, or to the recipients specified in the associated Message Template respectively. |
perUserThrottlingInSecs | Integer | N/A | The amount of time that must pass before another boundary trigger will fire for that user. |
distributionListIds | array[uuid] | N/A | When anyone from these Distribution lists crosses an area of interest, trigger this action. |
subject | String | N/A | The subject override of the Message Template |
userIds | array[uuid] | N/A | When any User from this list crosses an area of interest, trigger this action. |
The boundary trigger response format is detailed here.
Remove a Boundary Trigger
# Continuing with the boundary trigger object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the boundary trigger object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers/476810c8-22a1-11e6-a729-bdd2c948c5a0" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 476810c8-22a1-11e6-a729-bdd2c948c5a0"
Deletes an existing boundary trigger.
HTTP Request
DELETE /areas-of-interest/{aoiId}/boundary-triggers/{triggerId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
aoiId | The id of the area of interest |
triggerId | The id of the trigger to update |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Boundary Trigger Response
The JSON document used to represent a User resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
action | String | Option: entered , exited , both . Indicates if a notification should be sent out either when someone has entered or exited an area of interest. |
areaOfInterestId | uuid | The id of the Area of Interest associated with this trigger. |
body | String | The body override of the Message Template |
distributionListIds | array[uuid] | When anyone from these Distribution lists crosses an area of interest, trigger this action. |
id | uuid | The id of the user, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the user. |
messageTemplate | Message Template | The pre-fetched template, if one is being used. |
messageTemplateId | uuid | If a notification is being sent, the id of the Message Template to use. |
name | String | The trigger’s name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
notificationAction | String | Option: send-to-none , send-to-user , send-to-message-template-recipients . Indicates whether or not a notification should be sent out when someone has entered or exited an area of interest. The notication can be skipped, sent to the user, or to the recipients specified in the associated Message Template respectively. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
perUserThrottlingInSecs | Integer | The amount of time that must pass before another boundary trigger will fire for that user. |
userIds | array[uuid] | When any User from this list crosses an area of interest, trigger this action. |
subject | String | The subject override of the Message Template |
AOI Boundary Trigger Activities
You can monitor boundary trigger events with Activities. Each activity entry includes the type of activity (enter or exit) and whether or not the triggered action was successful. Note that the activities represent a read-only log of triggered events and cannot themselves be altered or deleted.
List All Activities
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers/86ac7740-22a0-11e6-a729-356099d3635b/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers/86ac7740-22a0-11e6-a729-356099d3635b/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers/86ac7740-22a0-11e6-a729-356099d3635b/activities?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 8,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"id": "527910b5-2345-11e6-a729-0da433599b2c",
"areaOfInterestId": "cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4",
"boundaryTriggerId": "86ac7740-22a0-11e6-a729-356099d3635b",
"reason": "exited",
"status": "success",
"device": {
"deviceIdentifier": "simulator:63913053-1cfa-11e6-8356-774e67ffa4fc",
"disabled": false,
"name": "iPhone Simulator",
"client": "",
"createdAt": "2016-05-18T13:14:01.924Z",
"type": "apns-sandbox",
"build": "v2.9.0 D",
"id": "63913053-1cfa-11e6-8356-774e67ffa4fc",
"userId": "e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405",
"os": "9.3",
"user": {
"id": "e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405",
"name": "Marc Loy",
"type": "regular",
"email": "marc.loy@singlewire.com"
"createdAt": "2016-05-26T13:25:32.476Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of all areas of interest.
HTTP Request
GET /areas-of-interest/{aoiId}/boundary-triggers/{triggerId}/activities
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
aoiId | The id of the Area of Interest associated with the trigger being looked up. |
triggerId | The id of the Boundary Trigger whose activities are being looked up. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first user was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of eight areas available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The Activity response format is detailed here.
Get an Activity
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers/86ac7740-22a0-11e6-a729-356099d3635b/activities/527910b5-2345-11e6-a729-0da433599b2c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers/86ac7740-22a0-11e6-a729-356099d3635b/activities/527910b5-2345-11e6-a729-0da433599b2c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/areas-of-interest/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4/boundary-triggers/86ac7740-22a0-11e6-a729-356099d3635b/activities/527910b5-2345-11e6-a729-0da433599b2c" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "527910b5-2345-11e6-a729-0da433599b2c",
"areaOfInterestId": "cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4",
"boundaryTriggerId": "86ac7740-22a0-11e6-a729-356099d3635b",
"reason": "exited",
"status": "success",
"device": {
"deviceIdentifier": "simulator:63913053-1cfa-11e6-8356-774e67ffa4fc",
"disabled": false,
"name": "iPhone Simulator",
"client": "",
"createdAt": "2016-05-18T13:14:01.924Z",
"type": "apns-sandbox",
"build": "v2.9.0 D",
"id": "63913053-1cfa-11e6-8356-774e67ffa4fc",
"userId": "e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405",
"os": "9.3",
"user": {
"id": "e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405",
"name": "Marc Loy",
"type": "regular",
"email": "marc.loy@singlewire.com"
"createdAt": "2016-05-26T13:25:32.476Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single AOI by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /areas-of-interest/{aoiId}/boundary-triggers/{triggerId}/activities/{activityId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
aoiId | The id of the Area of Interest associated with the trigger being looked up. |
triggerId | The id of the Boundary Trigger associated with the activity being looked up. |
activityId | The id of the specific activity being looked up. |
The Activity response format is detailed here.
Area of Interest Response
The JSON document used to represent an Area of Interest resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
areaOfInterestId | String | The id of the area, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the Area of Interest |
boundaryTriggerId | String | The id of the boundary trigger, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the Boundary Trigger |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this activity was created. |
device | Device | The device that triggered the boundary condition. |
id | String | The id of the activity |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
reason | String | Options: entered exited . Denotes the cause (entry/exit) of the trigger. |
status | String | Options: success no-recipients . Denotes the success or failure of the triggered notification. Note that log-only triggers (notificationAction is send-to-none ) are marked success upon activity creation. |
Bell Schedules
Bell Schedules represent a weekly, bi-weekly, or tri-weekly cycle of daily event notifications. One can configure the date range within which a bell schedule is valid, the time zone for ring lists contained in this bell schedule, the number of weeks in a cycle, any ring lists with events set to fire on days within that cycle, and any exceptions on specific dates that may override the default ring list for that day in the cycle.
List all Bell Schedules
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
bell_schedules = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
bell_schedules = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"description": "School Year 2017-2018",
"bellScheduleExceptions": [
"id": "788b62cb-69c3-11e8-9e0e-37bff5ca251f",
"description": "Snow Day",
"ringListId": "68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4",
"startDate": "2018-01-03",
"endDate": "2018-01-03",
"ringListName": "Snow Day"
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"permissions": [
"bellScheduleEntries": [
"ringListId": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d",
"entryNum": 0,
"ringListName": "Monday"
"ringListId": "04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae",
"entryNum": 1,
"ringListName": "Tuesday"
"ringListId": "0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500",
"entryNum": 2,
"ringListName": "Wednesday"
"ringListId": "1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c",
"entryNum": 3,
"ringListName": "Thursday"
"ringListId": "16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81",
"entryNum": 4,
"ringListName": "Friday"
"name": "School Year 17-18",
"startDate": "2017-08-28",
"createdAt": "2018-05-31T20:18:35.635Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-31T20:18:35.635Z",
"numWeeks": 1,
"endDate": "2018-05-25",
"id": "cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
Retrieves a list of all bell schedules. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /bell-schedules
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first bell schedule was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of four available when the request was made. The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
assoc-sync-state | Boolean | If true , include the current synchronization state for fusion endpoints. |
assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint | String | Include the current synchronization state for a specific fusion endpoint. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each bell schedule belongs. |
The bell schedule response format is detailed here.
Get a Bell Schedule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
bell_schedule = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
bell_schedule = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"description": "School Year 2017-2018",
"bellScheduleExceptions": [
"id": "788b62cb-69c3-11e8-9e0e-37bff5ca251f",
"description": "Snow Day",
"ringListId": "68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4",
"startDate": "2018-01-03",
"endDate": "2018-01-03",
"ringListName": "Snow Day"
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"permissions": [
"bellScheduleEntries": [
"ringListId": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d",
"entryNum": 0,
"ringListName": "Monday"
"ringListId": "04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae",
"entryNum": 1,
"ringListName": "Tuesday"
"ringListId": "0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500",
"entryNum": 2,
"ringListName": "Wednesday"
"ringListId": "1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c",
"entryNum": 3,
"ringListName": "Thursday"
"ringListId": "16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81",
"entryNum": 4,
"ringListName": "Friday"
"name": "School Year 17-18",
"startDate": "2017-08-28",
"createdAt": "2018-05-31T20:18:35.635Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-31T20:18:35.635Z",
"numWeeks": 1,
"endDate": "2018-05-25",
"id": "cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
Retrieves a single bell schedule by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /bell-schedules/{bellScheduleId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
bellScheduleId | The id of the Bell Schedule to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the bell schedule belongs. |
The bell schedule response format is detailed here.
Create a Bell Schedule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'School Year 17-18',
'description': 'School Year 2017-2018',
'startDate': '2017-08-28',
'endDate': '2018-05-25',
'timeZone': 'America/Chicago',
'numWeeks': 1,
'bellScheduleEntries': [{
'entryNum': 0,
'ringListId': 'f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d'
, {
'entryNum': 1,
'ringListId': '04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae'
, {
'entryNum': 2,
'ringListId': '0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500'
, {
'entryNum': 3,
'ringListId': '1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c'
, {
'entryNum': 4,
'ringListId': '16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81'
'bellScheduleExceptions': [{
'description': 'Snow Day',
'ringListId': '68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4',
'startDate': '2018-01-03',
'endDate': '2018-01-03'
bell_schedule = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'School Year 17-18'
'description': 'School Year 2017-2018'
'startDate': '2017-08-28'
'endDate': '2018-05-25'
'timeZone': 'America/Chicago'
'numWeeks': 1
'bellScheduleEntries': [{
'entryNum': 0
'ringListId': 'f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d'
, {
'entryNum': 1
'ringListId': '04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae'
, {
'entryNum': 2
'ringListId': '0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500'
, {
'entryNum': 3
'ringListId': '1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c'
, {
'entryNum': 4
'ringListId': '16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81'
'bellScheduleExceptions': [{
'description': 'Snow Day'
'ringListId': '68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4'
'startDate': '2018-01-03'
'endDate': '2018-01-03'
bell_schedule = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "School Year 17-18", \
"description": "School Year 2017-2018", \
"startDate": "2017-08-28", \
"endDate": "2018-05-25", \
"timeZone": "America/Chicago", \
"numWeeks": 1, \
"bellScheduleEntries": [{"entryNum": 0, \
"ringListId": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d"}, {"entryNum": 1, \
"ringListId": "04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae"}, {"entryNum": 2, \
"ringListId": "0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500"}, {"entryNum": 3, \
"ringListId": "1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c"}, {"entryNum": 4, \
"ringListId": "16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81"}], \
"bellScheduleExceptions": [{"description": "Snow Day", \
"ringListId": "68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4", \
"startDate": "2018-01-03", \
"endDate": "2018-01-03"}]}'
"description": "School Year 2017-2018",
"bellScheduleExceptions": [
"id": "788b62cb-69c3-11e8-9e0e-37bff5ca251f",
"description": "Snow Day",
"ringListId": "68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4",
"startDate": "2018-01-03",
"endDate": "2018-01-03",
"ringListName": "Snow Day"
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"permissions": [
"bellScheduleEntries": [
"ringListId": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d",
"entryNum": 0,
"ringListName": "Monday"
"ringListId": "04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae",
"entryNum": 1,
"ringListName": "Tuesday"
"ringListId": "0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500",
"entryNum": 2,
"ringListName": "Wednesday"
"ringListId": "1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c",
"entryNum": 3,
"ringListName": "Thursday"
"ringListId": "16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81",
"entryNum": 4,
"ringListName": "Friday"
"name": "School Year 17-18",
"startDate": "2017-08-28",
"createdAt": "2018-05-31T20:18:35.635Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-31T20:18:35.635Z",
"numWeeks": 1,
"endDate": "2018-05-25",
"id": "cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
Creates a new bell schedule (limit: 3500). Once the schedule is created, it should begin firing at the next available time within the startDate
and endDate
HTTP Request
POST /bell-schedules
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the bell schedule. |
description | String | null | An optional description for the bell schedule. |
startDate | Date | N/A | The start date for your bell schedule in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. |
endDate | Date | N/A | The end date for your bell schedule in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. |
timeZone | String | N/A | A timezone such as “America/Chicago”. This list is too long to enumerate here. |
numWeeks | Integer | N/A | The number of weeks in a bell schedule. Value can only be 1, 2, or 3 which corresponds to a weekly, bi-weekly, or tri-weekly schedule respectively. |
bellScheduleEntries | Array[Object] | [] | An array of the configured ring list entries attached to a bell schedule. Please see here for detailed information about bell schedule entries. |
bellScheduleExceptions | Array[Object] | [] | An array of exceptions attached to the bell schedule. Please see here for detailed information about bell schedule exceptions. |
The bell schedule response format is detailed here.
Update a Bell Schedule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'School Year 17-18',
'description': 'School Year 2017-2018',
'startDate': '2017-08-28',
'endDate': '2018-05-25',
'timeZone': 'America/Chicago',
'numWeeks': 1,
'bellScheduleEntries': [{
'entryNum': 0,
'ringListId': 'f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d'
, {
'entryNum': 1,
'ringListId': '04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae'
, {
'entryNum': 2,
'ringListId': '0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500'
, {
'entryNum': 3,
'ringListId': '1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c'
, {
'entryNum': 4,
'ringListId': '16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81'
'bellScheduleExceptions': [{
'description': 'Snow Day',
'ringListId': '68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4',
'startDate': '2018-01-03',
'endDate': '2018-01-03'
bell_schedule = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'School Year 17-18'
'description': 'School Year 2017-2018'
'startDate': '2017-08-28'
'endDate': '2018-05-25'
'timeZone': 'America/Chicago'
'numWeeks': 1
'bellScheduleEntries': [{
'entryNum': 0
'ringListId': 'f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d'
, {
'entryNum': 1
'ringListId': '04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae'
, {
'entryNum': 2
'ringListId': '0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500'
, {
'entryNum': 3
'ringListId': '1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c'
, {
'entryNum': 4
'ringListId': '16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81'
'bellScheduleExceptions': [{
'description': 'Snow Day'
'ringListId': '68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4'
'startDate': '2018-01-03'
'endDate': '2018-01-03'
bell_schedule = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "School Year 17-18", \
"description": "School Year 2017-2018", \
"startDate": "2017-08-28", \
"endDate": "2018-05-25", \
"timeZone": "America/Chicago", \
"numWeeks": 1, \
"bellScheduleEntries": [{"entryNum": 0, \
"ringListId": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d"}, {"entryNum": 1, \
"ringListId": "04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae"}, {"entryNum": 2, \
"ringListId": "0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500"}, {"entryNum": 3, \
"ringListId": "1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c"}, {"entryNum": 4, \
"ringListId": "16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81"}], \
"bellScheduleExceptions": [{"description": "Snow Day", \
"ringListId": "68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4", \
"startDate": "2018-01-03", \
"endDate": "2018-01-03"}]}'
"description": "School Year 2017-2018",
"bellScheduleExceptions": [
"id": "788b62cb-69c3-11e8-9e0e-37bff5ca251f",
"description": "Snow Day",
"ringListId": "68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4",
"startDate": "2018-01-03",
"endDate": "2018-01-03",
"ringListName": "Snow Day"
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"permissions": [
"bellScheduleEntries": [
"ringListId": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d",
"entryNum": 0,
"ringListName": "Monday"
"ringListId": "04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae",
"entryNum": 1,
"ringListName": "Tuesday"
"ringListId": "0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500",
"entryNum": 2,
"ringListName": "Wednesday"
"ringListId": "1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c",
"entryNum": 3,
"ringListName": "Thursday"
"ringListId": "16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81",
"entryNum": 4,
"ringListName": "Friday"
"name": "School Year 17-18",
"startDate": "2017-08-28",
"createdAt": "2018-05-31T20:18:35.635Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-32T09:21:34.457Z",
"numWeeks": 1,
"endDate": "2018-05-25",
"id": "cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
Updates an existing bell schedule.
HTTP Request
PUT /bell-schedules/{bellScheduleId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
bellScheduleId | The id of the Bell Schedule to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the bell schedule. |
description | String | null |
An optional description for the bell schedule. |
startDate | Date | N/A | The start date for your bell schedule in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. |
endDate | Date | N/A | The end date for your bell schedule in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. |
timeZone | String | N/A | A timezone such as “America/Chicago”. This list is too long to enumerate here. |
numWeeks | Integer | N/A | The number of weeks in a bell schedule. Value can only be 1, 2, or 3 which corresponds to a weekly, bi-weekly, or tri-weekly schedule respectively. |
bellScheduleEntries | Array[Object] | [] | An array of the configured ring list entries attached to a bell schedule. Please see here for detailed information about bell schedule entries. |
bellScheduleExceptions | Array[Object] | [] | An array of exceptions attached to the bell schedule. Please see here for detailed information about bell schedule exceptions. |
The bell schedule response format is detailed here.
Remove a Bell Schedule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
Deletes an existing bell schedule.
HTTP Request
DELETE /bell-schedules/{bellScheduleId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
bellScheduleId | The id of the Bell Schedule to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Bell Schedule Entries
Bell schedule entries are the configured ring list for a particular day within a rolling schedule. A bell schedule will respect the rolling schedule within the bounds of the bell schedules startDate
and endDate
For example: a bell schedule with numWeeks
set to 1, and a startDate
on a Wednesday will use the ring list entries in the following order: 2,3,4,5,6,0,1,2,3,4,5,6… These values correspond to the ring list entries entryNum
A bell schedule entry does not have its own endpoint, and is strictly a nested resource within a bell schedule.
Attribute | Type | Description |
ringListId | String | The id of the Ring List applied on entryNum day. If no rings are needed, this can be null . |
ringListName | String | The name of the ring list applied on entryNum day. This is present in the response as a convenience, do not send it in a PUT or POST , it would be ignored. |
entryNum | Integer | The day in a rolling schedule in which a ring list is applied. entryNum must be an integer between 0-20 which corresponds to a day in a rolling schedule. A rolling schedule can be one week (0-6), two weeks (0-13), or three weeks (0-20). Rolling schedules start on Monday, so 0 is the first Monday in the rolling schedule, 1 is the first Tuesday, etc. |
Bell Schedule Exceptions
Bell schedule exceptions are overrides to one or more bell schedule entries attached to a bell schedule. For the dates bounded by the bell schedule exceptions startDate
and endDate
, the bell schedule will use the ring list defined in the bell schedule exception instead of the bell schedule entry.
A bell schedule exception does not have its own endpoint, and is strictly a nested resource within a bell schedule.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the Bell Schedule Exception. |
description | String | null |
ringListId | String | The id of the Ring List that overrides the bell schedule entries ring list between the bell schedule exception’s startDate and endDate . If no rings are needed, this can be null . |
startDate | Date | The start date of the bell schedule exception in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. |
endDate | Date | The end date of the bell schedule exception in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. |
ringListName | String | The name of the ring list overriding the ring list of the bell schedule entry. This is present in the response as a convenience, do not send it in a PUT or POST , it would be ignored. |
Bell Schedule Response
The JSON document used to represent a bell schedule resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of this specific bell schedule, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The name of the bell schedule. |
description | String | The description of the bell schedule. |
numWeeks | Integer | The number of weeks in a bell schedule. Value can only be 1, 2, or 3 which corresponds to a weekly, bi-weekly, or tri-weekly schedule respectively. |
startDate | Date | The start date of the bell schedule in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. |
endDate | Date | The end date of the bell schedule in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. |
timeZone | String | A timezone such as “America/Chicago”. This list is too long to enumerate here. |
syncState | Array[Object] | The endpoints’ sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state is true . |
endpointSyncState | Object | The specific endpoint’s sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint is true . |
bellScheduleEntries | Array[Object] | An array of the configured ring list entries attached to a bell schedule. Please see here for detailed information about bell schedule entries. |
bellScheduleExceptions | Array[Object] | An array of exceptions attached to the bell schedule. Please see here for detailed information about bell schedule exceptions. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this bell schedule was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this bell schedule was last updated. |
Bell Schedule Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Bell Schedules are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Bell Schedules are assigned to which Domains.
List All Bell Schedule Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"bellScheduleId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"bellScheduleId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Bell Schedule belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /bell-schedules/{bellScheduleId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
bellScheduleId | The id of the Bell Schedule whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, There were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Bell Schedule belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Bell Schedule using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Bell Schedule, any subdomains will be returned. |
The domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the bell schedule whose domains were
requested is returned under the key bellScheduleId
inside each
domain response.
Check if a Bell Schedule contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"bellScheduleId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Bell Schedule Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /bell-schedules/{bellScheduleId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
bellScheduleId | The id of the Bell Schedule whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Bell Schedule belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Bell Schedule is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Bell Schedule, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Bell Schedule is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Domain
response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Bell Schedule Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"bellScheduleId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Bell Schedule into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /bell-schedules/{bellScheduleId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
bellScheduleId | String | The id of the Bell Schedule to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Bell Schedule out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Bell Schedule should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Bell Schedule out of one or more child Domains? |
A Bell Schedule is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Bell Schedule that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Bell Schedule Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Bell Schedule c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Bell Schedule from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Bell Schedule currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Bell Schedule itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /bell-schedules/{bellScheduleId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
bellScheduleId | The id of the Bell Schedule whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Bell Schedule. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Bell Schedule in no Domain. |
A Bell Schedule must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Bell Schedule from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Bell Schedule. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Bell Schedule out
of its last Domain will delete the Bell Schedule.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Bell Schedules Bulk Exceptions
This resource is a shortcut for adding the same exception to multiple bell schedules in a single operation. It will adjust each schedule whose date ranges have any overlap with the exception to include the new exception in the appropriate place, shortening, removing, or splitting any existing exceptions which would have conflicted with the new one.
The only operation supported is POST
Add an Exception to Multiple Bell Schedules
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules-bulk-exceptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'description': 'Snow Day',
'startDate': '2021-02-04',
'endDate': '2021-02-04',
'ringListId': '68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4',
'bellScheduleIds': ['cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f', 'f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d']
affected = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules-bulk-exceptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'description': 'Snow Day'
'startDate': '2021-02-04'
'endDate': '2021-02-04'
'ringListId': '68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4'
'bellScheduleIds': ['cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f'
, 'f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d'
affected = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules-bulk-exceptions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"description": "Snow Day", \
"startDate": "2021-02-04", \
"endDate": "2021-02-04", \
"ringListId": "68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4", \
"bellScheduleIds": ["cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f", "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d"]}'
"schedulesAffected": [
{"id": "cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f",
"name": "Pelham Elementary",
"syncId": "cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f:1599612837889"},
{"id": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d",
"name": "Ridgemont High",
"syncId": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d:1599610192210"}
Adds an exception with the specified date range and ring list (which
can be null
to suppress ringing entirely) to the specified bell
schedules. In order to perform this operation the user must have
permission to the /bell-schedules-bulk-exceptions
but only needs GET
permission to the ring list and bell schedules.
This allows delegation of exception assignment without other bell
schedule editing powers.
HTTP Request
POST /bell-schedules-bulk-exceptions
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
description | String | N/A | A description for the exception to be added to each schedule. |
startDate | Date | N/A | The start date for the exception ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. |
endDate | Date | N/A | The end date for the exception in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. |
ringListId | String | null | The id of the Ring List that overrides the bell schedule entries ring list between the exception’s startDate and endDate . If no rings are needed, this can be null . |
bellScheduleIds | Array of Strings | N/A | The id s of the Bell Schedules to which this exception should be added. If any schedule’s date range does not overlap the exception, it will be left unchanged. Required unless allBellSchedules is true. |
allBellSchedules | Boolean | false | If true, will apply the exception to all bell schedules, regardless of the value of bellScheduleIds . |
Information about the affected schedules is returned as a JSON
document with a single attribute schedulesAffected
attribute, which
contains an array of objects with the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of a bell schedule to which the exception was added. |
name | String | The name of the affected bell schedule. |
syncId | String | The current sync ID of the bell schedule, which Fusion servers can use to verify their data is up to date. |
Bell Schedule Cloning
This resource is used to make a copy of the Bell Schedule specified by id in the request path.
The only operation supported is POST
Clone a Bell Schedule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f/clone" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"description": "School Year 2017-2018",
"bellScheduleExceptions": [
"id": "788b62cb-69c3-11e8-9e0e-37bff5ca251f",
"description": "Snow Day",
"ringListId": "68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4",
"startDate": "2018-01-03",
"endDate": "2018-01-03",
"ringListName": "Snow Day"
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"permissions": [],
"bellScheduleEntries": [
"ringListId": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d",
"entryNum": 0,
"ringListName": "Monday"
"ringListId": "04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae",
"entryNum": 1,
"ringListName": "Tuesday"
"ringListId": "0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500",
"entryNum": 2,
"ringListName": "Wednesday"
"ringListId": "1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c",
"entryNum": 3,
"ringListName": "Thursday"
"ringListId": "16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81",
"entryNum": 4,
"ringListName": "Friday"
"name": "School Year 17-18 (Copy)",
"startDate": "2017-08-28",
"createdAt": "2018-05-31T20:19:35.635Z",
"numWeeks": 1,
"endDate": "2018-05-25",
"id": "cd21447c-650f-11e8-a57e-111c8cdd59bb"
Creates a copy of the specified Bell Schedule. The name of the
new copy is simply the original Bell Schedule’s name with “ (Copy)”
appended. In order to perform this operation, the user must have both
permission to the /bell-schedules
resource and GET
to the Bell Schedule they wish to copy.
HTTP Request
POST /bell-schedules/{bellScheduleId}/clone
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
bellScheduleId | String | The id of the Bell Schedule to copy. |
The Bell Schedule response format is detailed here.
Provides access to Brandings resources for Fusion customers. Brandings provide a way to customize UI. One Branding can exist per Provider and are not ‘domainified’. Brandings are created when Providers are bootstrapped.
List All Brandings
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/brandings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
brandings = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/brandings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
brandings = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/brandings" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"logo": "logoFile",
"companyPhone": "+16085551212",
"secondaryColor": "#123",
"companyEmail": "bar@bazz.com",
"primaryColor": "#456789",
"companyName": "Foo",
"customUrl": "https://www.quux.com"
Retrieves a list of all Brandings.
HTTP Request
GET /brandings
When a list is retrieved, the default response is wrapped in the pagination wrapper with totals, etc. This response example does not include the pagination wrapper.
Get a Branding
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/brandings/2601234b-a1e6-11ea-b7db-f3cc7d266a8e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
branding = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/brandings/2601234b-a1e6-11ea-b7db-f3cc7d266a8e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
branding = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/brandings/2601234b-a1e6-11ea-b7db-f3cc7d266a8e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"logo": "logoFile",
"companyPhone": "+16085551212",
"secondaryColor": "#123",
"companyEmail": "bar@bazz.com",
"primaryColor": "#456789",
"companyName": "Foo",
"customUrl": "https://www.quux.com"
Retrieves a single Branding by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /brandings/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | The id of the Branding. |
The Brandings response format is detailed here.
Update a Branding
# Continuing with the branding object from
# the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the branding object from
# the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/brandings/2601234b-a1e6-11ea-b7db-f3cc7d266a8e" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Changes to any branding"}'
"logo": "logoFile",
"companyPhone": "+16085551212",
"secondaryColor": "#123",
"companyEmail": "bar@bazz.com",
"primaryColor": "#456789",
"companyName": "Foo",
"customUrl": "https://www.quux.com"
Updates an existing Branding.
HTTP Request
PUT /brandings/{id}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Id | The id of the Branding being altered. |
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Doc |
logo | File | false | A logo file as a BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIF or TIFF. |
primaryColor | String | false | Hex color value for the Branding’s primary color. |
secondaryColor | String | false | Hex color value for the Branding’s secondary color. |
companyName | String | false | Name of the company that owns the Branding. |
companyEmail | String | false | The Branding contact’s email address. |
companyPhone | String | false | The Branding contact’s phone number. |
customUrl | String | false | A web link to custom help content for Brandings customers. |
The Brandings response format is detailed here.
Brandings Response
The JSON document used to represent a Brandings resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put . What operations are possible on the Branding resource. |
logo | Integer | Size of the logo for the Branding. |
companyPhone | String | Company phone number. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Branding was created. |
secondaryColor | String | The secondary color for the Branding. A Hex value like ’#abcdef’. |
defaults | Object | An object including the default logo size, primary and secondary color for every Provider. |
companyEmail | String | The saved company email value. |
id | UUID | The unique identifier for a Branding. |
primaryColor | String | The primary color for a Branding, a three- or six-character Hex value like ’#123’. |
companyName | String | The name of the company associated with the Branding. |
customUrl | String | An HTTP or HTTPS URL link to custom help content for the Branding. |
Bulk Upload
The bulk upload endpoint is a moderately non-standard endpoint in the API. While its GET functionality is similar to that of other endpoints, its POST provides a URL to which .zip files can be delivered to an S3 bucket to proceed through the remainder of the bulk upload process.
List Bulk Uploads
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": true,
"data": [
"directoryId": "e229c4ae-5f28-11ea-8aa8-053bf8c7b046",
"fileId": null,
"permissions": [
"endpointId": "efea94d8-5f28-11ea-8aa8-4b0ddc9506ce",
"status": "COMPLETE",
"id": "efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538",
"resourceType": "message-templates",
"createdAt": "2020-03-05T21:33:21.670Z",
"testMode": false
Gets a list of all bulk uploads to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Upload information is cleared daily, so records may not be retained.
HTTP Request
GET /bulk-upload
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
The bulk upload response format is detailed here.
Get a Bulk Upload Instance
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538",
"endpointId": "efea94d8-5f28-11ea-8aa8-4b0ddc9506ce",
"directoryId": "e229c4ae-5f28-11ea-8aa8-053bf8c7b046",
"fileId": null,
"createdAt": "2020-03-05T21:33:21.670Z",
"testMode": false,
"resourceType": "message-templates",
"status": "COMPLETE",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single bulk upload by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /bulk-upload/{bulkUploadId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
bulkUploadId | The id of the bulk upload instance to retrieve. |
The bulk upload response format is detailed here.
Generate a POST URL
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'resourceType': 'message-templates',
'contentType': 'application/zip'
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'resourceType': 'message-templates'
'contentType': 'application/zip'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"resourceType": "message-templates", \
"contentType": "application/zip"}'
"url": "https://examplebucket.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/40257fff-5f3b-11ea-8e69-21b3848f39e0.zip?x-amz-meta-resourcetype=message-templates&x-amz-meta-usebackup=true&x-amz-meta-endpointid=&x-amz-meta-directoryid=40257fff-5f3b-11ea-8e69-21b3848f39e0&x-amz-meta-testmode=true&x-amz-meta-provider=SarahFusion&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20200305T234427Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=content-type%3Bhost&X-Amz-Expires=899&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAW7U2WXNLCHGMC6F7%2F20200305%2Fus-east-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=998dc0cfd2d3ea43e2aee6faff4de4b17f8bf0b1d815b86f4de81276aff30691",
"permissions": [
Provides an authenticated URL to post a zip file to an S3 bucket.
HTTP Request
POST /bulk-upload
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
resourceType | String | N/A | The type of resource to be bulk uploaded. The types currently supported are message-templates for Message Templates, Confirmation Requests (when appropriate), and Notification Profiles (when appropriate), device-groups for Device Groups (Fusion-only), ring-lists for Ring Lists, bell-schedules for Bell Schedules, dialing-configurations (a Fusion-only proxied resource), and speakers (another Fusion-only proxied resource). |
contentType | String | N/A | The MIME type of the file being uploaded. The types currently supported are ‘application/zip’, 'application/x-zip-compressed’, 'application/zip-compressed’, 'text/csv’, and 'text/tab-separated-values’. |
endpointId | String | N/A | The fusion server that the resource should be created on. Only used for proxied resources; these are currently speakers and dialing-configurations . |
Attribute | Type | Description |
url | String | The url that points to the appropriate AWS S3 bucket. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Bulk Upload Response
The JSON document used to represent a Bulk Upload resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this bulk upload was initiated. |
endpointId | String | The endpointId of the resource. Only exists for proxied resources (speakers). |
id | String | The id of the bulk upload instance, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the bulk upload. |
resourceType | String | The resource type of the bulk upload. The types currently supported are message-templates for Message Templates, Confirmation Requests (when appropriate), and Notification Profiles (when appropriate), device-groups for Device Groups (Fusion-only), ring-lists for Ring Lists, bell-schedules for Bell Schedules, dialing-configurations (a Fusion-only proxied resource), and speakers (another Fusion-only proxied resource). |
directoryId | String | The id of the directory in the S3 bucket associated with this resource. |
fileId | String | The 'id’ of the file in the S3 bucket if a .tsv or .csv file was uploaded directly instead of a .zip file. |
testMode | Boolean | Whether or not the resources associated with the bulk upload were actually created or not. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Bulk Upload Commit
Bulk Upload Commit is called on an existing Bulk Upload instance. This can be used to create the resources associated with a test without needing to post resources to S3 again.
Commit a Bulk Upload Test
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538/commit"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538/commit"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538/commit" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"id": "efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538",
"endpointId": "efea94d8-5f28-11ea-8aa8-4b0ddc9506ce",
"directoryId": "e229c4ae-5f28-11ea-8aa8-053bf8c7b046",
"createdAt": "2020-03-05T21:33:21.670Z",
"testMode": false,
"resourceType": "message-templates",
"status": "COMPLETE",
"permissions": []
Takes an existing test bulk upload and commits the resources to the database.
HTTP Request
POST /bulk-upload/{bulkUploadId}/commit
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
bulkUploadId | String | N/A | The id of the associated bulk upload. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the associated bulk upload. |
endpointId | String | The id of the endpoint to be committed to, if a proxied resource (speakers). |
directoryId | String | The id of the directory in the S3 bucket associated with this resource. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this bulk upload was initiated. |
testMode | Boolean | Whether or not the bulk upload being committed had been committed previously. |
resourceType | String | The resource type of the bulk upload. The types currently supported are message-templates for Message Templates, Confirmation Requests (when appropriate), and Notification Profiles (when appropriate), device-groups for Device Groups (Fusion-only), ring-lists for Ring Lists, bell-schedules for Bell Schedules, dialing-configurations (a Fusion-only proxied resource), and speakers (another Fusion-only proxied resource). |
status | String | The status of the bulk upload being committed. |
permissions | Array[String] | Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Bulk Upload Logs
Bulk Upload Logs are created to store information about each resource that is either created or ran as a test through a Bulk Upload.
List All Bulk Upload Logs
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538/logs"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538/logs"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538/logs" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 4,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "f02d432c-5f28-11ea-8aa8-1569ae3ffa2c",
"createdAt": "2020-03-05T21:33:22.108Z",
"bulkUploadId": "efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538",
"resourceCreated": true,
"resourceName": "Example Hammer - Profile",
"resourceResponse": null,
"permissions": [
"id": "f02d432d-5f28-11ea-8aa8-c19ede5e8e35",
"createdAt": "2020-03-05T21:33:22.108Z",
"bulkUploadId": "efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538",
"resourceCreated": false,
"resourceName": "Example Hammer - Profile Desktop/IP Phone Display",
"resourceResponse": "Must be a valid, six-digit hexadecimal color value e.g. #FFFFFF (mainWindow.backgroundColor), Must be one of the following values: Arial, ArialBlack, ComicSansMS, Courier, CourierNew, Georgia, Helvetica, Impact, Times, TimesNewRoman, TrebuchetMS, Verdana (mainWindow.subject.font), Must be one of the following values: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30 (mainWindow.subject.size)",
"permissions": [
"id": "f02d432e-5f28-11ea-8aa8-d1a4866285e0",
"createdAt": "2020-03-05T21:33:22.108Z",
"bulkUploadId": "efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538",
"resourceCreated": false,
"resourceName": "Example Hammer - Profile Fusion Server",
"resourceResponse": "One of the following files was missing from zip: mainAudio-40.wav, icon-40.jpg ()",
"permissions": [
"id": "f02d6a3f-5f28-11ea-8aa8-47a83464eb34",
"createdAt": "2020-03-05T21:33:22.108Z",
"bulkUploadId": "efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538",
"resourceCreated": true,
"resourceName": "Example Hammer",
"resourceResponse": null,
"permissions": [
Gets a list of all bulk upload logs for a specific bulk upload instance to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Upload information is cleared daily, so records may not be retained.
HTTP Request
GET /bulk-upload/{bulkUploadId}/logs
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
bulkUploadId | String | N/A | The ID of the bulk upload the logs are associated with. |
The bulk upload response format is detailed here.
Get a Bulk Upload Instance
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744/logs/f02d432c-5f28-11ea-8aa8-1569ae3ffa2c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744/logs/f02d432c-5f28-11ea-8aa8-1569ae3ffa2c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/bulk-upload/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744/logs/f02d432c-5f28-11ea-8aa8-1569ae3ffa2c" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f02d432c-5f28-11ea-8aa8-1569ae3ffa2c",
"createdAt": "2020-03-05T21:33:22.108Z",
"bulkUploadId": "efcb9b27-5f28-11ea-8aa8-0bb2f3879538",
"resourceCreated": true,
"resourceName": "Example Hammer - Profile",
"resourceResponse": null,
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single bulk upload by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /bulk-upload/{bulkUploadId}/logs/{bulkUploadLogId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
bulkUploadId | The id of the bulk upload log to retrieve. |
bulkUploadLogId | The id of the bulk upload instance log is associated with. |
The bulk upload response format is detailed here.
Bulk Upload Logs Response
The JSON document used to represent a Bulk Upload Log resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this bulk upload was initiated. |
bulkUploadId | String | The id of the associated bulk upload instance. |
id | String | The id of the bulk upload log, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the bulk upload. |
resourceCreated | Boolean | Whether or not the resource’s creation (or attempted creation) was successful. |
resourceName | String | The name of the resource that was created (or attempted to be created). |
resourceResponse | String | A string describing the response from the resource when it was created (or attempted to be created). This will be null on a success, but it will be a string of errors in the case of a failure. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Collaboration Groups
Collaboration Groups serve as a means of initiating group conversations, such as via a conference call, a Cisco Webex Teams space, Twitter, Outbound CAP, and Outbound RSS. Other integrations will likely be added in the future.
Conference Call
A conference call collaboration group must define a Join
PIN. This Join PIN will be sent to all of the collaboration
group’s members’ text-capable devices, along with the
conference call phone number to dial. The members’ phone-call
devices will instead be called, and the person answering the call will
be prompted to join the conference call without the need to enter a
Join PIN.
Unless otherwise noted, conference calls can be joined via the campaign number defined in The Numbers Report (all outbound phone calls will originate from this number as well). A conference call based collaboration group can optionally be configured with a Create PIN or to Bypass IVR.
A Create PIN allows users to start the conference call by calling into
the same number described above and entering a *
followed by the
Create PIN. When a Create PIN is specified and used in this way, calls
are placed to the group’s phone-call
devices, and a basic
notification is sent to non-phone-call
devices, giving them
instructions on how to join the conference call. If no Create PIN is
configured, users will not be able to start the collaboration group by
calling, and will always need to do so by sending a
When Bypass IVR is selected in the collaboration group configuration,
all phone-call
devices will be dropped immediately into the
conference call as soon as the call is answered. In other words, the
users will not be prompted to join the call through an IVR (the
default behavior). This holds true unless the user is asked to join
multiple conference calls, in which case they would receive the IVR
prompt regardless.
Cisco Webex Teams
A Cisco Webex Teams collaboration group two different modes: specificSpace
When a notification is sent to a newSpace
, the Webex Teams integration
will create a new Webex Teams space using the mandatory name field in
. It will also suffix the name with a generated
timestamp. Then, it will invite all of the users and distribution
lists to join the Webex Teams space.
When a notification is sent to a specificSpace
, it will invite the
configured recipients to specificSpace.spaceId
. Note that recipients
are optional in this mode. Also, the InformaCast bot must be a member
of this space.
To better construct the properties for these types of collaboration groups, please see the Webex Teams API .
Twitter collaboration groups allow notifications to be sent as tweets for a specified Twitter account.
In order to create a Twitter collaboration group, you must specify the twitter
collaboration group type and provide the required set of properties specified
in the examples below.
Outbound CAP
Outbound CAP collaboration groups are used to reach endpoints that support receiving CAP notifications. Like outbound RSS collaboration groups, this is meant mostly for use with digital signage.
This particular variety of collaboration group has locations and connection configurations which allows for communication with endpoints that require authentication. Further, in order to further tailor notifications received by these endpoints, notification profiles can be used to send more information about any given notification to its CAP recipients.
Note that a connection configuration must be created in order to create an outbound
CAP collaboration group. Likewise, when creating a collaboration group of this variety,
ensure that you specify the outbound-cap
collaboration group type.
Outbound RSS
Outbound RSS collaborations groups are meant to consume notifications and convert those into an RSS feed for consumption. This is primarily used for digital signage, which can take in RSS data and produce a feed of notifications that can be read by users.
When a new outbound RSS feed is created, a URL is generated. Based on selections during the creation process, this feed will either contain just the most recent message sent to the outbound RSS collaboration group or it will contain all the messages that have been sent to the feed. You may also disable the feed, which will prevent display, but will not stop notifications from being delivered to said feed.
In order to create an outbound RSS collaboration group, you must specify the
collaboration group type, provide its view policy, and whether
or not the feed is disabled.
Microsoft Teams
Using Microsoft Teams collaboration groups, send mass notifications to Teams
channels. Collaboration groups do that by providing a collaboration
group type, msteams-channel
. Sending a notification to an msteams-channel
collaboration group launches a notification to the corresponding
Teams channel.
Type msteams-channel
collaboration groups require InformaCast Fusion, the InformaCast
bot must be added to a Microsoft Teams tenant and connected to a provider, and
the Microsoft Teams Channel feature needs to be activated. Creating an
collaboration group only works for teams that have a connected
InformaCast bot.
Creating an msteams-channel
collaboration group requires a unique set of
request parameters, as seen in the example.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'foo',
'type': 'msteams-channel',
'properties': {
'channelId': 'bar',
'channelName': 'bazz',
'disabled': false,
'teamId': 'buzz',
'teamName': 'quux'
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'foo'
'type': 'msteams-channel'
'properties': {
'channelId': 'bar'
'channelName': 'bazz'
'disabled': false
'teamId': 'buzz'
'teamName': 'quux'
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "foo", \
"type": "msteams-channel", \
"properties": {"channelId": "bar", \
"channelName": "bazz", \
"disabled": false, \
"teamId": "buzz", \
"teamName": "quux"}}'
"properties": {
HTTP Request
POST /collaboration-groups
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name to give the new collaboration group. May be up to 140 characters long. |
type | String | N/A | msteams-channel . Specifies the type of collaboration group. |
properties[channelName] | String | N/A | Required when type is msteams-channel . |
properties[channelId] | String | N/A | Required when type is msteams-channel . |
properties[disabled] | boolean | N/A | Required when type is msteams-channel . |
properties[teamId] | String | N/A | Required when type is msteams-channel . |
properties[teamName] | String | N/A | Required when type is msteams-channel . |
The collaboration group response format is detailed here.
Get All Collaboration Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 3,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"properties": {
"joinPin": "1234",
"createPin": null,
"bypassIvr": false
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"name": "Security Officers",
"createdAt": "2016-01-07T15:54:09.065Z",
"type": "conference-call",
"distributionListIds": ["3875f8ae-139c-11e6-9cd0-ef8b5b11547d"],
"id": "e3579191-b556-11e5-ab29-bdfc7d2b6ed8",
"distributionLists": [
"id": "3875f8ae-139c-11e6-9cd0-ef8b5b11547d",
"name": "Security Officers",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2016-05-06T15:07:16.446Z"
"userIds": [],
"users": []
"properties": {
"mode": "specificSpace",
"enableCreate": false,
"specificSpace": {
"spaceId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vYjczY2Q2OTAtMmMyMS0xMWU3LTg4MjktMmRiY2EzYmYzMTE0"
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"name": "Security Webex Team",
"createdAt": "2017-04-13T13:21:56.273Z",
"type": "cisco-spark",
"distributionListIds": [],
"id": "2a9e9ad1-204c-11e7-b964-8f83c5e03f72",
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [],
"users": []
"properties": {
"handle": "acmeSchoolDistrict",
"name": "Acme School District",
"objectId": "1234567890123456789",
"valid": true
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"name": "Acme School District Twitter Account",
"createdAt": "2018-04-13T13:21:56.273Z",
"type": "twitter",
"distributionListIds": [],
"id": "3aa99ad1-204c-22e7-b734-8f83c5e03f73",
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [],
"users": []
Gets a list of all collaboration groups available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to collaboration groups allows administrators to decide with whom users can collaborate.)
HTTP Request
GET /collaboration-groups
Query Parameters
You can retrieve only collaboration groups of a specific type by
adding a type
query parameter whose value is the collaboration group
type you are interested in. For example, to get only conference calls,
To make this example more manageable, only the first collaboration group was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each collaboration group belongs. |
The collaboration group response format is detailed here.
Get One Collaboration Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/e3579191-b556-11e5-ab29-bdfc7d2b6ed8"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/e3579191-b556-11e5-ab29-bdfc7d2b6ed8"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/e3579191-b556-11e5-ab29-bdfc7d2b6ed8" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"properties": {
"joinPin": "1234",
"createPin": null,
"bypassIvr": false
"permissions": [
"name": "Security Officers",
"createdAt": "2016-01-07T15:54:09.065Z",
"type": "conference-call",
"distributionListIds": ["3875f8ae-139c-11e6-9cd0-ef8b5b11547d"],
"id": "e3579191-b556-11e5-ab29-bdfc7d2b6ed8",
"distributionLists": [
"id": "3875f8ae-139c-11e6-9cd0-ef8b5b11547d",
"name": "Security Officers",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2016-05-06T15:07:16.446Z"
"userIds": [],
"users": []
Retrieves a single collaboration group by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /collaboration-groups/{collaborationGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
collaborationGroupId | The id of the collaboration group to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the collaboration group belongs. |
The collaboration group response format is detailed here.
Create a Collaboration Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Security Officers',
'type': 'conference-call',
'distributionListIds': ['3875f8ae-139c-11e6-9cd0-ef8b5b11547d'],
'userIds': [],
'properties': {
'joinPin': '1234',
'bypassIvr': false
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Security Officers'
'type': 'conference-call'
'distributionListIds': ['3875f8ae-139c-11e6-9cd0-ef8b5b11547d'
'userIds': []
'properties': {
'joinPin': '1234'
'bypassIvr': false
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Security Officers", \
"type": "conference-call", \
"distributionListIds": ["3875f8ae-139c-11e6-9cd0-ef8b5b11547d"], \
"userIds": [], \
"properties": {"joinPin": "1234", \
"bypassIvr": false}}'
"properties": {
"joinPin": "1234",
"createPin": null,
"bypassIvr": false
"permissions": [
"name": "Security Officers",
"createdAt": "2016-01-07T15:54:09.065Z",
"type": "conference-call",
"distributionListIds": ["3875f8ae-139c-11e6-9cd0-ef8b5b11547d"],
"id": "e3579191-b556-11e5-ab29-bdfc7d2b6ed8",
"distributionLists": [
"id": "3875f8ae-139c-11e6-9cd0-ef8b5b11547d",
"name": "Security Officers",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2016-05-06T15:07:16.446Z"
"userIds": [],
"users": []
Creates a new collaboration group. As described above, depending on the nature of the group, user or distribution list IDs may need to be present in order for the group to be successfully created.
HTTP Request
POST /collaboration-groups
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name to give the new collaboration group. May be up to 140 characters long. |
type | String | N/A | Options: conference-call , cisco-spark , twitter , outbound-cap , outbound-rss or msteams-channel . Specifies the type of collaboration group. |
distributionListIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | A list of id s of Distribution Lists which should, by default, receive notifications based on this collaboration group. |
userIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | A list of id s of Users which should, by default, receive notifications based on this collaboration group. |
properties[bypassIvr] | boolean | N/A | Optional when type is conference-call . Can be used to skip the IVR when there is only a single conference call to join for phone-call devices. |
properties[createPin] | String | N/A | Optional when type is conference-call . Must be between 4 and 8 digits and be unique. |
properties[joinPin] | String | N/A | Required when type is conference-call . Must be between 4 and 8 digits and be unique. |
properties[mode] | String | N/A | Required when type is cisco-spark . Options: newSpace or specificSpace |
properties[newSpace][name] | String | N/A | Required when type is cisco-spark and properties[mode] is newSpace . This is the prefix of the name of the Webex Teams space that will be created during send time. |
properties[specificSpace][spaceId] | String | N/A | Required when type is cisco-spark and properties[mode] is specificSpace . This is the space id by which the notification will be posted to at send time. |
properties[accessToken] | String | N/A | Required when type is twitter . This is the access token used for authenticating requests to twitter for the specified Twitter account. |
properties[accessTokenSecret] | String | N/A | Required when type is twitter . This is the access token secret for the Twitter access token. |
properties[handle] | String | N/A | Required when type is twitter . This is the Twitter account handle. |
properties[name] | String | N/A | Required when type is twitter . This is the Twitter account name. |
properties[objectId] | String | N/A | Required when type is twitter . This is the Twitter account ID. |
properties[valid] | boolean | N/A | Required when type is twitter . This denotes whether the access token and access token secret are valid. |
properties[location] | String | N/A | Required when type is outbound-cap . This is a description of the location of the event, which can be used by other systems for routing the CAP message to the correct location. |
properties[connection] | String | N/A | The name of the connection configuration to use to send the CAP message. This value must match the name of a connection configuration defined on the Outbound CAP extension. |
properties[disabled] | boolean | N/A | Required when type is outbound-rss . |
properties[displayPolicy] | String | N/A | Required when type is outbound-rss . Must be either display-all or most-recent . |
The collaboration group response format is detailed here.
Update a Collaboration Group
# Continuing with the collaboration group object
# from the previous example:
list = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the collaboration group object
# from the previous example:
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/e3579191-b556-11e5-ab29-bdfc7d2b6ed8" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"properties": {"joinPin": "865301", \
"bypassIvr": true}}'
"properties": {
"joinPin": "865301",
"createPin": null,
"bypassIvr": true
"permissions": [
"name": "Security Officers",
"createdAt": "2016-01-07T15:54:09.065Z",
"type": "conference-call",
"distributionListIds": ["3875f8ae-139c-11e6-9cd0-ef8b5b11547d"],
"id": "e3579191-b556-11e5-ab29-bdfc7d2b6ed8",
"distributionLists": [
"id": "3875f8ae-139c-11e6-9cd0-ef8b5b11547d",
"name": "Security Officers",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2016-05-06T15:07:16.446Z"
"userIds": [],
"users": []
Modifies the type or properties of a collaboration group.
HTTP Request
PUT /collaboration-groups/{collaborationGroupId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
collaborationGroupId | The id of the collaboration group to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name to give the new collaboration group. May be up to 140 characters long. |
type | String | N/A | Options: conference-call , cisco-spark , twitter , outbound-cap , outbound-rss or msteams-channel . Specifies the type of collaboration group. |
distributionListIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | A list of id s of Distribution Lists which should, by default, receive notifications based on this collaboration group. |
userIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | A list of id s of Users which should, by default, receive notifications based on this collaboration group. |
properties[bypassIvr] | boolean | N/A | Optional when type is conference-call . Can be used to skip the IVR when there is only a single conference call to join for phone-call devices. |
properties[createPin] | String | N/A | Optional when type is conference-call . Must be between 4 and 8 digits and be unique. |
properties[joinPin] | String | N/A | Required when type is conference-call . Must be between 4 and 8 digits and be unique. |
properties[mode] | String | N/A | Required when type is cisco-spark . Options: newSpace or specificSpace |
properties[newSpace][name] | String | N/A | Required when type is cisco-spark and properties[mode] is newSpace . This is the prefix of the name of the Webex Teams space that will be created during send time. |
properties[specificSpace][spaceId] | String | N/A | Required when type is cisco-spark and properties[mode] is specificSpace . This is the space id by which the notification will be posted to at send time. |
properties[handle] | String | N/A | Required when type is twitter . This is the Twitter account handle. |
properties[name] | String | N/A | Required when type is twitter . This is the Twitter account name. |
properties[objectId] | String | N/A | Required when type is twitter . This is the Twitter account ID. |
properties[valid] | boolean | N/A | Required when type is twitter . This denotes whether the access token and access token secret are valid. |
properties[location] | String | N/A | Required when type is outbound-cap . This is a description of the location of the event, which can be used by other systems for routing the CAP message to the correct location. |
properties[connection] | String | N/A | The name of the connection configuration to use to send the CAP message. This value must match the name of a connection configuration defined on the Outbound CAP extension. |
properties[disabled] | boolean | N/A | Required when type is outbound-rss . |
properties[displayPolicy] | String | N/A | Required when type is outbound-rss . Must be either display-all or most-recent . |
The collaboration group response format is detailed here.
Remove a Collaboration Group
# Continuing with the collaboration group object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the collaboration group object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/e3579191-b556-11e5-ab29-bdfc7d2b6ed8" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"CollaborationGroups\"} e3579191-b556-11e5-ab29-bdfc7d2b6ed8"
Removes a collaboration group.
HTTP Request
DELETE /collaboration-groups/{collaborationGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
collaborationGroupId | The id of the collaboration group to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Collaboration Group Response
The JSON document used to represent a collaboration group resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this collaboration group was created. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The id s of the distribution lists which are members of the group. |
distributionLists | Array[DistributionList] | The Distribution Lists that are members of the group. |
id | String | The id of this specific collaboration group, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The collaboration group name. May be up to 140 characters long. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
type | String | Options: conference-call , cisco-spark , twitter , outbound-cap , outbound-rss or msteams-channel . Specifies the type of collaboration group. |
userIds | Array[String] | The id s of the users which are members of the group. |
users | Array[User] | The Users that are members of the group. |
properties[bypassIvr] | boolean | The conference call Skip IVR setting. |
properties[createPin] | String | The conference call Create PIN. |
properties[joinPin] | String | The conference call Join PIN. |
properties[mode] | String | The Cisco Webex Teams mode. Either newSpace or specificSpace . |
properties[newSpace][name] | String | The Webex Teams space name prefix of the Webex Teams space that will be created during send time. |
properties[specificSpace][spaceId] | String | The Webex Teams space id (that the InformaCast Bot belongs to) by which the notification will be posted to at send time. |
properties[handle] | String | The Twitter account handle. |
properties[name] | String | The Twitter account name. |
properties[objectId] | String | The Twitter account ID. |
properties[valid] | boolean | Whether the stored Twitter account tokens are valid. |
properties[location] | String | The Outbound CAP event location. |
properties[connection] | String | The name of the Outbound CAP connection configuration being used to send the CAP message. |
properties[disabled] | boolean | Whether or not the Outbound RSS feed is enabled/disabled. |
properties[displayPolicy] | boolean | The Outbound RSS feed display policy. Must be either display-all , which will show all active notifications in the feed, or most-recent , which will only show the most recent notification if it’s active, or an empty feed if the most recent notification is not active. |
Collaboration Group Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Collaboration Groups are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Collaboration Groups are assigned to which Domains.
List All Collaboration Group Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"collaborationGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"collaborationGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Collaboration Group belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /collaboration-groups/{collaborationGroupId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
collaborationGroupId | The id of the Collaboration Group whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, There were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Collaboration Group belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Collaboration Group using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Collaboration Group, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the collaboration group whose domains were
requested is returned under the key collaborationGroupId
inside each
domain response.
Check if a Collaboration Group contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"collaborationGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Collaboration Group Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /collaboration-groups/{collaborationGroupId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
collaborationGroupId | The id of the Collaboration Group whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Collaboration Group belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Collaboration Group is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Collaboration Group, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Collaboration Group is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Domain
response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Collaboration Group Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"collaborationGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Collaboration Group into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /collaboration-groups/{collaborationGroupId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
collaborationGroupId | String | The id of the Collaboration Group to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Collaboration Group out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Collaboration Group should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Collaboration Group out of one or more child Domains? |
A Collaboration Group is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Collaboration Group that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Collaboration Group Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/collaboration-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Collaboration Group c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Collaboration Group from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Collaboration Group currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Collaboration Group itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /collaboration-groups/{collaborationGroupId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
collaborationGroupId | The id of the Collaboration Group whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Collaboration Group. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Collaboration Group in no Domain. |
A Collaboration Group must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Collaboration Group from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Collaboration Group. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Collaboration Group out
of its last Domain will delete the Collaboration Group.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Confirmation Requests
Confirmation requests provide a mechanism by which recipients of a Notification can be asked a question, with a list of options from which they may choose a response.
Confirmation requests may also have Escalation Rules attached to them, which can lead to further notifications being sent unless suitable responses are received within a specified time frame. Additionally, any Dynamic Replies attached may reply immediately to a confirmation response to provide confirmation feedback.
List All Confirmation Requests
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "WyJoYWlsIiwiMzdmMGY1MDAtMWJlMC0xMWU0LTkxODEtM2M5NzBlN2ZmNTYwIl0=",
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"escalationRules": [
"optionLabel": "Yes, I saw seen the intruder",
"subject": "The intruder has been spotted!",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"comparison": "LT",
"image": null,
"audio": null,
"delay": 600,
"comparisonValue": 5,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T14:03:45.434Z",
"messageTemplateId": null,
"body": "",
"id": "4f062fa0-2160-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
"dynamicReplies": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T14:17:48.343Z",
"quota": 5,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"id": "453b8e00-2162-11e4-986a-2707a9326e84",
"optionLabel": "Yes, I saw the intruder",
"first": "Let's get 'em, Gumshoes!",
"rest": "Stand by. We're already on the case.",
"every": null
"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:53:57.566Z",
"expirationPeriod": 3600,
"options": ["Yes, I saw the intruder", "No, I have not"],
"initiateTrackingOptions": [true, false],
"name": "Have you seen the intruder?"
Retrieves all confirmation requests available to the user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to confirmation requests allows administrators to decide which responses are available to notifications they send, although an even simpler approach is to tie an appropriate confirmation request to a Message Template and not allow it to be changed when sending notifications based on that template.)
HTTP Request
GET /confirmation-requests
Query Parameters
To make this example more concise, only the first confirmation request was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each confirmation request belongs. |
The confirmation request response format is detailed here.
Get a Confirmation Request
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
cr = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
cr = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"escalationRules": [
"optionLabel": "Yes, I saw the intruder",
"subject": "The intruder has been spotted!",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"comparison": "GT",
"image": null,
"audio": null,
"delay": 600,
"comparisonValue": 0,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T14:03:45.434Z",
"body": "",
"id": "4f062fa0-2160-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
"dynamicReplies": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T14:17:48.343Z",
"quota": 5,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"id": "453b8e00-2162-11e4-986a-2707a9326e84",
"optionLabel": "Yes, I saw the intruder",
"first": "Let's get 'em, Gumshoes!",
"rest": "Stand by. We're already on the case.",
"every": null
"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:53:57.566Z",
"expirationPeriod": 3600,
"options": ["Yes, I saw the intruder", "No, I have not"],
"initiateTrackingOptions": [true, false],
"name": "Have you seen the intruder?"
Retrieves a single confirmation request by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the specific confirmation request to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which this confirmation request belongs. |
The confirmation request response format is detailed here.
Create a Confirmation Request
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Are you safe?',
'options': ['No, please call me!', 'Yes, I am safe.'],
'initiate-tracking-options': [true, false]
cr = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Are you safe?'
'options': ['No, please call me!'
, 'Yes, I am safe.'
'initiate-tracking-options': [true
, false
cr = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Are you safe?", \
"options": ["No, please call me!", "Yes, I am safe."], \
"initiate-tracking-options": [true, false]}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T16:22:14.333Z",
"id": "a7838ed0-2173-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["No, please call me!", "Atop Mount Olympus"],
"initiateTrackingOptions": [true, false],
"expirationPeriod": 36000,
"name": "Are you safe?"
Creates a confirmation request
HTTP Request
POST /confirmation-requests
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name of the confirmation request, which is the prompt that will be presented to the user. May be up to 140 characters long, and should likely end with a question mark. |
options | Array[String] | N/A | A list of all the response choices that will be available to the recipient. At most 16 options may be provided. |
initiateTrackingOptions | Array[boolean] | N/A | Matched with options you can specify which options should initiate tracking. |
expirationPeriod | Integer | 0 | Duration in seconds for which the confirmation request will be active and responses will be accepted. Defaults to 0, which means the confirmation request is available to accept responses indefinitely. |
The confirmation request response format is detailed here.
Update a Confirmation Request
# Continuing with the confirmation request
# object from the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the confirmation request
# object from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/a7838ed0-2173-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Are you sure?", \
"options": ["Yes, I am sure.", "No, I am not sure."]}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T16:22:14.333Z",
"id": "a7838ed0-2173-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Yes, I am sure.", "No, I am not sure."],
"initiateTrackingOptions": [true, false],
"expirationPeriod": 36000,
"name": "Are you sure?"
Updates an existing confirmation request.
HTTP Request
PUT /confirmation-request/{confirmationRequestId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
confirmationRequestId | true | N/A | The id of the confirmation request to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name of the confirmation request, which is the prompt that will be presented to the user. May be up to 140 characters long, and should likely end with a question mark. |
options | Array[String] | N/A | A list of all the response choices that will be available to the recipient. At most 16 options may be provided. |
initiateTrackingOptions | Array[boolean] | N/A | Matched with options you can specify which options should initiate tracking. |
expirationPeriod | Integer | 0 | Duration in seconds for which the confirmation request will be active and responses will be accepted. Defaults to 0, which means the confirmation request is available to accept responses indefinitely. |
The confirmation request response format is detailed here.
Remove a Confirmation Request
# Continuing with the confirmation request
# object from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the confirmation request
# object from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/a7838ed0-2173-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/a7838ed0-2173-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
# Continuing with confirmation request
# object from the previous example:
puts JSON.parse(icm_client.message_templates(cr['id']).delete)
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"ConfirmationRequests\"} a7838ed0-2173-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
Removes a confirmation request
HTTP Request
DELETE /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the confirmation request to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Confirmation Request Response
The JSON document used to represent a confirmation request resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this confirmation request was created. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the confirmation request belongs. |
escalationRules | Array[EscalationRule] | A list of Escalation Rules attached to this confirmation request, which determine post-response behavior. |
dynamicReplies | Array[DynamicReply] | A list of Dynamic Replies attached to this confirmation request, which determine immediate reply behavior. |
expirationPeriod | Integer | The time in seconds after a notification is sent when this confirmation request expires and no longer accepts responses. |
id | String | The id of this specific confirmation request, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually, and providing access to its Escalation Rules. |
name | String | The name of the confirmation request, which is the prompt that will be presented to the user. May be up to 140 characters long, and should likely end with a question mark. |
options | Array[String] | A list of all the response choices that will be available to the recipient. At most 16 options may be present. |
initiateTrackingOptions | Array[boolean] | Matched with options you can specify which options should initiate tracking. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Confirmation Request Cloning
This resource is used to make a copy of the Confirmation Request specified by id in the request path.
The only operation supported is POST
Clone a Confirmation Request
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/clone" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"dynamicReplies": [],
"permissions": [],
"initiateTrackingOptions": [
"escalationRules": [],
"name": "Health Check - Status (Copy)",
"createdAt": "2021-07-23T15:24:31.663Z",
"expirationPeriod": null,
"id": "14038c65-ebca-11eb-81b3-fdb244340480",
"options": [
"I am OK",
"I am sick"
Creates a copy of the specified Confirmation Request. The name of the
new copy is simply the original Confirmation Request’s name with “ (Copy)”
appended. In order to perform this operation, the user must have both
permission to the /confirmation-requests
resource and GET
to the Confirmation Request they wish to copy.
HTTP Request
POST /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}/clone
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
confirmationRequestId | String | The id of the Confirmation Request to copy. |
The confirmation request response format is detailed here.
Confirmation Request Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Confirmation Requests are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Confirmation Requests are assigned to which Domains.
List All Confirmation Request Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"confirmationRequestId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"confirmationRequestId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Confirmation Request belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the Confirmation Request whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, there were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Confirmation Request belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Confirmation Request using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Confirmation Request, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the confirmation request whose domains were
requested is returned under the key confirmationRequestId
each domain response.
Check if a Confirmation Request contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"confirmationRequestId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Confirmation Request Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /confirmation requests/{confirmationRequestId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the Confirmation Request whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Confirmation Request belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Confirmation Request is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Confirmation Request, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Confirmation Request is part of the Domain (or its subdomains,
if recursive
is true
), a response will be returned. The Domain
response format is detailed here. If the list is
not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that the
requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Confirmation Request Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"confirmationRequestId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Confirmation Request into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /confirmation requests/{confirmationRequestId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
confirmationRequestId | String | The id of the Confirmation Request to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Confirmation Request out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Confirmation Request should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Confirmation Request out of one or more child Domains? |
A Confirmation Request is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Confirmation Request that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Confirmation Request Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Confirmation Request c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Confirmation Request from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Confirmation Request currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Confirmation Request itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the Confirmation Request whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Confirmation Request. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Confirmation Request in no Domain. |
A Confirmation Request must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Confirmation Request from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Confirmation Request. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Confirmation Request out
of its last Domain will delete the Confirmation Request.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
CUCM Clusters
Specifies Cisco Unified Communications Manager Cluster Configurations for use with InformaCast Fusion
Get All CUCM Clusters
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"secureConnection": false,
"axlUser": "axlUser",
"permissions": [
"tftpPort": null,
"name": "East Cluster",
"capfAddress": null,
"createdAt": "2021-02-15T22:35:07.475Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T22:35:07.475Z",
"nextAuthenticationUrl": null,
"id": "0e171a6a-6fde-11eb-bd50-0b5d975a5196",
"tftpAddress": null,
"snmpVersion": "3",
"capfPort": null,
"axlAddress": null,
"snmpUsername": "Test",
"snmpCommunity": null,
"cucmClusterFusionServers": [
"cucmClusterFusionServerId": "0e17688b-6fde-11eb-bd50-d99a29f7761d",
"endpointId": "085cd868-6fdd-11eb-bd50-9bb27a3cc62a",
"endpointName": "Fusion3"
"axlId": "ucm125"
"secureConnection": true,
"axlUser": "axlUser",
"permissions": [
"tftpPort": 69,
"name": "West Cluster",
"capfAddress": "",
"createdAt": "2021-02-12T19:45:00.617Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T22:35:07.475Z",
"nextAuthenticationUrl": null,
"id": "cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489",
"tftpAddress": "",
"snmpVersion": "2",
"capfPort": 3804,
"axlAddress": "",
"snmpUsername": null,
"snmpCommunity": "ICVA",
"cucmClusterFusionServers": [
"cucmClusterFusionServerId": "1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab",
"endpointId": "7676f63f-6fba-11eb-b0f8-e51408f3ba06",
"endpointName": "Fusion"
"cucmClusterFusionServerId": "1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab",
"endpointId": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa",
"endpointName": "Fusion2"
"axlId": null
Gets a list of all CUCM cluster configurations available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to CUCM clusters allows only those acting in an administrative capacity to modify these settings.)
HTTP Request
GET /cucm-clusters
Query Parameters
The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
assoc-sync-state | Boolean | false | If true , include the current synchronization state for fusion endpoints. |
The CUCM Cluster response format is detailed here.
Get One CUCM Cluster
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
cluster = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
cluster = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"secureConnection": true,
"axlUser": "axlUser",
"permissions": [
"tftpPort": 69,
"name": "West Cluster",
"capfAddress": "",
"createdAt": "2021-02-12T19:45:00.617Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T22:35:07.475Z",
"nextAuthenticationUrl": null,
"id": "cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489",
"tftpAddress": "",
"snmpVersion": "2",
"capfPort": 3804,
"axlAddress": "",
"snmpUsername": null,
"snmpCommunity": "ICVA",
"cucmClusterFusionServers": [
"cucmClusterFusionServerId": "1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab",
"endpointId": "7676f63f-6fba-11eb-b0f8-e51408f3ba06",
"endpointName": "Fusion"
"cucmClusterFusionServerId": "1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab",
"endpointId": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa",
"endpointName": "Fusion2"
"axlId": null
Retrieves a single CUCM Cluster by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /cucm-clusters/{cucmClusterId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
cucmClusterId | The id of the CUCM Cluster to retrieve. |
The CUCM Cluster response format is detailed here.
Create a CUCM Cluster
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Example Cluster',
'axlUser': 'AXL User',
'axlPassword': 'AXL Password',
'axlAddress': ',',
'snmpVersion': '2',
'snmpCommunity': 'ICVA',
'secureConnection': false,
'nextAuthenticationUrl': 'http://cucm.domain.org:8080/ccmcip/authenticate.jsp'
cluster = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Example Cluster'
'axlUser': 'AXL User'
'axlPassword': 'AXL Password'
'axlAddress': ','
'snmpVersion': '2'
'snmpCommunity': 'ICVA'
'secureConnection': false
'nextAuthenticationUrl': 'http://cucm.domain.org:8080/ccmcip/authenticate.jsp'
cluster = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Example Cluster", \
"axlUser": "AXL User", \
"axlPassword": "AXL Password", \
"axlAddress": ",", \
"snmpVersion": "2", \
"snmpCommunity": "ICVA", \
"secureConnection": false, \
"nextAuthenticationUrl": "http://cucm.domain.org:8080/ccmcip/authenticate.jsp"}'
"secureConnection": true,
"axlUser": "AXL User",
"permissions": [
"tftpPort": 69,
"name": "Example Cluster",
"capfAddress": null,
"createdAt": "2021-02-12T19:45:00.617Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T22:35:07.475Z",
"nextAuthenticationUrl": "http://cucm.domain.org:8080/ccmcip/authenticate.jsp",
"id": "f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89",
"tftpAddress": null,
"snmpVersion": "2",
"capfPort": null,
"axlAddress": ",",
"snmpUsername": null,
"snmpCommunity": "ICVA",
"cucmClusterFusionServers": [],
"axlId": null
Creates a new CUCM Cluster global configuration, which can be shared across multiple Fusion Servers
HTTP Request
POST /cucm-clusters
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name to give the new CUCM Cluster. May be up to 255 characters long. |
axlUser | String | N/A | The username with which InformaCast Fusion will attempt to contact the Administrative XML (AXL) service. Used to discover and configure phones. |
axlPassword | String | N/A | The password with which InformaCast Fusion will attempt to contact the Administrative XML (AXL) service. |
axlAddress | String | N/A | A comma-delimited list of IP Addresses that InformaCast Fusion will try when contacting the Administrative XML (AXL) service. These will always be tried in priority order, from left to right. |
snmpVersion | String | N/A | Specifies the version of SNMP InformaCast Fusion will use when discovering phones. Valid values are “2” or “3”. |
snmpCommunity | String | N/A | Only used with SNMP Version 2. The community name that was created in CUCM for InformaCast Fusion. SNMP is used to obtain the IP addresses of registered phones when building the phone cache. |
snmpUsername | String | N/A | Only used with SNMP Version 3. The username that was created in CUCM for InformaCast Fusion. SNMP is used to obtain the IP addresses of registered phones when building the phone cache. |
snmpAuthPassword | String | N/A | Only used with SNMP Version 3. The authentication password that was created in CUCM for InformaCast Fusion. SNMP is used to obtain the IP addresses of registered phones when building the phone cache. |
snmpEncryptPassword | String | N/A | Only used with SNMP Version 3. The privacy password that was created in CUCM for InformaCast Fusion. SNMP is used to obtain the IP addresses of registered phones when building the phone cache. |
secureConnection | Boolean | false | Specifies whether a secure CTI connection will be established with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster, e.g. true=secure CTI connection, false=non-secure CTI connection. Secure CTI connections require Cisco Unified CM 12.5(1)SU7 or 14SU2 and later running in mixed mode. |
capfAddress | String | N/A | Only used when secureConnection is true. The address of the Certificate Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) Service, used for generating certificates. |
capfPort | Number | N/A | Only used when secureConnection is true. The port of the Certificate Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) Service, used for generating certificates. |
tftpAddress | String | N/A | Only used when secureConnection is true. The address of the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Service, used for downloading certificates. |
tftpPort | Number | N/A | Only used when secureConnection is true. The port of the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Service, used for downloading certificates. |
nextAuthenticationUrl | String | N/A | If InformaCast Fusion determines that it should not attempt to handle a phone authentication request, it will redirect those authentication requests to this location. |
The CUCM Cluster response format is detailed here.
Update a CUCM Cluster
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Example Cluster Prime',
'axlUser': 'AXL User Prime',
'axlPassword': 'AXL Password Prime',
'axlAddress': ',,',
'snmpVersion': '2',
'snmpCommunity': 'ICVA2',
'secureConnection': false,
'nextAuthenticationUrl': 'http://cucm.domain.org:8080/ccmcip/authenticate.jsp'
cluster = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Example Cluster Prime'
'axlUser': 'AXL User Prime'
'axlPassword': 'AXL Password Prime'
'axlAddress': ',,'
'snmpVersion': '2'
'snmpCommunity': 'ICVA2'
'secureConnection': false
'nextAuthenticationUrl': 'http://cucm.domain.org:8080/ccmcip/authenticate.jsp'
cluster = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Example Cluster Prime", \
"axlUser": "AXL User Prime", \
"axlPassword": "AXL Password Prime", \
"axlAddress": ",,", \
"snmpVersion": "2", \
"snmpCommunity": "ICVA2", \
"secureConnection": false, \
"nextAuthenticationUrl": "http://cucm.domain.org:8080/ccmcip/authenticate.jsp"}'
"secureConnection": true,
"axlUser": "AXL User Prime",
"permissions": [
"tftpPort": 69,
"name": "Example Cluster Prime",
"capfAddress": null,
"createdAt": "2021-02-12T19:45:00.617Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T22:35:07.475Z",
"nextAuthenticationUrl": "http://cucm.domain.org:8080/ccmcip/authenticate.jsp",
"id": "f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89",
"tftpAddress": null,
"snmpVersion": "2",
"capfPort": null,
"axlAddress": ",,",
"snmpUsername": null,
"snmpCommunity": "ICVA2",
"cucmClusterFusionServers": [],
"axlId": null
Updates a new CUCM Cluster global configuration, which can be shared across multiple Fusion Servers
HTTP Request
PUT /cucm-clusters/{cucmClusterId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
cucmClusterId | The id of the CUCM Cluster to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name to give the new CUCM Cluster. May be up to 255 characters long. |
axlUser | String | N/A | The username with which InformaCast Fusion will attempt to contact the Administrative XML (AXL) service. Used to discover and configure phones. |
axlPassword | String | N/A | The password with which InformaCast Fusion will attempt to contact the Administrative XML (AXL) service. |
axlAddress | String | N/A | A comma-delimited list of IP Addresses that InformaCast Fusion will try when contacting the Administrative XML (AXL) service. These will always be tried in priority order, from left to right. |
snmpVersion | String | N/A | Specifies the version of SNMP InformaCast Fusion will use when discovering phones. Valid values are “2” or “3”. |
snmpCommunity | String | N/A | Only used with SNMP Version 2. The community name that was created in CUCM for InformaCast Fusion. SNMP is used to obtain the IP addresses of registered phones when building the phone cache. |
snmpUsername | String | N/A | Only used with SNMP Version 3. The username that was created in CUCM for InformaCast Fusion. SNMP is used to obtain the IP addresses of registered phones when building the phone cache. |
snmpAuthPassword | String | N/A | Only used with SNMP Version 3. The authentication password that was created in CUCM for InformaCast Fusion. SNMP is used to obtain the IP addresses of registered phones when building the phone cache. |
snmpEncryptPassword | String | N/A | Only used with SNMP Version 3. The privacy password that was created in CUCM for InformaCast Fusion. SNMP is used to obtain the IP addresses of registered phones when building the phone cache. |
secureConnection | Boolean | false | Specifies whether a secure CTI connection will be established with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster, e.g. true=secure CTI connection, false=non-secure CTI connection. Secure CTI connections require Cisco Unified CM 12.5(1)SU7 or 14SU2 and later running in mixed mode. |
capfAddress | String | N/A | Only used when secureConnection is true. The address of the Certificate Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) Service, used for generating certificates. |
capfPort | Number | N/A | Only used when secureConnection is true. The port of the Certificate Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) Service, used for generating certificates. |
tftpAddress | String | N/A | Only used when secureConnection is true. The address of the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Service, used for downloading certificates. |
tftpPort | Number | N/A | Only used when secureConnection is true. The port of the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Service, used for downloading certificates. |
nextAuthenticationUrl | String | N/A | The location that will be redirected to if InformaCast Fusion determines that it should not attempt to handle a phone push authentication request. |
The CUCM Cluster response format is detailed here.
Remove a CUCM Cluster
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89"
Removes a CUCM Cluster, discarding its configuration.
HTTP Request
DELETE /cucm-clusters/{cucmClusterId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
cucmClusterId | The id of the CUCM Cluster to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
CUCM Cluster Response Format
The JSON document used to represent a CUCM Cluster resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this CUCM cluster was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this CUCM cluster was last updated. |
id | String | The id of this specific CUCM cluster, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The cluster name. May be up to 255 characters long. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
syncState | Array[Object] | The endpoints’ sync state. Only applicable for Fusion Servers that this cluster is configured for, and if query param assoc-sync-state is true . |
axlUser | String | The username with which InformaCast Fusion will attempt to contact the Administrative XML (AXL) service. Used to discover and configure phones. |
axlAddress | String | A comma-delimited list of IP Addresses that InformaCast Fusion will try when contacting the Administrative XML (AXL) service. These will always be tried in priority order, from left to right. |
snmpVersion | String | Specifies the version of SNMP InformaCast Fusion will use when discovering phones. Valid values are “2” or “3”. |
snmpCommunity | String | Only used with SNMP Version 2. The community name that was created in CUCM for InformaCast Fusion. SNMP is used to obtain the IP addresses of registered phones when building the phone cache. |
snmpUsername | String | Only used with SNMP Version 3. The username that was created in CUCM for InformaCast Fusion. SNMP is used to obtain the IP addresses of registered phones when building the phone cache. |
secureConnection | Boolean | Specifies whether a secure CTI connection will be established with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster, e.g. true=secure CTI connection, false=non-secure CTI connection. Secure CTI connections require Cisco Unified CM 12.5(1)SU7 or 14SU2 and later running in mixed mode. |
capfAddress | String | Only used when secureConnection is true. The address of the Certificate Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) Service, used for generating certificates. |
capfPort | Number | Only used when secureConnection is true. The port of the Certificate Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) Service, used for generating certificates. |
tftpAddress | String | Only used when secureConnection is true. The address of the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Service, used for downloading certificates. |
tftpPort | Number | Only used when secureConnection is true. The address of the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Service, used for downloading certificates. |
nextAuthenticationUrl | String | The location that will be redirected to if InformaCast Fusion determines that it should not attempt to handle a phone push authentication request. |
axlId | String | If this cluster was imported from an earlier version of InformaCast Fusion, will display the CUCM cluster ID from the AXL service |
cucmClusterFusionServers | Array[Object] | The current cluster’s configured CUCM Cluster Fusion Servers. |
CUCM Cluster Fusion Servers Format
The JSON document used to represent a CUCM Cluster Fusion Server Configuration has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
cucmClusterFusionServerId | String | ID of this record. |
endpointId | String | ID of the Fusion Server configured for this cluster. |
endpointName | String | Name of the Fusion Server configured for this cluster. |
CUCM Cluster Fusion Servers
Specifies Specific Fusion Servers configurations for a previously configured Cisco Unified Communications Manager Cluster.
Get All Fusion Server configurations for a CUCM Cluster
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89/fusion-servers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 2
servers = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89/fusion-servers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 2
servers = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89/fusion-servers?limit=2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled": false,
"createdAt": "2021-02-15T18:25:00.363Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T18:25:00.363Z",
"cmAddress": "",
"syncId": "1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab:1613413642770",
"cmUsername": "cmUser",
"endpointId": "7676f63f-6fba-11eb-b0f8-e51408f3ba06",
"id": "1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab",
"jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled": false,
"makeCtiConnection": true,
"syncState": [
"name": "Fusion",
"status": "complete",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T18:30:23.189Z",
"errors": null
"endpoint": {
"id": "7676f63f-6fba-11eb-b0f8-e51408f3ba06",
"name": "Fusion"
"cucmClusterId": "f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89"
"permissions": [
"jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled": false,
"createdAt": "2021-02-15T18:25:00.323Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T18:25:00.363Z",
"cmAddress": "",
"syncId": "1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab:1613413676919",
"cmUsername": "JamieDA2",
"endpointId": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa",
"id": "1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab",
"jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled": false,
"makeCtiConnection": true,
"syncState": [
"name": "Fusion2",
"status": "complete",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T18:28:26.217Z",
"errors": null
"endpoint": {
"id": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa",
"name": "Fusion2"
"cucmClusterId": "f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89"
Gets a list of all Fusion Server configurations for a particular CUCM cluster available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to CUCM clusters allows only those acting in an administrative capacity to modify these settings.)
HTTP Request
GET /cucm-clusters/{cucmClusterId}/fusion-servers
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
cucmClusterId | The id of the CUCM Cluster to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
assoc-sync-state | Boolean | false | If true , include the current synchronization state for the fusion endpoint associated with this configuration. |
The CUCM Cluster Fusion Server configuration response format is detailed here.
Get one Fusion Server configuration for a CUCM Cluster
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489/fusion-servers/1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
server = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489/fusion-servers/1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
server = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489/fusion-servers/1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled": false,
"createdAt": "2021-02-15T18:25:00.323Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T18:25:00.363Z",
"cmAddress": "",
"syncId": "1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab:1613413676919",
"cmUsername": "JamieDA2",
"endpointId": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa",
"id": "1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab",
"jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled": false,
"makeCtiConnection": true,
"syncState": [
"name": "Fusion2",
"status": "complete",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T18:28:26.217Z",
"errors": null
"endpoint": {
"id": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa",
"name": "Fusion2"
"cucmClusterId": "f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89"
Retrieves a single CUCM Cluster Fusion server configuration by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /cucm-clusters/{cucmClusterId}/fusion-servers/{cucmClusterFusionServerId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
cucmClusterId | The id of the CUCM Cluster to retrieve. |
cucmClusterFusionServerId | The id of the CUCM Cluster Fusion Server Configuration to retrieve. |
The CUCM Cluster Fusion Server configuration response format is detailed here.
Create a CUCM Cluster Fusion Server Configuration
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489/fusion-servers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'endpointId': '817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa',
'cmAddress': ',',
'cmUsername': 'cmUser',
'cmPassword': 'cmPassword',
'jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled': false,
'jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled': false,
'makeCtiConnection': true,
'allowRestartForJTAPIUpdate': true
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489/fusion-servers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'endpointId': '817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa'
'cmAddress': ','
'cmUsername': 'cmUser'
'cmPassword': 'cmPassword'
'jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled': false
'jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled': false
'makeCtiConnection': true
'allowRestartForJTAPIUpdate': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489/fusion-servers" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"endpointId": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa", \
"cmAddress": ",", \
"cmUsername": "cmUser", \
"cmPassword": "cmPassword", \
"jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled": false, \
"jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled": false, \
"makeCtiConnection": true, \
"allowRestartForJTAPIUpdate": true}'
"permissions": [
"jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled": false,
"createdAt": "2021-02-15T18:25:00.363Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T18:25:00.363Z",
"cmAddress": ",",
"syncId": "1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab:1613413642770",
"cmUsername": "cmUser",
"endpointId": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa",
"id": "1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab",
"jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled": false,
"makeCtiConnection": true,
"endpoint": {
"id": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa",
"name": "Fusion2"
"cucmClusterId": "cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489",
"ctiCertificates": [{"applicationUser": "appUser",
"instanceId": "instanceId",
"id": "f2dee550-70a9-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89"}]
Creates a new CUCM Cluster Fusion Server configuration, with fields that need to be unique to a single Fusion Server
HTTP Request
POST /cucm-clusters/{cucmClusterId}/fusion-servers
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
cucmClusterId | The id of the CUCM Cluster associated with this Fusion Server configuration. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
endpointId | String | N/A | The Fusion Server ID with which this configuration should be associated |
cmAddress | String | N/A | A comma-delimited list of IP Addresses used to connect to the CUCM CTIManager service. These will always be tried in priority order, from left to right. |
cmUsername | String | N/A | The username used to connect to the CUCM CTIManager service. |
cmPassword | String | N/A | The password used to connect to the CUCM CTIManager service. |
makeCtiConnection | Boolean | false | Allows CTI connections to this CUCM cluster and makes this CUCM cluster the ‘Primary’ cluster for this Fusion Server. A Fusion Server must have exactly one Primary Cluster. Setting this value to true will unset it for any other CUCM cluster assigned to this Fusion Server. |
jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled | Boolean | false | Only used when makeCtiConnection is true. If true, phones are activated via JTAPI requests sent by InformaCast to the primary CUCM cluster. If false, phones are activated via HTTP requests sent from InformaCast to IP phones. |
jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled | Boolean | false | Only used when jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled is true. If true, will eager create telephony terminals for all phones associated with the cluster and assigned to this Fusion Server by Activation Group, speeding up activation time. If false, terminals are created during activation and discarded afterward. |
allowRestartForJTAPIUpdate | Boolean | false | If true, will allow this operation even if the JTAPI version of the CUCM Cluster and Fusion Server do not match, which will restart the Fusion Server automatically when saved. Otherwise, throws a validation error if they do not match. |
The CUCM Cluster Fusion Server configuration response format is detailed here.
Update a CUCM Cluster Fusion Server Configuration
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489/fusion-servers/1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'endpointId': '817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa',
'cmAddress': ',,',
'cmUsername': 'cmUser',
'cmPassword': 'cmPassword',
'jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled': false,
'jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled': false,
'makeCtiConnection': true,
'allowRestartForJTAPIUpdate': true
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489/fusion-servers/1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'endpointId': '817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa'
'cmAddress': ',,'
'cmUsername': 'cmUser'
'cmPassword': 'cmPassword'
'jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled': false
'jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled': false
'makeCtiConnection': true
'allowRestartForJTAPIUpdate': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489/fusion-servers/1d216f8a-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-933bf79c7bab" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"endpointId": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa", \
"cmAddress": ",,", \
"cmUsername": "cmUser", \
"cmPassword": "cmPassword", \
"jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled": false, \
"jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled": false, \
"makeCtiConnection": true, \
"allowRestartForJTAPIUpdate": true}'
"permissions": [
"jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled": false,
"createdAt": "2021-02-15T18:25:00.363Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-15T19:12:32.321Z",
"cmAddress": ",,",
"syncId": "1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab:1613413642770",
"cmUsername": "cmUserPrime",
"endpointId": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa",
"id": "1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab",
"jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled": false,
"makeCtiConnection": true,
"endpoint": {
"id": "817b3e8b-6fba-11eb-b0f8-0bc70adb4bfa",
"name": "Fusion2"
"cucmClusterId": "cb16ec29-6d6a-11eb-a9cf-e19ac9da2489"
Updates an existing CUCM Cluster Fusion Server configuration, with fields that need to be unique to a single Fusion Server
HTTP Request
PUT /cucm-clusters/{cucmClusterId}/fusion-servers/{cucmClusterFusionServerId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
cucmClusterId | The id of the CUCM Cluster associated with this Fusion Server configuration. |
cucmClusterFusionServerId | The id of the CUCM Cluster Fusion Server Configuration to retrieve. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
endpointId | String | N/A | The Fusion Server ID with which this configuration should be associated. This value may not be changed on subsequent requests. |
cmAddress | String | N/A | A comma-delimited list of IP Addresses used to connect to the CUCM CTIManager service. These will always be tried in priority order, from left to right. |
cmUsername | String | N/A | The username used to connect to the CUCM CTIManager service. |
cmPassword | String | N/A | The password used to connect to the CUCM CTIManager service. |
makeCtiConnection | Boolean | false | Allows CTI connections to this CUCM cluster and makes this CUCM cluster the 'Primary’ cluster for this Fusion Server. |
jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled | Boolean | false | If true, phones are activated via JTAPI requests sent by InformaCast to the primary CUCM cluster. If false, phones are activated via HTTP requests sent from InformaCast to IP phones. |
jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled | Boolean | false | Only used when jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled is true. If true, will eager create telephony terminals for all phones associated with the cluster and assigned to this Fusion Server by Activation Group, speeding up activation time. If false, terminals are created during activation and discarded afterward. |
allowRestartForJTAPIUpdate | Boolean | false | If true, will allow this operation even if the JTAPI version of the Cluster and Fusion’s do not match, which will restart the cluster automatically when saved. Otherwise, throws a validation error if they do not match. |
The CUCM Cluster Fusion Server response format is detailed here.
Remove a CUCM Cluster Fusion Server Configuration
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89/fusion-servers/1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89/fusion-servers/1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/cucm-clusters/f16f8ef0-708a-11eb-9c8c-17221dd62a89/fusion-servers/1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 1d278a0f-6fbb-11eb-b0f8-918d446445ab"
Removes a CUCM Cluster Fusion Server Configuration.
HTTP Request
DELETE /cucm-clusters/{cucmClusterId}/fusion-servers/{cucmClusterFusionServerId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
cucmClusterId | The id of the CUCM Cluster associated with this Configuration. |
cucmClusterFusionServerId | The id of the CUCM Cluster Fusion Server Configuration to retrieve. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
CUCM Cluster Fusion Server Configuration Response Format
The JSON document used to represent a CUCM Cluster Fusion Server configuration resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this CUCM cluster Fusion Server config was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this CUCM cluster Fusion Server config was last updated. |
id | String | The id of this specific CUCM cluster Fusion Server config, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The CUCM cluster name. May be up to 255 characters long. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
syncState | Array[Object] | The endpoints’ sync state. Only applicable for Fusion Servers that this cluster is configured for, and if query param assoc-sync-state is true . |
endpointId | String | The Fusion Server ID with which this configuration should be associated. This value may not be changed on subsequent requests. |
endpoint | Object | An object containing the ID and name of the Fusion Server associated with this configuration |
cmAddress | String | A comma-delimited list of IP Addresses used to connect to the CUCM CTIManager service. These will always be tried in priority order, from left to right. |
cmUsername | String | The username used to connect to the CUCM CTIManager service. |
makeCtiConnection | Boolean | Allows CTI connections to this CUCM cluster and makes this CUCM cluster the 'Primary’ cluster for this Fusion Server. |
jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled | Boolean | If true, phones will be activated via Call Manager over CTI using the JTAPI protocol. If false, phones will be activated via HTTP. |
jtapiStaticTerminalsEnabled | Boolean | Only used when jtapiPhoneActivationEnabled is true. If true, will eager create telephony terminals for all phones associated with the cluster and assigned to this Fusion Server by Activation Group, speeding up activation time. If false, terminals are created during activation and discarded afterward. |
Provides a unified view of all endpoint devices connected to any Fusion server. This can be used to test filters, get individual device identifiers, etc.
List All Devices
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 2
devices = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 2
devices = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/devices?limit=2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [{
"name": "CiscoPhone-388382:SEP001D45E95D12",
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: 12002; DNs: ; SEP001D45E95D12",
"attributes": {
"PartitionNames": "[]",
"HasDisplay": "true",
"DirectoryNumbers": "[]",
"InformaCast4StyleRegExTarget": "name=SEP001D45E95D12\ndesc=12002\ncss=pnp system test\npool=Default\naddr=\ntype=336",
"Location": "Hub_None",
"CallManagerDevicePool": "Default",
"CallManagerDeviceType": "336",
"Description": "12002",
"IPAddress": "",
"CallManagerCSS": "pnp system test",
"Name": "SEP001D45E95D12",
"InformaCastDeviceType": "CiscoIPPhone",
"CallManagerClusterName": "BulkPhones",
"EndUserIdentifier": "jim.bob@acme.com"
"activationGroupId": null,
"defunct": false,
"id": "37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002",
"isLicensed": true
Retrieves a list of all Fusion devices. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /devices
Query Parameters
As usual, the number of responses can be controlled using the API’s pagination parameters. In this case, although up to two devices were requested, there were only two available. The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The device response format is detailed here.
Get a Device
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/devices/37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
device = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/devices/37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
device = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/devices/37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"name": "CiscoPhone-388382:SEP001D45E95D12",
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: 12002; DNs: ; SEP001D45E95D12",
"attributes": {
"PartitionNames": "[]",
"HasDisplay": "true",
"DirectoryNumbers": "[]",
"InformaCast4StyleRegExTarget": "name=SEP001D45E95D12\ndesc=12002\ncss=pnp system test\npool=Default\naddr=\ntype=336",
"Location": "Hub_None",
"CallManagerDevicePool": "Default",
"CallManagerDeviceType": "336",
"Description": "12002",
"IPAddress": "",
"CallManagerCSS": "pnp system test",
"Name": "SEP001D45E95D12",
"InformaCastDeviceType": "CiscoIPPhone",
"CallManagerClusterName": "BulkPhones",
"EndUserIdentifier": "jim.bob@acme.com"
"defunct": false,
"activationGroupId": null,
"id": "37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002",
"isLicensed": true
Retrieves a single device by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /devices/{deviceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
deviceId | The id of the Device of interest. |
The device response format is detailed here.
Device Response
The JSON document used to represent a device resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of this specific device, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The name of the device. |
description | String | The description of the device. |
defunct | Boolean | Whether the device is defunct (meaning no Fusion server currently knows about it, but it remains assigned to one or more device groups). |
isLicensed | Boolean | Whether the device is currently licensed to be used. |
attributes | Object | The specific device attributes as they come from a Fusion Server/CUCM. EndUserIdentifier is special: if specified, the device will be attached to the user, if any, whose email matches. |
activationGroupId | String | Used only with multicast-capable devices; the id of the activation group the device belongs to. |
Device Groups
Device Groups are named groups of Devices, and are the recipients of Notifications.
Device Groups are commonly composed of a set of filters that will match certain Devices.
Get All Device Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"baseDeviceGroups": [{
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"activationGroupIds": ["75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"],
"name": "All Phones"
"exclusionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"filterType": "OR",
"additionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"additions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"filters": [{
"value": "john.doe@singlewire.com",
"attribute": "EndUserIdentifier",
"comparison": "EQUALS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "A Large Test",
"baseDeviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"],
"exclusions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"activationGroupIds": ["77828af8-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"activationGroups": [{
"name": "Primary",
"id": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"
"name": "Secondary",
"id": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de"
"multicastConfigs": [{
"activationGroupId": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0",
"address": "",
"port": 2345,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"activationGroupId": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"address": "",
"port": 2346,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"createdAt": "2017-03-10T22:00:58.290Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-03-10T22:00:58.290Z",
"id": "0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"
Gets a list of all Device Groups available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to device groups allows administrators to decide to whom users can send notifications.)
HTTP Request
GET /device-groups
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first Device Group was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
include-device-counts | Boolean | If true , includes the matching device counts. |
assoc-sync-state | Boolean | If true , include the current synchronization state for fusion endpoints. |
assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint | String | Include the current synchronization state for a specific fusion endpoint. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each device group belongs. |
The Device Group response format is detailed here.
Get One Device Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
group = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
group = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"baseDeviceGroups": [{
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"activationGroupIds": ["75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"],
"name": "All Phones"
"exclusionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"filterType": "OR",
"additionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"additions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"filters": [{
"value": "john.doe@singlewire.com",
"attribute": "EndUserIdentifier",
"comparison": "EQUALS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "A Large Test",
"baseDeviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"],
"exclusions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"activationGroupIds": ["77828af8-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"activationGroups": [{
"name": "Primary",
"id": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"
"name": "Secondary",
"id": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de"
"multicastConfigs": [{
"activationGroupId": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0",
"address": "",
"port": 2345,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"activationGroupId": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"address": "",
"port": 2346,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"createdAt": "2017-03-10T22:00:58.290Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-03-10T22:00:58.290Z",
"id": "0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"
Retrieves a single Device Group by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /device-groups/{deviceGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
deviceGroupId | The id of the Device Group to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the device group belongs. |
The Device Group response format is detailed here.
Create a Device Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'exclusionIds': ['CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908'],
'filterType': 'OR',
'additionIds': ['CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908'],
'filters': [{
'value': 'john.doe@singlewire.com',
'attribute': 'EndUserIdentifier',
'comparison': 'EQUALS',
'complement': false,
'caseSensitive': false
'name': 'A Large Test',
'baseDeviceGroupIds': ['9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a']
group = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'exclusionIds': ['CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908'
'filterType': 'OR'
'additionIds': ['CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908'
'filters': [{
'value': 'john.doe@singlewire.com'
'attribute': 'EndUserIdentifier'
'comparison': 'EQUALS'
'complement': false
'caseSensitive': false
'name': 'A Large Test'
'baseDeviceGroupIds': ['9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a'
group = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"exclusionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"], \
"filterType": "OR", \
"additionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"], \
"filters": [{"value": "john.doe@singlewire.com", \
"attribute": "EndUserIdentifier", \
"comparison": "EQUALS", \
"complement": false, \
"caseSensitive": false}], \
"name": "A Large Test", \
"baseDeviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"]}'
"baseDeviceGroups": [{
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"name": "All Phones"
"exclusionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"filterType": "OR",
"additionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"additions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"filters": [{
"value": "john.doe@singlewire.com",
"attribute": "EndUserIdentifier",
"comparison": "EQUALS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "A Large Test",
"baseDeviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"],
"exclusions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"createdAt": "2017-03-10T22:00:58.290Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-03-10T22:00:58.290Z",
"id": "0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"
Creates a new Device Group (limit: 3500). In order to be useful, the filters (limit: 200 per Device Group) or additions should match at least one Device
HTTP Request
POST /device-groups
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name to give the new Device Group. May be up to 140 characters long. |
exclusionIds | Array[String] | N/A | The specific device icop_id s that are excluded from the Device Group regardless of filters and other Device Groups. This is either the MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
filterType | String | N/A | Controls how the filters that define rules for dynamically determining the Devices in this Device Group are combined (i.e. AND or OR , REJECT , ACCEPT , or LOGICAL_EXPRESSION ). If this device group is also configured with baseDeviceGroupIds, the filters will further adjust the devices in the group. |
additionIds | Array[String] | N/A | The specific Device icop_id s that are in the Group regardless of filters and other Device Groups. This is either the MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
filters | Array[Object] | N/A | Defines rules to dynamically determine the Devices in this Device Group, combined as specified by filterType. If this Device Group is also filtered with baseDeviceGroupIds, these filters will further adjust the devices in the group. The filters format is detailed here. |
baseDeviceGroupIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | If present, contains the list of Device Group id s that form the starting Devices for this Device Group. The base Device Groups’ associations with Activation Groups will be carried over to the new Device Group; these carried over associations cannot be removed from the new Device Group unless they no longer exist in the base Device Groups. |
activationGroupIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | If present, contains the list of Activation Group id s that form the starting pool of Devices for this Device Group. Currently, this only affects what Poly® phones are included in the starting pool of Devices; all other device types are included in the pool regardless of what Activation Group the belong to. |
The Device Group response format is detailed here.
Update a Device Group
# Continuing with the device group object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the device group object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"exclusionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"], \
"filterType": "OR", \
"additionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"], \
"filters": [{"value": "john.doe@singlewire.com", \
"attribute": "EndUserIdentifier", \
"comparison": "EQUALS", \
"complement": false, \
"caseSensitive": false}], \
"name": "A Large Test", \
"baseDeviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"]}'
"baseDeviceGroups": [{
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"name": "All Phones"
"exclusionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"filterType": "OR",
"additionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"additions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"filters": [{
"value": "john.doe@singlewire.com",
"attribute": "EndUserIdentifier",
"comparison": "EQUALS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "A Large Test",
"baseDeviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"],
"exclusions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"activationGroups": [],
"activationGroupIds": [],
"createdAt": "2017-03-10T22:00:58.290Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-03-11T12:21:22.874Z",
"id": "0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"
Modifies the details of the Device Group.
HTTP Request
PUT /device-groups/{deviceGroupId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
deviceGroupId | The id of the device group to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The new name to give the Device Group. May be up to 140 characters long. |
exclusionIds | Array[String] | N/A | The specific device icop_id s that are excluded from the Device Group regardless of filters and other Device Groups. This is either the MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
filterType | String | N/A | Controls how the filters that define rules for dynamically determining the Devices in this Device Group are combined (i.e. AND or OR , REJECT , ACCEPT , or LOGICAL_EXPRESSION ). If this device group is also configured with baseDeviceGroupIds, the filters will further adjust the devices in the group. |
additionIds | Array[String] | N/A | The specific Device icop_id s that are in the Group regardless of filters and other Device Groups. This is either the MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
filters | Array[Object] | N/A | Defines rules to dynamically determine the Devices in this Device Group, combined as specified by filterType. If this Device Group is also filtered with baseDeviceGroupIds, these filters will further adjust the devices in the group. The filters format is detailed here. |
baseDeviceGroupIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | If present, contains the list of Device Group id s that form the starting Devices for this Device Group. |
activationGroupIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | If present, contains the list of Activation Group id s that form the starting pool of Devices for this Device Group. Currently, this only affects what Poly® phones are included in the starting pool of Devices; all other device types are included in the pool regardless of what Activation Group the belong to. |
The Device Group response format is detailed here.
Remove a Device group
# Continuing with the device group object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the device group object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/3cf58710-2305-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"DeviceGroups\"} 3cf58710-2305-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560"
Removes a Device Group, discarding its Device information.
HTTP Request
DELETE /device-groups/{deviceGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
deviceGroupId | The id of the Device Group to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Device Group Response
The JSON document used to represent a Device Group resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this device group was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this device group was last updated. |
id | String | The id of this specific device group, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The device group name. May be up to 140 characters long. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
syncState | Array[Object] | The endpoints’ sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state is true . |
endpointSyncState | Object | The specific endpoint’s sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint is true . |
exclusionIds | Array[String] | The specific device icop_id s that are excluded from this device group regardless of filters and other device groups. This is either the MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
exclusions | Array[Object] | The specific devices that are excluded from this device group regardless of filters and other device groups. |
filterType | String | Controls how the filters that define rules for dynamically determining the Devices in this device group are combined (i.e. AND or OR , REJECT , ACCEPT , or LOGICAL_EXPRESSION ). If this device group is also configured with baseDeviceGroupIds, the filters will further adjust the devices in the group. |
additionIds | Array[String] | The specific device icop_id s that are in the Group regardless of filters and other Device Groups. This is either the MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
additions | Array[Object] | The specific devices that are in the group regardless of filters and other device groups. |
filters | Array[Object] | Defines rules to dynamically determine the Devices in this Device Group, combined as specified by filterType. If this Device Group is also filtered with baseDeviceGroupIds, these filters will further adjust the devices in the group. The filters format is detailed here. |
baseDeviceGroupIds | Array[UUID] | If present, contains a list of Device Group id s that form the starting Devices for this Device Group. |
baseDeviceGroups | Array[Object] | If present, contains a list of Device Groups that form the starting devices for this Device Group. |
activationGroupIds | Array[Object] | If present, contains a list ‘id’s of the Activation Groups whose Poly® phones can be added to this device group using additionIds or via rules used in the filters attribute. |
activationGroups | Array[Object] | If present, contains a list of Activation Groups whose Poly® phones can be added to this device group using additionIds or via rules used in the filters attribute. The format of the elements of this attribute is detailed here. |
multicastConfigs | Array[Object] | If present, contains the configurations that will be used for delivering audio notifications to the multicast capable members of this Device Group. The format of the elements of this attribute is detailed here. |
numIdns | Number | Number of matching IDNs. Included if query contains the include-device-counts set to true . |
numPhones | Number | Number of matching phones. Included if query contains the include-device-counts set to true . |
numPlugins | Number | Number of matching plugins. Included if query contains the include-device-counts set to true . |
numSpeakers | Number | Number of matching speakers. Included if query contains the include-device-counts set to true . |
Device Group Filters Format
The JSON document used to represent a Device Group Filter has the following content (see the InformaCast Documentation for more details):
Attribute | Type | Description |
attribute | String | The attribute to filter. |
complement | Boolean | Controls whether the filter’s meaning is reversed. If true , it will match devices that do not meet the specified criteria. (You might use this when it is simpler to specify what to exclude; you can think of it as adding “does not” in front of the rule.) |
comparison | String | The comparison used for the filter (BEGINS_WITH , CONTAINS , ENDS_WITH , EQUALS , or MATCHES_REGEX ; legal values depend on the attribute). |
value | String | A text value for the comparison. |
caseSensitive | Boolean | Controls whether comparisons should care about capitalization. |
Activation Group Elements Format
The JSON document used to represent an Activation Group associated with a Device Group has the following format:
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the Activation Group |
id | String | The id of the Activaion Group |
Multicast Configurations Format
The JSON document that describes an individual configuration used by a Device Group when delivering audio to its multicast capable members has the following format:
Attribute | Type | Description |
activationGroupId | String | The id of the Activation Group whose members will be set up to use this configuration in order to receive audio notifications sent to the Device Group where they also appear as members. |
address | String | The multicast address to which the audio notifications will be sent. |
port | Number | The network port to which the audio notifications will be sent. |
type | String | The type of multicast audio format which will be used for encoding the audio notifications; currently supported formats are poly-ucs , which corresponds to the format used for Group Paging supported by Poly® phones with UCS firmware, and gms , which corresponds to the RTP ulaw format. |
channel | Number | If the type attribute’s value is set to poly , specifies the channel number the Poly® group members will be subscribed to in order to receive audio notifications. |
Device Group Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Device Groups are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Device Groups are assigned to which Domains.
List All Device Group Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"deviceGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"deviceGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Device Group belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /device-groups/{deviceGroupId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
deviceGroupId | The id of the Device Group whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, There were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Device Group belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Device Group using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Device Group, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the device group whose domains were
requested is returned under the key deviceGroupId
inside each domain
Check if a Device Group contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"deviceGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Device Group Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /device-groups/{deviceGroupId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
deviceGroupId | The id of the Device Group whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Device Group belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Device Group is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Device Group, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Device Group is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Domain
response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Device Group Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"deviceGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Device Group into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /device-groups/{deviceGroupId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
deviceGroupId | String | The id of the Device Group to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Device Group out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Device Group should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Device Group out of one or more child Domains? |
A Device Group is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Device Group that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Device Group Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Device Group c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Device Group from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Device Group currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Device Group itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /device-groups/{deviceGroupId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
deviceGroupId | The id of the Device Group whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Device Group. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Device Group in no Domain. |
A Device Group must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Device Group from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Device Group. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Device Group out
of its last Domain will delete the Device Group.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Device Group Cloning
This resource is used to make a copy of the Device Group specified by id in the request path.
The only operation supported is POST
Clone a Device Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/device-groups/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/clone" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"baseDeviceGroups": [{
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"activationGroupIds": ["75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"],
"name": "All Phones"
"exclusionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"filterType": "OR",
"additionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"additions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"permissions": [],
"filters": [{
"value": "john.doe@singlewire.com",
"attribute": "EndUserIdentifier",
"comparison": "EQUALS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "A Large Test (Copy)",
"baseDeviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"],
"exclusions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"activationGroupIds": ["77828af8-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"activationGroups": [{
"name": "Primary",
"id": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"
"name": "Secondary",
"id": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de"
"multicastConfigs": [{
"activationGroupId": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0",
"address": "",
"port": 2345,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"activationGroupId": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"address": "",
"port": 2346,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"createdAt": "2017-03-10T22:11:58.290Z",
"id": "7c098693-bdcb-4995-8280-2727e0620bd7"
Creates a copy of the specified Device Group. The name of the
new copy is simply the original Device Group’s name with “ (Copy)”
appended. In order to perform this operation, the user must have both
permission to the /device-groups
resource and GET
to the Device Group they wish to copy.
HTTP Request
POST /device-groups/{deviceGroupId}/clone
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
deviceGroupId | String | The id of the Device Group to copy. |
The Device Group response format is detailed here.
Dial-to-intercom calls allow you to dial another person’s extension and be immediately connected with full-duplex intercom functionality and no action required for the receiving phone.
Get Dial-To-Intercom Configuration
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/DialToIntercom/configuration"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'sync': true
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/DialToIntercom/configuration"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'sync': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/DialToIntercom/configuration?sync=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": 1,
"dialingPrefix": "#5",
"volume": 0,
"maxDuration": 600,
"messagePriority": 1,
"permissions": [
Retrieves the Dial-To-Intercom configuration. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/{endpointId}/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/DialToIntercom/configuration
Path Parameters
Dial To Intercom Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Database ID (for display only). This field will be ignored if included in the body of the data submitted on a PUT or POST |
dialingPrefix | String | The dialing prefix used to identify the phone call as an intercom call. (e.g. *, #, #5, etc.) |
volume | Integer | (0=As_Is, 30=Low, 60=Medium, 100=Maximum): The speaker volume level that will be used on the receiving phone during the intercom session |
maxDuration | Integer | (60-99999): The max duration (seconds) allowed for an intercom broadcast |
messagePriority | Integer | The message priority given for an intercom broadcast |
Update Dial-To-Intercom Configuration
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/DialToIntercom/configuration"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'dialingPrefix': '#5',
'volume': 0,
'sync': true
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/DialToIntercom/configuration"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'dialingPrefix': '#5'
'volume': 0
'sync': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/DialToIntercom/configuration?sync=true" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"dialingPrefix": "#5", \
"volume": 0}'
"id": 1,
"dialingPrefix": "#5",
"volume": 0,
"maxDuration": 600,
"messagePriority": 1
Updates the Dial-To-Intercom configuration.
HTTP Request
PUT /extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/{endpointId}/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/DialToIntercom/configuration
Path Parameters
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
dialingPrefix | String | N/A | The dialing prefix used to identify the phone call as an intercom call. (e.g. *, #, #5, etc.) |
volume | Integer | N/A | (0=As_Is, 30=Low, 60=Medium, 100=Maximum): The speaker volume level that will be used on the receiving phone during the intercom session |
maxDuration | Integer | N/A | (60-99999): The max duration (seconds) allowed for an intercom broadcast |
messagePriority | Integer | N/A | The message priority given for an intercom broadcast |
The response format is detailed here.
Distribution Lists
Distribution Lists are named groups of Users, and are the recipients of Notifications. Notifications can be sent to users directly, but are more commonly sent to users within distribution lists.
Distribution lists can also have Campaigns associated with them, which allow people who are not registered users of InformaCast Mobile to subscribe to notifications sent to the distribution list. This is done using a self-service interface, with which these outside parties can register their SMS number. Each campaign once created will be assigned a URL, which provides the interface needed for people to register for the campaign. Campaigns can be assigned enrollment end dates, after which point the self-service interface will no longer accept new registrations, and will instead display a configurable inactive message explaining why the registration attempt has been rejected.
Get All Distribution Lists
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': 'true',
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists?includeDomains=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Everyone",
"loadSourceId": null,
"isSubscribable": true,
"campaign": null,
"domains": [
"id": "3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "West",
"path": "/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/",
"namePath": "/West/"
Gets a list of all distribution lists available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to distribution lists allows administrators to decide to whom users can send notifications.)
HTTP Request
GET /distribution-lists
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first distribution list was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
assoc-sync-state | Boolean | If true , include the current synchronization state for fusion endpoints. |
assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint | String | Include the current synchronization state for a specific fusion endpoint. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each distribution list belongs. |
The distribution list response format is detailed here.
Get One Distribution List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b?includeDomains=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"id": "59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b",
"createdAt": "2015-08-13T19:27:34.552Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-08-13T19:27:34.552Z",
"name": "Parents Weekend",
"loadSourceId": null,
"isSubscribable": false,
"campaign": {
"enrollmentEndDate": null,
"welcomeMessage": "Hi, mom and dad!",
"inactiveMessage": "You were too late.",
"defaultNotificationDays": null,
"url": "http://admin.icmobile.singlewire.com/anonymous/036347b0-41f1-11e5-ba5e-aa951d8d7a3b/list/59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b"
"domains": [
"id": "3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "West",
"path": "/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/",
"namePath": "/West/"
Retrieves a single distribution list by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the distribution list to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
assoc-sync-state | Boolean | If true , include the current synchronization state for fusion endpoints. |
assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint | String | Include the current synchronization state for a specific fusion endpoint. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which this distribution list belongs. |
The distribution list response format is detailed here.
Create a Distribution List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Administrators'
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Administrators'
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Administrators"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T16:16:53.249Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-13T16:16:53.249Z",
"id": "3cf58710-2305-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Administrators",
"loadSourceId": null,
"isSubscribable": false,
"domains": [
"id": "3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "West",
"path": "/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/",
"namePath": "/West/"
Creates a new, empty, distribution list (limit: 3500). In order to be useful, Users will need to be subscribed to the new list (limit: 100,000 per Distribution List).\nUsers can also subscribe to the Distribution List if isSubscribable is set to true
HTTP Request
POST /distribution-lists
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
campaign[defaultNotificationDays] | Integer | N/A | If there is a campaign, this number of days will be suggested to users on its self-service registration page as a good number of days to subscribe; they can override it if they desire. An empty value means the subscription never expires. |
campaign[enrollmentEndDate] | ISO 8601 date/time | N/A | If there is a campaign, this value can be specified to establish a date after which self-service registrations will no longer be accepted. An empty value means the campaign is open-ended and will accept registrations indefinitely. |
campaign[inactiveMessage] | String | N/A | If there is a campaign, the text to display on its registration page after the enrollment end date to explain why registration is no longer available. |
campaign[welcomeMessage] | String | N/A | If there is a campaign, the text to display on its registration page to explain the purpose of the distribution list to members of the general public who would like to sign up to receive notifications. |
name | String | N/A | The name to give the new distribution list. May be up to 140 characters long. |
The distribution list response format is detailed here.
Update a Distribution List
# Continuing with the distribution list object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the distribution list object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"campaign": {"enrollmentEndDate": "2015-11-16T00:00:00.000Z", \
"inactiveMessage": "Sorry, registration for Parents Weekend has ended."}}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"id": "59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b",
"createdAt": "2015-08-13T19:27:34.552Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-08-14T18:51:33.590Z",
"name": "Parents Weekend",
"loadSourceId": null,
"isSubscribable": false,
"campaign": {
"enrollmentEndDate": null,
"welcomeMessage": "Hi, mom and dad!",
"inactiveMessage": "Sorry, registration for Parents Weekend has ended.",
"defaultNotificationDays": null,
"url": "http://admin.icmobile.singlewire.com/anonymous/036347b0-41f1-11e5-ba5e-aa951d8d7a3b/list/59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b"
"domains": [
"id": "3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "West",
"path": "/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/",
"namePath": "/West/"
Modifies the name or campaign of a distribution list.
HTTP Request
PUT /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the distribution list to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
campaign[defaultNotificationDays] | Integer | N/A | If there is a campaign, this number of days will be suggested to users on its self-service registration page as a good number of days to subscribe; they can override it if they desire. An empty value means the subscription never expires. |
campaign[enrollmentEndDate] | ISO 8601 date/time | N/A | If there is a campaign, this value can be specified to establish a date after which self-service registrations will no longer be accepted. An empty value means the campaign is open-ended and will accept registrations indefinitely. |
campaign[inactiveMessage] | String | N/A | If there is a campaign, the text to display on its registration page after the enrollment end date to explain why registration is no longer available. |
campaign[welcomeMessage] | String | N/A | If there is a campaign, the text to display on its registration page to explain the purpose of the distribution list to members of the general public who would like to sign up to receive notifications. |
name | String | N/A | The new name for the distribution list. May be up to 140 characters long. |
The distribution list response format is detailed here.
Remove a Distribution List
# Continuing with the distribution list object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the distribution list object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/3cf58710-2305-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"DistributionLists\"} 3cf58710-2305-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560"
Removes a distribution list, discarding its membership information.
HTTP Request
DELETE /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the distribution list to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Distribution List Response
The JSON document used to represent a distribution list resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
campaign[defaultNotificationDays] | Integer | If there is a campaign, this number of days will be suggested to users on its self-service registration page as a good number of days to subscribe; they can override it if they desire. An empty value means the subscription never expires. |
campaign[enrollmentEndDate] | ISO 8601 date/time | If there is a campaign, this value can be specified to establish a date after which self-service registrations will no longer be accepted. An empty value means the campaign is open-ended and will accept registrations indefinitely. |
campaign[inactiveMessage] | String | If there is a campaign, the text to display on its registration page after the enrollment end date to explain why registration is no longer available. |
campaign[welcomeMessage] | String | If there is a campaign, the text to display on its registration page to explain the purpose of the distribution list to members of the general public who would like to sign up to receive notifications. |
campaign[url] | String | The URL to give out that will enable people to sign up to receive SMS notifications from the distribution list even if they are not registered users of InformaCast Mobile. This is assigned when the campaign is created. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this distribution list was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this distribution list was last updated. |
isSubscribable | Boolean | Whether the Distribution List can be subscribed to by users in Self Service mode. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the Security Group belongs. |
id | String | The id of this specific distribution list, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The distribution list name. May be up to 140 characters long. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
syncState | Array[Object] | The endpoints’ sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state is true . |
endpointSyncState | Object | The specific endpoint’s sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint is true . |
loadSourceId | String | The loadSourceId of this distribution list. Contains a Load Definition id if and only if it was created in tandem with a school import loader. |
Distribution List Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Distribution Lists are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Distribution Lists are assigned to which Domains.
List All Distribution List Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"distributionListId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"distributionListId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Distribution List belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the Distribution List whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, There were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Distribution List belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Distribution List using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Distribution List, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the distribution list whose domains were
requested is returned under the key distributionListId
inside each
domain response.
Check if a Domain contains a Distribution List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"distributionListId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Distribution List Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the Distribution List whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Distribution List belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Distribution List is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Distribution List, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Distribution List is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if recursive
), a response will be returned. The Domain response format is detailed
here. If the list is not in the Domain, the response status will
indicate that the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Distribution List Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"distributionListId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Distribution List into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
distributionListId | String | The id of the Distribution List to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Distribution List out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Distribution List should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Distribution List out of one or more child Domains? |
A Distribution List is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Distribution List that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Distribution List Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Distribution List c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Distribution List from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Distribution List currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Distribution List itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the Distribution List whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Distribution List. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Distribution List in no Domain. |
A Distribution List must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Distribution List from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Distribution List. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Distribution List out
of its last Domain will delete the Distribution List.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Distribution List Subscriptions
Distribution List Subscriptions connect Distribution Lists to Users. When a Distribution List is included in the recipients of a Notification, all Users who are subscribed to that Distribution List will receive the notification, on all of their registered Devices.
List All Subscribers
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/user-subscriptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/user-subscriptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/user-subscriptions?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 7,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T14:30:36.459Z",
"id": "e660d7b0-1be3-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@singlewire.com",
"name": "Craig Smith"
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Everyone"
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:36.216Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:36.216Z",
"subscriptionEndDate": null,
"id": "b125a180-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"userId": "e660d7b0-1be3-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"distributionListId": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
Retrieves all members of this distribution list. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally, only administrative users will be able to view the members of distribution lists.)
HTTP Request
GET /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/user-subscriptions
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the Distribution List whose members should be listed. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first subscription was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of seven available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The distribution list subscription response format is detailed here.
Get a Subscriber
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/user-subscriptions/b125a180-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
sub = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/user-subscriptions/b125a180-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
sub = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/user-subscriptions/b125a180-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T14:30:36.459Z",
"id": "e660d7b0-1be3-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@singlewire.com",
"name": "Craig Smith"
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Everyone"
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:36.216Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:36.216Z",
"subscriptionEndDate": null,
"id": "b125a180-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"userId": "e660d7b0-1be3-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"distributionListId": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
Get a distribution list subscription given the id
s of the distribution list and subscription.
HTTP Request
GET /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/user-subscriptions/{userSubscriptionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the Distribution List of interest. |
userSubscriptionId | The id of the specific subscription to retrieve. |
The distribution list subscription response format is detailed here.
Subscribe a User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/user-subscriptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'userId': 'e660d7b0-1be3-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560'
sub = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/user-subscriptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'userId': 'e660d7b0-1be3-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560'
sub = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/user-subscriptions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"userId": "e660d7b0-1be3-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T14:30:36.459Z",
"id": "e660d7b0-1be3-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@singlewire.com",
"name": "Craig Smith"
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Everyone"
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T20:12:20.444Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-13T20:12:20.444Z",
"userId": "e660d7b0-1be3-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"id": "216c69c0-2326-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560",
"subscriptionEndDate": null,
"distributionListId": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
Create a link between a User and a Distribution List so that the User will receive Notifications sent to that Distribution List (limit: 100,000 per Distribution List).
HTTP Request
POST /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/user-subscriptions
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the Distribution List to which a new subscription is to be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
userId | String | N/A | The id of the User to subscribe to the distribution list. |
subscriptionEndDate | ISO 8601 date/time | N/A | If specified, the time at which this subscription will become inactive. |
The distribution list subscription response format is detailed here.
Update a Subscriber
# Continuing with the user subscription object
# from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the user subscription object
# from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/user-subscriptions/216c69c0-2326-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"subscriptionEndDate": "2015-09-16T14:00:00.000Z"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T14:30:36.459Z",
"id": "e660d7b0-1be3-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@singlewire.com",
"name": "Craig Smith"
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Everyone"
"createdAt": "2014-08-13T20:12:20.444Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-14T21:13:41.213Z",
"userId": "e660d7b0-1be3-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"id": "216c69c0-2326-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560",
"subscriptionEndDate": "2015-09-16T14:00:00.000Z",
"distributionListId": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
Updates an existing distribution list subscription’s subscriptionEndDate
HTTP Request
PUT /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/user-subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the distribution list whose subscription is to be updated. |
subscriptionId | The id of the subscription to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
subscriptionEndDate | ISO 8601 date/time | N/A | If specified, the time at which this subscription will become inactive. |
The distribution list subscription response format is detailed here.
Remove a Subscriber
# Continuing with the user subscription object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the user subscription object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/user-subscriptions/b125a180-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"DistributionListUserSubscriptions\"} b125a180-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
Deletes a subscriber, removing that association between a User and a Distribution List.
HTTP Request
DELETE /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/user-subscriptions/{userSubscriptionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the Distribution List from which a subscription is to be removed. |
userSubscriptionId | The id of the specific subscription to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Distribution List Subscription Response
The JSON document used to represent a distribution list resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this subscription was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this subscription was last updated. |
distributionList | Distribution List | When this Distribution List is a recipient of a Notification, the User attached to this subscription will be sent the Notification. |
distributionListId | String | The id of the Distribution List above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the Distribution List are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
id | String | The id of this specific subscription, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
subscriptionEndDate | ISO 8601 date/time | If specified, the time at which this subscription will become inactive. |
user | User | The User to which Notifications should be delivered when the Distribution List attached to this subscription is listed as a recipient of the Notification. |
userId | String | The id of the User above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the User are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
Distribution List SCIM Groups
Distribution List SCIM Groups connect Distribution Lists to SCIM Users. When a Distribution List is included in the recipients of a Notification, all SCIM Users who are a part of the included SCIM Groups will receive the notification, on all of their registered Devices.
List All SCIM Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"data": [
"id": "d80aa1de-8026-11eb-a543-53c5fa2d317e",
"name": "SCIM Group",
"memberCount": 1,
"createdAt": "2021-03-08T15:56:28.662Z",
"permissions": ["put","delete","get"]
Retrieves all member SCIM Groups of this distribution list.
HTTP Request
GET /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/scim-groups
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the Distribution List whose member SCIM Groups should be listed. |
The distribution list SCIM group response format is detailed here.
Update Distribution List SCIM Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'scimGroupId': '70c0be09-6662-11eb-b962-b1e9a4e7ca6e'
sub = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'scimGroupId': '70c0be09-6662-11eb-b962-b1e9a4e7ca6e'
sub = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"scimGroupId": "70c0be09-6662-11eb-b962-b1e9a4e7ca6e"}'
"id": "70c0be09-6662-11eb-b962-b1e9a4e7ca6e",
"name": "Group Name",
"memberCount": 6,
"createdAt": "2021-02-03T20:57:34.944Z",
"permissions": ["put","delete","get"]
Create a link between a SCIM Group and a Distribution List so that the SCIM User will receive Notifications sent to that Distribution List (limit: 100,000 per Distribution List).
HTTP Request
POST /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/scim-groups
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the Distribution List to which a new SCIM group is to be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
scimGroupId | String | N/A | The id of the SCIM Group to add to the distribution list. |
The distribution list SCIM group response format is detailed here.
Remove Distribution List SCIM Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups/d0b13a1e-67d6-11eb-bde7-a53355563835"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups/d0b13a1e-67d6-11eb-bde7-a53355563835"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups/d0b13a1e-67d6-11eb-bde7-a53355563835" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"message":"deleted d0b13a1e-67d6-11eb-bde7-a53355563835"
Removes the association between a SCIM Group and a Distribution List.
HTTP Request
DELETE /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/scim-groups/{scimGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
distributionListId | The id of the Distribution List from which the SCIM group is to be removed. |
scimGroupId | The id of the specific SCIM group to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Distribution List SCIM Groups Response
The JSON document used to represent a distribution list SCIM group resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this SCIM Group was created. |
id | String | The id of this specific subscription, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
name | String | The name of the SCIM Group. |
memberCount | Integer | The number of members in the SCIM Group. |
Distribution List Cloning
This resource is used to make a copy of the Distribution List specified by id in the request path.
The only operation supported is POST
Clone a Distribution List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/distribution-lists/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/clone" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"permissions": [],
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T19:51:33.590Z",
"id": "ccc6e68f-9a81-4b58-b02a-b71ad62007cf",
"name": "Everyone (Copy)",
"isSubscribable": true,
"campaign": null,
"domains": [
"id": "3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "West",
"path": "/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/",
"namePath": "/West/"
Creates a copy of the specified Distribution List. The name of the
new copy is simply the original Distribution List’s name with “ (Copy)”
appended. In order to perform this operation, the user must have both
permission to the /distribution-lists
resource and GET
to the Distribution List they wish to copy.
Note that subscribable distribution lists and distribution lists that have a campaign attached cannot be copied.
HTTP Request
POST /distribution-lists/{distributionListId}/clone
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
distributionListId | String | The id of the Distribution List to copy. |
The Distribution List response format is detailed here.
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources.
A sample of hierarchical organization of users in Domains.
Once you have created the Root Domain, the Domain features are active, and all API requests are interpreted in the context of a particular Domain, as described at the end of the Authentication section.
Domain-Enabled Resources
Only the following resources in InformaCast mobile are affected by Domains:
- Bell Schedules
- Collaboration Groups
- Confirmation Requests
- Device Groups
- Distribution Lists
- Domains
- Incident Plans
- Incidents
- Load Definitions
- Message Templates
- Notifications
- Notification Profiles
- Ring Lists
- Scenarios
- Security Groups
- Security Group Permissions
- Sites
- Site Roles
- Users
- User Permissions
Over time, more resources will be added to this list, focusing first on those that will most benefit from hierarchical administration.
For Domain-enabled resources, any User
Permissions and Security Group
Permissions whose spec
values do not
tie them to a specfic resource by id
will be Domain scoped when
Domains are enabled. These permissions will be attached to a specific
Domain (the acting Domain of the request in which the permission is
created), which will restrict the permission to operate in that Domain
and its subdomains. When first enabling Domains, only the Root Domain
will exist, so all preexisting Domain-scoped permissions in the system
will be assigned to the Root domain.
List All Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 10
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 10
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains?limit=10" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 4,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"id": "52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Stadium Staff",
"path": "/190fde7f-1372-11e8-9e88-1dc5b905e369/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68/",
"namePath": "/East Campus/Stadium Staff/",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-02-17T07:01:05.226Z"
"id": "6569f5f0-165e-11e8-a8ad-354db202cef7",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "West Campus",
"path": "/6569f5f0-165e-11e8-a8ad-354db202cef7/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-02-20T16:52:11.898Z"
"id": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"parentId": null,
"name": "Root",
"path": "/",
"namePath": "/",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-02-16T00:43:32.422Z"
"id": "190fde7f-1372-11e8-9e88-1dc5b905e369",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "East Campus",
"path": "/190fde7f-1372-11e8-9e88-1dc5b905e369/",
"namePath": "/East Campus/",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-02-16T23:35:40.247Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of Domains.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first ten results were requested using the API’s pagination parameters. In fact, there were a total of 4 Domains available when the request was made, and we retrieved them all. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can filter requests using some Domain-specific query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value |
parentId | String | Returns only direct children (subdomains) of the specified Domain |
pathPrefix | String | Returns any Domains whose path starts with the specified string, i.e. the Domain with that path, and any of its descendent subdomains at any depth |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Get a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
perm = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
perm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Stadium Staff",
"path": "/190fde7f-1372-11e8-9e88-1dc5b905e369/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68/",
"namePath": "/East Campus/Stadium Staff/",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-02-17T07:01:05.226Z"
Retrieves a single Domain by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain to retrieve. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Create a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Theatre Staff',
'parentId': '6569f5f0-165e-11e8-a8ad-354db202cef7'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Theatre Staff'
'parentId': '6569f5f0-165e-11e8-a8ad-354db202cef7'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Theatre Staff", \
"parentId": "6569f5f0-165e-11e8-a8ad-354db202cef7"}'
"id": "7289eb3a-15c2-11e8-ab27-5dc7a32779d0",
"parentId": "6569f5f0-165e-11e8-a8ad-354db202cef7",
"name": "Theatre Staff",
"path": "/6569f5f0-165e-11e8-a8ad-354db202cef7/7289eb3a-15c2-11e8-ab27-5dc7a32779d0",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Theatre Staff/",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-02-23T16:10:25.326Z"
Creates a new Domain (limit: 200).
HTTP Request
POST /domains
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The Domain’s display name |
parentId | uuid | N/A | The Domain inside of which this should be created as a sub-domain. |
Once Domains have been enabled, a parentId
value must always be
supplied to identify the parent in which the new domain should be
created. This may be the Root Domain in order to create a top-level
Domain, or it could be another Domain to create a hierarchy.
The only time it is possible to create a Domain with a null
for parentId
is when Domains are not enabled. In that case, creating
a Domain named “Root” with a null
parent enables the Domains
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Update a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Stadium and Grounds Staff'
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Stadium and Grounds Staff'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Stadium and Grounds Staff"}'
"id": "52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Stadium and Grounds Staff",
"path": "/190fde7f-1372-11e8-9e88-1dc5b905e369/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68/",
"namePath": "/East Campus/Stadium and Grounds Staff/",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-02-17T07:01:05.226Z"
Updates an existing Domain.
HTTP Request
PUT /domains/{domainId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The Domain’s display name |
The only thing that can be updated for an existing Domain is the name. This will automatically update its name path, and the name paths of any of its descendant domains as well.
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Remove a Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/7289eb3a-15c2-11e8-ab27-5dc7a32779d0" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 7289eb3a-15c2-11e8-ab27-5dc7a32779d0"
Deletes an existing Domain.
If the Domain has any permissions attached to it, or any resources for
which it is the only Domain, or if it has any subdomains (there are
Domains whose parent-id
refer to the domain you are trying to
delete), you must supply additional request parameters (described
below) to explicitly cause those permissions, resources, or domains to
be deleted as well, or the request will fail.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain to delete |
If the Domain has any children (subdomains), this request will fail
with a validation error unless you have supplied a true
value for
the recursive
request parameter described below.
If there are any User Permissions or Security
Group Permissions whose domain-id
matches domain you are trying to delete (or its descendants, in the
case of a recursive deletion attempt), or any resources whose only
Domain is the one that you are trying to delete (or its descendants),
this request will fail with corresponding validation errors unless you
have supplied the value delete
, delete-permissions
, or promote
for the orphans
request parameter described below. If there are only
permissions associated with the domain, then delete-permissions
allow it (and them) to be deleted. If there are actual resources that
belong to the domain, you must specify either delete
, which will
allow them (as well as any permissions) to be deleted as part of
deleting the domain, or promote
, which will promote the
would-be-orphaned resources to the parent of the domain being deleted,
along with deleting any orphaned permissions.
If the specified Domain is the Root Domain, this request will fail
with a validation error if there are any children regardless of the
parameter. If there are no subdomains, deleting the Root
Domain will disable the Domains feature.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | string | fail |
Option: delete , delete-permissions , fail , promote . What to do if there are permissions or resources attached to this domain that would become orphaned by its deletion. If any exist, you must specify delete or delete-permissions causing them to be deleted as well, or promote causing the resources to be moved to the parent of the domain being deleted (any orphaned permissions will still be deleted), or the request to delete the domain will fail. |
recursive | boolean | false |
Automatically delete any descendants of the Domain as well? If any exist, and this is not true , the request to delete the domain will fail. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Response
The JSON document used to represent a Domain resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Domain was created. |
id | String | The id of the Domain, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, creating or looking up subdomains |
name | String | The Domain’s display name |
namePath | String | A slash-delimited list of the names of all domains past the root to this domain, to show at a glance its location in the hierarchy; this is a convenience value which is for display only |
parentId | String | The id of the Domain of which this is a sub-domain; only the Root domain will not have a parent |
path | String | A slash-delimited list of the id s of all domains past the root to this domain, which can be used for hierarchical retrieval of its descendants using the path-prefix parameter in a List request |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Domain Bell Schedules
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Bell Schedules are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Bell Schedules are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Bell Schedules
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/bell-schedules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/bell-schedules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/bell-schedules?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"description": "School Year 2017-2018",
"bellScheduleExceptions": [
"id": "788b62cb-69c3-11e8-9e0e-37bff5ca251f",
"description": "Snow Day",
"ringListId": "68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4",
"startDate": "2018-01-03",
"endDate": "2018-01-03",
"ringListName": "Snow Day"
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"permissions": [
"bellScheduleEntries": [
"ringListId": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d",
"entryNum": 0,
"ringListName": "Monday"
"ringListId": "04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae",
"entryNum": 1,
"ringListName": "Tuesday"
"ringListId": "0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500",
"entryNum": 2,
"ringListName": "Wednesday"
"ringListId": "1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c",
"entryNum": 3,
"ringListName": "Thursday"
"ringListId": "16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81",
"entryNum": 4,
"ringListName": "Friday"
"name": "School Year 17-18",
"startDate": "2017-08-28",
"createdAt": "2018-05-31T20:18:35.635Z",
"numWeeks": 1,
"endDate": "2018-05-25",
"id": "cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
Retrieves the list of all Bell Schedules in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/bell-schedules
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Bell Schedules are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There was one bell schedule assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Bell Schedule belongs, request the Bell Schedules attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, and/or filter the results by matching on the Bell Schedule name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Bell Schedule belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Bell Schedule whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Bell Schedules that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Bell Schedule response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose bell schedules were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Bell Schedule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/bell-schedules/cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"description": "School Year 2017-2018",
"bellScheduleExceptions": [
"id": "788b62cb-69c3-11e8-9e0e-37bff5ca251f",
"description": "Snow Day",
"ringListId": "68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4",
"startDate": "2018-01-03",
"endDate": "2018-01-03",
"ringListName": "Snow Day"
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"permissions": [
"bellScheduleEntries": [
"ringListId": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d",
"entryNum": 0,
"ringListName": "Monday"
"ringListId": "04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae",
"entryNum": 1,
"ringListName": "Tuesday"
"ringListId": "0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500",
"entryNum": 2,
"ringListName": "Wednesday"
"ringListId": "1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c",
"entryNum": 3,
"ringListName": "Thursday"
"ringListId": "16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81",
"entryNum": 4,
"ringListName": "Friday"
"name": "School Year 17-18",
"startDate": "2017-08-28",
"createdAt": "2018-05-31T20:18:35.635Z",
"numWeeks": 1,
"endDate": "2018-05-25",
"id": "cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
Retrieves a single Domain Bell Schedule by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/bell-schedules/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Bell Schedules are of interest. |
id | The id of the Bell Schedule whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Bell Schedule belongs, or check if the Bell Schedule is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Bell Schedule belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Bell Schedules that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Bell Schedule is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if recursive
), a response will be returned. The Bell Schedule response format is
detailed here. If the list is not in the Domain, the
response status will indicate that the requested resource cannot be
Add a Domain Bell Schedule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/bell-schedules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f'
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/bell-schedules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f'
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/bell-schedules" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"}'
"description": "School Year 2017-2018",
"bellScheduleExceptions": [
"id": "788b62cb-69c3-11e8-9e0e-37bff5ca251f",
"description": "Snow Day",
"ringListId": "68c1f806-650e-11e8-a57e-bf0edde4bce4",
"startDate": "2018-01-03",
"endDate": "2018-01-03",
"ringListName": "Snow Day"
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"domainId": "8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36",
"permissions": [
"bellScheduleEntries": [
"ringListId": "f94d1622-6a65-11e8-9030-0d319c188f5d",
"entryNum": 0,
"ringListName": "Monday"
"ringListId": "04e253b6-6a66-11e8-9030-055159f85cae",
"entryNum": 1,
"ringListName": "Tuesday"
"ringListId": "0a5c4df9-6a66-11e8-9030-e5fd3c7e9500",
"entryNum": 2,
"ringListName": "Wednesday"
"ringListId": "1140387c-6a66-11e8-9030-f52fea97f89c",
"entryNum": 3,
"ringListName": "Thursday"
"ringListId": "16240d3f-6a66-11e8-9030-bfa905b4cd81",
"entryNum": 4,
"ringListName": "Friday"
"name": "School Year 17-18",
"startDate": "2017-08-28",
"createdAt": "2018-05-31T20:18:35.635Z",
"numWeeks": 1,
"endDate": "2018-05-25",
"id": "cc01447c-650f-11e8-a57e-332c8cdd597f"
Puts the Bell Schedule into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/bell-schedules
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Bell Schedule should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Bell Schedule out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Bell Schedule to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which each Bell Schedule belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Bell Schedule out of one or more child Domains? |
A Bell Schedule is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Bell Schedule that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Bell Schedule
# Continuing with the bell schedule object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the bell schedule object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/bell-schedules/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Bell Schedule 7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"
Removes the specified Bell Schedule from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Bell Schedule currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Bell Schedule itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/bell-schedules/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Bell Schedule should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Bell Schedule to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Bell Schedule in no Domain. |
A Bell Schedule must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Bell Schedule from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Bell Schedule. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Bell Schedule out
of its last Domain will delete the Bell Schedule.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Collaboration Groups
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Collaboration Groups are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Collaboration Groups are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Collaboration Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/collaboration-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/collaboration-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/collaboration-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"properties": {
"joinPin": "9911",
"bypassIvr": false,
"createPin": null
"permissions": [
"name": "Other",
"createdAt": "2020-01-08T18:05:19.324Z",
"type": "conference-call",
"distributionListIds": [
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"id": "6e5049e9-3241-11ea-b861-27f86e6b26d5",
"distributionLists": [
"campaign": null,
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"syncId": "ad8d7f21-1c59-11ea-ac18-c73360b3d8bb:1576098207765",
"id": "ad8d7f21-1c59-11ea-ac18-c73360b3d8bb",
"createdAt": "2019-12-11T21:03:27.762Z",
"isSubscribable": false
"userIds": [],
"users": []
Retrieves the list of all Collaboration Groups in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/collaboration-groups
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Collaboration Groups are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There was one collaboration group assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Collaboration Group belongs, request the Collaboration Groups attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, and/or filter the results by matching on the Collaboration Group name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Collaboration Group belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Collaboration Group whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Collaboration Groups that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Collaboration Group response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose collaboration groups were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Collaboration Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/collaboration-groups/6e5049e9-3241-11ea-b861-27f86e6b26d5"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/collaboration-groups/6e5049e9-3241-11ea-b861-27f86e6b26d5"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/collaboration-groups/6e5049e9-3241-11ea-b861-27f86e6b26d5" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"properties": {
"joinPin": "9911",
"bypassIvr": false,
"createPin": null
"permissions": [
"name": "Other",
"createdAt": "2020-01-08T18:05:19.324Z",
"type": "conference-call",
"distributionListIds": [
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"id": "6e5049e9-3241-11ea-b861-27f86e6b26d5",
"distributionLists": [
"campaign": null,
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"syncId": "ad8d7f21-1c59-11ea-ac18-c73360b3d8bb:1576098207765",
"id": "ad8d7f21-1c59-11ea-ac18-c73360b3d8bb",
"createdAt": "2019-12-11T21:03:27.762Z",
"isSubscribable": false
"userIds": [],
"users": []
Retrieves a single Domain Collaboration Group by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/collaboration-groups/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Collaboration Groups are of interest. |
id | The id of the Collaboration Group whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Collaboration Group belongs, or check if the Collaboration Group is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Collaboration Group belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Collaboration Groups that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Collaboration Group is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if recursive
), a response will be returned. The Collaboration Group response format is
detailed here. If the list is not in the Domain, the
response status will indicate that the requested resource cannot be
Add a Domain Collaboration Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/collaboration-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '6e5049e9-3241-11ea-b861-27f86e6b26d5'
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/collaboration-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '6e5049e9-3241-11ea-b861-27f86e6b26d5'
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/collaboration-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "6e5049e9-3241-11ea-b861-27f86e6b26d5"}'
"properties": {
"joinPin": "9911",
"bypassIvr": false,
"createPin": null
"permissions": [
"name": "Other",
"createdAt": "2020-01-08T18:05:19.324Z",
"type": "conference-call",
"distributionListIds": [
"domainId": "8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36",
"id": "6e5049e9-3241-11ea-b861-27f86e6b26d5",
"distributionLists": [
"campaign": null,
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"syncId": "ad8d7f21-1c59-11ea-ac18-c73360b3d8bb:1576098207765",
"id": "ad8d7f21-1c59-11ea-ac18-c73360b3d8bb",
"createdAt": "2019-12-11T21:03:27.762Z",
"isSubscribable": false
"userIds": [],
"users": []
Puts the Collaboration Group into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/collaboration-groups
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Collaboration Group should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Collaboration Group out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Collaboration Group to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which each Collaboration Group belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Collaboration Group out of one or more child Domains? |
A Collaboration Group is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Collaboration Group that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Collaboration Group
# Continuing with the collaboration group object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the collaboration group object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/collaboration-groups/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Collaboration Group 7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"
Removes the specified Collaboration Group from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Collaboration Group currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Collaboration Group itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/collaboration-groups/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Collaboration Group should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Collaboration Group to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Collaboration Group in no Domain. |
A Collaboration Group must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Collaboration Group from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Collaboration Group. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Collaboration Group out
of its last Domain will delete the Collaboration Group.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Confirmation Requests
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Confirmation Requests are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Confirmation Requests are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Confirmation Requests
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/confirmation-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/confirmation-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/confirmation-requests?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"escalationRules": [
"optionLabel": "Yes, I saw seen the intruder",
"subject": "The intruder has been spotted!",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"comparison": "LT",
"image": null,
"audio": null,
"delay": 600,
"comparisonValue": 5,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T14:03:45.434Z",
"messageTemplateId": null,
"body": "",
"id": "4f062fa0-2160-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:53:57.566Z",
"expirationPeriod": 3600,
"options": ["Yes, I saw the intruder", "No, I have not"],
"initiateTrackingOptions": [true, false],
"name": "Have you seen the intruder?"
Retrieves the list of all Confirmation Requests in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/confirmation-requests
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Confirmation Requests are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There was one confirmation request assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Confirmation Request belongs, request the Confirmation Requests attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, and/or filter the results by matching on the Confirmation Request name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Confirmation Request belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Confirmation Request whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Confirmation Requests that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Confirmation Request response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose confirmation requests were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Confirmation Request
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"escalationRules": [
"optionLabel": "Yes, I saw the intruder",
"subject": "The intruder has been spotted!",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"comparison": "GT",
"image": null,
"audio": null,
"delay": 600,
"comparisonValue": 0,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T14:03:45.434Z",
"body": "",
"id": "4f062fa0-2160-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:53:57.566Z",
"expirationPeriod": 3600,
"options": ["Yes, I saw the intruder", "No, I have not"],
"initiateTrackingOptions": [true, false],
"name": "Have you seen the intruder?"
Retrieves a single Domain Confirmation Request by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/confirmation-requests/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Confirmation Requests are of interest. |
id | The id of the Confirmation Request whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Confirmation Request belongs, or check if the Confirmation Request is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Confirmation Request belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Confirmation Requests that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Confirmation Request is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if recursive
), a response will be returned. The Confirmation Request response format is
detailed here. If the list is not in the Domain, the
response status will indicate that the requested resource cannot be
Add a Domain Confirmation Request
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/confirmation-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560',
'includeDomains': true
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/confirmation-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560'
'includeDomains': true
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/confirmation-requests" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560", \
"includeDomains": true}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"escalationRules": [
"optionLabel": "Yes, I saw the intruder",
"subject": "The intruder has been spotted!",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"comparison": "GT",
"image": null,
"audio": null,
"delay": 600,
"comparisonValue": 0,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T14:03:45.434Z",
"body": "",
"id": "4f062fa0-2160-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": "8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:53:57.566Z",
"expirationPeriod": 3600,
"options": ["Yes, I saw the intruder", "No, I have not"],
"initiateTrackingOptions": [true, false],
"name": "Have you seen the intruder?",
"domains": [
"id": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"id": "8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "East Campus",
"path": "/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/",
"namePath": "/East Campus/"
"createdAt": "2019-06-21T19:12:39.459Z",
"permissions": [
Puts the Confirmation Request into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/confirmation-requests
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Confirmation Request should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Confirmation Request out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Confirmation Request to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which the Confirmation Request belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Confirmation Request out of one or more child Domains? |
A Confirmation Request is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Confirmation Request that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Confirmation Request
# Continuing with the confirmation request
# object from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the confirmation request
# object from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/confirmation-requests/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Confirmation Request 7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"
Removes the specified Confirmation Request from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Confirmation Request currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Confirmation Request itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/confirmation-requests/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Confirmation Request should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Confirmation Request to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Confirmation Request in no Domain. |
A Confirmation Request must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Confirmation Request from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Confirmation Request. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Confirmation Request out
of its last Domain will delete the Confirmation Request.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Device Groups
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Device Groups are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Device Groups are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Device Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/device-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/device-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/device-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"baseDeviceGroups": [{
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"activationGroupIds": ["75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"],
"name": "All Phones"
"exclusionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"filterType": "OR",
"additionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"additions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"filters": [{
"value": "john.doe@singlewire.com",
"attribute": "EndUserIdentifier",
"comparison": "EQUALS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "A Large Test",
"baseDeviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"],
"exclusions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"activationGroupIds": ["77828af8-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"activationGroups": [{
"name": "Primary",
"id": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"
"name": "Secondary",
"id": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de"
"multicastConfigs": [{
"activationGroupId": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0",
"address": "",
"port": 2345,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"activationGroupId": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"address": "",
"port": 2346,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"createdAt": "2017-03-10T22:00:58.290Z",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"id": "0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"
Retrieves the list of all Device Groups in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/device-groups
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Device Groups are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There was one device group assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Device Group belongs, request the Device Groups attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, and/or filter the results by matching on the Device Group name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Device Group belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Device Group whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Device Groups that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Device Group response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose device groups were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Device Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/device-groups/0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/device-groups/0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/device-groups/0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"baseDeviceGroups": [{
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"activationGroupIds": ["75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"],
"name": "All Phones"
"exclusionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"filterType": "OR",
"additionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"additions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"filters": [{
"value": "john.doe@singlewire.com",
"attribute": "EndUserIdentifier",
"comparison": "EQUALS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "A Large Test",
"baseDeviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"],
"exclusions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"activationGroupIds": ["77828af8-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"activationGroups": [{
"name": "Primary",
"id": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"
"name": "Secondary",
"id": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de"
"multicastConfigs": [{
"activationGroupId": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0",
"address": "",
"port": 2345,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"activationGroupId": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"address": "",
"port": 2346,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"createdAt": "2017-03-10T22:00:58.290Z",
"domainId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"id": "0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"
Retrieves a single Domain Device Group by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/device-groups/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Device Groups are of interest. |
id | The id of the Device Group whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Device Group belongs, or check if the Device Group is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Device Group belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Device Groups that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Device Group is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if recursive
), a response will be returned. The Device Group response format is
detailed here. If the list is not in the Domain, the
response status will indicate that the requested resource cannot be
Add a Domain Device Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/device-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7'
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/device-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7'
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/device-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"}'
"baseDeviceGroups": [{
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"activationGroupIds": ["75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"],
"name": "All Phones"
"exclusionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"filterType": "OR",
"additionIds": ["CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908"],
"additions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"filters": [{
"value": "john.doe@singlewire.com",
"attribute": "EndUserIdentifier",
"comparison": "EQUALS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "A Large Test",
"baseDeviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"],
"exclusions": [{
"axlError": false,
"defunct": false,
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105022; DNs: 105022, 105000; SEP381C1ABA7908",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"icopId": "CiscoPhone-External:SEP381C1ABA7908",
"id": "9e6e7322-d65a-11e9-9733-3fbe4605e265",
"isLicensed": true,
"type": "phones"
"activationGroupIds": ["77828af8-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"activationGroups": [{
"name": "Primary",
"id": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"
"name": "Secondary",
"id": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de"
"multicastConfigs": [{
"activationGroupId": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0",
"address": "",
"port": 2345,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"activationGroupId": "92a45d3e-8345-11ea-ac1d-104a7db133de",
"address": "",
"port": 2346,
"type": "poly-ucs",
"channel": 1
"createdAt": "2017-03-10T22:00:58.290Z",
"domainId": "8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36",
"id": "0aa9c9a4-05dd-11e7-aa6b-8b0e17d53fc7"
Puts the Device Group into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/device-groups
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Device Group should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Device Group out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Device Group to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which each Device Group belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Device Group out of one or more child Domains? |
A Device Group is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Device Group that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Device Group
# Continuing with the device group object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the device group object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/device-groups/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Device Group 7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"
Removes the specified Device Group from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Device Group currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Device Group itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/device-groups/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Device Group should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Device Group to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Device Group in no Domain. |
A Device Group must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Device Group from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Device Group. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Device Group out
of its last Domain will delete the Device Group.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Distribution Lists
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Distribution Lists are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Distribution Lists are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Distribution Lists
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': true,
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': true
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/distribution-lists?includeDomains=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": "3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee",
"name": "Everyone",
"campaign": null,
"domains": [
"id": "3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "West",
"path": "/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/",
"namePath": "/West/"
Retrieves the list of all Distribution Lists in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/distribution-lists
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Distribution Lists are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first result was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. There were a total of 2 Distribution Lists assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the Distribution Lists attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Distribution List belongs, and/or filter the results by matching on the Distribution List name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each distribution list belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Distribution Lists whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Distribution Lists that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Distribution List response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose distribution lists were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Distribution List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/distribution-lists/59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': true
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/distribution-lists/59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': true
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/distribution-lists/59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b?includeDomains=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"id": "59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b",
"domainId": "3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee",
"createdAt": "2015-08-13T19:27:34.552Z",
"name": "Parents Weekend",
"campaign": {
"enrollmentEndDate": null,
"welcomeMessage": "Hi, mom and dad!",
"inactiveMessage": "You were too late.",
"defaultNotificationDays": null,
"url": "http://admin.icmobile.singlewire.com/anonymous/036347b0-41f1-11e5-ba5e-aa951d8d7a3b/list/59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b"
"domains": [
"id": "3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "West",
"path": "/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/",
"namePath": "/West/"
Retrieves a single Domain Distribution List by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/distribution-lists/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Distribution Lists are of interest. |
id | The id of the Distribution List whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Distribution List belongs, or check if the Distribution List is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the message template belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Distribution Lists that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Distribution List is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Distribution
List response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Domain Distribution List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '3cf58710-2305-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560',
'includeDomains': true
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '3cf58710-2305-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560'
'includeDomains': true
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/distribution-lists" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "3cf58710-2305-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560", \
"includeDomains": true}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"id": "3cf58710-2305-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": "3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee",
"createdAt": "2015-08-13T19:27:34.552Z",
"name": "Parents Weekend",
"campaign": {
"enrollmentEndDate": null,
"welcomeMessage": "Hi, mom and dad!",
"inactiveMessage": "You were too late.",
"defaultNotificationDays": null,
"url": "http://admin.icmobile.singlewire.com/anonymous/036347b0-41f1-11e5-ba5e-aa951d8d7a3b/list/59489180-41f1-11e5-aa08-aa951d8d7a3b"
"domains": [
"id": "3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "West",
"path": "/3a0a7df2-3434-11e8-a93d-59d3fdc242ee/",
"namePath": "/West/"
Puts the Distribution List into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/distribution-lists
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Distribution List should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Distribution List out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Distribution List to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which each Distribution List belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Distribution List out of one or more child Domains? |
A Distribution List is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Distribution List that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Distribution List
# Continuing with the distribution list object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the distribution list object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/distribution-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Distribution List c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Distribution List from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Distribution List currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Distribution List itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/distribution-lists/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Distribution List should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Distribution List to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Distribution List in no Domain. |
A Distribution List must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Distribution List from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Distribution List. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Distribution List out
of its last Domain will delete the Distribution List.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Incident Plans
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Incident Plans are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Incident Plans are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Incident Plans
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incident-plans"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': true,
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incident-plans"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': true
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incident-plans?includeDomains=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage",
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow",
"domains": [
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"id": "2921a72c-3358-11e8-98ef-0d6e2a08c440",
"parentId": "db4a21db-3357-11e8-98ef-d996a385fab5",
"name": "Book Store",
"path": "/db4a21db-3357-11e8-98ef-d996a385fab5/2921a72c-3358-11e8-98ef-0d6e2a08c440/",
"namePath": "/East Campus/Book Store/"
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"createdAt": "2021-05-27T15:03:50.605Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of all Incident Plans in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/incident-plans
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Incident Plans are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There was only one incident plan assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the Incident Plans attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Incident Plan belongs, and/or filter the results by matching on the Incident Plan name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Incident Plan belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Incident Plans whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Incident Plans that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Incident Plan response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose Incident Plans were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains an Incident Plan
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': true
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': true
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702?includeDomains=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage",
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow",
"domains": [
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"id": "2921a72c-3358-11e8-98ef-0d6e2a08c440",
"parentId": "db4a21db-3357-11e8-98ef-d996a385fab5",
"name": "Book Store",
"path": "/db4a21db-3357-11e8-98ef-d996a385fab5/2921a72c-3358-11e8-98ef-0d6e2a08c440/",
"namePath": "/East Campus/Book Store/"
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"createdAt": "2021-05-27T15:03:50.605Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single Domain Incident Plan by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/incident-plans/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Incident Plans are of interest. |
id | The id of the Incident Plan whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Incident Plan belongs, or check if the Incident Plan is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Incident Plan belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Incident Plans that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Incident Plan is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Incident Plan
response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Domain Incident Plan
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incident-plans"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702'
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incident-plans"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incident-plans" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702"}'
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"incidentPlanId": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"permissions": [
Puts the Incident Plan into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/incident-plans
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Incident Plan should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Incident Plan out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Incident Plan to be added to the Domain. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Incident Plan out of one or more child Domains? |
A Incident Plan is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Incident Plan that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Incident Plan
# Continuing with the incident plan object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the incident plan object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Incident Plan bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702"
Removes the specified Incident Plan from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Incident Plan currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Incident Plan itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/incident-plans/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Incident Plan should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Incident Plan to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Incident Plan in no Domain. |
A Incident Plan must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Incident Plan from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Incident Plan. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Incident Plan out
of its last Domain will delete the Incident Plan.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Incidents
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Incidents are assigned to the acting domain of the User when they triggered the Incident. This resource lets you see which Incidents occurred in which Domains.
List All Domain Incidents
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incidents"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incidents"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/incidents?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 7,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": null,
"domains": [
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"id": "2921a72c-3358-11e8-98ef-0d6e2a08c440",
"parentId": "db4a21db-3357-11e8-98ef-d996a385fab5",
"name": "Book Store",
"path": "/db4a21db-3357-11e8-98ef-d996a385fab5/2921a72c-3358-11e8-98ef-0d6e2a08c440/",
"namePath": "/East Campus/Book Store/"
"messageTemplate": null,
"notificationId": null,
"createdAt": "2021-05-24T17:11:39.792Z",
"notificationCreatedAt": null,
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"id": "1ab1311b-bcb3-11eb-9359-d58236cfba24",
"incidentPlan": {
"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage",
"domains": [
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow"
"scenario": null,
"endedAt": "2021-05-25T16:21:16.201Z"
Retrieves the list of all Incidents in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/incidents
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Incidents are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There were seven Incidents assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made, and we asked for only the first to be returned in order to save space. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Incident belongs, or request the Incidents attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Incident belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Incidents that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Incident response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose Incidents were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Incident
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/incidents/1ab1311b-bcb3-11eb-9359-d58236cfba24"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/incidents/1ab1311b-bcb3-11eb-9359-d58236cfba24"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/incidents/1ab1311b-bcb3-11eb-9359-d58236cfba24" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": null,
"messageTemplate": null,
"notificationId": null,
"createdAt": "2021-05-24T17:11:39.792Z",
"notificationCreatedAt": null,
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"id": "1ab1311b-bcb3-11eb-9359-d58236cfba24",
"incidentPlan": {
"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage",
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow"
"scenario": null,
"endedAt": "2021-05-25T16:21:16.201Z"
Retrieves a single Domain Incident by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/incidents/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Incidents are of interest. |
id | The id of the Incident whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Incident belongs, or check if the Incident is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Incident belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Incidents that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Incident is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if recursive
), a response will be returned. The Incident response format is
detailed here. If the list is not in the Domain, the
response status will indicate that the requested resource cannot be
Domain Load Definitions
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Load Definitions are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Load Definitions are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Load Definitions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/load-definitions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': true,
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/load-definitions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': true
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/load-definitions?includeDomains=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"deletePolicy": "delete",
"securityGroupUpdatePolicy": "update",
"domains": [
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"id": "2921a72c-3358-11e8-98ef-0d6e2a08c440",
"parentId": "db4a21db-3357-11e8-98ef-d996a385fab5",
"name": "Book Store",
"path": "/db4a21db-3357-11e8-98ef-d996a385fab5/2921a72c-3358-11e8-98ef-0d6e2a08c440/",
"namePath": "/East Campus/Book Store/"
"name": "Staff",
"domainUpdatePolicy": "update",
"createdAt": "2017-07-18T18:40:18.246Z",
"id": "8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"distributionListUpdatePolicy": "update",
"deviceUpdatePolicy": "update"
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"deletePolicy": "retain",
"securityGroupUpdatePolicy": "update",
"domains": [
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"id": "b390b781-e373-11e8-9c1a-b7d5944444f4",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Rec Center",
"path": "/b390b781-e373-11e8-9c1a-b7d5944444f4/",
"namePath": "/Rec Center/"
"name": "New Students",
"domainUpdatePolicy": "update",
"createdAt": "2019-03-14T13:59:51.954Z",
"id": "7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"distributionListUpdatePolicy": "update",
"deviceUpdatePolicy": "update"
Retrieves the list of all Load Definitions in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/load-definitions
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Load Definitions are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There were a total of two load definitions assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the Load Definitions attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Load Definition belongs, and/or filter the results by matching on the Load Definition name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Load Definition belongs |
name | String | Returns only Load Definitions whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Load Definitions that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Load Definition response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose load definitions were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Load Definition
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/load-definitions/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': true
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/load-definitions/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': true
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/load-definitions/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389?includeDomains=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"deletePolicy": "retain",
"securityGroupUpdatePolicy": "update",
"domains": [
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"id": "b390b781-e373-11e8-9c1a-b7d5944444f4",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Rec Center",
"path": "/b390b781-e373-11e8-9c1a-b7d5944444f4/",
"namePath": "/Rec Center/"
"name": "New Students",
"domainUpdatePolicy": "update",
"createdAt": "2019-03-14T13:59:51.954Z",
"id": "7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"distributionListUpdatePolicy": "update",
"deviceUpdatePolicy": "update"
Retrieves a single Domain Load Definition by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/load-definitions/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Load Definitions are of interest. |
id | The id of the Load Definition whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Load Definition belongs, or check if the Load Definition is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Load Definition belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Load Definitions that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Load Definition is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Load
Definition response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Domain Load Definition
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/load-definitions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389',
'includeDomains': true
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/load-definitions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389'
'includeDomains': true
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/load-definitions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389", \
"includeDomains": true}'
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"deletePolicy": "retain",
"securityGroupUpdatePolicy": "update",
"domains": [
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"id": "b390b781-e373-11e8-9c1a-b7d5944444f4",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Rec Center",
"path": "/b390b781-e373-11e8-9c1a-b7d5944444f4/",
"namePath": "/Rec Center/"
"name": "New Students",
"domainUpdatePolicy": "update",
"createdAt": "2019-03-14T13:59:51.954Z",
"id": "7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"distributionListUpdatePolicy": "update",
"deviceUpdatePolicy": "update"
Puts the Load Definition into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/load-definitions
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Load Definition should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Load Definition out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Load Definition to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which each Load Definition belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Load Definition out of one or more child Domains? |
A Load Definition is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Load Definition that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Load Definition
# Continuing with the load definition object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the load definition object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/load-definitions/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Load Definition 7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"
Removes the specified Load Definition from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Load Definition currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Load Definition itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/load-definitions/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Load Definition should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Load Definition to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Load Definition in no Domain. |
A Load Definition must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Load Definition from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Load Definition. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Load Definition out
of its last Domain will delete the Load Definition.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Message Templates
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Message Templates are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Message Templates are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Message Templates
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/message-templates"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/message-templates"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/message-templates?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 4,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "WyJoYWlsIiwiMzdmMGY1MDAtMWJlMC0xMWU0LTkxODEtM2M5NzBlN2ZmNTYwIl0=",
"data": [
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"subject": "Lunch options for this Friday",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"userIdsCustomizable": false,
"notificationProfile": {
"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3",
"name": "Default Profile",
"settings": "... Object omitted for brevity ..."
"notificationProfileId": {"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3"},
"userIDs": ["685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"name": "Friday Food Choices",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"image": 0,
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"audio": 0,
"alertTone": "default",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:58:37.777Z",
"expiration": null,
"expirationCustomizable": false,
"expirationDisplay": "auto",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"collaborationGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": null,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": false,
"areasOfInterest": [],
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"optOut": false,
"body": "Please take a second to select what you would like to eat this Friday. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let myself or a member of the culinary staff know.",
"id": "6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"distributionLists": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Staff"
"users": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"name": "Craig Smith"
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:57:18.824Z",
"id": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Pizza", "Salad & Bread Sticks"],
"name": "Food Options - Friday"
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"metadataCustomizable": false,
"followUp": false
Retrieves the list of all Message Templates in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/message-templates
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Message Templates are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There were a total of two Message Templates assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the Message Templates attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Message Template belongs, and/or filter the results by matching on the Message Template name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each message template belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Message Templates whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
followUp | Boolean | Returns only Message Templates whose followUp attributes match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Message Templates that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Message Template response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose message templates were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Message Template
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/message-templates/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
template = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/message-templates/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
template = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/message-templates/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"subject": "Lunch options for this Friday",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"userIdsCustomizable": false,
"notificationProfile": {
"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3",
"name": "Default Profile",
"settings": "... Object omitted for brevity ..."
"notificationProfileId": {"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3"},
"userIDs": ["685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"name": "Friday Food Choices",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"image": 0,
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"audio": 0,
"alertTone": "default",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:58:37.777Z",
"expiration": null,
"expirationCustomizable": false,
"expirationDisplay": "auto",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"collaborationGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": null,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": false,
"areasOfInterest": [],
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"optOut": false,
"body": "Please take a second to select what you would like to eat this Friday. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let myself or a member of the culinary staff know.",
"id": "6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"distributionLists": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Staff"
"users": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"name": "Craig Smith"
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:57:18.824Z",
"id": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Pizza", "Salad & Bread Sticks"],
"name": "Food Options - Friday"
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"metadataCustomizable": false,
"followUp": false
Retrieves a single Domain Message Template by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/message-templates/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Message Templates are of interest. |
id | The id of the Message Template whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Message Template belongs, or check if the Message Template is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the message template belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Message Templates that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Message Template is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Message Template response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Domain Message Template
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/message-templates"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560'
template = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/message-templates"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560'
template = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/message-templates" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"}'
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"subject": "Lunch options for this Friday",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"userIdsCustomizable": false,
"notificationProfile": {
"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3",
"name": "Default Profile",
"settings": "... Object omitted for brevity ..."
"notificationProfileId": {"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3"},
"userIDs": ["685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"name": "Friday Food Choices",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"image": 0,
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"audio": 0,
"alertTone": "default",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:58:37.777Z",
"expiration": null,
"expirationCustomizable": false,
"expirationDisplay": "auto",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"collaborationGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": null,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": false,
"areasOfInterest": [],
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"optOut": false,
"body": "Please take a second to select what you would like to eat this Friday. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let myself or a member of the culinary staff know.",
"id": "6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"distributionLists": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Staff"
"users": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"name": "Craig Smith"
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:57:18.824Z",
"id": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Pizza", "Salad & Bread Sticks"],
"name": "Food Options - Friday"
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"metadataCustomizable": false,
"followUp": false
Puts the Message Template into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/message-templates
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Message Template should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Message Template out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Message Template to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which each Message Template belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Message Template out of one or more child Domains? |
A Message Template is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Message Template that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Message Template
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/message-templates/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Message Template 6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"
Removes the specified Message Template from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Message Template currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Message Template itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/message-templates/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Message Template should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Message Template to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Message Template in no Domain. |
A Message Template must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Message Template from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Message Template. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Message Template out
of its last Domain will delete the Message Template.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Notifications
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Notifications are assigned to the acting domain of the sending user. This resource lets you see which Notifications were sent in which Domains.
List All Domain Notifications
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notifications?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 7,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "WyIyMTBmMGRmMC0xZDg4LTExZTQtYzk3MGU3ZmY1NjAiXQ==",
"data": [
"subject": "An intruder has been spotted on campus",
"distributionListIds": ["71ad1fe0-19af-11e4-9367-3c970e7ff560"],
"initiatorId": "3e967e50-1bdd-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"initiator": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:42:57.973Z",
"id": "3e967e50-1bdd-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "security@e.mail",
"name": "Security Office"
"image": 0,
"confirmationResults": { "Yes, I've seen the intruder": 0, "No, I haven't": 0 },
"audio": 32292,
"alertTone": "default",
"followUpAllowed": true,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T16:38:56.411Z",
"messageTemplateId": "e5543bf0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"recipientCount": 5,
"progress": {
"recipientCount": 5,
"readCount": 4,
"smsReceivedCount": 3,
"callAnsweredCount": 1,
"smsFailedCount": 0,
"callPlacedCount": 2,
"callFailedCount": 1,
"smsSentCount": 4,
"extensions": {
"17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6": {
"type": "device",
"total": 4,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 3,
"deviceType": "SMS"
"b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "singlewire:email"
"5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "Android"
"551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd": {
"type": "fusion-endpoint",
"total": 1,
"failed": 1,
"completed": 1,
"deviceType": null
"e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "singlewire:icop"
"1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "apns-sandbox"
"1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de2": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "apns-qa"
"839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "apns"
"0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291": {
"type": "device",
"total": 2,
"failed": 1,
"completed": 1,
"deviceType": "phone-call"
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "Intruder Alert"
"body": "Warning: An intruder has been spotted on campus heading towards the recreation center. Please be advised and stay tuned for further updates. Have you seen the intruder?",
"id": "28bbc6b0-1d88-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"distributionLists": [null],
"areasOfInterest": [ {
"id": "9cf22563-01a7-11e6-91d9-c77df3a40a79",
"name": "Clifton",
"createdAt": "2016-04-13T18:43:28.566Z",
"geometryType": "circle",
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ -84.0, 39.0 ]
"properties": { "radiusInM": 1221 }
"recipientCount": 2
} ],
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:53:57.566Z",
"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Yes, I've seen the intruder", "No, I haven't"],
"name": "Intruder?"
Retrieves the list of all Notifications in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/notifications
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Notifications are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There were seven notifications assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made, and we asked for only the first to be returned in order to save space. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Notification belongs, or request the Notifications attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Notification belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Notifications that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Notification response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose notifications were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/notifications/28bbc6b0-1d88-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/notifications/28bbc6b0-1d88-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/notifications/28bbc6b0-1d88-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"subject": "An intruder has been spotted on campus",
"distributionListIds": ["71ad1fe0-19af-11e4-9367-3c970e7ff560"],
"initiatorId": "3e967e50-1bdd-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"initiator": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:42:57.973Z",
"id": "3e967e50-1bdd-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "security@e.mail",
"name": "Security Office"
"image": 0,
"confirmationResults": { "Yes, I've seen the intruder": 0, "No, I haven't": 0 },
"audio": 32292,
"alertTone": "default",
"followUpAllowed": true,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T16:38:56.411Z",
"messageTemplateId": "e5543bf0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"recipientCount": 5,
"progress": {
"recipientCount": 5,
"readCount": 4,
"smsReceivedCount": 3,
"callAnsweredCount": 1,
"smsFailedCount": 0,
"callPlacedCount": 2,
"callFailedCount": 1,
"smsSentCount": 4,
"extensions": {
"17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6": {
"type": "device",
"total": 4,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 3,
"deviceType": "SMS"
"b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "singlewire:email"
"5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "Android"
"551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd": {
"type": "fusion-endpoint",
"total": 1,
"failed": 1,
"completed": 1,
"deviceType": null
"e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "singlewire:icop"
"1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "apns-sandbox"
"1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de2": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "apns-qa"
"839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "apns"
"0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291": {
"type": "device",
"total": 2,
"failed": 1,
"completed": 1,
"deviceType": "phone-call"
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "Intruder Alert",
"body": "Warning: An intruder has been spotted on campus heading towards the recreation center. Please be advised and stay tuned for further updates. Have you seen the intruder?",
"domainId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"id": "28bbc6b0-1d88-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"distributionLists": [null],
"areasOfInterest": [ {
"id": "9cf22563-01a7-11e6-91d9-c77df3a40a79",
"name": "Clifton",
"createdAt": "2016-04-13T18:43:28.566Z",
"geometryType": "circle",
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ -84.0, 39.0 ]
"properties": { "radiusInM": 1221 }
"recipientCount": 2
} ],
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:53:57.566Z",
"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Yes, I've seen the intruder", "No, I haven't"],
"name": "Intruder?"
Retrieves a single Domain Notification by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/notifications/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Notifications are of interest. |
id | The id of the Notification whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Notification belongs, or check if the Notification is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Notification belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Notifications that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Notification is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if recursive
), a response will be returned. The Notification response format is
detailed here. If the list is not in the Domain, the
response status will indicate that the requested resource cannot be
Domain Notification Profiles
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Notification Profiles are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Notification Profiles are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Notification Profiles
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notification-profiles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notification-profiles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notification-profiles?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": 2,
"partial": true,
"data": [{
"id": "11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"name": "Default Profile",
"settings": [{
"id": "e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0",
"name": "InformaCast Device",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"name": "Email",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"headingText": "Notification From",
"introText": "Custom intro",
"primaryColor": "#3498db",
"primaryTextColor": "#ffffff",
"secondaryTextColor": "#205478",
"subheadingText": "InformaCast Mobile"
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03",
"name": "Apple Production Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e",
"name": "Google μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de2",
"name": "Apple QA Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1",
"name": "Apple Dev Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6",
"name": "SMS",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"introduction": "Main introduction",
"includeBody": null
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291",
"name": "Phone Call",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"introduction": "The following is an alert from the University of Wisconsin."
"attachments": []
"createdAt": "2017-07-26T12:50:58.048Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Retrieves the list of all Notification Profiles in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/notification-profiles
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Notification Profiles are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first Notification Profile associated with the Domain was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the Notification Profiles attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Notification Profile belongs, and/or filter the results by matching on the Notification Profile name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Notification Profile belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Notification Profiles whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Notification Profiles that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Notification Profile response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose notification profiles were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Notification Profile
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notification-profiles/11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
profile = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notification-profiles/11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
profile = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notification-profiles/11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"name": "Default Profile",
"settings": [{
"id": "e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0",
"name": "InformaCast Device",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"name": "Email",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"headingText": "Notification From",
"introText": "Custom intro",
"primaryColor": "#3498db",
"primaryTextColor": "#ffffff",
"secondaryTextColor": "#205478",
"subheadingText": "InformaCast Mobile"
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03",
"name": "Apple Production Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e",
"name": "Google μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de2",
"name": "Apple QA Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1",
"name": "Apple Dev Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6",
"name": "SMS",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291",
"name": "Phone Call",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
"createdAt": "2017-07-26T12:50:58.048Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Retrieves a single Domain Notification Profile by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/notification-profiles/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Notification Profiles are of interest. |
id | The id of the Notification Profile whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Notification Profile belongs, or check if the Notification Profile is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the notification profile belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Notification Profiles that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Notification Profile is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Notification
Profile response format is detailed
here. If the list is not in the
Domain, the response status will indicate that the requested resource
cannot be found.
Add a Domain Notification Profile
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notification-profiles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d'
profile = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notification-profiles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d'
profile = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notification-profiles" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d"}'
"id": "11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"name": "Default Profile",
"settings": [{
"id": "e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0",
"name": "InformaCast Device",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"name": "Email",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"headingText": "Notification From",
"introText": "Custom intro",
"primaryColor": "#3498db",
"primaryTextColor": "#ffffff",
"secondaryTextColor": "#205478",
"subheadingText": "InformaCast Mobile"
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03",
"name": "Apple Production Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e",
"name": "Google μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de2",
"name": "Apple QA Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1",
"name": "Apple Dev Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6",
"name": "SMS",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291",
"name": "Phone Call",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
"createdAt": "2017-07-26T12:50:58.048Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Puts the Notification Profile into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/notification-profiles
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Notification Profile should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Notification Profile out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Notification Profile to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which each Bell Schedule belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Notification Profile out of one or more child Domains? |
A Notification Profile is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Notification Profile that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Notification Profile
# Continuing with the notification profile
# object from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the notification profile
# object from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/notification-profiles/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Notification Profile 6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"
Removes the specified Notification Profile from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Notification Profile currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Notification Profile itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/notification-profiles/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Notification Profile should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Notification Profile to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Notification Profile in no Domain. |
A Notification Profile must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Notification Profile from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Notification Profile. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Notification Profile out
of its last Domain will delete the Notification Profile.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Ring Lists
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Ring Lists are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Ring Lists are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Ring Lists
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/ring-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/ring-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/ring-lists?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"name": "Long Day",
"description": "Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday",
"entries": [
"id": "95fa308c-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-f58c41e03040",
"time": "08:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faa5bf-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-0d608ef926e9",
"time": "09:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faf3e2-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-79b029467fd3",
"time": "10:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95fb4205-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-270967cbcd4d",
"time": "11:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-06-27T19:23:35.219Z"
Retrieves the list of all Ring Lists in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/ring-lists
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Ring Lists are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There were a total of two ring lists assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Ring List belongs, request the Ring Lists attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, and/or filter the results by matching on the Ring List name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Ring List belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Ring Lists whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Ring Lists that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Ring List response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose ring lists were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Ring List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"name": "Long Day",
"description": "Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday",
"entries": [
"id": "95fa308c-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-f58c41e03040",
"time": "08:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faa5bf-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-0d608ef926e9",
"time": "09:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faf3e2-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-79b029467fd3",
"time": "10:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95fb4205-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-270967cbcd4d",
"time": "11:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-06-27T19:23:35.219Z"
Retrieves a single Domain Ring List by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/ring-lists/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Ring Lists are of interest. |
id | The id of the Ring List whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Ring List belongs, or check if the Ring List is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Ring List belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Ring Lists that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Ring List is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if recursive
is true
), a response will be returned. The Ring List response format
is detailed here. If the list is not in the
Domain, the response status will indicate that the requested resource
cannot be found.
Add a Domain Ring List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/ring-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389'
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/ring-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389'
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/ring-lists" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"}'
"id": "7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"name": "Long Day",
"description": "Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday",
"entries": [
"id": "95fa308c-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-f58c41e03040",
"time": "08:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faa5bf-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-0d608ef926e9",
"time": "09:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faf3e2-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-79b029467fd3",
"time": "10:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95fb4205-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-270967cbcd4d",
"time": "11:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-06-27T19:23:35.219Z"
Puts the Ring List into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/ring-lists
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Ring List should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Ring List out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Ring List to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which each Ring List belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Ring List out of one or more child Domains? |
A Ring List is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Ring List that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Ring List
# Continuing with the ring list object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the ring list object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/ring-lists/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Ring List 7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"
Removes the specified Ring List from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Ring List currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Ring List itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/ring-lists/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Ring List should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Ring List to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Ring List in no Domain. |
A Ring List must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Ring List from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Ring List. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Ring List out
of its last Domain will delete the Ring List.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Scenarios
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Scenarios are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Scenarios are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Scenarios
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': true,
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': true
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/scenarios?includeDomains=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "4d244d53-9450-11e9-8a98-29ad15a64fbc",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"name": "Snow Day",
"icon": null,
"backgroundColor": "#1791CE",
"domains": [
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"createdAt": "2019-06-21T18:13:42.403Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of all Scenarios in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/scenarios
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Scenarios are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There was one scenario assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Scenario belongs, request the Scenarios attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, and/or filter the results by matching on the Scenario name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Scenario belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Scenario whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Scenarios that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Scenario response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose scenarios were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Scenario
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/scenarios/4d244d53-9450-11e9-8a98-29ad15a64fbc"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': true
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/scenarios/4d244d53-9450-11e9-8a98-29ad15a64fbc"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': true
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/scenarios/4d244d53-9450-11e9-8a98-29ad15a64fbc?includeDomains=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "4d244d53-9450-11e9-8a98-29ad15a64fbc",
"domainId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "Snow Day",
"icon": null,
"backgroundColor": "#1791CE",
"domains": [
"id": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"createdAt": "2019-06-21T18:13:42.403Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single Domain Scenario by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/scenarios/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Scenarios are of interest. |
id | The id of the Scenario whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Scenario belongs, or check if the Scenario is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Scenario belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Scenarios that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Scenario is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if recursive
is true
), a response will be returned. The Scenario response format
is detailed here. If the list is not in the
Domain, the response status will indicate that the requested resource
cannot be found.
Add a Domain Scenario
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '4d244d53-9450-11e9-8a98-29ad15a64fbc',
'includeDomains': true
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '4d244d53-9450-11e9-8a98-29ad15a64fbc'
'includeDomains': true
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/scenarios" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "4d244d53-9450-11e9-8a98-29ad15a64fbc", \
"includeDomains": true}'
"id": "4d244d53-9450-11e9-8a98-29ad15a64fbc",
"domainId": "8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36",
"name": "Snow Day",
"icon": null,
"backgroundColor": "#1791CE",
"domains": [
"id": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"id": "8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "East Campus",
"path": "/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/",
"namePath": "/East Campus/"
"createdAt": "2019-06-21T18:13:42.403Z",
"permissions": [
Puts the Scenario into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/scenarios
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Scenario should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Scenario out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Scenario to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which the Scenario belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Scenario out of one or more child Domains? |
A Scenario is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Scenario that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Scenario
# Continuing with the scenario object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the scenario object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/scenarios/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Scenario 7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"
Removes the specified Scenario from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Scenario currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Scenario itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/scenarios/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Scenario should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Scenario to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Scenario in no Domain. |
A Scenario must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Scenario from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Scenario. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Scenario out
of its last Domain will delete the Scenario.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Security Groups
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Security Groups are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Security Groups are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Security Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/security-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"id": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"domainId": "90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de",
"name": "Custodial Staff",
"superGroup": false,
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-17T04:29:24.171Z"
Retrieves the list of all Security Groups in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/security-groups
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Security Groups are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first result was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. There were a total of 2 Security Groups assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Security Group belongs, request the Security Groups attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, and/or filter the results by matching on the Security Group name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Security Group belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Security Groups whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Security Groups that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Security Group response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose security groups were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Security Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
group = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
group = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"domainId": "90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de",
"name": "Custodial Staff",
"superGroup": false,
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-17T04:29:24.171Z"
Retrieves a single Domain Security Group by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/security-groups/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Security Groups are of interest. |
id | The id of the Security Group whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Security Group belongs, or check if the Security Group is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Security Group belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Security Groups that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Security Group is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Security
Group response format is detailed here. If
the group is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Domain Security Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125'
group = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125'
group = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/security-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"}'
"id": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"domainId": "90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de",
"name": "Custodial Staff",
"superGroup": false,
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-17T04:29:24.171Z"
Puts the Security Group into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/security-groups
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Security Group should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Security Group out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Security Group to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which each Security Group belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Security Group out of one or more child Domains? |
A Security Group is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Security Group that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Security Group
# Continuing with the security group object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the security group object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Security Group c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Security Group from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Security Group currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Security Group itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/security-groups/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Security Group should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Security Group to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Security Group in no Domain. |
A Security Group must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Security Group from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Security Group. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Security Group out
of its last Domain will delete the Security Group.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Security Group Permissions
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, any open-ended Security Group Permissions are scoped (restricted) to apply only to a specific domain. This resource lets you find out which Security Group Permissions are scoped to a particular Domain.
List All Domain Security Group Permissions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/security-group-permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 2
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/security-group-permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 2
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/security-group-permissions?limit=2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 120,
"previous": null,
"next": "2",
"partial": true,
"data": [
"id": "ab9ae477-dddb-11e6-a7a8-03b54b63f7b0",
"securityGroupId": "8144e135-dddb-11e6-a7a8-ef9a4cfd53b5",
"verb": "put",
"spec": "/load-definitions/*/security-group-mappings/*",
"domainId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"securityGroup": {
"id": "8144e135-dddb-11e6-a7a8-ef9a4cfd53b5",
"name": "West Office",
"superGroup": false,
"createdAt": "2017-01-19T00:09:11.773Z"
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2017-01-19T00:10:22.801Z"
"id": "ab9b0b88-dddb-11e6-a7a8-7b42f33ea4b7",
"securityGroupId": "8144e135-dddb-11e6-a7a8-ef9a4cfd53b5",
"verb": "get",
"spec": "/notifications/*/recipients/*",
"domainId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"securityGroup": {
"id": "8144e135-dddb-11e6-a7a8-ef9a4cfd53b5",
"name": "West Office",
"superGroup": false,
"createdAt": "2017-01-19T00:09:11.773Z"
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2017-01-19T00:10:22.802Z"
These permissions mean that security group West Office can create update User Loader security group mappings and list all recipients of all notifications in the specified Domain. Since an unpredictable set of
values might be present in results, the corresponding Security Group information is returned.
Retrieves the list of all Domain Security Group Permissions. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/security-group-permissions
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Security Group Permissions are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first two results were requested using the API’s pagination parameters. There were a total of 120 Security Group Permissions scoped to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the permissions attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Security Group Permissions that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any permissions attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Domains Security Group Permissions response format is detailed here.
If recursive
is true
, an unpredictable set of domainId
might be returned, so the corresponding Domain information will be
added to the response as well.
Get a Domain Security Group Permission
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/security-group-permissions/ab9b0b88-dddb-11e6-a7a8-7b42f33ea4b7"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
perm = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/security-group-permissions/ab9b0b88-dddb-11e6-a7a8-7b42f33ea4b7"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
perm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/security-group-permissions/ab9b0b88-dddb-11e6-a7a8-7b42f33ea4b7" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "ab9b0b88-dddb-11e6-a7a8-7b42f33ea4b7",
"securityGroupId": "8144e135-dddb-11e6-a7a8-ef9a4cfd53b5",
"verb": "get",
"spec": "/notifications/*/recipients/*",
"domainId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"securityGroup": {
"id": "8144e135-dddb-11e6-a7a8-ef9a4cfd53b5",
"name": "West Office",
"superGroup": false,
"createdAt": "2017-01-19T00:09:11.773Z"
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2017-01-19T00:10:22.802Z"
Retrieves a single Domain Security Group Permission by id
. Since this is not a
list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/security-group-permissions/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Security Group Permission is of interest. |
id | The id of the Security Group Permission scoped to the specified Domain to retrieve. |
The Domains Security Group Permissions response format is detailed here.
Domains Security Group Permissions Response
The JSON document used to represent a Domain Security Group Permission resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this permission was created. |
domain | Object | When a recursive list is returned, for convenience this returns the actual Domain that the permission is scoped to. |
domainId | String | The maximum scope at which the permission can be applied: for Domain-enabled resources, only those belonging to the specified Domain or its subdomains are affected by the permission. |
id | String | The id of the Security Group Permission that is scoped to the Domain. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . What operations are possible on this permission resource itself. |
securityGroup | Object | For convenience, provides information (name, super-group flag, creation timestamp) about the security group to which the permsision applies. |
securityGroupId | String | The id of the Security Group to which this permission applies. |
spec | String | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the security group is being permitted to act on. |
verb | String | Options: get post put delete . The action (HTTP method) which is permitted on the resource(s) identified by spec . |
Domain Sites
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Sites are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Sites are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Sites
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84/sites"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': true,
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84/sites"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': true
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84/sites?includeDomains=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f",
"name": "South Campus",
"domains": [
"id": "7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "South Campus",
"path": "/7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84/",
"namePath": "/South Campus/"
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:15:07.639Z",
"recipients": [
"siteId": "c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:15:07.664Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "c113596a-0779-11eb-b543-23dc51b8c4c4",
"siteRoleId": "14fdcf83-0778-11eb-b543-3da0d7f5f643",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": []
"siteId": "c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:15:07.664Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "c1135969-0779-11eb-b543-e98eebf336a0",
"siteRoleId": "19b00cf4-0778-11eb-b543-4735b006d8eb",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [
"campaign": null,
"name": "South Admins",
"syncId": "b5578105-0779-11eb-b543-5f1e8986ac15:1601950487986",
"id": "b5578105-0779-11eb-b543-5f1e8986ac15",
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:14:47.978Z",
"isSubscribable": false
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": []
"domainId": "7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of all Sites in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/sites
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Sites are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There was one site assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Site belongs, request the Sites attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, and/or filter the results by matching on the Site name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Site belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Site whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Sites that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Site response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose sites were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Site
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84/sites/c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': true
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84/sites/c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': true
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84/sites/c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f?includeDomains=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f",
"name": "South Campus",
"domains": [
"id": "7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "South Campus",
"path": "/7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84/",
"namePath": "/South Campus/"
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:15:07.639Z",
"recipients": [
"siteId": "c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:15:07.664Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "c113596a-0779-11eb-b543-23dc51b8c4c4",
"siteRoleId": "14fdcf83-0778-11eb-b543-3da0d7f5f643",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": []
"siteId": "c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:15:07.664Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "c1135969-0779-11eb-b543-e98eebf336a0",
"siteRoleId": "19b00cf4-0778-11eb-b543-4735b006d8eb",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [
"campaign": null,
"name": "South Admins",
"syncId": "b5578105-0779-11eb-b543-5f1e8986ac15:1601950487986",
"id": "b5578105-0779-11eb-b543-5f1e8986ac15",
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:14:47.978Z",
"isSubscribable": false
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": []
"domainId": "7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single Domain Site by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/sites/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Sites are of interest. |
id | The id of the Site whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Site belongs, or check if the Site is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Site belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Sites that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Site is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if recursive
), a response will be returned. The Site response format is
detailed here. If the list is not in the Domain, the
response status will indicate that the requested resource cannot be
Add a Domain Site
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/sites"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '896437cf-9458-11e9-bb63-07b12ce3e3e2',
'includeDomains': true
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/sites"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '896437cf-9458-11e9-bb63-07b12ce3e3e2'
'includeDomains': true
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/sites" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "896437cf-9458-11e9-bb63-07b12ce3e3e2", \
"includeDomains": true}'
"id": "c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f",
"domainId": "896437cf-9458-11e9-bb63-07b12ce3e3e2",
"name": "South Campus",
"domains": [
"id": "7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "South Campus",
"path": "/7e71167b-4124-11ea-aa0d-5b75363e5d84/",
"namePath": "/South Campus/"
"id": "8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "East Campus",
"path": "/8b5ec352-6ce3-11e9-8128-731ed9098c36/",
"namePath": "/East Campus/"
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:15:07.639Z",
"recipients": [
"siteId": "c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:15:07.664Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "c113596a-0779-11eb-b543-23dc51b8c4c4",
"siteRoleId": "14fdcf83-0778-11eb-b543-3da0d7f5f643",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": []
"siteId": "c10f88d8-0779-11eb-b543-6dea855a479f",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:15:07.664Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "c1135969-0779-11eb-b543-e98eebf336a0",
"siteRoleId": "19b00cf4-0778-11eb-b543-4735b006d8eb",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [
"campaign": null,
"name": "South Admins",
"syncId": "b5578105-0779-11eb-b543-5f1e8986ac15:1601950487986",
"id": "b5578105-0779-11eb-b543-5f1e8986ac15",
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:14:47.978Z",
"isSubscribable": false
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": []
"permissions": [
Puts the Site into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/sites
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Site should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Site out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Site to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which the Site belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Site out of one or more child Domains? |
A Site is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Site that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Site
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/sites/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Site 7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"
Removes the specified Site from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Site currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Site itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/sites/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Site should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Site to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Site in no Domain. |
A Site must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Site from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Site. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Site out
of its last Domain will delete the Site.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Site Roles
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Site Roles are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Site Roles are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Site Roles
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/site-roles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': true,
'limit': 2
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/site-roles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': true
'limit': 2
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/site-roles?includeDomains=true&limit=2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "19b00cf4-0778-11eb-b543-4735b006d8eb",
"name": "Library",
"domains": [
"id": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"parentId": null,
"name": "Root",
"path": "/",
"namePath": "/"
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:03:17.337Z",
"domainId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"permissions": [
"id": "14fdcf83-0778-11eb-b543-3da0d7f5f643",
"name": "Site Role 1",
"domains": [
"id": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"parentId": null,
"name": "Root",
"path": "/",
"namePath": "/"
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:03:09.458Z",
"domainId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of all Site Roles in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/site-roles
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Site Roles are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There were a total of two site roles assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned Site Role belongs, request the Site Roles attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, and/or filter the results by matching on the Site Role name, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Site Role belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Site Roles whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Site Roles that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Site Role response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose site roles were
requested is returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
Check if a Domain contains a Site Role
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/site-roles/19b00cf4-0778-11eb-b543-4735b006d8eb"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/site-roles/19b00cf4-0778-11eb-b543-4735b006d8eb"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/site-roles/19b00cf4-0778-11eb-b543-4735b006d8eb" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "19b00cf4-0778-11eb-b543-4735b006d8eb",
"name": "Library",
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T02:03:17.337Z",
"domainId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single Domain Site Role by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/site-roles/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Site Roles are of interest. |
id | The id of the Site Role whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the Site Role belongs, or check if the Site Role is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Site Role belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Site Roles that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Site Role is part of the Domain (or a subdomain, if recursive
is true
), a response will be returned. The Site Role response format
is detailed here. If the list is not in the
Domain, the response status will indicate that the requested resource
cannot be found.
Add a Domain Site Role
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/site-roles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389',
'includeDomains': true
list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/site-roles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389'
'includeDomains': true
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/site-roles" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389", \
"includeDomains": true}'
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"domains": [
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"id": "b390b781-e373-11e8-9c1a-b7d5944444f4",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Rec Center",
"path": "/b390b781-e373-11e8-9c1a-b7d5944444f4/",
"namePath": "/Rec Center/"
"name": "Site Role 1",
"createdAt": "2019-03-14T13:59:51.954Z",
"id": "7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec"
Puts the Site Role into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/site-roles
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the Site Role should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Site Role out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Site Role to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which the Site Role belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Site Role out of one or more child Domains? |
A Site Role is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Site Role that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Domain Site Role
# Continuing with the site role object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site role object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/site-roles/7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Site Role 7030f7f4-4661-11e9-9372-ad3660dbb389"
Removes the specified Site Role from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Site Role currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Site Role itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/site-roles/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the Site Role should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the Site Role to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Site Role in no Domain. |
A Site Role must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Site Role from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Site Role. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Site Role out
of its last Domain will delete the Site Role.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Users
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Users are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Users are assigned to which Domains.
List All Domain Users
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'transitive': true,
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'transitive': true
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/users?transitive=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 4,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"lock": { "start": "2014-03-16T14:00:00.000Z", "end": "2014-09-16T14:00:00.000Z" },
"name": "Al Smith",
"securityGroups": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:23.126Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"id": "68a3db60-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"securityGroupId": "3aa5dec0-dd09-11e3-b17e-b8e856327746"
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"email": "al.smith@acme.edu",
"type": "regular",
"idleTimeout": null,
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"subscriptions": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-19T19:09:21.020Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"distributionListId": "13b32cf0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"id": "152f93c0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847"
"createdAt": "2014-07-22T19:15:42.057Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"distributionListId": "8fee5e20-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847",
"id": "92bd3590-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847"
"source": "direct",
"securityGroupId": null,
"domainId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Retrieves the list of all Users in the Domain. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/users
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated Users are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first result was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. There were a total of 4 Users assigned to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the users attached to any ancestors of the specified Domain, or who can act in the Domain through one or more Security Groups, find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned User belongs, and/or filter the results by matching on the User name or type, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
compact | boolean | Ignored unless transitive is true . For transitive queries, setting compact to true will suppress the additional source information described below, and ensure that each User appears in the response only once. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each user belongs. |
name | String | Returns only Users whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Users that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its ancestors will be returned. |
transitive | boolean | If true , in addition to Users that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to ancestors of the Domain, or to Security Groups that are attached to the Domain and its ancestors, will be returned (transitive takes precedence over recursive , so passing true for both is the same as just passing true for transitive ). |
type | String | Option: regular , application , anonymous . Return only Users whose type match the supplied value. Application users are for non-interactive use with permanent API tokens, such as with the InformaCast plugin; anonymous users cannot be created via the API, but are created when users register a phone anonymously to participate in a campaign. |
The User response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the domain whose users were requested is
returned under the key domainId
inside each response.
If recursive
is true
you get back the list of all Users that are
visible from the chosen Domain, because they are either a member of
the Domain directly, or they are a member of one of its subdomains.
If transitive
is true
, you get back the list of all Users that can
act in the chosen Domain, either because they are a direct member of
the Domain or one of its ancestors, or because they belong to a
Security Group that is attached to the domain or one of its ancestors.
For transitive requests (unless you suppress this by setting compact
to true
) in addition to the normal User response attributes,
information explaining why the user is able to act in the Domain is
added. The same user might appear in the response list more than once,
with different sources cited, as detailed below.
The possible source
values are:
Source | Meaning |
direct | The user is directly attached to the Domain. |
group | The user is attached to a Security Group that is attached to the specified Domain. |
parent | The user is attached to a parent (ancestor) Domain of the specified Domain, either directly or through a Security Group. |
When source
is group
(or parent
, if the parent Domain was
included because of a Security Group), information about the Security
Group is included in the response as well:
Attribute | Type | Description |
source | String | Option: direct , parent , group . The reason the user can act in the domain. |
securityGroup | Object | When source is group or parent , this may contain a Security Group response describing the group through which the user is able to act in the Domain. |
securityGroupId | String | When source is group or parent , this is the id of the Security Group through which the user is able to act in the Domain. |
Note that the consideration of parent Domains for transitive requests
is always performed, so when transitive
is specified, recursive
has no meaning.
Check if a Domain contains a User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
user = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
user = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"lock": { "start": "2014-03-16T14:00:00.000Z", "end": "2014-09-16T14:00:00.000Z" },
"name": "Al Smith",
"securityGroups": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:23.126Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"id": "68a3db60-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"securityGroupId": "3aa5dec0-dd09-11e3-b17e-b8e856327746"
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"email": "al.smith@acme.edu",
"type": "regular",
"idleTimeout": null,
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"subscriptions": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-19T19:09:21.020Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"distributionListId": "13b32cf0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"id": "152f93c0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847"
"createdAt": "2014-07-22T19:15:42.057Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"distributionListId": "8fee5e20-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847",
"id": "92bd3590-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847"
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"domainId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb"
Retrieves a single Domain User by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/users/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose Users are of interest. |
id | The id of the User whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Query Parameters
Additionally, you can find out the exact set of domains to which the user belongs, or check if the user is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, or can act in the Domain through one or more Security Groups using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the User belongs. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Users that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to its subdomains will be considered. |
transitive | boolean | If true , in addition to Users that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any attached to Security Groups that are attached to the Domain or its subdomains will be considered (transitive implies recursive , so passing true for both is the same as just passing true for transitive ). |
If the User can act in the Domain, a response will be returned. The User response format is detailed here. If they cannot, the response status will indicate that the requested resource cannot be found.
If transitive
is true
, in addition to the normal User response
attributes, information explaining why the user is able to act in the
Domain is added. The possible source
values are:
Source | Meaning |
direct | The user is directly attached to the Domain. |
parent | The user is attached to a parent Domain of the specified Domain. |
group | The user is attached to a Security Group that is attached to the specified Domain, or to one of its parent Domains. |
When source
is group
, information about the Security Group is included in the response as well:
Attribute | Type | Description |
source | String | Option: direct , parent , group . The reason the user can act in the domain. |
securityGroup | Object | When source is group , this will contain a Security Group response describing the group through which the user is able to act in the Domain. |
securityGroupId | String | When source is group , this is the id of the Security Group through which the user is able to act in the Domain. |
Add a Domain User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746'
user = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746'
user = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/users" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"}'
"lock": { "start": "2014-03-16T14:00:00.000Z", "end": "2014-09-16T14:00:00.000Z" },
"name": "Al Smith",
"securityGroups": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:23.126Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"id": "68a3db60-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"securityGroupId": "3aa5dec0-dd09-11e3-b17e-b8e856327746"
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"email": "al.smith@acme.edu",
"type": "regular",
"idleTimeout": null,
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"subscriptions": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-19T19:09:21.020Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"distributionListId": "13b32cf0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"id": "152f93c0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847"
"createdAt": "2014-07-22T19:15:42.057Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"distributionListId": "8fee5e20-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847",
"id": "92bd3590-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847"
"domainId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Puts the User into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /domains/{domainId}/users
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain to which the User should be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the user out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the User to be added to the Domain. |
includeDomains | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Domains to which each user belongs in the response. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the user out of one or more child Domains? |
For details on the use of promote
and demote
, see the following section.
Promotion and Demotion of Users
The concepts of promotion an demotion relate to Domain hierarchies.
Consider a set of domains /
, /West Campus/
, /West
/West Campus/Gym/
, and /East Campus/
A campus example with hierarchical Domains.
These form
a hierarchy, and membership in a parent Domain automatically confers
membership in any children of that domain. For example, Amy, a user in
Domain /
is automatically in every Domain that exists. Don, A user in
domain /West Campus/
is also automatically in /West
and /West Campus/Gym/
A user may belong to multiple domains. Consider Fay in the diagram below.
She is a member of both the /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
A User in two Domains.
However, a user is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain that they
are implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a parent Domain.
If try to add Eli to /West Campus/Gym/
request will fail because he is already implicitly in that domain
because of his membership in the parent /West Campus/
In order to actually add Eli to /West Campus/Gym/
you need to set
the request parameter demote
to true
, which will take him out of
/West Campus/
when adding him to /West Campus/Gym/
A demoted user taken from a parent Domain and added to a child.
The restriction works in the other direction as well. If you try
to add Fay to the root Domain, /
, the request will fail
because she is in two of Root
’s child Domains. In order to actually do
it, you need to set the request parameter promote
to true
, which
will take Fay out of the conflicting child Domains, leaving her only
in the Domain /
A promoted user taken from two child Domains and added to common parent.
It is worth noting that Users (and other resources) can participate in multiple
domains at multiple levels, not just at the same level. For example, Eli could
be a member of both the /West Campus/Gym/
and /East Campus
A user in two domains at differing levels of the hierarchy.
You are also not restricted in how many levels you traverse for a given
promotion or demotion. In the example above, Amy could be demoted
directly to /West Campus/Gym/
and Leo could be promoted directly to /
Remove a Domain User
# Continuing with the user object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the user object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain User 685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Removes the specified User from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the User currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the User itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /domains/{domainId}/users/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain from which the User should be removed. |
id | String | The id of the User to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the User in no Domain. |
A User must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the User from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the User. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a User out
of its last Domain will delete the User.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain User Permissions
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, any open-ended User Permissions are scoped (restricted) to apply only to a specific domain. This resource lets you find out which User Permissions are scoped to a particular Domain.
List All Domain User Permissions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/user-permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 2
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/user-permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 2
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/user-permissions?limit=2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 260,
"previous": null,
"next": "2",
"partial": true,
"data": [
"id": "009882e7-cd3e-11e6-a0cc-c52b5ffa2c35",
"userId": "42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a",
"verb": "post",
"spec": "/users",
"domainId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"user": {
"id": "42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a",
"name": "Dione Jones",
"email": "dione.jones@acme.com",
"type": "regular",
"createdAt": "2016-07-07T19:23:18.089Z"
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2016-12-28T20:41:26.304Z"
"id": "049e19b9-4a09-11e6-bbed-95f38efd94db",
"userId": "42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a",
"verb": "get",
"spec": "/users/*",
"domainId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"user": {
"id": "42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a",
"name": "Dione Jones",
"email": "dione.jones@acme.com",
"type": "regular",
"createdAt": "2016-07-07T19:23:18.089Z"
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2016-07-14T21:22:07.401Z"
These permissions mean that user Dione Jones can create new users and list all users in the specified Domain. Since an unpredictable set of
values might be present in results, the corresponding User information is returned.
Retrieves the list of all Domain User Permissions. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/user-permissions
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose associated User Permissions are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first two results were requested using the API’s pagination parameters. There were a total of 260 User Permissions scoped to the specified Domain when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the permissions attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to User Permissions that are directly attached to the specified Domain, any permissions attached to its subdomains will be returned. |
The Domains User Permissions response format is detailed here.
If recursive
is true
, an unpredictable set of domainId
might be returned, so the corresponding Domain information will be
added to the response as well.
Get a Domain User Permission
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/user-permissions/049e19b9-4a09-11e6-bbed-95f38efd94db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
perm = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/user-permissions/049e19b9-4a09-11e6-bbed-95f38efd94db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
perm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/domains/69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534/user-permissions/049e19b9-4a09-11e6-bbed-95f38efd94db" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "049e19b9-4a09-11e6-bbed-95f38efd94db",
"userId": "42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a",
"verb": "get",
"spec": "/users/*",
"domainId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"user": {
"id": "42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a",
"name": "Dione Jones",
"email": "dione.jones@acme.com",
"type": "regular",
"createdAt": "2016-07-07T19:23:18.089Z"
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2016-07-14T21:22:07.401Z"
Retrieves a single Domain User Permission by id
. Since this is not a
list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /domains/{domainId}/user-permissions/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
domainId | The id of the Domain whose User Permission is of interest. |
id | The id of the User Permission scoped to the specified Domain to retrieve. |
The Domains User Permissions response format is detailed here.
Domains User Permissions Response
The JSON document used to represent a Domain User Permission resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this permission was created. |
domain | Object | When a recursive list is returned, for convenience this returns the actual Domain that the permission is scoped to. |
domainId | String | The maximum scope at which the permission can be applied: for Domain-enabled resources, only those belonging to the specified Domain or its subdomains are affected by the permission. |
id | String | The id of the User Permission that is scoped to the Domain. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . What operations are possible on this permission resource itself. |
spec | String | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the user is being permitted to act on. |
user | Object | For convenience, provides information (name, email, type, creation timestamp) about the user to whom the permsision applies. |
userId | String | The id of the User to whom this permission applies. |
verb | String | Options: get post put delete . The action (HTTP method) which is permitted on the resource(s) identified by spec . |
Dynamic Replies
Dynamic replies provide a way to cause a text reply to be immediately sent when a user responds to a Notification with attached Confirmation Requests.
List All Dynamic Replies
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/dynamic-replies"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/dynamic-replies"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/dynamic-replies?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"createdAt": "2020-10-14T22:49:39.332Z",
"quota": 5,
"confirmationRequestId": "0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb",
"id": "8a88ecd8-0e6f-11eb-986a-2707a9326e84",
"optionLabel": "I need assistance",
"first": "Help is on the way!",
"rest": "Uh oh.",
"every": null
This configuration means that the first 5 responses received that confirm with
I need assistance
will immediately receive a text reply sayingHelp is on the way!
. Any additional confirmation responses (sixth and subsequent people) who respondI need assistance
will immediately receive the text replyUh oh.
Retrieves a list of the dynamic replies attached to a specific Confirmation Request.
HTTP Request
GET /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}/dynamic-replies
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the confirmation request whose dynamic replies are being examined. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more concise, only the first dynamic reply was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, although in this case there was in fact only one dynamic reply available. The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The dynamic reply response format is detailed here.
Get a Dynamic Reply
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/dynamic-replies/8a88ecd8-0e6f-11eb-986a-2707a9326e84"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
reply = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/dynamic-replies/8a88ecd8-0e6f-11eb-986a-2707a9326e84"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
reply = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/dynamic-replies/8a88ecd8-0e6f-11eb-986a-2707a9326e84" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["put", "delete", "get"],
"createdAt": "2020-10-14T22:49:39.332Z",
"quota": 5,
"confirmationRequestId": "0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb",
"id": "8a88ecd8-0e6f-11eb-986a-2707a9326e84",
"optionLabel": "I need assistance",
"first": "Help is on the way!",
"every": null,
"rest": "Uh oh."
Retrieves a particular dynamic reply based on its id
and the id
of its confirmation request. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}/dynamic-replies/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the Confirmation Request that contains this dynamic reply. |
id | The id of the specific dynamic reply to retrieve. |
The dynamic reply response format is detailed here.
Create a Dynamic Reply
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/dynamic-replies"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'optionLabel': 'I am safe: outside building',
'every': 'Get inside!'
reply = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/dynamic-replies"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'optionLabel': 'I am safe: outside building'
'every': 'Get inside!'
reply = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/dynamic-replies" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"optionLabel": "I am safe: outside building", \
"every": "Get inside!"}'
"confirmationRequestId": "0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb",
"id": "254ee0b1-12ec-11eb-b89c-b1714049c798",
"optionLabel": "I am safe: outside building",
"createdAt": "2020-10-20T15:51:41.244Z",
"every": "Get inside!",
"permissions": ["put", "delete", "get"]
This reply will be sent whenever a confirmation response of
I am safe: outside building
is received and will sayGet inside!
Adds a trigger to be immediately sent when a user responds to a Notification with a Confirmation Request specifically matching the expected optionLabel
HTTP Request
POST /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}/dynamic-replies
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the Confirmation Request to which the dynamic reply should be attached. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
optionLabel | String | Which confirmation response option to reply to |
quota | Integer | (Required for quota-based replies only) The first quota respondents will receive the first reply text. All others will receive the rest text. |
first | String | Can only be used when a quota and rest are specified. The text with which to immediately reply to the first quota respondents. |
rest | String | Once quota number of respondents have confirmed with the optionLabel specified, we reply with the rest text to all subsequent confirmations of that optionLabel option. |
every | String | Used without quota , first or rest , to reply in the same way to all matching confirmation responses. |
The dynamic reply response format is detailed here.
Update a Dynamic Reply
# Continuing with the dynamic reply object
# from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the dynamic reply object
# from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/dynamic-replies/254ee0b1-12ec-11eb-b89c-b1714049c798" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"optionLabel": "I am safe: outside the building", \
"every": "All Clear: Everyone can return to the building."}'
"confirmationRequestId": "0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb",
"id": "254ee0b1-12ec-11eb-b89c-b1714049c798",
"createdAt": "2020-10-20T15:51:41.244Z",
"optionLabel": "I am safe: outside building",
"every": "All Clear: Everyone can return to the building.",
"permissions": ["put", "delete", "get"]
Modifies an existing dynamic reply.
HTTP Request
PUT /confirmation-request/{confirmationRequestId}/dynamic-replies/{id}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the Confirmation Request to which the dynamic reply is attached. |
id | The id of the specific dynamic reply to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
optionLabel | String | Which confirmation response option to reply to |
quota | Integer | (Required for quota-based replies only) The first quota respondents will receive the first reply text. All others will receive the rest text. |
first | String | Can only be used when a quota and rest are specified. The text with which to immediately reply to the first quota respondents. |
rest | String | Once quota number of respondents have confirmed with the optionLabel specified, we reply with the rest text to all subsequent confirmations of that optionLabel option. |
every | String | Used without quota , first or rest , to reply in the same way to all matching confirmation responses. |
The dynamic reply response format is detailed here.
Delete a Dynamic Reply
# Continuing with the dynamic reply object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the dynamic reply object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/0a6b60a0-0e4a-11eb-986a-55883885ddfb/dynamic-replies/254ee0b1-12ec-11eb-b89c-b1714049c798" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"ConfirmationRequestDynamicReply\"} 254ee0b1-12ec-11eb-b89c-b1714049c798"
Removes a dynamic reply from a confirmation request.
HTTP Request
DELETE /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}/dynamic-replies/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the Confirmation Request to which the dynamic reply is attached. |
id | The id of the specific dynamic reply to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Dynamic Reply Response
The JSON document used to represent an dynamic reply resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of this specific dynamic reply, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
optionLabel | String | Which confirmation response option to reply to |
quota | Integer | (Required for quota-based replies only) The first quota respondents will receive the first reply text. All others will receive the rest text. |
first | String | Can only be used when a quota and rest are specified. The text with which to immediately reply to the first quota respondents. |
rest | String | Once quota number of respondents have confirmed with the optionLabel specified, we reply with the rest text to all subsequent confirmations of that optionLabel option. |
every | String | Used without quota , first or rest , to reply in the same way to all matching confirmation responses. |
Escalation Rules
Escalation rules provide a way to cause followup messages to be automatically sent some time after a Notification, depending on the kinds of responses that have been made to an attached Confirmation Request.
List All Escalation Rules
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/escalation-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/escalation-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/escalation-rules?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"optionLabel": "Yes, I have seen the intruder",
"subject": "The intruder has been spotted!",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"deviceGroupIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff561"],
"comparison": "GT",
"image": null,
"audio": null,
"delay": 600,
"comparisonValue": 0,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T14:03:45.434Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"body": "",
"id": "4f062fa0-2160-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
This rule will cause a notification saying
The intruder has been spotted!
to be sent out ten minutes after the original notification, as long as at least one recipient has respondedYes, I have seen the intruder
Retrieves a list of the escalation rules attached to a specific Confirmation Request.
HTTP Request
GET /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}/escalation-rules
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the confirmation request whose escalation rules are being examined. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more concise, only the first escalation rule was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, although in this case there was in fact only one escalation rule available. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The escalation rule response format is detailed here.
Get an Escalation Rule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/escalation-rules/4f062fa0-2160-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
rule = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/escalation-rules/4f062fa0-2160-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
rule = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/escalation-rules/4f062fa0-2160-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"optionLabel": "Yes, I have seen the intruder",
"subject": "The intruder has been spotted!",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"deviceGroupIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff561"],
"comparison": "GT",
"image": null,
"audio": null,
"delay": 600,
"comparisonValue": 0,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T14:03:45.434Z",
"messageTemplateId": null,
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"body": "",
"id": "4f062fa0-2160-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
Retrieves a particular escalation rule based on its id
and the id
of its confirmation request. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}/escalation-rules/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the Confirmation Request that contains this escalation rule. |
id | The id of the specific escalation rule to retrieve. |
The escalation rule response format is detailed here.
Create an Escalation Rule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/escalation-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'comparisonValue': 1,
'comparison': 'LT',
'delay': 3600,
'optionLabel': 'Yes, I have seen the intruder',
'subject': 'Still no sightings',
'distributionListIds': ['af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560'],
'deviceGroupIds': ['af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff561']
rule = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/escalation-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'comparisonValue': 1
'comparison': 'LT'
'delay': 3600
'optionLabel': 'Yes, I have seen the intruder'
'subject': 'Still no sightings'
'distributionListIds': ['af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560'
'deviceGroupIds': ['af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff561'
rule = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/escalation-rules" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"comparisonValue": 1, \
"comparison": "LT", \
"delay": 3600, \
"optionLabel": "Yes, I have seen the intruder", \
"subject": "Still no sightings", \
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"], \
"deviceGroupIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff561"]}'
"optionLabel": "Yes, I have seen the intruder",
"subject": "Still no sightings",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"deviceGroupIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff561"],
"comparison": "LT",
"image": null,
"audio": null,
"delay": 3600,
"comparisonValue": 1,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T19:26:58.885Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"body": null,
"id": "766bf750-218d-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
This rule will cause a notification saying
Still no sightings
to be sent out one hour after the original notification, as long as no recipients have respondedYes, I have seen the intruder
Adds a trigger to be evaluated when a certain amount of time has elapsed since sending a Notification with a Confirmation Request. At that time, the responses which have been received to the confirmation request are compared with the escalation rule, and if the rule is matched, a followup notification is sent.
HTTP Request
POST /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}/escalation-rules
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the Confirmation Request to which the escalation rule should be attached. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
audio | Blob | Audio content to be sent if the rule triggers. Binary stream of audio in μ-law format. The size of the audio and image data combined must not exceed 10 MiB. |
body | String | Optional detailed body text to be sent if the rule triggers. This may be up to 10,000 characters long. |
comparison | String | Options: GT , LT , EQ , NE . Controls the type of comparison to be performed between the number of responses which match optionLabel and the value of comparisonValue . The rule will trigger if this comparison result is greater than, less than, equal, or not equal, respectively. |
comparisonValue | Integer | The value to which the number of responses matching optionLabel should be compared. |
delay | Integer | The number of seconds after sending the notification at which this rule should be evaluated. At that time, the number of responses matching optionLabel is compared with comparisonValue , and if the relationship is as described by comparison , this rule causes a new notification to be sent. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The id s of the Distribution Lists to which this escalation message will be sent if the rule matches when delay has elapsed since sending the original notification. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The id s of the Device Groups to which this escalation message will be sent if the rule matches when delay has elapsed since sending the original notification. |
image | Blob | Binary stream of an image to be sent if the rule triggers. The size of the image and audio data combined must not exceed 10 MiB. |
optionLabel | String | The Confirmation Request option to be counted when delay has elapsed and the rule triggers. The number of user responses matching this value is compared with comparisonValue , and if their relationship is as described by comparison , the escalation message is sent. |
subject | String | The subject to use for the escalation message which is sent if this rule is triggered. |
The escalation rule response format is detailed here.
Update an Escalation Rule
# Continuing with the escalation rule object
# from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the escalation rule object
# from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/escalation-rules/766bf750-218d-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"comparisonValue": 0, \
"comparison": "GT", \
"delay": 3600, \
"optionLabel": "No, I have not", \
"subject": "We have at least one negative response.", \
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"], \
"deviceGroupIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff561"]}'
"optionLabel": "No, I have not",
"subject": "We have at least one negative response.",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"deviceGroupIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff561"],
"comparison": "GT",
"image": null,
"audio": null,
"delay": 3600,
"comparisonValue": 0,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-11T19:26:58.885Z",
"messageTemplateId": null,
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"body": null,
"id": "766bf750-218d-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
Modifies an existing escalation rule.
HTTP Request
PUT /confirmation-request/{confirmationRequestId}/escalation-rules/{id}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the Confirmation Request to which the escalation rule is attached. |
id | The id of the specific escalation rule to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
audio | Blob | Audio content to be sent if the rule triggers. Binary stream of audio in μ-law format. The size of the audio and image data combined must not exceed 10 MiB. |
body | String | Optional detailed body text to be sent if the rule triggers. This may be up to 10,000 characters long. |
comparison | String | Options: GT , LT , EQ , NE . Controls the type of comparison to be performed between the number of responses which match optionLabel and the value of comparisonValue . The rule will trigger if this comparison result is greater than, less than, equal, or not equal, respectively. |
comparisonValue | Integer | The value to which the number of responses matching optionLabel should be compared. |
delay | Integer | The number of seconds after sending the notification at which this rule should be evaluated. At that time, the number of responses matching optionLabel is compared with comparisonValue , and if the relationship is as described by comparison , this rule causes a new notification to be sent. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The id s of the Distribution Lists to which this escalation message will be sent if the rule matches when delay has elapsed since sending the original notification. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The id s of the Device Groups to which this escalation message will be sent if the rule matches when delay has elapsed since sending the original notification. |
image | Blob | Binary stream of an image to be sent if the rule triggers. The size of the image and audio data combined must not exceed 10 MiB. |
optionLabel | String | The Confirmation Request option to be counted when delay has elapsed and the rule triggers. The number of user responses matching this value is compared with comparisonValue , and if their relationship is as described by comparison , the escalation message is sent. |
subject | String | The subject to use for the escalation message which is sent if this rule is triggered. |
The escalation rule response format is detailed here.
Delete an Escalation Rule
# Continuing with the escalation rule object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the escalation rule object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/confirmation-requests/c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/escalation-rules/766bf750-218d-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"ConfirmationRequestEscalationRules\"} 766bf750-218d-11e4-ba87-3c970e7ff560"
Removes an escalation rule from a confirmation request.
HTTP Request
DELETE /confirmation-requests/{confirmationRequestId}/escalation-rules/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
confirmationRequestId | The id of the Confirmation Request to which the escalation rule is attached. |
id | The id of the specific escalation rule to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Escalation Rule Response
The JSON document used to represent an escalation rule resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
audio | Blob | Audio content to be sent if the rule triggers. Binary stream of audio in μ-law format. The size of the audio and image data combined must not exceed 10 MiB. |
body | String | Optional detailed body text to be sent if the rule triggers. This may be up to 10,000 characters long. |
comparison | String | Options: GT , LT , EQ , NE . Controls the type of comparison to be performed between the number of responses which match optionLabel and the value of comparisonValue . The rule will trigger if this comparison result is greater than, less than, equal, or not equal, respectively. |
comparisonValue | Integer | The value to which the number of responses matching optionLabel should be compared. |
confirmationRequestId | String | The id of the Confirmation Request this escalation rule is attached to. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this escalation rule was created. |
delay | Integer | The number of seconds after sending the notification at which this rule should be evaluated. At that time, the number of responses matching optionLabel is compared with comparisonValue , and if the relationship is as described by comparison , this rule causes a new notification to be sent. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The id s of the Distribution Lists to which an escalation message will be sent if the rule matches when delay has elapsed since sending the original notification. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The id s of the Device Groups to which an escalation message will be sent if the rule matches when delay has elapsed since sending the original notification. |
image | Blob | Binary stream of an image to be sent if the rule triggers. The size of the image and audio data combined must not exceed 10 MiB. |
id | String | The id of this specific escalation rule, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
optionLabel | String | The Confirmation Request option to be counted when delay has elapsed and the rule triggers. The number of user responses matching this value is compared with comparisonValue , and if their relationship is as described by comparison , the escalation message is sent. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
subject | String | The subject to use for the escalation message which is sent if this rule is triggered. |
Extensions allow new features to be added to InformaCast Mobile without changing the core API implementation. Eventually this ability may be extended to third-party developers, but for now only Singlewire can create Extensions. As such, the documentation of this resource is currently limited, but should hopefully be enough to let you understand what you see in the API.
There are currently four different kinds of extensions, distinguished
by their type
extension type allows new kinds of endpoints to receive InformaCast Mobile notifications, for example, the Email device extension adds email addresses as configurable devices of typesinglewire:email
for Users within Providers which have it configured.The
extension type can be used to adjust which devices actually receive a notification when it is sent. This is used by the new “Do Not Disturb” feature to filter out devices for users who are currently within a do-not-disturb window.The
extension type can be used to add new collaboration group types to send a notification to.The
extension type can be used to proxy authenticated requests through the public api to the underlying extension. Examples may be found below.
List All Extensions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 3
extensions = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 3
extensions = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions?limit=3" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"disabled": false,
"name": "Do Not Disturb Notification Blocker",
"type": "device-filter",
"id": "b77bb090-2fde-11e5-80c4-56847afe9799",
"createdAt": "2015-07-21T19:28:51.225Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-07-21T19:28:51.225Z",
"permissions": [
"permissions": [
"deviceLimit": 3,
"disabled": false,
"config": {
"secondaryTextColor": null,
"introText": "Some test intro text",
"subheadingText": "InformaCast Mobile Alert System",
"replyToAddress": null,
"replyToName": null,
"primaryTextColor": null,
"fromAddress": null,
"fromName": null,
"primaryColor": null,
"headingText": "Important Alert From"
"name": "Email",
"type": "device",
"deviceType": "singlewire:email",
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"createdAt": "2015-07-14T15:55:13.862Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-07-14T15:55:13.862Z",
"requiresOptIn": true
Retrieves a list of all extensions. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate extensions.)
HTTP Request
GET /extensions
Query Parameters
As usual, the number of responses can be controlled using the API’s pagination parameters. In this case, although up to three extensions were requested, there were only two available. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The extension response format is detailed here.
Get an Extension
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
extension = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
extension = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"disabled": false,
"config": {
"secondaryTextColor": null,
"introText": "Some test intro text",
"subheadingText": "InformaCast Mobile Alert System",
"replyToAddress": null,
"replyToName": null,
"primaryTextColor": null,
"fromAddress": null,
"fromName": null,
"primaryColor": null,
"headingText": "Important Alert From"
"name": "Email",
"type": "device",
"deviceType": "singlewire:email",
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"createdAt": "2015-07-14T15:55:13.862Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-07-14T15:55:13.862Z",
"requiresOptIn": true
Retrieves a single extension by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/{extensionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
extensionId | The id of the Extension of interest. |
The extension response format is detailed here.
Update an Extension
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'disabled': true
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'disabled': true
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"disabled": true}'
"permissions": [
"disabled": true,
"config": {
"secondaryTextColor": null,
"introText": "Some test intro text",
"subheadingText": "InformaCast Mobile Alert System",
"replyToAddress": null,
"replyToName": null,
"primaryTextColor": null,
"fromAddress": null,
"fromName": null,
"primaryColor": null,
"headingText": "Important Alert From"
"name": "Email",
"type": "device",
"deviceType": "singlewire:email",
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"createdAt": "2015-07-14T15:55:13.862Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-08-11T13:52:11.831Z",
"requiresOptIn": true
Updates an existing extension, changing its configuration, enabling, or disabling it (license filter limit: 200 per type).
Tied Extensions
There are two pairs of extensions which are now treated by the user interface as a single concept: the iOS and Android push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for iOS/Android, and the macOS and Windows push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for Mac/Windows. Because of this, enabling or disabling one of either pair will automatically enable or disable the other.
HTTP Request
PUT /extensions/{extensionId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
extensionId | The id of the Extension being altered. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
config | JSON | The configuration parameters for the extension. These will be sent to the extension itself for validation; the details are up to the extension, and you will need to consult the extension documentation to learn about them. |
disabled | boolean | When true , the extension will no longer be used, and InformaCast Mobile will act as if it simply did not exist. |
The extension response format is detailed here.
Extension Response
The JSON document used to represent a extension resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this extension was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this extension was last updated. |
config | JSON | The configuration parameters for the extension. These will be sent to the extension itself for validation; its details are up to the extension, and you will need to consult the extension documentation to learn about them. |
configExports | Array[String] | The configuration parameters that will be exposed to notification profiles/message templates so they can see pieces of the config. For example includeBody for the SMS extension is important so the clients can properly compute SMS count estimates. |
globalDisabled | Boolean | Determines whether the extension has been disabled by Singlewire. Note, this can’t be changed by anyone other than Singlewire. |
deviceLimit | integer | For extensions of type device , identifies how many devices of the type provided by this extension may be associated with a single user. |
deviceType | String | For extensions of type device , identifies the new type of device supported by the extension. |
failureCode | String | For extensions of type device , identifies what the notification activity type will be if we fail to reach the extension. |
disabled | boolean | When true , the extension will no longer be used, and InformaCast Mobile will act as if it simply did not exist. |
id | String | The id of this specific extension, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The name of the extension. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put . What operations are possible on this extension resource itself. |
type | String | Options: device device-filter , collaboration , endpoint-proxy . The kind of extension this is (as described at the start of this section). |
requiresOptIn | boolean | Determines whether this extension type requires users to verify ownership of devices before they can receive notifications. |
Extension Config Options
Many extensions allow for some customization through their configuration settings. (This is the config
block in the examples and responses above.)
These configurable extensions and their associated options are listed below.
Fusion Extension
Device type: endpoint-proxy
Option | Type | Default | Description |
idnFilter | JSON | (none) | Filter for devices of idn type in device filter format. If unspecified, the license filter will include all devices. The filters format is detailed here. |
phoneFilter | JSON | (none) | Filter for devices of phone type in device filter format. If unspecified, the license filter will include all devices. The filters format is detailed here. |
phoneRebuildSchedule | String | (hourly) | Cron string whose frequency denotes how often the phone cache is rebuilt. By default, a hash of the provider-id is used, setting this job to an deterministic but unspecified minute every hour. |
phoneRebuildTz | String | UTC |
Time zone for phoneRebuildSchedule |
phoneRefreshInterval | Integer | 0 |
Interval (in minutes) after which partial phone information will be updated. If 0, these updates are not done at all. |
phoneResetSchedule | String | 0 0 7 * * ? * |
If phoneResetStrategy is periodically , this cron schedule indicates when phones that need to be reset will be reset. |
phoneResetTz | String | UTC |
Time zone for phoneResetSchedule |
phoneResetStrategy | String | never |
Option: never , immediately , or periodically . Specifies when affected phones should be reset when configuration has changed or activation groups are changed. never : phones are never reset. immediately : phones are reset immediately. periodically : phones will be reset on a cron schedule, which you may also specify on this object. Phones must be reset once initially, and also when their authentication url changes as a result of an activation group pointing to a new endpoint. |
speakerFilter | JSON | (none) | Filter for devices of speaker type in device filter format. If unspecified, the license filter will include all devices. The filters format is detailed here. |
Email Extension
Device type: singlewire:email
The configuration options for the email extension are broken down into three groups for readability. They are all part of the actual configuration and may be combined when setting or updating.
Basic Option | Type | Default | Description |
introText | String | (none) | A short message to prepend to the content of all notifications sent via email. |
headingText | String | Notification From | Title text appearing at the top of the email. |
subheadingText | String | InformaCast Mobile | Subtitle text appearing just below headingText . |
primaryColor | String | #3498db |
Background color of the heading. |
primaryTextColor | String | #ffffff |
Color of any text appearing in the heading section. |
secondaryTextColor | String | #205478 |
Color of any text appearing in the body of the notification. |
Advanced Option | Type | Default | Description |
fromName | String | InformaCast Mobile | The display name to use for the sender of the email. Should be verified with Singlewire before use. |
fromAddress | String | do-not-reply@singlewire-informacast.com | The email address to use for the sender of the email. Should be verified with Singlewire before use. |
replyToName | String | InformaCast Mobile | The display name to use when replying to the email. Should be verified with Singlewire before use. |
replyToAddress | String | do-not-reply@singlewire-informacast.com | The email address to use when replying to the email. Should be verified with Singlewire before use. |
SMTP Option | Type | Default | Description |
smtpEnabled | String | false |
Whether or not custom SMTP settings will be used to deliver email messages through your own servers. |
host | String | (none) | The fully qualified domain name of the SMTP host. |
port | Int | (none) | The port to use for connecting. Must be one of the standard outbound email ports: 25 , 465 , or 587 . |
user | String | (none) | The username for use during authentication. |
password | String | (none) | The password for use during authentication.* |
disableUnsubscribe | Boolean | false |
Whether or not to remove the unsubscribe link in emails. Use with care, removal can make your messages appear more like spam. |
ssl | Boolean | false |
Whether or not the SMTP server expects secure connections using SSL. |
starttls | Boolean | false |
Whether or not the SMTP server will attempt to establish a secure connection using StartTLS. |
sasl | Boolean | false |
Whether or not to use SASL authentication mechanisms. |
saslMechanism | String | DIGEST-MD5,PLAIN |
Comma-separated list of authentication mechanisms supported by your server. Currently CRAM-MD5 is also accepted. |
saslRealm | String | (none) | Realm for use with DIGEST-MD5 . |
- Note that to submit or reset a password, you should use the special attribute name
to indicate it should be encryped before storing. Encrypted values will not be returned, but will be preserved unchanged until new values to be encrypted are submitted.
SMS Extension
Device type: SMS
Option | Type | Default | Description |
includeBody | Boolean | false |
Whether or not SMS messages should include the body in addition to the subject of the notification. |
introduction | String | (none) | Introductory text to prepend to all notification text delivered via SMS. |
Telephony Extension
Device type: phone-call
Option | Type | Default | Description |
voice | String | man, en |
The particular voice and language to use when reading the notification during a phone call. * |
introduction | String | (none) | Introductory verbiage to be read before all notification text delivered via phone call. |
conferenceCallIntroduction | String | (none) | Introductory verbiage to be read before the user is added to a conference call. |
- The main options for
for the speaker’s voice, anden
, orde
for the language. For limited support of other locales, you can use thealice
voice and any of the languages shown here.
Outbound CAP Extension
Device type: outbound-cap
"configName1": {
"url": "http://cap-system/etc",
"profile": "standard"
"configName2": {
"url": "https://cap-system/with/basic-auth",
"profile": "standard",
"username": "admin",
"password": "1Z3456u8DtYz3"
The configuration for the Outbound CAP extension consists of a map of connection configuration
names to connection info. A connection configuration
contains everything necessary for InformaCast to communicate with the external CAP system.
The JSON configuration object contains a name
key for each connection configuration, and the value is a JSON object with the following options:
Option | Type | Default | Description |
url | String | (none) | The URL of the external system to POST the CAP message to. |
profile | String | standard |
Which CAP profile to support. Currently the only supported value is standard . |
username | String | (none) | If the external system supports HTTP Basic Auth, the username used to authenticate when connecting to the system. (Optional) |
password | String | (none) | If the external system supports HTTP Basic Auth, the password used to authenticate when connecting to the system. (Optional) |
Extension Endpoints
An extension endpoint is a way of indicating an extension can have multiple targets. Currently, the only extension supporting endpoints is the Fusion extension. There are sub-routes that allow communication with specific endpoints, viewing their current resource mappings, current state, uploads/backups, and devices. Fusion endpoints can’t be created manually, but instead, they must be created following the on-screen instructions on the Fusion server itself.
List All Extension Endpoints
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 2
endpoints = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 2
endpoints = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints?limit=2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [{
"id": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d",
"extensionId": "551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd",
"name": "Headquarters",
"buildInfo": {
"apiVersion": 1,
"app": "Fusion",
"version": "3.0.1",
"buildSet": "95",
"hostUuid": "ba76dc8a-34e5-11e7-a216-0242ac110002",
"buildNumber": "95",
"ipAddresses": {
"en0": ["2001:470:c3e0:146:60f2:30d7:2e36:ae6d", "2001:470:c3e0:146:e0b9:fff9:8b0e:2b03", "2001:470:c3e0:146:bf:90aa:970a:bdd4", "fe80:0:0:0:1c8a:9d24:2cc9:d849%en0", ""],
"en9": ["2001:470:c3e0:128:f84d:150:4bcd:14c8", "2001:470:c3e0:128:a9c8:b5e2:5fca:d2be", "2001:470:c3e0:128:c3a:ab29:87eb:7aff", "fe80:0:0:0:46:1b10:adf4:2aa9%en9", ""],
"lo0": ["fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%lo0", "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", ""],
"awdl0": ["fe80:0:0:0:a4ff:eff:fe10:2bdc%awdl0"],
"utun0": ["fe80:0:0:0:850:440a:83d8:2704%utun0"]
"config": {
"timeZone": null,
"backupSchedule": "0 0 0 1/1 * ? *"
"status": "GREEN",
"redReasons": null,
"yellowReason": null,
"statusLastUpdated": "2016-06-28T13:49:39.605Z",
"healthy": true,
"syncErrors": [],
"createdAt": "2016-06-28T13:49:39.605Z",
"updatedAt": "2016-06-28T13:49:39.605Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Retrieves a list of all extension endpoints. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/{extensionId}/endpoints
Query Parameters
As usual, the number of responses can be controlled using the API’s pagination parameters. In this case, although up to three extensions were requested, there were only two available. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includePending | Boolean | If true , will include endpoints that do not have their build information set. |
The extension endpoints response format is detailed here.
Get an Extension Endpoint
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
endpoint = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
endpoint = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d",
"extensionId": "551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd",
"name": "Headquarters",
"buildInfo": {
"apiVersion": 1,
"app": "Fusion",
"version": "3.0.1",
"buildSet": "95",
"hostUuid": "ba76dc8a-34e5-11e7-a216-0242ac110002",
"buildNumber": "95",
"ipAddresses": {
"en0": ["2001:470:c3e0:146:60f2:30d7:2e36:ae6d", "2001:470:c3e0:146:e0b9:fff9:8b0e:2b03", "2001:470:c3e0:146:bf:90aa:970a:bdd4", "fe80:0:0:0:1c8a:9d24:2cc9:d849%en0", ""],
"en9": ["2001:470:c3e0:128:f84d:150:4bcd:14c8", "2001:470:c3e0:128:a9c8:b5e2:5fca:d2be", "2001:470:c3e0:128:c3a:ab29:87eb:7aff", "fe80:0:0:0:46:1b10:adf4:2aa9%en9", ""],
"lo0": ["fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%lo0", "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", ""],
"awdl0": ["fe80:0:0:0:a4ff:eff:fe10:2bdc%awdl0"],
"utun0": ["fe80:0:0:0:850:440a:83d8:2704%utun0"]
"config": {
"timeZone": null,
"backupSchedule": "0 0 0 1/1 * ? *",
"description": "Our Main Headquarters"
"status": "GREEN",
"redReasons": null,
"yellowReason": null,
"statusLastUpdated": "2016-06-28T13:49:39.605Z",
"healthy": true,
"syncErrors": [],
"createdAt": "2016-06-28T13:49:39.605Z",
"updatedAt": "2016-06-28T13:49:39.605Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Retrieves a single extension endpoint by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/{extensionId}/endpoints/{endpointId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
extensionId | The id of the Extension. |
endpointId | The id of the Extension. |
The extension endpoint response format is detailed here.
Update an Extension Endpoint’s Config
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Headquarters',
'config': {
'description': 'Our Main Headquarters'
endpoint = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Headquarters'
'config': {
'description': 'Our Main Headquarters'
endpoint = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Headquarters", \
"config": {"description": "Our Main Headquarters"}}'
"id": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d",
"extensionId": "551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd",
"name": "Headquarters",
"buildInfo": {
"apiVersion": 1,
"app": "Fusion",
"version": "3.0.1",
"buildSet": "95",
"hostUuid": "ba76dc8a-34e5-11e7-a216-0242ac110002",
"buildNumber": "95",
"ipAddresses": {
"en0": ["2001:470:c3e0:146:60f2:30d7:2e36:ae6d", "2001:470:c3e0:146:e0b9:fff9:8b0e:2b03", "2001:470:c3e0:146:bf:90aa:970a:bdd4", "fe80:0:0:0:1c8a:9d24:2cc9:d849%en0", ""],
"en9": ["2001:470:c3e0:128:f84d:150:4bcd:14c8", "2001:470:c3e0:128:a9c8:b5e2:5fca:d2be", "2001:470:c3e0:128:c3a:ab29:87eb:7aff", "fe80:0:0:0:46:1b10:adf4:2aa9%en9", ""],
"lo0": ["fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%lo0", "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", ""],
"awdl0": ["fe80:0:0:0:a4ff:eff:fe10:2bdc%awdl0"],
"utun0": ["fe80:0:0:0:850:440a:83d8:2704%utun0"]
"config": {
"timeZone": null,
"backupSchedule": "0 0 0 1/1 * ? *",
"description": "Our Main Headquarters"
"status": "GREEN",
"redReasons": null,
"yellowReason": null,
"statusLastUpdated": "2016-06-28T13:49:39.605Z",
"healthy": true,
"syncErrors": [],
"createdAt": "2016-06-28T13:49:39.605Z",
"updatedAt": "2016-07-20T11:41:23.587Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Update the extension’s config
and name
HTTP Request
PUT /extensions/{extensionId}/endpoints/{endpointId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
extensionId | The id of the Extension. |
endpointId | The id of the Endpoint. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name of the endpoint. |
config.timeZone | String | N/A | The timezone the server should operate in. |
config.backupSchedule | String | N/A | A Quartz cron schedule representing when the server should back up. The format is described in detail here. |
config.description | String | N/A | An expanded description to provide more details than the name. |
The extension endpoint response format is detailed here.
Extension Endpoint Response
The JSON document used to represent an extension endpoint resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description
——— | | ———–
id | String | The id
of the extension endpoint.
extensionId | String | The extension id
of the extension endpoint.
name | String | The name of the endpoint.
healthy | Boolean | Whether or not the server has recently responded to a health check.
syncErrors | Array[object] | An collection of errors encountered during synchronization with on-prem InformaCast.
status | String | The status of the server, one of RED
, where RED
indicates a problem with your server has been detected. Not writable.
redReasons | Array[String] | A list of reasons as to why your server is in a RED
status. Not writable.
yellowReasons | Array[String] | A list of reasons as to why your server is in a YELLOW
status. Not writable.
statusLastUpdated | ISO 8601 date/time | The last time that the status of the server was updated at. Not writable.
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this endpoint was created.
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this endpoint was last updated.
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get
. What operations are possible on this endpoint resource itself.
buildInfo.apiVersion | Integer | The API version the endpoint is running.
buildInfo.app | String | The mode the server is in.
buildInfo.version | String | The version of the server.
buildInfo.hostUuid | String | The unique identifer of the Fusion server.
buildInfo.buildNumber | String | The server’s build.
buildInfo.ipAddresses | Object | The server’s IP addresses, represented as an Object whose keys are String
(adapter name) -> Array[String]
(IP addresses).
config.timeZone | String | The timezone the server should operate in.
config.backupSchedule | String | A Quartz cron schedule representing when the server should back up. The format is described in detail here.
config.description | String | An expanded description from the name to provide more details
Extension Endpoint Activities
Provides a log of interactions between extension endpoints (currently these are only Fusion servers) and InformaCast Mobile. For the most part this is read-only, but you can also ask an endpoint to create a backup or to restart itself by POSTing a special activity to it.
List All Endpoint Activities
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 3
activities = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 3
activities = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/activities?limit=3" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [{
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"value": null,
"createdAt": "2017-07-26T18:30:25.060Z",
"type": "recipient-group-update",
"state": "complete",
"extensionId": "551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd",
"endpointId": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d",
"id": "7dad5e6f-7230-11e7-a5a3-fd11e045be24",
"referenceType": "device-group",
"severity": "info",
"referenceId": "f7f6353f-3654-11e7-a84b-8fdfa583129f"
Retrieves a list of all endpoint activities. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/{extensionId}/endpoints/{endpointId}/activities
Query Parameters
As usual, the number of responses can be controlled using the API’s pagination parameters. In this case, although up to three extensions were requested, there were only two available. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The activity response format is detailed here.
Get an Extension Endpoint Activity
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/activities/7dad5e6f-7230-11e7-a5a3-fd11e045be24"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/activities/7dad5e6f-7230-11e7-a5a3-fd11e045be24"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/activities/7dad5e6f-7230-11e7-a5a3-fd11e045be24" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"value": null,
"createdAt": "2017-07-26T18:30:25.060Z",
"type": "recipient-group-update",
"state": "complete",
"extensionId": "551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd",
"endpointId": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d",
"id": "7dad5e6f-7230-11e7-a5a3-fd11e045be24",
"referenceType": "device-group",
"severity": "info",
"referenceId": "f7f6353f-3654-11e7-a84b-8fdfa583129f"
Retrieves a single endpoint activity by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/{extensionId}/endpoints/{endpointId}/activitites/{activityId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
extensionId | The id of the Extension of interest. |
endpointId | The id of the Endpoint of interest. |
activityId | The id endpoint activity. |
The extension endpoint activity response format is detailed here.
Create an Extension Endpoint Activity
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'severity': 'info',
'state': 'pending',
'type': 'backup'
activity = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'severity': 'info'
'state': 'pending'
'type': 'backup'
activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/activities" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"severity": "info", \
"state": "pending", \
"type": "backup"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"value": null,
"createdAt": "2017-07-26T19:58:53.982Z",
"type": "backup",
"state": "pending",
"extensionId": "551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd",
"endpointId": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d",
"id": "da0a9443-723c-11e7-a5a3-c16694f3a822",
"referenceType": null,
"severity": "info",
"referenceId": null
Add a new endpoint activity. Only certain types (backup and reboot
requests) may be created. The severity
must always be set to info
and the state
must always be set to pending
. The type
can either
be restart
or backup
, which request that the specified Fusion
server restart itself or perform a backup, respectively.
HTTP Request
POST /extensions/{extensionId}/endpoints/{endpointId}/activities
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
extensionId | The id of the Extension of interest. |
endpointId | The id of the Endpoint of interest. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
severity | String | N/A | Options: info . |
state | String | N/A | Options: pending . |
type | String | N/A | Options: restart , backup . If you want to back up or restart a Fusion server, use these activity types. |
The extension endpoint activity response format is detailed here.
Endpoint Activity Response
The JSON document used to represent an endpoint activity resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put . What operations are possible on this activity resource itself. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this activity was created. |
value | Object | A value describing the result of the activity. Can be any object, but usually describes a failure. |
type | String | Options: recipient-group-delete , recipient-group-create , recipient-group-update , recipient-group-sync , recipient-group-dependency-sync , message-delete , message-skipped , message-create , message-update , message-sync , message-dependency-sync , scheduled-broadcast-create , scheduled-broadcast-update , scheduled-broadcast-delete , scheduled-broadcast-sync , scheduled-broadcast-skipped , broadcast-pending , broadcast-complete , broadcast-failed , syncer-startup , log-message , phone-cache-update , restart , backup . The activity type. |
state | String | Options: pending , fail , success . Primarily of interest in determining whether the activity is still in progress or has completed. |
referenceType | String | Options: message-template , distribution-list , scheduled-notifications . What type of resource the activity is for. |
severity | String | Options: debug , info , warn , error . How severe the log entry should be considered. |
extensionId | String | The extension id . |
endpointId | String | The extension endpoint id . |
id | String | The id of the extension endpoint activity. |
Extension Endpoint Mappings
Currently, fusion server dependency mappings are only generated by Singlewire to describe relationships between cloud
and fusion server entities. You can request the list of mappings with GET /extensions/{extensionId}/mappings
and you
can get a specific one via a GET /extensions/{extensionId}/mappings/{mappingId}
. At the moment, this is no real value
to calling these APIs so the documentation is limited.
Extension Endpoint Proxy
Extensions endpoints may choose to expose their own, custom APIs. Currently, only the Fusion extension exposes an API. The example to the right shows how one may communicate directly with a Fusion server by requesting to list the CUCM Clusters.
Making an Endpoint Request
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/Telephony/cucmClusters"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'sync': true,
'limit': 1
clusters = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/Telephony/cucmClusters"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'sync': true
'limit': 1
clusters = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/Telephony/cucmClusters?sync=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [{
"id": 55,
"clusterName": "Default configuration",
"cmAddress": "",
"primary": true,
"index": 0,
"permissions": ["get", "put", "delete"]
}, {
"id": 388382,
"clusterName": "BulkPhones",
"cmAddress": "",
"primary": false,
"index": 1,
"permissions": ["get", "put", "delete"]
HTTP Request
ANY /extensions/{extensionId}/endpoints/{endpointId}/proxy/{path}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
extensionId | The id of the Extension being altered. |
endpointId | The id of the extension endpoint being altered. |
path | The api path of the resource you wish to request |
Request Parameters
Extension Endpoint Uploads
Currently, Fusion server backups are uploaded to this resource. The
upload can only be performed by the Fusion server itself. You can
request the list of uploads with GET
and you can download a specific one
via a GET /extensions/{extensionId}/uploads/{uploadId}
. At the
moment, there is no need for anything other than a Fusion server to
call these APIs so the documentation is limited.
Extension Endpoint Devices
Lists the devices managed by a particular endpoint. Currently only Fusion servers can manage devices, so this resource can only be queried.
List All Endpoint Devices
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 3
devices = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 3
devices = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/devices?limit=3" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [{
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: 12002; DNs: ; SEP001D45E95D12",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-388382:SEP001D45E95D12",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2017-06-07T16:13:18.053Z",
"type": "phones",
"extensionId": "551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd",
"endpointId": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d",
"id": "37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002",
"attributes": {
"EndUserIdentifier": "jim.bob@acme.com",
"CallManagerDevicePool": "Default",
"CallManagerClusterName": "BulkPhones",
"DirectoryNumbers": "[]",
"Name": "SEP001D45E95D12",
"CallManagerDeviceType": "336",
"InformaCastDeviceType": "CiscoIPPhone",
"Description": "12002",
"IPAddress": "",
"InformaCast4StyleRegExTarget": "name=SEP001D45E95D12\ndesc=12002\ncss=pnp system test\npool=Default\naddr=\ntype=336",
"Location": "Hub_None",
"CallManagerCSS": "pnp system test",
"PartitionNames": "[]",
"HasDisplay": "true"
"defunct": false
Retrieves a list of all endpoint devices. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/{extensionId}/endpoints/{endpointId}/devices
Query Parameters
As usual, the number of responses can be controlled using the API’s pagination parameters. In this case, although up to three extensions were requested, there were only two available. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The device response format is detailed here.
Get an Extension Endpoint Device
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/devices/37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
device = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/devices/37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
device = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d/devices/37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"description": "Cisco IP Phone: 12002; DNs: ; SEP001D45E95D12",
"deviceIdentifier": "CiscoPhone-388382:SEP001D45E95D12",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2017-06-07T16:13:18.053Z",
"type": "phones",
"extensionId": "551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd",
"endpointId": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d",
"id": "37c1fe0a-4b9c-11e7-8148-0242ac110002",
"attributes": {
"EndUserIdentifier": "jim.bob@acme.com",
"CallManagerDevicePool": "Default",
"CallManagerClusterName": "BulkPhones",
"DirectoryNumbers": "[]",
"Name": "SEP001D45E95D12",
"CallManagerDeviceType": "336",
"InformaCastDeviceType": "CiscoIPPhone",
"Description": "12002",
"IPAddress": "",
"InformaCast4StyleRegExTarget": "name=SEP001D45E95D12\ndesc=12002\ncss=pnp system test\npool=Default\naddr=\ntype=336",
"Location": "Hub_None",
"CallManagerCSS": "pnp system test",
"PartitionNames": "[]",
"HasDisplay": "true"
"defunct": false
Retrieves a single endpoint device by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/{extensionId}/endpoints/{endpointId}/devices/{deviceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
extensionId | The id of the Extension of interest. |
endpointId | The id of the Extension of interest. |
deviceId | The id endpoint device. |
The extension endpoint device response format is detailed here.
Endpoint Device Response
The JSON document used to represent an endpoint device resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of this specific device, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
extensionId | String | The id of the extension. |
endpointId | String | The id of the extension endpoint. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this activity was created. |
type | String | Options: phones , speakers , plugins , idns |
deviceIdentifier | String | The identifier of the device. |
defunct | Boolean | Whether the device is defunct (meaning no Fusion server currently knows about it, but it remains assigned to one or more device groups). |
attributes | Object | The specific device attributes as they come from a Fusion Server/CUCM. EndUserIdentifier is special: if specified, the device will be attached to the user, if any, whose email matches. |
Failover Pairs
Allows a fusion server to failover to another server when it goes down.
Get all Failover Pairs
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"previous" : null,
"next" : null,
"partial" : false,
"data" : [ {
"backupEndpointId" : "0f6a540d-f036-11ed-9aaf-c1a3f1a9f26a",
"updatedAt" : "2023-05-11T19:57:29.718Z",
"permissions" : [ "put", "delete", "get" ],
"name" : "Test",
"backupEndpoint" : {
"id" : "0f6a540d-f036-11ed-9aaf-c1a3f1a9f26a",
"name" : "endpoint-2"
"createdAt" : "2023-05-11T19:57:29.707Z",
"primaryEndpoint" : {
"id" : "0f6068fa-f036-11ed-9aaf-171ef9ba8bfb",
"name" : "endpoint"
"id" : "0f7c7c83-f036-11ed-9aaf-73cbd35ad87b",
"primaryEndpointId" : "0f6068fa-f036-11ed-9aaf-171ef9ba8bfb",
"timeout" : 30
} ],
"total" : 1
Gets a list of all failover pairs available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.
HTTP Request
GET /failover-pairs
Query Parameters
The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The Failover pair response format is detailed here
Get One Failover Pair
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs/df611894-474f-4920-9d0e-8420a6004a26"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
failover_pair = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs/df611894-474f-4920-9d0e-8420a6004a26"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
failover_pair = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs/df611894-474f-4920-9d0e-8420a6004a26" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"backupEndpointId" : "6d0445fd-f036-11ed-9aaf-e33b624157ca",
"updatedAt" : "2023-05-11T20:00:06.741Z",
"permissions" : [ "put", "delete", "get" ],
"name" : "Test",
"backupEndpoint" : {
"id" : "6d0445fd-f036-11ed-9aaf-e33b624157ca",
"name" : "endpoint-2"
"createdAt" : "2023-05-11T20:00:06.729Z",
"primaryEndpoint" : {
"id" : "6cfa33da-f036-11ed-9aaf-c54d5f604a8b",
"name" : "endpoint"
"id" : "6d142483-f036-11ed-9aaf-db8aaf45bf4b",
"primaryEndpointId" : "6cfa33da-f036-11ed-9aaf-c54d5f604a8b",
"timeout" : 30
Retrieves a single Failover Pair by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /failover-pairs/{failoverPairId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
failoverPairId | The id of the failover pair to retrieve. |
The Failover pair response format is detailed here
Create a Failover Pair
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Example Failover Pair',
'primaryEndpointid': '01e68454-1cd1-477b-b612-37bf210e889b',
'backupEndpointId': '4e30e10c-4c2c-4ee5-a0ad-e82eb4576d52',
'timeout': 100
failover_pair = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Example Failover Pair'
'primaryEndpointid': '01e68454-1cd1-477b-b612-37bf210e889b'
'backupEndpointId': '4e30e10c-4c2c-4ee5-a0ad-e82eb4576d52'
'timeout': 100
failover_pair = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Example Failover Pair", \
"primaryEndpointid": "01e68454-1cd1-477b-b612-37bf210e889b", \
"backupEndpointId": "4e30e10c-4c2c-4ee5-a0ad-e82eb4576d52", \
"timeout": 100}'
"backupEndpointId" : "6d0445fd-f036-11ed-9aaf-e33b624157ca",
"updatedAt" : "2023-05-11T20:00:06.741Z",
"permissions" : [ "put", "delete", "get" ],
"name" : "Test",
"backupEndpoint" : {
"id" : "6d0445fd-f036-11ed-9aaf-e33b624157ca",
"name" : "endpoint-2"
"createdAt" : "2023-05-11T20:00:06.729Z",
"primaryEndpoint" : {
"id" : "6cfa33da-f036-11ed-9aaf-c54d5f604a8b",
"name" : "endpoint"
"id" : "6d142483-f036-11ed-9aaf-db8aaf45bf4b",
"primaryEndpointId" : "6cfa33da-f036-11ed-9aaf-c54d5f604a8b",
"timeout" : 30
Creates a new Failover Pair
HTTP Request
POST /failover-pairs
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name to give to new failover pair. May be up to 140 characters long |
priamryEndpointId | String | N/A | The id of the endpoint that will be the primary |
backupendpointid | String | N/A | The id of the endpoint that will be the backup |
timeout | Number | 30 | How long in seconds the backup endpoint should wait before coming active after primary endpoint disconnect |
The Failover pair response format is detailed here
Update a Failover Pair
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs/05cc87fe-e02a-4fd2-a4fe-72e872cd2ac6"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Example Failover Pair',
'primaryEndpointid': '01e68454-1cd1-477b-b612-37bf210e889b',
'backupEndpointId': '4e30e10c-4c2c-4ee5-a0ad-e82eb4576d52',
'timeout': 100
failover_pair = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs/05cc87fe-e02a-4fd2-a4fe-72e872cd2ac6"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Example Failover Pair'
'primaryEndpointid': '01e68454-1cd1-477b-b612-37bf210e889b'
'backupEndpointId': '4e30e10c-4c2c-4ee5-a0ad-e82eb4576d52'
'timeout': 100
failover_pair = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs/05cc87fe-e02a-4fd2-a4fe-72e872cd2ac6" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Example Failover Pair", \
"primaryEndpointid": "01e68454-1cd1-477b-b612-37bf210e889b", \
"backupEndpointId": "4e30e10c-4c2c-4ee5-a0ad-e82eb4576d52", \
"timeout": 100}'
"backupEndpointId" : "b9480b10-f036-11ed-9aaf-0395ef82ec2f",
"updatedAt" : "2023-05-11T20:02:14.731Z",
"permissions" : [ "put", "delete", "get" ],
"name" : "Best",
"backupEndpoint" : {
"id" : "b9480b10-f036-11ed-9aaf-0395ef82ec2f",
"name" : "endpoint-3"
"createdAt" : "2023-05-11T20:02:14.627Z",
"primaryEndpoint" : {
"id" : "b936a5ea-f036-11ed-9aaf-67d6fd2d5b9c",
"name" : "endpoint"
"id" : "b94fd343-f036-11ed-9aaf-f9c6798deaa4",
"primaryEndpointId" : "b936a5ea-f036-11ed-9aaf-67d6fd2d5b9c",
"timeout" : 45
Updates an existing Failover Pair. Note: If the backup endpoint of the failover pair is changed, the previous backup endpoint will undergo a factory reset when the failover pair is updated. This is done to avoid unexpected behavior that may occur when a failover backup becomes a standalone or failover primary server
HTTP Request
PUT /failover-pairs/{failoverPairId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
failoverPairId | The id of the failover pair to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name to give to new failover pair. May be up to 140 characters long |
priamryEndpointId | String | N/A | The id of the endpoint that will be the primary |
backupendpointid | String | N/A | The id of the endpoint that will be the backup |
timeout | Number | 30 | How long in seconds the backup endpoint should wait before coming active after primary endpoint disconnect |
The Failover pair response format is detailed here
Delete a Failover Pair
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs/05cc87fe-e02a-4fd2-a4fe-72e872cd2ac6"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs/05cc87fe-e02a-4fd2-a4fe-72e872cd2ac6"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/failover-pairs/05cc87fe-e02a-4fd2-a4fe-72e872cd2ac6" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status" : 200,
"message" : "success",
"resources" : [ {
"id" : "de17df33-f036-11ed-9aaf-dd562849fbdd",
"name" : "Test"
} ]
Delete an existing Failover Pair. Note: The backup endpoint of the failover pair will undergo a factory reset when the failover pair is deleted. This is done to avoid unexpected behavior that may occur when a failover backup becomes a standalone or failover primary server
HTTP Request
DELETE /failover-pairs/{failoverPairId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
failoverPairId | The id of the failover pair to update. |
The Failover pair response format is detailed here
Failover Pair Response Format
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this failover pair was created |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this failover pair was last updated |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
id | String | The id of this specific failover pair, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually |
name | String | Name of the failover pair |
primaryEndpointId | String | Id of the primary endpoint |
backupPrimaryEndpointId | String | Id of the backup endpoint |
timeout | Number | How long in seconds the backup endpoint should wait before coming active after primary endpoint disconnect |
primaryEndpoint | Object | Additional info about the endpoint configured as the primary |
backupEndpoint | Object | Additional info about the endpoint configured as the backup |
Endpoint Object
JSON document representing additional details about the primary and backup endpoints
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | Id of this endpoint |
name | String | Name of this endpoint |
Provides information about the current available feature set for the logged in user.
Get available features
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/features"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/features"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/features" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"features": [
"name": "feature-a",
"enabled": false
"name": "feature-b",
"enabled": true,
"variant": 5
"name": "feature-c",
"enabled": true,
"variant": {
"json": "variant"
Retrieves the available features list.
HTTP Request
GET /features
Attribute | Type | Description |
features | Array | A list of features that are enabled. |
Features object
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the feature |
enabled | Boolean | Whether the feature is enabled for this user |
variant | JSON | Optional; The variant value of the feature if one exists |
Fusion Resources
To use the Mobile REST API (also referred to simply as the RestAPI) to access Fusion Server configuration information or to call Fusion Server API targets from the the Mobile REST API, there are several pieces of information we need to use to construct those calls.
Bearer Token
As the Fusion Server itself is not accessible externally (except through the Fusion Syncer mechanism), we must use the Fusion proxy extension to pass those requests through to the Fusion Server API.
An API call to a Fusion Server’s API is similar to calling endpoints in the Mobile API, in that it also requires a
bearer token authentication header (as do other Mobile API calls), but in
addition, we must specify the extensionId
, endpointId
, and API path to the Fusion Server API target.
Here’s an example request URL:
https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/{endpoint-proxy extensionId}/endpoints/{Fusion Server endpointId}/proxy/proxy/{Fusion Server API target path}
Endpoint-Proxy Extension ID
To find the endpoint-proxy
extension id, call the following endpoint:
extensions?type=endpoint-proxy&name=InformaCast, the response should look
contain the information in the right column:
"name": "InformaCast", "deviceLimit": 3, "createdAt": "2016-06-28T13:43:44.693Z", "type": "endpoint-proxy", "failureCode": null, "proxyUrl": "http://localhost:8080/fusion/{provider-id}/{endpoint-id}", "id": "551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd", "deviceType": null
Note the id
field, which will always be the endpoint-proxy
) in
our fusion-specific proxy requests.
Finding the Fusion Server EndpointId
The next step is to determine the endpointId
for the Fusion Server we want to access. You can see a list of which
endpoints are available using the following call, where NameOfFusionServer is the name you assigned to your Fusion
Server when it was added on the Admin -> Servers/List Servers page:
GET extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/?name={NameOfFusionServer}
The response will then include the endpointId
of the Fusion Server (see response info at right):
{ ... "config": null, "name": "ICOP Server", "createdAt": "2018-05-14T18:47:30.748Z", "extensionId": "551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd", ... "healthy": true, "id": "41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60" }
Note, the id
listed is unique to every Fusion Server, so it is important to check the name
field to ensure this is
the Fusion Server you intend to interact with.
Construct the Full Request
Now, by replacing {Fusion Server endpointId}
, with the appropriate value, we can make API proxy requests to the
Fusion Server, such as the following:
GET https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/overview?sync=true
The rest of the URL after proxy/proxy (that is not a typo) is the same as those endpoints listed in the InformaCast Advanced API Documentation, though not all endpoints are available via Mobile proxy calls.
Fusion Server Configuration Resources
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/DialCast/dialingConfigurations"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'dialingPatternRegEx': '1357',
'authType': 0,
'messageId': 867,
'messageDescription': null,
'recipientGroups': [961, 6678],
'recipientGroupName': '',
'dialcodes': ['123'],
'dns': ['12', '13'],
'sync': true
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/DialCast/dialingConfigurations"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'dialingPatternRegEx': '1357'
'authType': 0
'messageId': 867
'messageDescription': null
'recipientGroups': [961
, 6678
'recipientGroupName': ''
'dialcodes': ['123'
'dns': ['12'
, '13'
'sync': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Admin/DialCast/dialingConfigurations?sync=true" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"dialingPatternRegEx": "1357", \
"authType": 0, \
"messageId": 867, \
"messageDescription": null, \
"recipientGroups": [961, 6678], \
"recipientGroupName": "", \
"dialcodes": ["123"], \
"dns": ["12", "13"]}'
"id": 14267,
"dialingPatternRegEx": "1357",
"authType": 0,
"messageId": 867,
"messageJson": {
"description": "Example Humoctopus Alert",
"id": 867
"messageDescription": null,
"recipientGroups": [6678,961],
"recipientGroupsJson": [
"name": "Recipient Group 1",
"id": 6678
"name": "Recipient Group 2",
"id": 961
"recipientGroupName": "",
"dialcodes": ["123"],
"dns": ["13","12"]
All fusion server configuration resources can be found in the InformaCast Advanced API Documentation. If a resources listed in the documentation is not available to Fusion via Mobile proxy calls, a “resource not available” response will be returned.
Each resource will follow the general URL structure listed in the sections above, using the appropriate extensions and endpoints parameters.
An example configuration resource request here is the Dialcast Dialing Configuration. To create a Dialcast dialing configuration, use the 'POST /V1/Admin/DialCast/dialingConfigurations’ resource, making an API proxy request to the Fusion Server shown here on the right.
Generic Multicast Streaming
Generic Multicast Streaming allows endpoints to be created that broadcast audio over a multicast IP and port so that Cloud/Other IP Phones can receive audio broadcasts. Formats currently supported include Generic multicast and Polycom-formatted multicast.
List Generic Multicast Streams
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'sync': true,
'limit': 10
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'sync': true
'limit': 10
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast?sync=true&limit=10" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"total": 2,
"data": [
"index": 0,
"id": "d4e7e88b-f05a-46d8-abd1-e04f6377578d",
"name": "Polycom Devices",
"address": "",
"port": 5000,
"channel": 1,
"type": "polycom",
"conflicts": [],
"permissions": [
"index": 1,
"id": "14971fea-b042-49f7-9332-246ecfde7268",
"name": "Yealink, Algo, Cisco MPP devices",
"address": "",
"port": 5002,
"type": "generic",
"conflicts": [],
"permissions": [
"partial": false
Retrieves the list of all configured Multicast Streams.
The listed resources are available in the data
attribute of the response. For more information, click here
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/{endpointId}/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast
Query Parameters
Results can be retrieved in groups using the API’s pagination parameters. There were a total of 2 multicast streams when the request was made. The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can filter requests using the Multicast Stream name as a query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only multicast streams whose names exactly match the supplied value |
The Generic/Polycom Multicast Stream response formats are detailed here and here.
Get a Multicast Stream
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/d4e7e88b-f05a-46d8-abd1-e04f6377578d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'sync': true
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/d4e7e88b-f05a-46d8-abd1-e04f6377578d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'sync': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/d4e7e88b-f05a-46d8-abd1-e04f6377578d?sync=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "d4e7e88b-f05a-46d8-abd1-e04f6377578d",
"name": "Polycom Devices",
"address": "",
"port": 5000,
"channel": 1,
"type": "polycom",
"conflicts": [],
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single Multicast Stream by id
(either generic
or polycom
types). Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/{endpointId}/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | The id of the Multicast Stream to retrieve. |
The Generic/Polycom Multicast Stream response formats are detailed here and here, respectively.
Create a Generic Multicast Stream
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/generic"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Yealink, Algo, Cisco MPP devices',
'address': '',
'port': 5002,
'sync': true
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/generic"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Yealink, Algo, Cisco MPP devices'
'address': ''
'port': 5002
'sync': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/generic?sync=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Yealink, Algo, Cisco MPP devices", \
"address": "", \
"port": 5002}'
"id": "14971fea-b042-49f7-9332-246ecfde7268",
"name": "Yealink, Algo, Cisco MPP devices",
"address": "",
"port": 5002,
"conflicts": [],
"link": "",
"type": "generic"
Create a new Generic Multicast Stream.
HTTP Request
POST /extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/{endpointId}/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/generic
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | Name of the Generic Multicast Stream |
address | String | N/A | Multicast address over which to send audio (multicast range |
port | int | N/A | Multicast port over which to send audio (1-65535) |
The Generic Multicast Stream response format is detailed here.
Create a Polycom Multicast Stream
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/polycom"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Polycom Devices',
'address': '',
'port': 5000,
'channel': 1,
'sync': true
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/polycom"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Polycom Devices'
'address': ''
'port': 5000
'channel': 1
'sync': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/polycom?sync=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Polycom Devices", \
"address": "", \
"port": 5000, \
"channel": 1}'
"id": "d4e7e88b-f05a-46d8-abd1-e04f6377578d",
"name": "Polycom Devices",
"address": "",
"port": 5000,
"conflicts": [],
"channel": 1,
"type": "polycom"
Create a new Polycom Multicast Stream.
HTTP Request
POST /extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/{endpointId}/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/polycom
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | Name of the Generic Multicast Stream |
address | String | N/A | Multicast address over which to send audio (multicast range |
port | int | N/A | Multicast port over which to send audio (1-65535) |
channel | int | 1 | Polycom PTT/paging channel (1-50) |
The Polycom Multicast Stream response format is detailed here.
Update a Generic Multicast Stream
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/generic//14971fea-b042-49f7-9332-246ecfde7268"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Weyland-Yutani',
'address': '',
'port': 2,
'sync': true
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/generic//14971fea-b042-49f7-9332-246ecfde7268"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Weyland-Yutani'
'address': ''
'port': 2
'sync': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/generic//14971fea-b042-49f7-9332-246ecfde7268?sync=true" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Weyland-Yutani", \
"address": "", \
"port": 2}'
"id": "14971fea-b042-49f7-9332-246ecfde7268",
"name": "Weyland-Yutani",
"address": "",
"port": 2,
"conflicts": [],
"type": "generic"
Updates an existing Generic Multicast Stream
For polycom
type streams, the Edit Polycom target must be used.
HTTP Request
PUT /extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/{endpointId}/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/generic/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | The id Generic Multicast Stream to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the Generic Multicast Stream |
address | String | Multicast address over which to send audio (multicast range |
port | int | Multicast port over which to send audio (1-65535) |
The Generic Multicast Stream response format is detailed here.
Update a Polycom Multicast Stream
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/polycom//d4e7e88b-f05a-46d8-abd1-e04f6377578d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Nakatomi',
'address': '',
'channel': 35,
'sync': true
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/polycom//d4e7e88b-f05a-46d8-abd1-e04f6377578d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Nakatomi'
'address': ''
'channel': 35
'sync': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/polycom//d4e7e88b-f05a-46d8-abd1-e04f6377578d?sync=true" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Nakatomi", \
"address": "", \
"channel": 35}'
"id": "d4e7e88b-f05a-46d8-abd1-e04f6377578d",
"name": "Nakatomi",
"address": "",
"port": 5000,
"channel": 35,
"conflicts": [],
"link": "",
"type": "polycom"
Updates an existing Polycom Multicast Stream
For generic
type streams, the Edit Generic target must be used.
HTTP Request
PUT /extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/{endpointId}/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/polycom/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | The id Polycom Multicast Stream to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the Polycom Multicast Stream |
address | String | Multicast address over which to send audio (multicast range |
port | int | Multicast port over which to send audio (1-65535) |
channel | int | Polycom PTT/paging channel (1-50) |
The Polycom Multicast Stream response format is detailed here.
Remove a Multicast Stream
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast//14971fea-b042-49f7-9332-246ecfde7268"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'sync': true
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast//14971fea-b042-49f7-9332-246ecfde7268"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'sync': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast//14971fea-b042-49f7-9332-246ecfde7268?sync=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 14971fea-b042-49f7-9332-246ecfde7268"
Deletes an existing Multicast Stream.
HTTP Request
DELETE /extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/{endpointId}/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | The id of the Multicast Stream to delete |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
List Active Streams
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/activeStreams"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'sync': true
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/activeStreams"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'sync': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/41a7f094-57a7-11e8-b511-1b4b03640c60/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/activeStreams?sync=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"address": {
"value": ""
"port": {
"value": 5000
"name": {
"value": "Polycom Devices"
"conflicts": [],
"broadcasts": [
"serialNumber": 2,
"audioFile": "/web/WEB-INF/uploads/pfx6821225162089750812sfx",
"audioFormat": "ULAW 8000.0 Hz, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, ",
"isNonUrgent": true,
"messagePriority": 2,
"messageVolume": "As-Is",
"interrupt": true,
"preTone": null,
"postTone": null,
"remoteAddress": "",
"remotePort": 20482,
"timeInitiated": "2018-11-08T23:09:09.049Z"
Retrieves the list of all (currently) active streams.
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd/endpoints/{endpointId}/proxy/proxy/V1/Plugins/GenericMulticast/activeStreams
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the Generic Multicast Stream |
address | String | Multicast address over which to send audio |
port | int | Multicast port over which to send audio |
conflicts | Array[String] | Any conflicts that exist for the multicast address assigned to this stream |
broadcasts | Array[(#broadcast-object-response)] | A list of broadcasts being sent over that Multicast Stream |
Broadcast Object Response
The JSON document used to represent an ongoing audio stream
Attribute | Type | Description |
serialNumber | int | A unique id to index this broadcast |
audioFile | String | If this is a pre-recorded audio, the filename that is the audio source |
audioFormat | String | Description of audio source parameters |
isNonUrgent | boolean | Synchronized (true) or As-Available (false) |
messagePriority | int | Numerical message priority setting |
messageVolume | String | Volume setting (Low, Medium, Maximum, As-Is) |
interrupt | boolean | Skip Phones in Use (false) or not (true) |
preTone | String | File name of Pre-Tone Audio |
postTone | String | File name of Post-Tone Audio |
remoteAddress | Network multicast address in use | |
remotePort | int | Network multicast port in use |
timeInitiated | Time broadcast was started |
Generic Multicast Stream Response
The JSON document used to represent a Generic Multicast Stream has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id assigned to this Generic Multicast Stream |
name | String | The name of the Generic Multicast Stream |
address | String | Multicast address over which to send audio |
port | int | Multicast port over which to send audio |
type | String | generic (always generic for generic Multicast Streams) |
conflicts | Array[String] | Any conflicts that exist for the multicast address assigned to this stream |
Polycom Multicast Stream Response
The JSON document used to represent a Polycom Multicast Stream has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id assigned to this Polycom Multicast Stream |
name | String | The name of the Polycom Multicast Stream |
address | String | Multicast address over which to send audio |
port | int | Multicast port over which to send audio |
channel | int | Polycom PTT/paging channel (1-50) |
type | String | polycom (always polycom for Polycom Multicast Streams) |
conflicts | Array[String] | Any conflicts that exist for the multicast address assigned to this stream |
Activation Groups
Activation Groups are named groups of Devices, and are the method of distributing these devices across Fusion servers.
Activation Groups are commonly composed of a set of filters that will match certain Devices, a target endpoint for those devices, and a priority of evaluation
Get All Activation Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/activation-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/activation-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/activation-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"exclusionIds": [],
"filterType": "AND",
"additionIds": [],
"additions": [],
"permissions": [
"filters": [
"value": "",
"attribute": "Description",
"comparison": "CONTAINS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "Primary",
"exclusions": [],
"createdAt": "2019-07-16T19:03:56.287Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-07-16T19:03:56.287Z",
"deviceSummary": null,
"endpoints": [
"name": "Headquarters",
"id": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d"
"priority": 1,
"id": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0",
"endpointIds": [
Gets a list of all Activation Groups available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to activation groups allows administrators to decide who may configure devices for fusion endpoints)
HTTP Request
GET /activation-groups
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first Activation Group was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
include-device-counts | Boolean | If true , includes the matching device counts. |
The Activation Group response format is detailed here.
Get One Activation Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/activation-groups/75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
group = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/activation-groups/75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
group = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/activation-groups/75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"exclusionIds": [],
"filterType": "AND",
"additionIds": [],
"additions": [],
"permissions": [
"filters": [
"value": "",
"attribute": "Description",
"comparison": "CONTAINS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "Primary",
"exclusions": [],
"createdAt": "2019-07-16T19:03:56.287Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-07-16T19:03:56.287Z",
"deviceSummary": null,
"endpoints": [
"name": "Headquarters",
"id": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d"
"priority": 1,
"id": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0",
"endpointIds": [
Retrieves a single Activation Group by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /activation-groups/{activationGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
activationGroupId | The id of the Activation Group to retrieve. |
The Activation Group response format is detailed here.
Create an Activation Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/activation-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'exclusionIds': [],
'filterType': 'OR',
'additionIds': [],
'filters': [{
'value': '',
'attribute': 'Description',
'comparison': 'CONTAINS',
'complement': false,
'caseSensitive': false
'name': 'Primary',
'multicastPort': 2345,
'priority': 1,
'endpointIds': ['28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d'],
'multicastAddress': '',
'multicastType': 'poly-ucs'
group = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/activation-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'exclusionIds': []
'filterType': 'OR'
'additionIds': []
'filters': [{
'value': ''
'attribute': 'Description'
'comparison': 'CONTAINS'
'complement': false
'caseSensitive': false
'name': 'Primary'
'multicastPort': 2345
'priority': 1
'endpointIds': ['28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d'
'multicastAddress': ''
'multicastType': 'poly-ucs'
group = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/activation-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"exclusionIds": [], \
"filterType": "OR", \
"additionIds": [], \
"filters": [{"value": "", \
"attribute": "Description", \
"comparison": "CONTAINS", \
"complement": false, \
"caseSensitive": false}], \
"name": "Primary", \
"multicastPort": 2345, \
"priority": 1, \
"endpointIds": ["28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d"], \
"multicastAddress": "", \
"multicastType": "poly-ucs"}'
"exclusionIds": [],
"filterType": "AND",
"additionIds": [],
"additions": [],
"permissions": [
"filters": [
"value": "",
"attribute": "Description",
"comparison": "CONTAINS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "Primary",
"exclusions": [],
"createdAt": "2019-07-16T19:03:56.287Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-07-16T19:03:56.287Z",
"deviceSummary": null,
"endpoints": [
"name": "Headquarters",
"id": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d"
"priority": 1,
"id": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0",
"endpointIds": [
"multicastType": "poly-ucs",
"multicastAddress": "",
"multicastPort": 2345
Creates a new Activation Group (limit: 200). In order to be useful, the filters (limit: 200 per Activation Group) or additions should match at least one Device
HTTP Request
POST /activation-groups
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name to give the new Activation Group. May be up to 140 characters long. |
exclusionIds | Array[String] | N/A | The specific device icop_id s that are excluded from the Activation Group regardless of filters and other Activation Groups. This is either a MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
filterType | String | N/A | Controls how the filters that define rules for dynamically determining the Devices in this Activation Group are combined (i.e. AND or OR , REJECT , ACCEPT , or LOGICAL_EXPRESSION ). |
additionIds | Array[String] | N/A | The specific Device icop_id s that are in the Group regardless of filters and other Activation Groups. This is either a MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
filters | Array[Object] | N/A | Defines rules to dynamically determine the Devices in this Activation Group, combined as specified by filterType. The filters format is detailed here. |
priority | Integer | N/A | Unique ranking specifies the order in which activation groups are evaluated (lower number = higher priority). If a device falls in more than one group, the lower numbered priority wins. |
endpointIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The endpoint(s) to which devices in this activation group should get sent. |
multicastType | String | none |
Determines the type of multicast streaming the members of the group are expected to support. Valid types are: • none - for groups without multicast capable members.• poly-ucs - for grouping Poly© phones with UCS firmware.• gms - for grouping other multicast capable devices. The grouping of Poly® phones in activation groups is only available to customers who have linked their accounts to Polycom Device Management Service for Service Providers (PDMS-SP). |
multicastAddress | String | N/A | When multicastType is set to poly-ucs or gms , specifies the multicast address at which the multicast capable group members will be receiving audio notifications. |
multicastPort | String | N/A | When multicastType is set to poly-ucs or gms , specifies the port at which the multicast capable group members will be receiving audio notifications. |
The Activation Group response format is detailed here.
Update an Activation Group
# Continuing with the activation group object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the activation group object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/activation-groups/75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"exclusionIds": [], \
"filterType": "OR", \
"additionIds": [], \
"filters": [{"value": "", \
"attribute": "Description", \
"comparison": "CONTAINS", \
"complement": false, \
"caseSensitive": false}], \
"name": "Primary", \
"priority": 1, \
"endpointIds": ["28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d"]}'
"exclusionIds": [],
"filterType": "AND",
"additionIds": [],
"additions": [],
"permissions": [
"filters": [
"value": "",
"attribute": "Description",
"comparison": "CONTAINS",
"complement": false,
"caseSensitive": false
"name": "Primary",
"exclusions": [],
"createdAt": "2019-07-16T19:03:56.287Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-08-17T20:01:23.834Z",
"deviceSummary": null,
"endpoints": [
"name": "Headquarters",
"id": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d"
"priority": 1,
"id": "75e24102-a7fc-11e9-ad0a-6d25be5fdfe0",
"endpointIds": [
"multicastType": "poly-ucs",
"multicastAddress": "",
"multicastPort": 2345
Modifies the details of the Activation Group.
HTTP Request
PUT /activation-groups/{activationGroupId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
activationGroupId | The id of the activation group to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The new name to give the Activation Group. May be up to 140 characters long. |
exclusionIds | Array[String] | N/A | The specific device icop_id s that are excluded from the Activation Group regardless of filters and other Activation Groups. This is either a MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
filterType | String | N/A | Controls how the filters that define rules for dynamically determining the Devices in this Activation Group are combined (i.e. AND or OR , REJECT , ACCEPT , or LOGICAL_EXPRESSION ). |
additionIds | Array[String] | N/A | The specific Device icop_id s that are in the Group regardless of filters and other Activation Groups. This is either a MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
filters | Array[Object] | N/A | Defines rules to dynamically determine the Devices in this Activation Group, combined as specified by filterType. The filters format is detailed here. |
priority | Integer | N/A | Unique ranking specifies the order in which activation groups are evaluated (lower number = higher priority). If a device falls in more than one group, the lower numbered priority wins. |
endpointIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The endpoint(s) to which devices in this activation group should get sent. |
multicastType | String | none |
Determines the type of multicast streaming the members of the group are expected to support. Valid types are: • none - for groups without multicast capable members.• poly-ucs - for grouping Poly© phones with UCS firmware.• gms - for grouping other multicast capable devices. |
multicastAddress | String | N/A | When multicastType is set to poly-ucs or gms , specifies the multicast address at which the multicast capable group members will be receiving audio notifications. |
multicastPort | String | N/A | When multicastType is set to poly-ucs or gms , specifies the port at which the multicast capable group members will be receiving audio notifications. |
The Activation Group response format is detailed here.
Remove an Activation group
# Continuing with the activation group object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the activation group object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/activation-groups/3cf58710-2305-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"ActivationGroups\"} 3cf58710-2305-11e4-b544-3c970e7ff560"
Removes an Activation Group, discarding its Device information.
HTTP Request
DELETE /activation-groups/{activationGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
activationGroupId | The id of the Activation Group to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Activation Group Response
The JSON document used to represent an Activation Group resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this activation group was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this activation group was last updated. |
id | String | The id of this specific activation group, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The activation group name. May be up to 140 characters long. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
exclusionIds | Array[String] | The specific device icop_id s that are excluded from this activation group regardless of filters and other activation groups. This is either a MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
exclusions | Array[Object] | The specific devices that are excluded from this activation group regardless of filters and other activation groups. |
filterType | String | Controls how the filters that define rules for dynamically determining the Devices in this activation group are combined (i.e. AND or OR , REJECT , ACCEPT , or LOGICAL_EXPRESSION ). |
additionIds | Array[String] | The specific device icop_id s that are in the Group regardless of filters and other Activation Groups. This is either a MAC Address (for speakers and idns) or the device identifier (for all other devices). |
additions | Array[Object] | The specific devices that are in the group regardless of filters and other activation groups. |
filters | Array[Object] | Defines rules to dynamically determine the Devices in this Activation Group, combined as specified by filterType. The filters format is detailed here. |
priority | Integer | Unique ranking specifies the order in which activation groups are evaluated (lower number = higher priority). If a device falls in more than one group, the lower numbered priority wins. |
endpointIds | Array[UUID] | The endpoint(s) to which devices in this activation group should get sent. |
deviceSummary | Object | The current device counts. Only applicable query param include-device-counts is true . |
multicastType | String | The type of multicast streaming that the group’s members are expected to support. Supported types are: • none - for groups without multicast capable members.• poly-ucs - for grouping Poly© phones with UCS firmware.• gms - for grouping other multicast capable devices. |
multicastAddress | String | When multicastType is set to poly-ucs or gms , specifies the multicast address at which the multicast capable group members will be receiving audio notifications. |
multicastPort | String | When multicastType is set to poly-ucs or gms , specifies the port at which the multicast capable group members will be receiving audio notifications. |
usedChannels | Array[Object] | When multicastType is set to poly-ucs , contains the Group Paging Channels that have been allocated for this activation group. One channel is allocated when a device group gets associated with the activation group. The format of the elements of usedChannels is detailed here. |
Activation Group Filters Format
The JSON document used to represent an Activation Group Filter has the following content (see the InformaCast Documentation for more details):
Attribute | Type | Description |
attribute | String | The attribute to filter. |
complement | Boolean | Controls whether the filter’s meaning is reversed. If true , it will match devices that do not meet the specified criteria. (You might use this when it is simpler to specify what to exclude; you can think of it as adding “does not” in front of the rule.) |
comparison | String | The comparison used for the filter (BEGINS_WITH , CONTAINS , ENDS_WITH , EQUALS , or MATCHES_REGEX ; legal values depend on the attribute). |
textValue | String | A text value for comparison (some attributes use this, others use selectValue , see the InformaCast Documentation for more details). |
selectValue | String | An enumeration value for comparison (some attributes use this, others use textValue , see the InformaCast Documentation for more details). |
caseSensitive | Boolean | Controls whether comparisons should care about capitalization. |
Used Channels Format
The elements of the usedChannels attribute of an Activation Group describe the Activation Group’s associations with existing Device Groups. Each Device Group associated with an Activation Group whose multicastType is set to poly-ucs
also gets assigned a Polycom Group Paging Channel. This channel will be used for delivering audio notifications to the Device Group’s Poly© phones with UCS firmware.
Attribute | Type | Description |
deviceGroupId | String | The ID of the device group |
activationGroupId | String | The ID of the activation group |
channel | Number | The Polycom Group Paging Channel assigned to the device group |
Identity Providers
Identity Providers are used for User authentication when logging in to an InformaCast Mobile Provider. Each Provider can have one or more Identity Providers.
List All Identity Providers
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/idps"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/idps"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/idps?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"id": "7e6f92b7-1ac6-11eb-9cb3-e3cdd7e88402",
"name": "Google IDP",
"isDefault": true,
"selfRegistrationEnabled": false,
"type": "google",
"enabled": true,
"createdAt": "2020-10-30T15:42:19.202Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of Identity Providers.
HTTP Request
GET /idps
Query Parameters
As usual, the number of responses can be controlled using the API’s pagination parameters. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The Identity Provider response format is detailed here.
Get an Identity Provider
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/idps/7e6f92b7-1ac6-11eb-9cb3-e3cdd7e88402"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
idp = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/idps/7e6f92b7-1ac6-11eb-9cb3-e3cdd7e88402"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
idp = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/idps/7e6f92b7-1ac6-11eb-9cb3-e3cdd7e88402" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "7e6f92b7-1ac6-11eb-9cb3-e3cdd7e88402",
"name": "Google IDP",
"isDefault": true,
"selfRegistrationEnabled": false,
"type": "google",
"enabled": true,
"createdAt": "2020-10-30T15:42:19.202Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single Identity Provider by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /idps/{idpId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
idpId | The id of the Identity Provider of interest. |
The Identity Provider response format is detailed here.
Update an Identity Provider
# Continuing with the idp object from the previous
# example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the idp object from the previous
# example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/7e6f92b7-1ac6-11eb-9cb3-e3cdd7e88402" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "My Google IDP"}'
"id": "7e6f92b7-1ac6-11eb-9cb3-e3cdd7e88402",
"name": "My Google IDP",
"isDefault": true,
"selfRegistrationEnabled": false,
"type": "google",
"enabled": true,
"createdAt": "2020-10-30T15:42:19.202Z",
"permissions": [
Updates an existing Identity Provider.
HTTP Request
PUT /idps/{idpId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
idpId | The id of the Identity Provider of interest. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | Capitalized value of type |
The name of the Identity Provider. |
isDefault | Boolean | false |
Whether this is the “default” Identity Provider. This means that Users with a providerIdpId value of NULL will use this Identity Provider for authentication. |
selfRegistrationEnabled | Boolean | false |
Whether this Identity Provider can be used for user self-registration. Only a Cirrus IDP can have this value set to true . |
type | String | N/A | The Identity Provider type (e.g. "google" , "azure" , "cirrus-idp" , "saml2" , "google" ). |
enabled | Boolean | true |
Whether this Identity Provider is currently enabled. |
The Identity Provider response format is detailed here.
Identity Provider Response
The JSON document used to represent an Identity Provider resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the Identity Provider. |
name | String | The name of the Identity Provider. |
isDefault | Boolean | Whether this is the “default” Identity Provider. This means that Users with a providerIdpId value of NULL will use this Identity Provider for authentication. |
selfRegistrationEnabled | Boolean | Whether this Identity Provider can be used for user self-registration. Only a Cirrus IDP can have this value set to true . |
type | String | The Identity Provider type (e.g. "google" , "azure" , "cirrus-idp" , "saml2" , "google" ). |
enabled | Boolean | Whether this Identity Provider is currently enabled. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Identity Provider was created. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Inbound CAP
Inbound CAP rules (the CAP message trigger for Inbound Events) allow you to specify a Message Template used to create a Notification when a CAP message matches an expression.
List All Inbound CAP Rules
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"id": "15433821-2096-11e8-8d4d-532f6fd5bb3d",
"name": "Amber Alert",
"expression": "(\nareaContainsLatLon(43.0798, -89.5353)\n|| areaGeocodeUgcContains(\"WIZ063\")\n|| areaGeocodeFips6SAMEContains(\"55025\")\n)\n&&\n(\nalertTextContains(\"Amber Alert\")\n)\n&&\n(\ncategoryIsRescue()\n|| categoryIsSecurity()\n|| categoryIsSafety()\n)",
"messageTemplateId": "937fb4a2-034b-11e7-8ab4-63081f5d59f0",
"disabled": true,
"createdAt": "2018-03-05T16:56:05.158Z",
"languageCode": "EN",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
"id": "73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0",
"name": "Severe Weather",
"expression": "(\nareaContainsLatLon(43.111, -89.3463)\n|| areaGeocodeUgcContains(\"WIZ063\")\n|| areaGeocodeFips6SAMEContains(\"55025\")\n)\n&&\n(\nalertTextContains(\"Severe Weather\")\n)\n&&\n(\ncategoryIsMet()\n)",
"messageTemplateId": "939dc3f7-034b-11e7-8ab4-1b0e0c25b88e",
"disabled": false,
"createdAt": "2018-03-05T16:15:47.592Z",
"languageCode": null,
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Retrieves the list of all Inbound CAP rules. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of Inbound CAP rules.)
HTTP Request
GET /inbound-cap-rules
Query Parameters
Results can be retrieved in groups using the API’s pagination parameters. There were a total of 2 rules available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can filter requests using some Inbound-specific query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Inbound CAP rules whose names exactly match the supplied value |
The Inbound CAP response format is detailed here.
Get an Inbound CAP Rule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules/73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
inbound = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules/73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
inbound = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules/73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0",
"name": "Severe Weather",
"expression": "(\nareaContainsLatLon(43.111, -89.3463)\n|| areaGeocodeUgcContains(\"WIZ063\")\n|| areaGeocodeFips6SAMEContains(\"55025\")\n)\n&&\n(\nalertTextContains(\"Severe Weather\")\n)\n&&\n(\ncategoryIsMet()\n)",
"messageTemplateId": "939dc3f7-034b-11e7-8ab4-1b0e0c25b88e",
"disabled": false,
"createdAt": "2018-03-05T16:15:47.592Z",
"languageCode": null,
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
Retrieves a single Inbound CAP rule by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /inbound-cap-rules/{icapRuleId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
icapRuleId | The id of the Inbound Email rule to retrieve. |
The Inbound CAP rule format is detailed here.
Create an Inbound CAP Rule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Severe Weather',
'expression': '(
areaContainsLatLon(43.111, -89.3463)
|| areaGeocodeUgcContains("WIZ063")
|| areaGeocodeFips6SAMEContains("55025")
alertTextContains("Severe Weather")
'messageTemplateId': '939dc3f7-034b-11e7-8ab4-1b0e0c25b88e',
'languageCode': 'EN',
'disabled': false
inbound = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Severe Weather'
'expression': '(
areaContainsLatLon(43.111, -89.3463)
|| areaGeocodeUgcContains("WIZ063")
|| areaGeocodeFips6SAMEContains("55025")
alertTextContains("Severe Weather")
'messageTemplateId': '939dc3f7-034b-11e7-8ab4-1b0e0c25b88e'
'languageCode': 'EN'
'disabled': false
inbound = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Severe Weather", \
"expression": "(
areaContainsLatLon(43.111, -89.3463)
|| areaGeocodeUgcContains(\"WIZ063\")
|| areaGeocodeFips6SAMEContains(\"55025\")
alertTextContains(\"Severe Weather\")
)", \
"messageTemplateId": "939dc3f7-034b-11e7-8ab4-1b0e0c25b88e", \
"languageCode": "EN", \
"disabled": false}'
"id": "73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0",
"name": "Severe Weather",
"expression": "(\nareaContainsLatLon(43.111, -89.3463)\n|| areaGeocodeUgcContains(\"WIZ063\")\n|| areaGeocodeFips6SAMEContains(\"55025\")\n)\n&&\n(\nalertTextContains(\"Severe Weather\")\n)\n&&\n(\ncategoryIsMet()\n)",
"messageTemplateId": "939dc3f7-034b-11e7-8ab4-1b0e0c25b88e",
"disabled": false,
"createdAt": "2018-03-05T16:15:47.592Z",
"languageCode": null,
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
Create a new Inbound CAP rule.
HTTP Request
POST /inbound-cap-rules
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The Inbound CAP rule’s display name |
expression | String | N/A | The expression evaluated to determine if a CAP message triggers a notification |
messageTemplateId | UUID | N/A | The Message Template to use when creating a notification |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not CAP messages matching this rule triggers a notification |
languageCode | String | N/A | The language code to match against in an incoming CAP message |
The expression in the expression
field may contain the boolean operators &&
and ||
in addition to calls to the functions listed here.
Expressions containing syntax errors or those referencing unsupported functions/operators will be considered invalid.
The Inbound CAP rule response format is detailed here.
Update an Inbound CAP Rule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules/73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'languageCode': 'EN',
'disabled': true
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules/73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'languageCode': 'EN'
'disabled': true
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules/73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"languageCode": "EN", \
"disabled": true}'
"id": "73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0",
"name": "Severe Weather",
"expression": "(\nareaContainsLatLon(43.111, -89.3463)\n|| areaGeocodeUgcContains(\"WIZ063\")\n|| areaGeocodeFips6SAMEContains(\"55025\")\n)\n&&\n(\nalertTextContains(\"Severe Weather\")\n)\n&&\n(\ncategoryIsMet()\n)",
"messageTemplateId": "939dc3f7-034b-11e7-8ab4-1b0e0c25b88e",
"disabled": true,
"createdAt": "2018-03-05T16:15:47.592Z",
"languageCode": "EN",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
Updates an existing Inbound CAP rule.
HTTP Request
PUT /inbound-cap-rules/{inboundCapRuleId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
inboundCapRuleId | The id of the Inbound Email configuration to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The Inbound CAP rule’s display name |
expression | String | N/A | The expression evaluated to determine if a CAP message triggers a notification |
messageTemplateId | UUID | N/A | The Message Template to use when creating a notification |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not CAP messages matching this rule triggers a notification |
languageCode | String | N/A | The language code to match against in an incoming CAP message |
Disabling an Inbound CAP rule will not remove it from the system, but no notifications will be created.
The Inbound CAP rule response format is detailed here.
Remove an Inbound CAP Rule
# Continuing with the inbound cap rule object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the inbound cap rule object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-cap-rules/73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 73d183bf-2090-11e8-8d4d-89d85e85e1c0"
Deletes an existing Inbound CAP rule.
HTTP Request
DELETE /inbound-cap-rules/{inboundCapRuleId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
inboundCapRuleId | The id of the Inbound CAP rule to delete |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Inbound CAP Rule Response
The JSON document used to represent an Inbound CAP rule resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this configuration was created. |
id | String | The id of the Inbound CAP rule |
name | String | The Inbound CAP rule’s display name |
expression | String | The expression evaluated to determine if a CAP message triggers a notification |
messageTemplateId | UUID | The Message Template to use when creating a notification |
disabled | boolean | Whether or not this rule is disabled. When disabled, a rule will not be evaluated to determine a match |
languageCode | String | The language code to match against in an incoming CAP message |
Publish a CAP Event
This endpoint allows you to send a CAP XML payload to InformaCast Mobile so it can process the inbound CAP rules against that payload.
The following restrictions exist:
- The payload must be valid XML format and valid CAP payload.
- The <identifier> tag is required and must be globally unique. If you submit two CAP messages, for the same provider, with the same value for <identifier> the second one will not be processed.
- The <info> <headline> and <area> tags are required.
- One or more of the following tags must be included: <geocode> <polygon> <circle>.
- The <expires> tag, if included, must reference a time in the future.
- The API access token provided must be associated with an application user with permissions to send notifications and Inbound CAP Create Event.
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/e1b2db4b-626a-11e7-a3f9-0de43455e890/proxy/cap/event"
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND="
-d '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<alert xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.2">
<event>Civil Danger Warning</event>
<senderName>Mr. CAP</senderName>
<headline>This is a sample headline</headline>
<description>This is a sample description</description>
<instruction>This is a sample instruction</instruction>
<areaDesc>Dane County</areaDesc>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ruleset rulesetId="6f4e3e85-fd49-11ea-9a37-3f53b6365c06" expression="categoryIsSafety()">
HTTP Request
POST /extensions/e1b2db4b-626a-11e7-a3f9-0de43455e890/proxy/cap/event
HTTP Response
- HTTP status 201 will be generatd if the CAP message was processed successfully and lead to notifications being sent out.
- HTTP status 204 will be generated if the CAP message didn’t create any notifications. This would happen if there were no ruleset matches or the alert has already been processed.
- HTTP status 204 will be generated if the CAP message has a
tag which references a date in the past. - HTTP status 400 indicates there was some sort of validation error.
The 201 response can have several instances of <ruleset>
if the CAP alert matches the expression in more than one ruleset. Each <ruleset>
can have more than one <alert>
tag if the source CAP message actually contained several
If the request has the header ‘Accept: application/json’ in it, the response payload will be in JSON format.
Inbound Email
Inbound Email configurations (the email trigger for Inbound Events) allow you to specify the basic elements of a Notification to be created when an email matching specific critera including a whitelist and Outbound Rules.
List All Inbound Emails
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"disabled": false,
"sourceWhitelist": [
"name": "Bad Weather",
"createdAt": "2017-11-29T13:50:19.331Z",
"outboundRules": [
"name": "Weather Subject",
"id": "6a76e59f-d50c-11e7-8536-0ff1b8ecefa1",
"messageTemplateId": "257d474f-b367-11e7-b291-a315426b49c6",
"subjectCriteria": [ "weather", "storm" ],
"bodyCriteria": [],
"disabled": false,
"userIds": [ "1f133539-d829-11e6-a35f-89d404f9ed0c" ],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "3cb8b11e-d50c-11e7-8536-0707cdb26a90",
"securityLevel": "low",
"tag": "6101703d-d50b-11e7-8536-ad37ed31a41d"
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"disabled": false,
"sourceWhitelist": [ "marc.loy@singlewire.com" ],
"name": "General Update",
"createdAt": "2017-11-29T17:10:18.424Z",
"outboundRules": [],
"id": "2cbea871-d528-11e7-81b3-a5ff55816643",
"securityLevel": "high",
"tag": "fa413554-d51b-11e7-81b3-0996f74f9670"
Retrieves the list of all Inbound Email configurations. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of Inbound Emails.)
HTTP Request
GET /inbound-email
Query Parameters
Results can be retrieved in groups using the API’s pagination parameters. There were a total of 2 configurations available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can filter requests using some Inbound-specific query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Inbound Email configurations whose names exactly match the supplied value |
The Inbound Email response format is detailed here.
Get an Inbound Email
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/2cbea871-d528-11e7-81b3-a5ff55816643"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
inbound = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/2cbea871-d528-11e7-81b3-a5ff55816643"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
inbound = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/2cbea871-d528-11e7-81b3-a5ff55816643" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "2cbea871-d528-11e7-81b3-a5ff55816643",
"name": "General Update",
"tag": "fa413554-d51b-11e7-81b3-0996f74f9670",
"disabled": false,
"sourceWhitelist": [ "marc.loy@singlewire.com" ],
"createdAt": "2017-11-29T17:10:18.424Z",
"outboundRules": [],
"securityLevel": "high",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Retrieves a single Inbound Email configuration by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /inbound-email/{inboundId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
inboundId | The id of the Inbound Email configuration to retrieve. |
The Inbound Email response format is detailed here.
Create an Inbound Email
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Fire Door Closed',
'sourceWhitelist': 'firedoor-*@company.com',
'securityLevel': 'high'
inbound = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Fire Door Closed'
'sourceWhitelist': 'firedoor-*@company.com'
'securityLevel': 'high'
inbound = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Fire Door Closed", \
"sourceWhitelist": "firedoor-*@company.com", \
"securityLevel": "high"}'
"id": "bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33",
"name": "Fire Door Closed",
"tag": "bd263f54-1d66-11e8-b54a-715064f51c99",
"sourceWhitelist": [ "firedoor-*@company.com" ],
"securityLevel": "high",
"outboundRules": [],
"createdAt": "2018-03-01T15:39:33.207Z",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Create a new Inbound Email.
HTTP Request
POST /inbound-email
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The Inbound Email configuration’s display name |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not emails sent to this configuration should be evaluated for creating notifications |
securityLevel | String | N/A | Options: high , medium , low , off ; determines how elements in the email metadata such as SPF and spam score are used in evaluating a received email |
sourceWhitelist | Array[String] | N/A | The (required) list of emails allowed to send to this configuration |
The email addresses in the sourceWhitelist
field may contain simple wildcard characters (*
) to match common prefixes and suffixes.
The wildcards can appear in both the name and the domain portion e.g. firedoor-*@company.com
or admin@*.company.com
Please note that a security level of off
is discouraged. The other settings guard against egregious spam practices but still accept
email from most legacy systems.
Also note that after creating an Inbound Email configuration, you need to attach at least one Outbound Rule to complete the required setup and specify the Message Template to be used for creating notifications.
The Inbound Email response format is detailed here.
Update an Inbound Email
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'sourceWhitelist': 'security@company.com',
'securityLevel': 'medium'
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'sourceWhitelist': 'security@company.com'
'securityLevel': 'medium'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/52640b89-13b0-11e8-a40a-6553f9413d68" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"sourceWhitelist": "security@company.com", \
"securityLevel": "medium"}'
"id": "bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33",
"name": "Fire Door Closed",
"tag": "bd263f54-1d66-11e8-b54a-715064f51c99",
"sourceWhitelist": [ "security@company.com" ],
"securityLevel": "medium",
"outboundRules": [],
"createdAt": "2018-03-01T15:39:33.207Z",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Updates an existing Inbound Email configuration.
HTTP Request
PUT /inbound-email/{inboundId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
inboundId | The id of the Inbound Email configuration to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The Inbound Email configuration’s display name |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not emails sent to this configuration should be evaluated for creating notifications |
securityLevel | String | N/A | Options: high , medium , low , off ; determines how elements in the email metadata such as SPF and spam score are used in evaluating a received email |
sourceWhitelist | Array[String] | N/A | The (required) list of emails allowed to send to this configuration |
outboundRuleIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The list of associated outbound rules for further validation of received emails |
Disabling an Inbound Email configuration will not remove it from the system, but no notifications will be created.
While not required for creating or updating, you must attach an Outbound Rule before an Inbound Email configuration can be used to generate notifications based on receipt of an email.
The Inbound Email response format is detailed here.
Remove an Inbound Email
# Continuing with the inbound email object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the inbound email object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-mail/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33"
Deletes an existing Inbound Email configuration.
HTTP Request
DELETE /inbound-email/{inboundId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
inboundId | The id of the Inbound Email configuration to delete |
Any associated Outbound Rules will be deleted along with the Inbound Email configuration.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Inbound Email Response
The JSON document used to represent an Inbound Email resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this configuration was created. |
id | String | The id of the Inbound Email configuration |
name | String | The Inbound Email configuration’s display name |
disabled | boolean | Whether or not this configuration is disabled. When disabled, a configuration will not accept inbound emails |
outboundRules | Array[Object] | A list of zero or more Outbound Rules associated with this configuration. No rules implies any email from a member of the whitelist will be used to generate a notification |
securityLevel | String | Options: high , medium , low , off ; determines how elements in the email metadata such as SPF and spam score are used in evaluating a received email |
sourceWhitelist | Array[String] | A required list of email addresses (which may contain wildcards) that are allowed to initiate a notification through this configuration |
tag | String | The suffix to use in the email address so that a received email can trigger this configuration |
Inbound RSS Feeds
Define RSS feeds to monitor and send notifications to IcMobile.
This service can monitor either RSS or ATOM syndicated feeds. When a new entry is found in a feed a notification will be sent out to recipients in the message template or overridden with the entries in the distribution_list_ids.
If a new RSS <item> is acquired the <title> section of an <item> will become the subject of the notification and the <description> will become the body.
If a new ATOM <entry> is acquired the <title> becomes the subject of the notification and the <summary> will become the body.
List All Inbound RSS Feeds
# While you can get the low-level pagination
# structures this way:
from icm_python_client.icm_client import ICMClient
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
token = 'S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
icm_client = ICMClient.create(token)
'limit': 1}).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# It is more convenient to let the client
# library do the pagination and lazy loading
# for you:
for rss in icm_client.rss_feeds().LIST():
# While you can get the low-level pagination
# structures this way:
require 'json'
require 'icm_client'
token = 'S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
icm_client = ICMClient::Client.new(token)
puts JSON.parse(
icm_client.rss_feeds.get(:params => {
:limit => 1}))
rescue => e
p e
# It is more convenient to let the client
# library do the pagination and lazy loading
# for you:
icm_client.rss_feeds.list.each do |rss|
puts JSON.pretty_generate(rss)
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/rss-feeds?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "8c568e22-a04c-11e6-880c-cffa0fd0a676",
"disabled": false,
"name": "CNN Top Stories",
"createdAt": "2016-11-03T19:32:48.196Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"id": "4d4ad917-a1fc-11e6-b473-83bca009511b",
"url": "http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_topstories.rss"
Retrieves the list of all rss feeds to monitor.
HTTP Request
GET /rss-feeds
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first user was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 3 RSS Feeds available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The rss-feeds response format is detailed here.
Get an RSS Feed
from icm_python_client.icm_client import ICMClient
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
token = 'S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
icm_client = ICMClient.create(token)
rss = icm_client.rss_feeds("cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4").GET().json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'json'
require 'icm_client'
token = 'S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
icm_client = ICMClient::Client.new(token)
rss = JSON.parse(
puts JSON.pretty_generate(rss)
rescue => e
p e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/rss-feeds/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "8c568e22-a04c-11e6-880c-cffa0fd0a676",
"disabled": false,
"name": "CNN Top Stories",
"createdAt": "2016-11-03T19:32:48.196Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"id": "4d4ad917-a1fc-11e6-b473-83bca009511b",
"url": "http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_topstories.rss"
Retrieves a single RSS feed by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /rss-feeds/{rssFeedId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
rssFeedId | The id of the RSS feed data to retrieve. |
The RSS response format is detailed here.
Create an RSS Feed
from icm_python_client.icm_client import ICMClient
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
token = 'S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
icm_client = ICMClient.create(token)
rss = icm_client.rss_feeds().POST(data={
"name": "NY Times Home Page",
"url": "http://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml",
"messageTemplateId": "8c568e22-a04c-11e6-880c-cffa0fd0a676",
"distributionListIds": ["9309cb65-a04c-11e6-b2ca-d3981c7949ac"],
"disabled": false
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'json'
require 'icm_client'
token = 'S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
icm_client = ICMClient::Client.new(token)
rss = JSON.parse(
:name => 'NY Times Home Page',
:url => 'http://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml',
:messageTemplateId =>'8c568e22-a04c-11e6-880c-cffa0fd0a676',
:distributionListIds => ['9309cb65-a04c-11e6-b2ca-d3981c7949ac'],
:disabled => false
puts JSON.pretty_generate(rss)
rescue => e
p e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/rss-feeds" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ \
"name": 'NY Times Home Page', \
"url": "http://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml", \
"messageTemplateId": "8c568e22-a04c-11e6-880c-cffa0fd0a676", \
"distributionListIds": ["9309cb65-a04c-11e6-b2ca-d3981c7949ac"], \
"disabled": false \
"id": "4d4ad917-a1fc-11e6-b473-83bca009511b",
"name": "NY Times Home Page",
"url": "http://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml",
"messageTemplateId": "8c568e22-a04c-11e6-880c-cffa0fd0a676",
"distributionListIds": ["9309cb65-a04c-11e6-b2ca-d3981c7949ac"],
"disabled": false
Create a new RSS feed
HTTP Request
POST /rss-feeds
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | none | The RSS feed’s display name |
url | String | none | The RSS feed’s url to monitor. It will be polled every 60 seconds. |
messageTemplateId | String | none | The message template to use when building a notification for an RSS feed entry. (Must have subject and body customizable) |
distributionListIds | Array | none | List of distribution lists to send notifications to. |
disabled | boolean | false | When set to true the feed will be monitored, but no notifications will be sent out. |
The RSS response format is detailed here.
Update an RSS Feed
# Continuing with the RSS feed object
# from the previous example:
'name': 'MSN'}).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the rss feed object
# from the previous example:
puts JSON.parse(
:name => 'MSN'))
rescue => e
p e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/rss-feeds/e83d84e6-2281-11e6-a729-83a644c48766" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "MSN"}'
"name": "MSN",
"id": "e83d84e6-2281-11e6-a729-83a644c48766",
"url": "http://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml",
"messageTemplateId": "8c568e22-a04c-11e6-880c-cffa0fd0a676",
"distributionListIds": ["9309cb65-a04c-11e6-b2ca-d3981c7949ac"],
"disabled": false
Updates an existing RSS feed.
HTTP Request
PUT /rss-feeds/{rssFeedId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
rssFeedId | The id of the RSS feed to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | none | The RSS feed’s display name |
url | String | none | The RSS feed’s url to monitor. It will be polled every 60 seconds. |
messageTemplateId | String | none | The message template to use when building a notification for an RSS feed entry. (Must have subject and body customizable) |
distributionListIds | Array | none | List of distribution lists to send notifications to. |
disabled | boolean | false | When set to true the feed will be monitored, but no notifications will be sent out. |
The RSS feed response format is detailed here.
Remove an RSS Feed
# Continuing with the RSS feed object
# from the previous example:
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the RSS feed object
# from the previous example:
puts JSON.parse(
rescue => e
p e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/rss-feeds/e83d84e6-2281-11e6-a729-83a644c48766" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted e83d84e6-2281-11e6-a729-83a644c48766"
Deletes an existing RSS feed.
HTTP Request
DELETE /rss-feeds/{rssFeedId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
rssFeedId | The id of the RSS feed to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
RSS Feed Response
The JSON document used to represent an RSS Feed resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this RSS Feed was created. |
id | String | The id of the RSS feed, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the RSS Feed |
name | String | The RSS Feed’s display name |
url | String | The URL of the RSS feed being monitored. |
messageTemplateId | String | The message template to use when sending a notification from this RSS feed source. |
distributionListIds | Array | List of distribution list IDs to include when sending out an RSS feed notification. |
disabled | Boolean | If set to true, the feed will continue to be processed, but it will not send out notifications. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Incident Plans
Incident Plans are agendas to follow when there are ongoing Incidents in your organization. Each Incident Plan has a name, description (optional), a list of Message Templates and Scenarios available for quick access, a list of hyperlink or file Incident Plan Resources for managing the Incident, and optional configuration for Roll Call.
When configuring a Message Template or Scenario, you may also specify an Incident Plan ID so that when you send the notification, an Incident will spawn from the associated Incident Plan.
List All Incident Plans
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage",
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow",
"createdAt": "2021-05-27T15:03:50.605Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of Incident Plans.
HTTP Request
GET /incident-plans
Query Parameters
As usual, the number of responses can be controlled using the API’s pagination parameters. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeMessageTemplates | Boolean | If true , include the list of quick access Message Templates specified for this Incident Plan. |
includeScenarios | Boolean | If true , include the list of quick access Scenarios specified for this Incident Plan. |
includeResources | Boolean | If true , include the list of Incident Plan Resources for this Incident Plan. |
includeRostering | Boolean | If true , include the Roll Call configuration for this Incident Plan. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Incident Plan belongs. |
The Incident Plan response format is detailed here.
Get an Incident Plan
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
ip = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
ip = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage",
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow",
"createdAt": "2021-05-27T15:03:50.605Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single Incident Plan by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentPlanId | The id of the Incident Plan to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeMessageTemplates | Boolean | If true , include the list of quick access Message Templates specified for this Incident Plan. |
includeScenarios | Boolean | If true , include the list of quick access Scenarios specified for this Incident Plan. |
includeResources | Boolean | If true , include the list of Incident Plan Resources for this Incident Plan. |
includeRostering | Boolean | If true , include the Roll Call configuration for this Incident Plan. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Incident Plan belongs. |
The Incident Plan response format is detailed here.
Create an Incident Plan
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'IT Outage',
'description': 'Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow'
ip = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'IT Outage'
'description': 'Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow'
ip = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "IT Outage", \
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow"}'
"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage",
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow",
"createdAt": "2021-05-27T15:03:50.605Z",
"permissions": [
Create a new Incident Plan.
HTTP Request
POST /incident-plans
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the Incident Plan. |
description | String | N/A | An optional description for the Incident Plan. |
The Incident Plan response format is detailed here.
Update an Incident Plan
# Continuing with the incident plan object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the incident plan object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "IT Problem"}'
"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Problem",
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow",
"createdAt": "2021-05-27T15:03:50.605Z",
"permissions": [
Update an existing Incident Plan.
HTTP Request
PUT /incidentPlans/{incidentPlanId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentPlanId | The id of the Incident Plan to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the Incident Plan. |
description | String | N/A | An optional description for the Incident Plan. |
scenarioIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The id s of the Scenarios to use for quick access. If set to null , it will remove any scenarios from this Incident Plan. |
messageTemplateIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The id s of the Message Templates to use for quick access. If set to null , it will remove any message templates from this Incident Plan. |
rostering | Incident Plan Roll Call Configuration | N/A | The Roll Call configuration. If set to null , it will remove Roll Call configuration from this Incident Plan |
resources | Empty array | N/A | If passed an empty array ([] ), it will remove any resources from this Incident Plan. |
The Incident Plan response format is detailed here.
Remove an Incident Plan
# Continuing with the incident plan object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the incident plan object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"IncidentPlans\"} bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702"
Deletes an existing Incident Plan.
HTTP Request
DELETE /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentPlanId | The id of the Incident Plan to update. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Incident Plan Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Incident Plan was created. |
description | String | The optional description for the Incident Plan. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the Incident Plan belongs. |
id | String | The id of this specific Incident Plan, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
messageTemplates | Array[Object] | When includeMessageTemplates is set to true in your request, this response will list the name and id of the specified quick access Message Templates. |
name | String | The name of the Incident Plan. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
resources | Array[Incident Plan Resource] | When includeResources is set to true in your request, this response will list the specified Incident Plan Resources. |
scenarios | Array[Object] | When includeScenarios is set to true in your request, this response will list the name and id of the specified quick access Scenarios. |
rostering | Incident Plan Roll Call Config | When includeRostering is set to true in your request, this response will contain the Incident Plan Roll Call configuration. |
visitorAwareBaseUrl | String | URL for base Visitor Aware domain. Only included if user has Visitor Aware license. |
Incident Plan Roll Call Request Parameters
The structure of the Incident Plan Roll Call object in the Incident Plan request.
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
locations | Array[string] | N/A | The list of locations available to use during a Roll Call event |
statuses | Array[string] | N/A | The list of statuses available to use during a Roll Call event |
rosterManagerSiteRoleIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The id s of site roles that determine the Roll Call administrators for a Roll Call event |
rosterMemberSiteRoleIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The id s of of site roles that determine which users populate the Roll Call list for a Roll Call event |
type | String | ‘informacast’ | A string representing the type of Roll Call service to be used, either informacast which indicates Roll Call or visitor-aware which indicates Visitor Aware Reunification. |
Incident Plan Roll Call Response
The structure of the Incident Plan Roll Call object in Incident Plan response.
Attribute | Type | Description |
incidentPlanRosteringId | UUID | The id of the Incident Plan Roll Call configuration. |
locations | Array[string] | The list of locations available to use during a Roll Call event. |
statuses | Array[string] | The list of statuses available to use during a Roll Call event. |
rosterManagerSiteRoleIds | Array[UUID] | The id s of site roles that determine the Roll Call administrators for a Roll Call event. |
rosterManagerSiteRoles | Array[Site Role] | The list of site roles that determine the Roll Call administrators for a Roll Call event. |
rosterMemberSiteRoleIds | Array[UUID] | The id s of of site roles that determine which users populate the Roll Call list for a Roll Call event. |
rosterMemberSiteRoles | Array[Site Role] | The list of site roles that determine the users that populate the Roll Call list in a Roll Call event. |
type | String | A string representing the type of Roll Call service to be used, either informacast which indicates Roll Call or visitor-aware which indicates Visitor Aware Reunification. |
Incident Plan Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Incident Plans are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Incident Plans are assigned to which Domains.
List All Incident Plan Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"incidentPlanId": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"incidentPlanId": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Incident Plan belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentPlanId | The id of the Incident Plan whose associated Domains are listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, there were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Incident Plan belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Incident Plan using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Incident Plan, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the Incident Plan whose domains were
requested is returned under the key incidentPlanId
inside each
domain response.
Check if an Incident Plan contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"incidentPlanId": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Incident Plan Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentPlanId | The id of the Incident Plan whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Incident Plan belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Incident Plan is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Incident Plan, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Incident Plan is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Incident
Plan response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add an Incident Plan Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"incidentPlanId": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Incident Plan into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
incidentPlanId | UUID | The id of the Incident Plan to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Incident Plan out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Incident Plan should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Incident Plan out of one or more child Domains? |
A Incident Plan is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Incident Plan that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove an Incident Plan Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Incident Plan c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Incident Plan from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Incident Plan currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Incident Plan itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
incidentPlanId | The id of the Incident Plan whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Incident Plan. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Incident Plan in no Domain. |
A Incident Plan must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Incident Plan from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Incident Plan. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Incident Plan out
of its last Domain will delete the Incident Plan.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Incident Plan Resources
Incident Plan Resources are the collection of hyperlinks and files that belong to a specific Incident Plan. When an Incident is created from this Incident Plan, the associated resources become immediately available to your Incident Management team.
List All Incident Plan Resources
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"incidentPlanId": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage Protocol",
"fileName": "it_outage_protocol.txt",
"createdAt": "2021-06-02T19:08:50.920Z",
"type": "file",
"size": 9,
"id": "f749eefc-c3d5-11eb-b004-a963ffc8cb9f",
"hyperlink": null,
"contentType": "text/plain",
"metadata": {}
"permissions": [
"incidentPlanId": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "Helpdesk Website",
"fileName": null,
"createdAt": "2021-06-02T19:09:50.920Z",
"type": "hyperlink",
"size": null,
"id": "d2f58733-b8f0-11eb-a15c-ad35ea737d26",
"hyperlink": "https://www.helpdesk.com",
"contentType": null,
"metadata": null
Retrieves the list of Incident Plan Resources.
HTTP Request
GET /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}/resources
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentPlanId | The id of the Incident Plan for which this resource belongs. |
Query Parameters
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
The Incident Plan Resource response format is detailed here.
Get a Specific Incident Plan Resource
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources/f749eefc-c3d5-11eb-b004-a963ffc8cb9f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
ipr = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources/f749eefc-c3d5-11eb-b004-a963ffc8cb9f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
ipr = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources/f749eefc-c3d5-11eb-b004-a963ffc8cb9f" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"incidentPlanId": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage Protocol",
"fileName": "it_outage_protocol.txt",
"createdAt": "2021-06-02T19:08:50.920Z",
"type": "file",
"size": 9,
"id": "f749eefc-c3d5-11eb-b004-a963ffc8cb9f",
"hyperlink": null,
"contentType": "text/plain",
"metadata": {}
Retrieves resource information based on the id
values of the Incident Plan and Incident Plan Resource. Since this is not a list request,
there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}/resources/{resourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentPlanId | The id of the Incident Plan for which resource information is desired. |
resourceId | The id of the Incident Plan Resource. |
The Incident Plan Resource response format is detailed here.
Create an Incident Plan Resource
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Helpdesk Website',
'type': 'hyperlink',
'hyperlink': 'https://www.helpdesk.com'
ipr = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Helpdesk Website'
'type': 'hyperlink'
'hyperlink': 'https://www.helpdesk.com'
ipr = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Helpdesk Website", \
"type": "hyperlink", \
"hyperlink": "https://www.helpdesk.com"}'
"permissions": [
"incidentPlanId": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "Helpdesk Website",
"fileName": null,
"createdAt": "2021-06-02T19:09:50.920Z",
"type": "hyperlink",
"size": null,
"id": "d2f58733-b8f0-11eb-a15c-ad35ea737d26",
"hyperlink": "https://www.helpdesk.com",
"contentType": null,
"metadata": null
Create a new Incident Plan Resource.
HTTP Request
POST /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}/resources
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the Incident Plan Resource. |
type | String | N/A | The resource type. Must be “hyperlink” or “file”. |
hyperlink | String | N/A | The hyperlink for the Incident Plan Resource. Must be specified for hyperlink resources. |
file | Blob | N/A | The binary stream of a the file data. The size of the image must not exceed 20 MiB. Must be specified for file resources. |
The Incident Plan Resource response format is detailed here.
Remove an Incident Plan Resource
# Continuing with the incident plan and resource
# objects from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the incident plan and resource
# objects from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources/f749eefc-c3d5-11eb-b004-a963ffc8cb9f" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"IncidentPlanResources\"} f749eefc-c3d5-11eb-b004-a963ffc8cb9f"
Deletes an existing Incident Plan Resource.
HTTP Request
DELETE /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}/resources/{resourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentPlanId | The id of the Incident Plan to which the Incident Plan Resource belongs. |
resourceId | The id of the Incident Plan Resource to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Get an Incident Plan File Resource’s Data
# Continuing with the incident plan and resource
# objects from the previous example:
pic = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print(pic.headers['content-type']) # e.g., image/png
f = open('picture.png', 'w')
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the incident plan and resource
# objects from the previous example:
pic = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)
puts(pic.headers['content-type']) # e.g., image/png
f = open('picture.png', 'w')
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources/f749eefc-c3d5-11eb-b004-a963ffc8cb9f/file" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Produces a binary stream of the file data, with the specific MIME type identified in the response header. Will likely involve redirection to a content distribution network server closer to where the request originated.
Retrieves the file data for an Incident Plan Resource, if any, as a binary stream. For improved performance, this will likely involve redirection (via an HTTP 302 Redirect response) to an AWS CloudFront content distribution network node which has cached the content closer geographically to where the request originated than the Singlewire REST API servers.
HTTP Request
GET /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}/resources/{resourceId}/file
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentPlanId | The id of the Incident Plan with an Incident Plan File Resource. |
resourceId | The id of the Incident Plan File Resource to get the file data. |
Incident Plan Resource Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
contentType | String | The content type of the Incident Plan Resource. Only applies for file resources. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Incident Plan Resource was created. |
fileName | String | The name of the uploaded file. Only applies for file resources. |
hyperlink | String | The hyperlink resource. Only applies for hyperlink Incident Plan Resources. |
id | UUID | The id of this specific Incident Plan Resource, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
incidentPlanId | UUID | The id of the Incident Plan for which this resource belongs. |
metadata | JSON | Any specific metadata about the file resource. Only applies for file resources. |
name | String | The name of the Incident Plan Resource. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
size | Integer | The size in bytes of file. Only applies for file resources. |
type | String | The type of the Incident Plan Resource. Must be either “hyperlink” or “file”. |
Incident Plan Visitor Aware Mappings Status
Incident Plan Visitor Aware Mappings status is a resource reflecting whether or not all InformaCast sites have mappings to ‘Locations’ in Visitor Aware. This endpoint is only accessible to users licensed to use Visitor Aware Features.
Get Incident Plan Visitor Aware Mappings Status
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/visitor-aware-mapping-status"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/visitor-aware-mapping-status"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident-plans/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/visitor-aware-mapping-status" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Retrieves the Mappings Completed status
HTTP Request
GET /incident-plans/{incidentPlanId}/visitor-aware-mapping-status
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentPlanId | The id of an Incident Plan for this provider. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
areMappingsMissing | Boolean | False if all sites have location mappings in Visitor Aware, true otherwise. |
Incidents are the instantiation of Incident Plans. When a Notification is sent via a Message Template or Scenario with an attached Incident Plan, an Ongoing Incident begins. All quick-access notifications and Incident Plan Resources become available to your Incident Management team.
During an Ongoing Incident, Incident Resources may be added and removed. Once the incident ends, no additional changes may be made to the Incident or its subresources.
List All Incidents
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "9c260d34-b72e-11eb-ba2e-53e6a3f416c2",
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "IT Outage Incident"
"notificationId": "918bcd71-c3d9-11eb-9f49-eb0999116a25",
"createdAt": "2021-06-02T19:34:38.210Z",
"notificationCreatedAt": "2021-06-02T19:34:38.211Z",
"id": "918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40",
"incidentPlan": {
"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage",
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow"
"scenario": null,
"emergencyCallingStatus": null,
"endedAt": null
Retrieves a list of all Incidents.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents
Query Parameters
As usual, the number of responses can be controlled using the API’s pagination parameters. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ongoingOnly | Boolean | If true , only include Ongoing Incidents. This is denoted by Incident’s whose endedAt value is null . |
includeNotificationCount | Boolean | If true , include the total number of Notifications sent during this Incident. |
includeResources | Boolean | If true , include the list of Incident Resources in the response. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Incident belongs. |
The Incident response format is detailed here.
Get an Incident
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
i = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
i = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incident/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "9c260d34-b72e-11eb-ba2e-53e6a3f416c2",
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "IT Outage Incident"
"notificationId": "918bcd71-c3d9-11eb-9f49-eb0999116a25",
"createdAt": "2021-06-02T19:34:38.210Z",
"notificationCreatedAt": "2021-06-02T19:34:38.211Z",
"id": "918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40",
"incidentPlan": {
"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage",
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow"
"scenario": null,
"emergencyCallingStatus": null,
"endedAt": null
Retrieves a single Incident by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ongoingOnly | Boolean | If true , only include Ongoing Incidents. This is denoted by Incident’s whose endedAt value is null . |
includeNotificationCount | Boolean | If true , include the total number of Notifications sent during this Incident. |
includeResources | Boolean | If true , include the list of Incident Resources in the response. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each Incident belongs. |
The Incident response format is detailed here.
Create an Incident
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'incidentPlanId': '335ae2c1-7226-11eb-9d92-cb1d1a168b9b'
i = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'incidentPlanId': '335ae2c1-7226-11eb-9d92-cb1d1a168b9b'
i = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"incidentPlanId": "335ae2c1-7226-11eb-9d92-cb1d1a168b9b"}'
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "9c260d34-b72e-11eb-ba2e-53e6a3f416c2",
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "IT Outage Incident"
"notificationId": "918bcd71-c3d9-11eb-9f49-eb0999116a25",
"createdAt": "2021-06-02T19:34:38.210Z",
"notificationCreatedAt": "2021-06-02T19:34:38.211Z",
"id": "918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40",
"incidentPlan": {
"id": "bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702",
"name": "IT Outage",
"description": "Network connections interrupted - Updates will follow"
"scenario": null,
"rostering": null,
"site": null,
"emergencyCallingStatus": null,
"endedAt": null
Create a new Incident. Although Incidents may be triggered by specifying an Incident Plan on a Message Template
or Scenario, You may also start an Incident using the /incidents
API directly.
HTTP Request
POST /incidents
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
incidentPlanId | UUID | N/A | The ID of the Incident Plan to use for this Incident. |
The Incident response format is detailed here.
Remove an Incident
# Continuing with the incident object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the incident object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"Incidents\"} 918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40"
Removes an Incident from the record. Generally only administrative users will have permission to do this.
HTTP Request
DELETE /incidents/{incidentId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Incident Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Incident was created. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the Incident belongs. |
emergencyCallingStatus | Emergency Calling Status object | If this is an emergency scenario, will hold information from the most recent Incident Activity that reported an update about the emergency calling flow. Will be null if none has been recevied yet, or if this is not an emergency scenario. |
endedAt | String | When the Incident was completed. null indicates that the Incident is ongoing. |
id | String | The id of this specific Incident, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
incidentPlan | Incident Plan | The Incident Plan used to start the Incident. |
messageTemplate | Object | An object containing the name of the Message Template used to trigger the Incident. null if triggered some other way. |
messageTemplateId | String | The ID of the Message Template used to trigger the Incident. null if triggered some other way. |
notificationId | String | The ID of the Notification that triggered this Incident. null if triggered manually via the /incidents API. |
notificationCount | Integer | When includeNotificationCount is true in the request, the number of notifications sent during this Incident. Otherwise omitted from the response. |
notificationCreatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | The createdAt value of the Notification that triggered this Incident. null if triggered manually via the /incidents API. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
resources | Array[Incident Resource] | When includeResources is set to true in the request, list the Incident Resources that belong to this Incident. |
rostering | Incident Roll Call object | If this Incident has Roll Call configured, contains Incident Roll Call data. |
scenario | Scenario | The Scenario used to trigger the Incident. null if triggered some other way. |
site | Site | The site assigned to the incident. Used for Roll Call when assigning Roll Call members and administrators. Will be null if no site is assigned. |
Emergency Calling Status Response
When a status update about the progress of emergency calling has been received it will have the following format:
Attribute | Type | Description |
type | String | One of rapid-sos-initiated , rapid-sos-no-response , rapid-sos-confirmed , rapid-sos-declined rapid-sos-contacting-monitoring , rapid-sos-cancelled , or rapid-sos-completed . |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | The createdAt value of the Incident Activity that reported this status. |
details | Object | Any additional information that was supplied by the emergency services integration provider. |
Incident Roll Call Response
The response data for Roll Call when it is enabled on an Incident has the following format:
Attribute | Type | Description |
locations | Array[string] | List of locations that can be used in this Roll Call event |
statuses | Array[string] | List of statuses that can be used in this Roll Call event |
type | String | A string representing the type of Roll Call service to be used, either informacast which indicates Roll Call or visitor-aware which indicates Visitor Aware Reunification. |
visitorAwareUrl | String | A URL pointing at the Visitor Aware Reunification Event initiated by this incident. |
visitorAwareError | String | An error message recieved when trying to initiate a Visitor Aware Reunification Event. |
visitorAwareBaseUrl | String | URL for base Visitor Aware domain. |
Incident Activities
Incident Activities are the mechanism for tracking and reviewing certain interactions that Users have had with a particular Incident.
At this time, the activity types end-incident
, rapid-sos-initiated
, rapid-sos-no-response
, rapid-sos-confirmed
, rapid-sos-declined
, rapid-sos-contacting-monitoring
, rapid-sos-cancelled
, and rapid-sos-completed
are supported. end-incident
reflects the fact that an incident has ended and can be posted to the incident when a user wants to end it. The other activities are informational in nature, and are added by the system when certain events occur, such as progress in contacting emergency responders for emergency scenarios.
Get All Incident Activities
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/activities" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"id": "e2ada148-bd82-11eb-a95c-0d6c5fd6888c",
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"userId": "b2fddd62-1ece-11eb-81a7-7b383da79abc",
"createdAt": "2021-05-25T17:59:01.136Z",
"type": "end-incident",
"details": {
"user": {
"id": "b2fddd62-1ece-11eb-81a7-7b383da79abc",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": "john.smith@acmecompany.com"
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of all activities recorded for the specified Incident.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/activities
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which activity information is desired. |
Query Parameters
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
The Incident Activity response format is detailed here.
Get a Specific Activity
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/activities/e2ada148-bd82-11eb-a95c-0d6c5fd6888c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/activities/e2ada148-bd82-11eb-a95c-0d6c5fd6888c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/activities/e2ada148-bd82-11eb-a95c-0d6c5fd6888c" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "e2ada148-bd82-11eb-a95c-0d6c5fd6888c",
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"userId": "b2fddd62-1ece-11eb-81a7-7b383da79abc",
"createdAt": "2021-05-25T17:59:01.136Z",
"type": "end-incident",
"details": {
"user": {
"id": "b2fddd62-1ece-11eb-81a7-7b383da79abc",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": "john.smith@acmecompany.com"
"permissions": [
Retrieves a specific activity based the id
values of the Incident and Activity. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/activities/{activityId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which activity information is desired. |
activityId | The id of the specific Incident Activity of interest. |
The Incident Activity response format is detailed here.
Create an Activity To End an Incident
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'type': 'end-incident'
activity = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'type': 'end-incident'
activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/activities" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"type": "end-incident"}'
"id": "e2ada148-bd82-11eb-a95c-0d6c5fd6888c",
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"userId": "b2fddd62-1ece-11eb-81a7-7b383da79abc",
"createdAt": "2021-05-25T17:59:01.136Z",
"type": "end-incident",
"details": {
"user": {
"id": "b2fddd62-1ece-11eb-81a7-7b383da79abc",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": "john.smith@acmecompany.com"
"permissions": [
Creates a new end-incident
Activity to end the specified Incident. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
Although incidents can have other types of activities added by the system, the only type that you can post yourself is end-incident
HTTP Request
POST /incidents/{incidentId}/activities
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
incidentId | UUID | Yes | The id of the Incident for which activity information is desired. |
type | String | Yes | Options: end-incident . Ends an Ongoing Incident by setting the endedAt value on the Incident. |
The Incident Activity response format is detailed here.
Incident Activity Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Incident Activity was created. |
details | Object | A JSON object containing additional information about the Activity when it was created, such as the User email. |
id | String | The id of this specific Incident Activity. |
incidentId | UUID | The Incident to which this Activity belongs. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
type | String | Options: end-incident , rapid-sos-initiated , rapid-sos-no-response , rapid-sos-confirmed , rapid-sos-declined , rapid-sos-contacting-monitoring , rapid-sos-cancelled , and rapid-sos-completed . |
userId | String | The id of the User that created the activity. |
Incident Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Incidents are assigned to the acting domain of the User that triggers the Incident. This resource lets you see which Incidents occurred in which Domains.
List All Incident Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"incidentId": "918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Incident belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There will always only be one Domain associated with an Incident, reflecting the Domain in which the User that triggered it was acting at the time it was sent, so the standard pagination mechanism is not needed for this resource.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of the Domain attached to the specified Incident using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition the Domain that is directly attached to the specified Incident, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here. Additionally, the id
of the Incident whose domains were
requested is returned under the key incidentId
inside each domain response.
Check if an Incident contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"incidentId": "918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Incident Domain by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Incident belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Incident is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to the Domain that is directly attached to the specified Incident, any of its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Incident is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if recursive
is true
), a response will be returned. The Domain
response format is detailed here. If the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that the
requested resource cannot be found.
Incident Resources
Incident Resources are the collection of hyperlinks and files that belong to a specific Incident. When an Incident is created from an Incident Plan, all of the Plan’s resources are copied over to the Incident. You may then continue to add and remove Incident Resources until the Incident is completed.
List All Incident Resources
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/resources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/resources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/resources" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"name": "IT Outage Protocol",
"fileName": "it_outage_protocol.txt",
"createdAt": "2021-06-02T19:08:50.920Z",
"type": "file",
"size": 9,
"id": "8aaadc98-c490-11eb-9f49-2137e0f117ec",
"hyperlink": null,
"contentType": "text/plain",
"incidentId": "918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40",
"metadata": {}
"permissions": [
"name": "Helpdesk Website",
"fileName": null,
"createdAt": "2021-06-02T19:09:50.920Z",
"type": "hyperlink",
"size": null,
"id": "8aaa8e77-c490-11eb-9f49-ad61e93bfa2c",
"hyperlink": "https://www.helpdesk.com",
"contentType": null,
"incidentId": "918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40",
"metadata": null
Retrieves the list of Incident Resources.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/resources
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which this resource belongs. |
Query Parameters
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
The Incident Resource response format is detailed here.
Get a Specific Incident Resource
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/resources/8aaadc98-c490-11eb-9f49-2137e0f117ec"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
ir = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/resources/8aaadc98-c490-11eb-9f49-2137e0f117ec"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
ir = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/resources/8aaadc98-c490-11eb-9f49-2137e0f117ec" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"incidentId": "918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40",
"name": "IT Outage Protocol",
"fileName": "it_outage_protocol.txt",
"createdAt": "2021-06-02T19:08:50.920Z",
"type": "file",
"size": 9,
"id": "8aaadc98-c490-11eb-9f49-2137e0f117ec",
"hyperlink": null,
"contentType": "text/plain",
"metadata": {}
Retrieves resource information based on the id
values of the Incident and Incident Resource. Since this is not a list request,
there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/resources/{resourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which resource information is desired. |
resourceId | The id of the Incident Resource. |
The Incident Resource response format is detailed here.
Create an Incident Resource
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/resources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Helpdesk Website',
'type': 'hyperlink',
'hyperlink': 'https://www.helpdesk.com'
ir = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/resources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Helpdesk Website'
'type': 'hyperlink'
'hyperlink': 'https://www.helpdesk.com'
ir = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/resources" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Helpdesk Website", \
"type": "hyperlink", \
"hyperlink": "https://www.helpdesk.com"}'
"permissions": [
"incidentId": "918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40",
"name": "Helpdesk Website",
"fileName": null,
"createdAt": "2021-06-02T19:09:50.920Z",
"type": "hyperlink",
"size": null,
"id": "8aaa8e77-c490-11eb-9f49-ad61e93bfa2c",
"hyperlink": "https://www.helpdesk.com",
"contentType": null,
"metadata": null
Create a new Incident Resource.
HTTP Request
POST /incidents/{incidentId}/resources
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the Incident Resource. |
type | String | N/A | The resource type. Must be “hyperlink” or “file”. |
hyperlink | String | N/A | The hyperlink for the Incident Resource. Must be specified for hyperlink resources. |
file | Blob | N/A | The binary stream of a the file data. The size of the image must not exceed 20 MiB. Must be specified for file resources. |
The Incident Resource response format is detailed here.
Remove an Incident Resource
# Continuing with the incident and resource
# objects from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the incident and resource
# objects from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/bebd604d-befc-11eb-9006-654fb6bb8702/resources/f749eefc-c3d5-11eb-b004-a963ffc8cb9f" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"IncidentPlanResources\"} f749eefc-c3d5-11eb-b004-a963ffc8cb9f"
Deletes an existing Incident Resource. This may only be done for Ongoing Incidents.
HTTP Request
DELETE /incidents/{incidentId}/resources/{resourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident to which the Incident Resource belongs. |
resourceId | The id of the Incident Resource to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Get an Incident File Resource’s Data
# Continuing with the incident and resource
# objects from the previous example:
pic = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print(pic.headers['content-type']) # e.g., image/png
f = open('picture.png', 'w')
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the incident and resource
# objects from the previous example:
pic = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)
puts(pic.headers['content-type']) # e.g., image/png
f = open('picture.png', 'w')
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/918ba620-c3d9-11eb-9f49-b9d2cf5b3e40/resources/8aaadc98-c490-11eb-9f49-2137e0f117ec/file" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Produces a binary stream of the file data, with the specific MIME type identified in the response header. Will likely involve redirection to a content distribution network server closer to where the request originated.
Retrieves the file data for an Incident Resource, if any, as a binary stream. For improved performance, this will likely involve redirection (via an HTTP 302 Redirect response) to an AWS CloudFront content distribution network node which has cached the content closer geographically to where the request originated than the Singlewire REST API servers.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/resources/{resourceId}/file
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident with an Incident File Resource. |
resourceId | The id of the Incident File Resource to get the file data. |
Incident Resource Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
contentType | String | The content type of the Incident Resource. Only applies for file resources. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Incident Resource was created. |
fileName | String | The name of the uploaded file. Only applies for file resources. |
hyperlink | String | The hyperlink resource. Only applies for hyperlink Incident Resources. |
id | String | The id of this specific Incident Resource, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
incidentId | UUID | The id of the Incident for which this resource belongs. |
metadata | JSON | Any specific metadata about the file resource. Only applies for file resources. |
name | String | The name of the Incident Resource. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
size | Integer | The size in bytes of file. Only applies for file resources. |
type | String | The type of the Incident Resource. Must be either “hyperlink” or “file”. |
Incident Roll Call Members
Incident Roll Call members are the users who are in the list for a particular Roll Call event. The Roll Call members will have a status and location assigned, which will be updated by Roll Call administrators during the event.
Get All Incident Roll Call Members
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"memberUser": {
"id": "0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "john.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Classroom",
"permissions": [
"get", "put"
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"memberUser": {
"id": "7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "jane.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Reunification Zone",
"permissions": [
"get", "put"
Retrieves all members of the Incident’s Roll Call list.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/rostering-members
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which Roll Call member information is desired. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
filterStatuses | Array[string] | A JSON-encoded array of statuses on which to filter Roll Call members. To filter on ‘Unknown’, include a status of null . |
filterLocations | Array[string] | A JSON-encoded array of locations on which to filter Roll Call members. To filter on 'Unknown’, include a location of null . |
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
The Roll Call member response format is detailed here.
Get a Specific Roll Call Member
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
rcm = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
rcm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"memberUser": {
"id": "7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "jane.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Reunification Zone",
"permissions": [
"get", "put"
Retrieves a specific Roll Call member based on the id
values of the Incident and Roll Call member. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/rostering-members/{userId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which Roll Call information is desired. |
userId | The id of the specific user who is a member of the Roll Call list. |
The Incident Roll Call member response format is detailed here.
Bulk Update Roll Call Member Statuses and Locations
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'rosterMemberUserIds': ['0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d', '7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a'],
'status': 'Safe',
'location': 'Reunification Zone'
rcm = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'rosterMemberUserIds': ['0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d'
, '7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a'
'status': 'Safe'
'location': 'Reunification Zone'
rcm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rosterMemberUserIds": ["0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d", "7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a"], \
"status": "Safe", \
"location": "Reunification Zone"}'
"rosterMemberUsers": [
"memberUser": {
"id": "0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "john.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Reunification Zone"
"memberUser": {
"id": "7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "jane.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Reunification Zone"
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"permissions": ["put", "get"],
Updates the status and/or location of all specified Roll Call members. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
POST /incidents/{incidentId}/rostering-members
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which to update Roll Call member data. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
rosterMemberUserIds | Array[UUID] | Yes | List of id s of users in the Roll Call list to be updated. |
location | String | One or both of status or location required |
The new location to be set for the specified roll call members. To set location to 'Unknown’, pass null . |
status | String | One or both ofstatus or location required |
The new status to be set for the specified Roll Call members. To set status to 'Unknown’, pass null . |
The Incident Roll Call Member response format is detailed here.
Update One Roll Call Member Status and Location
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'status': 'Safe',
'location': 'Reunification Zone'
rcm = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'status': 'Safe'
'location': 'Reunification Zone'
rcm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"status": "Safe", \
"location": "Reunification Zone"}'
"memberUser": {
"id": "0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "john.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Classroom",
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"permissions": ["put", "get"]
Updates the status and/or location of the specified Roll Call member. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
PUT /incidents/{incidentId}/rostering-members
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which to update Roll Call member data. |
userId | The user id of the Roll Call member for which to update status and/or location |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
location | String | No | The new location to be set for the specified roll call member. To set location to 'Unknown’, pass null . |
status | String | No | The new status to be set for the specified Roll Call member. To set status to 'Unknown’, pass null . |
The Roll Call member response format is detailed here.
Incident Roll Call Member Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
incidentId | UUID | The Incident to which the Roll Call member belongs. |
memberUser | Array[Object] | A JSON object containing the user name, email and ID for the Roll Call list member |
status | String | The status of the Roll Call member. null indicates status of 'Unknown’. |
location | String | The location of the Roll Call member. null indicates location of 'Unknown’. |
Incident Roll Call My List
Roll Call My List is specific to each individual Roll Call administrator. It is the list of all Roll Call members whose status and/or location have been updated by that particular Roll Call administrator. The user making the request determines the list of Roll Call members returned.
Get Roll Call My List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-my-list"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-my-list"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-my-list" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"memberUser": {
"id": "0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "john.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Classroom",
"permissions": [
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"memberUser": {
"id": "7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "jane.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Reunification Zone",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of all Roll Call members whose status and/or location the requesting user has updated. If the requesting user has not updated any status or location of any Roll Call members, then an empty list will be returned. The requesting user can only get their own Roll Call My List, and will be unable to access any other user’s My List.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/rostering-my-list
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which Roll Call My List information is desired. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
filterStatuses | Array[string] | A JSON-encoded array of statuses on which to filter Roll Call members. To filter on ‘Unknown’, include a status of null . |
filterLocations | Array[string] | A JSON-encoded array of locations on which to filter Roll Call members. To filter on 'Unknown’, include a location of null . |
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
Attribute | Type | Description |
incidentId | UUID | The Incident to which the Roll Call member belongs. |
memberUser | Array[Object] | A JSON object containing the user name, email, and ID for the Roll Call list member. |
status | String | The status of the Roll Call member. null indicates status of 'Unknown’. |
location | String | The location of the Roll Call member. null indicates location of 'Unknown’. |
Incident Roll Call Report
The Incident Roll Call report contains the number of users currently assigned to each status in the Roll Call event. This is used to help incident administrators with directing the incident response.
Get Roll Call Report
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-report"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-report"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-report" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"statusCounts": [
{"status": "Safe", "count": 370},
{"status": "Injured", "count": 3},
{"status": null, "count": 23}
Retrieves the user counts for each status in the Roll Call event.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/rostering-report
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which Roll Call information is desired. |
Query Parameters
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCounts | Array[Object] | A list of JSON objects that contain the status label and assigned user count for each status in the Roll Call incident. A status of null means ‘Unknown’ |
Incident Site
For Roll Call, the administrators and list of participants are determined by the Site assigned to the Incident, combined with the Site Roles configured in the Incident Plan. If an Incident is configured with Roll Call, the Roll Call event begins once a Site is assigned to the Incident.
Assign Incident Site
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/site"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'siteId': 'f4fb6922-18f3-11ed-adcc-d78288dc4cbe'
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/site"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'siteId': 'f4fb6922-18f3-11ed-adcc-d78288dc4cbe'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/incidents/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/site" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"siteId": "f4fb6922-18f3-11ed-adcc-d78288dc4cbe"}'
204 No Content
Assigns a Site to the specified Incident.
HTTP Request
POST /incidents/{incidentId}/site
204 No Content
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which to assign the site. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
siteId | UUID | Yes | The id of the site to assign to the incident |
The response will be 204 No Content
if successful, or a validation error if unsuccessful (e.g. the site was already assigned
to another incident from the same incident plan).
License Acceptances
Future releases will include capabilities which must be licensed separately. This resource will allow the acceptance of such licenses to be recorded and reviewed.
List All License Acceptances
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/license-acceptances"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 3
acceptances = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/license-acceptances"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 3
acceptances = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/license-acceptances?limit=3" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"type": "rapid-sos",
"id": "b77bb090-2fde-11e5-80c4-56847afe9799",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"historicalUser": {
"id": "b77bb090-2fde-11e5-80c4-56847afe9799",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com"
"acceptedAt": "2023-07-21T19:28:51.225Z",
"createdAt": "2023-07-21T19:28:51.225Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a list of all license acceptances.
HTTP Request
GET /license-acceptances
Query Parameters
As usual, the number of responses can be controlled using the API’s pagination parameters. In this case, although up to three acceptances were requested, there was only one available. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The license acceptance response format is detailed here.
Get a License Acceptance
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/license-acceptances/b77bb090-2fde-11e5-80c4-56847afe9799"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
acc = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/license-acceptances/b77bb090-2fde-11e5-80c4-56847afe9799"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
acc = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/license-acceptances/b77bb090-2fde-11e5-80c4-56847afe9799" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"type": "rapid-sos",
"id": "b77bb090-2fde-11e5-80c4-56847afe9799",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"historicalUser": {
"id": "b77bb090-2fde-11e5-80c4-56847afe9799",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com"
"acceptedAt": "2023-07-21T19:28:51.225Z",
"createdAt": "2023-07-21T19:28:51.225Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single license acceptance by id
. Since this is not a
list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /license-acceptances/{acceptanceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
accepanceId | The id of the License Acceptance of interest. |
The license acceptance response format is detailed here.
License Acceptance Response
The JSON document used to represent a license acceptance resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
acceptedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When the license was accepted. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this acceptance was created. |
historicalUser | Object | Tracks the id , name , and email of the user who accepted the license, as they existed when the license was accepted. |
id | String | The id of this specific license acceptance, allowing it to be retrieved individually. |
licenseType | String | Identifies what kind of license was accepted. As licensed features are released, the list of valid options will be expanded. |
userId | String | The id of the user who accepted the license. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get . What operations are possible on this license acceptance resource itself. |
Load Definitions
While a handful of user accounts can easily be set up individually through the InformaCast Mobile front end, using normal REST operations on the User resource, there is also a bulk-load mechanism which makes it easier to create and synchronize a larger number of users and assign them to Security Groups and Distribution Lists.
This is done by creating a Load Definition, which sets up basic parameters about how to deal with existing users during the loading process, and also enables the assignment of loaded users to security groups and distribution lists through Security Group Mappings, Distribution List Mappings, and Domain Mappings (if Domains are in use).
Once the load definition is set up appropriately, the bulk load operation is performed by posting a Load Request referencing the load definition, with the user data in a very simple CSV text format.
List All Load Definitions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "WyJzcGFyZSByZXRhaW5pbmcgbG9hZGVyIiwiNTk5ODhmNDAtMjNlOS0xMWU0LWI3ZWMtM2M5NzBlN2ZmNTYwIl0=",
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"id": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T18:23:30.712Z",
"name": "Primary Loader",
"loadType": "csv",
"deviceUpdatePolicy": "update",
"domainUpdatePolicy": "update",
"deletePolicy": "retain",
"distributionListUpdatePolicy": "update",
"securityGroupUpdatePolicy": "update",
"sisAuthUrl": null,
"sisBaseUrl: null,
"sisClientId": null,
"sisIncludeUserTypes": null
Gets a list of all load definitions. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate load definitions.)
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first load definition was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each load definition belongs. |
The load definition response format is detailed here.
Get a Load Definition
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
ld = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
ld = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"id": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T18:23:30.712Z",
"name": "Primary Loader",
"loadType": "csv",
"deviceUpdatePolicy": "update",
"domainUpdatePolicy": "update",
"deletePolicy": "retain",
"distributionListUpdatePolicy": "update",
"securityGroupUpdatePolicy": "update",
"sisAuthUrl": null,
"sisBaseUrl: null,
"sisClientId": null,
"sisIncludeUserTypes": null
Retrieves a single load definition by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which this load definition belongs. |
The load definition response format is detailed here.
Create a Load Definition
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Retaining User Loader',
'deletePolicy': 'retain'
ld = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Retaining User Loader'
'deletePolicy': 'retain'
ld = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Retaining User Loader", \
"deletePolicy": "retain"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T18:23:30.712Z",
"id": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"loadType": "csv",
"deviceUpdatePolicy": "update",
"domainUpdatePolicy": "update",
"deletePolicy": "retain",
"distributionListUpdatePolicy": "update",
"securityGroupUpdatePolicy": "update",
"name": "Retaining User Loader",
"sisAuthUrl": null,
"sisBaseUrl: null,
"sisClientId": null,
"sisIncludeUserTypes": null
Creates a new load definition. Once the load definition is created, Security Group Mappings, Distribution List Mappings, and Domain Mappings can be assigned to it, and then it can be used to bulk-load user accounts by posting a Load Request referencing it, with the user data in a very simple CSV text format.
HTTP Request
POST /load-definitions/
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
deletePolicy | String | retain |
Options: retain delete . Determines what should happen to user accounts that exist in the system which are not present in the uploaded data of a subsequent Load Request. The value delete causes unmatched users to be deleted from the system, while retain leaves them alone. |
deviceUpdatePolicy | String | update |
Options: update skip . Determines how to handle user devices when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes devices to be left as-is, while update will change the user to reflect the values in the Load Request. |
distributionListUpdatePolicy | String | update |
Options: update skip . Determines how to handle distribution list subscriptions when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes subscriptions to be left as-is, while update will change the user to reflect the values in the Load Request. |
domainUpdatePolicy | String | update |
Options: update skip . Determines how to handle domains (if they are in use) when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes the user’s domains to be left as-is, while update will move the user into the Domains tagged in the Load Request. |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the load definition. |
securitygroupUpdatePolicy | String | update |
Options: update skip . Determines how to handle security group membership when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes membership to be left as-is, while update will change the user to reflect the values in the Load Request. |
loadType | String | csv |
Options: csv azure . This distinguishes between a loader that’s associated with a cloud IDP or loads CSV files. Currently the only IDP supported is Azure AD. This cannot be changed after loader creation. |
sisAuthUrl | String | N/A | Authentication URL for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis . |
sisBaseUrl | String | N/A | Base URL for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis . |
sisClientId | String | N/A | Client ID for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis . |
sisClientSecret | N/A | String | Client Secret for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis on creation only. |
sisIncludeUserTypes | Object | N/A | List of types of users that should be imported from OneRoster, format detailed here |
If there are no tags associated with
The load definition response format is detailed here.
Update a Load Definition
# Continuing with the load definition object
# from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the load definition object
# from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Non-retaining User Loader", \
"deletePolicy": "delete"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"id": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T18:23:30.712Z",
"name": "Non-retaining User Loader",
"loadType": "csv",
"deviceUpdatePolicy": "update",
"domainUpdatePolicy": "update",
"deletePolicy": "delete",
"distributionListUpdatePolicy": "update",
"securityGroupUpdatePolicy": "update"
Changes an existing load definition’s name
or one of its policy entries.
HTTP Request
PUT /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition to modify. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
deletePolicy | String | retain |
Options: retain delete . Determines what should happen to user accounts that exist in the system which are not present in the uploaded data of a subsequent Load Request. The value delete causes unmatched users to be deleted from the system, while retain leaves them alone. |
deviceUpdatePolicy | String | update |
Options: update skip . Determines how to handle user devices when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes devices to be left as-is, while update will change the user to reflect the values in the Load Request. |
domainUpdatePolicy | String | update |
Options: update skip . Determines how to handle domains (if they are in use) when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes the user’s domains to be left as-is, while update will move the user into the Domains tagged in the Load Request. |
distributionListUpdatePolicy | String | update |
Options: update skip . Determines how to handle distribution list subscriptions when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes subscriptions to be left as-is, while update will change the user to reflect the values in the Load Request. |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the load definition. |
securitygroupUpdatePolicy | String | update |
Options: update skip . Determines how to handle security group membership when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes membership to be left as-is, while update will change the user to reflect the values in the Load Request. |
sisAuthUrl | String | N/A | Authentication URL for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis . |
sisBaseUrl | String | N/A | Base URL for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis . |
sisClientId | String | N/A | Client ID for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis . |
sisClientSecret | N/A | String | Client Secret for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis on creation only. |
sisIncludeUserTypes | Object | N/A | List of types of users that should be imported from OneRoster, format detailed here |
The load definition response format is detailed here.
Remove a Load Definition
# Continuing with the load definition object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the load definition object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"LoadDefinitions\"} 17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Deletes an existing load definition.
HTTP Request
DELETE /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Load Definition Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this load definition was created. |
deletePolicy | String | Options: retain delete . Determines what should happen to user accounts that exist in the system which are not present in the uploaded data of a subsequent Load Request. The value delete causes unmatched users to be deleted from the system, while retain leaves them alone. |
deviceUpdatePolicy | String | Options: update skip . Determines how to handle user devices when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes devices to be left as-is, while update will change the user to reflect the values in the Load Request. |
distributionListUpdatePolicy | String | Options: update skip . Determines how to handle distribution list subscriptions when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes subscriptions to be left as-is, while update will change the user to reflect the values in the Load Request. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the load definition belongs. |
domainUpdatePolicy | String | Options: update skip . Determines how to handle domains (if they are in use) when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes the user’s domains to be left as-is, while update will move the user into the Domains tagged in the Load Request. |
name | String | The name of the load definition. |
id | String | The id of this specific load definition, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually, and to attach Security Group Mappings and Distribution List Mappings to it. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
securitygroupUpdatePolicy | String | Options: update skip . Determines how to handle security group membership when updating an existing user while processing a Load Request. The value skip causes membership to be left as-is, while update will change the user to reflect the values in the Load Request. |
loadType | String | Options: csv azure sis . This distinguishes between a loader that’s associated with a cloud IDP, a OneRoster endpoint, or loads CSV files. Currently the only IDP supported is Azure AD. This cannot be changed after loader creation. |
applicationId | UUID | The application associated with the loader; only returned if the loader is not of type csv . |
applicationToken | String | A token associated with the application user specified by the id above. Used to interface with cloud IDPs. Only returned if the loader is not of type csv , and only returned on a POST. |
sisAuthUrl | String | Authentication URL for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis . |
sisBaseUrl | String | Base URL for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis . |
sisClientId | String | Client ID for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis . |
sisClientSecret | String | Client Secret for a OneRoster endpoint. Used to load users from a SIS. Required for loaders with loadType sis on creation only. |
sisIncludeUserTypes | Object | List of types of users that should be imported from OneRoster, format detailed here |
SIS User Types
Attribute | Type | Description |
student | boolean | Whether to import students. |
teachers | boolean | Whether to import teachers. |
parentsGuardians | boolean | Whether to import parents/guardians. |
Get a Load Definition Excel Template
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/31ace430-1f26-11e4-a54f-3c970e7ff560/template"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
template = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
print(template.headers['content-type']) # application/xlsx
f = open('Users.xlsx', 'w')
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/31ace430-1f26-11e4-a54f-3c970e7ff560/template"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
template = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)
puts(template.headers['content-type']) # application/xlsx
f = open('Users.xlsx', 'w')
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/31ace430-1f26-11e4-a54f-3c970e7ff560/template?" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Retrieves a generated Excel spreadsheet template that a user can populate and then upload as a load request.
Produces a binary Excel spreadsheet file.
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/template
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition. |
Load Definition Distribution List Mappings
Distribution list mappings provide a way to assign Users to Distribution Lists when processing a bulk user upload. They are attached to Load Definitions, and define a text tag, which when found in a user’s tags
field in the bulk-load data, causes the user to be a member of the specified distribution list.
List All Distribution List Mappings
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/distribution-list-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/distribution-list-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/distribution-list-mappings?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Everyone"
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T19:45:21.024Z",
"tagName": "Everyone",
"distributionListId": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"id": "86964800-23eb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"loadDefinitionId": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Gets a list of all distribution list mappings associated with a particular load definition. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate load definitions.)
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/distribution-list-mappings
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition whose distribution list mappings are being examined. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first distribution list mapping was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response shows that this was unnecessary, as there was only one available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The distribution list mapping response format is detailed here.
Get a Distribution List Mapping
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/distribution-list-mappings/86964800-23eb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
mapping = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/distribution-list-mappings/86964800-23eb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
mapping = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/distribution-list-mappings/86964800-23eb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Everyone"
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T19:45:21.024Z",
"tagName": "Everyone",
"distributionListId": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"id": "86964800-23eb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"loadDefinitionId": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Retrieves a single distribution list mapping by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/distribution-list-mappings/{distributionListMappingId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose distribution list mappings are being examined. |
distributionListMappingId | The id of the specific distribution list mapping to retrieve. |
The distribution list mapping response format is detailed here.
Create a Distribution List Mapping
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/distribution-list-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'tagName': 'Faculty',
'distributionListId': 'af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560'
mapping = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/distribution-list-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'tagName': 'Faculty'
'distributionListId': 'af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560'
mapping = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/distribution-list-mappings" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"tagName": "Faculty", \
"distributionListId": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Everyone"
"createdAt": "2014-08-15T15:41:19.228Z",
"distributionListId": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"tagName": "Faculty",
"id": "99cf43c0-2492-11e4-90ec-3c970e7ff560",
"loadDefinitionId": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Adds a distribution list mapping to a load definition.
HTTP Request
POST /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/distribution-list-mappings
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition to which a distribution list mapping is to be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
distributionListId | String | The id of a Distribution List to assign Users being uploaded to the system, if the corresponding tag is found on their line in the CSV upload. |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned to this distribution list. |
The distribution list mapping response format is detailed here.
Update a Distribution List Mapping
# Continuing with the distribution list mapping
# object from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the distribution list mapping
# object from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/distribution-list-mappings/99cf43c0-2492-11e4-90ec-3c970e7ff560" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"tagName": "Staff", \
"distributionListId": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Everyone"
"createdAt": "2014-08-15T15:41:19.228Z",
"distributionListId": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"tagName": "Staff",
"id": "99cf43c0-2492-11e4-90ec-3c970e7ff560",
"loadDefinitionId": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Change the distributionListId
and/or tagName
of an existing distribution list mapping .
HTTP Request
PUT /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/distribution-list-mappings/{distributionListMappingId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose distribution list mapping is to be updated. |
distributionListMappingId | The id of the specific distribution list mapping to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
distributionListId | String | The id of a Distribution List to assign Users being uploaded to the system, if the corresponding tag is found on their line in the CSV upload. |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned to this distribution list. |
The distribution list mapping response format is detailed here.
Remove a Distribution List Mapping
# Continuing with the distribution list mapping
# object from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the distribution list mapping
# object from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/distribution-list-mappings/99cf43c0-2492-11e4-90ec-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"LoadDefinitionDistributionListMappings\"} 99cf43c0-2492-11e4-90ec-3c970e7ff560"
Deletes a distribution list mapping.
HTTP Request
DELETE /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/distribution-list-mappings/{distributionListMappingId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose distribution list mapping is to be deleted. |
distributionListMappingId | The id of the specific distribution list mapping to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Distribution List Mapping Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this distribution list mapping was created. |
loadDefinitionId | String | The id of the load definition to which this distribution list mapping belongs. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
id | String | The id of this specific distribution list mapping, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
distributionList | DistributionList | The Distribution List to assign Users being uploaded to the system, if the corresponding tag is found on their line in the CSV upload. |
distributionListId | String | The id of the Distribution List above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the Distribution List are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned to this distribution list. |
Load Definition Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Load Definitions are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Load Definitions are assigned to which Domains.
List All Load Definition Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"loadDefinitionId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"loadDefinitionId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Load Definition belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, There were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Load Definition belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Load Definition using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Load Definition, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the load definition whose domains were
requested is returned under the key loadDefinitionId
inside each
domain response.
Check if a Load Definition contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"loadDefinitionId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Load Definition Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Load Definition belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Load Definition is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Load Definition, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Load Definition is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Distribution
List response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Load Definition Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"loadDefinitionId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Load Definition into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
loadDefinitionId | String | The id of the Load Definition to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Load Definition out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Load Definition should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Load Definition out of one or more child Domains? |
A Load Definition is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Load Definition that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Load Definition Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Load Definition c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Load Definition from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Load Definition currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Load Definition itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Load Definition. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Load Definition in no Domain. |
A Load Definition must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Load Definition from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Load Definition. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Load Definition out
of its last Domain will delete the Load Definition.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Load Definition Domain Mappings
Domain mappings provide a way to assign Users to
Domains when processing a bulk user upload. They are
attached to Load Definitions, and define a text
tag, which when found in a user’s tags
field in the bulk-load
data, causes the user to be a member of the specified Domain.
If there are no Domain tags assigned to a user in the bulk-load data, the user will be created in the acting Domain in which the Load Request was posted.
List All Domain mappings
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab/domain-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab/domain-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab/domain-mappings?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"id": "c9e7ad72-45a3-11e9-9372-d330df227886",
"loadDefinitionId": "8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"tagName": "library",
"domain": {
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"createdAt": "2019-03-13T15:22:18.090Z",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Gets a list of all Domain mappings associated with a particular load definition. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate load definitions.)
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/domain-mappings
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition whose load definition mappings are being examined. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first Domain mapping was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response shows that this was unnecessary, as there was only one available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The Domain mapping response format is detailed here.
Get a Domain mapping
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab/domain-mappings/c9e7ad72-45a3-11e9-9372-d330df227886"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
mapping = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab/domain-mappings/c9e7ad72-45a3-11e9-9372-d330df227886"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
mapping = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab/domain-mappings/c9e7ad72-45a3-11e9-9372-d330df227886" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "c9e7ad72-45a3-11e9-9372-d330df227886",
"loadDefinitionId": "8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"tagName": "library",
"domain": {
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"createdAt": "2019-03-13T15:22:18.090Z",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Retrieves a single Domain mapping by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/domain-mappings/{domainMappingId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose Domain mappings are being examined. |
domainMappingId | The id of the specific Domain mapping to retrieve. |
The Domain mapping response format is detailed here.
Create a Domain Mapping
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab/domain-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'tagName': 'library',
'domainId': 'd3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec'
mapping = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab/domain-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'tagName': 'library'
'domainId': 'd3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec'
mapping = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab/domain-mappings" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"tagName": "library", \
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec"}'
"id": "c9e7ad72-45a3-11e9-9372-d330df227886",
"loadDefinitionId": "8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"tagName": "library",
"domain": {
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"createdAt": "2019-03-13T15:22:18.090Z",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Adds a Domain mapping to a load definition.
HTTP Request
POST /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/domain-mappings
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition to which a Domain mapping is to be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of a Domain to assign Users being uploaded to the system, if the corresponding tag is found on their line in the CSV upload. |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned to this Domain. |
The Domain mapping response format is detailed here.
Update a Domain Mapping
# Continuing with the domain mapping object
# from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain mapping object
# from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab/domain-mappings/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"tagName": "EastLibrary", \
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec"}'
"id": "c9e7ad72-45a3-11e9-9372-d330df227886",
"loadDefinitionId": "8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab",
"domainId": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"tagName": "EastLibrary",
"domain": {
"id": "d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec",
"parentId": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"name": "Library",
"path": "/d3651b0a-3357-11e8-98ef-81eb3ce85bec/",
"namePath": "/Library/"
"createdAt": "2019-03-13T15:22:18.090Z",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Change the domainId
and/or tagName
of an existing Domain mapping. The tagName
was changed in the above example while leaving the associated domainId
the same.
HTTP Request
PUT /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/domain-mappings/{domainMappingId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose Domain mapping is to be updated. |
domainMappingId | The id of the specific Domain mapping to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domainId | String | The id of a Domain to assign Users being uploaded to the system, if the corresponding tag is found on their line in the CSV upload. |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned to this Domain. |
The Domain mapping response format is detailed here.
Remove a Domain Mapping
# Continuing with the domain mapping object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain mapping object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/8bf05eaf-6be8-11e7-925b-49f9effcdeab/domain-mappings/c9e7ad72-45a3-11e9-9372-d330df227886" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted c9e7ad72-45a3-11e9-9372-d330df227886"
Deletes a Domain mapping.
HTTP Request
DELETE /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/domain-mappings/{domainMappingId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose Domain mapping is to be deleted. |
domainMappingId | The id of the specific Domain mapping to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Domain Mapping Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Domain mapping was created. |
loadDefinitionId | String | The id of the load definition to which this Domain mapping belongs. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
id | String | The id of this specific Domain mapping, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
domain | Domain | The Domain to assign Users being uploaded to the system, if the corresponding tag is found on their line in the CSV upload. |
domainId | String | The id of the Domain above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the Domain are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned to this Domain. |
Load Definition Security Group Mappings
Security group mappings provide a way to assign Users to Security Groups when processing a bulk user upload. They are attached to Load Definitions, and define a text tag, which when found in a user’s tags
field in the bulk-load data, causes the user to be a member of the specified security group.
List All Security Group Mappings
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/security-group-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/security-group-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/security-group-mappings?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"securityGroup": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-12T14:44:52.170Z",
"id": "37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Student Council Member"
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T19:45:11.204Z",
"tagName": "Students",
"securityGroupId": "37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"id": "80bbde40-23eb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"loadDefinitionId": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Gets a list of all security group mappings associated with a particular load definition. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate load definitions.)
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/security-group-mappings
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition whose security group mappings are being examined.. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first security group mapping was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response shows that this was unnecessary, as there was only one available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The security group mapping response format is detailed here.
Get a Security Group Mapping
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/security-group-mappings/80bbde40-23eb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
mapping = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/security-group-mappings/80bbde40-23eb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
mapping = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/security-group-mappings/80bbde40-23eb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"securityGroup": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-12T14:44:52.170Z",
"id": "37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Student Council Member"
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T19:45:11.204Z",
"tagName": "Students",
"securityGroupId": "37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"id": "80bbde40-23eb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"loadDefinitionId": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Retrieves a single security group mapping by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/security-group-mappings/{securityGroupMappingId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose security group mappings are being examined. |
securityGroupMappingId | The id of the specific security group mapping to retrieve. |
The security group mapping response format is detailed here.
Create a Security Group Mapping
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/security-group-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'tagName': 'Everyone',
'securityGroupId': '5a218e70-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560'
mapping = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/security-group-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'tagName': 'Everyone'
'securityGroupId': '5a218e70-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560'
mapping = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/security-group-mappings" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"tagName": "Everyone", \
"securityGroupId": "5a218e70-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"securityGroup": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-01T19:02:15.511Z",
"id": "5a218e70-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Administrators"
"createdAt": "2014-08-15T14:11:15.046Z",
"securityGroupId": "5a218e70-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"tagName": "Everyone",
"id": "04aa8860-2486-11e4-90ec-3c970e7ff560",
"loadDefinitionId": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Adds a security group mapping to a load definition.
HTTP Request
POST /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/security-group-mappings
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition to which a security group mapping is to be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
securityGroupId | String | The id of a Security Group to assign Users being uploaded to the system, if the corresponding tag is found on their line in the CSV upload. |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned to this security group. |
The security group mapping response format is detailed here.
Update a Security Group Mapping
# Continuing with the security group mapping
# object from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the security group mapping
# object from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/security-group-mappings/04aa8860-2486-11e4-90ec-3c970e7ff560" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"tagName": "Faculty", \
"securityGroupId": "03f9a7f0-1d80-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"securityGroup": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-01T19:02:15.511Z",
"id": "03f9a7f0-1d80-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Faculty"
"createdAt": "2014-08-15T14:11:15.046Z",
"securityGroupId": "03f9a7f0-1d80-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"tagName": "Faculty",
"id": "04aa8860-2486-11e4-90ec-3c970e7ff560",
"loadDefinitionId": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Change the securityGroupId
and/or tagName
of an existing security group mapping.
HTTP Request
PUT /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/security-group-mappings/{securityGroupMappingId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose security group mapping is to be updated. |
securityGroupMappingId | The id of the specific security group mapping to modify. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
securityGroupId | String | The id of a Security Group to assign Users being uploaded to the system, if the corresponding tag is found on their line in the CSV upload. |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned to this security group. |
The security group mapping response format is detailed here.
Remove a Security Group Mapping
# Continuing with the security group mapping
# object from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the security group mapping
# object from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/security-group-mappings/04aa8860-2486-11e4-90ec-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"LoadDefinitionSecurityGroupMappings\"} 04aa8860-2486-11e4-90ec-3c970e7ff560"
Deletes a security group mapping.
HTTP Request
DELETE /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/security-group-mappings/{securityGroupMappingId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition containing the security group mapping to delete. |
securityGroupMappingId | The id of the specific security group mapping to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Security Group Mapping Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this security group mapping was created. |
loadDefinitionId | String | The id of the load definition to which this security group mapping belongs. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
id | String | The id of this specific security group mapping, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
securityGroup | SecurityGroup | The Security Group to assign Users being uploaded to the system, if the corresponding tag is found on their line in the CSV upload. |
securityGroupId | String | The id of the Security Group above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the Security Group are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned to this security group. |
Load Definition User Type Mappings
User type mappings provide a way to assign user types to Users when processing a bulk user upload. They are
attached to Load Definitions, and define a text tag, which when found in a user’s tags
field in
the bulk-load data, causes the user to be assigned the specified type.
The available types are regular
(which corresponds to Individual) and rostered
(which corresponds to Roll Call). A
type of regular
is a standard user who can log into the system, receive notifications, and be assigned permissions
within the system. A user of type rostered
is a user who cannot receive notifications or log into the system, but who
can be used in the Roll Call feature.
The default user type when not specified is regular
, so it is only necessary to define user type mappings if you are
defining some of your users as rostered
List All User Type Mappings
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa/user-type-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa/user-type-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa/user-type-mappings?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"id": "ab2e6d1e-434e-11ed-9833-c993f0e1ac8d",
"loadDefinitionId": "9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa",
"userType": "rostered",
"tagName": "rollCall",
"createdAt": "2022-10-03T19:07:47.681Z",
"permissions": [
Gets a list of all user type mappings associated with a particular load definition. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate load definitions.)
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/user-type-mappings
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition user type mappings are being examined. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first user type mapping was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response shows that this was unnecessary, as there was only one available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The user type mapping response format is detailed here.
Get a User Type Mapping
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa/user-type-mappings/274ddef1-b979-11ee-ab2e-81a6c4d17ee7"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
mapping = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa/user-type-mappings/274ddef1-b979-11ee-ab2e-81a6c4d17ee7"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
mapping = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa/user-type-mappings/274ddef1-b979-11ee-ab2e-81a6c4d17ee7" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "274ddef1-b979-11ee-ab2e-81a6c4d17ee7",
"loadDefinitionId": "9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa",
"userType": "rostered",
"tagName": "rollCall",
"createdAt": "2024-01-22T22:54:09.666Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single user type mapping by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/user-type-mappings/{userTypeMappingId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose user type mappings are being examined. |
userTypeMappingId | The id of the specific user type mapping to retrieve. |
The user type mapping response format is detailed here.
Create a User Type Mapping
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa/user-type-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'tagName': 'rollCall',
'userType': 'rostered'
mapping = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa/user-type-mappings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'tagName': 'rollCall'
'userType': 'rostered'
mapping = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa/user-type-mappings" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"tagName": "rollCall", \
"userType": "rostered"}'
"id": "0281a215-b97b-11ee-ab2e-c7bf0482f07d",
"loadDefinitionId": "9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa",
"userType": "rostered",
"tagName": "rollCall",
"createdAt": "2024-01-22T23:07:26.923Z",
"permissions": [
Adds a user type mapping to a load definition. Note: the default user type is regular
, so it is only necessary to define
user type mappings if you are making use of the rostered
user type.
HTTP Request
POST /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/user-type-mappings
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition to which a type mapping mapping is to be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
userType | String | The user type to assign to the user, either regular or rostered |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned this user type. |
The user type mapping response format is detailed here.
Update a User Type Mapping
# Continuing with the user type mapping object
# from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the user type mapping object
# from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa/user-type-mappings/1c551d35-b97b-11ee-ab2e-011c7efa8554" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"tagName": "rollCall", \
"userType": "rostered"}'
"id": "1c551d35-b97b-11ee-ab2e-011c7efa8554",
"loadDefinitionId": "9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa",
"userType": "rostered",
"tagName": "rollCall",
"createdAt": "2024-01-22T23:08:10.252Z",
"permissions": [
Change the userType
and/or tagName
of an existing user type mapping .
HTTP Request
PUT /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/user-type-mappings/{userTypeMappingId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose user type mapping is to be updated. |
userTypeMappingId | The id of the specific user type mapping mapping to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
userType | String | The user type, either regular or rostered . This will be assigned to users being uploaded to the system, if the corresponding tag is found on their line in the CSV upload. |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned user type. |
The user type mapping response format is detailed here.
Remove a User Type Mapping
# Continuing with the user type mapping object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the user type mapping object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/9615277f-3b4e-11ed-8ed2-37d5bbca65fa/user-type-mappings/1c551d35-b97b-11ee-ab2e-011c7efa8554" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "success",
"resources": [
"id": "1c551d35-b97b-11ee-ab2e-011c7efa8554"
Deletes a user type mapping.
HTTP Request
DELETE /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/user-type-mappings/{userTypeMappingId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose user type mapping is to be deleted. |
userTypeMappingId | The id of the specific user type mapping to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
User Type Mapping Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this user type mapping was created. |
loadDefinitionId | String | The id of the load definition to which this user type mapping belongs. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
id | String | The id of this specific user type mapping, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
userType | String | Options are regular or rostered . The user type to assign Users being uploaded to the system, if the corresponding tag is found on their line in the CSV upload. |
tagName | String | A text label (containing no whitespace) which, when found in the tags field of a line in the CSV data being processed in a Load Request, will cause the user to be assigned this user type. |
Load Requests
Example CSV file contents:
name, email, tags
Butch Cassidy, ridingdirty@yoyodyne.com, student
Jesse James, bushwhackersforever@outwest.us, student
Billy the Kid, wm.bonney@horse.com, student admin
Assuming this file is posted in a load request using a Load Definition which has one or more Security Group Mappings, Distribution List Mappings, and Domain Mappings associated with the tags
, all three Users created or updated will be placed in the groups, lists, and/or domains assigned thestudent
tag, and Billy the Kid will also be placed in the groups, lists, and/or domains assigned theadmin
tag. More details on the format can be found in the online help.
Posting a load request is how a Load Definition can be used to actually create or update a batch of Users in InformaCast Mobile. User information in a simple comma-separated-value text format or Excel spreadsheet (see the example on the right) is uploaded in the post request, and the rules and mappings that make up the load definition are used to appropriately adjust the Users resource.
The deletePolicy
of the Load Definition controls what happens to users that existed in the system before the load request was posted, and which are not present in the uploaded data. They can either be deleted, or left alone.
If domains are in use, and there are no Domain Mapping tags present for a user that is being created, that user will be created in the acting Domain in which the Load Request was submitted. Similarly, if the user is being updated and there are no Domain Mapping tags present, their Domain memberships will be left alone even if the domainUpdatePolicy
is set to update
Once posted, the load request resource can be examined to see the status and results of the bulk load process.
List All Load Requests
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/load-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/load-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/load-requests?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 8,
"partial": true,
"next": "ImU1MjhiMTQwLTI0YjQtMTFlNC05YWYzLTNjOTcwZTdmZjU2MCI=",
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"containsLogs": true,
"tagsSeen": ["student", "admin" ],
"loadState": "finished",
"createdAt": "2014-08-15T19:50:28.284Z",
"id": "68242fc0-24b5-11e4-9af3-3c970e7ff560",
"loadDefinitionId": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Retrieves a list of all load requests that have been submitted for a particular load definition. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate load requests.)
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/load-requests
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the load definition whose load requests are to be examined. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first load request was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of eight available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The load request response format is detailed here.
Get a Load Request
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/load-requests/68242fc0-24b5-11e4-9af3-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
lr = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/load-requests/68242fc0-24b5-11e4-9af3-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
lr = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/load-requests/68242fc0-24b5-11e4-9af3-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"containsLogs": true,
"tagsSeen": ["student", "admin"],
"loadState": "finished",
"createdAt": "2014-08-15T19:50:28.284Z",
"id": "68242fc0-24b5-11e4-9af3-3c970e7ff560",
"loadDefinitionId": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Retrieves a single load request by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/load-requests/{loadRequestId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition whose load requests are to be examined. |
loadRequestId | The id of the specific load request to retrieve. |
The load request response format is detailed here.
Batch Load Users
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/load-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
files = {'data': ('data', open('user_data.csv', 'rb'), 'text/csv')}
lr = requests.post(url, headers=headers, files=files).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/load-requests"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
body = {'data': File.open('user_data.csv', 'rb')}
lr = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: body))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/load-definitions/17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/load-requests" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-F "data=@user_data.csv;type=text/csv" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"containsLogs": false,
"tagsSeen": [ ],
"loadState": "queued",
"createdAt": "2014-08-15T19:32:38.453Z",
"id": "ea78ee50-24b2-11e4-bcfc-3c970e7ff560",
"loadDefinitionId": "17d02180-23e0-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
To kick off the process of batch loading users into the environment, a POST
request is made to the Load Requests resource, and the CSV or Excel spreadsheet data describing the users to be loaded and their security group and distribution list tags is submitted in the post data. The load request is queued, and will be processed when the server has an opportunity. The current processing stage is reflected by the loadState
attribute in the load request response.
HTTP Request
POST /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/load-requests
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition that will be used to interpret the uploaded user data. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
data | File | N/A | The CSV formatted text or Excel spreadsheet describing the users to be created or updated according to the rules in the Load Definition. |
The load request response format is detailed here.
Load Request Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this load request was submitted. |
containsLogs | Boolean | A true or false flag that shows if the load request has associated logs. |
id | String | The id of this specific load request, allowing it to be retrieved individually. |
loadDefinitionId | String | The id of the Load Definition used to interpret the uploaded user data. |
loadState | String | Options: queued running failed finished . The current processing state of this load request. Until it begins to be processed it is in the queued state. Once the server begins to process the request it enters the running state, from which it will eventually reach either the failed or finished state. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
tagsSeen | Array[String] | The set of tags that were matched in the uploaded user data. |
Get Load Request Logs
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/load-requests/{loadRequestId}/log
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition that will be used to interpret the uploaded user data. |
loadRequestId | The id of the specific load request to retrieve. |
Returns the text content of the logs associated with this load request.
Get Load Request Content
HTTP Request
GET /load-definitions/{loadDefinitionId}/load-requests/{loadRequestId}/content
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
loadDefinitionId | The id of the Load Definition that will be used to interpret the uploaded user data. |
loadRequestId | The id of the specific load request to retrieve. |
Returns the text content of the csv associated with this load request.
Message Templates
As their name suggests, message templates form the basis of Notifications. The process of sending a notification begins when a User selects a message template to which they have been granted access. The template can provide a default subject, content, recipients, and confirmation request for the notification, and controls which fields the user is allowed to see and change in the process of sending the notification. Templates can range from fully locked down notifications which can only be sent as-is, to a blank slate with no default content, from which the sender can decide everything. Of course, the more that is pre-populated (and even hidden), the more quickly and efficiently a notification can be composed and sent when in a stressful situation, on a mobile client.
In order to control the visibility and changeability of notification features, the template attributes come in groups of three. For example, the subject
attribute in the message template provides a default notification subject, while subjectCustomizable
controls whether the sender is able to change the subject when sending a notification based on the template, and subjectDisplay
specifies whether the subject should be visible at all during the sending process. The same pattern of related attribute names is used for other notification features. The ttsType
attribute is considered part of the message audio, and so it can only be changed at send time when audioCustomizable
is true
The display-control attributes are an instruction to client applications working with the API, telling them when the corresponding notification features should be displayed to users who are using the template to send a notification. They have two possible values:
, which means the feature should not be shown to the sender; andshow
, which means the feature should be shown to the sender even if they have no way of affecting it.
In order to support easy sending of follow-up notifications, a single
message template can be marked for this kind of use by setting its
attribute to true
, as described in the
Response section. Because there can only
be one such follow-up message template, even when domains
are in use, the follow-up template can only be created and edited in
the Root domain, but unlike other message templates, it will be
visible and usable from all domains.
List All Message Templates
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 4,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "WyJoYWlsIiwiMzdmMGY1MDAtMWJlMC0xMWU0LTkxODEtM2M5NzBlN2ZmNTYwIl0=",
"data": [
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"subject": "Lunch options for this Friday",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"userIdsCustomizable": false,
"notificationProfileId": {"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3"},
"userIDs": ["685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "show",
"bodyDisplay": "show",
"ttsType": "none",
"ttsSpeed": null,
"audioDisplay": "show",
"name": "Friday Food Choices",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"image": 0,
"imageDisplay": "show",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"audio": 0,
"alertTone": "default",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"alertToneDisplay": "show",
"cancelNotificationsType": "none",
"cancelNotificationsTypeDisplay": "hide",
"confirmationRequestId": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:58:37.777Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-04T13:58:37.777Z",
"expiration": null,
"incidentPlanId": null,
"incidentPlanIdCustomizable": false,
"incidentPlanIdDisplay": "show",
"expirationCustomizable": false,
"expirationDisplay": "show",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "show",
"userIdsDisplay": "show",
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "show",
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "show",
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"collaborationGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": null,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": false,
"areasOfInterest": [],
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "show",
"subjectDisplay": "show",
"body": "Please take a second to select what you would like to eat this Friday. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let myself or a member of the culinary staff know.",
"id": "6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"distributionLists": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Staff"
"users": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"name": "Craig Smith"
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:57:18.824Z",
"id": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Pizza", "Salad & Bread Sticks"],
"name": "Food Options - Friday"
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"followUp": false
Retrieves a list of all message templates available to the user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to message templates allows administrators to decide which users can send what content.)
HTTP Request
GET /message-templates
Query Parameters
To make this example more concise, only the first message template was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of four available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
assoc-sync-state | Boolean | If true , include the current synchronization state for fusion endpoints. |
assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint | String | Include the current synchronization state for a specific fusion endpoint. |
followUp | Boolean | Returns only Message Templates whose followUp attributes match the supplied value. |
includeBinaryUrls | Boolean | If true , include signed CloudFront URLs for image/audio in the response when available. |
includeConfirmationRequest | Boolean | If false , omit an embedded Confirmation Request from the response. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the message template belongs. |
includeNotificationProfile | Boolean | If true , include an embedded Notification Profile in the response. |
name | String | Returns only message templates whose names exactly match the supplied value |
The message template response format is detailed here.
Get a Message Template
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
mt = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
mt = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"subject": "Lunch options for this Friday",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"userIdsCustomizable": false,
"userIDs": ["685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "show",
"bodyDisplay": "show",
"ttsType": "none",
"ttsSpeed": null,
"audioDisplay": "show",
"name": "Friday Food Choices",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"image": 0,
"imageDisplay": "show",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"audio": 0,
"alertTone": "default",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"alertToneDisplay": "show",
"cancelNotificationsType": "none",
"cancelNotificationsTypeDisplay": "hide",
"confirmationRequestId": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:58:37.777Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-04T13:58:37.777Z",
"expiration": null,
"expirationCustomizable": false,
"expirationDisplay": "show",
"incidentPlanId": null,
"incidentPlanIdCustomizable": false,
"incidentPlanIdDisplay": "show",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "show",
"userIdsDisplay": "show",
"subjectDisplay": "show",
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "show",
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"collaborationGroups": [],
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "show",
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"notificationProfileId": {"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3"},
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": null,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": false,
"areasOfInterest": [],
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "show",
"body": "Please take a second to select what you would like to eat this Friday. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let myself or a member of the culinary staff know.",
"id": "6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"distributionLists": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Staff"
"users": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"name": "Craig Smith"
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:57:18.824Z",
"id": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Pizza", "Salad & Bread Sticks"],
"name": "Food Options - Friday"
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"followUp": false
Retrieves a single message template based on its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /message-templates/{messageTemplateId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
messageTemplateId | The id of the specific message template to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
followUp | Boolean | Returns only Message Templates whose followUp attributes match the supplied value. |
includeBinaryUrls | Boolean | If true , include signed CloudFront URLs for image/audio in the response when available. |
includeConfirmationRequest | Boolean | If false , omit an embedded Confirmation Request from the response. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the message template belongs. |
includeNotificationProfile | Boolean | If true , include an embedded Notification Profile in the response. |
The message template response format is detailed here.
Create a Message Template
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Intruder Alert',
'subject': 'An intruder has been spotted on campus',
'body': '<To be customized at send time>',
'bodyCustomizable': true,
'bodyDisplay': 'show',
'confirmationRequestId': 'c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560',
'distributionListIds': ['af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560']
mt = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Intruder Alert'
'subject': 'An intruder has been spotted on campus'
'body': '<To be customized at send time>'
'bodyCustomizable': true
'bodyDisplay': 'show'
'confirmationRequestId': 'c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560'
'distributionListIds': ['af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560'
mt = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Intruder Alert", \
"subject": "An intruder has been spotted on campus", \
"body": "<To be customized at send time>", \
"bodyCustomizable": true, \
"bodyDisplay": "show", \
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560", \
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"]}'
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": false,
"subject": "An intruder has been spotted on campus",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "show",
"bodyDisplay": "show",
"ttsType": "none",
"ttsSpeed": null,
"audioDisplay": "show",
"name": "Intruder Alert",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"notificationProfileId": {"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3"},
"image": 0,
"imageDisplay": "show",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"audio": 0,
"alertTone": "default",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"alertToneDisplay": "show",
"cancelNotificationsType": "none",
"cancelNotificationsTypeDisplay": "hide",
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:58:37.777Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-04T13:58:37.777Z",
"expiration": null,
"expirationCustomizable": false,
"expirationDisplay": "show",
"incidentPlanId": null,
"incidentPlanIdCustomizable": false,
"incidentPlanIdDisplay": "show",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "show",
"subjectDisplay": "show",
"body": "<To be customized at send time>",
"id": "31ace430-1f26-11e4-a54f-3c970e7ff560",
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "show",
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"collaborationGroups": [],
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "show",
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": null,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": false,
"areasOfInterest": [],
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "show",
"distributionLists": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Staff"
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:53:57.566Z",
"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Yes, I've seen the intruder", "No, I haven't"],
"name": "Have you seen the intruder?"
"bodyCustomizable": true,
"followUp": false
Creates a new message template (limit: 3500).
HTTP Request
POST /message-templates
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
alertTone | String | default |
Option: default , 911-dialed , accent , all-clear1 , all-clear2 , bell , bright , chime , chirp , class-change1 , class-change2 , class-change3 , class-change4 , class-change5 , class-change6 , code-blue , code-call , crystal , eas , eas-intro , evacuate1 , evacuate2 , evacuate3 , evacuate4 , fire-alarm , industrial-alarm , internal-emergency1 , internal-emergency2 , internal-emergency3 , klaxon , location-closing , lockdown-1-pulse , lockdown-2-pulses , lockdown-3-pulses , lockdown , room-turn , severe-weather-advisory , shift-change1 , shift-change2 , shift-change3 , shift-change4 , silent , take-shelter , tone , tornado-siren . Controls the sound played by a mobile phone or other compatible InformaCast Fusion Devices (i.e. desktops) when this message template is sent. default means to play the standard alert tone chosen by the device’s owner, silent means to play no tone, and the others choose specific named sounds. |
alertToneCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the mobile push alert tone can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
alertToneDisplay | String | hide |
Deprecated (controlled by audioDisplay ). Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the alert tone section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. Can no longer be set independently. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The id s of the Areas of Interest to which notifications based on this template should be sent. |
areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the areas of interest can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
areaOfInterestIdsDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the area of interest section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when areaOfInterestIds are supplied. |
audio | Blob | N/A | Default audio content. Binary stream of audio. The audio formats accepted include μ-law, Opus, MP3, Vorbis, or some other common WAV formats. Non μ-law files will be converted to μ-law and the size of the converted audio must not exceed 10 MiB. |
audioCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the attached audio can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
audioDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the audio section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when audio is present. |
body | String | N/A | Default optional detailed body text. This may be up to 10,000 characters long. |
bodyCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the body text can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
bodyDisplay | String | show |
Deprecated (body is now always shown). Option: show . This attribute can no longer change and will be removed in a future release. |
cancelNotificationsType | String | none |
Option: none , all , specific . When a notification sent with this message template, determines what other notifications should be canceled, none, all, or some based on the message templates used for those other notification sends. |
cancelNotificationsTypeDisplay | String | hide |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the cancellation section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
collaborationGroupIds | Array[String] | N/A | The id s of Collaboration Groups who should, by default, receive notifications based on this template. |
collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the collaboration groups can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
collaborationGroupIdsDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the collaboration groups section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when collaborationGroupIds are supplied. |
confirmationRequestId | String | N/A | The id of the Confirmation Request to send with the notification, if any. |
confirmationRequestIdCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the confirmation request can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
confirmationRequestIdDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the confirmation request section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when confirmationRequestId is present. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | N/A | The id s of Device Groups who should, by default, receive notifications based on this template. |
deviceGroupIdsCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the device groups can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
deviceGroupIdsDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the device groups section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when deviceGroupIds are supplied. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | N/A | A list of id s of Distribution Lists which should, by default, receive notifications based on this template. |
distributionListIdsCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the recipient distribution lists can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
distributionListIdsDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the distribution lists section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when distributionListIds are supplied. |
expiration | Integer | null |
The time in seconds the notification should expire from the time it is sent. (A null value indicates the notification does not expire.) |
expirationCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the expiration can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
expirationDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the expiration section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when expiration is present. |
image | Blob | N/A | Binary stream of the default image to send with the notification. The size of the image must not exceed 10 MiB. |
imageCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the attached image can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
imageDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the image section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when image is present. |
incidentPlanId | UUID | N/A | The Incident Plan to use for the incident created from this message template, if any. |
incidentPlanIdCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the attached incident plan can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
incidentPlanIdDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the incident plan section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when incidentPlanId is present. |
includeBinaryUrls | Boolean | false |
Whether to include signed CloudFront URLs for image/audio in the response when available. |
includeConfirmationRequest | Boolean | true |
Include an embedded Confirmation Request in the response. |
includeNotificationProfile | Boolean | false |
Include an embedded Notification Profile in the response. |
includeMessageTemplateCancellationIds | Boolean | false |
Include the list of cancellation ids for the message template in the response. |
messageTemplateCancellationIds | Array[String] | N/A | A list of id s of Message Templates. Notifications sent by these message templates will be canceled by any sends of the message template described in the response. |
name | String | N/A | The name of the message template. This may be up to 140 characters long. |
notificationProfileId | String | N/A | The id of the Notification Profile to configure the notification with. Omitting this value will default it to the Default Notification Profile . |
subjectCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the subject can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
subjectDisplay | String | show |
Deprecated (subject is always shown). Option: show . This attribute can no longer be changed and will be removed in a future release. |
ttsCustomContent | String | N/A | Custom text used for synthesized speech when ttsType is custom-text or custom-ssml . |
ttsCustomContentCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the custom text-to-speech content can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
ttsCustomContentDisplay | String | hide |
Deprecated (controlled by audioDisplay ). Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the custom text-to-speech content section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. Can no longer be set independently. |
ttsSpeed | String | normal |
Option: very-slow , slow , normal , fast , very-fast . The rate at which the text will be spoken. |
ttsType | String | none |
Option: none , subject , body , subject-and-body , custom-text , custom-ssml . Controls which attributes are transformed into speech audio, and how. This is considered part of the message audio, so it can only be overridden at send time when audioCustomizable is true . |
ttsVoiceId | UUID | N/A | Specifies the Text-to-Speech Voice to be used when synthesizing audio for this message template. |
ttsVoiceIdCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the Text-to-Speech Voice can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
ttsVoiceIdDisplay | String | hide |
Deprecated (controlled by audioDisplay ). Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the Text-to-Speech Voice section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. Can no longer be set independently. |
userIds | Array[String] | N/A | The id s of individual Users who should, by default, receive notifications based on this template, regardless of their distribution list memberships. |
userIdsCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the individual recipient users can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
userIdsDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the individual user section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when userIds are supplied. |
The message template response format is detailed here.
Update a Message Template
Updates an existing message template.
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/31ace430-1f26-11e4-a54f-3c970e7ff560" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Intruder Alert", \
"subject": "An intruder matching the description <description here> has been spotted!", \
"body": "The intruder was last seen <insert location here>.", \
"subjectCustomizable": true, \
"subjectDisplay": "show"}'
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": false,
"subject": "An intruder matching the description <description here> has been spotted!",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "hide",
"bodyDisplay": "show",
"ttsType": "none",
"ttsSpeed": null,
"audioDisplay": "show",
"name": "Intruder Alert",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"subjectCustomizable": true,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"image": 0,
"imageDisplay": "show",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"audio": 0,
"alertTone": "default",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"alertToneDisplay": "show",
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-08T18:02:43.059Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-10T13:58:37.777Z",
"incidentPlanId": null,
"incidentPlanIdCustomizable": false,
"incidentPlanIdDisplay": "show",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "show",
"subjectDisplay": "show",
"body": "The intruder was last seen <insert location here>.",
"id": "31ace430-1f26-11e4-a54f-3c970e7ff560",
"notificationProfileId": {"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3"},
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "show",
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"collaborationGroups": [],
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "show",
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"distributionLists": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Staff"
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:53:57.566Z",
"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Yes, I've seen the intruder", "No, I haven't"],
"name": "Have you seen the intruder?"
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"followUp": false
HTTP Request
PUT /message-templates/{messageTemplateId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
messageTemplateId | The id of the message template to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
alertTone | String | default |
Controls the sound played by a mobile phone or other compatible InformaCast Fusion Devices (i.e. desktops) when this message template is sent. Possible values match those listed for alertTone in Create a Message Template. |
alertToneCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the mobile push alert tone can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
alertToneDisplay | String | hide |
Deprecated (controlled by audioDisplay ). Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the alert tone section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. Can no longer be set independently. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The id s of the Areas of Interest to which notifications based on this template should be sent. |
areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the areas of interest can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
areaOfInterestIdsDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the area of interest section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when areaOfInterestIds are supplied. |
audio | Blob | N/A | Default audio content. Binary stream of audio. The audio formats accepted include μ-law, Opus, MP3, Vorbis, or some other common WAV formats. Non μ-law files will be converted to μ-law and the size of the converted audio must not exceed 10 MiB. |
audioCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the attached audio can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
audioDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the audio section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when audio is present. |
body | String | N/A | Default optional detailed body text. This may be up to 10,000 characters long. |
bodyCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the body text can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
bodyDisplay | String | show |
Deprecated (body is always shown). Option: show . This attribute can no longer be changed and will be removed in a future release. |
collaborationGroupIds | Array[String] | N/A | The id s of Collaboration Groups who should, by default, receive notifications based on this template. |
collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the collaboration groups can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
collaborationGroupIdsDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the collaboration groups section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when collaborationGroupIds are supplied. |
confirmationRequestId | String | N/A | The id of the Confirmation Request to send with the notification, if any. |
confirmationRequestIdCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the confirmation request can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
confirmationRequestIdDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the confirmation request section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when confirmationRequestId is present. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | N/A | The id s of Device Groups who should, by default, receive notifications based on this template. |
deviceGroupIdsCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the device groups can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
deviceGroupIdsDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the device groups section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when deviceGroupIds are supplied. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | N/A | A list of id s of Distribution Lists which should, by default, receive notifications based on this template. |
distributionListIdsCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the recipient distribution lists can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
distributionListIdsDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the distribution lists section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when distributionListIds are supplied. |
image | Blob | N/A | Binary stream of the default image to send with the notification. The size of the image must not exceed 10 MiB. |
imageCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the attached image can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
imageDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the image section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when image is present. |
incidentPlanId | UUID | N/A | The Incident Plan to use for the incident created from this message template, if any. |
incidentPlanIdCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the attached incident plan can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
incidentPlanIdDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the incident plan section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when incidentPlanId is present. |
includeBinaryUrls | Boolean | false |
Whether to include signed CloudFront URLs for image/audio in the response when available. |
includeConfirmationRequest | Boolean | true |
Include an embedded Confirmation Request in the response. |
includeNotificationProfile | Boolean | false |
Include an embedded Notification Profile in the response. |
name | String | N/A | The name of the message template. This may be up to 140 characters long. |
notificationProfileId | String | N/A | The id of the Notification Profile to configure the notification with. Omitting this value will default it to the Default Notification Profile . |
subject | String | N/A | Default subject for notifications based on the message template. This may be up to 256 characters long. |
subjectCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the subject can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
subjectDisplay | String | show |
Deprecated (subject is always shown). Option: show . This attribute can no longer be changed and will be removed in a future release. |
ttsCustomContent | String | N/A | Custom text used for synthesized speech when ttsType is custom-text or custom-ssml . |
ttsCustomContentCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the custom text-to-speech content can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
ttsCustomContentDisplay | String | hide |
Deprecated (controlled by audioDisplay ). Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the custom text-to-speech content section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. Can no longer be set independently. |
ttsSpeed | String | normal |
Option: very-slow , slow , normal , fast , very-fast . The rate at which the text will be spoken. |
ttsType | String | none |
Option: none , subject , body , subject-and-body , custom-text , custom-ssml . Controls which attributes are transformed into speech audio, and how. |
ttsVoiceId | UUID | N/A | Specifies the Text-to-Speech Voice to be used when synthesizing audio for this message template. |
ttsVoiceIdCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the Text-to-Speech Voice can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
ttsVoiceIdDisplay | String | hide |
Deprecated (controlled by audioDisplay ). Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the Text-to-Speech Voice section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. Can no longer be set independently. |
userIds | Array[String] | N/A | The id s of individual Users who should, by default, receive notifications based on this template, regardless of their distribution list memberships. |
userIdsCustomizable | Boolean | false |
Whether the individual recipient users can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
userIdsDisplay | String | hide * |
Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the individual user section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. *Defaults to show when userIds are supplied. |
The message template response format is detailed here.
Remove a Message Template
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/31ace430-1f26-11e4-a54f-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"MessageTemplates\"} 31ace430-1f26-11e4-a54f-3c970e7ff560"
Deletes a message template by id
DELETE /message-templates/{messageTemplateId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
messageTemplateId | The id of the message template to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Get a Template’s Audio
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
sound = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print(sound.headers['content-type']) # audio/wav
f = open('audio.wav', 'w')
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
sound = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)
puts(sound.headers['content-type']) # audio/wav
f = open('audio.wav', 'w')
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/31ace430-1f26-11e4-a54f-3c970e7ff560/audio" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Retrieves the audio, if any, that is attached to the template, as a binary stream. Typically this is μ-law encoded compressed audio. For improved performance, this will likely involve redirection (via an HTTP 302 Redirect response) to an AWS CloudFront content distribution network node which has cached the content closer geographically to where the request originated than the Singlewire REST API servers.
Produces a binary stream of audio data, with the specific MIME type identified in the response header. Will likely involve redirection to a content distribution network server closer to where the request originated.
HTTP Request
GET /message-templates/{messageTemplateId}/audio
, audio/u-law
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
messageTemplateId | The id of the message template for which the audio data is desired. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
convert | String | null | Deprecated: Specify a value of pcm to request that the server convert the audio to PCM (WAV) format from μ-law. This takes more network bandwidth, so should only be done if the client cannot handle μ-law compression. |
Get a Template’s Image
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
pic = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print(pic.headers['content-type']) # e.g. image/png
f = open('picture.png', 'w')
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the message template object
# from the previous example:
pic = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)
puts(pic.headers['content-type']) # e.g. image/png
f = open('picture.png', 'w')
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/31ace430-1f26-11e4-a54f-3c970e7ff560/image" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Retrieves the image, if any, attached to the message template, as a binary stream. For improved performance, this will likely involve redirection (via an HTTP 302 Redirect response) to an AWS CloudFront content distribution network node which has cached the content closer geographically to where the request originated than the Singlewire REST API servers.
Produces a binary stream of the image data, with the specific MIME type identified in the response header. Will likely involve redirection to a content distribution network server closer to where the request originated.
HTTP Request
GET /message-templates/{messageTemplateId}/image
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
messageTemplateId | The id of the message template for which the image data is desired. |
Message Template Response
The JSON document used to represent a message template resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
alertTone | String | Controls the sound played by a mobile phone or other compatible InformaCast Fusion Devices (i.e. desktops) when this message template is sent. Possible values match those listed for alertTone in Create a Message Template. |
alertToneCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the mobile push alert tone can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
alertToneDisplay | String | Deprecated (controlled by audioDisplay ). Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the alert tone section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | The id s of the Areas of Interest to which notifications based on this template should be sent. |
areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the areas of interest can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
areaOfInterestIdsDisplay | String | Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the area of intererst section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
audio | Integer | The size of the default audio attached to the message template, in bytes. Zero if there is no audio. (This is now redundant with the audioFiles attribute, and will likely be deprecated and removed in a future release.) |
audioCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the attached audio can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
audioDisplay | String | Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the audio section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
audioFiles | Array[Object] | Lists information about the default audio files attached to the message template. Currently there will only be one, but future releases may support multiple audio streams with different purposes or quality. Each entry in the array is a file description object. |
body | String | Default optional detailed body text. This may be up to 10,000 characters long. |
bodyCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the body text can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
bodyDisplay | String | Deprecated (body is always shown). Option: show . This attribute can no longer be changed and will be removed in a future release. |
collaborationGroupIds | Array[String] | The id s of Collaboration Groups who should, by default, receive notifications based on this template. |
collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the collaboration groups can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
collaborationGroupIdsDisplay | String | Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the collaboration groups section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
confirmationRequest | ConfirmationRequest | The default Confirmation Request to send with the notification, if any. This can be omitted by passing a false value for the query parameter includeConfirmationRequest . |
confirmationRequestId | String | The id of the Confirmation Request, above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the Confirmation Request are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
confirmationRequestIdCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the confirmation request can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
confirmationRequestIdDisplay | String | Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the confirmation request section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this message template was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this message template was last updated. |
deviceGroupIdsCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the device groups can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The id s of Device Groups who should, by default, receive notifications based on this template. |
deviceGroupIdsDisplay | String | Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the device groups section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
distributionLists | Array[DistributionList] | The list of Distribution Lists which should, by default, receive notifications based on this template. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The id s of the distribution lists, above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the Distribution Lists are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
distributionListIdsCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the recipient distribution lists can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
distributionListIdsDisplay | String | Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the distribution lists section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the Message Template belongs. |
followUp | Boolean | Denotes whether this template is usable for a follow-up. If set true , this template can be used as the messageTemplateId when sending a new notification based on an existing notification in history. If set false and attempting to use this template in the same manner, an error will occur. Message templates that support a follow-up are subject to different validation rules (i.e. all recipient fields can be set non-customizable in addition to specifying no recipients when saving the template). |
id | String | The id of this specific message template, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually, used to send a Notification, and providing access to its audio and image. |
image | Integer | The size of the default image attached to the message template, in bytes. Zero if there is no image. (This is now redundant with the imageFiles attribute, and will likely be deprecated and removed in a future release.) |
imageCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the attached image can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
imageDisplay | String | Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the image section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
imageFiles | Array[Object] | Lists information about the default image files attached to the message template. Currently there will only be one, but future releases may support multiple audio streams with different purposes or quality. Each entry in the array is a file description object. |
imageMimeType | String | Options: image/png image/jpeg image/gif . The content type of the default image attached to the message template, if there is one. (This is now redundant with the imageFiles attribute, and will likely be deprecated and removed in a future release.) |
incidentPlanId | UUID | The Incident Plan to use for the incident created from this message template, if any. |
incidentPlanIdCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the attached incident plan can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
incidentPlanIdDisplay | String | Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the incident plan section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
name | String | The name of the message template. This may be up to 140 characters long. |
notificationProfile | Notification Profile | The Notification Profile to configure the notification with. This will only be included if you pass a true value for the query parameter includeNotificationProfile . |
notificationProfileId | String | The id of the Notification Profile, above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the Notification Profile are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
subject | String | Default subject for notifications based on the message template. This may be up to 256 characters long. |
subjectCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the subject can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
subjectDisplay | String | Deprecated (subject is always shown). Option: show . This attribute can no longer be changed and will be removed in a future release. |
syncState | Array[Object] | The endpoints’ sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state is true . |
endpointSyncState | Object | The specific endpoint’s sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint is true . |
ttsCustomContent | String | Custom text used for synthesized speech when ttsType is custom-text or custom-ssml . |
ttsCustomContentCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the custom text-to-speech content can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
ttsCustomContentDisplay | String | Deprecated (controlled by audioDisplay ). Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the custom text-to-speech content section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
ttsSpeed | String | Option: very-slow , slow , normal , fast , very-fast . The rate at which the text will be spoken. |
ttsType | String | Option: none , subject , body , subject-and-body , custom-text , custom-ssml . Controls which attributes are transformed into speech audio, and how. |
ttsVoiceId | UUID | Specifies the Text-to-Speech Voice to be used when synthesizing audio for this message template. |
ttsVoiceIdCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the Text-to-Speech Voice can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
ttsVoiceIdDisplay | String | Deprecated (controlled by audioDisplay ). Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the Text-to-Speech Voice section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
userIds | Array[String] | The id s of individual Users who should, by default, receive notifications based on this template, regardless of their distribution list memberships. |
userIdsCustomizable | Boolean | Whether the individual recipient users can be changed when sending notifications based on this template. |
userIdsDisplay | String | Option: hide , show . Informs client applications whether the individual user section should be displayed to senders when composing a notification based on this template. |
Message Template Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Message Templates are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Message Templates are assigned to which Domains.
List All Message Template Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"messageTemplateId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"messageTemplateId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Message Template belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /message-templates/{messageTemplateId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
messageTemplateId | The id of the Message Template whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, There were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Message Template belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Message Template using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Message Template, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the message template whose domains were
requested is returned under the key messageTemplateId
inside each
domain response.
Check if a Message Template contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"messageTemplateId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Message Template Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /message-templates/{messageTemplateId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
messageTemplateId | The id of the Message Template whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Message Template belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Message Template is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Message Template, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Message Template is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Domain
response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Message Template Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"messageTemplateId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Message Template into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /message-templates/{messageTemplateId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
messageTemplateId | String | The id of the Message Template to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Message Template out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Message Template should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Message Template out of one or more child Domains? |
A Message Template is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Message Template that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Message Template Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Message Template c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Message Template from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Message Template currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Message Template itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /message-templates/{messageTemplateId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
messageTemplateId | The id of the Message Template whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Message Template. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Message Template in no Domain. |
A Message Template must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Message Template from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Message Template. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Message Template out
of its last Domain will delete the Message Template.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Message Template Cloning
This resource is used to make a copy of the Message Template specified by id in the request path.
The only operation supported is POST
Clone a Message Template
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/message-templates/6ec13410-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560/clone" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"subject": "Lunch options for this Friday",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"userIdsCustomizable": false,
"notificationProfile": {
"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3",
"name": "Default Profile",
"settings": "... Object omitted for brevity ..."
"notificationProfileId": {"id": "7026aa0b-720e-11e7-a5a3-696d40dec0a3"},
"userIDs": ["685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"ttsType": "none",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"name": "Friday Food Choices (Copy)",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"subjectCustomizable": false,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"image": 0,
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"audio": 0,
"alertTone": "default",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:58:57.777Z",
"expiration": null,
"expirationCustomizable": false,
"expirationDisplay": "auto",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"collaborationGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": null,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": false,
"areasOfInterest": [],
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"optOut": false,
"body": "Please take a second to select what you would like to eat this Friday. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let myself or a member of the culinary staff know.",
"id": "6e41df90-ddc9-4d3f-83db-7fe6b95b0277",
"distributionLists": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Staff"
"users": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"name": "Craig Smith"
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:57:18.824Z",
"id": "3fb1ee80-1bdf-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Pizza", "Salad & Bread Sticks"],
"name": "Food Options - Friday"
"bodyCustomizable": false,
"metadataCustomizable": false,
"followUp": false
Creates a copy of the specified Message Template. The name of the
new copy is simply the original Message Template’s name with “ (Copy)”
appended. In order to perform this operation, the user must have both
permission to the /message-templates
resource and GET
to the Message Template they wish to copy.
Note that the follow-up template cannot be copied.
HTTP Request
POST /message-templates/{messageTemplateId}/clone
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
messageTemplateId | String | The id of the Message Template to copy. |
The Message Template response format is detailed here.
Notification Profiles
A notification profile is a convenient way of grouping common message settings and applying it to multiple message templates. As an example, you may have a group of emergency related message templates which have the same notification profile so they can share settings such as the same icon, repetition settings, introductory text, etc.
A notification profile is composed of a name and settings. Each setting maps directly to a device extension and if a non-null object is provided for the setting’s value, it will then override settings defined globally in the extension’s config.
List All Notification Profiles
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
profile = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
profile = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": 2,
"partial": true,
"data": [{
"id": "11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d",
"name": "Default Profile",
"default": true,
"settings": [{
"id": "e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0",
"name": "InformaCast Device",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"name": "Email",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"headingText": "Notification From",
"introText": "Custom intro",
"primaryColor": "#3498db",
"primaryTextColor": "#ffffff",
"secondaryTextColor": "#205478",
"subheadingText": "InformaCast Mobile"
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03",
"name": "Apple Production Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e",
"name": "Google μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de2",
"name": "Apple QA Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1",
"name": "Apple Dev Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6",
"name": "SMS",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"introduction": "Main introduction",
"includeBody": null
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291",
"name": "Phone Call",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"introduction": "The following is an alert from the University of Wisconsin."
"attachments": []
"createdAt": "2017-07-26T12:50:58.048Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Retrieves the list of all Notification Profiles. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
Controlling access to Notification Profiles allows administrators to decide who can modify a message template’s overall configuration.)
HTTP Request
GET /notification-profiles
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first notification profile was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the Notification Profile belongs. |
includeMessageTemplates | Boolean | If true , include the list of Message Templates that use this Notification Profile. |
The notification profile response format is detailed here.
Get a Notification Profile
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
profile = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
profile = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d",
"name": "Default Profile",
"default": true,
"settings": [{
"id": "e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0",
"name": "InformaCast Device",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"name": "Email",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"headingText": "Notification From",
"introText": "Custom intro",
"primaryColor": "#3498db",
"primaryTextColor": "#ffffff",
"secondaryTextColor": "#205478",
"subheadingText": "InformaCast Mobile"
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03",
"name": "Apple Production Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e",
"name": "Google μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de2",
"name": "Apple QA Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1",
"name": "Apple Dev Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6",
"name": "SMS",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291",
"name": "Phone Call",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
"createdAt": "2017-07-26T12:50:58.048Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Retrieves a single notification profile by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /notification-profiles/{notificationProfileId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationProfileId | The id of the notification profile to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the notification profile belongs. |
includeMessageTemplates | Boolean | If true , include the list of Message Templates that use this Notification Profile. |
The notification profile response format is detailed here.
Create a Notification Profile
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Default Profile'
profile = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Default Profile'
profile = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Default Profile"}'
"id": "11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d",
"name": "Default Profile",
"default": true,
"settings": [{
"id": "e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0",
"name": "InformaCast Device",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"name": "Email",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"headingText": "Notification From",
"introText": "Custom intro",
"primaryColor": "#3498db",
"primaryTextColor": "#ffffff",
"secondaryTextColor": "#205478",
"subheadingText": "InformaCast Mobile"
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03",
"name": "Apple Production Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e",
"name": "Google μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de2",
"name": "Apple QA Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1",
"name": "Apple Dev Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6",
"name": "SMS",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"introduction": "Main introduction",
"includeBody": null
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291",
"name": "Phone Call",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"introduction": "The following is an alert from the University of Wisconsin."
"attachments": []
"createdAt": "2017-07-26T12:50:58.048Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Creates a new notification profile. You can optionally define settings in this request as well.
HTTP Request
POST /notification-profiles
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the notification profile. |
settings | Array[Notification Profile Settings] | N/A | An array of Notification Profile Settings. |
includeMessageTemplates | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Message Templates that use this Notification Profile in the response. |
The notification profile response format is detailed here.
Update a Notification Profile
# Continuing with the notification profile
# object from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the notification profile
# object from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Emergency Profile"}'
"id": "11fdf8a2-7201-11e7-a5a3-bbfbabf08c3d",
"name": "Emergency Profile",
"default": false,
"settings": [{
"id": "e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0",
"name": "InformaCast Device",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"name": "Email",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"headingText": "Notification From",
"introText": "Custom intro",
"primaryColor": "#3498db",
"primaryTextColor": "#ffffff",
"secondaryTextColor": "#205478",
"subheadingText": "InformaCast Mobile"
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03",
"name": "Apple Production Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e",
"name": "Google μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de2",
"name": "Apple QA Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1",
"name": "Apple Dev Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {}
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6",
"name": "SMS",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"introduction": "Main introduction",
"includeBody": null
"attachments": []
}, {
"id": "0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291",
"name": "Phone Call",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"introduction": "The following is an alert from the University of Wisconsin."
"attachments": []
"createdAt": "2017-07-26T12:50:58.048Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Updates an existing notification profile’s name
and settings
HTTP Request
PUT /notification-profiles/{notificationProfileId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationProfileId | The id of the notification profile to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the notification profile. |
settings | Array[Notification Profile Settings] | N/A | An array of Notification Profile Settings |
includeMessageTemplates | Boolean | false |
If true , include the list of Message Templates that use this Notification Profile in the response. |
The notification profile response format is detailed here.
Remove a Notification Profile
# Continuing with the notification profile
# object from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the notification profile
# object from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/789c2810-222d-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"NotificationProfiles\"} 789c2810-222d-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
Deletes an existing notification profile.
HTTP Request
DELETE /notification-profiles/{notificationProfileId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationProfileId | The id of the notification profile to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Notification Profile Response
The JSON document used to represent a notification profile resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this notification profile was created. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the Notification Profile belongs. |
default | Boolean | Will be true if this notification profile is the system default, which means it will be used by any message template that does not specify to use another, and therefore it cannot be deleted. |
id | String | The id of this specific notification profile, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
messageTemplates | Array[id, name] | If includeMessageTemplates was set to true in the request, this will be present, and list the IDs and names of all Message Templates that use this notification profile. |
name | String | The notification profile name. May be up to 140 characters long. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
settings | Array[Notification Profile Settings] | An array of Notification Profile Settings |
Notification Profile Settings
Currently, the API supports settings for the following extension IDs:
Name | ID |
InformaCast Device | e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0 |
b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a | |
iOS | 839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03 |
Android | 5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e |
SMS | 17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6 |
Phone Call | 0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291 |
Outbound CAP | e1b2db4b-626a-11e7-a3f9-0de43455e893 |
Desktop Notifier | 56d6e006-542e-11e6-ae77-e3b4cf41fce9 |
Notification Profile Settings Structure
To the right is the structure of a notification profile setting (specifically the SMS device extension).
"id": "17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6",
"name": "SMS",
"disabled": false,
"value": {
"introduction": "Overridden Main introduction",
"includeBody": false
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": {
"introduction": "Main introduction",
"includeBody": null
"attachments": []
Below is a description of the general structure of a setting.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the specific device extension. |
name | String | The device extension’s name. |
disabled | Boolean | Whether or not this channel will be enabled at send time. For example, if disable is set to true for the SMS extension, SMS devices will NOT receive a text notification. |
value | Object | The global extension config override values. In the example to the right, the introduction and includeBody properties shown will be used during the actual send. If a property value is null , the send uses whatever is in extension.effectiveConfig . |
extension.disabled | Boolean | Whether an administrator has disabled this extension globally. When this is set to true , this notification channel will not be used during a notification. |
extension.globalDisabled | Boolean | Similar to extension.disabled , but only Singlewire may set this value (in case of abuse for example). |
extension.effectiveConfig | Object | Similar to value , but is the current config reported by the extension itself, and its values will be used in the send if the corresponding value entry is null . |
attachments | Array[Attachment] | An array of attachments. Currently only the Fusion device extension supports/honors attachments. |
InformaCast Device
The following InformaCast device settings may be provided:
"disabled": false,
"value": {
"messageType": "Text and Pre-Recorded Audio",
"repetitionPause": null,
"scrollSpeed": 5,
"repeatIndefinitely": false,
"synchronizedDelivery": true,
"duration": 5,
"volume": "As-Is",
"concatenateText": false,
"skipPhonesInUse": false,
"priority": 1,
"ringtone": false,
"scrollDuration": null,
"repetitions": null,
"persistentText": true
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not this channel will be enabled at send time. For example, if disabled is set to true InformaCast devices will not receive the notification. |
value.messageType | String | N/A | The message’s type, e.g. Text , Text and Pre-Recorded Audio , Text and Live Audio , Text and Ad-Hoc Audio , Pre-Recorded Audio , Live Audio , Ad-Hoc Audio . |
value.concatenateText | Boolean | false | Controls whether the short and long text will be concatenated together on the recipient’s display, the message icon will not be displayed, and no Details button will be offered. |
value.duration | Integer | 5 | Either the maximum time (in seconds) InformaCast will wait for recipient activation before beginning to play a message (when synchronizedDelivery is true ), or the length of time for which InformaCast will play the message (default value 5) when synchronizedDelivery is false . |
value.persistentText | Boolean | true | Controls whether the text will persist on a phone’s display when the user exits a notification which arrives later. |
value.priority | Integer | 1 | Set the message priority. The highest priority is 1 (which is also the default value). The lowest priority can be configured in InformaCast’s Broadcast Parameters. |
value.repeatIndefinitely | Boolean | false | Controls whether the message will be repeated until manually stopped. Must be consistent with repetitions if both are present. |
value.repetitionPause | Integer | 1 | The number of seconds to wait between repetitions of the message. |
value.repetitions | Integer | 1 | The number of times the message will repeat (setting repetitions to 0 means the message will repeat indefinitely). Must be consistent with repeatIndefinitely if both are present. |
value.ringtone | Boolean | false | Sets whether a message will be available as a ring tone. |
value.scrollDuration | Integer | null | The number of seconds for which scrolling recipients will repeatedly move through a message. (Set either scrollDuration or scrollRepetitions but not both.) |
value.scrollRepetitions | Integer | null | The number of repetitions for which scrolling recipients will repeatedly move through a message (the value 0 means unlimited repetitions). Set either scrollDuration or scrollRepetitions , but not both; if both are null , three repetitions will be performed by scrolling recipients. |
value.scrollSpeed | Integer | 5 | The speed at which scrolling recipients will move through the message, a value ranging from 1 to 10 . |
value.skipPhonesInUse | Boolean | false | Sets whether audio will be sent to phones on active calls (provided this can be determined). |
value.skipUnresponsiveRecipients | Boolean | false | Sets whether the message will be delivered only to recipients that are able to respond to it, i.e. phones and computers running the InformaCast Desktop Notifier. |
value.synchronizedDelivery | Boolean | true | Controls whether InformaCast will wait until all devices are ready before starting to send the audio of the message. |
value.volume | String | As-Is | The volume at which to play the message. Options: As-Is , Maximum Medium Low . |
value.queueingAllowed | Boolean | false | Allows ad-hoc messages to be broadcast in the order they were initiated, but without overlapping. |
value.queuedSendThreshold | Integer | N/A | The smallest percentage of available broadcast devices that will permit a queued broadcast to be sent. |
value.queuedFailureRecipientGroup | Integer | N/A | Recipient group id to be notified when a queued broadcast is not sent. |
value.queuedFailureText | String | N/A | Notification text to be sent when a queued broadcast is not sent. |
attachments.mainAudio | File | N/A | Either the audio file to play to recipients during a pre-recorded audio message, or an activation alert that plays while devices are activating for a live audio message. |
attachments.displayIcon | File | A default warning icon | The image file to use as an icon (displays on compatible devices; cropped to 38x64 and positioned at the top left corner of a message’s display). |
attachments.postTone | File | N/A | Audio that plays to recipients to designate an ending message. |
attachments.preTone | File | N/A | Audio that plays to recipients to announce an impending message. |
The following email settings may be provided:
"disabled": false,
"value": {
"introText": "This is an alert from Singlewire Software"
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not this channel will be enabled at send time. For example, if disabled is set to true , Email devices will not receive the notification. |
value.introText | String | N/A | The email introduction text. |
The following iOS settings may be provided:
"disabled": false,
"value": {}
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not this channel will be enabled at send time. For example, if disabled is set to true iOS devices will not receive the notification. |
value | Object | N/A | No settings are currently accepted/honored at this time. |
The following Android settings may be provided:
"disabled": false,
"value": {}
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not this channel will be enabled at send time. For example, if disabled is set to true Android devices will not receive the notification. |
value | Object | N/A | No settings are currently accepted/honored at this time. |
The following SMS settings may be provided:
"disabled": false,
"value": {
"includeBody": true,
"introduction": "This is an alert from Singlewire Software."
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not this channel will be enabled at send time. For example, if disabled is set to true SMS devices will not receive the notification. |
value.introduction | String | N/A | This introductory text will be displayed before each notification sent to SMS-enabled devices. Use it to indicate the notification’s sender, e.g. “The following is an alert from campus security.” |
value.includeBody | Boolean | N/A | This will include up to 512 characters of the notification body in the delivered SMS message. Note: large notification bodies may impact SMS delivery times. |
Phone Call
The following calling settings may be provided:
"disabled": false,
"value": {
"introduction": "This is an alert from Singlewire Software."
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not this channel will be enabled at send time. For example, if disabled is set to true Phone Call devices will not receive the notification. |
value.introduction | String | N/A | Using text-to-speech functionality, this introductory text will be spoken before each notification sent to phone call devices. Use it to indicate the notification’s sender, e.g. “The following is an alert from campus security.” |
Outbound CAP
The following Outbound CAP settings may be provided:
"disabled": false,
"value": {
"msgType": "Alert",
"urgency": "Unknown",
"severity": "Unknown",
"certainty": "Unknown",
"categories": ["Met"],
"parameters": [{
"paramName": "param1",
"paramValue": "val1"}
"eventDescription": "Fire!"
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
msgType | String | Alert |
CAP message type. Currently, only Alert is supported. |
urgency | String | Unknown |
One of the following CAP urgency levels: Immediate , Expected , Future , Past , Unknown |
severity | String | Unknown |
One of the following CAP severities: Extreme , Severe , Moderate , Minor , Unknown |
certainty | String | Unknown |
One of the following CAP certainties: Observed , Likely , Possible , Unlikely , Unknown |
categories | Array of Strings | (all categories selected) | At least one of the following CAP categories: Geo ,Met ,Safety ,Security ,Rescue ,Fire ,Health ,Env ,Transport ,Infra ,CBRNE ,Other |
parameters | Array of Strings | (none) | Array of parameter objects |
paramName | String | (none) | Custom parameter name |
paramValue | String | (none) | Custom parameter value |
eventDescription | String | InformaCast Alert |
CAP event description |
Desktop Notifier
The following Desktop Notifier settings may be provided: (values that also apply to Cisco IP Phones are denoted with a ☎ in the description)
"disabled": false,
"value": {
"style": "Custom",
"ticker": {
"bold": false,
"font": "Arial",
"size": 12,
"color": "#000000",
"italic": false,
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF"
"mainWindow": {
"body": {
"bold": false,
"font": "Arial",
"size": 12,
"color": "#000000",
"italic": false
"subject": {
"bold": false,
"font": "Arial",
"size": 12,
"color": "#000000",
"italic": false
"linkColor": "#0000ee",
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF"
"displaySize": "Medium",
"initialDisplay": "Ticker"
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
disabled | Boolean | false | ☎ If true , no settings on this extension are applied and default values are used. Controlling whether notifications are sent is based on the disabled parameter value from the InformaCast Device settings. |
value.style | String | Normal |
☎ Affects the general display characteristics of the notification to include default fonts and colors: Normal , Emergency , Warning , Custom . If Custom is set, related dependent parameters are required. |
value.ticker.bold | Boolean | false | With a Custom style and Ticker initialDisplay, this determines if the ticker text is bold. |
value.ticker.font | String | N/A | With a Custom style and Ticker initialDisplay, this sets the font of the ticker text: Arial , ArialBlack , ComicSansMS , Courier , CourierNew , Georgia , Helvetica , Impact , TrebuchetMS , Times , TimesNewRoman , Verdana . |
value.ticker.size | String | N/A | With a Custom style and Ticker initialDisplay, this sets the size of the ticker text in points: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30. |
value.ticker.color | String | N/A | With a Custom style and Ticker initialDisplay, this sets the RGB hex encoded ticker text color. |
value.ticker.italic | Boolean | false | With a Custom style and Ticker initialDisplay, this determines if the ticker text is italicized. |
value.ticker.backgroundColor | String | N/A | With a Custom style and Ticker initialDisplay, this sets the RGB hex encoded color for the background. |
value.mainWindow.body.bold | Boolean | false | With a Custom style, this determines if the body text is bold. |
value.mainWindow.body.font | String | N/A | With a Custom style, this sets the font of the body text: Arial , ArialBlack , ComicSansMS , Courier , CourierNew , Georgia , Helvetica , Impact , TrebuchetMS , Times , TimesNewRoman , Verdana . |
value.mainWindow.body.size | String | N/A | With a Custom style, this sets the size of the body text in points: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30. |
value.mainWindow.body.color | String | N/A | With a Custom style, this sets the RGB hex encoded body text color. |
value.mainWindow.body.italic | Boolean | false | With a Custom style, this determines if the subject text is italicized. |
value.mainWindow.subject.bold | Boolean | false | With a Custom style, this determines if the subject text is bold. |
value.mainWindow.subject.font | String | N/A | With a Custom style, this sets the font of the subject text: Arial , ArialBlack , ComicSansMS , Courier , CourierNew , Georgia , Helvetica , Impact , TrebuchetMS , Times , TimesNewRoman , Verdana . |
value.mainWindow.subject.size | String | N/A | With a Custom style, this sets the size of the subject text in points: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30. |
value.mainWindow.subject.color | String | N/A | ☎ With a Custom style, this sets the RGB hex encoded subject text color. |
value.mainWindow.subject.italic | Boolean | false | With a Custom style, this determines if the subject text is italicized. |
value.mainWindow.linkColor | String | N/A | With a Custom style, this sets the RGB hex color for links (email addresses and URLs). |
value.mainWindow.backgroundColor | String | N/A | ☎ With a Custom style, this sets the RGB hex encoded color for the background. |
value.displaySize | String | Medium |
The size of the main window that is displayed: Small , Medium , Large , Max . |
value.initialDisplay | String | Immediate |
The initial window display behavior of the notification: Immediate , Ticker , Toast , Badge . If Ticker is set, related dependent parameters are required. |
Notification Profile Attachments
Attachments may only be uploaded via multipart/form-data
requests. They take the following structure:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the attachment. |
name | String | The name of the attachment. |
contentType | String | The content type of the attachment, such as image/png , image/jpeg , audio/wav , etc. |
metadata | Object | Any specific metadata about the attachment such as audio length, format, etc. |
url | String | The url that can be used to fetch the binary data of the attachment. |
Notification Profiles Cloning
This resource is used to make a copy of the Notification Profile specified by id in the request path.
The only operation supported is POST
Clone a Notification Profile
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/215bf5cd-c2eb-11eb-9318-c7bbd06be497/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/215bf5cd-c2eb-11eb-9318-c7bbd06be497/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/215bf5cd-c2eb-11eb-9318-c7bbd06be497/clone" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"id": "936eb45a-ebd1-11eb-81b3-230ff64c69ca",
"name": "Bell Tone (Copy)",
"settings": [
"id": "acb4e1a4-d029-11ea-b857-a730b507a69c",
"name": "WNS μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"id": "17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6",
"name": "SMS",
"disabled": true,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"id": "0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291",
"name": "Phone Call",
"disabled": true,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"id": "e1b2db4b-626a-11e7-a3f9-0de43455e893",
"name": "Outbound CAP Push",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"id": "f0e5d932-c31f-11e8-b4c1-7831c1bab3f6",
"name": "Microsoft Teams Chat",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": true,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"id": "5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e",
"name": "Google μ",
"disabled": true,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"id": "6ff812ad-18e7-11e7-9f96-1d559a8159e8",
"name": "Google QA μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"id": "e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0",
"name": "Fusion Device",
"disabled": false,
"value": {
"volume": "As-Is",
"duration": 10,
"messageType": "Pre-Recorded Audio"
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": true,
"effectiveConfig": {
"volume": "As-Is",
"duration": 10,
"messageType": "Pre-Recorded Audio"
"attachments": [
"id": "93703afb-ebd1-11eb-81b3-730c342d91f3",
"name": "mainAudio",
"fileName": "mainAudio.wav",
"contentType": "audio/wav",
"size": 24238,
"url": "",
"metadata": {
"codecTimeBase": "1/8000",
"encoding": "ulaw",
"bitRate": 64000,
"channels": 1,
"frameRate": 8000,
"seconds": 3.0225,
"sampleFmt": "s16",
"frameLength": 24180,
"timeBase": "1/8000",
"codecLongName": "PCM mu-law / G.711 mu-law",
"codecName": "pcm_mulaw",
"bitsPerSample": 8
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"name": "Email",
"disabled": true,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"id": "56d6e006-542e-11e6-ae77-e3b4cf41fce9",
"name": "Desktop Notifier - Fusion",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": true,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"id": "5fdb030c-18e7-11e7-9f96-273f619cf339",
"name": "Apple QA Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"id": "839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03",
"name": "Apple Production Push μ",
"disabled": true,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1",
"name": "Apple Dev Push μ",
"disabled": false,
"value": null,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"globalDisabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null
"attachments": []
"createdAt": "2021-07-23T16:18:11.913Z",
"permissions": []
Creates a copy of the specified Notification Profile. The name of the
new copy is simply the original Notification Profile’s name with “ (Copy)”
appended. In order to perform this operation, the user must have both
permission to the /notification-profiles
resource and GET
to the Notification Profile they wish to copy.
HTTP Request
POST /notification-profiles/{notificationProfileId}/clone
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
notificationProfileId | String | The id of the Notification Profile to copy. |
The notification profile response format is detailed here.
Notification Profile Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Notification Profiles are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Notification Profiles are assigned to which Domains.
List All Notification Profile Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"notificationProfileId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"notificationProfileId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Notification Profile belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /notification-profiles/{notificationProfileId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationProfileId | The id of the Notification Profile whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, There were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Notification Profile belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Notification Profile using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Notification Profile, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the notification profile whose domains were
requested is returned under the key notificationProfileId
each domain response.
Check if a Notification Profile contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"notificationProfileId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Notification Profile Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /notification-profiles/{notificationProfileId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationProfileId | The id of the Notification Profile whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Notification Profile belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Notification Profile is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Notification Profile, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Notification Profile is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Domain
response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Notification Profile Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"notificationProfileId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Notification Profile into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /notification-profiles/{notificationProfileId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
notificationProfileId | String | The id of the Notification Profile to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Notification Profile out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Notification Profile should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Notification Profile out of one or more child Domains? |
A Notification Profile is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Notification Profile that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Notification Profile Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notification-profiles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Notification Profile c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Notification Profile from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Notification Profile currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Notification Profile itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /notification-profiles/{notificationProfileId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
notificationProfileId | The id of the Notification Profile whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Notification Profile. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Notification Profile in no Domain. |
A Notification Profile must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Notification Profile from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Notification Profile. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Notification Profile out
of its last Domain will delete the Notification Profile.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Posting a notification is how a notification is sent. Once sent, a record of the notification details remains for future reference. Administrators can access all sent notifications through this resource, or examine notifications sent to individual Users through the User Notifications resource. Ordinary users generally only have access to their own User Notifications resource, and to notifications they sent.
A Notification resource may include sub-resources which contain audio, an image, and Activities. Activities track how users have interacted with the Notification, such as marking it read, responding to a Confirmation Request, etc.
List All Notifications
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 2
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 2
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications?limit=2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 42,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "WyIyMTBmMGRmMC0xZDg4LTExZTQtYzk3MGU3ZmY1NjAiXQ==",
"data": [
"subject": "An intruder has been spotted on campus",
"initiationSourceType": "api",
"initiationSourceClientId": "IcMobile Web",
"initiationSourceDescription": null,
"initiationSourceId": "654adaf1-b76f-11ec-854e-ebe51cfb1261",
"initiatingEndpointId": "71fab043-b76f-11ec-854e-bfded50f4b1b",
"parentNotificationId": "6adf8922-b76f-11ec-854e-6d5e76ffc6aa",
"initiationBroadcast": null,
"initiationDetails": null,
"initiatorId": "3e967e50-1bdd-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"initiator": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:42:57.973Z",
"id": "3e967e50-1bdd-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "security@e.mail",
"name": "Security Office"
"image": 0,
"confirmationResults": { "Yes, I've seen the intruder": 0, "No, I haven't": 0 },
"audioFiles": [
"fileName": "audio.wav",
"size": 32292,
"contentType": "audio/wav",
"metadata": {
"codecTimeBase": "1/8000",
"encoding": "ulaw",
"bitRate": 64000,
"channels": 1,
"frameRate": 8000,
"seconds": 11.0759,
"sampleFmt": "s16",
"frameLength": 88607,
"timeBase": "1/8000",
"codecLongName": "PCM mu-law / G.711 mu-law",
"codecName": "pcm_mulaw",
"bitsPerSample": 8
"audio": 32292,
"alertTone": "default",
"followUpAllowed": true,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T16:38:56.411Z",
"draft": false,
"messageTemplateId": "e5543bf0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"recipientCount": 5,
"progress": {
"recipientCount": 5,
"readCount": 4,
"smsReceivedCount": 3,
"callAnsweredCount": 1,
"smsFailedCount": 0,
"callPlacedCount": 2,
"callFailedCount": 1,
"smsSentCount": 4,
"extensions": {
"17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6": {
"type": "device",
"total": 4,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 3,
"deviceType": "SMS"
"b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "singlewire:email"
"5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "Android"
"551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd": {
"type": "fusion-endpoint",
"total": 1,
"failed": 1,
"completed": 1,
"deviceType": null
"e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "singlewire:icop"
"1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "apns-sandbox"
"1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de2": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "apns-qa"
"839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03": {
"type": "device",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0,
"deviceType": "apns"
"0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291": {
"type": "device",
"total": 2,
"failed": 1,
"completed": 1,
"deviceType": "phone-call"
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "Intruder Alert"
"body": "Warning: An intruder has been spotted on campus heading towards the recreation center. Please be advised and stay tuned for further updates. Have you seen the intruder?",
"id": "28bbc6b0-1d88-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:53:57.566Z",
"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Yes, I've seen the intruder", "No, I haven't"],
"name": "Intruder?"
"abortedAt": null,
"alertTone": "chime",
"audio": 0,
"audioFiles": [],
"audioHash": null,
"body": "Body user TestUser 1651001298715. email 1651001298717@aol.com device TestDevice 1651001298717",
"confirmableCount": 1,
"confirmationRequest": null,
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"confirmationResponseCounts": {},
"createdAt": "2022-04-26T19:28:19.203Z",
"expiresAt": null,
"followUpAllowed": true,
"id": "0721c553-c597-11ec-806a-c538cfbb3424",
"image": 0,
"imageFiles": [],
"imageHash": null,
"imageMimeType": null,
"incidentId": null,
"initiatingEndpointId": null,
"initiationBroadcast": null,
"initiationDetails": {
"areaOfInterestBoundaryTrigger": {
"action": "entered",
"id": "070ba540-c597-11ec-806a-f1e55eb9921f",
"triggeringUserId": "06deefea-c597-11ec-806a-fd5d620c7325"
"initiationSourceClientId": null,
"initiationSourceDescription": "TesteAoI 1651001298717",
"initiationSourceId": "06f1185c-c597-11ec-806a-55a9526b1776",
"initiationSourceType": "area-of-interest-boundary-trigger",
"initiator": null,
"initiatorId": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "1651001298912"
"messageTemplateId": "06f7a80e-c597-11ec-806a-77c9233a634f",
"metadata": null,
"notificationProfile": {
"createdAt": "2022-04-26T19:28:18.499Z",
"default": true,
"id": "06b65944-c597-11ec-806a-eb4a72240733",
"name": "Default",
"settings": [
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": false
"id": "0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291",
"name": "Test phone call extension",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": false
"id": "17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6",
"name": "Test SMS extension",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": false
"id": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1",
"name": "Test APNS sandbox extension",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": false
"id": "5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e",
"name": "Test GCM extension",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": false
"id": "5fdb030c-18e7-11e7-9f96-273f619cf339",
"name": "Apple QA Push μ",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": false
"id": "6ff812ad-18e7-11e7-9f96-1d559a8159e8",
"name": "Google QA μ",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": false
"id": "839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03",
"name": "Test APNS production extension",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": false
"id": "acb4e1a4-d029-11ea-b857-a730b507a69c",
"name": "Test WNS extension",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": false
"id": "b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a",
"name": "Email",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": false
"id": "e1b2db4b-626a-11e7-a3f9-0de43455e893",
"name": "Outbound CAP Push",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": true
"id": "56d6e006-542e-11e6-ae77-e3b4cf41fce9",
"name": "Desktop Notifier - Fusion",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": true
"id": "be227b70-d2af-11eb-9747-5d78afe13d0b",
"name": "Apple Dev Push μ for desktops",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": true
"id": "ddca87d8-d2af-11eb-9747-5d78afe13d0b",
"name": "Apple Production Push μ for desktops",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": true
"id": "e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0",
"name": "Fusion Device",
"value": null
"attachments": [],
"disabled": false,
"extension": {
"disabled": false,
"effectiveConfig": null,
"globalDisabled": true
"id": "f0e5d932-c31f-11e8-b4c1-7831c1bab3f6",
"name": "Microsoft Teams Chat",
"value": null
"parentNotificationId": null,
"permissions": [
"progress": {
"percentComplete": 0
"recipientCount": 1,
"scenarioNotificationCreatedAt": null,
"scenarioNotificationId": null,
"subject": "Test BT:1651001298717 User entered TestAoI 1651001298717.",
"ttsCustomContent": null,
"ttsType": "none",
"ttsSpeed": null,
"ttsVoiceId": null
Retrieves a list of all notifications which have been sent. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. A user will generally be able to see all notifications sent to them, but ordinary users will not be able to see notifications sent to other users, unless they were the sender.)
HTTP Request
GET /notifications
Query Parameters
To make this example more concise, only the first notification was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 42 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each notification belongs. |
includeAreasOfInterest | Boolean | If true , include the list of Areas of Interest and a list of their ids on the notification. Defaults false on notification lists. |
includeCollaborationGroups | Boolean | If true , include the list of Outbound Systems and a list of their ids on the notification. Defaults false on notification lists. |
includeDeviceGroups | Boolean | If true , include the list of Device Groups and a list of their ids on the notification. Defaults false on notification lists. |
includeDistributionLists | Boolean | If true , include the list of Distribution Lists and a list of their ids on the notification. Defaults false on notification lists. |
includeUsers | Boolean | If true , include the list of Users and a list of their ids on the notification. Defaults false on notification lists. |
raw | Boolean | If true , the subject and body will be returned in their original, uninterpolated form. |
draft | Boolean | Unless supplied, with the value true , only actual notifications are returned; if present and true , only preview (draft) notifications recently created by the requesting user will be returned. |
includeBinaryUrls | Boolean | If true , include signed CloudFront URL for image, audio, or floor plan images in the response when available. |
includeFloorPlan | Boolean | If true , floor plan image files will be added to the initiationDetails location object. |
includeNotificationTypes | String | If supplied, will filter to include only notifications based on the comma-delimited list of notification types. |
excludeNotificationTypes | String | If supplied, will filter to exclude notifications based on the comma-delimited list of notification types. |
filterNotificationStatuses | String | If supplied, will filter to include only notifications based on the comma-delimited list of notification statuses, out of active, canceled, expired, completed, or unknown. |
includeByMessageTemplateIds | String | If supplied, will filter to include only notifications sent using Message Templates associated with the comma-delimited list of ids. |
The notification response format is detailed here.
Get a Single Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/28bbc6b0-1d88-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
n = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/28bbc6b0-1d88-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
n = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/28bbc6b0-1d88-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"subject": "An intruder has been spotted on campus",
"distributionListIds": ["71ad1fe0-19af-11e4-9367-3c970e7ff560"],
"initiationSourceType": "api",
"initiationSourceClientId": "iOS Device Secure",
"initiationSourceDescription": null,
"initiationSourceId": "a81fecd8-b76f-11ec-854e-8751f0432754",
"initiatingEndpointId": "c7d7207c-b76f-11ec-854e-09a0c21abdc3",
"parentNotificationId": "ae56a769-b76f-11ec-854e-81d582c5cb41",
"initiationBroadcast": null,
"initiationDetails": null,
"initiatorId": "3e967e50-1bdd-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"initiator": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:42:57.973Z",
"id": "3e967e50-1bdd-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "security@e.mail",
"name": "Security Office"
"image": 0,
"confirmationResults": { "Yes, I've seen the intruder": 0, "No, I haven't": 0 },
"audioFiles": [
"fileName": "audio.wav",
"size": 32292,
"contentType": "audio/wav",
"metadata": {
"codecTimeBase": "1/8000",
"encoding": "ulaw",
"bitRate": 64000,
"channels": 1,
"frameRate": 8000,
"seconds": 11.0759,
"sampleFmt": "s16",
"frameLength": 88607,
"timeBase": "1/8000",
"codecLongName": "PCM mu-law / G.711 mu-law",
"codecName": "pcm_mulaw",
"bitsPerSample": 8
"audio": 32292,
"alertTone": "default",
"followUpAllowed": false,
"confirmationRequestId": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T16:38:56.411Z",
"draft": false,
"messageTemplateId": "e5543bf0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"recipientCount": 5,
"progress": {
"recipientCount": 5,
"readCount": 4,
"smsReceivedCount": 3,
"callAnsweredCount": 1,
"smsFailedCount": 0,
"callPlacedCount": 2,
"callFailedCount": 1,
"smsSentCount": 4
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "intruder"
"body": "Warning: An intruder has been spotted on campus heading towards the recreation center. Please be advised and stay tuned for further updates. Have you seen the intruder?",
"id": "28bbc6b0-1d88-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"distributionLists": [ ],
"areasOfInterest": [ ],
"confirmationRequest": {
"escalationRules": [ ],
"createdAt": "2014-08-04T13:53:57.566Z",
"id": "c7bc65e0-1bde-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"options": ["Yes, I've seen the intruder", "No, I haven't"],
"name": "Intruder?"
Retrieves a single notification based on its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /notifications/{notificationId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the specific notification to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which this notification belongs. |
includeAreasOfInterest | Boolean | If true , include the list of Areas of Interest and a list of their ids on the notification. Defaults true on individual notification reads. |
includeCollaborationGroups | Boolean | If true , include the list of Outbound Systems and a list of their ids on the notification. Defaults true on individual notification reads. |
includeDeviceGroups | Boolean | If true , include the list of Device Groups and a list of their ids on the notification. Defaults true on individual notification reads. |
includeDistributionLists | Boolean | If true , include the list of Distribution Lists and a list of their ids on the notification. Defaults true on individual notification reads. |
includeUsers | Boolean | If true , include the list of Users and a list of their ids on the notification. Defaults true on individual notification reads. |
raw | Boolean | If true , the subject and body will be returned in their original, uninterpolated form. |
draft | Boolean | Unless supplied, with the value true , only actual notifications are returned; if present and true , only preview (draft) notifications recently created by the requesting user will be returned. |
includeBinaryUrls | Boolean | If true , include signed CloudFront URL for image, audio, or floor plan images in the response when available. |
includeFloorPlan | Boolean | If true , floor plan image files will be added to the initiationDetails location object. |
includeNotificationTypes | String | If supplied, will filter to include only notifications based on the comma-delimited list of notification types. |
excludeNotificationTypes | String | If supplied, will filter to exclude notifications based on the comma-delimited list of notification types. |
filterNotificationStatuses | String | If supplied, will filter to include only notifications based on the comma-delimited list of notification statuses, out of active, canceled, expired, completed, or unknown. |
includeByMessageTemplateIds | String | If supplied, will filter to include only notifications sent using Message Templates associated with the comma-delimited list of ids. |
The notification response format is detailed here.
Send a Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'subject': 'Hail warning until 8PM',
'distributionListIds': ['af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560'],
'messageTemplateId': '37f0f500-1be0-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560',
'metadata': {
'weatherSeverity': 5
'customVars': {
'affectedCounty': 'Dane',
'affectedState': 'Wisconsin'
n = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'subject': 'Hail warning until 8PM'
'distributionListIds': ['af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560'
'messageTemplateId': '37f0f500-1be0-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560'
'metadata': {
'weatherSeverity': 5
'customVars': {
'affectedCounty': 'Dane'
'affectedState': 'Wisconsin'
n = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"subject": "Hail warning until 8PM", \
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"], \
"messageTemplateId": "37f0f500-1be0-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560", \
"metadata": {"weatherSeverity": 5}, \
"customVars": {"affectedCounty": "Dane", \
"affectedState": "Wisconsin"}}'
"subject": "Hail warning until 8PM",
"distributionListIds": ["af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"],
"metadata": "{\“weatherSeverity\”: 5}",
"initiationSourceType": "api",
"initiationSourceClientId": "IcMobile Web",
"initiationSourceDescription": null,
"initiationSourceId": "d2440aad-b76f-11ec-854e-f3a6f323e4c1",
"initiatingEndpointId": "c250f13b-b76f-11ec-854e-e92ab677617c",
"parentNotificationId": "bbfaeeda-b76f-11ec-854e-a3773c1accf5",
"initiationBroadcast": null,
"initiationDetails": null,
"initiatorId": "5a2e5fb0-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"initiator": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-01T19:02:15.595Z",
"id": "5a2e5fb0-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"lock": { "start": null, "end": null }
"image": 0,
"audio": 0,
"alertTone": "default",
"followUpAllowed": false,
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T14:02:40.174Z",
"messageTemplateId": "37f0f500-1be0-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"recipientCount": 612,
"progress": {
"recipientCount": 612,
"readCount": 457,
"smsReceivedCount": 391,
"callAnsweredCount": 47,
"smsFailedCount": 4,
"callPlacedCount": 60,
"callFailedCount": 5,
"smsSentCount": 518
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "Hail Alert"
"metadata": "{\“weatherSeverity\”: 5}",
"id": "a75d8ce0-23bb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"distributionLists": [
"createdAt": "2014-08-06T18:51:33.590Z",
"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"name": "Everyone"
"areasOfInterest": [ ]
Creates a notification to be sent to one or more specified recipients. These may be individual Users or a group of recipients specified
by Distribution Lists, Collaboration Groups, Areas of Interest,
or Device Groups (for Fusion customers). Notifications are always based on a Message Template, but values
from the template may be overridden at send time (as long as the template allows this). Any attributes in the template which are required but not
marked as customizable must be present, with values matching those in the template. At least one recipient must be specified (whether in the Message
Template or the request parameters), or the POST
will fail validation.
HTTP Request
POST /notifications
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
alertTone | String | default |
Controls the sound played by a mobile phone or other compatible InformaCast Fusion Devices (i.e. desktops) when this notification is sent. Possible values match those listed for alertTone in Create a Message Template. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The id s of the Areas of Interest to which this notification should be sent. |
audio | Blob | N/A | Default audio content. Binary stream of audio. The audio formats accepted include μ-law, Opus, MP3, Vorbis, or some other common WAV formats. Non μ-law files will be converted to μ-law and the size of the converted audio must not exceed 10 MiB. |
body | String | N/A | Optional detailed body text for the notification. This may be up to 10,000 characters long. |
collaborationGroupIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The id s of the Collaboration Groups to which this notification should be sent. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The id s of the Device Groups to which this notification should be sent. |
confirmationRequestId | UUID | N/A | The id of the Confirmation Request to send with the notification, if any. |
customVars | JSON | N/A | Key/value pairs which can replace placeholders in the message template when the notification is created. The placeholder syntax in message templates will be of the form {{varName}}. |
distributionListIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The id s of the Distribution Lists to which this notification should be sent. |
draft | Boolean | false | If omitted, an actual notification is sent. If supplied with the value true , a notificaiton preview is created, showing who would have received it if it were actually sent, but no actual sending will occur. |
extensionSettingsOverrides | json | N/A | Allows device extensions which were enabled in the notification profile to be disabled at send time. A map whose keys are device extension IDs, and values are {"disabled": true} . |
followUpForNotificationId | UUID | N/A | The id of the source notification a follow-up message is being sent based on for recipients. The value for followUpAllowed must be true on that notification response. This value can be any notification in history and if supplied, the followUpForNotificationQuery must also be used for recipient selection. In addition, the messageTemplateId provided must support follow-up (i.e. followUp must be true on the Message Template). |
followUpForNotificationQuery | String | N/A | The query used at send time to create the list of recipients based on the followUpForNotificationId also supplied. The value for this parameter conforms to the search query syntax used for queries (i.e. read:true would extract all recipients that read the source notification). Recipients determined from this query are merged with any configured on the message template. |
image | Blob | N/A | Binary stream of an image to send with the notification. The size of the image must not exceed 10 MiB. |
messageTemplateId | UUID | N/A | The id of the Message Template that serves as the basis for this notification. This will provide default values for the notification attributes and control whether they can be overridden at send time. |
metadata | JSON | N/A | Optional values to be attached to the notification, for use by client software. |
subject | String | N/A | The subject of the notification. This may be up to 256 characters long. |
ttsCustomContent | String | N/A | Custom text used for synthesized speech when ttsType is custom-text or custom-ssml . |
ttsSpeed | String | normal |
Option: very-slow , slow , normal , fast , very-fast . The rate at which the text will be spoken. |
ttsType | String | none |
Option: none , subject , body , subject-and-body , custom-text , custom-ssml . Controls which attributes are transformed into speech audio, and how. This is considered part of the message audio, so it can only be overridden at send time when audioCustomizable is true . |
ttsVoiceId | UUID | N/A | Specifies the Text-to-Speech Voice to be used when synthesizing audio for this notification. |
userIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | The id s of individual Users to which this notification should be sent, regardless of their distribution list memberships. |
initiationDetails | JSON | N/A | Metadata about the initiation of the notification. If the notification comes from a location-enabled scenario, this will include site, building, floor, and zone information including any uploaded floor plans, floor boundaries, or zone boundaries, as well as the device that initiated the scenario if one was provided. |
The notification response format is detailed here. Because so much already needs to happen during the creation of a notification, the includeDomains
request parameter is ignored. If you need a version of the response that includes embedded domain information, you will have to send a separate GET
request for the notification ID returned in the POST
response, and specifying includeDomains=true
in the GET
Remove a Notification
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/a75d8ce0-23bb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"Notifications\"} a75d8ce0-23bb-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Removes a sent notification from the record. Generally only administrative users will have permission to do this.
HTTP Request
DELETE /notifications/{notificationId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the notification to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Get a Notification’s Audio
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
sound = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print(sound.headers['content-type']) # audio/wav
f = open('audio.wav', 'w')
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
sound = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)
puts(sound.headers['content-type']) # audio/wav
f = open('audio.wav', 'w')
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/audio" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Produces a binary stream of audio data, with the specific MIME type identified in the response header. Will likely involve redirection to a content distribution network server closer to where the request originated.
Retrieves the audio, if any, that was sent with the notification, as a binary stream. For improved performance, this will likely involve redirection (via an HTTP 302 Redirect response) to an AWS CloudFront content distribution network node which has cached the content closer geographically to where the request originated than the Singlewire REST API servers.
Deprecation warning: Requesting conversion of the audio format by
specifying a value of pcm
for the convert
request parameter is no
longer necessary, because the content-type
header returned now
allows the audio to be used as-is. This query parameter will no longer
cause the audio format to be converted in a future release.
HTTP Request
GET /notifications/{notificationId}/audio
, audio/u-law
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the notification for which the audio data is desired. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
convert | String | null | Deprecated: Specify a value of pcm to request that the server convert the audio to PCM (WAV) format from μ-law. This takes more network bandwidth, so should only be done if the client cannot handle μ-law compression. |
Get a Notification’s Image
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
pic = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print(pic.headers['content-type']) # e.g., image/png
f = open('picture.png', 'w')
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
pic = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)
puts(pic.headers['content-type']) # e.g., image/png
f = open('picture.png', 'w')
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/image" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Produces a binary stream of the image data, with the specific MIME type identified in the response header. Will likely involve redirection to a content distribution network server closer to where the request originated.
Retrieves the image, if any, that was sent with the notification, as a binary stream. For improved performance, this will likely involve redirection (via an HTTP 302 Redirect response) to an AWS CloudFront content distribution network node which has cached the content closer geographically to where the request originated than the Singlewire REST API servers.
HTTP Request
GET /notifications/{notificationId}/image
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the notification for which the image data is desired. |
Notification Response
The JSON document used to represent a notification resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
abortedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this notification was canceled. Will be null if the notification has not been canceled. |
alertTone | String | Controls the sound played by a mobile phone or other compatible InformaCast Fusion Devices (i.e. desktops) when this notification is sent. Possible values match those listed for alertTone in Create a Message Template. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[UUID] | The id s of the Areas of Interest to which this notification should be sent. |
audio | Integer | The size in bytes of the audio sent with this notification, or zero if there is none. (This is now redundant with the audioFiles attribute, and will likely be deprecated and removed in a future release.) |
audioFiles | Array[Object] | Lists information about the audio files sent with this notification. Currently there will only be one, but future releases may support multiple audio streams with different purposes or quality. Each entry in the array is a file description object. |
body | String | The body of text of the notification. |
confirmationRequest | ConfirmationRequest | The Confirmation Request attached to the notification, if there was one. |
confirmationRequestId | UUID | The id of the Confirmation Request, above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the Confirmation Request are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
confirmationResults | ConfirmationResults | A map collecting the counts of how many times each of the Confirmation Request options have been chosen by different users responding to the Notification. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this notification was sent. |
collaborationGroupIds | Array[UUID] | A list of the id s of all collaboration groups to which this notification was sent. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[UUID] | A list of the id s of all device groups to which this notification was sent. |
distributionListIds | Array[UUID] | A list of the id s of all distribution lists to which this notification was sent. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the notification belongs. |
draft | Boolean | Indicates whether this is a notification preview, or an actual sent notification. Only drafts recently created by the same user can be seen, and only when they are explicitly requested using the draft query parameter. |
expiresAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this notification will (or did) expire. Can be null for non-expiring notifications. |
id | UUID | The id of this specific notification, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually, and providing access to its audio, image, and Activities. |
followUpAllowed | Boolean | Denotes whether this notification can have a follow-up sent using it as a source id for followUpForNotificationId . If set false and a follow-up is attempted using this notification, an error will occur. Client applications should use this flag as a way to enable buttons in a User Interface. |
image | Integer | The size in bytes of the image sent with this notification, or zero if there is none. (This is now redundant with the imageFiles attribute, and will likely be deprecated and removed in a future release.) |
imageFiles | Array[Object] | Lists information about the image files sent with this notification. Currently there will only be one, but future releases may support multiple images with different purposes or quality. Each entry in the array is a file description object. |
imageMimeType | String | Options: image/png image/jpeg image/gif . The format in which the image data will be delivered, if there is an image associated with this notification. (This is now redundant with the imageFiles attribute, and will likely be deprecated and removed in a future release.) |
initiationSourceType | String | Source type of the notification, unique to each type. |
initiationSourceClientId | String | The client type for vanilla notifications: iOS Device Secure, Android Device Secure, IcMobile Web, or Windows. |
initiationSourceDescription | String | The name or description of the resource that triggered this notification. |
initiationSourceId | String | The id of the resource that initiated the notification, if not a user. |
initiatingEndpointId | UUID | The id of the fusion server the broadcast came from, if applicable. |
parentNotificationId | UUID | The id of the notification from which this notification was sourced, such as in the case of follow-up notifications. |
initiationBroadcast | JSON | The json representation of the on-prem broadcast from which this notification is sourced. |
initiationDetails | JSON | Details about why and how a notification was initiated. If the notification comes from a location-enabled scenario, this will include site, building, floor, and zone information including any uploaded floor plans, floor boundaries, or zone boundaries. |
initiator | JSON | Embeds information from the User or device that sent the notification. |
initiatorId | UUID | The id of the sender of the notification, above. |
messageTemplateId | UUID | The id of the Message Template on which this Notification was based. |
metadata | JSON | Optional values to be attached to the notification, for use by client software. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
progress | JSON | Provides an update on the process of sending the notification, as an object containing several counters with keys such as recipientCount , readCount , smsReceivedCount , etc. (See details below.) Some of these are also present in the main response, but these older copies are only present for backwards compatibility, and new code should look for them in the progress object. |
read | Boolean | An indication of whether this user has seen this notification. Initially set to false , will become true if a readStatus activity with value true is posted (until a later one with value false is posted to mark it as unread again). |
readTimestamp | ISO 8601 date/time | The most recent time at which this notification was marked as read by this user. No value is returned if read is currently false . |
subject | String | The subject text of this notification. |
ttsCustomContent | String | Custom text used for synthesized speech when ttsType is custom-text or custom-ssml . |
ttsSpeed | String | Option: very-slow , slow , normal , fast , very-fast . The rate at which the text will be spoken. |
ttsType | String | Option: none , subject , body , subject-and-body , custom-text , custom-ssml . Controls which attributes are transformed into speech audio, and how. |
ttsVoiceId | UUID | Records the Text-to-Speech Voice, if any, used when synthesizing audio for this notification. |
userIds | Array[UUID] | The id s of individual Users to which this notification was sent, regardless of their distribution list memberships. |
Confirmation Results Response
"Option A": 12,
"Option B": 34
A map whose keys are all the options present in the Confirmation Request attached to the notification, and whose values are the count of how many users chose that option when responding to the notification.
File Description Objects
An example audio file description:
"fileName": "audio.wav",
"size": 32292,
"contentType": "audio/wav",
"metadata": {
"codecTimeBase": "1/8000",
"encoding": "ulaw",
"bitRate": 64000,
"channels": 1,
"frameRate": 8000,
"seconds": 11.0759,
"sampleFmt": "s16",
"frameLength": 88607,
"timeBase": "1/8000",
"codecLongName": "PCM mu-law / G.711 mu-law",
"codecName": "pcm_mulaw",
"bitsPerSample": 8
For resources which include binary attachments, these provide details about the attachment, including the file name, size, content type, and more detailed metadata, the specifics of which depend on the content type.
An example image file description:
"fileName": "image.png",
"size": 25079,
"contentType": "image/png",
"metadata": {
"data": {
"sampleFormat": "UnsignedIntegral",
"bitsPerSample": "8 8 8 8",
"planarConfiguration": "PixelInterleaved"
"width": 960,
"chroma": {
"blackIsZero": true,
"numChannels": 4,
"colorSpaceType": "RGB"
"height": 720,
"dimension": {
"imageOrientation": "Normal",
"pixelAspectRatio": 1,
"verticalPixelSize": 0.35285816,
"horizontalPixelSize": 0.35285816
"compression": {
"lossless": true,
"compressionTypeName": "deflate",
"numProgressiveScans": 1
"transparency": {
"alpha": "nonpremultipled"
In the section on the right you can find examples of what a file description object might look like for an audio attachment and an image attachment.
Initiation Details Response Object
An example of initiationDetails containing a location, device, and floor plan data.
"event": null,
"fields": [
"id": "55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03",
"name": "where",
"rank": 1,
"type": "site",
"answer": "200183dc-e5d8-11ed-b219-f3947b41b855",
"answerSiteName": "a 121"
"location": {
"site": {
"id": "200183dc-e5d8-11ed-b219-f3947b41b855",
"name": "a 121"
"zone": {
"id": "3acfa610-4c22-11ee-baa8-21a3f3c72fcd",
"name": "lobby",
"boundary": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"floor": {
"id": "fde6124c-4c1d-11ee-baa8-f97038af4341",
"name": "capitol",
"boundary": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"imageOrigins": {
"type": "MultiPoint",
"coordinates": [
"building": {
"id": "d42dd737-3e00-11ee-8e9d-1724c5724af0",
"name": "another test b1"
"description": "a 121 (Building: another test b1, Floor: capitol, Room/Zone: lobby)",
"floorPlanImageFiles": [
"fileName": "randomfloorplan.jpeg",
"size": 89528,
"contentType": "image/jpeg",
"metadata": {
"width": 900,
"chroma": {
"numChannels": 3,
"colorSpaceType": "YCbCr"
"height": 900,
"dimension": {
"imageOrientation": "Normal",
"pixelAspectRatio": 1.0,
"verticalPixelSize": 0.26458332,
"horizontalPixelSize": 0.26458332
"compression": {
"lossless": false,
"compressionTypeName": "JPEG",
"numProgressiveScans": 1
"url": "https://d18rjpan9mmbi8.cloudfront.net/c243138a-2fc2-11ed-9e01-f37bac8b8053/floor-plan-images/2ad74a79b2eb1bc7fb16ba479e05fa53fdc6f1ec7bfc01f3fa78eedb2c23776f?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Credential=AKIA5MKLDIOZ3IR2EWWX%2F20230906%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20230906T000000Z&X-Amz-Expires=172800&X-Amz-Signature=a321a87dfe91a85213dc5ce4b2d1f75ddd89c4aa97d701eff86c64a0c556e276"
"initiationDevice": {
"buildingId": "cec7370a-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-9fd10aeeef5f",
"building": {
"id": "cec7370a-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-9fd10aeeef5f",
"name": "East Building"
"siteId": "300f27b1-d0c8-11ee-a4a2-adb7a49b9ba0",
"site": {
"id": "300f27b1-d0c8-11ee-a4a2-adb7a49b9ba0",
"name": "Campus 1"
"zone": {
"id": "02b4361b-d0ca-11ee-a4a2-5bb521b9e102",
"name": "Lobby"
"zoneId": "02b4361b-d0ca-11ee-a4a2-5bb521b9e102",
"name": "vape-detector",
"createdAt": "2024-02-21T15:34:49.816Z",
"externalId": "vape-123",
"id": "c00075f2-d0ce-11ee-943b-dffa88309860",
"metadata": {
"externalId": "vape-123"
"floor": {
"id": "d2e2b2c3-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-250be0f0f12d",
"name": "1st Floor"
"floorId": "d2e2b2c3-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-250be0f0f12d"
"locationResolutionStrategy": ["location", "device"],
When a notification is sent containing location data, such as from a sites-enabled scenario, the initiationDetails object
will contain a location object. This location object will contain data about the site, building, floor, and zone associated
with the notification. The floor’s imageOrigins
and boundary
, and the zone’s boundary
data will always be present if available.
The floor plan image files metadata will only be present if the query param includeFloorPlan
is true,
and this object will only contain the signed CloudFront URL if the query param includeBinaryUrls
is also true.
See Site Building Floors or Site Building Floor Zones for more details.
When a scenario-notification is created containing an initiation device with an externalId that maps to an Api Device in the system, the initiationDetails object will contain an initiationDevice property with that API Device’s information.
When a scenario-notification is created containing a locationResolutionStrategy, that will also be present in initiationDetails. Otherwise, the default of [“location”, “object”] will be present.
Progress Response Field
An example progress response:
"abortCount": 1,
"broadcastFailedCount": 0,
"broadcastFinishedCount": 0,
"broadcastStartedCount": 0,
"callAnsweredCount": 0,
"callCompletedCount": 0,
"callFailedCount": 0,
"callQueuedCount": 0,
"callPlacedCount": 0,
"callSkippedCount": 0,
"ciscoSparkCount": 0,
"ciscoSparkFailedCount": 0,
"conferenceCallFailedCount": 0,
"conferenceCallLeftCount": 0,
"conferenceCallJoinedCount": 0,
"confirmableCount": 1,
"displayTextAndStartAudioCount": 0,
"displayTextCount": 0,
"emailFailedCount": 0,
"emailQueuedCount": 0,
"emailSentCount": 1,
"escalationRuleSkippedCount": 0,
"expireCount": 0,
"facebookFailedCount": 0,
"facebookSentCount": 0,
"infoCount": 0,
"initServicesCount": 0,
"percentComplete": 80,
"pushFailedCount": 0,
"pushQueuedCount": 0,
"pushSentCount": 3,
"readCount": 0,
"recipientCount": 1,
"recipientSkippedCount": 0,
"sendingFinishedCount": 0,
"sendingStartedCount": 0,
"skipCount": 0,
"smsFailedCount": 0,
"smsQueuedCount": 0,
"smsReceivedCount": 0,
"smsSentCount": 0,
"startAudioCount": 0,
"stopAudioCount": 0,
"trackingCompletedCount": 0,
"trackingStartedCount": 0,
"trackingTerminatedCount": 0,
"extensions": {
"5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e": {
"type": "device",
"deviceType": "Android",
"total": 2,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 2
"d99d7d85-b02e-11e6-9fe5-27a42c0b5758": {
"type": "device",
"deviceType": "Android-qa",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0
"839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03": {
"type": "device",
"deviceType": "apns",
"total": 1,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 1
"1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1": {
"type": "device",
"deviceType": "apns-sandbox",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0
"551de6ae-3d36-11e6-834a-3d1fcb19aadd": {
"type": "fusion-endpoint",
"deviceType": null,
"total": 1,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0
"0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291": {
"type": "device",
"deviceType": "phone-call",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0
"b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a": {
"type": "device",
"deviceType": "singlewire:email",
"total": 1,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 1
"e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0": {
"type": "device",
"deviceType": "singlewire:icop",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0
"17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6": {
"type": "device",
"deviceType": "SMS",
"total": 0,
"failed": 0,
"completed": 0
A map whose keys are all the various delivery details associated with the notification, and whose values are the count for that key.
For the extensions
map, each device type includes three keys (total
, failed
, and completed
) where the success count must be
inferred by subtracting failed
from completed
. Note that the failed
and inferred success count are only final when
is equal to total
. Also note the iOS device type is represented by apns
(the Apple Push Notification Service).
Notification Activities
Notification activities are the mechanism for tracking and reviewing interactions that all Users have had with a particular Notification. This ranges from simply seeing the list of all recipients to determining who has marked it read or unread, and gathering any responses to an associated Confirmation Request. Administrators and other users with appropriate permissions can also create new activities for a particular notification to cancel or expire it.
Get All Notification Activities
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/activities" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"readStatus": "read",
"userId": "5a2e5fb0-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"confirmationOption": null,
"notificationId": "c893b700-23c9-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T15:46:40.350Z",
"type": "set-read-status",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-01T19:02:15.595Z",
"id": "5a2e5fb0-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"lock": { "start": null, "end": null }
"id": "2eccd7e0-23ca-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
"readStatus": null,
"userId": "5a2e5fb0-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"confirmationOption": "chicken and waffles",
"notificationId": "c893b700-23c9-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T15:46:44.777Z",
"type": "confirmation",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-01T19:02:15.595Z",
"id": "5a2e5fb0-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"lock": { "start": null, "end": null }
"id": "31705990-23ca-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Retrieves the list of all activities recorded for the specified notification.
HTTP Request
GET /notifications/{notificationId}/activities
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the Notification for which activity information is desired. |
Query Parameters
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
The API has pseudo field names which combine the field name, createdAt, with a comparison operation. The 4 pseudo field names are
(less than), createdAt__lte
(less than or equals), createdAt__gt
(greater than) and createdAt__gte
(greater than or equals).
When specifying one of these createdAt filters the timestamp format must be in RFC3339 format, including the timezone offset.
The notification activity response format is detailed here.
Get a Specific Activity
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/activities/f1b2ec20-23c2-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/activities/f1b2ec20-23c2-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/activities/f1b2ec20-23c2-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"readStatus": "read",
"userId": "5a2e5fb0-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"confirmationOption": null,
"notificationId": "14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-14T14:54:51.362Z",
"type": "set-read-status",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-01T19:02:15.595Z",
"id": "5a2e5fb0-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"lock": { "start": null, "end": null }
"id": "f1b2ec20-23c2-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560"
Retrieves a specific activity based the id
values of the notification and activity. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /notifications/{notificationId}/activities/{activityId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the Notification for which activity information is desired. |
activityId | The id of the specific Activity of interest. |
The notification activity response format is detailed here.
Create an Activity To Cancel Or Expire a Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'type': 'expire',
'details': {
'comment': 'brief comment'
activity = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'type': 'expire'
'details': {
'comment': 'brief comment'
activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560/activities" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"type": "expire", \
"details": {"comment": "brief comment"}}'
"readStatus": "read",
"userId": "5a2e5fb0-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"confirmationOption": null,
"notificationId": "14ca7b10-23be-11e4-b7ec-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2017-12-28T17:45:18.622Z",
"type": "expire",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-01T19:02:15.595Z",
"id": "5a2e5fb0-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"lock": { "start": null, "end": null }
"id": "4f37b619-3656-4862-83f7-d32Bf8917889"
Creates a new activity based on the type
for the specified notification. This mechanism can currently be used to cancel or expire notifications.
Canceling can be attempted while a notification is actively being sent to recipients. Canceling will not delete notifications that were successfully
delivered to recipients and cannot be initiated after all recipients have been notified (i.e. after the notification’s status is complete
). You can expire
notifications that have been completed and are active. This does not remove the notification from your history, nor does it delete notifications from
users who have already viewed the message. It does, however, update the status of the notification to show that it has expired.
Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
POST /notifications/{notificationId}/activities
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
notificationId | UUID | Yes | The id of the Notification for which activity information is desired. |
type | String | Yes | Options: abort (cancel), expire . Updates the notification if it is in an available state. |
details | Map | No | Typically just a comment field e.g. {"comment":"Weather alert removed by NWS"} |
The notification activity response format is detailed here. If the notification is not in the right state to be canceled or expired, a 400
validation error will be returned.
Notification Activity Response
The JSON document used to represent a notification activity resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
confirmationOption | String | When the type attribute is confirmation , this contains the Confirmation Request response the user has chosen. This will be a value from the options list of the confirmation request attached to the notification, and there will be at most one activity of this type recorded for this user and notification. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this activity was created. |
id | String | The id of this specific activity, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
notificationId | String | The id of the Notification whose activities are being examined. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
readStatus | String | Present when the type attribute is set-read-status , and will have the value read or unread . Marks the notification as read or unread as of the time of this activity. The read status can be toggled multiple times; the value set by the most recent activity is considered the current state. |
type | String | Options: set-read-status , confirmation sms-sent , sms-received , call-placed , call-answered , sms-failed , call-failed , email-queued , email-sent , email-failed . Identifies the type of activity that was recorded. Extensions may add more type values; this is where the email-related values came from. Such extension-defined types will not be present in the API Explorer documentation, since the API is not aware of them. |
user | User | The User whose interaction with the notification is being recorded. |
userId | String | The id of the User above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the User are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
Notification Recipients
Notification recipients provide a convenient view of all the recipient Users of a particular Notification, aggregating information about the user as well as whether they have read the notification, and their response to an associated Confirmation Request, if any.
Get All Notification Recipients
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/644a3b1c-b63b-11e5-a84d-63257415c09d/recipients"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/644a3b1c-b63b-11e5-a84d-63257415c09d/recipients"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/644a3b1c-b63b-11e5-a84d-63257415c09d/recipients" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"permissions": [
"read": false,
"name": "Craig Smith",
"notificationId": "644a3b1c-b63b-11e5-a84d-63257415c09d",
"createdAt": "2015-12-21T16:58:10.440Z",
"type": "regular",
"confirmationResponse": null,
"id": "03f5208a-a804-11e5-86c1-fba3bbf30afd"
Retrieves the list of all recipients of the specified notification.
HTTP Request
GET /notifications/{notificationId}/recipients
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the Notification for which recipient information is desired. |
Query Parameters
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
Additionally, you can optionally filter list requests using some recipient-specific query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
confirmableOnly | Boolean | If true , returns only recipients that can respond to confirmation requests |
endpointIdentifier | UUID | If present, returns only recipients associated with to the corresponding endpoint |
types | String | A comma-delimited list of the recipient types you would like included (such as regular , application , anonymous …) |
The notification recipients response format is detailed here.
Get a Specific Notification Recipient
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/644a3b1c-b63b-11e5-a84d-63257415c09d/recipients/03f5208a-a804-11e5-86c1-fba3bbf30afd"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/644a3b1c-b63b-11e5-a84d-63257415c09d/recipients/03f5208a-a804-11e5-86c1-fba3bbf30afd"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/644a3b1c-b63b-11e5-a84d-63257415c09d/recipients/03f5208a-a804-11e5-86c1-fba3bbf30afd" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"permissions": [
"read": false,
"name": "Craig Smith",
"notificationId": "644a3b1c-b63b-11e5-a84d-63257415c09d",
"createdAt": "2015-12-21T16:58:10.440Z",
"type": "regular",
"confirmationResponse": null,
"id": "03f5208a-a804-11e5-86c1-fba3bbf30afd"
Retrieves recipient information based the id
values of the notification and recipient. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /notifications/{notificationId}/recipients/{recipientId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the Notification for which recipient information is desired. |
recipientId | The User id of the specific recipient of interest. |
The notification recipients response format is detailed here.
Notification Recipients Response
The JSON document used to represent a notification recipient resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
confirmationResponse | String | Contains the Confirmation Request response the user has chosen, if any. This will be a value from the options list of the confirmation request attached to the notification. |
String | The recipient User’s email address. | |
endpoint | Object | When endpoint is not null , provides more information about the associated endpoint. |
endpointId | UUID | Identifies the endpoint, if any, associated with the recipient. |
id | String | The recipient User’s id . |
name | String | The recipient User’s name. |
notificationId | String | The id of the Notification whose activities are being examined. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
read | Boolean | Will be true if the recipient has read the notification. |
type | String | Options: regular , anonymous application . Identifies the type of the recipient User. |
Notification Devices
Provides a unified view of all the Devices that received a particular Notification.
Get All Notification Devices
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/a83d4d12-6e53-11e7-9840-c1d676aa582b/devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/a83d4d12-6e53-11e7-9840-c1d676aa582b/devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/a83d4d12-6e53-11e7-9840-c1d676aa582b/devices" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": true,
"data": [{
"deviceIdentifier": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d:CiscoPhone-55:SEPDCA5F43E696A",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"name": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105186; DNs: 105186; SEPDCA5F43E696A",
"notificationId": "a83d4d12-6e53-11e7-9840-c1d676aa582b",
"createdAt": "2017-07-21T20:31:37.903Z",
"type": "singlewire:CiscoIPPhone",
"id": "989069d6-6e53-11e7-b773-0242ac110002",
"userId": "51d63c2a-a015-11e5-b60a-b3fe0dce4648",
"attributes": null
Retrieves the list of all devices the notification was sent to.
HTTP Request
GET /notifications/{notificationId}/devices
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the Notification for which device information is desired. |
Query Parameters
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
Additionally, you can optionally filter list requests using some device-specific query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
deviceIdentifier | String | The identifier of the single device type you would like included |
endpointIdentifier | UUID | If present, returns only devices associated with to the corresponding endpoint |
type | String | The single device type you would like included (such as apns , SMS , phone-call …) |
types | String | A comma-delimited list of the device types you would like included (such as SMS , phone-call , singlewire:email …) |
The notification devices response format is detailed here.
Get a Specific Notification Device
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/a83d4d12-6e53-11e7-9840-c1d676aa582b/devices/989069d6-6e53-11e7-b773-0242ac110002"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
device = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/a83d4d12-6e53-11e7-9840-c1d676aa582b/devices/989069d6-6e53-11e7-b773-0242ac110002"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
device = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/a83d4d12-6e53-11e7-9840-c1d676aa582b/devices/989069d6-6e53-11e7-b773-0242ac110002" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"deviceIdentifier": "28a92caf-3d37-11e6-834a-431f5104df9d:CiscoPhone-55:SEPDCA5F43E696A",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"name": "Cisco IP Phone: Auto 105186; DNs: 105186; SEPDCA5F43E696A",
"notificationId": "a83d4d12-6e53-11e7-9840-c1d676aa582b",
"createdAt": "2017-07-21T20:31:37.903Z",
"type": "singlewire:CiscoIPPhone",
"id": "989069d6-6e53-11e7-b773-0242ac110002",
"userId": "51d63c2a-a015-11e5-b60a-b3fe0dce4648",
"attributes": null
Retrieves device information based the id
values of the notification and device. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /notifications/{notificationId}/devices/{deviceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the Notification for which device information is desired. |
deviceId | The Device id of the specific device of interest. |
The notification devices response format is detailed here.
Notification Devices Response
The JSON document used to represent a notification device resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
attributes | Object | The attributes of the device.createdAt |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this notification device was created. |
endpoint | Object | When endpoint is not null , provides more information about the associated endpoint. |
endpointId | UUID | Identifies the endpoint, if any, associated with the device. |
id | UUID | The device’s id. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
name | String | The device’s name. |
notificationId | String | The id of the Notification whose devices are being examined. |
type | String | The type of the device, such as singlewire:email , singlewire:CiscoIPPhone , apns , Android , etc. (see below) |
userId | String | The id of the User the device belongs to. null indicates it doesn’t belong to a user. |
Notification Device Types
The type
parameter provides information about what kind of device
received the notification. If it was delivered through the cloud over
the public internet, this will be one of the following values:
Type | Description |
Android | Push notifications to Android devices |
apns | Push notifications to Apple iOS devices |
apns-desktop | Push notifications to macOS desktops |
msteams-chat | Microsoft Teams clients |
phone-call | Voice phone call devices |
singlewire:email | Email clients |
SMS | Mobile phone Short Message Service text devices |
WNS | Push notifications to Windows devices |
If the device was reached over an on-premises network through a Fusion server, it will be one of:
Type | Description |
IPSpeaker | Physical IP speaker or an InformaCast Desktop Notifier |
M2M_OutputPort | Machine-to-machine interface port |
Multicast Stream | Preconfigured multicast stream |
PagingGateway | Paging gateway |
QuickURL | Preconfigured QuickURL |
singlewire:CiscoIPPhone | Cisco IP phone |
Notification Device Types
The type
parameter provides information about what kind of device
received the notification. If it was delivered through the cloud over
the public internet, this will be one of the following values:
Type | Description |
Android | Push notifications to Android devices |
apns | Push notifications to Apple iOS devices |
apns-desktop | Push notifications to macOS desktops |
msteams-chat | Microsoft Teams clients |
phone-call | Voice phone call devices |
singlewire:email | Email clients |
SMS | Mobile phone Short Message Service text devices |
WNS | Push notifications to Windows devices |
If the device was reached over an on-premises network through a Fusion server, it will be one of:
Type | Description |
IPSpeaker | Physical IP speaker or an InformaCast Desktop Notifier |
M2M_OutputPort | Machine-to-machine interface port |
Multicast Stream | Preconfigured multicast stream |
PagingGateway | Paging gateway |
QuickURL | Preconfigured QuickURL |
singlewire:CiscoIPPhone | Cisco IP phone |
Notification Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Notifications are assigned to the acting domain of the sending user. This resource lets you see which Notifications were sent in which Domains.
List All Notification Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"notificationId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Notification belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /notifications/{notificationId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the Notification whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
There will always only be one Domain associated with a Notification, reflecting the Domain in which the sender was acting at the time it was sent, so the standard pagination mechanism is not needed for this resource.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of the Domain attached to the specified Notification using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition the Domain that is directly attached to the specified Notification, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the notification whose domains were
requested is returned under the key notificationId
inside each
domain response.
Check if a Notification contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/notifications/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"notificationId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Notification Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /notifications/{notificationId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
notificationId | The id of the Notification whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Notification belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Notification is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to the Domain that is directly attached to the specified Notification, any of its subdomains will be considered. |
If the Notification is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Domain
response format is detailed here. If the list is
not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that the
requested resource cannot be found.
Outbound Rules
Outbound Rules are attached to Inbound Email configurations and determine which message template and recipients will be used to generate a notification based on matching criteria. The criteria consist of keywords found in either the body or the subject of an incoming email. Note that these rules work in conjunction with the source whitelist of the Inbound Email configuration. Matching contents must still come from an approved source.
List All Outbound Rules
For any given Inbound Email configuration, you can list all of its attached rules.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"id": "005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f",
"name": "Fire Door Info",
"messageTemplateId": "0f6a8665-ba87-11e7-b746-8303657d168e",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"bodyCriteria": [],
"subjectCriteria": [ "door" ],
"createdAt": "2018-03-01T18:34:06.807Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [],
"users": [],
"inboundEmailId": "bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Retrieves the list of all Outbound Rules.
HTTP Request
GET /inbound-email/{inboundId}/outbound-rules/
Query Parameters
Results can be retrieved in groups using the API’s pagination parameters. There was only 1 ruleset available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can filter requests using some ruleset-specific query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns Rules whose names match the supplied value |
The Outbound Rules response format is detailed here.
Get an Outbound Rule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules/005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
rule = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules/005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
rule = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules/005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f",
"name": "Fire Door Info",
"messageTemplateId": "0f6a8665-ba87-11e7-b746-8303657d168e",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"bodyCriteria": [],
"subjectCriteria": [ "door" ],
"createdAt": "2018-03-01T18:34:06.807Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [],
"users": [],
"inboundEmailId": "bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Retrieves a single Outbound Rule by ruleId
and inboundId
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /inbound-email/{inboundId}/outbound-rules/{ruleId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
inboundId | The id of the owning Inbound Email configuration |
ruleId | The id of the Outbound Rule to retrieve |
The Outbound Rules response format is detailed here.
Create an Outbound Rule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Fire Door Info',
'messageTemplateId': '0f6a8665-ba87-11e7-b746-8303657d168e',
'subjectCriteria': 'door'
rule = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Fire Door Info'
'messageTemplateId': '0f6a8665-ba87-11e7-b746-8303657d168e'
'subjectCriteria': 'door'
rule = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Fire Door Info", \
"messageTemplateId": "0f6a8665-ba87-11e7-b746-8303657d168e", \
"subjectCriteria": "door"}'
"id": "005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f",
"name": "Fire Door Info",
"messageTemplateId": "0f6a8665-ba87-11e7-b746-8303657d168e",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"bodyCriteria": [],
"subjectCriteria": [ "door" ],
"createdAt": "2018-03-01T18:34:06.807Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [],
"users": [],
"inboundEmailId": "bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Create a new Outbound Rule.
HTTP Request
POST /inbound-email/{inboundId}/outbound-rules
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
inboundId | The id of the owning Inbound Email configuration |
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
bodyCriteria | Array[String] | N/A | Optional list of words or phrases that will match in the body of the inbound email |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not this rule should be used in evaluating inbound emails |
distributionListIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | Optional list of distribution list IDs to use when creating the notification |
messageTemplateId | UUID | N/A | The Message Template to use when creating a notification |
name | String | N/A | The Rule’s display name |
subjectCriteria | Array[String] | N/A | Optional list of words or phrases that will match in the subject of the inbound email |
userIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | Optional list of user IDs to use when creating the notification |
Note that the recipients (users and distribution lists) will override any recipients specified in the associated message template. If no overrides are given, the values from the message template will be used.
Also note that the subject and body criteria are considered “any” criteria. If any keywords are found in their respective location, the ruleset will be used to generate a notification. If multiple criteria from one ruleset match, only one notification will be sent. However, if multiple rulesets from a given Inbound Email configuration match, each ruleset will generate its own notification.
The Outbound Rules response format is detailed here.
Update an Outbound Rule
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules/005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Gym Fire Doors',
'subjectCriteria': ['gym', 'door']
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules/005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Gym Fire Doors'
'subjectCriteria': ['gym'
, 'door'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules/005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Gym Fire Doors", \
"subjectCriteria": ["gym", "door"]}'
"id": "005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f",
"name": "Gym Fire Doors",
"messageTemplateId": "0f6a8665-ba87-11e7-b746-8303657d168e",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"bodyCriteria": [],
"subjectCriteria": [ "gym", "door" ],
"createdAt": "2018-03-01T18:34:06.807Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [],
"users": [],
"inboundEmailId": "bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ]
Updates an existing Outbound Rule.
HTTP Request
PUT /inbound-email/{inboundId}/outbound-rules/{ruleId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
inboundId | The id of the owning Inbound Email configuration |
ruleId | The id of the Outbound Rule to retrieve |
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
bodyCriteria | Array[String] | N/A | Optional list of words or phrases that will match in the body of the inbound email |
disabled | Boolean | false | Whether or not this rule should be used in evaluating inbound emails |
distributionListIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | Optional list of distribution list IDs to use when creating the notification |
messageTemplateId | UUID | N/A | The Message Template to use when creating a notification |
name | String | N/A | The Rule’s display name |
subjectCriteria | Array[String] | N/A | Optional list of words or phrases that will match in the subject of the inbound email |
userIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | Optional list of user IDs to use when creating the notification |
Note that the recipients (users and distribution lists) will override any recipients specified in the associated message template. If no overrides are given, the values from the message template will be used.
Also note that the subject and body criteria are considered “any” criteria. If any keywords are found in their respective location, the ruleset will be used to generate a notification. If multiple criteria from one ruleset match, only one notification will be sent. However, if multiple rulesets from a given Inbound Email configuration match, each ruleset will generate its own notification.
The Outbound Rules response format is detailed here.
Remove an Outbound Rule
# Continuing with the outbound rule object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the outbound rule object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/inbound-email/bd263f53-1d66-11e8-b54a-d7bec9371d33/outbound-rules/005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 005ee115-1d7f-11e8-b54a-9f98cdfae16f"
Deletes an existing Outbound Rule.
HTTP Request
DELETE /inbound-email/{inboundId}/outbound-rules/{ruleId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
inboundId | The id of the owning Inbound Email configuration |
ruleId | The id of the Outbound Rule to retrieve |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Outbound Rules Response
The JSON document used to represent a Outbound Rule resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | UUID | The id of the ruleset |
inboundEmailId | UUID | The id of the associated Inbound Email configuration |
bodyCriteria | Array[String] | List of keywords to be compared against the body of the incoming email. If any matches are found, this rule will be used |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Outbound Rule was created. |
disabled | Boolean | Whether or not this outbound ruleset is active. A disabled ruleset does not necessarily disable the associated Inbound Email configuration |
distributionLists | Array[JSON] | The Distribution Lists (if any) that will receive notifications sent from this ruleset |
messageTemplate | JSON | A filled-out copy of the Message Template associated with this ruleset |
name | String | The Rule’s display name |
subjectCriteria | Array[String] | List of keywords to be compared against the subject of the incoming email. If any matches are found, this rule will be used |
users | Array[JSON] | The Users (if any) that will receive notifications sent from this ruleset |
Note that the recipients (users and distribution lists) will override any recipients specified in the associated message template. If no overrides are given, the values from the message template will be used.
Also note that the subject and body criteria are considered “any” criteria. If any keywords are found in their respective location, the ruleset will be used to generate a notification. If multiple criteria from one ruleset match, only one notification will be sent. However, if multiple rulesets from a given Inbound Email configuration match, each ruleset will generate its own notification.
Outbound Systems
Provides information about consumable resources available to the account associated with the access token. Currently this focuses on voice dialing and SMS messaging, but other reports will be added as more features are made available.
List the Available Reports
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
reports = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
reports = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 12,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"id": "ffb9be7a-73bf-11e7-81a9-bb2acacbf0d9",
"name": "AnonymousUsers",
"description": null,
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2017-07-28T18:10:12.440Z"
"id": "fba2f02e-7d23-11eb-9439-0242ac130002",
"name": "Confirmation",
"description": "Provides information about confirmation responses by date ranges and other filters",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2021-03-04T19:58:26.401Z"
"id": "30a05e90-9156-11e6-b405-11f7f6be9a24",
"name": "GeneralCounts",
"description": "Provides general counts such as subscription sizes and usage.",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2016-10-13T15:03:25.041Z"
"id": "3928be41-8695-11e7-826d-bf8eb3f35a45",
"name": "NotificationActivitiesRollingSum",
"description": "Provides a rolling sum of notification activities at second or minute intervals",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2017-08-21T17:21:52.531Z"
"id": "fffce1fb-73bf-11e7-81a9-f312ef69431f",
"name": "NotificationHistory",
"description": "Provides notification history and usage information by date ranges and other filters",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2017-07-28T18:10:12.880Z"
"id": "ff695489-73bf-11e7-81a9-3557b17e8348",
"name": "OptedOut",
"description": "Deprecated (users can no longer opt out of message templates).",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2017-07-28T18:10:11.913Z"
"id": "40c2d980-5c87-11e5-836c-92a0fedb8915",
"name": "TelephonyNumbers",
"description": "Provides the current telephony numbers available for this account.",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2015-09-16T15:26:08.152Z"
"id": "fec17bc8-73bf-11e7-81a9-f7379b42fa1e",
"name": "Users",
"description": "Provides information about users, optionally filtered by distribution lists or security groups",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2017-07-28T18:10:10.813Z"
Retrieves the list of all reports available. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of reports.)
HTTP Request
GET /reports
Query Parameters
Even though the response is wrapped in the structure used by the standard Informacast Mobile API pagination mechanism for list requests, the Reports resource cannot yet be paginated or queried, and this list request will always return the fixed list of available reports, ignoring pagination or query parameters. This may change when more reports are available.
The reports response format is different for each individual report. The response to this list query has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this report was created. |
name | String | The report name |
id | String | The id of the report, used to GET its contents. |
description | String | The purpose and contents of this report. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Get the Telephony Numbers report
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/40c2d980-5c87-11e5-836c-92a0fedb8915"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
report = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/40c2d980-5c87-11e5-836c-92a0fedb8915"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
report = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/40c2d980-5c87-11e5-836c-92a0fedb8915" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "43ef84bf-cde4-11eb-a68f-ab869a740f69",
"phoneNumber": "+16082162326",
"createdAt": "2015-09-12T13:57:10.000Z",
"type": "local",
"primary": true,
"serviceProvider": "twilio"
"id": "44ef84bf-cde4-11eb-a68f-ab869a740132",
"number": "+18883716604",
"createdAt": "2015-09-10T14:56:49.000Z",
"type": "toll-free",
"primary": true,
"serviceProvider": "twilio"
Provides the current telephony numbers available for this account
HTTP Request
GET /reports/40c2d980-5c87-11e5-836c-92a0fedb8915
The Telephony Numbers Report is an array of small maps, each with the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | UUID | The unique identifier of this phone number entry. |
phoneNumber | String | The E164 formatted phone number. If type is “toll-free-unverified” this will have the value “pending” until the number has been verified for high-throughput calling, and it will not yet be used. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this phone number was added to the account. |
type | String | One of “local”, “toll-free”, or “toll-free-unverified”. |
primary | Boolean | A boolean showing if this number comes from the primary telephony service provider assigned to the account. |
serviceProvider | String | The name of the underlying telephony service provider which provides access to the phone number. |
Get the General Counts Report
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/30a05e90-9156-11e6-b405-11f7f6be9a24"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
report = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/30a05e90-9156-11e6-b405-11f7f6be9a24"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
report = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/30a05e90-9156-11e6-b405-11f7f6be9a24" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"usersCount": 7817,
"androidDevicesCount": 0,
"speakersCount": 0,
"pluginsCount": 1,
"maxSpeakers": 1000,
"fusionServersCount": 1,
"anonymousUsersCount": 2,
"applicationsCount": 36,
"idnsCount": 0,
"lockedUsersCount": 13,
"emailDevicesCount": 7793,
"anonymousSubscriptionSize": 0,
"maxFusionServers": 12,
"phoneCallDevicesCount": 0,
"phonesCount": 7892,
"userIpPhonesCount": 0,
"iosDevicesCount": 0,
"smsDevicesCount": 1,
"maxIdns": 1000,
"maxPhones": 20000,
"subscriptionSize": 10000
Provides general counts such as subscription sizes and usage.
HTTP Request
GET /reports/30a05e90-9156-11e6-b405-11f7f6be9a24
General Counts Report Response
The General Counts Report is an object with the following keys/counts:
Attribute | Type | Description |
usersCount | Integer | The number of users currently in the system |
androidDevicesCount | Integer | The number of android devices currently in the system |
speakersCount | Integer | The number of fusion speakers currently in the system |
pluginsCount | Integer | The number of fusion plugins currently in the system |
maxSpeakers | Integer | The max number of speakers the system is licensed for |
fusionServersCount | Integer | The number of fusion servers currently in the system |
anonymousUsersCount | Integer | The number of anonymous users currently in the system |
applicationsCount | Integer | The number of applications currently in the system |
idnsCount | Integer | The number of fusion desktop notifiers currently in the system |
lockedUsersCount | Integer | The number of locked users currently in the system |
emailDevicesCount | Integer | The number of email devices currently in the system |
anonymousSubscriptionSize | Integer | The max number of anonymous users the system is licensed for |
maxFusionServers | Integer | The max number of fusion servers the system is licensed for |
maxIdns | Integer | The max number of fusion desktop notifiers the system is licensed for |
maxPhones | Integer | The max number of fusion phones the system is licensed for |
subscriptionSize | Integer | The max number of users the system is licensed for |
phoneCallDevicesCount | Integer | The number of phone call devices currently in the system |
userIpPhonesCount | Integer | The number of fusion phones attached to users currently in the system |
iosDevicesCount | Integer | The number of iOS devices currently in the system |
smsDevicesCount | Integer | The number of SMS devices currently in the system |
Get the Users Report
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/fec17bc8-73bf-11e7-81a9-f7379b42fa1e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
report = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/fec17bc8-73bf-11e7-81a9-f7379b42fa1e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
report = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/fec17bc8-73bf-11e7-81a9-f7379b42fa1e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 3,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"securityGroups": [
"name": "West Office"
"email": "inigo.montoya@singlewire.com",
"dnd": null,
"name": "Inigo Montoya",
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"id": "4fe68e57-9c5d-11e6-afd5-71c33bd4bd8a",
"devices": [
"id": "4472c080-6f93-11ed-bd45-e9015319eec7",
"name": null,
"type": "singlewire:email",
"deviceIdentifier": "revenge@singlewire.com",
"blocklistTimestamp": null,
"isBlocklistedInUserLoader": false
"isLocked": false,
"distributionLists": [
"name": "Administrator Alerts"
"securityGroups": [
"name": "Admin"
"email": "mycroft.holmes@singlewire.com",
"dnd": null,
"name": "Mycroft Holmes",
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"id": "42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a",
"devices": [
"id": "ccc651ef-9091-11ed-97df-8162c2b6de92",
"name": "Mobile",
"type": "SMS",
"deviceIdentifier": "+15552342345",
"disabled": false,
"blocklistTimestamp": null,
"isBlocklistedInUserLoader": false
"id": "5be92f6c-8de1-11ed-b24e-ad2a1e080a9c",
"name": "Mobile",
"type": "phone-call",
"deviceIdentifier": "+15552342345",
"disabled": false,
"blocklistTimestamp": "2020-01-01T09:41:00+00:00",
"isBlocklistedInUserLoader": true
"id": "8fee244b-8de1-11ed-b24e-118907468a97",
"name": "Lunar iPhone",
"type": "apns",
"disabled": false,
"deviceIdentifier": "5b1c7a840a2b715d45357700bfdd9de56c9ad7aed7bdc858d367828797a557ae",
"blocklistTimestamp": null,
"isBlocklistedInUserLoader": true
"isLocked": false,
"distributionLists": [
"name": "Administrator Alerts"
"securityGroups": null,
"email": "westley@singlewire.com",
"dnd": null,
"name": "Westley",
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"id": "4fd79a30-9c5d-11e6-afd5-dd18ca160fa0",
"devices": [
"id": "1b026c51-dddc-11ec-b834-692eee7c86cc",
"name": null,
"type": "singlewire:email",
"disabled": true,
"deviceIdentifier": "first@singlewire.com",
"blocklistTimestamp": null,
"isBlocklistedInUserLoader": false
"isLocked": false,
"distributionLists": null
Provides information about users registered with InformaCast Mobile.
HTTP Request
GET /reports/fec17bc8-73bf-11e7-81a9-f7379b42fa1e
Query Parameters
The content of the report can be customized by supplying the following query parameters as part of the request:
Parameter | Type | Description |
distributionListIds | UUID or Array[UUID] | Return users belonging to these distribution lists. |
securityGroupIds | UUID or Array[UUID] | Return users belonging to these security groups. |
If both parameters are given, the users who are present in either the specified distribution lists or security groups will be included in the report. If neither is given, then all users will be included in the report.
The standard Informacast Mobile API pagination parameters can also be used.
Users Report Response
The Users Report has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
devices | Array[Device] | The endpoint devices associated with the user. Note this is the device object below, not a standard device responce. |
dnd | Object | Do not disturb settings for the user, if any. |
distributionLists | Array[DistributionList] | The distribution lists to which the user is subscribed. |
String | The user’s email address; will be missing for users whose type is anonymous or application . |
id | String | The id of the user, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the user. |
isLocked | Boolean | Indicates whether the user account has been locked out. |
name | String | The user’s name. |
passwordResetRequired | boolean | Whether the user will be forced to set a new password on next login (available only for Providers configured to use InformaCast’s own Identity Provider for login). Note that includeIdp=true must be passed as a query param for this value to be shown. |
securityGroups | Array[SecurityGroup] | The user’s security groups. |
Users Report Device Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of this specific device, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The name of the device. |
type | String | The type of device, such as `“apns” |
disabled | Boolean | Whether to skip this device when sending notifications. |
deviceIdentifier | String | The unique identifier used to address this device, such as an email address, normalized phone number, or push notification token. |
blocklistTimestamp | String | The ISO-8601 timestamp when the device was added to the user loader blocklist, if blocklisted. May be null if blocklisted before timestamps were tracked. |
isBlocklistedInUserLoader | Boolean | Whether a match for this device is on the user loader blocklist, preventing it from being updated by future runs of the user loader. |
Get the Anonymous Users Report
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/ffb9be7a-73bf-11e7-81a9-bb2acacbf0d9"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
report = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/ffb9be7a-73bf-11e7-81a9-bb2acacbf0d9"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
report = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/ffb9be7a-73bf-11e7-81a9-bb2acacbf0d9" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"userId": "1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de3",
"devices": [
"name": null,
"type": "SMS",
"deviceIdentifier": "+16085551234"
"distributionLists": [
"name": "Homecoming",
"campaignSubscribeTag": "#homeagain",
"campaignEnrollmentEndDate": null
Provides information about anonymous users that have signed up with InformaCast Mobile. This may be useful to clean up users who signed up for notification during campaigns that are no longer in use.
HTTP Request
GET /reports/ffb9be7a-73bf-11e7-81a9-bb2acacbf0d9
Query Parameters
The content of the report can be customized by supplying the following query parameter as part of the request:
Parameter | Type | Description |
distributionListIds | UUID or Array[UUID] | Return users belonging to these distribution lists. |
If the parameter is not given, then all anonymous users will be included in the report.
The standard Informacast Mobile API pagination parameters can also be used.
Anonymous Users Report Response
The Anonymous Users Report has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
devices | Array[Device] | The endpoint devices associated with the user. |
distributionLists | Array[DistributionList] | The distribution lists to which the user is subscribed, most likely via a campaign, but an administrator may have added them to others. |
String | The user’s email address; will be missing for users whose type is anonymous or application . |
userId | String | The id of the user, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the user. |
Get the Opted Out Report
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/ff695489-73bf-11e7-81a9-3557b17e8348"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'messageTemplateId': '4f86d775-4478-11e6-906f-65d9c7017cc7'
report = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/ff695489-73bf-11e7-81a9-3557b17e8348"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'messageTemplateId': '4f86d775-4478-11e6-906f-65d9c7017cc7'
report = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/ff695489-73bf-11e7-81a9-3557b17e8348?messageTemplateId=4f86d775-4478-11e6-906f-65d9c7017cc7" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 0,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": []
No longer provides any values.
HTTP Request
GET /reports/ff695489-73bf-11e7-81a9-3557b17e8348?messageTemplateId=4f86d775-4478-11e6-906f-65d9c7017cc7
Query Parameters
You must specify which message template you are interested in finding opted-out users for using the following query parameter as part of the request:
Parameter | Type | Description |
messagetemplateId | UUID | Return users who have opted out from this message template. |
The standard Informacast Mobile API pagination parameters can also be used.
Opted Out Report Response
The Users Report has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
String | The user’s email address. | |
id | String | The id of the user, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the user. |
name | String | The user’s name. |
Get the Notification History Report
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/fffce1fb-73bf-11e7-81a9-f312ef69431f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 2
report = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/fffce1fb-73bf-11e7-81a9-f312ef69431f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 2
report = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/fffce1fb-73bf-11e7-81a9-f312ef69431f?limit=2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 126,
"previous": null,
"next": "2",
"partial": true,
"data": [
"id": "22578ad8-447a-11e6-8b4b-05d1e2b39e7a",
"createdAt": "2016-07-07T14:36:43Z",
"subject": "Get out of the pool!",
"recipientCount": 1,
"senderName": "Sandra Smith",
"notificationProgress": {
"0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291": {"type": "device", "total": 1, "failed": 0, "completed": 1, "deviceType": "phone-call"},
"1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1": {"type": "device", "total": 1, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "apns-sandbox"},
"5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "Android"},
"5fdb030c-18e7-11e7-9f96-273f619cf339": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "apns-qa"},
"6ff812ad-18e7-11e7-9f96-1d559a8159e8": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "Android-qa"},
"17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "SMS"},
"56d6e006-542e-11e6-ae77-e3b4cf41fce9": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "singlewire:idn-fusion"},
"80cfc5a5-07d4-11e6-aff6-531fd60d022a": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "singlewire:cisco-phone"},
"839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "apns"},
"b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "singlewire:email"},
"d9a04cbb-1845-11e6-ab29-f702f1c59dca": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "singlewire:sip-call"},
"e1b2db4b-626a-11e7-a3f9-0de43455e893": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "outbound-cap-device"},
"e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "singlewire:fusion"},
"f0e5d932-c31f-11e8-b4c1-7831c1bab3f6": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "msteams-chat"}
"id": "e77f148c-447b-11e6-8b4b-e7f937426603",
"createdAt": "2016-07-07T14:49:23Z",
"subject": "ALL CLEAR! Resume normal activities.",
"recipientCount": 14,
"senderName": "Amit Feldman",
"notificationProgress": {
"0a466b30-7670-11e5-ba6e-765ae9d26291": {"type": "device", "total": 1, "failed": 0, "completed": 1, "deviceType": "phone-call"},
"1a172e36-3f02-11e6-9617-9fc8b50f4de1": {"type": "device", "total": 1, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "apns-sandbox"},
"5a181177-3f02-11e6-9617-6bb7c7eddc0e": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "Android"},
"5fdb030c-18e7-11e7-9f96-273f619cf339": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "apns-qa"},
"6ff812ad-18e7-11e7-9f96-1d559a8159e8": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "Android-qa"},
"17c57b50-833d-11e5-b222-def38c5ff9e6": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "SMS"},
"56d6e006-542e-11e6-ae77-e3b4cf41fce9": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "singlewire:idn-fusion"},
"80cfc5a5-07d4-11e6-aff6-531fd60d022a": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "singlewire:cisco-phone"},
"839771a8-4915-11e6-8b2f-d310e58d9c03": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "apns"},
"b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "singlewire:email"},
"d9a04cbb-1845-11e6-ab29-f702f1c59dca": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "singlewire:sip-call"},
"e1b2db4b-626a-11e7-a3f9-0de43455e893": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "outbound-cap-device"},
"e322d549-4e80-11e6-af2d-9baf604d14b0": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "singlewire:fusion"},
"f0e5d932-c31f-11e8-b4c1-7831c1bab3f6": {"type": "device", "total": 0, "failed": 0, "completed": 0, "deviceType": "msteams-chat"}
Provides a historical summary of notifications sent, with a variety of filtering options.
HTTP Request
GET /reports/fffce1fb-73bf-11e7-81a9-f312ef69431f
Query Parameters
You can filter the specific notifications you are interested in learning about by using combinations of the following query parameters in the request:
Parameter | Type | Description |
beginTimestamp | ISO 8601 date/time | If present, only notifications which were sent at or after this time will be included. |
distributionListId | UUID | If present, only notifications that were sent to a current member of this distribution list will be returned. Only one of distributionListId , securityGroupId , and userId can be supplied. |
endTimestamp | ISO 8601 date/time | If present, only notifications which were sent before or at this time will be included. |
filterConference | boolean | If true , only notifications which started conference calls will be included. |
filterSms | boolean | If true , only notifications which sent SMS messages will be included. |
filterTelephony | boolean | If true , only notifications which placed individual voice calls will be included. |
securityGroupId | UUID | If present, only notifications that were sent by a current member of this security group will be returned. Only one of distributionListId , securityGroupId , and userId can be supplied. |
userId | UUID | If present, only notifications that were sent to this user will be returned. Only one of distributionListId , securityGroupId , and userId can be supplied. |
To make this example more concise, only the first two notifications were requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 126 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Notification History Response
The Notification History Report has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
activityCounts | Object | A map of activity types to counts, summarizing the notification activities associated with the notification. Their details can be retrieved using the Notification Activities resource. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When the notification was sent. |
id | String | The id of the notification, allowing more details about it and its activities to be retrieved. |
recipientCount | Integer | The number of recipients to whom the notification was sent. |
senderName | String | The name of the user who sent the notification. |
subject | String | The subject text of the notification. |
Get the Notification Activity Rolling Sum Report
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/3928be41-8695-11e7-826d-bf8eb3f35a45"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'notificationId': '22578ad8-447a-11e6-8b4b-05d1e2b39e7a',
'type': 'confirmation'
report = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/3928be41-8695-11e7-826d-bf8eb3f35a45"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'notificationId': '22578ad8-447a-11e6-8b4b-05d1e2b39e7a'
'type': 'confirmation'
report = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/3928be41-8695-11e7-826d-bf8eb3f35a45?notificationId=22578ad8-447a-11e6-8b4b-05d1e2b39e7a&type=confirmation" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"data": [
"time": "2016-07-07T14:37:47Z",
"sum": 1
"time": "2016-07-07T14:42:05Z",
"sum": 2
Provides a second-by-second (or minute-by-minute) view of the number of notification activities of a particular type that are coming in for a notification. This is used to provide the graphs in the live notification view of the administrative interface.
HTTP Request
GET /reports/3928be41-8695-11e7-826d-bf8eb3f35a45?notificationId=22578ad8-447a-11e6-8b4b-05d1e2b39e7a&type=confirmation
Query Parameters
You must specify which notification and activity type you are
interested in by supplying the notificationId
and type
in your request. You can get less fine-grained results by supplying a
value for minuteInterval
Parameter | Type | Description |
notificationId | UUID | Identifies the notification whose activities you would like information about. |
type | String | Options: set-read-status , confirmation sms-sent , sms-received , call-placed , call-answered , sms-failed , call-failed , email-queued , email-sent , email-failed . Identifies the type of activity you are interested in. |
minuteInterval | Boolean | If true , activities will be summed at the level of minutes, otherwise they will be summed at the level of seconds. |
Notification Activity Rolling Sum Response
The Notification History Report has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
time | ISO 8601 date/time | The minute (or second) at which the rolling sum is being computed. |
sum | Integer | The total number of activities of the specified type which had been reported for the specified notification by the end of the reported time. |
Get the Confirmation Report
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/ff695489-73bf-11e7-81a9-3557b17e8348"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'beginTimestamp': '2021-05-01T05:00:00.000Z',
'endTimestamp': '2021-06-04T04:59:00.000Z'
report = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/ff695489-73bf-11e7-81a9-3557b17e8348"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'beginTimestamp': '2021-05-01T05:00:00.000Z'
'endTimestamp': '2021-06-04T04:59:00.000Z'
report = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/ff695489-73bf-11e7-81a9-3557b17e8348?beginTimestamp=2021-05-01T05:00:00.000Z&endTimestamp=2021-06-04T04:59:00.000Z" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"email": "westley@singlewire.com",
"name": "Westley",
"userId": "4fd79a30-9c5d-11e6-afd5-dd18ca160fa0",
"confirmationResponseTimestamp": "2021-05-24T23:39:05Z",
"notificationSubject": "Emergency Lockdown! The <INSERT COMPANY> has issued a lockdown. Please follow lockdown procedures and wait for the all-clear notification.",
"confirmationRequestName": "Emergency Lockdown",
"confirmationResponse": "I am safe: outside building",
"notificationId": "2ee9d446-bce9-11eb-b7e1-1dcf88b8c199"
Provides information about Users who have responded to Confirmation Requests within a specified time period.
HTTP Request
GET /reports/ff695489-73bf-11e7-81a9-3557b17e8348
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
beginTimestamp | ISO 8601 date/time | If present, only responses recorded at or after this time will be included. |
endTimestamp | ISO 8601 date/time | If present, only responses recorded before or at this time will be included. |
The standard Informacast Mobile API pagination parameters can also be used.
Confirmation Report Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
confirmationRequestName | String | The name of the Confirmation Request. |
confirmationResponse | String | The confirmation response the User selected. |
confirmationResponseTimestamp | ISO 8601 date/time | When the User responded to the Confirmation Request. |
String | The email address of the User. | |
name | String | The User’s name. |
notificationId | String | The ID of the Notification whose Confirmation Request the User is responding to. |
notificationSubject | String | The subject of the Notification whose Confirmation Request the User is responding to. |
userId | String | The id of the User, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the User. |
Get the Token Expiration Report
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/8fda36f6-4d02-11ee-a811-79b58e8b3a00"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'expires': '2023-11-01T05:00:00.000Z'
report = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/8fda36f6-4d02-11ee-a811-79b58e8b3a00"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'expires': '2023-11-01T05:00:00.000Z'
report = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/reports/8fda36f6-4d02-11ee-a811-79b58e8b3a00?expires=2023-11-01T05:00:00.000Z" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [{
"name": "Service Account Token",
"client": null,
"scope": null,
"expires": "2023-11-18T13:51:24.337Z",
"id": "979cc257-6e86-11ee-90b4-15fa97df7e15",
"userId": "ccce7e69-6849-11ee-82df-4fd8c2594650",
"notValidAfter": "2023-11-18T13:51:24.337Z",
"endpoint": null,
"user": {
"id": "ccce7e69-6849-11ee-82df-4fd8c2594650",
"name": "Service Account",
"type": "application",
"email": null,
"application": "custom"
Provides a list showing all tokens that are near expiration
HTTP Request
`GET /reports/8fda36f6-4d02-11ee-a811-79b58e8b3a00
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
expires | ISO 8601 date/time | If present, shows tokens that are filtered on their expiration time. This parameter supports the following operators: gte , lte , gt , lt . These may also be supplied to filter on a specific range such as with ?expires__gte=<ts>&expires__lte=<ts> . The default will only show 30 days. |
The standard Informacast Mobile API pagination parameters can also be used.
Token Expiration Report Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the User’s Token. |
userId | String | The id of the User, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the User. |
name | String | The name of the token |
client | String | The id of the client |
scope | String | The scope of the token |
expires | ISO 8601 date/time | When the token expires |
notValidAfter | ISO 8601 date/time | The maximum amount of time a session can be extended. |
user | Object | The User object that owns the token |
endpoint | Object | The Extension Endpoint object that owns the token |
Ring Lists
Ring lists represent the times and notifications that will be sent throughout the dates defined by the Bell Schedule. One can configure a time of day and the message template (with device group overrides or distribution list overrides) that will be broadcasted at that time.
List all Ring Lists
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
ring_lists = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
ring_lists = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"id": "95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a",
"name": "Long Day",
"description": "Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday",
"entries": [
"id": "95fa308c-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-f58c41e03040",
"time": "08:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faa5bf-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-0d608ef926e9",
"time": "09:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faf3e2-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-79b029467fd3",
"time": "10:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95fb4205-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-270967cbcd4d",
"time": "11:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-06-27T19:23:35.219Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-06-27T19:23:35.219Z"
Retrieves a list of all ring lists. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /ring-lists
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first ring list was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of four available when the request was made. The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
assoc-sync-state | Boolean | If true , include the current synchronization state for fusion endpoints. |
assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint | String | Include the current synchronization state for a specific fusion endpoint. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the ring list belongs. |
The ring list response format is detailed here.
Get a Ring List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
ring_list = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
ring_list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a",
"name": "Long Day",
"description": "Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday",
"entries": [
"id": "95fa308c-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-f58c41e03040",
"time": "08:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faa5bf-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-0d608ef926e9",
"time": "09:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faf3e2-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-79b029467fd3",
"time": "10:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95fb4205-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-270967cbcd4d",
"time": "11:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-06-27T19:23:35.219Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-06-27T19:23:35.219Z"
Retrieves a single ring list by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /ring-lists/{ringListId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ringListId | The id of the Ring List to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which the ring list belongs. |
The ring list response format is detailed here.
Create a Ring List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Long Day',
'description': 'Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday',
'entries': [{
'time': '08:00:00',
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867',
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'],
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '09:00:00',
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867',
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'],
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '10:00:00',
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867',
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'],
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '11:00:00',
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867',
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'],
'distributionListIds': []
ring_list = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Long Day'
'description': 'Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday'
'entries': [{
'time': '08:00:00'
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867'
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '09:00:00'
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867'
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '10:00:00'
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867'
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '11:00:00'
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867'
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'
'distributionListIds': []
ring_list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Long Day", \
"description": "Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday", \
"entries": [{"time": "08:00:00", \
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867", \
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"], \
"distributionListIds": []}, {"time": "09:00:00", \
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867", \
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"], \
"distributionListIds": []}, {"time": "10:00:00", \
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867", \
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"], \
"distributionListIds": []}, {"time": "11:00:00", \
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867", \
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"], \
"distributionListIds": []}]}'
"id": "95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a",
"name": "Long Day",
"description": "Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday",
"entries": [
"id": "95fa308c-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-f58c41e03040",
"time": "08:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faa5bf-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-0d608ef926e9",
"time": "09:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faf3e2-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-79b029467fd3",
"time": "10:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95fb4205-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-270967cbcd4d",
"time": "11:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
Creates a new ring list (limit: 3500).
HTTP Request
POST /ring-lists
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the ring list. |
description | String | null | An optional description for the ring list. |
entries | Array[Object] | [] | A list of entries attached to a ring list. Please see here for more information. |
The ring list response format is detailed here.
Update a Ring List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Long Day',
'description': 'Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday',
'entries': [{
'time': '08:00:00',
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867',
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'],
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '09:00:00',
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867',
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'],
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '10:00:00',
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867',
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'],
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '11:00:00',
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867',
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'],
'distributionListIds': []
ring_list = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Long Day'
'description': 'Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday'
'entries': [{
'time': '08:00:00'
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867'
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '09:00:00'
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867'
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '10:00:00'
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867'
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'
'distributionListIds': []
, {
'time': '11:00:00'
'messageTemplateId': '0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867'
'deviceGroupIds': ['906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4'
'distributionListIds': []
ring_list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Long Day", \
"description": "Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday", \
"entries": [{"time": "08:00:00", \
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867", \
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"], \
"distributionListIds": []}, {"time": "09:00:00", \
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867", \
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"], \
"distributionListIds": []}, {"time": "10:00:00", \
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867", \
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"], \
"distributionListIds": []}, {"time": "11:00:00", \
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867", \
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"], \
"distributionListIds": []}]}'
"id": "95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a",
"name": "Long Day",
"description": "Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday",
"entries": [
"id": "95fa308c-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-f58c41e03040",
"time": "08:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faa5bf-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-0d608ef926e9",
"time": "09:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faf3e2-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-79b029467fd3",
"time": "10:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95fb4205-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-270967cbcd4d",
"time": "11:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
Updates an existing ring list.
HTTP Request
PUT /ring-lists/{ringListId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ringListId | The id of the Ring List to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the ring list. |
description | String | null | An optional description for the ring list. |
entries | Array[Object] | [] | A list of entries attached to a ring list. Please see here for more information. |
The ring list response format is detailed here.
Remove a Ring List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a"
Deletes an existing ring list.
HTTP Request
DELETE /ring-lists/{ringListId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ringListId | The id of the Ring List to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Ring List Entries
Ring list entries are the parts of a ring list that tie times to a bell tone to play, and recipients to broadcast to.
Ring list entries do not have their own endpoint, and they are strictly a nested resource within a ring list.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the ring list entry. |
time | String | The time to broadcast the message templates audio to the recipients defined in the ring list entry. Must be in ISO 8601 hh:mm:ss format. |
deviceGroups | Array[Object] | An array of objects which contain the id and name of a Device Group attached to the ring list entry. |
distributionLists | Array[Object] | An array of objects which contain the id and name of a Distribution List attached to the ring list entry. |
messageTemplate | Object | An object with the id and name of a Message Template attached to the ring list entry. |
messageTemplateId | String | The id of the Message Template attached to the ring list entry. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The id(s) of the Device Groups attached to the ring list entry. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The id(s) of the Distribution Lists attached to the ring list entry. |
Ring List Response
The JSON document used to represent a ring list resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of this specific ring list, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The unique name of the ring list. |
description | String | The description of the ring list. |
entries | Array[Objects] | An array of ring list entries. Please see here for more details. |
syncState | Array[Object] | The endpoints’ sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state is true . |
endpointSyncState | Object | The specific endpoint’s sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint is true . |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this ring list was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this ring list was last updated. |
Ring List Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Ring Lists are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Ring Lists are assigned to which Domains.
List All Ring List Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"ringListId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"ringListId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Ring List belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /ring-lists/{ringListId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ringListId | The id of the Ring List whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, There were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Ring List belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Ring List using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Ring List, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the ring list whose domains were requested
is returned under the key ringListId
inside each domain response.
Check if a Ring List contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"ringListId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Ring List Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /ring-lists/{ringListId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ringListId | The id of the Ring List whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Ring List belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Ring List is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Ring List, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Ring List is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Domain
response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Ring List Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"ringListId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Ring List into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /ring-lists/{ringListId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ringListId | String | The id of the Ring List to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Ring List out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Ring List should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Ring List out of one or more child Domains? |
A Ring List is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Ring List that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Ring List Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Ring List c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Ring List from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Ring List currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Ring List itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /ring-lists/{ringListId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ringListId | The id of the Ring List whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Ring List. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Ring List in no Domain. |
A Ring List must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Ring List from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Ring List. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Ring List out
of its last Domain will delete the Ring List.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Ring List Cloning
This resource is used to make a copy of the Ring List specified by id in the request path.
The only operation supported is POST
Clone a Ring List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/ring-lists/95f5006b-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-798f6371a42a/clone" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"id": "14f5006b-7a3f-22e8-bcdc-798fa71a42a9",
"name": "Long Day (Copy)",
"description": "Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday",
"entries": [
"id": "95fa308c-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-f58c41e03040",
"time": "08:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faa5bf-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-0d608ef926e9",
"time": "09:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95faf3e2-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-79b029467fd3",
"time": "10:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"id": "95fb4205-7a3f-11e8-bcdc-270967cbcd4d",
"time": "11:00:00",
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4",
"name": "All Speakers"
"distributionLists": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"id": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"name": "School Bell"
"messageTemplateId": "0e5459e4-7a3e-11e8-bcdc-f74772038867",
"deviceGroupIds": ["906828da-838e-11e8-ad75-c18b0bef82c4"],
"distributionListIds": []
"permissions": [],
"createdAt": "2018-06-27T19:24:35.219Z"
Creates a copy of the specified Ring List. The name of the
new copy is simply the original Ring List’s name with “ (Copy)”
appended. In order to perform this operation, the user must have both
permission to the /ring-lists
resource and GET
to the Ring List they wish to copy.
HTTP Request
POST /ring-lists/{ringListId}/clone
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ringListId | String | The id of the Ring List to copy. |
The Ring List response format is detailed here.
Rule Actions
Rule actions provide a way to perform an action when a specific event takes place in InformaCast. Rule Actions are a composite resource, composed of a Rule and an Action. The rule is a JSON object that follows the format of the AWS Event Ruler library. If the rule matches an InformaCast event that has occurred then the action will fire. Currently the only supported InformaCast event to match on is initiating a Scenario Notification and the only action is sending a webhook request. Currently the only way to create a new rule action is through the Scenario Rule Actions APIs.
List Rule Actions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/rule-actions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/rule-actions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/rule-actions?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"id": "b3b9208b-6776-11ee-9019-f573fd11931c",
"name": "My Rule Action",
"description": "Rule Action Description",
"action": {
"type": "webhook",
"webhook": {
"url": "https://myapi.com",
"body": {
"value": "{\"createdAt\": }",
"encryption": "none"
"method": "POST",
"headers": [],
"expireAfter": 90,
"queryParams": [
"key": "includeTotal",
"value": "true",
"encryption": "none",
"description": "Query param sent to webhook"
"rule": {
"event": {
"scenarioNotification": {
"scenarioId": [
"sourceType": [
"createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:10:01.412Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of all rule actions. The visibility of rule actions may be limited by the permissions associated with the request, which are attributed through the user attached to the access token.
HTTP Request
GET /rule-actions
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first Rule Action was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of one available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The rule action response format is detailed here
Get a Rule Action
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/rule-actions/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
rule_action = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/rule-actions/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
rule_action = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/rule-actions/cd2ec764-01a7-11e6-91d9-339e9d3d9df4" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "b3b9208b-6776-11ee-9019-f573fd11931c",
"name": "My Rule Action",
"description": "Rule Action Description",
"action": {
"type": "webhook",
"webhook": {
"url": "https://myapi.com",
"body": {
"value": "{\"createdAt\": }",
"encryption": "none"
"method": "POST",
"headers": [],
"expireAfter": 90,
"queryParams": [
"key": "includeTotal",
"value": "true",
"encryption": "none",
"description": "Query param sent to webhook"
"rule": {
"event": {
"scenarioNotification": {
"scenarioId": [
"sourceType": [
"createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:10:01.412Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single rule action by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the
HTTP Request
GET /rule-actions/{ruleActionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ruleActionId | The id of the rule action to retrieve. |
The rule action response format is detailed here
Rule Action Response
The JSON document used to represent a Rule Action resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this rule action was created. |
id | String | The id of the rule action. |
name | String | The Name of the rule action. |
permissions | array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
description | String | The description of the rule action. |
action | Object | The JSON object that describes the action to be taken when a rule matches an event. |
rule | Object | The JSON object that describes which events to match on using the AWS Event Ruler. |
Scenarios allow users to press a button and send a series of notifications to separate audiences in response to an emergency or a set of circumstances. There are several types of scenarios:
A standard scenario is a collection of questions (optional), message templates, sites/site roles (optional), and an incident plan (optional) tied to a customizable button that, when selected, initiates a series of simultaneous notifications (or a single notification) to separate audiences and begins an incident (if an incident plan is attached).
A panic button scenario is a collection of message templates, a quick-dial number (optional), scenario instructions (optional), and an incident plan (optional) tied to a customizable button that, when selected, initiates a series of simultaneous notifications (or a single notification) to separate audiences, starts tracking the location(s) of the user or users who initiated the scenario in a panic button tracking event, provides those users with a number to call and helpful instructions to follow (optional), and begins an incident (if an incident plan is attached).
An integration scenario is a collection of message templates, variables, sites/site roles (optional), and an incident plan (optional) tied to either a softkey on a Cisco IP phone for Unified CM or the act of dialing 911 on a Zoom phone that initiates a series of simultaneous notifications (or a single notification) to separate audiences and begins an incident (if an incident plan is attached).
List Scenarios
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 2
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 2
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios?limit=2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 3,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"id": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"incidentPlanId": null,
"name": "Severe Weather",
"icon": "flash",
"backgroundColor": "#0d2458",
"locationEnabled": true,
"locationQuestionName": "At which location?",
"locationVariable": null,
"defaultSite": null,
"defaultBuilding": null,
"defaultFloor": null,
"defaultZone": null,
"fields": [
"id": "55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "At which location?",
"rank": 0,
"variable": "site",
"type": "site",
"answer": null,
"options": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.329Z"
"id": "397d424a-39fd-11e9-8c83-8de4247efba1",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"name": "What type of severe weather is in the area?",
"rank": 1,
"variable": "weather_type",
"type": "option",
"answer": "Tornado Warning",
"options": [
"Tornado Warning",
"Tornado Watch",
"Winter Weather Warning"
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.553Z"
"id": "397d424c-39fd-11e9-8c83-d795bd1d0ad9",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"name": "Are there any further instructions that should be sent to the security team?",
"rank": 2,
"variable": "info",
"type": "text",
"answer": "Hotkey-triggered Tornado Warning",
"options": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.553Z"
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [
"messageTemplateId": "2b493ddc-39fd-11e9-8c83-010cd570f63b",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Severe Weather Warning -- Employees",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.576Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "3980c4bd-39fd-11e9-8c83-03cd8082dd16",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [
"id": "bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744",
"name": "Employees and Contractors",
"createdAt": "2019-02-08T15:25:21.128Z"
"body": "The National Weather Service has issued a . Please take action for your personal safety.",
"subject": " - "
"siteRoleIds": [
"messageTemplateId": "2b493ddc-39fd-11e9-8c83-010cd570f63b",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Severe Weather Warning -- Security Team",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.576Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "3980c4be-39fd-11e9-8c83-85c39c3525c6",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [
"id": "724030a9-2b09-11e9-9638-578e7c043866",
"name": "Security",
"createdAt": "2019-02-07T18:51:58.302Z"
"body": "The National Weather Service has issued a . Move to secure the building and take action for your personal safety. ",
"subject": " - "
"incidentPlan": null,
"emergency": false,
"createdAt": "2019-01-28T15:21:29.691Z",
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"permissions": [
"type": "standard",
"source": null,
"secret": null,
"winHotkeys": "alt+shift+f6",
"silentHotkey": true,
"customConfirm": "Warning Sent",
"eventType": null,
"confirmationType": null,
"instructions": null,
"phoneNumber": null
"incidentPlanId": null,
"name": "Fire",
"fields": null,
"icon": "fire",
"backgroundColor": "#1791CE",
"messages": [ ... ],
"id": "e31809e0-cfac-11eb-bb25-2d6e9c8dade4",
"incidentPlan": null,
"createdAt": "2021-10-28T15:21:29.691Z",
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"emergency": false,
"permissions": [
"type": "panic-button",
"instructions": {
"step1": "Find the closest fire escape route",
"step2": "Stay low",
"step3": "Do not open any doors with warm door knobs"
"source": null,
"secret": null,
"winHotkeys": null,
"silentHotkey": null,
"customConfirm": null,
"eventType": null,
"confirmationType": null,
"phoneNumber": "+16085551212"
"eventType": "none",
"permissions": [
"incidentPlanId": null,
"name": "Cisco Enterprise integration",
"locationEnabled": false,
"locationQuestionName": null,
"locationVariable": null,
"defaultSite": null,
"defaultBuilding": null,
"defaultFloor": null,
"defaultZone": null,
"fields": [
"variable": "affectedSite",
"name": "Stubbed question for specifying variable",
"rank": 1,
"createdAt": "2022-04-20T17:27:33.465Z",
"type": "option",
"scenarioId": "823b20c7-c012-11ec-b608-0f5884481cb9",
"id": "29db64b1-c0cf-11ec-b608-cfcd2e82ce1a",
"answer": "Site 2 on fire",
"options": [
"Site 1 on fire",
"Site 2 on fire"
"instructions": {
"createdAt": "2022-04-19T18:57:06.850Z",
"type": "integration",
"source": "cisco-enterprise",
"icon": null,
"secret": "9D35ev5VnaIuaqJYgQcjlw",
"winHotkeys": null,
"silentHotkey": null,
"customConfirm": null,
"messages": [ ... ],
"emergency": false,
"id": "823b20c7-c012-11ec-b608-0f5884481cb9",
"confirmationType": "pin",
"incidentPlan": null,
"backgroundColor": "#1791CE",
"phoneNumber": null
Gets a list of all scenarios available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to scenarios allows administrators to decide which users can send or configure scenarios.)
HTTP Request
GET /scenarios
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first scenario was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each scenario belongs. |
The scenario response format is detailed here.
Get a Scenario
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"incidentPlanId": null,
"name": "Severe Weather",
"icon": "flash",
"backgroundColor": "#0d2458",
"locationEnabled": true,
"locationQuestionName": "At which location?",
"locationVariable": null,
"defaultSite": null,
"defaultBuilding": null,
"defaultFloor": null,
"defaultZone": null,
"fields": [
"id": "55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "At which location?",
"rank": 0,
"variable": "site",
"type": "site",
"answer": null,
"options": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.329Z"
"id": "397d424a-39fd-11e9-8c83-8de4247efba1",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"name": "What type of severe weather is in the area?",
"rank": 1,
"variable": "weather_type",
"type": "option",
"answer": null,
"options": [
"Tornado Warning",
"Tornado Watch",
"Winter Weather Warning"
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.553Z"
"id": "397d424c-39fd-11e9-8c83-d795bd1d0ad9",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"name": "Are there any further instructions that should be sent to the security team?",
"rank": 2,
"variable": "info",
"type": "text",
"answer": null,
"options": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.553Z"
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [
"messageTemplateId": "2b493ddc-39fd-11e9-8c83-010cd570f63b",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Severe Weather Warning -- Employees",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.576Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "3980c4bd-39fd-11e9-8c83-03cd8082dd16",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [
"id": "bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744",
"name": "Employees and Contractors",
"createdAt": "2019-02-08T15:25:21.128Z"
"body": "The National Weather Service has issued a . Please take action for your personal safety.",
"subject": " - "
"siteRoleIds": [
"messageTemplateId": "2b493ddc-39fd-11e9-8c83-010cd570f63b",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Severe Weather Warning -- Security Team",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.576Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "3980c4be-39fd-11e9-8c83-85c39c3525c6",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [
"id": "724030a9-2b09-11e9-9638-578e7c043866",
"name": "Security",
"createdAt": "2019-02-07T18:51:58.302Z"
"body": "The National Weather Service has issued a . Move to secure the building and take action for your personal safety. ",
"subject": " - "
"incidentPlan": null,
"emergency": false,
"createdAt": "2019-01-28T15:21:29.691Z",
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"type": "standard",
"instructions": null,
"phoneNumber": null,
"source": null,
"secret": null,
"winHotkeys": null,
"silentHotkey": null,
"customConfirm": null,
"eventType": null,
"confirmationType": null,
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single scenario by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /scenarios/{scenarioId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scenarioId | The id of the scenario to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which this scenario belongs. |
The scenario response format is detailed here.
Simulate Answers
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"name": "High Molarity Chemical Spill",
"backgroundColor": "#33AA55",
"locationEnabled": true,
"locationQuestionName": "Where is the chemical spill?",
"locationVariable": null,
"defaultSite": null,
"defaultBuilding": null,
"defaultFloor": null,
"defaultZone": null,
"fields": [],
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.267Z",
"icon": "flash",
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [],
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Chemical Spill",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T20:41:25.214Z",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "371c300d-3b99-11e9-81d7-010bc7a87d6b",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [],
"body": null,
"subject": null
"id": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"simulatedResponse": [
"collaborationGroups": [],
"messageId": "371c300d-3b99-11e9-81d7-010bc7a87d6b",
"name": "Chemical Spill",
"distributionListIds": [],
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"body": "There is a chemical spill in the lab. Avoid the area if possible. The cleanup team is on the way.",
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"subject": "Chemical Spill",
"messageName": "Chemical Spill",
"users": []
"incidentPlanId": null,
"incidentPlan": null,
"type": "standard",
"instructions": null,
"phoneNumber": null,
"source": null,
"secret": null,
"winHotkeys": null,
"eventType": null,
"confirmationType": null,
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"emergency": false,
"permissions": [
Simulate Answers allows you to pass query parameters
and optionally location
(if the scenario is
location-enabled), and will build a simulated scenario which has the
contents of all scenario messages that would be sent if the
scenario is sent with those answers and location choices. This is
useful for previewing Scenario
Notifications, since it will interpolate
variables from questions and location and join the recipients from
sites/site roles and message templates.
If the scenario is an emergency scenario, it is also possible when
simulating answers to pass the query parameter checkPanicRange
test whether a particular latitude and longitude is within a mile from
any emergency building. Such a query will return a withinPanicRange
boolean attribute in the response, indicating whether launching an
emergency mobile panic button scenario from that location will
automatically contact emergency services. The value sent as
will also be returned as position
HTTP Request
GET /scenarios/{scenarioId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scenarioId | The id of the scenario to simulate. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
checkPanicRange | Object | If the scenario is an emergency scenario, this can hold an object in the format {"latitude": Number, "longitude": Number} to check whether a mobile panic button launched from that geographic position can automatically contact emergency services. |
location | Object | If the scenario is location-enabled, a Location object that specifies the site, building, floor, and/or zone to associate with the scenario. |
simulatedAnswers | Array[Object] | An array of objects in the format {"fieldId": UUID, "answer": String} . These are the answers to any questions attached to the scenario. |
The scenario response format is detailed here.
Create a Scenario
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Chemical Spill',
'backgroundColor': '#33AA55',
'messages': [{
'name': 'Chemical Spill',
'messageTemplateId': '10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696'
'icon': 'flash',
'locationEnabled': true,
'locationQuestionName': 'Where is the chemical spill?',
'type': 'standard'
role = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Chemical Spill'
'backgroundColor': '#33AA55'
'messages': [{
'name': 'Chemical Spill'
'messageTemplateId': '10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696'
'icon': 'flash'
'locationEnabled': true
'locationQuestionName': 'Where is the chemical spill?'
'type': 'standard'
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Chemical Spill", \
"backgroundColor": "#33AA55", \
"messages": [{"name": "Chemical Spill", \
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696"}], \
"icon": "flash", \
"locationEnabled": true, \
"locationQuestionName": "Where is the chemical spill?", \
"type": "standard"}'
"name": "Chemical Spill",
"icon": "flash",
"backgroundColor": "#33AA55",
"id": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"locationEnabled": true,
"locationQuestionName": "Where is the chemical spill?",
"locationVariable": null,
"defaultSite": null,
"defaultBuilding": null,
"defaultFloor": null,
"defaultZone": null,
"fields": [
"id": "55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "Where is the chemical spill?",
"rank": 0,
"variable": "site",
"type": "site",
"answer": null,
"options": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.329Z"
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [],
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Chemical Spill",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.343Z",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "f7abc793-3b85-11e9-81d7-93ad6ba0c356",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [],
"body": null,
"subject": null
"incidentPlanId": null,
"incidentPlan": null,
"type": "standard",
"instructions": null,
"phoneNumber": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.267Z",
"source": null,
"secret": null,
"winHotkeys": null,
"silentHotkey": null,
"customConfirm": null,
"eventType": null,
"confirmationType": null,
"emergency": false,
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"permissions": [
Notice that in the first, location-enabled scenario creation example,
a simulated site
question is present in the fields
response; this
is deprecated and present for backwards compatibility with older
clients, and will be removed in a future release; you should instead
use the more powerful Location object when
sending such a scenario.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Fire',
'backgroundColor': '#33AA55',
'messages': [{
'name': 'Fire',
'messageTemplateId': '10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696'
'icon': 'flash',
'fields': [],
'type': 'panic-button',
'instructions': {
'step1': 'Find the closest fire escape route',
'step2': 'Stay low',
'step3': 'Do not open any doors with warn door knobs'
'phoneNumber': '16085551212'
role = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Fire'
'backgroundColor': '#33AA55'
'messages': [{
'name': 'Fire'
'messageTemplateId': '10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696'
'icon': 'flash'
'fields': []
'type': 'panic-button'
'instructions': {
'step1': 'Find the closest fire escape route'
'step2': 'Stay low'
'step3': 'Do not open any doors with warn door knobs'
'phoneNumber': '16085551212'
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Fire", \
"backgroundColor": "#33AA55", \
"messages": [{"name": "Fire", \
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696"}], \
"icon": "flash", \
"fields": [], \
"type": "panic-button", \
"instructions": {"step1": "Find the closest fire escape route", \
"step2": "Stay low", \
"step3": "Do not open any doors with warn door knobs"}, \
"phoneNumber": "16085551212"}'
"name": "Fire",
"icon": "flash",
"backgroundColor": "#33AA55",
"id": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"locationEnabled": false,
"locationQuestionName": null,
"locationVariable": null,
"defaultSite": null,
"defaultBuilding": null,
"defaultFloor": null,
"defaultZone": null,
"fields": [
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [],
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Fire",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.343Z",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "f7abc793-3b85-11e9-81d7-93ad6ba0c356",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [],
"body": null,
"subject": null
"type": "panic-button",
"incidentPlan": null,
"phoneNumber": "+16085551212",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.267Z",
"source": null,
"secret": null,
"winHotkeys": null,
"silentHotkey": null,
"customConfirm": null,
"eventType": null,
"confirmationType": null,
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"emergency": false,
"permissions": [
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Cisco Integration',
'backgroundColor': '#1791CE',
'messages': [{
'name': 'Fire',
'messageTemplateId': '10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696'
'icon': 'fire',
'fields': [],
'type': 'integration',
'source': 'cisco-integration',
'confirmationType': 'none'
role = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Cisco Integration'
'backgroundColor': '#1791CE'
'messages': [{
'name': 'Fire'
'messageTemplateId': '10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696'
'icon': 'fire'
'fields': []
'type': 'integration'
'source': 'cisco-integration'
'confirmationType': 'none'
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Cisco Integration", \
"backgroundColor": "#1791CE", \
"messages": [{"name": "Fire", \
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696"}], \
"icon": "fire", \
"fields": [], \
"type": "integration", \
"source": "cisco-integration", \
"confirmationType": "none"}'
"eventType": "none",
"permissions": [
"incidentPlanId": null,
"name": "Cisco Integration",
"locationEnabled": false,
"locationQuestionName": null,
"locationVariable": null,
"defaultSite": null,
"defaultBuilding": null,
"defaultFloor": null,
"defaultZone": null,
"fields": [],
"instructions": {},
"fieldAnswers": null,
"createdAt": "2022-04-27T19:19:22.987Z",
"type": "integration",
"source": "cisco-enterprise",
"icon": "fire",
"secret": "WixeCSpYFhnCOAY2qJ603Q",
"winHotkeys": null,
"silentHotkey": null,
"customConfirm": null,
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [],
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Fire",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.343Z",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "f7abc793-3b85-11e9-81d7-93ad6ba0c356",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [],
"body": null,
"subject": null
"id": "f1ef7472-c65e-11ec-826f-6ff68321e451",
"emergency": false,
"confirmationType": "none",
"incidentPlan": null,
"backgroundColor": "#1791CE",
"phoneNumber": null
Create a new scenario.
HTTP Request
POST /scenarios
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | String | N/A | The scenario’s background color. Should be a hexadecimal color value lead with a #. |
ciscoConfigurationUrl | String | N/A | URL used in InformaCast XML service. |
confirmationPin | String | N/A | Numeric pin user must enter to initiate scenario when confirmationType is pin . |
confirmationType | String | N/A | Options: none pin prompt . Informs the user interface how and if to require confirmation before initating the scenario. |
defaultBuilding | UUID | N/A | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the building to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
defaultFloor | UUID | N/A | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the floor to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
defaultSite | UUID | N/A | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the site to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
defaultZone | UUID | N/A | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the zone to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
emergency | Boolean | false | Indicates that emergency services should be contacted when this scenario is sent. (The emergency calling feature must be enabled for your organization before you can send a true value here.) |
eventType | String | N/A | Options: none zoom-emergency-call double-click . The type of scenario triggered events. |
fields | Array[Object] | [] | The list of questions attached to a standard scenario. More information about questions can be found here. |
icon | String | N/A | The icon to be displayed on the scenario’s triggering button. Can be one of the following: close-circle , fire , hospital , lock , shield-security , traffic , alert-circle , info , account-circle , local-airport , navigation , eye , flare , flash , invert-colors , cloud , check , gps-dot , block , wifi-lock |
incidentPlan | Object | N/A | The agendas to follow when there are ongoing incidents in your organization. More information about incident plan can be found here. |
incidentPlanId | String | N/A | The id of the incident plan that this scenario triggers. |
instructions | Object | N/A | The list of user instructions to give the user direction on what to do after pressing the mobile panic button. |
locationEnabled | Boolean | false | Does this scenario support the submission of a Location object when creating or simulating Scenario Notifications? |
locationQuestionName | String | N/A | The text to use when prompting a user to specify a location when sending a location-enabled scenario. |
messages | Array[Object] | N/A | The list of messages attached to a scenario. More information about scenario messages can be found here. |
name | String | N/A | The scenario’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
phoneNumber | String | N/A | The phone number the user can call after pressing the mobile panic button. |
simulatedAnswers | Array[Object] | N/A | simulatedAnswers is not recommended on POST. |
source | String | N/A | Options: cisco-enterprise wearable-panic-button zoom . The source of the scenario. |
type | String | N/A | Options: standard panic-button integration . The type of the scenario. |
The scenario response format is detailed here.
Update a Scenario
# Continuing with the scenario object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the scenario object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/f7a9a4b2-3b85-11e9-81d7-2f036bfac606" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "High Molarity Chemical Spill", \
"backgroundColor": "#33AA55", \
"messages": [{"name": "Chemical Spill", \
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696"}], \
"icon": "flash", \
"locationEnabled": true, \
"locationQuestionName": "Where is the chemical spill?"}'
"id": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "High Molarity Chemical Spill",
"icon": "flash",
"backgroundColor": "#33AA55",
"locationEnabled": true,
"locationQuestionName": "Where is the chemical spill?",
"locationVariable": null,
"defaultSite": null,
"defaultBuilding": null,
"defaultFloor": null,
"defaultZone": null,
"fields": [
"id": "55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "Where is the chemical spill?",
"rank": 0,
"variable": "site",
"type": "site",
"answer": null,
"options": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.329Z"
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [],
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Chemical Spill",
"rank": 1,
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:29:38.449Z",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "ce4f9835-3b86-11e9-81d7-f7b4663b561b",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [],
"body": null,
"subject": null
"incidentPlanId": null,
"incidentPlan": null,
"type": "standard",
"instructions": null,
"phoneNumber": null,
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.267Z",
"source": null,
"secret": null,
"winHotkeys": null,
"silentHotkey": null,
"customConfirm": null,
"eventType": null,
"confirmationType": null,
"emergency": false,
"permissions": [
Notice that in the first, location-enabled scenario creation example,
a simulated site
question is present in the fields
response; this
is deprecated and present for backwards compatibility with older
clients, and will be removed in a future release; you should instead
use the more powerful Location object when
sending such a scenario.
# Continuing with the scenario object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the scenario object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/f7a9a4b2-3b85-11e9-81d7-2f036bfac606" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Live Fire", \
"backgroundColor": "#33AA55", \
"messages": [{"name": "Fire", \
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696"}], \
"icon": "fire", \
"phoneNumber": "911"}'
"name": "Live Fire",
"icon": "fire",
"backgroundColor": "#33AA55",
"id": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"locationEnabled": false,
"locationQuestionName": null,
"locationVariable": null,
"defaultSite": null,
"defaultBuilding": null,
"defaultFloor": null,
"defaultZone": null,
"fields": [
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [],
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Chemical Spill",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.343Z",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "f7abc793-3b85-11e9-81d7-93ad6ba0c356",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [],
"body": null,
"subject": null
"type": "panic-button",
"incidentPlan": null,
"phoneNumber": "911",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.267Z",
"source": null,
"secret": null,
"winHotkeys": null,
"silentHotkey": null,
"customConfirm": null,
"eventType": null,
"confirmationType": null,
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"emergency": false,
"permissions": [
# Continuing with the scenario object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the scenario object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/f7a9a4b2-3b85-11e9-81d7-2f036bfac606" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"incidentPlanId": "fe5167b3-3354-11ec-87a0-2fb805a1776a", \
"name": "Cisco Integration", \
"fields": [], \
"type": "integration", \
"source": "cisco-integration", \
"icon": "fire", \
"messages": [{"name": "Fire", \
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696"}], \
"confirmationType": "none", \
"incidentPlan": {"id": "fe5167b3-3354-11ec-87a0-2fb805a1776a", \
"name": "Fire Evacuation Plan"}, \
"backgroundColor": "#1791CE"}'
"eventType": "none",
"permissions": [
"incidentPlanId": null,
"name": "Cisco Integration",
"locationEnabled": false,
"locationQuestionName": null,
"locationVariable": null,
"defaultSite": null,
"defaultBuilding": null,
"defaultFloor": null,
"defaultZone": null,
"fields": [],
"instructions": {},
"fieldAnswers": null,
"createdAt": "2022-04-27T19:19:22.987Z",
"type": "integration",
"source": "cisco-enterprise",
"icon": "fire",
"secret": "WixeCSpYFhnCOAY2qJ603Q",
"winHotkeys": null,
"silentHotkey": null,
"customConfirm": null,
"incidentPlanId": "fe5167b3-3354-11ec-87a0-2fb805a1776a",
"incidentPlan": {
"id": "fe5167b3-3354-11ec-87a0-2fb805a1776a",
"name": "Fire Evacuation Plan"
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [],
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Fire",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.343Z",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "f7abc793-3b85-11e9-81d7-93ad6ba0c356",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [],
"body": null,
"subject": null
"emergency": false,
"id": "f1ef7472-c65e-11ec-826f-6ff68321e451",
"confirmationType": "none",
"incidentPlan": null,
"backgroundColor": "#1791CE",
"phoneNumber": null
Updates an existing scenario.
HTTP Request
PUT /scenarios/{scenarioId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scenarioId | The id of the scenario to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | String | N/A | The scenario’s background color. Should be a hexadecimal color value lead with a #. |
ciscoConfigurationUrl | String | N/A | URL used in InformaCast XML service. |
confirmationPin | String | N/A | Numeric pin user must enter to initiate scenario when confirmationType is pin . |
confirmationType | String | N/A | Options: none pin prompt . Informs the user interface how and if to require confirmation before initating the scenario. |
defaultBuilding | UUID | N/A | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the building to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
defaultFloor | UUID | N/A | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the floor to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
defaultSite | UUID | N/A | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the site to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
defaultZone | UUID | N/A | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the zone to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
emergency | Boolean | false | Indicates that emergency services should be contacted when this scenario is sent. (The emergency calling feature must be enabled for your organization before you can send a true value here.) |
eventType | String | N/A | Options: none zoom-emergency-call double-click . The type of scenario triggered events. |
fields | Array[Object] | [] | The list of questions attached to a standard scenario. More information about questions can be found here. |
icon | String | N/A | The icon to be displayed on the scenario’s triggering button. Can be one of the following: close-circle , fire , hospital , lock , shield-security , traffic , alert-circle , info , account-circle , local-airport , navigation , eye , flare , flash , invert-colors , cloud , check , gps-dot , block , wifi-lock |
incidentPlan | Object | N/A | The agendas to follow when there are ongoing incidents in your organization. More information about incident plan can be found here. |
incidentPlanId | String | N/A | The id of the incident plan that this scenario triggers. |
instructions | Object | N/A | The list of user instructions to give the user direction on what to do after pressing the mobile panic button. |
locationEnabled | Boolean | false | Does this scenario support the submission of a Location object when creating or simulating Scenario Notifications? |
locationQuestionName | String | N/A | The text to use when prompting a user to specify a location when sending a location-enabled scenario. |
messages | Array[Object] | N/A | The list of messages attached to a scenario. More information about scenario messages can be found here. |
name | String | N/A | The scenario’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
phoneNumber | String | N/A | The phone number the user can call after pressing the mobile panic button. |
simulatedAnswers | Array[Object] | N/A | simulatedAnswers is not recommended on PUT. |
source | String | N/A | Options: cisco-enterprise wearable-panic-button zoom . The source of the scenario. |
type | String | N/A | Options: standard panic-button integration . The type of the scenario. |
deleteRuleActions | Boolean | False | When true will delete all the rule actions associated with the scenario. |
The scenario response format is detailed here.
Remove a Scenario
# Continuing with the scenario object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the scenario object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04"
Deletes an existing scenario.
HTTP Request
DELETE /scenarios/{scenarioId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scenarioId | The id of the scenario to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Scenario Fields
Fields, known as Questions in the admin user interface, are objects that contain the questions asked to a dispatcher during a scenario.
Scenario Fields do not have their own endpoint, and are instead nested inside of an array in scenario resources.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the field. |
scenarioId | String | The id of the associated scenario. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this field was created. |
variable | String | The variable that stores an answer which can be interpolated in scenario messages. 3-32 alphanumeric characters plus underscores, and it must start with a letter. |
type | String | The type of answer that should be provided. option gives a dropdown menu and text allows text entry. |
answer | String | Saved response to the field’s variable (required when scenario is configured using hotkeys to send immediately). |
options | Array[String] | Contains the list of options for a dropdown menu. Only necessary if the type is option. Up to 16 options, all of which must be at most 64 characters long. |
During the backwards compatibility period, you may see fields of type
in scenarios that used them prior to the migration to the use
of Location objects, in order to avoid breaking
integrations with systems that are still expecting to use those site
questions. Those integrations need to be updated to use location
instead, because this backwards compatibility feature will only be
available for a release or two.
Scenario Messages
Messages, known as Scenario Notifications in the admin user interface, contain specific information unique to the scenario, such as a replacement subject and body and the associated message template, which is the vehicle for sending scenario notifications.
Scenario Messages do not have their own endpoint, and are instead nested inside of an array in scenario resources.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the site role’s recipients. |
scenarioId | String | The id of the associated scenario. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this scenario message was created. |
messageTemplate | Message Template | The information about the message template used by the message. |
messageTemplateId | String | The ids of the message template associated with the message. |
name | String | The name of the message. Used to differentiate between multiple messages attached to one scenario. Maximum of 140 characters. |
siteRoles | Array[Site Roles] | The site roles associated with a message. For example, a message meant for the security team might have a Security site role attached. May only be included if a field of type site is included in the scenario. |
siteRoleIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for the site roles associated with a message. May only be included if a field of type site is included in the scenario. |
confirmationRequest | Confirmation Request] | The confirmation request associated with this message. |
confirmationRequestId | String | The id of the associated confirmation request. |
subject | String | The subject of the scenario message which can override the subject of the associated message template. May include information wrapped in to interpolate variables from sites. Maximum of 256 characters. |
body | String | The body of the scenario message which can override the body of the associated message template. May include information wrapped in to interpolate variables from sites. Maximum of 10000 characters. |
Request Parameters
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the site role’s recipients. |
scenarioId | String | The id of the associated scenario. |
messageTemplateId | String | The ids of the message template associated with the message. |
name | String | The name of the message. Used to differentiate between multiple messages attached to one scenario. Maximum of 140 characters. |
siteRoleIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for the site roles associated with a message. May only be included if a field of type site is included in the scenario. |
confirmationRequestId | String | The id of the associated confirmation request. |
subject | String | The subject of the scenario message which can override the subject of the associated message template. May include information wrapped in to interpolate variables from sites. Maximum of 256 characters. |
body | String | The body of the scenario message which can override the body of the associated message template. May include information wrapped in to interpolate variables from sites. Maximum of 10000 characters. |
Scenario Response
The JSON object used to represent a Scenario resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
backgroundColor | String | The scenario’s background color. Should be a hexadecimal color value beginning with a #. |
confirmationType | String | Options: none pin prompt . Informs the user interface how and if to require confirmation before initiating the scenario. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this scenario was created. |
customConfirm | String | Set a custom confirmation string for Immediate-send scenarios (default text will be “Success!” if not set) |
defaultBuilding | UUID | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the building to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
defaultFloor | UUID | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the floor to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
defaultSite | UUID | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the site to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
defaultZone | UUID | For location-enabled scenarios, specifies the zone to use when sending the scenario in a way which does not allow the user to be prompted for a location. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the scenario belongs. |
emergency | Boolean | Indicates that emergency services should be contacted when this scenario is sent. |
eventType | String | Options: none zoom-emergency-call double-click . The type of scenario triggered events. |
id | String | The id of the scenario, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the scenario. |
fields | Array[Object] | The list of questions attached to a scenario. More information about questions can be found here. |
icon | String | The icon to be displayed on the scenario’s triggering button. Can be one of the following: close-circle , fire , hospital , lock , shield-security , traffic , alert-circle , info , account-circle , local-airport , navigation , eye , flare , flash , invert-colors , cloud , check , gps-dot , block , wifi-lock |
incidentPlanId | UUID | The id of the incident plan that this scenario triggers. |
incidentPlan | Object | The agendas to follow when there are ongoing incidents in your organization. More information about incident plan can be found here. |
instructions | Object | The list of user instructions to give the user direction on what to do after pressing the mobile panic button. |
locationEnabled | Boolean | Does this scenario support the submission of a Location object when creating or simulating Scenario Notifications? |
locationQuestionName | String | The text to use when prompting a user to specify a location when sending a location-enabled scenario. |
locationVariable | String | If this scenario was using a site question in a release prior to migration to using Location objects, this holds the variable in which the site will also be made available, for backwards compatibility with existing integrations. This is deprecated because it will go away once backwards compatibility is no longer supported. |
messages | Array[Object] | The list of messages attached to a scenario. More information about scenario messages can be found here. |
name | String | The scenario’s unique name. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
phoneNumber | String | The phone number the user can call after pressing the mobile panic button. |
position | Object | When simulating answers, if a checkPanicRange query was sent, this will echo back the value sent in that query. |
secret | String | Generated secret to be used by UIs to authorize initiation of this scenario. |
silentHotkey | Boolean | Whether this scenario’s hotkey launch should be Immediate (true) or Interactive (false) |
source | String | Options: cisco-enterprise wearable-panic-button zoom . The source of the scenario. |
type | String | Options: standard panic-button integration . The type of the scenario. |
winHotkeys | String | String representing a hotkey combination used to launch this scenario via InformaCast on Windows desktop apps |
withinPanicRange | boolean | When simulating answers, if a checkPanicRange query was sent, this will hold the response. |
Location Object
The JSON object used to represent a location when creating or simulating a Scenario Notification has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
site | Object | If present, contains a single attribute id which specifies the ID of a Site |
building | Object | If present, contains a single attribute id which specifies the ID of a Site Building. If both are present, this must be a building that is part of site . |
floor | Object | If present, contains a single attribute id which specifies the ID of a Site Building Floor. If all are present, this must be a floor that is part of site and building . |
zone | Object | If present, contains a single attribute id which specifies the ID of a Site Building Floor Zone. If all are present, this must be a floor that is part of site , building , and floor . |
A full Location object specifying all four levels would have a structure shown on the right:
"site": { "id": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b" },
"building": { "id": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b" },
"floor": { "id": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b" },
"zone": { "id": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b" }
As noted above in the attribute list, it is possible as a shorthand to
specify only the lowest level element that you want to specify, and
the system can figure out the parent levels. For example, if you
specify a zone
, it can figure out the corresponding floor
, and site
. If you do specify all levels, they must
actually belong in the hierarchy that you specified or a validation
error will occur. And of course, you can leave out lower levels if
they don’t exist or are not relevant to the Scenario
Notification being simulated or created. The
minimal requirement is that at least a site
with its id
must be
Additionally, to support integration with outside systems which have
their own notions of locations, but which may not be aware of the
specific id
values used by Singlewire, when specifying each location
level you can supply a name
key instead of id
for that level, and
the value that you supply with that key which will be used to look up
the resource whose name exactly matches, and the corresponding id
will be used to build the location object.
Alternatively, if external sites, buildings,
floors, or zones have been imported, their IDs can be used to set up a
location object by supplying an externalId
key instead of id
. The
value supplied with externalId
is a colon-separated string, where
the first part is the source
with the external resource, and the second part is the ID by which
that resource is known in the external system from which it was
imported. If a corresponding external site, building, floor, or zone
can be found, then it will be used to build the location object (but
the id
reported in the built object will still be the internal
Singlewire ID associated with that external resource).
If multiple keys are supplied for a level, they are consulted in
priority order. if id
is present, it is always preferred. If there
is no id
but externalId
is present, then externalId
will be
used. Finally, if neither id
nor externalId
was provided, name
will be used. If none of these three keys is provided for a level, the
location object is invalid. And if the value provided for a key does
not correspond to an existing resource, the location object is invalid
even if other keys were provided for that location level.
Scenario Cloning
This resource is used to make a copy of the Scenario specified by id in the request path.
The only operation supported is POST
Clone a Scenario
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/25bfec4d-c2eb-11eb-9318-77e1fa016b97/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/25bfec4d-c2eb-11eb-9318-77e1fa016b97/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/25bfec4d-c2eb-11eb-9318-77e1fa016b97/clone" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"permissions": [],
"incidentPlanId": null,
"name": "Notification to Admins (Copy)",
"fields": [
"id": "7f34fa12-ebd4-11eb-bcba-0242ac320002",
"scenarioId": "7f3425da-ebd4-11eb-81b3-bffa341ab068",
"name": "Message",
"variable": "message",
"type": "text",
"options": null,
"rank": 1,
"createdAt": "2021-07-23T16:39:06.470Z"
"createdAt": "2021-07-23T16:39:06.465Z",
"icon": "alert-circle",
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [],
"messageTemplateId": "25b4a1ab-c2eb-11eb-9318-7d9eb9480a11",
"ttsCustomContent": null,
"messageTemplate": {
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"optOut": false,
"inferredMessageType": "Text",
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"ttsVoiceIdCustomizable": true,
"imageCustomizable": true,
"ttsVoiceIdDisplay": "auto",
"imageFiles": [],
"ttsCustomContent": null,
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"ttsCustomContentCustomizable": true,
"incidentPlanId": null,
"name": "Test Notification - To Administrators",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"expiration": null,
"createdAt": "2021-06-01T15:07:57.063Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"subjectCustomizable": true,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": true,
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"syncId": "25b4a1ab-c2eb-11eb-9318-7d9eb9480a11:1622560077063",
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": true,
"areasOfInterest": [],
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": true,
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": true,
"audioFiles": [],
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"expirationCustomizable": true,
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"incidentPlanIdDisplay": "auto",
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsCustomizable": true,
"ttsVoiceId": null,
"id": "25b4a1ab-c2eb-11eb-9318-7d9eb9480a11",
"notificationProfileId": "21433da8-c2eb-11eb-9318-a30932361bc7",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"ttsType": "none",
"bodyCustomizable": true,
"imageMimeType": null,
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"ttsCustomContentDisplay": "auto",
"image": 0,
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"audio": 0,
"distributionLists": [
"campaign": null,
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"syncId": "22233d74-c2eb-11eb-9318-43f163c84556:1622560071078",
"id": "22233d74-c2eb-11eb-9318-43f163c84556",
"createdAt": "2021-06-01T15:07:51.077Z",
"isSubscribable": false
"audioCustomizable": true,
"incidentPlan": null,
"expirationDisplay": "auto",
"incidentPlanIdCustomizable": false,
"body": "This is a test notification sent to the administrators",
"userIds": [],
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"deviceGroups": [],
"followUp": false,
"alertToneCustomizable": true,
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"metadata": null,
"subject": "This is a test notification sent to the administrators",
"alertTone": "default",
"users": [],
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"metadataCustomizable": true
"name": "Notification to Administrators",
"createdAt": "2021-07-23T16:39:06.471Z",
"scenarioId": "7f3425da-ebd4-11eb-81b3-bffa341ab068",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "7f35103b-ebd4-11eb-81b3-dff626141d3f",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [],
"body": null,
"subject": ""
"id": "7f3425da-ebd4-11eb-81b3-bffa341ab068",
"scenarioLaunchers": null,
"incidentPlan": null,
"backgroundColor": "#1772ce"
Creates a copy of the specified Scenario. The name of the
new copy is simply the original Scenario’s name with “ (Copy)”
appended. In order to perform this operation, the user must have both
permission to the /scenarios
resource and GET
to the Scenario they wish to copy.
HTTP Request
POST /scenarios/{scenarioId}/clone
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
scenarioId | String | The id of the Scenario to copy. |
The scenario response format is detailed here.
Scenario Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Scenarios are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Scenarios are assigned to which Domains.
List All Scenario Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"scenarioId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"scenarioId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Scenario belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /scenarios/{scenarioId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scenarioId | The id of the Scenario whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, There were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Scenario belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Scenario using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Scenario, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the scenario whose domains were requested is
returned under the key scenarioId
inside each domain response.
Check if a Scenario contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"scenarioId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Scenario Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /scenarios/{scenarioId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scenarioId | The id of the Scenario whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Scenario belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Scenario is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Scenario, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Scenario is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if recursive
is true
), a
response will be returned. The Domain response format is detailed
here. If the list is not in the Domain, the response status will
indicate that the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Scenario Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"scenarioId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Scenario into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /scenarios/{scenarioId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
scenarioId | String | The id of the Scenario to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Scenario out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Scenario should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Scenario out of one or more child Domains? |
A Scenario is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Scenario that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Scenario Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Scenario c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Scenario from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Scenario currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Scenario itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /scenarios/{scenarioId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
scenarioId | The id of the Scenario whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Scenario. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Scenario in no Domain. |
A Scenario must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Scenario from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Scenario. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Scenario out
of its last Domain will delete the Scenario.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Scenario Notifications
Scenario Notifications is how Scenarios send notifications. This endpoint ultimately sends as a Notification.
List Scenario Notifications
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenario-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenario-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenario-notifications?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Notice that in this location-enabled scenario example, a simulated
question is present in the fields
responses; this is
deprecated and present for backwards compatibility with older clients,
and will be removed in a future release; you should instead use the
more powerful Location object when sending such a
"total": 10,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"id": "f9f90795-3a07-11e9-bd59-bb116a332f2e",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T20:49:15.250Z",
"fields": [
"id": "55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "At which location?",
"rank": 0,
"variable": "site",
"type": "site",
"answer": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"options": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.329Z"
"id": "397d424a-39fd-11e9-8c83-8de4247efba1",
"name": "What type of severe weather is in the area?",
"rank": 1,
"type": "option",
"answer": "Tornado Warning",
"options": [
"Tornado Warning",
"Tornado Watch",
"Winter Weather Warning"
"variable": "weather_type"
"id": "397d424c-39fd-11e9-8c83-d795bd1d0ad9",
"name": "Are there any further instructions that should be sent to the security team?",
"rank": 2,
"type": "text",
"answer": "Dime-sized hail is also expected. Please instruct other employees to avoid windows.",
"variable": "info"
"location": {
"site": {
"id": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"name": "East Campus"
"description": "East Campus"
"initiationDevice": {
"buildingId": "cec7370a-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-9fd10aeeef5f",
"building": {
"id": "cec7370a-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-9fd10aeeef5f",
"name": "East Building"
"siteId": "300f27b1-d0c8-11ee-a4a2-adb7a49b9ba0",
"site": {
"id": "300f27b1-d0c8-11ee-a4a2-adb7a49b9ba0",
"name": "Campus 1"
"zone": {
"id": "02b4361b-d0ca-11ee-a4a2-5bb521b9e102",
"name": "Lobby"
"zoneId": "02b4361b-d0ca-11ee-a4a2-5bb521b9e102",
"name": "vape-detector",
"createdAt": "2024-02-21T15:34:49.816Z",
"externalId": "vape-123",
"id": "c00075f2-d0ce-11ee-943b-dffa88309860",
"metadata": {
"externalId": "vape-123"
"floor": {
"id": "d2e2b2c3-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-250be0f0f12d",
"name": "1st Floor"
"floorId": "d2e2b2c3-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-250be0f0f12d"
"locationResolutionStrategy": ["locationzzz", "device"],
"scenario": {
"id": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"icon": "flash",
"name": "Severe Weather",
"defaultLocation": {},
"defaultSiteId": null,
"defaultBuildingId": null,
"defaultFloorId": null,
"defaultZoneId": null,
"locationEnabled": true,
"locationQuestionName": "At which location?",
"locationVariable": null,
"fields": [
"id": "55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "At which location?",
"rank": 0,
"variable": "site",
"type": "site",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.329Z"
"id": "397d424a-39fd-11e9-8c83-8de4247efba1",
"name": "What type of severe weather is in the area?",
"rank": 1,
"type": "option",
"options": [
"Tornado Warning",
"Tornado Watch",
"Winter Weather Warning"
"variable": "weather_type",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.553Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b"
"id": "397d424c-39fd-11e9-8c83-d795bd1d0ad9",
"name": "Are there any further instructions that should be sent to the security team?",
"rank": 2,
"type": "text",
"options": null,
"variable": "info",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.553Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b"
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [
"messageTemplateId": "2b493ddc-39fd-11e9-8c83-010cd570f63b",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Severe Weather Warning -- Employees",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.576Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "3980c4bd-39fd-11e9-8c83-03cd8082dd16",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [
"id": "bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744",
"name": "Employees",
"createdAt": "2019-02-08T15:25:21.128Z"
"body": "The National Weather Service has issued a . Please take action for your personal safety.",
"subject": " - "
"siteRoleIds": [
"messageTemplateId": "2b493ddc-39fd-11e9-8c83-010cd570f63b",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Severe Weather Warning -- Security Team",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.576Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "3980c4be-39fd-11e9-8c83-85c39c3525c6",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [
"id": "724030a9-2b09-11e9-9638-578e7c043866",
"name": "Security",
"createdAt": "2019-02-07T18:51:58.302Z"
"body": "The National Weather Service has issued a . Move to secure the building and take action for your personal safety. ",
"subject": " - "
"createdAt": "2019-01-28T15:21:29.691Z",
"backgroundColor": "#0d2458"
"events": [
"id": "fa3e9c1c-3a07-11e9-bd59-cd4f5783da8a",
"scenarioNotificationId": "f9f90795-3a07-11e9-bd59-bb116a332f2e",
"notificationId": "fa020846-3a07-11e9-bd59-ed84da3f903d",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T20:49:14.910Z",
"notification": { ... }
"id": "fa5a1361-3a07-11e9-bd59-f1706503467c",
"scenarioNotificationId": "f9f90795-3a07-11e9-bd59-bb116a332f2e",
"notificationId": "fa415b3d-3a07-11e9-bd59-45cb239a430a",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T20:49:15.090Z",
"notification": { ... }
"permissions": [
Gets a list of all scenario notifications that have been sent.
HTTP Request
GET /scenario-notifications
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first site was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 10 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The scenario notification response format is detailed here.
Get a Scenario Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenario-notifications/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
scenario_notification = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenario-notifications/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
scenario_notification = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenario-notifications/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Notice that in this location-enabled scenario example, a simulated
question is present in the fields
responses; this is
deprecated and present for backwards compatibility with older clients,
and will be removed in a future release; you should instead use the
more powerful Location object when sending such a
"id": "f9f90795-3a07-11e9-bd59-bb116a332f2e",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T20:49:15.250Z",
"location": {
"site": {
"id": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"name": "East Campus"
"description": "East Campus"
"initiationDevice": {
"buildingId": "cec7370a-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-9fd10aeeef5f",
"building": {
"id": "cec7370a-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-9fd10aeeef5f",
"name": "East Building"
"siteId": "300f27b1-d0c8-11ee-a4a2-adb7a49b9ba0",
"site": {
"id": "300f27b1-d0c8-11ee-a4a2-adb7a49b9ba0",
"name": "Campus 1"
"zone": {
"id": "02b4361b-d0ca-11ee-a4a2-5bb521b9e102",
"name": "Lobby"
"zoneId": "02b4361b-d0ca-11ee-a4a2-5bb521b9e102",
"name": "vape-detector",
"createdAt": "2024-02-21T15:34:49.816Z",
"externalId": "vape-123",
"id": "c00075f2-d0ce-11ee-943b-dffa88309860",
"metadata": {
"externalId": "vape-123"
"floor": {
"id": "d2e2b2c3-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-250be0f0f12d",
"name": "1st Floor"
"floorId": "d2e2b2c3-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-250be0f0f12d"
"locationResolutionStrategy": ["location", "device"],
"fields": [
"id": "55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "At which location?",
"rank": 0,
"variable": "site",
"type": "site",
"answer": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"options": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.329Z"
"id": "397d424a-39fd-11e9-8c83-8de4247efba1",
"name": "What type of severe weather is in the area?",
"rank": 1,
"type": "option",
"answer": "Tornado Warning",
"options": [
"Tornado Warning",
"Tornado Watch",
"Winter Weather Warning"
"variable": "weather_type"
"id": "397d424c-39fd-11e9-8c83-d795bd1d0ad9",
"name": "Are there any further instructions that should be sent to the security team?",
"rank": 2,
"type": "text",
"answer": "Dime-sized hail is also expected. Please instruct other employees to avoid windows.",
"variable": "info"
"scenario": {
"id": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"icon": "flash",
"name": "Severe Weather",
"locationEnabled": true,
"locationQuestionName": "At which location?",
"locationVariable": null,
"defaultLocation": {
"site": {
"id": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"name": "East Campus"
"defaultSiteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"defaultBuildingId": null,
"defaultFloorId": null,
"defaultZoneId": null,
"fields": [
"id": "55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "At which location?",
"rank": 0,
"variable": "site",
"type": "site",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.329Z"
"id": "397d424a-39fd-11e9-8c83-8de4247efba1",
"name": "What type of severe weather is in the area?",
"rank": 1,
"type": "option",
"options": [
"Tornado Warning",
"Tornado Watch",
"Winter Weather Warning"
"variable": "weather_type",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.553Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b"
"id": "397d424c-39fd-11e9-8c83-d795bd1d0ad9",
"name": "Are there any further instructions that should be sent to the security team?",
"rank": 2,
"type": "text",
"options": null,
"variable": "info",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.553Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b"
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [
"messageTemplateId": "2b493ddc-39fd-11e9-8c83-010cd570f63b",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Severe Weather Warning -- Employees",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.576Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "3980c4bd-39fd-11e9-8c83-03cd8082dd16",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [
"id": "bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744",
"name": "Employees",
"createdAt": "2019-02-08T15:25:21.128Z"
"body": "The National Weather Service has issued a . Please take action for your personal safety.",
"subject": " - "
"siteRoleIds": [
"messageTemplateId": "2b493ddc-39fd-11e9-8c83-010cd570f63b",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Severe Weather Warning -- Security Team",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:32:16.576Z",
"scenarioId": "62e192ca-2310-11e9-b378-cfd5de99d56b",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "3980c4be-39fd-11e9-8c83-85c39c3525c6",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [
"id": "724030a9-2b09-11e9-9638-578e7c043866",
"name": "Security",
"createdAt": "2019-02-07T18:51:58.302Z"
"body": "The National Weather Service has issued a . Move to secure the building and take action for your personal safety. ",
"subject": " - "
"createdAt": "2019-01-28T15:21:29.691Z",
"backgroundColor": "#0d2458"
"events": [
"id": "fa3e9c1c-3a07-11e9-bd59-cd4f5783da8a",
"scenarioNotificationId": "f9f90795-3a07-11e9-bd59-bb116a332f2e",
"notificationId": "fa020846-3a07-11e9-bd59-ed84da3f903d",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T20:49:14.910Z",
"notification": { ... }
"id": "fa5a1361-3a07-11e9-bd59-f1706503467c",
"scenarioNotificationId": "f9f90795-3a07-11e9-bd59-bb116a332f2e",
"notificationId": "fa415b3d-3a07-11e9-bd59-45cb239a430a",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T20:49:15.090Z",
"notification": { ... }
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single scenario notification by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /scenario-notifications/{scenarioNotificationId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scenarioNotificationId | The id of the scenario notification to retrieve. |
The scenario notification response format is detailed here.
Send a Scenario Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenario-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'scenarioId': 'f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04',
'messages': [{
'messageId': '371c300d-3b99-11e9-81d7-010bc7a87d6b',
'distributionListIds': [],
'deviceGroupIds': [],
'userIds': ['1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087'],
'areaOfInterestIds': [],
'collaborationGroupIds': []
'location': {
'site': {
'id': 'fb8aaa11-759c-11ed-8cd9-b5a5933ad084'
'initiationDevice': {
'lookupValue': 'vape-123',
'type': 'api-device'
scenario_notification = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenario-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'scenarioId': 'f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04'
'messages': [{
'messageId': '371c300d-3b99-11e9-81d7-010bc7a87d6b'
'distributionListIds': []
'deviceGroupIds': []
'userIds': ['1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087'
'areaOfInterestIds': []
'collaborationGroupIds': []
'location': {
'site': {
'id': 'fb8aaa11-759c-11ed-8cd9-b5a5933ad084'
'initiationDevice': {
'lookupValue': 'vape-123'
'type': 'api-device'
scenario_notification = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenario-notifications" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04", \
"messages": [{"messageId": "371c300d-3b99-11e9-81d7-010bc7a87d6b", \
"distributionListIds": [], \
"deviceGroupIds": [], \
"userIds": ["1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087"], \
"areaOfInterestIds": [], \
"collaborationGroupIds": []}], \
"location": {"site": {"id": "fb8aaa11-759c-11ed-8cd9-b5a5933ad084"}}, \
"initiationDevice": {"lookupValue": "vape-123", \
"type": "api-device"}}'
"id": "9d5ac3c5-3ba3-11e9-81d7-294576acb40b",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"location": {
"site": {
"id": "fb8aaa11-759c-11ed-8cd9-b5a5933ad084",
"name": "Chemical Plant 1"
"description": "Chemical Plant 1"
"initiationDevice": {
"buildingId": "cec7370a-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-9fd10aeeef5f",
"building": {
"id": "cec7370a-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-9fd10aeeef5f",
"name": "East Building"
"siteId": "300f27b1-d0c8-11ee-a4a2-adb7a49b9ba0",
"site": {
"id": "300f27b1-d0c8-11ee-a4a2-adb7a49b9ba0",
"name": "Campus 1"
"zone": {
"id": "02b4361b-d0ca-11ee-a4a2-5bb521b9e102",
"name": "Lobby"
"zoneId": "02b4361b-d0ca-11ee-a4a2-5bb521b9e102",
"name": "vape-detector",
"createdAt": "2024-02-21T15:34:49.816Z",
"externalId": "vape-123",
"id": "c00075f2-d0ce-11ee-943b-dffa88309860",
"metadata": {
"externalId": "vape-123"
"floor": {
"id": "d2e2b2c3-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-250be0f0f12d",
"name": "1st Floor"
"floorId": "d2e2b2c3-d0c9-11ee-a4a2-250be0f0f12d"
"locationResolutionStrategy": ["location", "device"],
"fields": [
"id": "55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "Where did it occur?",
"rank": 0,
"variable": "site",
"type": "site",
"answer": "fb8aaa11-759c-11ed-8cd9-b5a5933ad084",
"options": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.329Z"
"id": "371af78c-3b99-11e9-81d7-8557b571d3d5",
"name": "What was the damage?",
"rank": 1,
"variable": "damage",
"type": "text",
"answer": null
"scenario": {
"id": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "High Molarity Chemical Spill",
"icon": "flash",
"backgroundColor": "#33AA55",
"defaultSiteId": null,
"defaultBuildingId": null,
"defaultFloorId": null,
"defaultZoneId": null,
"defaultLocation": {},
"locationEnabled": true,
"locationQuestionName": "Where did it occur?",
"locationVariable": null,
"fields": [
"id": "55ca36de-4b3c-11ed-aeff-17a043a08a03",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "Where did it occur?",
"rank": 0,
"variable": "site",
"type": "site",
"options": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.329Z"
"id": "371af78c-3b99-11e9-81d7-8557b571d3d5",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"name": "What was the damage?",
"rank": 1,
"variable": "damage",
"type": "text",
"options": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T20:41:25.206Z"
"messages": [
"siteRoleIds": [],
"messageTemplateId": "10ec2090-3b85-11e9-81d7-3bae1bf35696",
"messageTemplate": { ... },
"name": "Chemical Spill",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T20:41:25.214Z",
"scenarioId": "f7a02ed1-3b85-11e9-81d7-e5938f344a04",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"id": "371c300d-3b99-11e9-81d7-010bc7a87d6b",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"siteRoles": [],
"body": null,
"subject": null
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T18:23:38.267Z"
"events": [
"id": "9d74664a-3ba3-11e9-81d7-efae047719e9",
"scenarioNotificationId": "9d5ac3c5-3ba3-11e9-81d7-294576acb40b",
"notificationId": "9d5bd536-3ba3-11e9-81d7-01f3e168411d",
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T21:55:51.887Z",
"notification": { ... }
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T21:55:51.719Z",
"eventIds": [
"permissions": [
Send a new scenario notification.
HTTP Request
POST /scenario-notifications
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The site’s name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
messages | Array[Object] | N/A | The array of messages associated with a scenario. More information can be found here. |
fields | Array[Object] | [] | The array of fields that answer the questions of a scenario. More information can be found here |
location | Object | N/A | If the scenario is location-enabled, a Location object that specifies the site, building, floor, and/or zone to associate with the scenario. |
initiationDevice | Object | N/A | JSON payload containing at least a “type” of “api-device” |
locationResolutionStrategy | Array[String] | [“location”, “device”] | If the scenario is location-enabled, the order of parameters to use as the “source of truth” of the location. If “location” is first, it will use a provided location object, if any. If “device” is first, it will use the location of the device. |
The scenario notification response format is detailed here.
Scenario Notification Messages
Messages are associated with each individual scenario notification, and allow the sender to control which messages are sent along with the recipients to which the message will be sent.
Scenario Notification Messages do not have their own endpoint, and are instead nested inside of an array in scenario notification resources.
Attribute | Type | Description |
messageId | String | The id of the scenario notification with which the individual message is associated. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for areas of interest that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
collabroationGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for collaboration groups that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for device groups (fusion only) that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for distribution lists that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
userIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for users that should be attached to this scenario notification. |
Scenario Notification Fields
Fields are associated with each individual scenario notification, and allow the sender manipulate the content of certain messages sent by a scenario.
Scenario Notification Fields do not have their own endpoint, and are instead nested inside of an array in scenario notification resources.
Attribute | Type | Description |
fieldId | String | The id of the field with which the answer is associated. |
type | String | The type of field that the answer is associated with. Can be option , or text . site is now deprecated and present for backwards compatibility with clients that have not yet been updated to use the more powerful location object; it will be fully removed at a future date. |
answer | String | The answer to the question indicated by the fieldId . |
Scenario Notification Events
Events are pieces of notifications sent by a scenario. They contain information which associates a notification and a scenario.
Scenario Notification Events do not have their own endpoint, and are instead nested inside of an array in scenario notification resources.
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this scenario notification was created. |
id | String | The id of the scenario notification event. |
scenarioNotifcationId | String | The id of the scenario notification. |
notification | Notification | The notification sent as part of the scenario notification send. |
notificationId | String | The notification id associated with the event. |
Scenario Notification Response
The JSON object used to represent a Scenario Notification resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this scenario notification was created. |
emergencyAction | String | Options: contacting-emergency-services , none-need-emergency-building , open-dialer . If the scenario notification was created from an emergency scenario, this will indicate whether emergency services are being contacted, or if the user needs to themselves (in the case of an emergency panic button sent more than a mile from the nearest emergency building). |
id | String | The id of the scenario notification, for efficient retrieval of the scenario notification. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
scenario | Scenario | The scenario being sent as part of the scenario notification. |
scenarioId | String | The id of the scenario that was sent. |
initiationSource | JSON | Details about the initiator of the scenario. |
fields | Array[Object] | The fields associated with the send. Very similar to a Scenario Field, but also contains information about the answer given. |
event | Array[Object] | The events created by the send. More information about this can be found here. |
eventIds | Array[String] | The list of ids associated with the events created as part of the scenario notification send. |
location | Object | If the scenario is location-enabled, a Location object that specifies the site, building, floor, and/or zone to associate with the scenario. |
initiationDevice | API Device | The API Device with an externalId matching the provided initiationDevice’s lookupValue, if one was found. Otherwise contains the payload as was sent in the request. |
locationResolutionStrategy | Array[String] | [“location”, “device”] |
Scenario Rule Actions
Rule actions provide a way to perform an action when a specific event takes place in InformaCast. Rule Actions are a composite resource, composed of a Rule and an Action. The rule is a JSON object that follows the format of the AWS Event Ruler library. The configured rule will match on the Scenario Notification event object’s scenario id. When the given Scenario Notification is initiated it will cause the configured action to trigger.
List Scenario Rule Actions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"description": "A rule action for testing",
"scenarioRuleActionId": "cbfd1b60-99ef-11ee-90a2-7bd6ec84aab7",
"permissions": [
"name": "For-Testing",
"rule": {
"event": {
"scenarioNotification": {
"scenarioId": [
"sourceType": [
"createdAt": "2023-12-13T19:42:49.236Z",
"scenarioId": "db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2",
"id": "cbe9463f-99ef-11ee-90a2-6d21cf26f5f2",
"action": {
"type": "webhook",
"webhook": {
"url": "https://api.api",
"body": {
"value": "{\"id\": \"123\"}",
"encryption": "none"
"method": "POST",
"headers": [
"key": "header1",
"value": "",
"encryption": "encrypted"
"expireAfter": 90,
"queryParams": [
"key": "queryParam",
"value": "",
"encryption": "encrypted",
"description": "A query param"
"authorization": {
"type": "oauth2",
"scope": "code",
"request": {
"url": "https://oauth.oauth",
"body": [
"key": "auth-body-key",
"value": "data",
"encryption": "none"
"headers": [
"key": "content-type",
"value": "application/json",
"encryption": "none"
"queryParams": [
"key": "force",
"value": "true",
"encryption": "none"
"clientId": {
"value": "",
"encryption": "encrypted"
"grantType": "client_credentials",
"clientSecret": {
"value": "",
"encryption": "encrypted"
"headerPrefix": "bearer",
"credentialFormat": "basicAuthHeader"
"total": 1
Retrieves the list of all rule actions that are associated with the given scenario. The visibility of rule actions may be limited by the permissions associated with the request, which are attributed through the user attached to the access token.
HTTP Request
GET /scenarios/{scenarioId}/rule-actions
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first Scenario Rule Action was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of one available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The scenario rule action response format is detailed here
Get a Scenario Rule Action
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions/cbe9463f-99ef-11ee-90a2-6d21cf26f5f2"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
scenario_rule_action = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions/cbe9463f-99ef-11ee-90a2-6d21cf26f5f2"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
scenario_rule_action = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions/cbe9463f-99ef-11ee-90a2-6d21cf26f5f2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"description": "A rule action for testing.",
"scenarioRuleActionId": "cbfd1b60-99ef-11ee-90a2-7bd6ec84aab7",
"permissions": [
"name": "For-Testing",
"rule": {
"event": {
"scenarioNotification": {
"scenarioId": [
"sourceType": [
"createdAt": "2023-12-13T19:42:49.236Z",
"scenarioId": "db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2",
"id": "cbe9463f-99ef-11ee-90a2-6d21cf26f5f2",
"action": {
"type": "webhook",
"webhook": {
"url": "https://api.api",
"body": {
"value": "{\"id\": \"123\"}",
"encryption": "none"
"method": "POST",
"headers": [
"key": "header1",
"value": "",
"encryption": "encrypted"
"expireAfter": 90,
"queryParams": [
"key": "queryParam",
"value": "",
"encryption": "encrypted",
"description": "A query param"
"authorization": {
"type": "oauth2",
"scope": "code",
"request": {
"url": "https://oauth.oauth",
"body": [
"key": "auth-body-key",
"value": "data",
"encryption": "none"
"headers": [
"key": "content-type",
"value": "application/json",
"encryption": "none"
"queryParams": [
"key": "force",
"value": "true",
"encryption": "none"
"clientId": {
"value": "",
"encryption": "encrypted"
"grantType": "client_credentials",
"clientSecret": {
"value": "",
"encryption": "encrypted"
"headerPrefix": "bearer",
"credentialFormat": "basicAuthHeader"
Retrieves a single scenario rule action by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around
the result.
HTTP Request
GET /scenarios/{scenarioId}/rule-actions/{ruleActionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scenarioId | The id of the scenario the rule action is associated with. |
ruleActionId | The id of the rule action to retrieve. |
The scenario rule action response format is detailed here
Create a Scenario Rule Action
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
scenario_rule_action = requests.post(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
scenario_rule_action = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"name": "For-Testing",
"description": "description",
"action": {
"type": "webhook",
"webhook": {
"url": "https://api.api",
"method": "POST",
"headers": [
"value": "secret-value",
"description": "Auth header",
"encryption": "should-encrypt",
"key": "Authorization"
"body": {
"value": "{\"id\": \"123\"}",
"encryption": "none"
"queryParams": [
"key": "includeTotal",
"encryption": "none",
"value": "true",
"description": "Query param sent in webhook"
"expireAfter": 90,
"authorization": {
"type": "oauth2",
"grantType": "client_credentials",
"clientId": {
"value": "oauth-client-id-value",
"encryption": "should-encrypt"
"clientSecret": {
"value": "secret-value",
"encryption": "should-encrypt"
"credentialFormat": "basicAuthHeader",
"scope": "code",
"request": {
"url": "https://oauth.oauth",
"body": [
"key": "auth-body-key",
"value": "data",
"encryption": "none"
"headers": [
"key": "content-type",
"value": "application/json",
"encryption": "none"
"queryParams": [
"key": "force",
"value": "true",
"encryption": "none"
Creates a new scenario rule action.
HTTP Request
POST /scenarios/{scenarioId}/rule-actions
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scenarioId | The id of the scenario the rule action is associated with. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name of the rule action |
description | String | N/A | The description of the rule action |
action | Object | N/A | The JSON object that describes the action to be taken when a rule matches an event. Currently this can only be a webhook. |
The scenario rule action response format is detailed here
Update a Scenario Rule Action
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions/cbe9463f-99ef-11ee-90a2-6d21cf26f5f2"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
scenario_rule_action = requests.put(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions/cbe9463f-99ef-11ee-90a2-6d21cf26f5f2"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
scenario_rule_action = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions/cbe9463f-99ef-11ee-90a2-6d21cf26f5f2" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"name": "For-Testing",
"description": "description",
"action": {
"type": "webhook",
"webhook": {
"url": "https://api.api",
"method": "POST",
"headers": [
"value": "secret-value",
"description": "Auth header",
"encryption": "should-encrypt",
"key": "Authorization"
"body": {
"value": "{\"id\": \"123\"}",
"encryption": "none"
"queryParams": [
"key": "includeTotal",
"encryption": "none",
"value": "true",
"description": "Query param sent in webhook"
"expireAfter": 90,
"authorization": {
"type": "oauth2",
"grantType": "client_credentials",
"clientId": {
"value": "oauth-client-id-value",
"encryption": "should-encrypt"
"clientSecret": {
"value": "secret-value",
"encryption": "should-encrypt"
"credentialFormat": "basicAuthHeader",
"scope": "code",
"request": {
"url": "https://oauth.oauth",
"body": [
"key": "auth-body-key",
"value": "data",
"encryption": "none"
"headers": [
"key": "content-type",
"value": "application/json",
"encryption": "none"
"queryParams": [
"key": "force",
"value": "true",
"encryption": "none"
Update an existing scenario rule action.
HTTP Request
PUT /scenarios/{scenarioId}/rule-actions/{ruleActionId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scenarioId | The id of the scenario the rule action is associated with. |
ruleActionId | The id of the rule action to retrieve. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name of the rule action |
description | String | N/A | The description of the rule action |
action | Object | N/A | The JSON object that describes the action to be taken when a rule matches an event. Currently this can only be a webhook. |
The scenario rule action response format is detailed here
Remove a Scenario Rule Action
# Continuing with the scenario and ruleAction
# objects from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the scenario and ruleAction
# objects from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scenarios/db8d12ba-8328-11ee-a19c-87272a90a5a2/ruleActions/cbe9463f-99ef-11ee-90a2-6d21cf26f5f2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted cbe9463f-99ef-11ee-90a2-6d21cf26f5f2"
Delete an existing scenario rule action
HTTP Request
DELETE /scenarios/{scenarioId}/rule-actions/{ruleActionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scenarioId | The id of the scenario the rule action is associated with. |
ruleActionId | The id of the rule action to retrieve. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Scenario Rule Action Response
The JSON document used to represent a Rule Action resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this rule action was created. |
id | String | The id of the rule action. |
name | String | The name of the rule action. |
permissions | array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
description | String | The description of the rule action. |
action | Object | The JSON object that describes the action to be taken when a rule matches an event. Currently this can only be a webhook. |
rule | Object | The JSON object that describes which events to match on using the AWS Event Ruler. |
scenarioId | String | The id of the scenario. |
scenarioRuleActionId | String | The id of the scenario to rule action relationship. |
SCIM Users
There are two varieties of the SCIM users endpoint, /scim/Users and /scim-users. /scim/Users ultimately forwards to /scim-users after doing some parsing, meaning that this documenation will cover functionality of the /scim-users endpoint. All of these requests must be associated with an instance of a Load Definition. Note that this is explicitly meant to interact with servers that send data in the SCIM format (for example, Azure AD).
List SCIM Users
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"schemas": [
"totalResults": 1,
"itemsPerPage": 20,
"startIndex": 0,
"Resources": [
"id": "e1298c43-8be5-11eb-b0f1-efafc96c199f",
"name": {
"formatted": "John Doe",
"givenName": "John",
"familyName": "Doe"
"active": true,
"emails": [
"type": "work",
"value": "testing9876@singlewire.com",
"primary": true
"type": "home",
"value": "testinghome1234@singlewire.com",
"primary": false
"schemas": [
"userName": "JohnDoe",
"externalId": "john.doe",
"displayName": "john.doe"
This return is the JSON format necessary to be consumed by an active directory server and includes all of the information associated with a given SCIM User. Note also that this is a identical response to what is given when filtering SCIM users, and will be returned when a SCIM filter is sent on a GET request.
HTTP Request
GET /scim/Users
or GET /scim-users
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
The SCIM user response format is detailed here.
List SCIM Users for Display
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': 'true',
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users?includeDomains=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"createdAt": "2021-03-04T14:48:14.243Z",
"createdUserId": "a5f4a7d6-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-55bdbfc46699",
"error": null,
"externalId": "SCIM-1",
"id": "a5d33d25-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-95d568029afb",
"loadSourceId": "1d286d5c-6708-11eb-861d-89adc650ae34",
"name": "John Doe",
"active": true,
"displayName": "John Doe",
"primary": true,
"type": "work",
"value": "test@singlewire.com"
"externalId": "SCIM-1",
"id": "a5d33d25-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-95d568029afb",
"value": "15555556309"
"userName": "john.doe",
"userId": "a5f4a7d6-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-55bdbfc46699"
"userId": "a5f4a7d6-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-55bdbfc46699"
Returns the standard fusion list payload, including the scim metadata, which is detailed here
HTTP Request
GET /scim-users?loadDisplay=true
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
The list response format is detailed here.
Get a SCIM User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/a5d33d25-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-95d568029afb"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/a5d33d25-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-95d568029afb"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/a5d33d25-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-95d568029afb" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "a5d33d25-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-95d568029afb",
"active": true,
"emails": [
"type": "work",
"value": "test-update@singlewire.com",
"primary": true
"schemas": [
"userName": "john.doe",
"externalId": "SCIM-1",
"displayName": "John Doe",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single SCIM User by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /scim-users/{scimUserId}
or GET /scim/Users/{scimUserId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimUserId | The id of the SCIM user to retrieve. |
The SCIM user response format is detailed here.
Create a SCIM User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'userName': 'John Doe',
'active': true,
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User'],
'externalId': 'SCIM-1'
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'userName': 'John Doe'
'active': true
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User'
'externalId': 'SCIM-1'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"userName": "John Doe", \
"active": true, \
"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"], \
"externalId": "SCIM-1"}'
"id": "bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db",
"active": true,
"schemas": [
"userName": "John Doe",
"externalId": "SCIM-1",
"permissions": [
Creates a new SCIM User.
HTTP Request
POST /scim-users
or POST /scim/Users
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
userName | String | N/A | The user’s name, usually corresponding to a name field on the IDP. |
externalId | String | N/A | The id of the user not corresponding to its identifier within fusion, but instead its identifier on the external server/IDP. |
The SCIM user response format is detailed here
Update a SCIM User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'userName': 'Johnny Doe',
'active': false,
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User'],
'externalId': 'SCIM-1',
'id': 'bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db'
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'userName': 'Johnny Doe'
'active': false
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User'
'externalId': 'SCIM-1'
'id': 'bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"userName": "Johnny Doe", \
"active": false, \
"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"], \
"externalId": "SCIM-1", \
"id": "bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"}'
"id": "bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db",
"active": false,
"schemas": [
"userName": "Johnny Doe",
"externalId": "SCIM-1",
"permissions": [
Fully updates a SCIM User. Note that unlike other PUT requests in our system, this is a full replace that will update to exactly the data sent. This is because the SCIM endpoints support PATCH requests.
HTTP Request
PUT /scim-users/{scimUserId}
or PUT /scim/Users/{scimUserId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimUserId | The id of the SCIM user to modify. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
userName | String | N/A | The user’s name, usually corresponding to a name field on the IDP. |
externalId | String | N/A | The id of the user not corresponding to its identifier within fusion, but instead its identifier on the external server/IDP. |
The SCIM user response format is detailed here
Update a SCIM User’s Attributes
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User'],
'Operations': {
'op': 'replace',
'path': 'userName',
'value': 'Jonathan Doe'
print(requests.patch(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User'
'Operations': {
'op': 'replace'
'path': 'userName'
'value': 'Jonathan Doe'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.patch(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"], \
"Operations": {"op": "replace", \
"path": "userName", \
"value": "Jonathan Doe"}}'
"id": "bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db",
"active": false,
"schemas": [
"userName": "Jonathan Doe",
"externalId": "SCIM-1",
"permissions": [
Updates specified attributes of a SCIM user. Note that the path can be any legal filter path in SCIM; for further information about that, reference the SCIM RFC.
HTTP Request
PATCH /scim-users/{scimUserId}
or PATCH /scim/Users/{scimUserId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimUserId | The id of the SCIM user to modify. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
userName | String | N/A | The user’s name, usually corresponding to a name field on the IDP. |
externalId | String | N/A | The id of the user not corresponding to its identifier within fusion, but instead its identifier on the external server/IDP. |
Remove a SCIM User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
Deletes an existing SCIM user and its associated fusion user.
HTTP Request
DELETE /scim-users/{scimUserId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimUserId | The id of the SCIM user to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
List SCIM User Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
externalId | String | The id of this SCIM user which we received from the IDP. |
id | UUID | The id of this SCIM user which we generated internally. |
loadSourceId | UUID | The id of the cloud user loader this user was created in association with. |
scimMetadata | Object | The SCIM data we’ve received about this user, which we store in case of creation errors and for future use. Should be identical to the SCIM User Response. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | The time at which this SCIM user was created. |
createdUserId | UUID | The id associated with the SCIM user which belongs to the created user within our system. |
userId | UUID | The id of the user. Should be redundant with the above. |
name | String | The name of the created user, if available. |
error | String | Our SCIM endpoint consumes all legal data from an IDP, but not all legal data from an IDP can create a user in InformaCast. If such an error occurs, that information is returned here. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
SCIM User Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | UUID | The fusion-owned uuid of the resource |
externalId | String | The external/IDP-owned id of the resource (can be a UUID) |
schemas | Array[String] | Schemas used to identify the request and the attributes it may contain. |
userName | String | The userName of the user. May not necessarily be the name of the user created in InformaCast, but will always be passed by an IDP. |
displayName | String | The displayName of the user. Depending on the IDP, this might be the default name of the user. |
name | Object | The name of the user, broken into a number of attributes. More information can be found here. |
active | Boolean | Whether the user is active or not. Corresponds to locking the user in InformaCast. |
emails | Array[Object] | The emails for the user, sent as an array of objects. More information about the standard device format is here. |
phoneNumbers | Array[Object] | The phone numbers for the user, sent as an array of objects. More information about the standard device format is here. |
addresses | Array[Object] | The addresses that belong to the user, sent as an array of objects. Unused, but may be used for location services in the future. More information about the address format is here. |
preferredLanguage | String | The user’s preferred language, written out, ie “English”. |
locale | String | The user’s preferred language, as a locale code, ie “en-us”. |
timezone | String | The user’s timezone, ie “UTC”. |
entitlements | Array[Object] | A list of entitlements for the user. Unused, but may be used in the future. More information about the entitlements’ format is here. |
roles | Array[Object] | A list of roles for the user. Unused, but may be used in the future. More information about the roles’ format is here. |
enterpriseSchema | Object | An optional schema that stores information about a user’s position within the company using the IDP. If passed to “/scim/Users”, the attribute is instead urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User . Currently unused, but may be used in the future. More information about the enterprise schema is here. |
schoolSchema | Object | A custom schema that stores information about a user’s school data. If passed to “/scim/Users”, the attribute is instead urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:singlewire:school:2.0:User . Primarily used to store data about OneRoster Users, and is thus only available to school loaders. More information about the enterprise schema is here. |
meta | Object | Any extra information about the user sent from an IDP. Unused in InformaCast. |
SCIM Name Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
formatted | String | The full name of the user, with all of the below combined, ie “Sir Dwight Kurt Shrute III”. This is the only attribute of this object used in Fusion. |
familyName | String | The user’s family name, ie “Shrute” |
givenName | String | The user’s given name, ie “Dwight” |
middleName | String | The user’s middle name, ie “Kurt” |
honorificPrefix | String | The prefix to the user’s name, ie “Sir”, “Mrs.” |
honorificSuffix | String | The suffix to the user’s name, ie “III”, “Sr” |
SCIM Standard Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
value | String | What this value is depends on the array its in; for emails, this is an email; for phone numbers, this is a phone number; and so on. |
type | String | A description of what the purpose of this object is; in many cases, this is to note whether an email or phone is for work or home use. |
display | String | Taken in, but unused in InformaCast. |
primary | Boolean | Whether this is the primary instance of the object in the array; only used to determine the email to assign the InformaCast user. |
SCIM Address Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
type | String | The type of address, usually used to specify whether this is a work or home address. |
streetAddress | String | The street address for this instance. |
locality | String | The locality of the address, if necessary. |
region | String | The region of the address, if necessary. |
postalCode | String | The postal code for the address. |
country | String | The country in which the address resides. |
formatted | String | The fully-formatted address for use. |
primary | Boolean | Whether this is the primary address for the user. |
SCIM Enterprise Schema
Attribute | Type | Description |
employeeNumber | String | The employee’s id number. |
costCenter | String | The employee’s cost center. |
organization | String | The organization to which the employee belongs. |
division | String | The division in which the employee works. |
department | String | The department in which the employee works. |
manager | Object | The employee’s manager, and potentially a different user sent to this SCIM endpoint. More information can be found here. |
SCIM School Schema
Attribute | Type | Description |
sourcedId | String | The id of the user in its original resource (in most cases, the OneRoster API integrated with). |
status | String | The user’s status. |
dateLastModified | String | The date the user was last modified in OneRoster. |
username | String | The user’s OneRoster username. |
type | String | The user’s type. |
identifier | String | An additional identifier for the user. |
enabledUser | String | Whether the user is enabled in OneRoster. |
givenName | String | The user’s given name, redundant with the generic SCIM’s name object. |
familyName | String | The user’s family name, redundant with the generic SCIM’s name object. |
middleName | String | The user’s middle name, redundant with the generic SCIM’s name object. |
role | String | The user’s role, usually one of student, teacher, or parent/guardian. |
String | The user’s email. | |
phone | String | The user’s phone. |
agents | Array[String] | A list of users associated with user, such as a parent/guardian for a student. |
orgs | Array[String] | A list of associated organizations, usually schools in OneRoster. |
grades | Array[String] | Grade(s) associated with the student. |
SCIM Manager Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
value | String | The identifier (id of the SCIM user) associated with the manager of the employee. |
$ref | String | A URI reference to the manager, possibly within the IDP. |
displayName | String | The manager’s display name from the IDP. |
List User SCIM Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
groups = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
groups = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"id": "5b068001-8beb-11eb-8f4c-c11036bf4068",
"name": "SCIM Group Name",
"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e",
"createdAt": "2021-03-23T15:20:52.566Z",
"permissions": ["get"]
Returns the standard fusion list payload of SCIM Groups to which the SCIM User belongs.
HTTP Request
GET /scim-users/{scimUserId}/groups
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimUserId | The id of the SCIM user to retrieve. |
SCIM Groups
There are two varieties of the SCIM groups endpoint, /scim/Groups and /scim-groups. /scim/Groups ultimately forwards to /scim-groups after doing some parsing, meaning that this documenation will cover functionality of the /scim-groups endpoint. All of these requests must be associated with an instance of a Load Definition. Note that this is explicitly meant to interact with servers that send data in the SCIM format (for example, Azure AD).
List SCIM Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"schemas": [
"itemsPerPage": 1,
"totalResults": 16,
"startIndex": 0,
"Resources": [
"memberCount": 0,
"superGroup": false,
"name": "Group20",
"createdAt": "2021-03-30T15:20:13.584Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"loadSourceName": "USER LOADER NAME",
"securityGroupIds": [],
"loadSourceId": "42e6c501-6662-11eb-b962-912753d8c0a0",
"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e",
"id": "6ca1c0ba-916b-11eb-8b4c-094c1ed1043d",
"licenseUsers": true
This return is the JSON format necessary to be consumed by an active directory server and includes all of the information associated with a given SCIM Group.
HTTP Request
GET /scim/Groups
or GET /scim-groups
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
List SCIM Groups for Display
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"partial": false,
"total": 16,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"memberCount": 3,
"permissions": [
"superGroup": false,
"name": "Group2",
"createdAt": "2021-02-03T20:57:34.969Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"loadSourceName": "USER LOADER NAME",
"securityGroupIds": [],
"loadSourceId": "42e6c501-6662-11eb-b962-912753d8c0a0",
"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e",
"id": "70c0be09-6662-11eb-b962-b1e9a4e7ca6e",
"licenseUsers": false
HTTP Request
GET /scim-groups?loadDisplay=true
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Get a SCIM Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/a5d33d25-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-95d568029afb"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/a5d33d25-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-95d568029afb"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/a5d33d25-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-95d568029afb" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "a5d33d25-7cf8-11eb-9d7e-95d568029afb",
"memberCount": 0,
"permissions": [
"superGroup": false,
"name": "Group Name",
"createdAt": "2021-03-30T15:20:13.584Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"loadSourceName": "USER LOADER NAME",
"securityGroupIds": [],
"loadSourceId": "42e6c501-6662-11eb-b962-912753d8c0a0",
"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e",
"licenseUsers": true
Retrieves a single SCIM Group by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /scim-groups/{scimGroupId}
or GET /scim/Groups/{scimGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimGroupId | The id of the SCIM group to retrieve. |
Create a SCIM Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'externalId': 'e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e',
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group'],
'displayName': 'New Group Name'
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'externalId': 'e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e'
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group'
'displayName': 'New Group Name'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e", \
"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"], \
"displayName": "New Group Name"}'
"id": "6ca1c0ba-916b-11eb-8b4c-094c1ed1043d",
"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e",
"createdAt": "2021-03-30T15:20:13.584Z",
"name": "New Group Name",
"loadSourceId": "42e6c501-6662-11eb-b962-912753d8c0a0",
"licenseUsers": true,
"superGroup": false,
"permissions": [
Creates a new SCIM Group.
HTTP Request
POST /scim-groups
or POST /scim/Groups
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Update a SCIM Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group'],
'id': 'bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db',
'displayName': 'Group Name',
'members': [{
'value': '7a1b42e4-25e4-11eb-a458-0b8a164b051e',
'display': 'VP'
, {
'value': '81032505-25e4-11eb-a458-19a8237b8fc4',
'display': 'SenorVP'
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group'
'id': 'bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db'
'displayName': 'Group Name'
'members': [{
'value': '7a1b42e4-25e4-11eb-a458-0b8a164b051e'
'display': 'VP'
, {
'value': '81032505-25e4-11eb-a458-19a8237b8fc4'
'display': 'SenorVP'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"], \
"id": "bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db", \
"displayName": "Group Name", \
"members": [{"value": "7a1b42e4-25e4-11eb-a458-0b8a164b051e", \
"display": "VP"}, {"value": "81032505-25e4-11eb-a458-19a8237b8fc4", \
"display": "SenorVP"}]}'
"id": "bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db",
"memberCount": 2,
"permissions": [
"superGroup": true,
"name": "Group Name",
"createdAt": "2021-02-26T19:21:41.631Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"loadSourceName": "USER LOADER NAME",
"securityGroupIds": [],
"loadSourceId": "42e6c501-6662-11eb-b962-912753d8c0a0",
"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e",
"licenseUsers": true
Fully updates a SCIM Group. Note that unlike other PUT requests in our system, this is a full replace that will update to exactly the data sent. This is because the SCIM endpoints support PATCH requests.
HTTP Request
PUT /scim-groups/{scimGroupId}
or PUT /scim/Groups/{scimUserId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimGroupId | The id of the SCIM group to modify. |
Update a SCIM Group’s Attributes
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'],
'Operations': {
'op': 'replace',
'path': 'displayName',
'value': 'New Group Name'
print(requests.patch(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'
'Operations': {
'op': 'replace'
'path': 'displayName'
'value': 'New Group Name'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.patch(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"], \
"Operations": {"op": "replace", \
"path": "displayName", \
"value": "New Group Name"}}'
"id": "bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db",
"security-group-ids": [],
"member-count": 2,
"name": "New Group Name",
"distribution-list-ids": [],
"load-source-id": "42e6c501-6662-11eb-b962-912753d8c0a0",
"external-id": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e",
"license-users": true,
"load-source-name": "USER LOADER NAME",
"super-group": true,
"created-at": "2021-02-26T19:21:41Z"
Updates specified attributes of a SCIM Group. Note that the path can be any legal filter path in SCIM; for further information about that, reference the SCIM RFC.
HTTP Request
PATCH /scim-groups/{scimGroupId}
or PATCH /scim/Groups/{scimGroupId}
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimGroupId | The id of the SCIM group to modify. |
Remove a SCIM Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-group/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-group/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-group/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db"
Deletes an existing SCIM group.
HTTP Request
DELETE /scim-groups/{scimGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimGroupId | The id of the SCIM group to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
List SCIM Group Members
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-group/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db/members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-group/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db/members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-group/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db/members" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"email": null,
"permissions": [
"name": null,
"createdAt": "2021-03-23T15:56:44.704Z",
"scimMetadata": {
"id": "53a1ec10-6705-11eb-9a55-1b4f72adf5bd",
"name": {
"formatted": "Ryan Leenay",
"givenName": "Ryan",
"familyName": "Leenay"
"emails": [
"type": "work",
"value": "testing4@bob.com",
"primary": true
"type": "home",
"value": "testing4home@bob.com",
"primary": false
"schemas": [
"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e"
"loadSourceId": "42e6c501-6662-11eb-b962-912753d8c0a0",
"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e",
"id": "5dccb2ae-8bf0-11eb-8f4c-8b8c7875b550",
"isLicensed": null,
"userId": null,
"scimGroupId": "bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db",
"scimUserId": "53a1ec10-6705-11eb-9a55-1b4f72adf5bd"
"email": null,
"permissions": [
"name": null,
"createdAt": "2021-03-23T16:51:49.093Z",
"scimMetadata": {
"id": "ad0b8247-67eb-11eb-9273-8d03e2192ebd",
"name": {
"formatted": "Ryan Leenay",
"givenName": "Ryan",
"familyName": "Leenay"
"emails": [
"type": "work",
"value": "testing5@bob.com",
"primary": true
"type": "home",
"value": "testing5home@bob.com",
"primary": false
"schemas": [
"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d12345"
"loadSourceId": "42e6c501-6662-11eb-b962-912753d8c0a0",
"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d12345",
"id": "0f5e71e9-8bf8-11eb-9939-2796acf1695a",
"isLicensed": null,
"userId": null,
"scimGroupId": "bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db",
"scimUserId": "ad0b8247-67eb-11eb-9273-8d03e2192ebd"
Gets SCIM Group members, returns the data in paginated format.
HTTP Request
GET /scim-groups/{scimGroupId}/members
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimGroupId | The id of the SCIM group. |
List SCIM Group Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-group/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-group/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-group/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"domains": [
"path": "/f5bb3fa4-3d62-11ea-8f36-d9cfa653df09/fa26fe35-3d62-11ea-8f36-47d1617acbb8/",
"name": "B",
"namePath": "/A/B/",
"provider-2": "BulkImport",
"domainId": "fa26fe35-3d62-11ea-8f36-47d1617acbb8",
"id": "fa26fe35-3d62-11ea-8f36-47d1617acbb8",
"scimGroupId": "d80aa1de-8026-11eb-a543-53c5fa2d317e",
"parentId": "f5bb3fa4-3d62-11ea-8f36-d9cfa653df09",
"provider": "BulkImport"
"domainIds": [
Gets SCIM Group domains, returns the data in non-paginated format.
HTTP Request
GET /scim-groups/{scimGroupId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimGroupId | The id of the SCIM group. |
Update a SCIM Group’s Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'domainIds': ['fa26fe35-3d62-11ea-8f36-47d1617acbb8']
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'domainIds': ['fa26fe35-3d62-11ea-8f36-47d1617acbb8'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scim-groups/bee2ff93-90b5-11eb-a956-9dd0ae8bf1db/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"domainIds": ["fa26fe35-3d62-11ea-8f36-47d1617acbb8"]}'
"memberCount": 1,
"domainId": "fa26fe35-3d62-11ea-8f36-47d1617acbb8",
"provider": "Provider Name",
"scimGroupId": "d80aa1de-8026-11eb-a543-53c5fa2d317e"
"superGroup": false,
"name": "Group Name",
"createdAt": "2021-03-08T15:56:28.748Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"loadSourceName": "USER LOADER NAME",
"securityGroupIds": [],
"loadSourceId": "42e6c501-6662-11eb-b962-912753d8c0a0",
"externalId": "e242b813-6249-11eb-976e-2bfbd7d5032e",
"id": "d80aa1de-8026-11eb-a543-53c5fa2d317e",
"licenseUsers": true,
"permissions": ["delete","get"]
Updates a SCIM Group’s Domain associations.
HTTP Request
POST /scim-groups/{scimGroupId}/domains
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scimGroupId | The id of the SCIM group to modify. |
Scheduled Notifications
A scheduled notification provides a mechanism for configuring repeating or single event notifications. One can configure when a scheduled notification will fire, which message template it will use, and to whom it will be sent. You can also disable a scheduled notification if needed.
List All Scheduled Notifications
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
schedules = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
schedules = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"schedule": "0 0 0 1 1 ? 2020",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"messageTemplateId": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8",
"nextFireTime": "2020-01-01T06:00:00.000Z",
"disabled": false,
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "Blank",
"id": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8"
"name": "Midnight 2020",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:59:43.894Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-07-25T15:59:43.894Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"id": "464f2bb0-7152-11e7-963b-7317a53c5894",
"distributionLists": [],
"deviceGroups": []
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"schedule": "0 0 1 1/1 * ? *",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"messageTemplateId": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8",
"nextFireTime": "2017-07-26T06:00:00.000Z",
"disabled": false,
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "Blank",
"id": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8"
"name": "Repeating Schedule",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:58:33.204Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-07-25T15:58:33.204Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [
"id": "1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f",
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c200c39f-8e17-11e5-9196-d17102d54b6d",
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2015-11-18T17:13:59.489Z"
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"name": "All Phones",
"filters": []
Retrieves a list of all scheduled notifications. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /scheduled-notifications
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first two scheduled notifications were requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of three available when the request was made. The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
assoc-sync-state | Boolean | If true , include the current synchronization state for fusion endpoints. |
assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint | String | Include the current synchronization state for a specific fusion endpoint. |
The scheduled notification response format is detailed here.
Get a Scheduled Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
schedule = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
schedule = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"schedule": "0 0 1 1/1 * ? *",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"messageTemplateId": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8",
"nextFireTime": "2017-07-26T06:00:00.000Z",
"disabled": false,
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "Blank",
"id": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8"
"name": "Repeating Schedule",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:58:33.204Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-07-25T15:59:43.894Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [
"id": "1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f",
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c200c39f-8e17-11e5-9196-d17102d54b6d",
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2015-11-18T17:13:59.489Z"
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"name": "All Phones",
"filters": []
Retrieves a single scheduled notification by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /scheduled-notifications/{scheduledNotificationId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scheduledNotificationId | The id of the scheduled notification to retrieve. |
The scheduled notification response format is detailed here.
Create a Scheduled Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'timeZone': 'America/Chicago',
'schedule': '0 0 1 1/1 * ? *',
'messageTemplateId': '179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8',
'disabled': false,
'name': 'Repeating Schedule',
'distributionListIds': ['c200c39f-8e17-11e5-9196-d17102d54b6d'],
'deviceGroupIds': ['9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a']
schedule = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'timeZone': 'America/Chicago'
'schedule': '0 0 1 1/1 * ? *'
'messageTemplateId': '179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8'
'disabled': false
'name': 'Repeating Schedule'
'distributionListIds': ['c200c39f-8e17-11e5-9196-d17102d54b6d'
'deviceGroupIds': ['9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a'
schedule = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"timeZone": "America/Chicago", \
"schedule": "0 0 1 1/1 * ? *", \
"messageTemplateId": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8", \
"disabled": false, \
"name": "Repeating Schedule", \
"distributionListIds": ["c200c39f-8e17-11e5-9196-d17102d54b6d"], \
"deviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"]}'
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"schedule": "0 0 1 1/1 * ? *",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"messageTemplateId": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8",
"nextFireTime": "2017-07-26T06:00:00.000Z",
"disabled": false,
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "Blank",
"id": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8"
"name": "Repeating Schedule",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:58:33.204Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-07-25T15:58:33.204Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [
"id": "1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f",
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c200c39f-8e17-11e5-9196-d17102d54b6d",
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2015-11-18T17:13:59.489Z"
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"name": "All Phones",
"filters": []
Creates a new scheduled notification (limit: 3500). Once the schedule is created, it should begin firing at the time returned in the nextFireTime
response property.
HTTP Request
POST /scheduled-notifications
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the scheduled notification. |
timeZone | String | N/A | A timezone such as “America/Chicago”. This list is too long to enumerate here. |
schedule | String | N/A | A Quartz cron schedule. The format is described in detail here. |
disabled | Boolean | false |
A flag to indiciate whether the schedule is currently enabled/disabled. |
messageTemplateId | UUID | N/A | Which message template will be sent when the scheduled notification fires. |
distributionListIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | A list of optional distribution list overrides. Note, it will only override the message template settings if the distribution list ids flag is set to customizable. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | A list of optional device group overrides. Note, it will only override the message template settings if the device group ids flag is set to customizable. |
The scheduled notification response format is detailed here.
Update a Scheduled Notification
# Continuing with the scheduled notification
# object from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the scheduled notification
# object from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"timeZone": "America/Chicago", \
"schedule": "0 0 1 1/1 * ? *", \
"messageTemplateId": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8", \
"disabled": false, \
"name": "Repeating Schedule", \
"distributionListIds": ["c200c39f-8e17-11e5-9196-d17102d54b6d"], \
"deviceGroupIds": ["9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a"]}'
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"schedule": "0 0 1 1/1 * ? *",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"messageTemplateId": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8",
"nextFireTime": "2017-07-26T06:00:00.000Z",
"disabled": false,
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "Blank",
"id": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8"
"name": "Repeating Schedule",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:58:33.204Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-08-11T12:51:23.843Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [
"id": "1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f",
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c200c39f-8e17-11e5-9196-d17102d54b6d",
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2015-11-18T17:13:59.489Z"
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"name": "All Phones",
"filters": []
Updates an existing scheduled notification’s name
HTTP Request
PUT /scheduled-notifications/{scheduledNotificationId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scheduledNotificationId | The id of the scheduled notification to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the scheduled notification. |
timeZone | String | N/A | A timezone such as “America/Chicago”. This list is too long to enumerate here. |
schedule | String | N/A | A Quartz cron schedule. The format is described in detail (http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.3.0/tutorials/tutorial-lesson-06.html)[here]. |
disabled | Boolean | false |
A flag to indiciate whether the schedule is currently enabled/disabled. |
messageTemplateId | UUID | N/A | Which message template will be sent when the scheduled notification fires. |
distributionListIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | A list of optional distribution list overrides. Note, it will only override the message template settings if the distribution list ids flag is set to customizable. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[UUID] | N/A | A list of optional device group overrides. Note, it will only override the message template settings if the device group ids flag is set to customizable. |
The scheduled notification response format is detailed here.
Remove a Scheduled Notification
# Continuing with the scheduled notification
# object from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the scheduled notification
# object from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"ScheduledNotifications\"} 1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f"
Deletes an existing scheduled notification.
HTTP Request
DELETE /scheduled-notifications/{scheduledNotificationId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scheduledNotificationId | The id of the scheduled notification to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Scheduled Notification Response
The JSON document used to represent a scheduled notification resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this scheduled notification was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this scheduled notification was last updated. |
id | String | The id of this specific scheduled notification, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The scheduled notification’s name. May be up to 140 characters long. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
timeZone | String | A timezone such as “America/Chicago”. This list is too long to enumerate here. |
disabled | Boolean | A flag to indiciate whether the schedule is currently enabled/disabled. |
syncState | Array[Object] | The endpoints’ sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state is true . |
endpointSyncState | Object | The specific endpoint’s sync state. Only applicable if fusion servers are configured and query param assoc-sync-state-for-endpoint is true . |
messageTemplate | Object | The assigned message template. |
distributionLists | Array[Object] | The assigned distribution lists. |
deviceGroups | Array[Object] | The assigned device groups. |
messageTemplateId | UUID | Which message template will be sent when the scheduled notification fires. |
distributionListIds | Array[UUID] | A list of optional distribution list overrides. Note, it will only override the message template settings if the distribution list ids flag is set to customizable. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[UUID] | A list of optional device group overrides. Note, it will only override the message template settings if the device group ids flag is set to customizable. |
Scheduled Notification Activities
Scheduled Notification activities are the mechanism for tracking and reviewing Notifications triggered by a Scheduled Notification.
Get All Scheduled Notification Activities
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/464f2bb0-7152-11e7-963b-7317a53c5894/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/464f2bb0-7152-11e7-963b-7317a53c5894/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/464f2bb0-7152-11e7-963b-7317a53c5894/activities" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"id": "0a39087e-7158-11e7-963b-9751771222c3",
"scheduledNotificationId": "464f2bb0-7152-11e7-963b-7317a53c5894",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T16:41:00.066Z",
"status": {
"status": "success"
"notificationId": "0a3cb1ff-7158-11e7-963b-a5de057243b8",
"fireTime": "2017-07-25T16:41:00.014Z",
"scheduledFireTime": "2017-07-25T16:41:00.000Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
"id": "0a36be8d-7158-11e7-963b-bff3aa34d822",
"scheduledNotificationId": "464f2bb0-7152-11e7-963b-7317a53c5894",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T16:41:00.051Z",
"status": {
"status": "pending"
"notificationId": null,
"fireTime": "2017-07-25T16:41:00.014Z",
"scheduledFireTime": "2017-07-25T16:41:00.000Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Retrieves the list of all activities recorded for the specified scheduled notification.
HTTP Request
GET /scheduled-notifications/{scheduledNotificationId}/activities
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scheduledNotificationId | The id of the Scheduled Notification for which activity information is desired. |
Query Parameters
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
The scheduled notification activity response format is detailed here.
Get a Specific Activity
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/464f2bb0-7152-11e7-963b-7317a53c5894/activities/0a39087e-7158-11e7-963b-9751771222c3"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/464f2bb0-7152-11e7-963b-7317a53c5894/activities/0a39087e-7158-11e7-963b-9751771222c3"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/464f2bb0-7152-11e7-963b-7317a53c5894/activities/0a39087e-7158-11e7-963b-9751771222c3" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "0a39087e-7158-11e7-963b-9751771222c3",
"scheduledNotificationId": "464f2bb0-7152-11e7-963b-7317a53c5894",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T16:41:00.066Z",
"status": {
"status": "success"
"notificationId": "0a3cb1ff-7158-11e7-963b-a5de057243b8",
"fireTime": "2017-07-25T16:41:00.014Z",
"scheduledFireTime": "2017-07-25T16:41:00.000Z",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"]
Retrieves a specific activity based the id
values of the scheduled notification and activity. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /scheduled-notifications/{scheduledNotificationId}/activities/{activityId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
scheduledNotificationId | The id of the Scheduled Notification for which activity information is desired. |
activityId | The id of the specific Activity of interest. |
The scheduled notification activity response format is detailed here.
Scheduled Notification Activity Response
The JSON document used to represent a notification activity resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this activity was created. |
id | String | The id of this specific activity, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
scheduledNotificationId | String | The id of the Scheduled Notification whose activities are being examined. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
status | String | Options: success , failure , validation-error , pending . |
fireTime | ISO 8601 date/time | When the scheduled notification actually fired. |
scheduledFireTime | ISO 8601 date/time | When the scheduled notification was supposed to fire. |
Scheduled Notification Cloning
This resource is used to make a copy of the Scheduled Notification specified by id in the request path.
The only operation supported is POST
Clone a Scheduled Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/scheduled-notifications/1c2cbb8d-7152-11e7-963b-b75830b20e2f/clone" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"timeZone": "America/Chicago",
"schedule": "0 0 1 1/1 * ? *",
"permissions": [],
"messageTemplateId": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8",
"nextFireTime": "2017-07-26T06:00:00.000Z",
"disabled": false,
"messageTemplate": {
"name": "Blank",
"id": "179a1e31-c52b-11e5-80ea-95f83e09f4e8"
"name": "Repeating Schedule (Copy)",
"createdAt": "2017-07-26T15:58:33.204Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [
"id": "1c2cbb77-7153-11e7-96cb-b7583abc4e2f",
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c200c39f-8e17-11e5-9196-d17102d54b6d",
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2015-11-18T17:13:59.489Z"
"deviceGroups": [
"id": "9fb8c937-fd05-11e6-a30e-e198ed79b70a",
"name": "All Phones",
"filters": []
Creates a copy of the specified Scheduled Notification. The name of the
new copy is simply the original Scheduled Notification’s name with “ (Copy)”
appended. In order to perform this operation, the user must have both
permission to the /scheduled-notifications
resource and GET
to the Scheduled Notification they wish to copy.
HTTP Request
POST /scheduled-notifications/{scheduledNotificationId}/clone
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
scheduledNotificationId | String | The id of the Scheduled Notification to copy. |
The Scheduled Notification response format is detailed here.
Security Groups
A Security Group is a convenient way of organizing a named set of reusable permissions which can be assigned to multiple Users in the system. The Security Group acts to establish the relationship between its Security Group Members and Security Group Permissions. Each member of the group is implicitly granted all of the associated permissions.
Every Security Group can be assigned to any number of Users. A user can do anything which is mentioned in the permissions of any Security Groups of which they are a member, as well as any direct User Permissions assigned to them.
A single Security Group is designated a “super group”, which means that its members implicitly have every possible permission, and will thus automatically gain new permissions as they are developed along with new features in InformaCast Mobile. This group is initially named “Administrators” although you are free to rename it if you so desire. You cannot, however, delete it, nor change its superGroup
List All Security Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': 'true',
'limit': 1
groups = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
'limit': 1
groups = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups?includeDomains=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "2",
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-01T19:02:15.511Z",
"id": "5a218e70-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"superGroup": true,
"name": "Administrators",
"domains": [
"id": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"parentId": null,
"name": "Root",
"path": "/",
"namePath": "/"
Retrieves a list of all Security Groups. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the User attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate Security Groups.)
HTTP Request
GET /security-groups
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first Security Group was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which this Security Group belongs. |
The Security Group response format is detailed here.
Get a Security Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/5a218e70-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
group = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/5a218e70-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
group = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/5a218e70-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560?includeDomains=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-01T19:02:15.511Z",
"id": "5a218e70-19ae-11e4-9195-3c970e7ff560",
"superGroup": true,
"name": "Administrators",
"domains": [
"id": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"parentId": null,
"name": "Root",
"path": "/",
"namePath": "/"
Retrieves a single Security Group by its id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /security-groups/{securityGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which this Security Group belongs. |
The Security Group response format is detailed here.
Create a Security Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Students'
group = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Students'
group = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Students"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-12T14:32:22.033Z",
"id": "789c2810-222d-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"superGroup": false,
"name": "Students",
"domains": [
"id": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"parentId": null,
"name": "Root",
"path": "/",
"namePath": "/"
Creates a new Security Group. Once the group is created, permissions will need to be assigned to it, and then members.
HTTP Request
POST /security-group
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the Security Group. |
The Security Group response format is detailed here.
Update a Security Group
# Continuing with the security group object
# from the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the security group object
# from the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/789c2810-222d-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Student Council Members"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"id": "789c2810-222d-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"createdAt": "2014-08-12T14:32:22.033Z",
"superGroup": false,
"name": "Student Council Members",
"domains": [
"id": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"parentId": null,
"name": "Root",
"path": "/",
"namePath": "/"
Updates an existing Security Group’s name
HTTP Request
PUT /security-groups/{securityGroupId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the Security Group. |
The Security Group response format is detailed here.
Remove a Security Group
# Continuing with the security group object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the security group object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/789c2810-222d-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"SecurityGroups\"} 789c2810-222d-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
Deletes an existing Security Group.
HTTP Request
DELETE /security-groups/{securityGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Security Group Response
The JSON document used to represent a Security Group resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Security Group was created. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the Security Group belongs. |
id | String | The id of this specific Security Group, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The Security Group name. May be up to 140 characters long. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
superGroup | Boolean | Indicates whether this group is the “super group” whose members implicitly have all possible application permissions. |
Security Groups Cloning
This resource is used to make a copy of the Security Group specified by id in the request path.
The only operation supported is POST
Clone a Security Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/2130a0d8-c2eb-11eb-9318-558fffe32ad2/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/2130a0d8-c2eb-11eb-9318-558fffe32ad2/clone"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/2130a0d8-c2eb-11eb-9318-558fffe32ad2/clone" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"id": "93dae61a-ebd5-11eb-81b3-2ba7fd062f40",
"name": "Command Center Admin (Copy)",
"superGroup": false,
"createdAt": "2021-07-23T16:46:50.609Z",
"permissions": []
Creates a copy of the specified Security Group. The name of the
new copy is simply the original Security Group’s name with “ (Copy)”
appended. In order to perform this operation, the user must have both
permission to the /security-groups
resource and GET
to the Security Group they wish to copy.
HTTP Request
POST /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/clone
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
securityGroupId | String | The id of the Security Group to copy. |
The security group response format is detailed here.
Security Group Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Security Groups are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Security Groups are assigned to which Domains.
List All Security Group Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"securityGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"securityGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Security Group belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, There were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Security Group belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Security Group using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Security Group, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the security group whose domains were
requested is returned under the key securityGroupId
inside each
domain response.
Check if a Domain contains a Security Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"securityGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Security Group Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Security Group belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Security Group is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Security Group, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Security Group is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Security
Group response format is detailed here. If
the group is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Security Group Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"securityGroupId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Security Group into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
securityGroupId | String | The id of the Security Group to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Security Group out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Security Group should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Security Group out of one or more child Domains? |
A Security Group is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Security Group that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Security Group Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Security Group c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Security Group from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Security Group currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Security Group itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Security Group. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Security Group in no Domain. |
A Security Group must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Security Group from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Security Group. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Security Group out
of its last Domain will delete the Security Group.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Security Group Members
A Security Group is a convenient way of organizing a named set of reusable permissions which can be assigned to multiple Users in the system. The member list is the set of users who belong to the security group, and who are thereby implicitly granted all of its Security Group Permissions.
Every security group can be assigned to any number of users. A user can do anything which is mentioned in the permissions of any security groups of which they are a member, as well as any direct User Permissions assigned to them. If the Domains feature is enabled, a user may be granted permission to act in a given domain through a security group without the user being placed directly in that domain.
List All Members
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/members?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 3,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-05T17:48:03.048Z",
"id": "a5e89e80-1cc8-11e4-8507-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"domains": [
"id": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"parentId": null,
"name": "Root",
"path": "/",
"namePath": "/"
"createdAt": "2014-08-12T14:53:48.882Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-12T14:53:48.882Z",
"userId": "a5e89e80-1cc8-11e4-8507-3c970e7ff560",
"id": "821e2b20-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"securityGroupId": "03f9a7f0-1d80-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560"
Retrieves the list of users that belong to the security group and thereby receive its permissions. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate security groups.)
HTTP Request
GET /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/members
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group whose members are being enumerated. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first security group was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of three available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The security group member response format is detailed here.
Get a Member
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/members/821e2b20-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
member = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/members/821e2b20-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
member = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/members/821e2b20-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-05T17:48:03.048Z",
"id": "a5e89e80-1cc8-11e4-8507-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"domains": [
"id": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"parentId": null,
"name": "Root",
"path": "/",
"namePath": "/"
"createdAt": "2014-08-12T14:46:56.978Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-12T14:53:48.882Z",
"userId": "a5e89e80-1cc8-11e4-8507-3c970e7ff560",
"id": "821e2b20-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"securityGroupId": "37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
Retrieves a member of the security group through the id
values of the group and member entry. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/members/{memberId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group in which a member is being looked up. |
memberId | The id of the specific member entry to be retrieved. |
The security group member response format is detailed here.
Add a Member
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'userId': 'a5e89e80-1cc8-11e4-8507-3c970e7ff560'
member = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'userId': 'a5e89e80-1cc8-11e4-8507-3c970e7ff560'
member = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/members" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"userId": "a5e89e80-1cc8-11e4-8507-3c970e7ff560"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-05T17:48:03.048Z",
"id": "a5e89e80-1cc8-11e4-8507-3c970e7ff560",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"domains": [
"id": "69dab71b-12b2-11e8-bfe3-41154f2b6534",
"parentId": null,
"name": "Root",
"path": "/",
"namePath": "/"
"createdAt": "2014-08-12T15:56:51.254Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-08-12T16:53:48.882Z",
"userId": "a5e89e80-1cc8-11e4-8507-3c970e7ff560",
"id": "4619e560-2239-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"securityGroupId": "37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
Adds a user to a security group.
HTTP Request
POST /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/members
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group to which a member is to be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
userId | String | N/A | The id of the User to add to the security group. |
The security group member response format is detailed here.
Remove a Member
# Continuing with the member object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the member object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/members/4619e560-2239-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"SecurityGroups\"} 4619e560-2239-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
Removes a user from a security group.
HTTP Request
DELETE /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/members/{memberId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group from which a member is to be removed. |
memberId | The id of the specific member entry to remove. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Members Response
The JSON document used to represent a security group member resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this member was added. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this member was last updated. |
id | String | The id of the membership record, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
securityGroupId | String | The id of the Security Group the user belongs to. |
user | User | The User identified as a member of the security group. (Only a subset of the normal (User response is returned, containing the information most likely to be needed for displaying and working with the security group including the user’s domains if the domains feature is enabled.) |
userId | String | The id of the User above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the User are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
Security Groups SCIM Groups
Security Group SCIM Groups connect Security Groups to SCIM Users. Every security group can be assigned to any number of scim groups. A user can do anything which is mentioned in the permissions of any security groups of which they are a member through their associated SCIM Groups, as well as any direct User Permissions assigned to them.
List All SCIM Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"data": [
"id": "d80aa1de-8026-11eb-a543-53c5fa2d317e",
"name": "SCIM Group",
"memberCount": 1,
"createdAt": "2021-03-08T15:56:28.662Z",
"permissions": ["put","delete","get"]
Retrieves all member SCIM Groups of this security group.
HTTP Request
GET /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/scim-groups
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group whose member SCIM Groups should be listed. |
The security group SCIM group response format is detailed here.
Update Security Group SCIM Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'scimGroupId': '70c0be09-6662-11eb-b962-b1e9a4e7ca6e'
sub = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'scimGroupId': '70c0be09-6662-11eb-b962-b1e9a4e7ca6e'
sub = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"scimGroupId": "70c0be09-6662-11eb-b962-b1e9a4e7ca6e"}'
"id": "70c0be09-6662-11eb-b962-b1e9a4e7ca6e",
"name": "Group Name",
"memberCount": 6,
"createdAt": "2021-02-03T20:57:34.944Z",
"permissions": ["put","delete","get"]
Create a link between a SCIM Group and a Security Group so that the member SCIM Users will receive the permissions of the security group.
HTTP Request
POST /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/scim-groups
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group to which a new SCIM group is to be added. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
scimGroupId | String | N/A | The id of the SCIM Group to add to the security group. |
The security group SCIM group response format is detailed here.
Remove Security Group SCIM Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups/d0b13a1e-67d6-11eb-bde7-a53355563835"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups/d0b13a1e-67d6-11eb-bde7-a53355563835"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560/scim-groups/d0b13a1e-67d6-11eb-bde7-a53355563835" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"message":"deleted d0b13a1e-67d6-11eb-bde7-a53355563835"
Removes the association between a SCIM Group and a Security Group.
HTTP Request
DELETE /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/scim-groups/{scimGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group from which the SCIM group is to be removed. |
scimGroupId | The id of the specific SCIM group to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Security Group SCIM Groups Response
The JSON document used to represent a security group SCIM group resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this SCIM Group was created. |
id | String | The id of this specific subscription, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
name | String | The name of the SCIM Group. |
memberCount | Integer | The number of members in the SCIM Group. |
Security Group Permissions
A Security Group is a convenient way of organizing a named set of reusable permissions which can be assigned to multiple Users in the system. The member list is the set of users who belong to the security group, and who are thereby implicitly granted all of its permissions.
Permissions are required to perform any action with the InformaCast Mobile API. When validating an action that a user is trying to perform through the API, the User Permissions assigned directly to the user (through the access token which accompanies all API requests) are combined with any that come from security groups to which the user belongs.
Each permission is made up of two attributes: the spec
identifies the resource being controlled, and the verb
identifies the action (HTTP method) being permitted. For example, a
permission granting the ability to read a particular User
resource would use the spec
and a verb
of get
To grant the ability to read every user, the spec
would use the *
wildcard character rather than a specific user id
. This same pattern
can also be applied with the verbs post
(create), put
and delete
. In the case of post
permissions, a trailing /*
not required to give create access to a specific resource, because the
value is not assigned until after the post action is in progress.
Every security group can be assigned to any number of users. A user can do anything which is mentioned in the permissions of any security groups of which they are a member, as well as any direct User Permissions assigned to them.
When Domains are in use, Security Groups are assigned to
Domains, and users who are members of the Security Group are granted
the ability to act in those Domains and their subdomains. Permissions
that refer to Domain-enabled resources,
unless their spec
values tie them to a single resource by id
, are
Domain scoped and will be attached to the acting Domain that was in
effect when the Permision was created. This means the permission will
only operate within that Domain and its subdomains.
List All Group Permissions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/permissions?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 15,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-12T15:09:33.697Z",
"verb": "get",
"spec": "/notifications/*",
"id": "aac90f10-2232-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": null,
"securityGroupId": "37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
This permission means the user is able to view all Notifications that have been sent.
Retrieves the list of permissions users receive though their membership in the security group. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate security groups.)
HTTP Request
GET /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/permissions
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the security group whose permissions are being enumerated. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first permission was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of fifteen available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The security group permission response format is detailed here.
Get a Group Permission
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/permissions/aac90f10-2232-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
perm = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/permissions/aac90f10-2232-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
perm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/permissions/aac90f10-2232-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-12T15:09:33.697Z",
"verb": "get",
"spec": "/notifications/*",
"id": "aac90f10-2232-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": null,
"securityGroupId": "37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
Retrieves a permission granted to the security group through the id
values of the group and permission entry. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/permissions/{permissionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group in which a permission is being looked up. |
permissionId | The id of the specific permission entry to be retrieved. |
The security group permission response format is detailed here.
Grant a Group Permission
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'spec': '/confirmation-requests',
'verb': 'post'
perm = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'spec': '/confirmation-requests'
'verb': 'post'
perm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/permissions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"spec": "/confirmation-requests", \
"verb": "post"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-12T16:10:53.715Z",
"verb": "post",
"spec": "/confirmation-requests",
"id": "3c3f3e30-223b-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": null,
"securityGroupId": "37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
This permission grants the group the ability to create new Confirmation Requests.
Grants a group the permission to perform a specific action on a specified resource or list of resources.
Tied Extensions
There are two pairs of extensions which are now treated by the user interface as a single concept: the iOS and Android push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for iOS/Android, and the macOS and Windows push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for Mac/Windows. Because of this, granting a permission to one of either pair will automatically grant permission to the other.
HTTP Request
POST /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/permissions
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group to which permission is being granted. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
spec | String | N/A | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the group is being permitted to act on. |
verb | String | N/A | Options: get post put delete . The action (HTTP method) which is to be permitted. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Automatically delete any matching security group permissions attached to subdomains of the current acting Domain when creating this one? |
The security group permission response format is detailed here.
Update a Group Permission
# Continuing with the permission object from
# the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the permission object from
# the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/permissions/3c3f3e30-223b-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"spec": "/confirmation-requests/*", \
"verb": "get"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-12T15:09:33.697Z",
"verb": "get",
"spec": "/confirmation-requests/*",
"id": "3c3f3e30-223b-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560",
"domainId": null,
"securityGroupId": "37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
This permission grants the user the ability to view all Confirmation Requests.
Updates an existing security group permission, to change the spec
or the verb
, as needed.
Tied Extensions
There are two pairs of extensions which are now treated by the user interface as a single concept: the iOS and Android push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for iOS/Android, and the macOS and Windows push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for Mac/Windows. Because of this, granting or revoking a permission to one of either pair will automatically grant or revoke permission to the other.
HTTP Request
PUT /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/permissions/{permissionId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group whose permission is being altered. |
permissionId | The id of the specific permission to change. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
spec | String | N/A | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the group is being permitted to act on. |
verb | String | N/A | Options: get post put delete . The action (HTTP method) which is to be permitted. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Automatically delete any matching security group permissions attached to subdomains of the current acting Domain when updating this one? |
The security group permission response format is detailed here.
Revoke a Group Permission
# Continuing with the permission object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the permission object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/security-groups/37b9faa0-222f-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560/permissions/3c3f3e30-223b-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"SecurityGroups\"} 3c3f3e30-223b-11e4-8f54-3c970e7ff560"
Tied Extensions
There are two pairs of extensions which are now treated by the user interface as a single concept: the iOS and Android push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for iOS/Android, and the macOS and Windows push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for Mac/Windows. Because of this, revoking a permission to one of either pair will automatically revoke permission to the other.
HTTP Request
DELETE /security-groups/{securityGroupId}/permissions/{permissionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group whose permission is being revoked. |
permissionId | The id of the specific permission to revoke. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Group Permission Response
The JSON document used to represent a security group permission resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this permission was created. |
domainId | String | Limits the maximum scope at which the permission can be applied: will be null unless Domains are enabled and the permission is domain-scoped (that is, it can match more than one domain-enabled resource, rather than referring to a specific resource by id ). In those cases, for Domain-enabled resources, only those belonging to the specified Domain or its subdomains are affected by the permission. |
id | String | The id of this specific permission, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . What operations are possible on this permission resource itself. |
securityGroupId | String | The id of the Security Group to which this permission applies. |
spec | String | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the group is being permitted to act on. |
verb | String | Options: get post put delete . The action (HTTP method) which is permitted on the resource(s) identified by spec . |
Provides information about the login session associated with the access token.
This is particularly useful when your application offers an interactive login interface, because it is the way you can obtain information about the user who logged in. You will need, for example, the userId
value in order to look up or create other resources associated with the user.
Get the Current Session
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/session"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/session"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/session" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"features": [],
"providerId": "0605547e-d829-11e6-906a-bdcaa2d55966",
"email": "road.runner@acme.com",
"idleTimeoutCustom": false,
"name": "Road Runner",
"isDomainsAvailable": false,
"isLicenseValid": true,
"accessToken": "S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=",
"providerName": "Acme Corp",
"providerExpiration": null,
"idleTimeout": 30,
"userId": "51d63c2a-a015-11e5-b60a-b3fe0dce4648",
"serverSupportedFeatures": []
Retrieves the authentication session information associated with the access token.
HTTP Request
GET /session
Attribute | Type | Description |
accessToken | String | The access token used to authenticate this request |
userId | String | The id of the user associated with the session; this user’s Permissions and Security Groups are what control access to API resources for requests with this access token |
providerName | String | The name of the provider to which the session is logged in; this defines which set of API resources are being accessed |
providerId | String | The id of the provider to which the session is logged in |
String | The email address of the user associated with the session | |
name | String | The name of the user associated with the session |
features | Array | A list of features that are enabled. |
isLicenseValid | Boolean | Whether the provider to which the session is logged in has a current, valid license |
idleTimeout | Int | The idle time (in minutes) before the session will timeout |
idleTimeoutCustom | Boolean | Whether the user associated with the session has a custom idleTimeout value or is using the system default |
serverSupportedFeatures | Array | A list of features supported by the provider’s Fusion servers based on the minimum version among them. This means that a feature is only included here if all of the provider’s Fusion servers are at or above the required version for that feature. Values here are used internally to ensure consistent behavior across cloud services and Fusion servers. |
isDomainsAvailable | Boolean | Will become true when the Domains feature is released |
domain | Object | Once the administrator has chosen to use Domains, this will report the Acting Domain that was in effect for the Session request (which may have been chosen by default if the request did not specify a Domain) |
Session Feature
Name | Description |
phoneCall | Represents that the phone call extension is enabled and phone devices can be registered and calls placed |
applePush | Represents that the Apple push extension is enabled and Apple devices can be registered and push notifications placed |
desktopNotifier | Represents that the desktop notifier extension is enabled and desktop notifier devices can be registered and sent notifications |
outboundCapDevice | Represents that the outbound CAP device extension is enabled |
outboundCap | Represents that the outbound CAP extension is enabled |
webexTeams | Represents that the Cisco Webex Teams extension is enabled |
inboundCap | Represents that the inbound CAP extension is enabled |
Represents that the Twitter extension is enabled | |
Represents that the Facebook extension is enabled | |
firebasePush | Represents that the Android/Firebase extension is enabled and Android/Firebase devices can be registered and push notifications placed |
dnd | Represents that the do not disturb extension is enabled and can be used |
inboundRss | Represents that the inbound RSS extension is enabled and can be used |
reporting | Represents that the reporting extension is enabled and the reporting extension can be used |
conferenceCall | Represents that the conference call extension is enabled and conference call collaboration groups can be used |
Represents that the email extension is enabled and email devices can be registered and sent messages to | |
sms | Represents that the SMS extension is enabled and SMS devices can be registered and sent messages to |
msteamsChat | Represents the Microsoft Teams chat extension is enabled |
msteamsCall | Represents the Microsoft Teams call extension is enabled |
fusion | Represents that fusion mode is enabled |
failover | Represents that failover mode is enabled |
domains | Represents that domain usage is enabled |
cucmEnabled | Represents that integration with Cisco Unified Communications Manager is enabled |
gms | Represents that GMS mode is enabled |
demo | Represents that the provider’s account is in demo mode |
Expired Sessions
"status": 401,
"type": "expired-token",
"message": "Expired Token"
If your token has expired (this only applies to normal, interactively-obtained tokens; permanent application tokens do not expire, which is why they are needed for unattended applications), you will receive an error response indicating this fact.
Log Out
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/session"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/session"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/session" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "Session deleted"
When you want to explicitly end a session, and ensure that the authentication token can no longer be used, you simply delete the Session resource.
HTTP Request
DELETE /session
The deletion response format is detailed here.
"status": 401,
"type": "unauthorized",
"message": "Unauthorized"
Subsequent attempts to use the authentication token will yield authentication errors; the user needs to log in again and obtain a new one.
Settings is the area where you can globally control certain preferences such as preferred timezones and preferred locales.
Get Settings
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/settings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
list = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/settings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
list = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/settings?" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["put", "get"],
"preferredLocale": "en-US",
"preferredTimezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
Fetches the current global settings. This is not a paginated result.
HTTP Request
GET /settings
The settings response format is detailed here.
Update Settings
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/settings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'preferredLocale': 'en-US',
'preferredTimezone': 'America/Los_Angeles'
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/settings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'preferredLocale': 'en-US'
'preferredTimezone': 'America/Los_Angeles'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/settings" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"preferredLocale": "en-US", \
"preferredTimezone": "America/Los_Angeles"}'
"permissions": ["put", "get"],
"preferredLocale": "en-US",
"preferredTimezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
Modifies the global provider settings.
HTTP Request
PUT /settings
multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
preferredLocale | String | en-US |
The preferred locale of the provider. Examples include en-US, es, fr, etc. This list is too long to enumerate here. |
preferredTimezone | String | UTC |
The preferred timezone of the provider. Examples include America/Los_Angeles, America/Chicago, etc. This list is too long to enumerate here. |
The settings response format is detailed here.
Settings Response
The JSON document used to represent a settings resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
preferredLocale | String | The preferred locale of the provider. Examples include en-US, es, fr, etc. This list is too long to enumerate here. |
preferredTimezone | String | The preferred timezone of the provider. Examples include America/Los_Angeles, America/Chicago, etc. This list is too long to enumerate here. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Sites are meant to be used in tandem with Site Roles to determine the recipients to be used by a Scenario. Sites have recipients associated with each individual site role, which may include Areas of Interest, Collaboration Groups, Device Groups (if in Fusion mode), Distribution Lists, and Users. Based on the site chosen when a notification is sent, recipients will be selected based on site roles associated with scenario notifications.
List Sites
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': 'true',
'includeExternalSources': 'true',
'includeBuildingTotal': 'true',
'includeBuildings': 'true',
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
'includeExternalSources': 'true'
'includeBuildingTotal': 'true'
'includeBuildings': 'true'
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites?includeDomains=true&includeExternalSources=true&includeBuildingTotal=true&includeBuildings=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"id": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"name": "East Campus",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"recipients": [
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:30:29.502Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43",
"siteRoleId": "724030a9-2b09-11e9-9638-578e7c043866",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c6e970a8-39fc-11e9-8c83-f91be012dad7",
"name": "East Campus - Security",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:29:04.324Z"
"userIds": [
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": [
"email": "john.doe@example.com",
"name": "John Doe",
"type": "regular",
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087",
"createdAt": "2018-06-19T20:27:00.189Z",
"lock": null,
"idleTimeout": 90
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroups": [
"id": "f55f3583-39fc-11e9-8c83-a7bc2f883b6a",
"name": "East Campus Digital Signs",
"type": "outbound-cap",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:30:22.271Z"
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:30:29.502Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "f9ae9274-39fc-11e9-8c83-eddd6d9694b4",
"siteRoleId": "bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744",
"collaborationGroupIds": [
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c2efd4c0-39fc-11e9-8c83-bbc0c28d718a",
"name": "East Campus - Employees",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:28:57.655Z"
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": []
"externalSources": [
"externalId": "228473",
"type": "zoom"
"buildingCount": 1,
"buildings": [
"id": "3eb28fab-4a72-11ed-ba69-05db1c8d216f",
"name": "Building 1"
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"permissions": [
Gets a list of all sites available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to sites allows administrators to decide which users can configure recipients of scenarios.)
HTTP Request
GET /sites
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first site was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeBuildings | Boolean | If true , include the list of Site Buildings in this Site. |
includeBuildingTotal | Boolean | If true , include the number of Site Buildings in this Site. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each site belongs. |
includeExternalSources | Boolean | If true , include the list of external sources linked to this site (via Zoom or Kontakt.io integration) |
requireEmergencyBuildings | Boolean | If true , returns sites that contain at least one emergency building |
The site response format is detailed here.
Get a Site
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b?includeDomains=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"name": "East Campus",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"recipients": [
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:30:29.502Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43",
"siteRoleId": "724030a9-2b09-11e9-9638-578e7c043866",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c6e970a8-39fc-11e9-8c83-f91be012dad7",
"name": "East Campus - Security",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:29:04.324Z"
"userIds": [
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": [
"email": "john.doe@example.com",
"name": "John Doe",
"type": "regular",
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087",
"createdAt": "2018-06-19T20:27:00.189Z",
"lock": null,
"idleTimeout": 90
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroups": [
"id": "f55f3583-39fc-11e9-8c83-a7bc2f883b6a",
"name": "East Campus Digital Signs",
"type": "outbound-cap",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:30:22.271Z"
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:30:29.502Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "f9ae9274-39fc-11e9-8c83-eddd6d9694b4",
"siteRoleId": "bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744",
"collaborationGroupIds": [
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c2efd4c0-39fc-11e9-8c83-bbc0c28d718a",
"name": "East Campus - Employees",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:28:57.655Z"
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": [],
"externalSources": [
"externalId": "228473",
"type": "zoom"
"buildingCount": 1,
"buildings": [
id: "3eb28fab-4a72-11ed-ba69-05db1c8d216f",
name: "Building 1"
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single site by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeBuildings | Boolean | If true , include the list of Site Buildings in this Site. |
includeBuildingTotal | Boolean | If true , include the number of Site Buildings in this Site. |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which this site belongs. |
includeExternalSources | Boolean | If true , include the list of external sources linked to this site (via Zoom or Kontakt.io integration) |
requireEmergencyBuildings | Boolean | If true , and the site contains no emergency buildings a 404 will be returned instead of the site |
The site response format is detailed here.
Create a Site
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'North Campus'
role = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'North Campus'
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "North Campus"}'
"name": "North Campus",
"id": "5742fff6-3ade-11e9-81d7-c730f23d2548",
"createdAt": "2019-02-27T22:23:43.267Z",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"recipients": [],
"permissions": [
Create a new site.
HTTP Request
POST /sites
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The site’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
recipients | Array[Object] | [] | The array of site roles and their recipients in the form of a json object. More information can be found here. |
The site response format is detailed here.
Update a Site
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Employees and Contractors"}'
"id": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"name": "South Campus",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"recipients": [
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T14:53:56.509Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "ac504599-3b68-11e9-81d7-5744d5bbf9e1",
"siteRoleId": "724030a9-2b09-11e9-9638-578e7c043866",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c6e970a8-39fc-11e9-8c83-f91be012dad7",
"name": "East Campus - Security",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:29:04.324Z"
"userIds": [
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": [
"email": "sarah.murphy@singlewire.com",
"name": "Sarah Murphy",
"type": "regular",
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087",
"createdAt": "2018-06-19T20:27:00.189Z",
"lock": null,
"idleTimeout": 90
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroups": [
"id": "f55f3583-39fc-11e9-8c83-a7bc2f883b6a",
"name": "East Campus Digital Signs",
"type": "outbound-cap",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:30:22.271Z"
"createdAt": "2019-02-28T14:53:56.509Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "ac50459a-3b68-11e9-81d7-a737ad52ba39",
"siteRoleId": "bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744",
"collaborationGroupIds": [
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c2efd4c0-39fc-11e9-8c83-bbc0c28d718a",
"name": "East Campus - Employees",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:28:57.655Z"
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": []
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"permissions": [
Updates an existing site.
HTTP Request
PUT /sites/{siteId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
id | String | The id of the site, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the site. |
name | String | N/A | The site’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
recipients | Array[Object] | The array of site roles and their recipients in the form of a json object. More information can be found here. |
The site response format is detailed here.
Remove a Site
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/f6138825-3ad9-11e9-81d7-f104ab17fd00" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 5742fff6-3ade-11e9-81d7-c730f23d2548"
Deletes an existing site.
HTTP Request
DELETE /sites/{siteId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Site Role Recipients
Site Role Recipients are associated with each individual site, and store information about recipients based on a site role, which can be later used on a scenario notification.
Site Role Recipients are created as part of a site, and are nested inside of an array in site resources. They include Areas of Interest, Collaboration Groups, Device Groups (fusion only), Distribution Lists, and Users.
Attribute | Type | Description |
areasOfInterest | Array[Area of Interest] | The areas of interest in this group of site role recipients. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for areas of interest in this group of site role recipients. |
collaborationGroups | Array[Collaboration Group] | The collaboration groups in this group of site role recipients. |
collabroationGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for collaboration groups in this group of site role recipients. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this group of site role recipients was created. |
deviceGroups | Array[Device Group] | The device groups (fusion only) in this group of site role recipients. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for device groups (fusion only) in this group of site role recipients. |
distributionLists | Array[Distribution List] | The distribution lists in this group of site role recipients. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for distribution lists in this group of site role recipients. |
id | String | The id of the site role’s recipients. |
siteId | String | The id of the site with which the recipients are associated. |
users | Array[User] | The users in this group of site role recipients. |
userIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for users in this group of site role recipients. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for areas of interest in this group of site role recipients. | |
collabroationGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for collaboration groups in this group of site role recipients. | |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for device groups (fusion only) in this group of site role recipients. | |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for distribution lists in this group of site role recipients. | |
id | String | The id of the site, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the site. |
siteId | String | The id of the site with which the recipients are associated. |
userIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for users in this group of site role recipients. |
Site Response
The JSON document used to represent a Site resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
buildingCount | Number | The number of buildings in this Site. Returned when the includeBuildingTotal query parameter is true . |
buildings | Array[Site Building] | The list of buildings in this Site. Returned when the includeBuildings query parameter is true . |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this site was created. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the site belongs. |
externalSources | Array[External Source] | The list of external sources for the site. Returned when the includeExternalSources query parameter is true . |
id | String | The id of the site, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the site. |
latitude | number | The latitude of the geographic average of any Site Buildings with known locations. |
longitude | number | The longitude of the geographic average of any Site Buildings with known locations. |
name | String | The site’s unique name. |
recipients | Array[Object] | The array of site roles and their recipients in the form of a json object. More information can be found here. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Include External Sources Response
The JSON document used to represent an External Source for a Site, Building, Floor, or Zone when the includeExternalSources
query parameter is true
has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
type | String | The type of the external source, such as “zoom” or “kontaktio-wearable-panic-button” |
externalId | String | the id of the external source according to the entity providing that external source. For a Zoom Site, this is the ID of that Site in Zoom, for example. |
Sites Management
Sites Management is a limited API to bulk-edit Sites, generally used with integrations to handle imports. While this API is public, it is relatively volatile and the structure of the requests is subject to change.
Get Import Status
Gets a list of the current import status for various integrations (Kontakt.io, Zoom, etc).
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites-management"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites-management"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites-management" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"import": {
"zoom": {
"imported": true,
"importDate": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z"
"kontaktioWearablePanicButton": {
"imported": true,
"importDate": "2022-10-10T23:17:05.260Z"
"data": []
Gets the status of the Zoom and Kontakt.io integrations. imported
is true if at least one site has been imported and has an externalSource, with the importDate
being the date of that externalSource being created.
HTTP Request
GET /sites-management
The sites-management response format is detailed here.
Unlink Sources
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites-management"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'action': 'unlink-sources',
'sources': 'zoom'
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites-management"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'action': 'unlink-sources'
'sources': 'zoom'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites-management" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"action": "unlink-sources", \
"sources": "zoom"}'
"message": "Unlink sources successful",
"permissions": ["get"]
Unlink all sites with the given source. Removes the externalSource record for the site. Does not delete or modify the site in any other way.
HTTP Request
POST /sites-management
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | String | Must be “unlink-sources” |
sources | Array[String] | List of sources to remove, like [“zoom”] |
The sites-management response format is detailed here.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites-management"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'action': 'import',
'externalSites': [{
'name': 'Singlewire',
'source': 'kontaktio-wearable-panic-button',
'externalId': '194795',
'matchedResource': null,
'importedResource': null,
'buildings': [{
'name': 'Singlewire HQ',
'source': 'kontaktio-wearable-panic-button',
'externalId': '194994',
'matchedResource': null,
'importedResource': null,
'floors': [{
'name': 'First Floor',
'source': 'kontaktio-wearable-panic-button',
'externalId': '194237',
'matchedResource': null,
'importedResource': null,
'zones': [{
'name': 'Living Room',
'source': 'kontaktio-wearable-panic-button',
'externalId': '195034',
'matchedResource': null,
'importedResource': null
print(requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites-management"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'action': 'import'
'externalSites': [{
'name': 'Singlewire'
'source': 'kontaktio-wearable-panic-button'
'externalId': '194795'
'matchedResource': null
'importedResource': null
'buildings': [{
'name': 'Singlewire HQ'
'source': 'kontaktio-wearable-panic-button'
'externalId': '194994'
'matchedResource': null
'importedResource': null
'floors': [{
'name': 'First Floor'
'source': 'kontaktio-wearable-panic-button'
'externalId': '194237'
'matchedResource': null
'importedResource': null
'zones': [{
'name': 'Living Room'
'source': 'kontaktio-wearable-panic-button'
'externalId': '195034'
'matchedResource': null
'importedResource': null
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites-management" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"action": "import", \
"externalSites": [{"name": "Singlewire", \
"source": "kontaktio-wearable-panic-button", \
"externalId": "194795", \
"matchedResource": null, \
"importedResource": null, \
"buildings": [{"name": "Singlewire HQ", \
"source": "kontaktio-wearable-panic-button", \
"externalId": "194994", \
"matchedResource": null, \
"importedResource": null, \
"floors": [{"name": "First Floor", \
"source": "kontaktio-wearable-panic-button", \
"externalId": "194237", \
"matchedResource": null, \
"importedResource": null, \
"zones": [{"name": "Living Room", \
"source": "kontaktio-wearable-panic-button", \
"externalId": "195034", \
"matchedResource": null, \
"importedResource": null}]}]}]}]}'
"message": "Import successful",
Import the supplied externalSites. Note that this is in a very particular format that we only expect to be used via the UI.
HTTP Request
POST /sites-management
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | String | Must be “import” |
externalSites | Array[Object] | List of sites to import. Site contains a nested list of buildings, which has a nested list of floors, which has a nested list of zones. Each ‘level’ can have a matchedResource and importedResource. matchedResource is the ID of the internal resource to link with the external resource. importedResource is the ID of the internal resource that has already been linked to the external resource. |
The sites-management response format is detailed here.
Sites Management Response
The JSON document used to represent a Sites Management response has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
import | Object | Dictionary object containing the import info for zoom and kontaktioWearablePanicButton. Has a boolean for imported and a date for importDate. Only returned on a GET. |
message | String | Message from the server on whether the action was successful. Only returned in a POST. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get post . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. Not returned on GET. |
Site Recipients
Site Recipients are the Site Roles associated with a
given site. A site used to have all site roles automatically assigned
to it, so the endpoint was created to prevent automatic site role
creation. The data returned here is functionally equivalent to the
data returned in the recipients
object in the Site endpoint.
Note: passing recipients
to the Site endpoint functions
as it did previously in which recipients can be added to the Site.
List Site Recipients
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/recipients"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/recipients"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/recipients" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:30:29.502Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43",
"siteRoleId": "724030a9-2b09-11e9-9638-578e7c043866",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c6e970a8-39fc-11e9-8c83-f91be012dad7",
"name": "East Campus - Security",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:29:04.324Z"
"userIds": [
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": [
"email": "john.doe@example.com",
"name": "John Doe",
"type": "regular",
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087",
"createdAt": "2018-06-19T20:27:00.189Z",
"lock": null,
"idleTimeout": 90
Gets a list of all site recipients in use for the specified site. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/recipients
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the site recipient belongs to. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first site recipient was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The site recipient response format is detailed here.
Get a Site Recipient
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/recipients/f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/recipients/f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/recipients/f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:30:29.502Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43",
"siteRoleId": "724030a9-2b09-11e9-9638-578e7c043866",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c6e970a8-39fc-11e9-8c83-f91be012dad7",
"name": "East Campus - Security",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:29:04.324Z"
"userIds": [
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": [
"email": "john.doe@example.com",
"name": "John Doe",
"type": "regular",
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087",
"createdAt": "2018-06-19T20:27:00.189Z",
"lock": null,
"idleTimeout": 90
Retrieves a single site recipient by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/recipients/{siteRecipientId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the site recipient belongs to. |
siteRecipientId | The id of the site to retrieve. |
The site recipient response format is detailed here.
Create a Site Recipient
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/recipients"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'siteRoleId': 'a97d4e1d-18b2-11ed-b3a2-43ed4b226a26'
role = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/recipients"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'siteRoleId': 'a97d4e1d-18b2-11ed-b3a2-43ed4b226a26'
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/recipients" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"siteRoleId": "a97d4e1d-18b2-11ed-b3a2-43ed4b226a26"}'
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:30:29.502Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "b441f043-18b9-11ed-b3a2-0b5a888c68e9",
"siteRoleId": "a97d4e1d-18b2-11ed-b3a2-43ed4b226a26",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [],
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": []
Create a new site recipient.
HTTP Request
POST /sites/{siteId}/recipients
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the site recipient belongs to. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
id | String | The id of the site roles’ recipients record, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the site role’s recipients record. |
siteRoleId | String | The id of the site role with which the recipients are associated. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for areas of interest in this group of site role recipients. | |
collabroationGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for collaboration groups in this group of site role recipients. | |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for device groups (fusion only) in this group of site role recipients. | |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for distribution lists in this group of site role recipients. | |
userIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for users in this group of site role recipients. |
The site recipient response format is detailed here.
Update a Site Recipient
# Continuing with the site and recipient objects
# from the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site and recipient objects
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/recipients/f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"siteRoleId": "a97d4e1d-18b2-11ed-b3a2-43ed4b226a26", \
"distributionListIds": [], \
"userIds": ["1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087", "d9e2d16d-ec1d-11ec-8579-0d23e4601999"]}'
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroups": [],
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:30:29.502Z",
"distributionListIds": [],
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"id": "f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43",
"siteRoleId": "a97d4e1d-18b2-11ed-b3a2-43ed4b226a26",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [],
"userIds": [
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": [
"email": "john.doe@example.com",
"name": "John Doe",
"type": "regular",
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087",
"createdAt": "2018-06-19T20:27:00.189Z",
"lock": null,
"idleTimeout": 90
"email": "jane.doe@example.com",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"type": "regular",
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "d9e2d16d-ec1d-11ec-8579-0d23e4601999",
"createdAt": "2018-06-19T20:27:00.189Z",
"lock": null,
"idleTimeout": 90
Updates an existing site recipient record.
HTTP Request
PUT /sites/{siteId}/recipients/{siteRecipientId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site to update. |
siteRecipientId | The id of the site recipient to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
id | String | The id of the site roles’ recipients record, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the site role’s recipients record. |
siteRoleId | String | The id of the site role with which the recipients are associated. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for areas of interest in this group of site role recipients. | |
collabroationGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for collaboration groups in this group of site role recipients. | |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for device groups (fusion only) in this group of site role recipients. | |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for distribution lists in this group of site role recipients. | |
userIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for users in this group of site role recipients. |
The site recipient response format is detailed here.
Remove a Site Recipient
# Continuing with the site and recipient objects
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site and recipient objects
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/f6138825-3ad9-11e9-81d7-f104ab17fd00/recipients/f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43"
Deletes an existing site recipient record.
HTTP Request
DELETE /sites/{siteId}/recipients/{siteRecipientId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site to delete. |
siteRecipientId | The id of the site recipient to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
id | String | The id of the site roles’ recipients record, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the site role’s recipients record. |
siteId | String | The id of the site with which the recipients are associated. |
siteRoleId | String | The id of the site role with which the recipients are associated. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for areas of interest in this group of site role recipients. | |
collabroationGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for collaboration groups in this group of site role recipients. | |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for device groups (fusion only) in this group of site role recipients. | |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for distribution lists in this group of site role recipients. | |
userIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for users in this group of site role recipients. |
Site Recipient Response
The JSON document used to represent a Site Recipient resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the site roles’ recipients record. |
siteId | String | The id of the site with which the recipients are associated. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this group of site role recipients was created. |
areasOfInterest | Array[Area of Interest] | The areas of interest in this group of site role recipients. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for areas of interest in this group of site role recipients. |
collaborationGroups | Array[Collaboration Group] | The collaboration groups in this group of site role recipients. |
collabroationGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for collaboration groups in this group of site role recipients. |
deviceGroups | Array[Device Group] | The device groups (fusion only) in this group of site role recipients. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for device groups (fusion only) in this group of site role recipients. |
distributionLists | Array[Distribution List] | The distribution lists in this group of site role recipients. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for distribution lists in this group of site role recipients. |
users | Array[User] | The users in this group of site role recipients. |
userIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for users in this group of site role recipients. |
Site Buildings
Site Buildings are meant to increase granularity of a given location from where a notification can originate from. Since a site can have multiple buildings, pinpointing where a notification is initiated from can improve response times in the event of an emergency.
List Site Buildings
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'include-external-sources': 'true',
'include-floors': 'true',
'include-floor-total': 'true',
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'include-external-sources': 'true'
'include-floors': 'true'
'include-floor-total': 'true'
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings?include-external-sources=true&include-floors=true&include-floor-total=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"id": "a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013",
"name": "East Campus",
"createdAt": "2022-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"floorCount": 0,
"floors": [],
"externalSources": [],
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"addressLine1": null,
"addressLine2": null,
"city": null,
"state": null,
"postalCode": null,
"country": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"primaryPhone": null,
"emergency": false,
"respondingPsap": null,
"preferredPsapNumber": null,
"fccId": null,
"permissions": [
Gets a list of all site buildings for a given site available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to sites allows administrators to decide which users can configure recipients of scenarios.)
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first site building was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeExternalSources | Boolean | If true , include the external sources of the site building. |
includeFloors | Boolean | If true , include the site building floors of the site building. |
includeFloorTotal | Boolean | If true , include the number of site building floors which the building contains. |
includeParentNames | Boolean | If true , include siteName in the response. |
The site building response format is detailed here.
Get a Site Building
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
building = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
building = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"siteId": "68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c",
"id": "372c92c8-18d2-11ed-b0b8-55fd00a55370",
"name": "Example Site Building",
"createdAt": "2022-08-10T17:31:06.622Z",
"addressLine1": null,
"addressLine2": null,
"city": null,
"state": null,
"postalCode": null,
"country": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"primaryPhone": null,
"emergency": false,
"respondingPsap": null,
"preferredPsapNumber": null,
"fccId": null,
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single site building by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the building belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site building. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeExternalSources | Boolean | If true , include the external sources of the site building. |
includeFloors | Boolean | If true , include the site building floors of the site building. |
includeFloorTotal | Boolean | If true , include the number of site building floors which the building contains. |
includeParentNames | Boolean | If true , include siteName in the response. |
The site building response format is detailed here.
Create a Site Building
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Brand New Building',
'type': 'LBBY'
building = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Brand New Building'
'type': 'LBBY'
building = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Brand New Building", \
"type": "LBBY"}'
"siteId": "68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c",
"id": "7310aff0-18d4-11ed-b0b8-2114a6835db5",
"name": "Brand New Building",
"createdAt": "2022-08-10T17:47:06.096Z",
"addressLine1": null,
"addressLine2": null,
"city": null,
"state": null,
"postalCode": null,
"country": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"primaryPhone": null,
"emergency": false,
"respondingPsap": null,
"preferredPsapNumber": null,
"fccId": null,
"permissions": [
Create a new site building.
HTTP Request
POST /sites/{siteId}/buildings
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the building belongs to. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
acceptRapidSosEula | boolean | false | If true , attests that this user is accepting the end-user license agreement for RapidSOS services. This must be done by one user before a building can be configured with emergency set to true . |
addressLine1 | String | null | The street address of the building. |
addressLine2 | String | null | Additional address details, such as suite number. |
city | String | null | The city (or town, village, etc.) of the building’s address. |
country | String | null | The country of the building’s address. |
emergency | Boolean | false | Automatically notify emergency services when emergency scenarios are sent for this building? (The emergency calling feature must be enabled for your organization before you can send a true value here.) |
fccId | String | null | When emergency is true , must hold the ID that the FCC assigned to the PSAP responsible for responding to emergencies at this building. This should begin with a two letter state abbreviation followed by an underscore. |
latitude | Number | N/A | This value is ignored unless skipAddressValidation is true, when it must contain the geographic latitude of the building. |
longitude | Number | N/A | This value is ignored unless skipAddressValidation is true, when it must contain the geographic longitude of the building. |
name | String | N/A | The sites building’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
postalCode | String | null | The ZIP or postal code of the building’s address. |
preferredPsapNumber | String | null | When emergency is true , must hold the phone number of the PSAP responsible for responding to emergencies at this building. |
primaryPhone | String | null | The primary phone number associated with the building; will be required for emergency buildings. |
respondingPsap | String | null | When emergency is true , must hold the PSAP responsible for responding to emergencies at this building. |
skipAddressValidation | boolean | false | This should only be used when there is a problem with the Google Maps data for a building which prevents a stable submission with validation. When true, the exact address values submitted will be stored for the building address; they must be correct and include the actual building longitude and latitude. |
state | String | null | The state or province of the building’s address. |
If any address fields are present, then all fields other than addressLine2
, emergency
, and primaryPhone
are required.
If emergency
is true
, then all fields other than addressLine2
are required.
The site building response format is detailed here.
Update a Site Building
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "The Penthouse"}'
"siteId": "68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c",
"id": "372c92c8-18d2-11ed-b0b8-55fd00a55370",
"name": "The Penthouse",
"createdAt": "2022-08-10T17:31:06.622Z",
"addressLine1": null,
"addressLine2": null,
"city": null,
"state": null,
"postalCode": null,
"country": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"primaryPhone": null,
"emergency": false,
"respondingPsap": null,
"preferredPsapNumber": null,
"fccId": null,
"permissions": [
Updates an existing site building.
HTTP Request
PUT /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the building belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site building. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
acceptRapidSosEula | boolean | false | If true , attests that this user is accepting the end-user license agreement for RapidSOS services. This must be done by one user before a building can be configured with emergency set to true . |
addressLine1 | String | null | The street address of the building. |
addressLine2 | String | null | Additional address details, such as suite number. |
city | String | null | The city (or town, village, etc.) of the building’s address. |
country | String | null | The country of the building’s address. |
emergency | Boolean | false | Automatically notify emergency services when emergency scenarios are sent for this building? (The emergency calling feature must be enabled for your organization before you can send a true value here.) |
fccId | String | null | When emergency is true , must hold the ID that the FCC assigned to the PSAP responsible for responding to emergencies at this building. This should begin with a two letter state abbreviation followed by an underscore. |
latitude | Number | N/A | This value is ignored unless skipAddressValidation is true, when it must contain the geographic latitude of the building. |
longitude | Number | N/A | This value is ignored unless skipAddressValidation is true, when it must contain the geographic longitude of the building. |
name | String | N/A | The sites building’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
postalCode | String | null | The ZIP or postal code of the building’s address. |
preferredPsapNumber | String | null | When emergency is true , must hold the phone number of the PSAP responsible for responding to emergencies at this building. |
primaryPhone | String | null | The primary phone number associated with the building; will be required for emergency buildings. |
respondingPsap | String | null | When emergency is true , must hold the PSAP responsible for responding to emergencies at this building. |
skipAddressValidation | boolean | false | This should only be used when there is a problem with the Google Maps data for a building which prevents a stable submission with validation. When true, the exact values submitted will be stored for the building address; they must be correct and include the actual building longitude and latitude. |
state | String | null | The state or province of the building’s address. |
If any address fields are present, then all fields other than addressLine2
, emergency
, and primaryPhone
are required.
If emergency
is true
, then all fields other than addressLine2
are required.
The site building response format is detailed here.
Remove a Site Building
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b"
Deletes an existing site building.
HTTP Request
DELETE /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the building belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site building. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Site Building Response
The JSON document used to represent a Site Building resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
addressLine1 | String | The street address of the building. |
addressLine2 | String | Additional address details, such as suite number. |
city | String | The city (or town, village, etc.) of the building’s address. |
country | String | The country of the building’s address. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this site building was created. |
emergency | Boolean | Automatically notify emergency services when emergency scenarios are sent for this building? |
externalSources | Array[External Source] | The list of external sources in this Site Building. Returned if the includeExternalSources query parameter was true . |
fccId | String | When emergency is true , holds the ID that the FCC assigned to the PSAP responsible for responding to emergencies at this building. This should begin with a two letter state abbreviation followed by an underscore. |
floorCount | Number | The number of Site Building Floors in this Site Building. Returned if the include­FloorTotal query parameter was true . |
floors | Array[Site Building Floor] | The list of Site Building Floors in this Site Building. Returned if the includeFloors query parameter was true . |
id | UUID | The id of the site building, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the site building. |
latitude | Number | The geographic latitude of the building (calculated by geocoding when address information is supplied). |
longitude | Number | The geographic longitude of the building (calculated by geocoding when address information is supplied). |
name | String | The site building floor’s unique name. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
postalCode | String | The ZIP or postal code of the building’s address. |
preferredPsapNumber | String | When emergency is true , holds the phone number of the PSAP responsible for responding to emergencies at this building. |
primaryPhone | String | The primary phone number associated with the building; will be required for emergency buildings. |
siteId | UUID | The ID of the site to which this building belongs. |
respondingPsap | String | When emergency is true , holds the PSAP responsible for responding to emergencies at this building. |
siteName | String | The name of the site to which this building belongs, present only when the includeParentNames query parameter was true . |
state | String | The state or province of the building’s address. |
Site Building External Sources
Site Building External Sources are intended to represent an InformaCast site building being linked to an external entity to facilitate integration workflows, such as Zoom or Kontakt.io.
List Site Building External Sources
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/external-sources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/external-sources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/external-sources?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"updatedAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z",
"permissions": [
"name": "Building 1",
"source": "zoom",
"externalId": "SDFSDFxcfvkjsHJFDKF325234",
"id": "7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkj",
"siteId": "7712238e-1760-11ed-9083-238bkjld3",
"buildingId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104",
"createdAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z"
Gets a list of all external sources for the given site building.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/externalSources
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first site building external source was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The external source response format is detailed here.
Get a Site Building External Source
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkj"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkj"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkj" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"updatedAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z",
"permissions": [
"name": "Building 1",
"source": "zoom",
"externalId": "SDFSDFxcfvkjsHJFDKF325235",
"id": "7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkj",
"siteId": "7712238e-1760-11ed-9083-238bkjld3",
"buildingId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104",
"createdAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z"
Retrieves a single site building external source by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result. Note that this is by ID, not external ID.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/externalSources/{externalSourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
buildingId | The id of the site building |
siteId | The id of the site |
externalSourceId | The id of the external source to retrieve. Not the external ID! |
The site building external source response format is detailed here.
Remove a Site Building External Source
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkj" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkj"
Deletes an existing site building external source.
HTTP Request
DELETE /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/externalSources/{externalSourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
buildingId | The id of the site building with the external source to delete. |
externalSourceId | The id of the external source to delete. Not the external ID! |
siteId | The id of the site with the external source to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Site Building Floors
Site Building Floors are meant to increase granularity of a given location from where a notification can originate from. Since a site building can have multiple floors, pinpointing where a notification is initiated from can improve response times in the event of an emergency.
List Site Building Floors
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'include-external-sources': 'true',
'include-zones': 'true',
'include-zone-total': 'true',
'include-zone-boundaries': 'true',
'include-binary-urls': 'true',
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'include-external-sources': 'true'
'include-zones': 'true'
'include-zone-total': 'true'
'include-zone-boundaries': 'true'
'include-binary-urls': 'true'
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors?include-external-sources=true&include-zones=true&include-zone-total=true&include-zone-boundaries=true&include-binary-urls=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"id": "a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013",
"name": "East Campus - Lobby",
"type": "LBBY",
"createdAt": "2022-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"zoneCount": 0,
"zones": [],
"externalSources": [],
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"buildingId": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b",
"imageOrigins": {
"type": "MultiPoint",
"coordinates": [
"boundary": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"floorPlanImageFiles": [
"fileName": "lobbyfloorplan.jpeg",
"size": 89528,
"contentType": "image/jpeg",
"metadata": {
"width": 900,
"chroma": {
"numChannels": 3,
"colorSpaceType": "YCbCr"
"height": 900,
"dimension": {
"imageOrientation": "Normal",
"pixelAspectRatio": 1.0,
"verticalPixelSize": 0.26458332,
"horizontalPixelSize": 0.26458332
"compression": {
"lossless": false,
"compressionTypeName": "JPEG",
"numProgressiveScans": 1}},
"url": ""
"permissions": [
Gets a list of all site building floors for a given site building available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to sites allows administrators to decide which users can configure recipients of scenarios.)
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first site building was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The InformaCast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeExternalSources | Boolean | If true , include the external sources of the site building floor. |
includeParentNames | Boolean | If true , include siteName and buildingName in the response. |
includeZones | Boolean | If true , include the zones of the site building floor. |
includeZoneTotal | Boolean | If true , include the number of site building floor zones which the floor contains. |
includeZoneBoundaries | Boolean | If true , include the boundary of all zones returned by includeZones |
includeBinaryUrls | Boolean | If true , include signed CloudFront URLs for the floor plan image in the response when available. |
The site building floor response format is detailed here.
Get a Site Building Floor
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/372c92c8-18d2-11ed-b0b8-55fd00a55370"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'include-zones': 'true',
'include-zone-total': 'true',
'include-zone-boundaries': 'true',
'include-binary-urls': 'true'
floor = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/372c92c8-18d2-11ed-b0b8-55fd00a55370"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'include-zones': 'true'
'include-zone-total': 'true'
'include-zone-boundaries': 'true'
'include-binary-urls': 'true'
floor = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/372c92c8-18d2-11ed-b0b8-55fd00a55370?include-zones=true&include-zone-total=true&include-zone-boundaries=true&include-binary-urls=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"siteId": "68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c",
"buildingId": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b",
"id": "372c92c8-18d2-11ed-b0b8-55fd00a55370",
"name": "Example Site Building Floor",
"type": "FL",
"floorPlanImageFiles": [{
"fileName": "examplefloorplan.jpeg",
"size": 89528,
"contentType": "image/jpeg",
"metadata": {
"width": 900,
"chroma": {
"numChannels": 3,
"colorSpaceType": "YCbCr"
"height": 900,
"dimension": {
"imageOrientation": "Normal",
"pixelAspectRatio": 1.0,
"verticalPixelSize": 0.26458332,
"horizontalPixelSize": 0.26458332
"compression": {
"lossless": false,
"compressionTypeName": "JPEG",
"numProgressiveScans": 1
"url": ""
"imageOrigins": {
"type": "MultiPoint",
"coordinates": [
"boundary": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"zoneCount": 1,
"zones": [
"id": "3acfa610-4c22-11ee-baa8-21a3f3c72fcd",
"name": "lobby",
"type": "LBBY",
"boundary": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"createdAt": "2022-08-10T17:31:06.622Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single site building floor by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the floor belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site building the floor belongs to |
floorId | The id of the site building floor |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeExternalSources | Boolean | If true , include the external sources of the site building floor. |
includeParentNames | Boolean | If true , include siteName and buildingName in the response. |
includeZones | Boolean | If true , include the zones of the site building floor. |
includeZoneTotal | Boolean | If true , include the number of site building floor zones which the floor contains. |
includeZoneBoundaries | Boolean | If true , include the boundary of all zones returned by includeZones |
includeBinaryUrls | Boolean | If true , include signed CloudFront URLs for the floor plan image in the response when available. |
The site building floor response format is detailed here.
Create a Site Building Floor
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Brand New Floor',
'type': 'LBBY'
floor = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Brand New Floor'
'type': 'LBBY'
floor = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Brand New Floor", \
"type": "LBBY"}'
"siteId": "68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c",
"buildingId": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b",
"id": "7310aff0-18d4-11ed-b0b8-2114a6835db5",
"name": "Brand New Floor",
"type": "LBBY",
"floorPlanImageFiles": [],
"imageOrigins": null,
"boundary": null,
"createdAt": "2022-08-10T17:47:06.096Z",
"permissions": [
Create a new site building floor.
HTTP Request
POST /sites/{siteId}//buildings/{buildingId}floors
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the floor belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site building the floor belongs to |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The site building floor’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
type | String | FL | The type of floor. Maximum of 4 characters. |
floorPlanImage | File | N/A | A JPG/JPEG, PNG, or GeoTIFF file of up to 20mb. Non-GeoTIFF images will also require imageOrigins to be provided. |
imageOrigins | JSON | N/A | The geometry property of a GeoJSON MultiPoint object containing two points, representing the lower-left and upper-right placement of the image on a map. Requires floorPlanImage. |
boundary | JSON | N/A | The geometry property of a GeoJSON Polygon object containing a single polygon, representing the outer boundary of the floor plan. Requires imageOrigins. |
The site building response format is detailed here.
Update a Site Building Floor
# Continuing with the site and floor objects
# from the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site and floor objects
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/372c92c8-18d2-11ed-b0b8-55fd00a55370" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "The Penthouse", \
"type": 'PH'}'
"siteId": "68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c",
"buildingId": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b",
"id": "372c92c8-18d2-11ed-b0b8-55fd00a55370",
"name": "The Penthouse",
"type": "FL",
"floorPlanImageFiles": [],
"boundary": null,
"imageOrigins": null,
"createdAt": "2022-08-10T17:31:06.622Z",
"permissions": [
Updates an existing site building floor.
HTTP Request
PUT /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the floor belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site building the floor belongs to |
floorId | The id of the site building floor |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The site building floor’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
type | String | FL | The type of floor. Maximum of 4 characters. |
floorPlanImage | File | N/A | A JPG/JPEG, PNG, or GeoTIFF file of up to 20mb. Non-GeoTIFF images will also require imageOrigins to be provided. |
imageOrigins | JSON | N/A | The geometry property of a GeoJSON MultiPoint object containing two points, representing the lower-left and upper-right placement of the image on a map. Requires image. |
boundary | JSON | N/A | The geometry property of a GeoJSON Polygon object containing a single polygon, representing the outer boundary of the floor plan. Requires imageOrigins. |
The site building floor response format is detailed here.
Remove a Site Building Floor
# Continuing with the site and building objects
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site and building objects
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/68e70d51-e75d-11ec-93fe-914fcd30779c/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/372c92c8-18d2-11ed-b0b8-55fd00a55370" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 372c92c8-18d2-11ed-b0b8-55fd00a55370"
Deletes an existing site building floor.
HTTP Request
DELETE /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the floor belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site building the floor belongs to |
floorId | The id of the site building floor |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Site Building Floor Response
The JSON document used to represent a Site Building Floor resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
buildingId | UUID | The ID of the building to which this floor belongs. |
buildingName | String | The name of the building to which this floor belongs, present only when the includeParentNames query parameter was true . |
type | String | The type of floor. Maximum of 4 characters. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this site building floor was created. |
externalSources | Array[External Source] | List of external sources for this site building floor. Returned if the includeExternalSources query parameter was true . |
id | UUID | The id of the site building floor, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the site building floor. |
name | String | The site building floor’s unique name. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
siteId | UUID | The ID of the site to which this floor belongs. |
siteName | String | The name of the site to which this floor belongs, present only when the includeParentNames query parameter was true . |
type | String | The type of floor. Maximum of 4 characters. |
zoneCount | Number | The number of site building floor zones in this site building floor. Returned if the includeZoneTotal query parameter was true . |
zones | Array[Site Building Floor Zone] | List of the site building floor zones in this site building floor. Returned if the includeZones query parameter was true . |
floorPlanImageFiles | Array[Object] | An array containing up to two JSON objects representing floor plan image data. If a GeoTIFF is uploaded, the array will contain a converted JPEG first, followed by the original GeoTIFF. If includeBinaryURls is checked, will also include the CloudFront URL. |
imageOrigins | JSON | A GeoJSON MultiPoint object as saved, representing the lower left and upper right pinned location of the image on a map. |
boundary | JSON | A GeoJSON Polygon object as saved, representing the outer boundary of the floor plan. |
Site Building Floor External Sources
Site Building Floor External Sources are intended to represent an InformaCast site building floor being linked to an external entity to facilitate integration workflows, such as Zoom or Kontakt.io.
List Site Building Floor External Sources
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/external-sources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/external-sources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/external-sources?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"updatedAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z",
"permissions": [
"name": "Floor 1",
"source": "zoom",
"externalId": "SDFSDFxcfvkjsHJFDKF325235",
"id": "7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkq",
"siteId": "7712238e-1760-11ed-9083-238bkjld3",
"buildingId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104",
"floorId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105",
"createdAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z"
Gets a list of all external sources for the given site building.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/externalSources
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first site building floor external source was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The external source response format is detailed here.
Get a Site Building Floor External Source
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkq"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkq"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkq" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"updatedAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z",
"permissions": [
"name": "Floor 1",
"source": "zoom",
"externalId": "SDFSDFxcfvkjsHJFDKF325235",
"id": "7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkq",
"siteId": "7712238e-1760-11ed-9083-238bkjld3",
"buildingId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104",
"floorId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105",
"createdAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z"
Retrieves a single site building floor external source by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result. Note that this is by ID, not external ID.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/externalSources/{externalSourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
buildingId | The id of the site building |
floorId | The id of the site building floor |
siteId | The id of the site |
externalSourceId | The id of the external source to retrieve. Not the external ID! |
The site building floor external source response format is detailed here.
Remove a Site Building Floor External Source
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkq" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkq"
Deletes an existing site building external source.
HTTP Request
DELETE /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/externalSources/{externalSourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
buildingId | The id of the site building with the external source to delete. |
externalSourceId | The id of the external source to delete. Not the external ID! |
floorId | The id of the site building floor with the external source to delete. |
siteId | The id of the site with the external source to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Site Building Floor Zones
Site Building Floor Zones are meant to increase granularity of a given location from where a notification can originate from. Since a site building floor can have multiple zones, pinpointing where a notification is initiated from can improve response times in the event of an emergency.
List Site Building Floor Zones
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013/zones"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'include-external-sources': 'true',
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013/zones"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'include-external-sources': 'true'
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013/zones?include-external-sources=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"buildingId": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b",
"id": "aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"name": "Front Desk",
"type": "LBBY",
"floorId": "a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013",
"createdAt": "2022-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"externalSources": [],
"boundary": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"permissions": [
Gets a list of all site floor zones for a given site available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/zones
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the floor belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site buidling the floor belongs to. |
floorId | The id of the site building floor the zone belongs to. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
includeExternalSources | If true , include the external sources of the site building floor zone. |
includeParentNames | Boolean |
To make this example more manageable, only the first site building floor zone was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The site building floor zone response format is detailed here.
Get a Site Building Floor Zone
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013/zones/aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'include-external-sources': 'true'
zone = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013/zones/aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'include-external-sources': 'true'
zone = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013/zones/aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4?include-external-sources=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"buildingId": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b",
"id": "aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"name": "Front Desk",
"type": "LBBY",
"floorId": "a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013",
"createdAt": "2022-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"externalSources": [],
"boundary": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single site building floor zone by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/zones/{zoneId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the floor belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site buidling the floor belongs to. |
floorId | The id of the site building floor the zone belongs to. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
includeExternalSources | If true , include the external sources of the site building floor zone. |
includeParentNames | Boolean |
The site building floor zone response format is detailed here.
Create a Site Building Floor Zone
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013/zones"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Lecture Hall',
'type': 'RM'
zone = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013/zones"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Lecture Hall'
'type': 'RM'
zone = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013/zones" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Lecture Hall", \
"type": "RM"}'
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"buildingId": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b",
"id": "aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"name": "Lecture Hall",
"type": "RM",
"floorId": "a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013",
"createdAt": "2022-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"boundary": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"permissions": [
Create a new site building floor zone.
HTTP Request
POST /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/zones
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the floor belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site buidling the floor belongs to. |
floorId | The id of the site building floor the zone belongs to. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The site’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
type | String | RM | The type of area the zone is referring to. |
boundary | JSON | N/A | The geometry property of a GeoJSON Polygon object containing a single polygon, representing the outer boundary of the room. The parent floor must have a boundary. |
The site building floor zone response format is detailed here.
Update a Site Building Floor Zone
# Continuing with the site, building, floor
# and zone objects from the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site, building, floor
# and zone objects from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013/zones/aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Lecture Hall A", \
"type": "UNIT"}'
"siteId": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"buildingId": "b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b",
"id": "aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4",
"name": "Lecture Hall A",
"type": "UNIT",
"floorId": "a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013",
"createdAt": "2022-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"boundary": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"permissions": [
Updates an existing site building floor zone.
HTTP Request
PUT /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/zones/{zoneId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the floor belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site buidling the floor belongs to. |
floorId | The id of the site building floor the zone belongs to. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
id | String | N/A | The id of the zone, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the zone. |
name | String | N/A | The site’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
type | String | RM | The type of area the zone is referring to. |
boundary | JSON | N/A | The geometry property of a GeoJSON Polygon object containing a single polygon, representing the outer boundary of the room. The parent floor must have a boundary. |
The site building floor zone response format is detailed here.
Remove a Site Building Floor Zone
# Continuing with the site, building, floor
# and zone objects from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site, building, floor
# and zone objects from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/b321c52b-064b-11ea-9265-f333e562b36b/floors/a6afa1eb-0392-11ed-9c86-6989ae6bd013/zones/aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted aac3caa4-0392-11ed-9c86-aff5c203e1f4"
Deletes an existing site building floor zone.
HTTP Request
DELETE /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/zones/{zoneId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site the floor belongs to. |
buildingId | The id of the site building the floor belongs to. |
floorId | The id of the site building floor the zone belongs to. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Site Building Floor Zone Response
The JSON document used to represent a Site resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
buildingId | UUID | The ID of the building to which this zone belongs. |
buildingName | String | The name of the building to which this zone belongs, present only when the includeParentNames query parameter was true . |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this site was created. |
externalSources | Array[External Source] | List of the external sources for this site building floor zone. Returned if the includeExternalSources query parameter was true . |
floorId | UUID | The ID of the floor to which this zone belongs. |
floorName | String | The name of the floor to which this zone belongs, present only when the includeParentNames query parameter was true . |
id | UUID | The id of the zone, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the zone. |
name | String | The site’s unique name. |
type | String | The type of area the zone is referring to. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
siteId | UUID | The ID of the site to which this zone belongs. |
siteName | String | The name of the site to which this zone belongs, present only when the includeParentNames query parameter was true . |
boundary | JSON | A GeoJSON Polygon object as saved, representing the outer boundary of the room. |
Site Building Floor Zone External Sources
Site Building Floor Zone External Sources are intended to represent an InformaCast site building floor zone being linked to an external entity to facilitate integration workflows, such as Zoom or Kontakt.io.
List Site Building Floor Zone External Sources
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/zones/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20106/external-sources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/zones/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20106/external-sources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/zones/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20106/external-sources?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"updatedAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z",
"permissions": [
"name": "Room 1",
"source": "zoom",
"externalId": "SDFSDFxcfvkjsHJFDKF325236",
"id": "7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkx",
"siteId": "7712238e-1760-11ed-9083-238bkjld3",
"buildingId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104",
"floorId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105",
"zoneId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20106",
"createdAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z"
Gets a list of all external sources for the given site building floor zone.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/zone/{zoneId}/externalSources
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first site building floor zone external source was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The external source response format is detailed here.
Get a Site Building Floor Zone External Source
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/zones/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20106/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkx"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/zones/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20106/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkx"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/zones/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20106/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkx" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"updatedAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z",
"permissions": [
"name": "Floor 1",
"source": "zoom",
"externalId": "SDFSDFxcfvkjsHJFDKF325235",
"id": "7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkj",
"siteId": "7712238e-1760-11ed-9083-238bkjld3",
"buildingId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104",
"floorId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105",
"zoneId": "3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20106",
"createdAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z"
Retrieves a single site building floor zone external source by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result. Note that this is by ID, not external ID.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/zones/{zoneId}/externalSources/{externalSourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
buildingId | The id of the site building |
floorId | The id of the site building floor |
siteId | The id of the site |
externalSourceId | The id of the external source to retrieve. Not the external ID! |
zoneId | The id of the zone |
The site building floor zone external source response format is detailed here.
Remove a Site Building Floor Zone External Source
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/buildings/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20104/floors/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20105/zones/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20106/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkx" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkx"
Deletes an existing site building external source.
HTTP Request
DELETE /sites/{siteId}/buildings/{buildingId}/floors/{floorId}/zones/{zoneId}/externalSources/{externalSourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
buildingId | The id of the site building with the external source to delete. |
externalSourceId | The id of the external source to delete. Not the external ID! |
floorId | The id of the site building floor with the external source to delete. |
siteId | The id of the site with the external source to delete. |
zoneId | The id of the zone with the external source to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Site Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Sites are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Sites are assigned to which Domains.
List All Site Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"siteId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"siteId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Site belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the Site whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, there were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Site belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Site using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Site, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the site whose domains were requested is
returned under the key siteId
inside each domain response.
Check if a Site contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"siteId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Site Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the Site whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Site belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Site is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Site, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Site is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Domain response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Site Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"siteId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Site into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /sites/{siteId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
siteId | String | The id of the Site to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Site out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Site should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Site out of one or more child Domains? |
A Site is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Site that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Site Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Site c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Site from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Site currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Site itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /sites/{siteId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
siteId | The id of the Site whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Site. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Site in no Domain. |
A Site must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Site from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Site. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Site out
of its last Domain will delete the Site.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Site External Sources
Site External Sources are intended to represent an InformaCast site being linked to an external entity to facilitate integration workflows, such as Zoom or Kontakt.io.
List Site External Sources
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/external-sources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/external-sources"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/3eae9809-4a72-11ed-ba69-c7f2bbe20103/external-sources?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"updatedAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z",
"permissions": [
"name": "Madison Square Garden",
"source": "zoom",
"externalId": "SDFSDFxcfvkjsHJFDKF325235",
"id": "7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkl",
"siteId": "7712238e-1760-11ed-9083-238bkjld3",
"createdAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z"
Gets a list of all external sources for the given site.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/externalSources
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first site external source was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The external source response format is detailed here.
Get a Site External Source
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkl"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkl"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkl" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"updatedAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z",
"permissions": [
"name": "Madison Square Garden",
"source": "zoom",
"externalId": "SDFSDFxcfvkjsHJFDKF325235",
"id": "7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkl",
"siteId": "7712238e-1760-11ed-9083-238bkjld3",
"createdAt": "2022-08-08T21:24:19.967Z"
Retrieves a single site external source by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result. Note that this is by ID, not external ID.
HTTP Request
GET /sites/{siteId}/externalSources/{externalSourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site to retrieve. |
externalSourceId | The id of the external source to retrieve. Not the external ID! |
The site external source response format is detailed here.
Remove a Site External Source
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b/externalSources/7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkl" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 7713aa2f-1760-11ed-9083-1dc243401jkl"
Deletes an existing site external source.
HTTP Request
DELETE /sites/{siteId}/externalSources/{externalSourceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteId | The id of the site with the external source to delete. |
externalSourceId | The ‘id’ of the external source to delete. Not the external ID! |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
External Source Response
The JSON document used to represent an External Source resource for a Site, Site Building, Site Building Floor, or Site Building Floor Zone resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
buildingId | String | The id of the building this external source is in. Only exists if this is the external source for a building, floor, or zone. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this external source was created. |
floorId | String | The id of the floor this external source is in. Only exists if this is the external source for a floor or zone. |
id | String | The id of the external source, for efficient retrieval or manipulation of the external source. |
name | String | The external source’s unique name within its parent resource. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
siteId | String | The id of the site for this external source. Returned always. |
source | String | The source of this external source. Also called 'type’ - the external entity providing this resource. For example “zoom” or “kontaktioWearablePanicButton”. |
zone | String | The id of the zone this external source is in. Only exists if this is in the external source for a zone. |
Site Roles
Site roles are meant to be used in tandem with Sites, which help determine recipients of a notification sent by a Scenario. They describe a group of people in an organization, such as Security or Employees.
List Site Roles
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': 'true',
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles?includeDomains=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"id": "bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744",
"name": "Employees",
"createdAt": "2019-02-08T15:25:21.128Z",
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"permissions": [
Gets a list of all site roles available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Controlling access to site roles allows administrators to decide which users are allowed to configure higher level divisions of their organization from the perspective of the command center.)
HTTP Request
GET /site-roles
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first site role was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which this site role belongs. |
The site role response format is detailed here.
Get a Site Role
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'includeDomains': 'true'
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744?includeDomains=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744",
"name": "Employees",
"createdAt": "2019-02-08T15:25:21.128Z",
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single site role by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /site-role/{siteRoleId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteRoleId | The id of the site role to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which this site role belongs. |
The site role response format is detailed here.
Create a Site Role
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Administrators'
role = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Administrators'
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Administrators"}'
"name": "Administrators",
"id": "f6138825-3ad9-11e9-81d7-f104ab17fd00",
"createdAt": "2019-02-27T21:52:22.230Z",
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"permissions": [
Create a new site role.
HTTP Request
POST /site-roles
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The site role’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
The site role response format is detailed here.
Update a Site Role
# Continuing with the site role object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site role object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Employees and Contractors"}'
"id": "bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744",
"name": "Employees and Contractors",
"createdAt": "2019-02-08T15:25:21.128Z",
"domains": [
"id": "d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e",
"parentId": "2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9",
"name": "North Campus",
"path": "/2e5dbaf2-45c1-11e9-88d0-ddb588624ce9/d694a3b4-45c5-11e9-88d0-6d31bf4fd21e/",
"namePath": "/North Campus/"
"permissions": [
Updates an existing site role.
HTTP Request
PUT /site-roles/{siteRoleId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteRoleId | The id of the site role to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The site role’s unique name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
The site role response format is detailed here.
Remove a Site Role
# Continuing with the site role object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the site role object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/f6138825-3ad9-11e9-81d7-f104ab17fd00" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted f6138825-3ad9-11e9-81d7-f104ab17fd00"
Deletes an existing site role.
HTTP Request
DELETE /site-roles/{siteRoleId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteRoleId | The id of the site role to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Site Role Response
The JSON document used to represent a Site Role resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this site role was created. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the site role belongs. |
id | String | The id of the user, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the site role. |
name | String | The site role’s unique name. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
Site Roles Associated Sites
Site roles are meant to be used in tandem with Sites, which help determine recipients of a notification sent by a Scenario. They describe a group of people in an organization, such as Security or Employees. When there are associated sites with a given Site Role, this endpoint will list them.
List Site Role Associated Sites
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744/sites"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744/sites"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744/sites?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"permissions": ["get"],
"collaborationGroups": [],
"name": "East Campus",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"siteRecipientId": "f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43",
"id": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c6e970a8-39fc-11e9-8c83-f91be012dad7",
"name": "East Campus - Security",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:29:04.324Z"
"userIds": [
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": [
"email": "john.doe@example.com",
"name": "John Doe",
"type": "regular",
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087",
"createdAt": "2018-06-19T20:27:00.189Z",
"lock": null,
"idleTimeout": 90
Gets a list of all associated sites for a given site role to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /site-roles/{siteRoleId}/sites
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteRoleId | The id of the site role to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first site role was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 2 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The site role associated sites response format is detailed here.
Get a Site Role’s Associated Site
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
role = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/bf5f4f46-2bb5-11e9-8180-5fe10bc30744/sites/48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["get"],
"collaborationGroups": [],
"name": "East Campus",
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:25:33.040Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"deviceGroupIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"siteRecipientId": "f9ae9275-39fc-11e9-8c83-1ddb12dc3e43",
"id": "48fa0f0c-39fc-11e9-8c83-c128c081826b",
"collaborationGroupIds": [],
"distributionLists": [
"id": "c6e970a8-39fc-11e9-8c83-f91be012dad7",
"name": "East Campus - Security",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2019-02-26T19:29:04.324Z"
"userIds": [
"deviceGroups": [],
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"users": [
"email": "john.doe@example.com",
"name": "John Doe",
"type": "regular",
"loadSourceId": null,
"id": "1e9758e5-73ff-11e8-9b03-239fcdffd087",
"createdAt": "2018-06-19T20:27:00.189Z",
"lock": null,
"idleTimeout": 90
Retrieves a single site role site association by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /site-role/{siteRoleId}/sites/{siteId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteRoleId | The id of the site role to retrieve. |
siteId | The id of the associated site to retrieve. |
The site role associated sites response format is detailed here.
Site Role Associated Sites Response
The JSON document used to represent a Site Role’s Associated Sites resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this site role was created. |
id | String | The id of the user, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the site role. |
name | String | The site’s unique name. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
areasOfInterest | Array[Area of Interest] | The areas of interest in this group of site role recipients. |
areaOfInterestIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for areas of interest in this group of site role recipients. |
collaborationGroups | Array[Collaboration Group] | The collaboration groups in this group of site role recipients. |
collabroationGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for collaboration groups in this group of site role recipients. |
deviceGroups | Array[Device Group] | The device groups (fusion only) in this group of site role recipients. |
deviceGroupIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for device groups (fusion only) in this group of site role recipients. |
distributionLists | Array[Distribution List] | The distribution lists in this group of site role recipients. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for distribution lists in this group of site role recipients. |
users | Array[User] | The users in this group of site role recipients. |
userIds | Array[String] | The list of ids for users in this group of site role recipients. |
Site Role Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Site Roles are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Site Roles are assigned to which Domains.
List All Site Role Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"siteRoleId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"siteRoleId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves the list of all Domains to which the Site Role belongs. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /site-roles/{siteRoleId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteRoleId | The id of the Site Role whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
In this example, There were a total of 2 Domains that the specified Site Role belonged to when the request was made, and both were returned. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any Domain attached to the specified Site Role using a query parameter, and/or filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | Boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Site Role, any subdomains will be returned. |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the site role whose domains were
requested is returned under the key siteRoleId
inside each
domain response.
Check if a Site Role contains a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Grounds",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"siteRoleId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z"
Retrieves a single Site Role Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /site-roles/{siteRoleId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
siteRoleId | The id of the Site Role whose Domains are of interest. |
id | The id of the Domain you want to know whether the Site Role belongs to. |
Additionally, you can check if the Site Role is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain using a query parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified Site Role, any of their subdomains will be considered. |
If the Site Role is part of the Domain (or its subdomains, if
is true
), a response will be returned. The Domain
response format is detailed here. If
the list is not in the Domain, the response status will indicate that
the requested resource cannot be found.
Add a Site Role Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"name": "Vending",
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"siteRoleId": "c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125",
"permissions": [
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z"
Puts the Site Role into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /site-roles/{siteRoleId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
siteRoleId | String | The id of the Site Role to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the Site Role out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the Site Role should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the Site Role out of one or more child Domains? |
A Site Role is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a Site Role that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a Site Role Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/site-roles/c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Domain Site Role c54e4241-299b-11e8-94d3-2be9464da125"
Removes the specified Site Role from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the Site Role currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the Site Role itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /site-roles/{siteRoleId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
siteRoleId | The id of the Site Role whose Domain should be removed. |
id | The id of the Domain to be removed from the Site Role. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the Site Role in no Domain. |
A Site Role must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the Site Role from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the Site Role. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a Site Role out
of its last Domain will delete the Site Role.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Text-to-Speech Previews
This resource allows you to access and create previews of what text-to-speech synthesis will sound like for a particular set of parameters (type, content, voice).
There are two steps involved, first creating the preview, and then using the hash returned from that operation to retrieve the actual audio data.
Get a Preview’s Audio
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts/d407687e07f2ade3009b589d6d16bd866826ef4a547ecc6ddb7974c7bf685554"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
sound = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print(sound.headers['content-type']) # audio/wav
f = open('audio.wav', 'w')
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts/d407687e07f2ade3009b589d6d16bd866826ef4a547ecc6ddb7974c7bf685554"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
sound = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)
puts(sound.headers['content-type']) # audio/wav
f = open('audio.wav', 'w')
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts/d407687e07f2ade3009b589d6d16bd866826ef4a547ecc6ddb7974c7bf685554" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Retrieves the audio, if any, with the specified hash. Typically this is in PCM (WAV) format.
Produces a binary stream of audio data, with the specific MIME type identified in the response header.
HTTP Request
GET /tts/{audioHash}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
audioHash | The hash that identifies the particular audio preview desired (see below for how that is obtained). |
Create a Preview
Typically this is done in a single step, and the actual audio data is
returned in response to the POST
. If, for some reason, it is more
convenient to separate the creation from the retrieval of the audio,
the query parameter return
can be passed with the value hash
, and
after creating or finding the audio, a description of it will be
returned that can be used with GET
when the audio itself is desired.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'ttsType': 'subject',
'ttsVoiceId': '37f0f500-1be0-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560',
'subject': 'What’s going on?',
'return': 'hash'
preview = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'ttsType': 'subject'
'ttsVoiceId': '37f0f500-1be0-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560'
'subject': 'What’s going on?'
'return': 'hash'
preview = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"ttsType": "subject", \
"ttsVoiceId": "37f0f500-1be0-11e4-9181-3c970e7ff560", \
"subject": "What’s going on?", \
"return": "hash"}'
"audioHash": "d407687e07f2ade3009b589d6d16bd866826ef4a547ecc6ddb7974c7bf685554",
"audioSize": 28292
Returns the audio of the synthesized speech, or the hash that can be used to obtain it (as described above), that results from the specified parameters.
HTTP Request
POST /tts
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
or audio/wav
, depending on the value of return
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
body | String | empty | A field which will be spoken if ttsType is body or ‘subject-and-body`. |
return | String | audio |
Option: audio , hash . Controls what is returned after the audio is created or found. |
subject | String | empty | A field which will be spoken if ttsType is subject or subject-and-body . |
ttsCustomcontent | String | empty | A field which will be spoken if ttsType is custom-text or custom-ssml . |
ttsType | String | N/A | Option: subject , body , subject-and-body , custom-text , custom-ssml . Controls which parameters are synthesized, and how they are interpreted. |
ttsVoiceId | UUID | N/A | Chooses the Text-to-Speech Voice used to synthesize the text. |
validate | String | none |
Option: length , none . Controls whether a validation error will occur of the specified text (after variable substitution) is too long to be spoken. The default is to truncate it to a speakable length. |
The JSON document used to describe a text-to-speech preview when
is sent as hash
has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
audioHash | String | The hash which can be used to retrieve the actual audio data of the preview. |
audioSize | Integer | The size of the preview audio data, in bytes. |
Text-to-Speech Defaults
This resource allows you view and change the default configuration for text-to-speech synthesis. Currently the only configurable option is the default voice, but more options are expected in the future.
List All Text-to-Speech Defaults
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-defaults"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-defaults"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-defaults" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "2d01d5d6-8589-11ea-aeb4-636b2c90ef7c",
"ttsVoiceId": "751de142-841a-11ea-a32f-17f989f7588d",
"createdAt": "2020-04-23T17:38:00.033Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-04-23T17:38:00.033Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a list of all the text-to-speech defaults. There will always only be one entry in this list.
HTTP Request
GET /tts-defaults
The text-to-speech defaults response format is detailed here.
Get the Text-to-Speech Defaults
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-voices/2d01d5d6-8589-11ea-aeb4-636b2c90ef7c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
defaults = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-voices/2d01d5d6-8589-11ea-aeb4-636b2c90ef7c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
defaults = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-voices/2d01d5d6-8589-11ea-aeb4-636b2c90ef7c" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "2d01d5d6-8589-11ea-aeb4-636b2c90ef7c",
"ttsVoiceId": "751de142-841a-11ea-a32f-17f989f7588d",
"createdAt": "2020-04-23T17:38:00.033Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-04-23T17:38:00.033Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the single text-to-speech defaults entry based on its id
Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper
around the result, which would be the only reason to bother performing
the request this way, but it would require already knowing the value
of id
HTTP Request
GET /tts-voice-default-voice-configs/{ttsDefaultsId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ttsDefaultsId | The id of the specific text-to-speech defaults entry to retrieve. |
The text-to-speech defaults response format is detailed here.
Update the Text-to-Speech Defaults
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/text-to-speech-default-voice-configs/2d01d5d6-8589-11ea-aeb4-636b2c90ef7c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'ttsVoiceId': '751e2f79-841a-11ea-a32f-9b44b29552d9'
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/text-to-speech-default-voice-configs/2d01d5d6-8589-11ea-aeb4-636b2c90ef7c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'ttsVoiceId': '751e2f79-841a-11ea-a32f-9b44b29552d9'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/text-to-speech-default-voice-configs/2d01d5d6-8589-11ea-aeb4-636b2c90ef7c" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"ttsVoiceId": "751e2f79-841a-11ea-a32f-9b44b29552d9"}'
"id": "2d01d5d6-8589-11ea-aeb4-636b2c90ef7c",
"ttsVoiceId": "751e2f79-841a-11ea-a32f-9b44b29552d9",
"createdAt": "2020-04-23T17:38:00.033Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-04-24T18:21:12.324Z",
"permissions": [
Updates the text-to-speech defaults, allowing you to specify a different default voice to be used when configuring new message templates. (Changing the default has no effect on message templates that are already using text-to-speech.)
HTTP Request
PUT /text-to-speech-default-voice-configs/{defaultsId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
defaultsId | The id of the text-to-speech defaults. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
ttsVoiceId | UUID | N/A | The id of the Text-to-Speech Voice that should be the new default for message templates being configured for text-to-speech. |
Text-to-Speech Defaults Response
The JSON document used to represent a text-to-speech defaults resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When the defaults were created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this defaults were last updated. |
id | UUID | The id of the defaults entry, which can be used to update it. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Only get and put are ever seen because defaults cannot be created or deleted. |
ttsVoiceId | UUID | The id of the Text-to-Speech Voice to be used by default when configuring new message templates for text-to-speech. |
Text-to-Speech Lexicons
Lexicons allow you to substitute a word which is mispronounced by the text-to-speech voice with another word or a variation on its spelling which sounds the way you want it to. This substitution happens at send time, without end-users needing to worry about it. Lexicon substitution happens only for plain text, it is not used with custom SSML content, because the use of SSML is an expert feature that allows you to control every aspect of pronunciation and intonation.
List Text-to-Speech Lexicons
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"id": "31799f74-9aaf-11ea-90b1-1b03819cc58f",
"language": "en-US",
"find": "bldg",
"replace": "building",
"createdAt": "2020-05-20T15:33:02.823Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-05-20T15:33:02.823Z",
"permissions": [
Gets a list of all lexicon entries available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /tts-lexicons
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first lexicon was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
find | String | If present, only lexicon entries whose find attribute exactly matches this value will be returned. |
language | String | If present, only lexicon entries whose language attribute exactly matches this value will be returned. |
replace | String | If present, only lexicon entries whose replace attribute exactly matches this value will be returned. |
The text-to-speech lexicon response format is detailed here.
Get a Text-to-Speech Lexicon Entry
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons/31799f74-9aaf-11ea-90b1-1b03819cc58f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
lexicon = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons/31799f74-9aaf-11ea-90b1-1b03819cc58f"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
lexicon = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons/31799f74-9aaf-11ea-90b1-1b03819cc58f" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "31799f74-9aaf-11ea-90b1-1b03819cc58f",
"language": "en-US",
"find": "bldg",
"replace": "building",
"createdAt": "2020-05-20T15:33:02.823Z",
"createdAt": "2020-05-20T15:33:02.823Z",
"permissions": [
Retrieves a single lexicon entry by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /tts-lexicons/{lexiconId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
lexiconId | The id of the lexicon entry to retrieve. |
The text-to-speech lexicon response format is detailed here.
Create a Text-to-Speech Lexicon Entry
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'language': 'en-US',
'find': 'fl',
'replace': 'floor'
lexicon = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'language': 'en-US'
'find': 'fl'
'replace': 'floor'
lexicon = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"language": "en-US", \
"find": "fl", \
"replace": "floor"}'
"id": "a13e4eea-9b9c-11ea-baeb-6dd5a997728c",
"language": "en-US",
"find": "fl",
"replace": "floor",
"createdAt": "2020-05-21T19:52:41.064Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-05-21T19:52:41.064Z",
"permissions": [
Create a new text-to-speech lexicon entry.
HTTP Request
POST /tts-lexicons
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
find | String | N/A | The text which should be replaced when it is found as a standalone word. |
language | String | N/A | The ISO 639-1 language code identifying the language for which this entry should be active. |
replace | String | N/A | The text which should be spoken instead of find . |
The text-to-speech lexicon response format is detailed here.
Update a Text-to-Speech Lexicon Entry
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons/a13e4eea-9b9c-11ea-baeb-6dd5a997728c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'language': 'en-GB'
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons/a13e4eea-9b9c-11ea-baeb-6dd5a997728c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'language': 'en-GB'
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons/a13e4eea-9b9c-11ea-baeb-6dd5a997728c" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"language": "en-GB"}'
"id": "a13e4eea-9b9c-11ea-baeb-6dd5a997728c",
"language": "en-GB",
"find": "fl",
"replace": "floor",
"createdAt": "2020-05-21T19:52:41.064Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-05-22T09:21:22.123Z",
"permissions": [
Updates an existing text-to-speech lexicon entry.
HTTP Request
PUT /tts-lexicons/{lexiconId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
lexiconId | The id of the lexicon entry to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
find | String | N/A | The text which should be replaced when it is found as a standalone word. |
language | String | N/A | The ISO 639-1 language code identifying the language for which this entry should be active. |
replace | String | N/A | The text which should be spoken instead of find . |
The text-to-speech lexicon response format is detailed here.
Remove a Text-to-Speech Lexicon Entry
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons/a13e4eea-9b9c-11ea-baeb-6dd5a997728c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons/a13e4eea-9b9c-11ea-baeb-6dd5a997728c"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-lexicons/a13e4eea-9b9c-11ea-baeb-6dd5a997728c" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted a13e4eea-9b9c-11ea-baeb-6dd5a997728c"
Deletes an existing lexicon entry.
HTTP Request
DELETE /tts-lexicons/{lexiconId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
lexiconId | The id of the lexicon entry to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Text-to-Speech Lexicon Response
The JSON document used to represent a Text-to-Speech Lexicon resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this lexicon was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this lexicon was last updated. |
find | String | The text which should be replaced when it is found as a standalone word. |
id | String | The id of the lexicon entry, which can be used to update or delete it. |
lang | String | The ISO 639-1 language code identifying the language for which this entry should be active. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
replace | String | The text which should be spoken instead of find . |
Text-to-Speech Voices
This resource allows you to list the voices that are available for text-to-speech synthesis.
List All Text-to-Speech Voices
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-voices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-voices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-voices?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 21,
"previous": null,
"next": "1",
"data": [
"permissions": [
"name": "Amy",
"createdAt": "2020-04-21T21:52:55.713Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-04-21T21:52:55.714Z",
"language": "en-GB",
"id": "751de14c-841a-11ea-a32f-2527bd7fe7a8",
"engine": "standard",
"gender": "Female",
"synthesisProvider": "Amazon Polly"
Retrieves a list of all the voices that are available for text-to-speech synthesis.
HTTP Request
GET /tts-voices
Query Parameters
To make this example more concise, only the first voice was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of twenty-one available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Returns only voices whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
gender | String | Returns only voices whose genders exactly match the supplied value |
language | String | Returns only voices whose language codes exactly match the supplied value |
engine | String | Returns only voices whose synthesis engines exactly match the supplied value. |
The text-to-speech voice response format is detailed here.
Get a Text-to-Speech Voice
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-voices/751e085d-841a-11ea-a32f-a178c14a62b1"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
voice = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-voices/751e085d-841a-11ea-a32f-a178c14a62b1"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
voice = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tts-voices/751e085d-841a-11ea-a32f-a178c14a62b1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"name": "Brian",
"createdAt": "2020-04-21T21:52:55.714Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-04-21T21:52:55.714Z",
"language": "en-GB",
"id": "751e085d-841a-11ea-a32f-a178c14a62b1",
"engine": "standard",
"gender": "Male",
"synthesisProvider": "Amazon Polly"
Retrieves a single text-to-speech voice based on its id
. Since this
is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the
HTTP Request
GET /tts-voices/{ttsVoiceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ttsVoiceId | The id of the specific text-to-speech voice to retrieve. |
Text-to-Speech Voice Response
The JSON document used to represent a text-to-speech voice resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this voice was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this voice was last updated. |
engine | String | Identifies the type of speech synthesis engine that powers the voice, as reported by the speech synthesis provider. |
gender | String | Identifies the gender of the voice, as reported by the speech synthesis provider. |
id | UUID | The id of this specific voice, allowing it to be retrieved individually, used to create a preview, configured in a Message Template or used in the Defaults. |
language | String | The ISO 639-1 language code identifying the language the voice speaks. |
name | String | The name of the voice. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Only get is ever seen because voices cannot be created, deleted, or changed. |
synthesisProvider | String | Identifies the service that provides speech synthesis for this voice. |
Tracking Event Notifications
A tracking event notification answers the question “who is suppose to be notified when someone has indicated they should be tracked and what should they be told”.
When a device sends a response to the API indicating that tracking is being activated who gets notified is based on one of two things.
Each notification has a lat/lon location associated with it. When a device POSTs a /tracking-events/*/activities with status=started the API will find the notification closest geographically to the origin of the activity.
Additionally if the notification has values for distributionListIds or userIds and the user is in either of these lists a notification will be sent out based on that notification as well.
List All Tracking Event Notifications
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-event-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-event-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-event-notifications?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "457a480f-7091-11e7-819f-6dc7f94a1d78",
"messageTemplate": {
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"optOut": false,
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"name": "Notify Admins",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"createdAt": "2017-07-24T16:58:09.630Z",
"subjectCustomizable": true,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsCustomizable": true,
"id": "457a480f-7091-11e7-819f-6dc7f94a1d78",
"notificationProfileId": "fc65d044-6571-11e7-873f-d72f493aa3eb",
"bodyCustomizable": true,
"imageMimeType": null,
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"audioSize": 0,
"imageHash": null,
"audioHash": null,
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"imageSize": 0,
"body": null,
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"metadata": null,
"subject": "Something happened.",
"alertTone": "default",
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"metadataCustomizable": false
"name": "Test",
"createdAt": "2017-07-24T17:12:43.964Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"id": "4e9f0ff4-7093-11e7-819f-87f2ea494660",
"latLonIgnore": false,
"distributionLists": [
"id": "10652291-6572-11e7-8e1e-99d12322d052",
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2017-07-10T13:17:03.383Z"
"userIds": [],
"geometryType": "point",
"users": []
Retrieves the list of all tracking event notifications.
HTTP Request
GET /tracking-event-notifications
Query Parameters
The tracking event notification response format is detailed here.
Get a Tracking Event Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-event-notifications/4e9f0ff4-7093-11e7-819f-87f2ea494660"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
tracking_event_notifications = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-event-notifications/4e9f0ff4-7093-11e7-819f-87f2ea494660"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
tracking_event_notifications = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-event-notifications/4e9f0ff4-7093-11e7-819f-87f2ea494660" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "457a480f-7091-11e7-819f-6dc7f94a1d78",
"messageTemplate": {
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"optOut": false,
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"name": "Notify Admins",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"createdAt": "2017-07-24T16:58:09.630Z",
"subjectCustomizable": true,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsCustomizable": true,
"id": "457a480f-7091-11e7-819f-6dc7f94a1d78",
"notificationProfileId": "fc65d044-6571-11e7-873f-d72f493aa3eb",
"bodyCustomizable": true,
"imageMimeType": null,
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"audioSize": 0,
"imageHash": null,
"audioHash": null,
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"imageSize": 0,
"body": null,
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"metadata": null,
"subject": "Something happened.",
"alertTone": "default",
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"metadataCustomizable": false
"name": "Test",
"createdAt": "2017-07-24T17:12:43.964Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"id": "4e9f0ff4-7093-11e7-819f-87f2ea494660",
"latLonIgnore": false,
"distributionLists": [
"id": "10652291-6572-11e7-8e1e-99d12322d052",
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2017-07-10T13:17:03.383Z"
"userIds": [],
"geometryType": "point",
"users": []
Retrieves a single tracking-event-notification by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /tracking-event-notifications/{trackingEventNotificationId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
trackingEventNotificationId | The id of the tracking event notification to retrieve. |
The response format is detailed here.
Create a Tracking Event Notification
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name of the tracking event notification |
messageTemplateId | String | N/A | Message template to use if a notification is to be sent out. Note, this message template must have recipients (DLs or Users) built into it. |
latLonIgnore | Boolean | N/A | Set to true if you don’t want to use the lat/lon values when considering proximity of device to location. |
geometryType | String | point | GeoJSON geometry type |
geometryValue[type] | String | ‘feature’ | feature |
geometryValue[geometry][type] | String | 'point’ | point |
geometryValue[geometry][coordinates] | Array | N/A | array with lon and lat pair (East hemisphere positive) |
distributionListIds | Array UUID | N/A | If specified, if any user associated with these distribution lists requests being tracked, this notification will send out a notification. |
userIds | Array UUID | N/A | If specified, if a user in this list requests being tracked, this notification will send out a notification. |
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-event-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'messageTemplateId': '457a480f-7091-11e7-819f-6dc7f94a1d78',
'name': 'Route To Administrators',
'latLonIgnore': false,
'geometryType': 'point',
'geometryValue': {
'type': 'feature',
'geometry': {
'type': 'point',
'coordinates': [-89.0, 43.0]
'distributionListIds': ['10652291-6572-11e7-8e1e-99d12322d052']
user = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-event-notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'messageTemplateId': '457a480f-7091-11e7-819f-6dc7f94a1d78'
'name': 'Route To Administrators'
'latLonIgnore': false
'geometryType': 'point'
'geometryValue': {
'type': 'feature'
'geometry': {
'type': 'point'
'coordinates': [-89.0
, 43.0
'distributionListIds': ['10652291-6572-11e7-8e1e-99d12322d052'
user = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-event-notifications" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"messageTemplateId": "457a480f-7091-11e7-819f-6dc7f94a1d78", \
"name": "Route To Administrators", \
"latLonIgnore": false, \
"geometryType": "point", \
"geometryValue": {"type": "feature", \
"geometry": {"type": "point", \
"coordinates": [-89.0, 43.0]}}, \
"distributionListIds": ["10652291-6572-11e7-8e1e-99d12322d052"]}'
"permissions": [
"messageTemplateId": "457a480f-7091-11e7-819f-6dc7f94a1d78",
"messageTemplate": {
"imageDisplay": "auto",
"optOut": false,
"userIdsDisplay": "auto",
"imageCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"name": "Notify Admins",
"audioDisplay": "auto",
"createdAt": "2017-07-24T16:58:09.630Z",
"subjectCustomizable": true,
"confirmationRequestIdCustomizable": false,
"distributionListIdsCustomizable": true,
"areaOfInterestIdsCustomizable": false,
"deviceGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"collaborationGroupIdsCustomizable": false,
"bodyDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequestId": null,
"collaborationGroupIdsDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneDisplay": "auto",
"userIdsCustomizable": true,
"id": "457a480f-7091-11e7-819f-6dc7f94a1d78",
"notificationProfileId": "fc65d044-6571-11e7-873f-d72f493aa3eb",
"bodyCustomizable": true,
"imageMimeType": null,
"distributionListIdsDisplay": "auto",
"confirmationRequest": null,
"audioSize": 0,
"imageHash": null,
"audioHash": null,
"subjectDisplay": "auto",
"audioCustomizable": false,
"imageSize": 0,
"body": null,
"confirmationRequestIdDisplay": "auto",
"alertToneCustomizable": false,
"metadata": null,
"subject": "Something happened.",
"alertTone": "default",
"areaOfInterestIdsDisplay": "auto",
"metadataCustomizable": false
"name": "Test2",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T14:11:50.285Z",
"distributionListIds": [
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"id": "33bcd48c-7143-11e7-abfc-1945b9843e9e",
"latLonIgnore": false,
"distributionLists": [
"id": "10652291-6572-11e7-8e1e-99d12322d052",
"name": "Administrator Alerts",
"campaign": null,
"createdAt": "2017-07-10T13:17:03.383Z"
"userIds": [],
"geometryType": "point",
"users": []
Update a Tracking Event Notification
# Continuing with the trackingEventNotificationId
# object from the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the trackingEventNotificationId
# object from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-event-notifications/33bcd48c-7143-11e7-abfc-1945b9843e9e" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Milwaukee Office"}'
"name": "Milwaukee Office"
Updates an existing user.
HTTP Request
PUT /tracking-event-notifications/{trackingEventNotificationId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
trackingEventNotificationId | The id of the tracking event notification to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The tracking event notification name |
messageTemplateId | UUID | N/A | The message template to use when sending out a notification when a user is to be tracked. Note, this message template must have recipients built into it. |
latLonIgnore | Boolean | N/A | Set to true if you want to ignore the lat lon of this notification when determining who to notify. |
geometryType | String | point | GeoJSON geometry type |
geometryValue[type] | String | 'feature’ | feature |
geometryValue[geometry][type] | String | 'point’ | point |
geometryValue[geometry][coordinates] | Array | N/A | array with lon and lat pair (East hemisphere positive) |
distributionListIds | Array UUID | N/A | If specified, if any user associated with these distribution lists requests being tracked, this notification will send out a notification. |
userIds | Array UUID | N/A | If specified, if a user in this list requests being tracked, this notification will send out a notification. |
The tracking event notification response format is detailed here.
Remove a Tracking Event Notification
# Continuing with the trackingEventNotificationsId
# object from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the trackingEventNotificationsId
# object from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-event-notifications/6ef1e300-1e3a-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Tracking Event Notification 6ef1e300-1e3a-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
Deletes an existing tracking event notification.
HTTP Request
DELETE /tracking-event-notifications/{trackingEventNotificationId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
trackingEventNotificationId | The id of the notification to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Tracking Event Notification Response
The JSON document used to represent a tracking event notification resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this tracking event notification was created. |
name | String | Name of the tracking event notification |
id | String | The id of the tracking event notification, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the notification. |
latLonIgnore | Boolean | Set to false if you want to use proximity to determine who to notify. |
geometryType | String | GeoJson 'point’ |
geometryValue[type] | String | 'feature’ |
geometryValue[geometry][type] | String | 'point’ |
geometryValue[geometry][coordinates] | Array | array with lon and lat pair (East hemisphere positive) |
distributionListIds | UUIDs | If a user is in this distribution list, this tracking event notification will send a notification. |
userIds | UUIDs | If a user is in this list, this tracking event notification will send a notification. |
Tracking Events
Tracking Events are parent resources used to associate Tracking Event Activities. Tracking Events are created by the service automatically if someone sends a notification and that notification has a confirmation request with at least one option response flagged to initiate tracking. If a tracking event is created in this manner the notificationId will be populated.
Tracking Events can also be created by the mobile application if the user hits the ‘panic button’. If a tracking event is created in this manner the deviceId will be populated.
Tracking Events themselves are generally not created via the mobile API. They are created automatically when either of the conditions above occur.
List All Tracking Events
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'include-summary': true,
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'include-summary': true
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events?include-summary=true&limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"deviceId": null,
"name": "Are you safe?",
"initiator": {
"email": "john.pyeatt@singlewire.com",
"name": "John Pyeatt",
"id": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d",
"lock": null
"notificationId": "1c68141e-714e-11e7-abfc-1fe0c765b52f",
"completedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:29:55.779Z",
"state": "active",
"id": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a",
"initiatorId": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d",
"summary": [{
"deviceId": "abb345a0-13ab-11eb-98e7-d7804f4c3f44",
"lat": 44.059,
"lng": -82.9844,
"mostRecent": "2020-10-21T15:15:40.677Z",
"state": "updated",
"userId": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d",
"userName": "John Pyeatt"
Retrieves all tracking events.
HTTP Request
GET /tracking-events
Query Parameters
A query parameter was added to provide insight into the tracking event activities associated with a tracking event. This parameter includes a summary key on the response. This key will contain information about all the users who have been tracked by the notification and their most recently-active activity, including the time and location at which the activity was logged.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeSummary | boolean | If true , a summary of recent tracking events will be returned as part of the response. |
Get a Tracking Event
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
tracking_event_id = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
tracking_event_id = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"deviceId": null,
"name": "Are you safe?",
"initiator": {
"email": "john.pyeatt@singlewire.com",
"name": "John Pyeatt",
"id": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d",
"lock": null
"notificationId": "1c68141e-714e-11e7-abfc-1fe0c765b52f",
"completedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:29:55.779Z",
"state": "active",
"id": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a",
"initiatorId": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d"
Retrieves a single tracking event by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /tracking-events/{trackingEventId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
trackingEventId | The id of the tracking event |
Query Parameters
A query parameter was added to provide insight into the tracking event activities associated with a tracking event. This parameter includes a summary key on the response. This key will contain information about all the users who have been tracked by the notification and their most recently-active activity, including the time and location at which the activity was logged.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeSummary | boolean | If true , a summary of recent tracking events will be returned as part of the response. |
The tracking event response format is detailed here.
Create a Tracking Event
This is generally not done via the API. Tracking events are normally created by the system when someone sends a notification with a confirmation request and that confirmation request has options that expect tracking to be activated.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Active Shooter 08/27/2017',
'state': 'active',
'notification-id': 'bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20'
tracking_event = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Active Shooter 08/27/2017'
'state': 'active'
'notification-id': 'bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20'
tracking_event = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Active Shooter 08/27/2017", \
"state": "active", \
"notification-id": "bdf85eab-228e-11e6-a729-513ce5b8ef20"}'
"permissions": [
"deviceId": null,
"name": "Active Shooter 08/27/2017",
"initiator": {
"email": "john.pyeatt@singlewire.com",
"name": "John Pyeatt",
"id": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d",
"lock": null
"notificationId": "1c68141e-714e-11e7-abfc-1fe0c765b52f",
"completedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:29:55.779Z",
"state": "active",
"id": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a",
"initiatorId": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d"
HTTP Request
POST /tracking-events
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the tracking event. |
state | String | N/A | Can either be 'started’ or 'completed’ |
notificationId | UUID | N/A | Only set if the tracking event was created when a notification was POSTed with a confirmation request which has an initiate tracking option set to 'true’. |
deviceId | UUID | N/A | Only set if a device hits the 'panic’ button. Note either deviceId or notificationId will be set, but not both. |
completedAt | Timestamp | N/A | The time the tracking event was completed. |
The tracking event response format is detailed here.
Update a Tracking Event
# Continuing the previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"state": "completed"}'
"permissions": [
"deviceId": null,
"name": "Active Shooter 08/27/2017",
"initiator": {
"email": "john.pyeatt@singlewire.com",
"name": "John Pyeatt",
"id": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d",
"lock": null
"notificationId": "1c68141e-714e-11e7-abfc-1fe0c765b52f",
"completedAt": "2017-07-26T16:00:55.779Z",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:29:55.779Z",
"state": "completed",
"id": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a",
"initiatorId": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d"
Updates an existing tracking event.
HTTP Request
PUT /tracking-events/{trackingEventId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
trackingEventId | The uuid of the tracking event to modify. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | A unique name for the tracking event. |
state | String | N/A | Can either be 'started’ or 'completed’ |
notificationId | UUID | N/A | Only set if the tracking event was created when a notification was POSTed with a confirmation request which has an initiate tracking option set to 'true’. |
deviceId | UUID | N/A | Only set if a device hits the 'panic’ button. Note either deviceId or notificationId will be set, but not both. |
completedAt | Timestamp | N/A | The time the tracking event was completed. |
The tracking event response format is detailed here.
Remove a Tracking Event
# Continuing the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted 1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a"
Deletes an existing tracking event.
HTTP Request
DELETE /tracking-events/{trackingEventId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
trackingEventId | The id of the tracking event |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Tracking Events Response
The JSON document used to represent a tracking event resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | String | A unique name for the tracking event. |
state | String | Can either be 'started’ or 'completed’ |
notificationId | UUID | Only set if the tracking event was created when a notification was POSTed with a confirmation request which has an initiate tracking option set to 'true’. |
deviceId | UUID | Only set if a device hits the 'panic’ button. Note either deviceId or notificationId will be set, but not both. |
completedAt | Timestamp | The time the tracking event was completed. |
summary | Array[Object] | The summary of most-recent tracking event responses, with one entry for each user being tracked. |
Summary Response
The summary response is an array of JSON objects of the form below. These objects contain information about the most recent tracking activity associated with each user being tracked by the event.
Attribute | Type | Description |
lat | Float | The latitude of this activity. |
lng | Float | The longitude of this activity. |
mostRecent | Timestamp | The time associated with the most recent activity registered in association with the user this activity describes. |
deviceId | UUID | The id of the device that created the most recent activity associated with the user id. |
state | String | The state of the activity; one of started , updated , completed , or terminated . |
userId | UUID | The id of the user associated with the tracking event. |
userName | String | The name of the user associated with the tracking event. |
Tracking Events Activities
Tracking events activities are created to monitor the location of individual devices under a tracking event.
List All Tracking Event Activities
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a/activities?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"trackingEvent": {
"name": "Are you safe?",
"id": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a",
"state": "active",
"deviceId": null,
"notificationId": "1c68141e-714e-11e7-abfc-1fe0c765b52f"
"permissions": [
"pollingIntervalSecs": 300,
"deviceId": "b97af3fc-7369-4a13-8805-10291afe8d59",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:29:55.779Z",
"state": "started",
"trackingEventId": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a",
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"accuracyInM": 100,
"bearing": 270,
"speedInMetersPerSec": 4.5
"id": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e61",
"userId": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d",
"device": {
"id": "123412341234"
"geometryType": "point"
Retrieves all tracking events activities for a tracking event.
HTTP Request
GET /tracking-events/{trackingEventId}/activities
Get a Tracking Event Activity
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a/activities/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e61"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
tracking_event_id = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a/activities/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e61"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
tracking_event_id = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a/activities/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e61" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"trackingEvent": {
"name": "Are you safe?",
"id": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a",
"state": "active",
"deviceId": null,
"notificationId": "1c68141e-714e-11e7-abfc-1fe0c765b52f"
"permissions": [
"pollingIntervalSecs": 300,
"deviceId": "b97af3fc-7369-4a13-8805-10291afe8d59",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:29:55.779Z",
"state": "started",
"trackingEventId": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a",
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"accuracyInM": 100,
"bearing": 270,
"speedInMetersPerSec": 4.5
"id": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e61",
"userId": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d",
"device": {
"id": "123412341234"
"geometryType": "point"
Retrieves a single tracking event activity by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /tracking-events/{trackingEventId}/activities/{trackingEventActivityId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
trackingEventId | The id of the tracking event |
trackingEventActivityId | The id of the activity |
The tracking event activity format response format is detailed here.
Create Tracking Event Activity
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'userId': 'f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d',
'deviceId': 'b97af3fc-7369-4a13-8805-10291afe8d59',
'state': 'started',
'geometryType': 'point',
'pollingIntervalSecs': 300,
'geometryValue': {
'type': 'feature',
'geometry': {
'type': 'point',
'coordinates': [-89.4, 45.9],
'properties': {
'accuracyInM': 100,
'bearing': 120,
'speedInMetersPerSec': 4.5
tracking_events_activity = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'userId': 'f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d'
'deviceId': 'b97af3fc-7369-4a13-8805-10291afe8d59'
'state': 'started'
'geometryType': 'point'
'pollingIntervalSecs': 300
'geometryValue': {
'type': 'feature'
'geometry': {
'type': 'point'
'coordinates': [-89.4
, 45.9
'properties': {
'accuracyInM': 100
'bearing': 120
'speedInMetersPerSec': 4.5
tracking_events_activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/tracking-events/1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a/activities" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"userId": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d", \
"deviceId": "b97af3fc-7369-4a13-8805-10291afe8d59", \
"state": "started", \
"geometryType": "point", \
"pollingIntervalSecs": 300, \
"geometryValue": {"type": "feature", \
"geometry": {"type": "point", \
"coordinates": [-89.4, 45.9], \
"properties": {"accuracyInM": 100, \
"bearing": 120, \
"speedInMetersPerSec": 4.5}}}}'
"trackingEvent": {
"name": "Are you safe?",
"id": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a",
"state": "active",
"deviceId": null,
"notificationId": "1c68141e-714e-11e7-abfc-1fe0c765b52f"
"permissions": [
"pollingIntervalSecs": 300,
"deviceId": "b97af3fc-7369-4a13-8805-10291afe8d59",
"createdAt": "2017-07-25T15:29:55.779Z",
"state": "started",
"trackingEventId": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e5a",
"geometryValue": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"accuracyInM": 100,
"bearing": 120,
"speedInMetersPerSec": 4.5
"id": "1c8279ef-714e-11e7-abfc-717f51395e61",
"userId": "f27b8386-6571-11e7-95e1-db93fc01272d",
"device": {
"id": "123412341234"
"geometryType": "point"
HTTP Request
POST /tracking-events{trackingEventId}/activities
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
trackingEventId | The id of the tracking event |
Request Parameters
The tracking event activity request format is detailed here.
The tracking event activity response format is detailed here.
Tracking Events Activities Response
The JSON document used to represent a tracking event activity resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | UUID | ID of the tracking event activity |
userId | UUID | ID of the user associated with the activity |
deviceId | UUID | ID of the user’s device |
state | String | Can either be ‘started’, 'updated’, 'completed’, or 'terminated’. completed would be set when the entire tracking event has been completed. terminated means tracking has stopped for one device. |
geometryType | String | 'point’ |
geometryValue[type] | String | 'feature’ |
geometryValue[geometry][type] | String | 'point’ |
geometryValue[geometry][coordinates] | Array(float) | longitude/latitude pair (east hemisphere is positive) |
geometryValue[properties][accuracyInM] | integer | accuracy of measurement in meters. |
geometryValue[properties][bearing] | integer | direction/bearing the device appears to be heading 0=North |
geometryValue[properties][speedInMetersPerSec] | float | speed the device is going in meters per second. |
Triggers allow an external system to be notified when changes are made to a resource within InformaCast Mobile. Each trigger is associated with a particular resource through the same kind of path-based spec
as is used in Permissions. For example, to track changes made to a particular User resource, you would create a trigger with the spec
. To be notified when changes are made to any user (including when new users are created), you would create a trigger with the wildcard character *
standing in for the user id
: /users/*
. You can use multiple wildcards in a spec
path: to be notified whenever any distribution list subscriptions are changed, you could create a trigger with the spec
Currently, triggers can either perform an HTTP POST
to an arbitrary url
, or they can send a message to an Amazon SQS Queue. This is controlled by the trigger’s type
attribute, which can be either webhook
or sqs
Trigger Content
When a resource monitored by a trigger (one whose path matches the trigger’s spec
attribute) is changed, the trigger will fire, reporting the InformaCast Mobile API action which caused the change.
If the trigger’s type
is webhook
, this will cause an HTTP POST
to the url
set in the trigger. If the url
attribute includes a username and password (as specified by the standard URL format, i.e. https://{username}:{password}@{host}/{path}
), then the HTTP request posted by the trigger will include an HTTP Basic Auth header corresponding to that username and password combination, to allow your web application to only process triggers with proper authentication. Since HTTP Basic Auth is not cryptographically secure on its own, we recommend it always be used in conjunction with SSL encryption (HTTPS).
If the trigger type
is sqs
, then the trigger will post a message to the Amazon SQS queue with the URL that matches the trigger’s url
Trigger payloads have the following structure:
"type": "put",
"path": "/users/8fa95070-fd3c-11e3-9c2f-c82a144feb17",
"url": "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/8fa95070-fd3c-11e3-9c2f-c82a144feb17"
In either case, the payload of the trigger (the body of the HTTP POST
or queue message) will be an application/json
document with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
path | String | Identifies the path to the resource that has been changed. |
type | String | Options: post put delete . The HTTP verb (action) which was applied to the resource identified by path . |
url | String | The full URL at which the modified resource can be found. |
No information about the new contents of the resource are reported in trigger body. The receiving application must use the normal InformaCast Mobile API to GET
the resource in order to see its new contents. Note that the application must use an access token with sufficient permissions to access the resource in order to do that. Of course, if type
was delete
then the specified resource has been deleted and no longer exists.
List All Triggers
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/triggers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 3
triggers = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/triggers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 3
triggers = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/triggers?limit=3" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"name": "User changes to SQS",
"createdAt": "2014-12-23T00:31:57.254Z",
"type": "sqs",
"spec": "/users/*",
"id": "1a0a3e60-8a3b-11e4-bcc0-7e206b5b3fb6",
"url": "https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/288649753650/icmobile"
"permissions": [
"name": "Batch load requests web hook",
"createdAt": "2014-12-22T23:18:17.946Z",
"type": "webhook",
"spec": "/load-definitions/*/load-requests/*",
"id": "cfed5ba0-8a30-11e4-8b3e-7e206b5b3fb6",
"url": "https://username:password@my-host.com/icmobile-trigger/"
Retrieves a list of all triggers. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate triggers.)
HTTP Request
GET /triggers
Query Parameters
As usual, the number of responses can be controlled using the API’s pagination parameters. In this case, although up to three triggers were requested, there were only two available. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The trigger response format is detailed here.
Get a Trigger
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/triggers/cfed5ba0-8a30-11e4-8b3e-7e206b5b3fb6"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
trigger = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/triggers/cfed5ba0-8a30-11e4-8b3e-7e206b5b3fb6"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
trigger = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/triggers/cfed5ba0-8a30-11e4-8b3e-7e206b5b3fb6" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"name": "Batch load requests web hook",
"createdAt": "2014-12-22T23:18:17.946Z",
"type": "webhook",
"spec": "/load-definitions/*/load-requests/*",
"id": "cfed5ba0-8a30-11e4-8b3e-7e206b5b3fb6",
"url": "https://username:password@my-host.com/icmobile-trigger/"
Retrieves a single trigger by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /triggers/{triggerId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
triggerId | The id of the Trigger of interest. |
The trigger response format is detailed here.
Create a Trigger
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/triggers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Confirmation request changes',
'spec': '/confirmation-requests/*',
'type': 'sqs',
'url': 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/288649753650/icmobile'
trigger = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/triggers"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Confirmation request changes'
'spec': '/confirmation-requests/*'
'type': 'sqs'
'url': 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/288649753650/icmobile'
trigger = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/triggers" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Confirmation request changes", \
"spec": "/confirmation-requests/*", \
"type": "sqs", \
"url": "https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/288649753650/icmobile"}'
"permissions": [
"name": "Confirmation request changes",
"createdAt": "2014-12-23T00:31:57.254Z",
"type": "sqs",
"spec": "/confirmation-requests/*",
"id": "1a0a3e60-8a3b-11e4-bcc0-7e206b5b3fb6",
"url": "https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/288649753650/icmobile"
Creates a trigger that will post information about any changes made to a particular resource or group of resources.
HTTP Request
POST /triggers
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | The name to give the trigger, ideally to help explain its purpose. |
spec | String | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the trigger will monitor and report changes to. The wildcard character * can stand in for any resource id . |
type | String | Options: sqs webhook . The mechanism the trigger should use to report changes to the resource it is monitoring. |
url | String | The URL of the Amazon SQS queue or web application to which the trigger should post reports about changes to the monitored resource. |
The trigger response format is detailed here.
Update a Trigger
# Continuing with the trigger object from the
# previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the trigger object from the
# previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/triggers/1a0a3e60-8a3b-11e4-bcc0-7e206b5b3fb6" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Changes to any Confirmation Request"}'
"permissions": [
"name": "Changes to any Confirmation Request",
"createdAt": "2014-12-23T00:31:57.254Z",
"type": "sqs",
"spec": "/confirmation-requests/*",
"id": "1a0a3e60-8a3b-11e4-bcc0-7e206b5b3fb6",
"url": "https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/288649753650/icmobile"
Updates an existing trigger, changing any aspect of it.
HTTP Request
PUT /triggers/{triggerId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
triggerId | The id of the Trigger being altered. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | The name to give the trigger, ideally to help explain its purpose. |
spec | String | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the trigger will monitor and report changes to. The wildcard character * can stand in for any resource id . |
type | String | Options: sqs webhook . The mechanism the trigger should use to report changes to the resource it is monitoring. |
url | String | The URL of the Amazon SQS queue or web application to which the trigger should post reports about changes to the monitored resource. |
The trigger response format is detailed here.
Remove a Trigger
# Continuing with the trigger object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the trigger object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/triggers/1a0a3e60-8a3b-11e4-bcc0-7e206b5b3fb6" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"Triggers\"} 1a0a3e60-8a3b-11e4-bcc0-7e206b5b3fb6"
Deletes a trigger, canceling any future reports about the resource it had been monitoring.
HTTP Request
DELETE /triggers/{triggerId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
triggerId | The id of the Trigger that is to be cancelled. InformaCast Mobile will stop reporting changes to the resources described in that trigger’s spec . |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Trigger Response
The JSON document used to represent a trigger resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this trigger was created. |
id | String | The id of this specific trigger, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The name of the trigger. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . What operations are possible on this trigger resource itself. |
spec | String | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the trigger will monitor and report changes to. |
type | String | Options: sqs webhook . The mechanism the trigger should use to report changes to the resource it is monitoring. |
url | String | The URL of the Amazon SQS queue or web application to which the trigger should post reports about changes to the monitored resource. |
User resources serve two primary roles within InformaCast Mobile. They are both the recipients of Notifications (through their Distribution List Subscriptions and registration of Devices), and the agents of change, by logging in and obtaining access tokens, which grant access to features of the API through the user’s associations with Permissions and Security Groups.
List All Users
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 36,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"lock": false,
"name": "Craig Smith",
"securityGroups": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:23.126Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"id": "68a3db60-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"securityGroupId": "3aa5dec0-dd09-11e3-b17e-b8e856327746"
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"tfaRemovalRequested": false,
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"type": "regular",
"idleTimeout": null,
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"subscriptions": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-19T19:09:21.020Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"distributionListId": "13b32cf0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"id": "152f93c0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847"
"createdAt": "2014-07-22T19:15:42.057Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"distributionListId": "8fee5e20-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847",
"id": "92bd3590-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847"
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"providerIdpId": null,
"isLicensed": true,
"fromCloudUserLoader": false,
"fromRegularUserLoader": false
Retrieves the list of all Users. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /users
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first user was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 36 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally you can filter the results by matching on the User name or type, and find out the entire set of Domains to which each returned User belongs:
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the list of Domains to which each User belongs. |
includeIdp | Boolean | If true , include the User’s identity provider object. Note: in order to determine the value of passwordResetRequired or tfaRemovalRequested (when applicable), this parameter must be specified as true . Otherwise, passwordResetRequired and tfaRemovalRequested will not be included in the response. |
name | String | Returns only Users whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
type | String | Option: regular , application , anonymous . Return only Users whose type match the supplied value. Application users are for non-interactive use with permanent API tokens, such as with the InformaCast plugin; anonymous users cannot be created via the API, but are created when users register a phone anonymously to participate in a campaign. |
The user response format is detailed here.
Get a User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
user = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
user = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"lock": false,
"name": "Craig Smith",
"securityGroups": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:23.126Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"id": "68a3db60-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"securityGroupId": "3aa5dec0-dd09-11e3-b17e-b8e856327746"
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"tfaRemovalRequested": false,
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"type": "regular",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"idleTimeout": null,
"subscriptions": [
"createdAt": "2014-05-19T19:09:21.020Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"distributionListId": "13b32cf0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"id": "152f93c0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847"
"createdAt": "2014-07-22T19:15:42.057Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"distributionListId": "8fee5e20-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847",
"id": "92bd3590-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847"
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"providerIdpId": null,
"isLicensed": true,
"fromCloudUserLoader": false,
"fromRegularUserLoader": false
Retrieves a single user by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the user to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeDomains | Boolean | If true , include the entire list of Domains to which the User belongs. |
includeIdp | Boolean | If true , include the User’s identity provider object. Note: in order to determine the value of passwordResetRequired or tfaRemovalRequested (when applicable), this parameter must be specified as true . Otherwise, passwordResetRequired and tfaRemovalRequested will not be included in the response. |
The user response format is detailed here.
Create a User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'email': 'craig.smith@acme.com',
'name': 'Craig Smith',
'lock': false
user = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'email': 'craig.smith@acme.com'
'name': 'Craig Smith'
'lock': false
user = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"email": "craig.smith@acme.com", \
"name": "Craig Smith", \
"lock": false}'
"lock": false,
"name": "Craig Smith",
"securityGroups": [ ],
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"tfaRemovalRequested": false,
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T13:55:04.624Z",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"type": "regular",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"idleTimeout": null,
"subscriptions": [ ],
"id": "6ef1e300-1e3a-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"providerIdpId": null,
"isLicensed": true,
"fromCloudUserLoader": false,
"fromRegularUserLoader": false
Create a new user.
HTTP Request
POST /users
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
String | N/A | The user’s email address. Maximum of 140 characters, and must be a valid email address; required for users whose type is regular . Anonymous and application users do not have email addresses. |
lock | Boolean | false | If true, the user will be locked (not allowed to access the system). |
name | String | N/A | The user’s name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
idleTimeout | Int | N/A | The user’s idle timeout override (between 15 and 120 minutes). null sets the user to the system default. |
passwordResetRequired | boolean | N/A | Whether the user will be forced to set a new password on next login (available only for Providers configured to use InformaCast’s own Identity Provider for login). Note that includeIdp=true must be passed as a query param for this value to be shown. |
tfaRemovalRequested | boolean | N/A | Whether the user’s two factor authentication will be deactivated on next login (available only for Providers configured to use InformaCast’s own Identity Provider for login). Note that includeIdp=true must be passed as a query param for this value to be shown. |
type | String | regular |
Option: regular , application , anonymous . Application users are for non-interactive use with permanent API tokens, such as with the InformaCast plugin; anonymous users cannot be created via the API, but are created when users register a phone anonymously to participate in a campaign. |
providerIdpId | String | N/A | The ID of the identity provider used for authenticating the user. |
application | String | N/A | Used only with users whose type is application ; specifies the type of application. Application type cannot be changed after it is assigned to a new user. These are the types that are currently supported: mobile-plugin , user-loader , cloud-user-loader , desktop-registration , custom . |
The user response format is detailed here.
Update a User
# Continuing with the user object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the user object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body))))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/6ef1e300-1e3a-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Craig Jacob Smith"}'
"lock": false,
"name": "Craig Jacob Smith",
"securityGroups": [ ],
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"tfaRemovalRequested": false,
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T13:55:04.624Z",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"type": "regular",
"idleTimeout": 60,
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"subscriptions": [ ],
"id": "6ef1e300-1e3a-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"providerIdpId": null,
"isLicensed": true,
"fromCloudUserLoader": false,
"fromRegularUserLoader": false
Updates an existing user.
HTTP Request
PUT /users/{userId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the user to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
String | N/A | The user’s email address. Maximum of 140 characters, and must be a valid email address; required for users whose type is regular . Anonymous and application users do not have email addresses. |
name | String | N/A | The user’s name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
idleTimeout | Int | N/A | The user’s idle timeout override (between 15 and 120 minutes). null sets the user to the system default. |
lock | Boolean | false | If true, the user will be locked (not allowed to access the system). |
passwordResetRequired | boolean | N/A | Whether the user will be forced to set a new password on next login (available only for Providers configured to use InformaCast’s own Identity Provider for login). Note that includeIdp=true must be passed as a query param for this value to be shown. |
tfaRemovalRequested | boolean | N/A | Whether the user’s two factor authentication will be removed on next login (available only for Providers configured to use InformaCast’s own Identity Provider for login). Note that includeIdp=true must be passed as a query param for this value to be shown. |
type | String | regular |
Option: regular , application , anonymous . Application users are for non-interactive use with permanent API tokens, such as with the InformaCast plugin; anonymous users cannot be created via the API, but are created when users register a phone anonymously to participate in a campaign. |
providerIdpId | String | N/A | The ID of the identity provider used for authenticating the user. |
The user response format is detailed here.
Remove a User
# Continuing with the user object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the user object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/6ef1e300-1e3a-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted Users 6ef1e300-1e3a-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
Deletes an existing user.
HTTP Request
DELETE /users/{userId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the user to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
User Response
The JSON document used to represent a User resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this user was created. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use and includeDomains was true in your request, this response will list the Domains to which the user belongs. |
String | The user’s email address; will be missing for users whose type is anonymous or application . |
id | String | The id of the user, for efficient retrieval, manipulation, or looking up sub-resources attached to the user. |
idleTimeout | Int | The user’s idle timeout override (between 15 and 120 minutes). null sets the user to the system default. |
loadSourceId | String | Reflects how the user was created. Contains a Load Definition id , if the user came from a batch load; omitted if the user was created individually. |
lock | boolean | The user lock resource. If true, the user is in a locked state (not allowed to access the system). |
name | String | The user’s name. |
passwordResetRequired | boolean | Whether the user will be forced to set a new password on next login (available only for Providers configured to use InformaCast’s own Identity Provider for login). Note that includeIdp=true must be passed as a query param for this value to be shown. |
tfaRemovalRequested | boolean | Whether the user’s two factor authentication will be removed on next login (available only for Providers configured to use InformaCast’s own Identity Provider for login). Note that includeIdp=true must be passed as a query param for this value to be shown. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
providerIdpId | String | The ID of the identity provider used for authenticating the user. |
providerIdp | Object | When includeIdp is true in your request, the user’s identity provider object will be included. This includes the following: id , name , isDefault (whether the user will use this IDP for authentication when no providerIdpId is specified), selfRegistrationEnabled (whether new users may use this identity provider for registering new accounts), type (e.g. google, azure, cirrus-idp, saml2), enabled . |
securityGroups | Array[SecurityGroup] | The user’s security groups. |
subscriptions | Array[UserSubscription] | The user’s subscriptions. |
type | String | Option: regular , application , anonymous . Application users are for non-interactive use with permanent API tokens, such as with the InformaCast plugin; anonymous users cannot be created via the API, but are created when users register a phone anonymously to participate in a campaign. |
isLicensed | Boolean | Whether the user is licensed to use the system; this value is changed exclusively by membership in SCIM groups. |
fromCloudUserLoader | Boolean | Whether the user’s source is the cloud user loader and is associated with a SCIM user. |
fromRegularUserLoader | Boolean | Whether the user’s source is a user loader, cloud or otherwise. |
application | String | Used only with users whose type is application ; specifies the type of application. These are the types that are currently supported: mobile-plugin , user-loader , cloud-user-loader , desktop-registration , custom . |
User All Permissions
Provides a compact representation of all permissions granted to a user, including implicit permissions that would not be visible when listing User Permissions.
List All Permissions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/all-permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/all-permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/all-permissions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"spec": "/users",
"verbs": ["get", "post"]
"spec": "/users/*",
"verbs": ["get", "put", "delete"]
The full response has been abbreviated.
Retrieves the list of all the permissions assigned to a specified user, either directly or through membership in a Security Groups. If Domains are enabled, only the permissions that are relevant to the acting domain are returned.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/user-permissions
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose permissions are being looked up. |
The response is an array of objects with the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
spec | String | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the user is permitted to act on. |
verbs | Array[String] | Options: get put delete post patch . What operations are possible on the resource identified by spec . |
User Devices
InformaCast Mobile Users may have up to five mobile devices registered to receive Notifications. The registration process allows the app running on the device to tell the API that the device is associated with the logged-in user, and to provide the platform-specific identifiers needed to send push notifications to that device. Currently, InformaCast Mobile supports Apple’s APNS, Google’s GCM, and SMS for push notifications.
List All Devices
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405/devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
devices = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405/devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
devices = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405/devices?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"deviceIdentifier": "3cab93ba8b953bccca6f877315d1f3760109ba49ccd6b492cf6ed5287b6459df",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"disabled": false,
"presence": {
"accuracyInM": 65,
"updatedAt": "2016-05-26T21:04:07.129Z",
"areaOfInterestIds": [ "53a05323-2384-11e6-a729-45e28217691a" ],
"areasOfInterest": [
"id": "53a05323-2384-11e6-a729-45e28217691a",
"name": "Clifton",
"geometry_type": "circle",
"radius_in_m": 1000,
"latitude": 39.0,
"longitude": -84.0,
"synced_device_types": [ "mobile" ]
"areasOfInterestChecksum": "d9bd685e4e97a8c6c76fa85db9329d54"
"name": "6plus",
"client": "",
"createdAt": "2016-05-17T15:31:52.241Z",
"type": "apns-sandbox",
"build": "v2.9.0 D",
"id": "7aa5aa10-1c44-11e6-8356-2d3985aff6cc",
"userId": "e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405",
"os": "9.3.2",
"verified": true
Retrieves the list of all devices registered to a particular user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. A user will generally be able to see all devices they registered, but ordinary users will not be able to see devices registered by other users.)
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/devices
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose registered devices are to be retrieved. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more concise, only the first device was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this. If location information is not available or not supported on the device, the presence
element will be null
The user device response format is detailed here.
Get a Device
Retrieves a single device registration based on the id
values of the user to whom it is registered and the registration itself.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405/devices/2414af21-1859-11e6-8356-d91faee9f92b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
device = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405/devices/2414af21-1859-11e6-8356-d91faee9f92b"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
device = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405/devices/2414af21-1859-11e6-8356-d91faee9f92b" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"deviceIdentifier": "d9zuUli33Rk:APA91bFt-4haXOuk9k5su_ritOG7qEygOmhfSlEgb_AbnZJtm4YQsiVn_eTy1nKOXBZ8b1yOv3oFto-VyF8p2_VQ7AP-6COBhLMdjgQJa_lIuj1rkTpWHAZYyL_ok3Z47r1dFITyORje",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"disabled": false,
"presence": {
"accuracyInM": 15,
"updatedAt": "2016-05-26T18:09:38.097Z",
"areaOfInterestIds": [],
"areasOfInterest": [],
"areasOfInterestChecksum": "8b01473620d610174ffa2c2255acc3c9"
"name": "dpi: samsung - GT-I9190",
"client": "",
"createdAt": "2016-05-12T15:49:41.787Z",
"type": "Android",
"build": "2.9.0 (217)",
"id": "2414af21-1859-11e6-8356-d91faee9f92b",
"userId": "e4e7860d-fb72-11e5-93a8-7b0393df5405",
"os": "4.4.2",
"verified": true
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/devices/{deviceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose registered devices are being examined. |
deviceId | The id of the specific device registration to retrieve. |
The user device response format is detailed here. If location information is not available or not supported on the device, the presence
element will be null
Register a Device
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'type': 'Android',
'name': 'Nexus 7',
'deviceIdentifier': 'BPA91bFpOikKATC523g5Z_4-1puPNa_oE8t1A7rsTzEwlfWKE0jFH-TvjAmFL_1ZkSCq7VGNA6dGn3jDQ5BsdZAf2VMJ8h64OZfP9OgKotDtNis9Jwc7ZjmiJZWCNPy-hN-pSFKFPvJ3e2zfh8Sszb7ntGJYlbqrXw',
'build': '2.9.0 (217)',
'os': '4.4.2'
device = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'type': 'Android'
'name': 'Nexus 7'
'deviceIdentifier': 'BPA91bFpOikKATC523g5Z_4-1puPNa_oE8t1A7rsTzEwlfWKE0jFH-TvjAmFL_1ZkSCq7VGNA6dGn3jDQ5BsdZAf2VMJ8h64OZfP9OgKotDtNis9Jwc7ZjmiJZWCNPy-hN-pSFKFPvJ3e2zfh8Sszb7ntGJYlbqrXw'
'build': '2.9.0 (217)'
'os': '4.4.2'
device = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/devices" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"type": "Android", \
"name": "Nexus 7", \
"deviceIdentifier": "BPA91bFpOikKATC523g5Z_4-1puPNa_oE8t1A7rsTzEwlfWKE0jFH-TvjAmFL_1ZkSCq7VGNA6dGn3jDQ5BsdZAf2VMJ8h64OZfP9OgKotDtNis9Jwc7ZjmiJZWCNPy-hN-pSFKFPvJ3e2zfh8Sszb7ntGJYlbqrXw", \
"build": "2.9.0 (217)", \
"os": "4.4.2"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T18:09:42.118Z",
"deviceIdentifier": "BPA91bFpOikKATC523g5Z_4-1puPNa_oE8t1A7rsTzEwlfWKE0jFH-TvjAmFL_1ZkSCq7VGNA6dGn3jDQ5BsdZAf2VMJ8h64OZfP9OgKotDtNis9Jwc7ZjmiJZWCNPy-hN-pSFKFPvJ3e2zfh8Sszb7ntGJYlbqrXw",
"type": "Android",
"presence": null,
"name": "Nexus 7",
"disabled": false,
"client": "",
"build": "2.9.0 (217)",
"os": "4.4.2",
"id": "010a7860-1e5e-11e4-b406-3c970e7ff560",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"verified": true
Registers a device as belonging to a particular user, so that when that user is supposed to receive a notification, a push can be sent to the device.
HTTP Request
POST /users/{userId}/devices
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User to whom this device should be registered. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
build | String | N/A | The current build of the application. |
client | String | N/A | OAuth2 Client identifier used for push authentication. Defaults to Singlewire InformaCast Mobile Client appropriate for device type. |
deviceIdentifier | String | N/A | The device’s mobile number, APNS token, or GCM token (as determined by the value of the type parameter). This may be up to 4096 characters long. |
disabled | boolean | false | Should pushes to the device be suppressed? When disabled is true , this device will no longer be sent notifications. (For example, the API server will automatically disable a device with type apns if the APNS feebdack service informs it that the InformaCast Mobile app has been unistalled.) |
name | String | N/A | The device’s name. This may be up to 140 characters long. |
os | String | N/A | The version of the OS the application is running on. |
presence[accuracyInM] | integer | N/A | The accuracy of area of interest calculations. |
presence[areaOfInterestIds] | Array[uuid] | N/A | The area of interest ids containing the device. |
presence[areasOfInterestChecksum] | String | N/A | Aggregated current device location information with respect to monitored Areas of Interest for efficient validation. |
type | String | N/A | Options: Android , apns , apns-desktop , msteams-chat , phone-call , singlewire:email , SMS , WNS (see table for details) |
verified | boolean | false (self) / true (others) | Whether the user has confirmed ownership of this device |
The user device response format is detailed here.
Update a Device
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/devices/010a7860-1e5e-11e4-b406-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'type': 'phone-call',
'name': 'Nexus Fire 2',
'deviceIdentifier': '+12223334444'
device = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/devices/010a7860-1e5e-11e4-b406-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'type': 'phone-call'
'name': 'Nexus Fire 2'
'deviceIdentifier': '+12223334444'
device = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/devices/010a7860-1e5e-11e4-b406-3c970e7ff560" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"type": "phone-call", \
"name": "Nexus Fire 2", \
"deviceIdentifier": "+12223334444"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"deviceIdentifier": "+12223334444",
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T18:09:42.118Z",
"type": "phone-call",
"disabled": false,
"presence": null,
"client": null,
"name": "Nexus Fire 2",
"build": "",
"os": "",
"id": "010a7860-1e5e-11e4-b406-3c970e7ff560",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"verified": true
Update an existing user’s device within InformaCast Mobile.
HTTP Request
PUT /users/{userId}/devices/{deviceId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose device registration is being updated. |
deviceId | The id of the specific device registration to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
build | String | N/A | The current build of the application. |
client | String | N/A | OAuth2 Client identifier used for push authentication. Defaults to Singlewire InformaCast Mobile Client appropriate for device type. |
deviceIdentifier | String | N/A | The device’s mobile number, APNS token, or GCM token (as determined by the value of the type parameter). This may be up to 4096 characters long. |
disabled | boolean | false | Should pushes to the device be suppressed? When disabled is true , this device will no longer be sent notifications. (For example, the API server will automatically disable a device with type apns if the APNS feebdack service informs it that the InformaCast Mobile app has been unistalled.) |
name | String | N/A | The device’s name. This may be up to 140 characters long. |
os | String | N/A | The version of the OS the application is running on. |
presence[accuracyInM] | integer | N/A | The accuracy of area of interest calculations. |
presence[areaOfInterestIds] | Array[uuid] | N/A | The area of interest ids containing the device. |
presence[areasOfInterestChecksum] | String | N/A | Aggregated current device location information with respect to monitored Areas of Interest for efficient validation. |
type | String | N/A | Options: Android , apns , apns-desktop , msteams-chat , phone-call , singlewire:email , SMS , WNS (see table for details) |
verified | boolean | false (self) / true (others) | Whether the user has confirmed ownership of this device |
The user device response format is detailed here.
Remove a Device’s Registration
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/devices/010a7860-1e5e-11e4-b406-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/devices/010a7860-1e5e-11e4-b406-3c970e7ff560"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/devices/010a7860-1e5e-11e4-b406-3c970e7ff560" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"UserDevices\"} 010a7860-1e5e-11e4-b406-3c970e7ff560"
Removes a device from a user’s list of registered devices, so that it will no longer be contacted if that user receives a notification.
HTTP Request
DELETE /users/{userId}/devices/{deviceId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose device registration is being removed. |
deviceId | The id of the specific device registration to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
User Devices Response
The JSON document used to represent a user device resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
build | String | The current build of the application. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this device registration was created. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this device registration was last updated. |
client | String | The device name. |
deviceIdentifier | String | The device’s mobile number, APNS token, or GCM token (as determined by the value of the type parameter). |
disabled | boolean | Should pushes to the device be suppressed? When disabled is true , this device will no longer be sent notifications. (For example, the API server will automatically disable a device with type apns if the APNS feebdack service informs it that the InformaCast Mobile app has been unistalled.) |
id | String | The id of this specific device registration, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The device name. |
os | String | The OS version the application is running on. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
presence | Presence | Area of Interest information if location services were requested and are enabled. This value can be null if location services are not available or if no areas are being monitored. |
type | String | N/A |
userId | String | The id of the User to whom the device is registered. |
verified | boolean | Whether the user has confirmed ownership of this device |
Presence Response
The JSON document used to represent a Presence value has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
accuracyInM | String | The accuracy of area of interest calculations (in meters). |
areasOfInterestIds | Array[uuid] | List of current Area of Interest ids containing the device. |
areasOfInterest | Array[AOI] | Prefetched complete Area of Interest information. |
areasOfInterestChecksum | String | Aggregated current device location information with respect to monitored Areas of Interest for efficient validation. |
updatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this device registration was created. |
User Domains
Domains allow for hierarchical delegation of authority over supported resources. When they are in use, Users are assigned to at least one Domain, and can be associated with more than one. This resource lets you see and adjust which Users are assigned to which Domains.
List All User Domains
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 2
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 2
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a/domains?limit=2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 6,
"previous": null,
"next": "2",
"partial": true,
"data": [
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"permissions": [
"name": "Grounds",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z",
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"userId": "42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a"
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"permissions": [
"name": "Vending",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z",
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"userId": "42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a"
Retrieves the list of all Domains the User belongs to. (The permissions associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the visibility of results.)
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose associated Domains are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first two results were requested using the API’s pagination parameters. There were a total of 6 Domains assigned to the specified User when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Additionally, you can request the subdomains of any attached Domains, or the Domains the user can act in through one or more Security Groups, using query parameters. You can also filter the results by matching on the Domain name:
Parameter | Type | Description |
compact | boolean | Ignored unless transitive is true . For transitive queries, setting compact to true will suppress the additional source information described below, and ensure that each Domain appears in the response only once. |
name | string | Returns only Domains whose names exactly match the supplied value. |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to the Domains that are directly attached to the specified User, all their subdomains will be returned. |
transitive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified User, any Domains attached to Security Groups that are attached to the User, and all subdomains of any of these Domains will be returned (transitive takes precedence over recursive , so passing true for both is the same as just passing true for transitive ). |
The Domain response format is detailed here.
Additionally, the id
of the user whose domains were requested is
returned under the key userId
inside each domain response.
If recursive
is true, you get back the list of all Domains that are
visible to the chosen User, because they are either a member of the
Domain directly, or they are a member of one of its ancestors.
If transitive
is true
, you get back the list of all Domains in
which the chosen User can act, either because they are a direct member
of the Domain or one of its ancestors, or because they belong to a
Security Group that is attached to the Domain or one of its ancestors.
For transitive requests (unless you suppress this by setting compact
to true
) in addition to the normal Domain response attributes,
information explaining why the user is able to act in the Domain is
added. The same Domain might appear in the response list more than
once, with different sources cited, as detailed below.
The possible source
values are:
Source | Meaning |
direct | The user is directly attached to the Domain. |
group | The user is attached to a Security Group that is attached to the specified Domain. |
parent | The user is attached to a parent Domain of the specified Domain, either directly or through a Security Group. |
When source
is group
(or parent
, if the parent domain was
included because of a Security Group), information about the Security
Group is included in the response as well:
Attribute | Type | Description |
source | String | Option: direct , parent , group . The reason the user can act in the domain. |
securityGroup | Object | When source is group or parent , this may contain a Security Group response describing the group through which the user is able to act in the Domain. |
securityGroupId | String | When source is group or parent , this is the id of the Security Group through which the user is able to act in the Domain. |
Check if a User belongs to a Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e/",
"permissions": [
"name": "Vending",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Vending/",
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T20:52:28.522Z",
"id": "f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"userId": "42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a"
Retrieves a single User Domain by id
. Since this is not a list
request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose membership in the Domain is being checked. |
Id | The id of the Domain whose Users are of interest. |
Additionally, you can check if the user is attached to any subdomains of the specified Domain, or can act in the Domain through one or more Security Groups, using query parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recursive | boolean | If true , in addition to the Domains that are directly attached to the specified User, all their subdomains will be considered. |
transitive | boolean | If true , in addition to Domains that are directly attached to the specified User, any Domains attached to Security Groups that are attached to the User, and all their subdomains, will be considered (transitive implies recursive , so passing true for both is the same as just passing true for transitive ). |
If the User can act in the Domain, a response will be returned. The Domain response format is detailed here. If they cannot, the response status will indicate that the requested resource cannot be found.
If transitive
is true
, in addition to the normal Domain response
attributes, information explaining why the user is able to act in the
Domain is added. The possible source
values are:
Source | Meaning |
direct | The user is directly attached to the Domain. |
parent | The user is attached to a parent Domain of the specified Domain. |
group | The user is attached to a Security Group that is attached to the specified Domain, or to one of its parent Domains. |
When source
is group
, information about the Security Group is included in the response as well:
Attribute | Type | Description |
source | String | Option: direct , parent , group . The reason the user can act in the domain. |
securityGroup | Object | When source is group , this will contain a Security Group response describing the group through which the user is able to act in the Domain. |
securityGroupId | String | When source is group , this is the id of the Security Group through which the user is able to act in the Domain. |
Add a User Domain
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a/domains"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c'
domain = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a/domains" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c"}'
"path": "/90de0f6a-28df-11e8-8c38-e9fe0f3683de/9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb/a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c/",
"permissions": [
"name": "Grounds",
"namePath": "/West Campus/Stadium/Grounds/",
"createdAt": "2018-03-16T06:02:44.441Z",
"id": "a4e9e56c-28df-11e8-8c38-738c606ef19c",
"parentId": "9ca35dab-28df-11e8-8c38-235a5737f6bb",
"userId": "42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a"
Puts the User into the specified Domain. As described below, this may be considered a promotion or demotion, which would require additional request parameters in order to validate.
HTTP Request
POST /users/{userId}/domains
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
userId | String | The id of the User to be added to the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
demote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will demote the User out of a parent Domain? |
id | String | n/a | The id of the Domain to which the User should be added. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Allow this request to proceed even if it will promote the User out of one or more child Domains? |
A User is not allowed to be explicitly part of any Domain
that it is implicitly granted membership to by belonging to a
parent Domain. For example, if you take a User that is in
Domains /West Campus/
and /East Campus/
, and try to add it to
/West Campus/Gym/
that request will fail because it is already
implicitly in that domain through belonging to the parent
/West Campus/
Domain. See the full explanation of
promotion and demotion
in the context of Domains and Users for more details and illustrations.
Remove a User Domain
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the domain object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/42532c36-4478-11e6-9ba6-fb22bf89f89a/domains/f04e3599-295b-11e8-b54b-abb9a309846e" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted User Domain 685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Removes the specified User from the specified Domain. As described below, if this is the only Domain that the User currently belongs to, you need to supply an additional request parameter to confirm the deletion of the User itself.
HTTP Request
DELETE /users/{userId}/domains/{id}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the Domain from which the User should be removed. |
userId | String | The id of the User to be removed from the Domain. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
orphans | String | fail |
Option: delete , fail . What to do if this would leave the User in no Domain. |
A User must always belong to at least one Domain, so if you try to
remove the User from the only Domain that it belongs to, the request
must either fail, or delete the User. The request parameter orphans
lets you control which of those takes place. The default, if you
supply no instructions, is for the request to fail, and you will
receive a validation error explaining why. If you pass a value of
for the orphans
request parameter, then taking a User out
of its last Domain will delete the User.
The deletion response format is detailed here.
User Extensions
User Extensions provide a mechanism for Extensions to store user-specific configuration information.
For example the “Do Not Disturb” device-filter
extension allows each user to
configure their own do-not-disturb window. In order to track those
choices, the configuration information is stored under the id
of the user and the extension itself.
List All Extension Settings for a User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637/extensions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 3
extensions = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637/extensions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 3
extensions = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637/extensions?limit=3" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"permissions": [
"extensionUrl": "http://localhost:8999/icm-dnd-service",
"disabled": false,
"config": {
"type": "simple",
"simple": {
"start": "12:39Z",
"end": "13:39Z"
"name": "Do Not Disturb Notification Blocker",
"createdAt": "2015-07-21T19:28:51.225Z",
"type": "device-filter",
"id": "b77bb090-2fde-11e5-80c4-56847afe9799",
"userId": "de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637"
Retrieves a list of all extensions configured for the specified user, along with the configuration information for that user and extension pair. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate extensions.)
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/extensions
Query Parameters
As usual, the number of responses can be controlled using the API’s pagination parameters. In this case, although up to three extensions were requested, there were only two available. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The user extension response format is detailed here.
Get Settings for a Single User Extension
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
settings = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
settings = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": [
"extensionUrl": "http://localhost:8999/icm-dnd-service",
"disabled": false,
"config": {
"type": "simple",
"simple": {
"start": "12:39Z",
"end": "13:39Z"
"name": "Do Not Disturb Notification Blocker",
"createdAt": "2015-07-21T19:28:51.225Z",
"type": "device-filter",
"id": "b77bb090-2fde-11e5-80c4-56847afe9799",
"userId": "de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637"
Retrieves settings information for a single user extension by the id
values of the user and extension. Since this is not a list request,
there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/extensions/{extensionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose extensions are being examined. |
extensionId | The id of the Extension of interest. |
The user extension response format is detailed here.
Update Settings for a User Extension
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'config': {
'type': 'simple',
'simple': {
'start': '21:00Z',
'end': '06:00Z'
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'config': {
'type': 'simple'
'simple': {
'start': '21:00Z'
'end': '06:00Z'
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637/extensions/b6d90e60-2a40-11e5-8134-9a9e6c05013a" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"config": {"type": "simple", \
"simple": {"start": "21:00Z", \
"end": "06:00Z"}}}'
"permissions": [
"extensionUrl": "http://localhost:8999/icm-dnd-service",
"disabled": false,
"config": {
"type": "simple",
"simple": {
"start": "21:00Z",
"end": "06:00Z"
"name": "Do Not Disturb Notification Blocker",
"createdAt": "2015-07-21T19:28:51.225Z",
"type": "device-filter",
"id": "b77bb090-2fde-11e5-80c4-56847afe9799",
"userId": "de7b51a0-5a1e-11e4-ab31-8a1d033dd637"
Updates the user-specific configuraton of an extension.
HTTP Request
PUT /users/{userId}/extensions/{extensionId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose extensions are being configured. |
extensionId | The id of the Extension being configured. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
config | JSON | The configuration parameters for the extension. These will be sent to the extension itself for validation; the details are up to the extension, and you will need to consult the extension documentation to learn about them. In this example, the Do Not Disturb extension takes a “simple” configuration map which identifies the start and end of the do-not-disturb window in Coordinated Universal Time. |
The user extension response format is detailed here.
User Extension Response
The JSON document used to represent a extension resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this extension was created. |
config | JSON | The configuration parameters for the extension for this user. These will be sent to the extension itself for validation; its details are up to the extension, and you will need to consult the extension documentation to learn about them. |
deviceLimit | integer | For extensions of type device , identifies how many devices of the type provided by this extension may be associated with a single user. |
deviceType | String | For extensions of type device , identifies the new type of device supported by the extension. |
disabled | boolean | When true , the extension will no longer be used, and InformaCast Mobile will act as if it simply did not exist. |
id | String | The id of this specific extension, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The name of the extension. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put . What operations are possible on this user extension resource itself. |
type | String | Options: device device-filter . The kind of extension this is (as described in the Extensions section). |
userId | String | The id of the user whose specific extension configuration information is being returned. |
User Locations
InformaCast Mobile Users may store up to one hundred locations, and can then be searched for by queries based on those locations. Location-based queries use GeoJSON Linear Rings. For example, to find all users with locations in the polygon [[0,0],[-90,0],[-90,45],[0,43],[0,0]]
you would append the URL-encoded version of that polygon after location.polygon:
and use it as the q
(search) parameter of a GET
request to the Users resource.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'q': 'location.polygon%3A%5B%5B0%2C0%5D%2C%5B-90%2C0%5D%2C%5B-90%2C45%5D%2C%5B0%2C43%5D%2C%5B0%2C0%5D%5D'
user = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'q': 'location.polygon%3A%5B%5B0%2C0%5D%2C%5B-90%2C0%5D%2C%5B-90%2C45%5D%2C%5B0%2C43%5D%2C%5B0%2C0%5D%5D'
user = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users?q=location.polygon%3A%5B%5B0%2C0%5D%2C%5B-90%2C0%5D%2C%5B-90%2C45%5D%2C%5B0%2C43%5D%2C%5B0%2C0%5D%5D" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
List All User Locations
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
locations = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
locations = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"description": null,
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"disabled": false,
"deviceId": null,
"name": "Home",
"createdAt": "2015-06-15T20:27:50.435Z",
"longitude": 43.034593,
"id": "fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"latitude": -89.421967
Retrieves the list of all locations associated with a particular user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. A user will generally be able to see all locations they registered, but ordinary users will not be able to see locations registered by other users.)
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/locations
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose locations are to be retrieved. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more concise, only the first device was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that it was the only one available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The user location response format is detailed here.
Get a Location
Retrieves a single location based on the id
values of the user to whom it is registered and the location itself.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations/fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
location = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations/fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
location = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations/fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"description": null,
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"disabled": false,
"deviceId": null,
"name": "Home",
"createdAt": "2015-06-15T20:27:50.435Z",
"longitude": 43.034593,
"id": "fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"latitude": -89.421967
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/locations/{locationId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose locations are being examined. |
locationId | The id of the specific location to retrieve. |
The user location response format is detailed here.
Add a Location
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'Home',
'latitude': -89.421967,
'longitude': 43.034593
location = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'Home'
'latitude': -89.421967
'longitude': 43.034593
location = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Home", \
"latitude": -89.421967, \
"longitude": 43.034593}'
"description": null,
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"disabled": false,
"deviceId": null,
"name": "Home",
"createdAt": "2015-06-15T20:27:50.435Z",
"longitude": 43.034593,
"id": "fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"latitude": -89.421967
Associates a location with a particular user, so that when geographic searches are performed which match that location, the user is included.
HTTP Request
POST /users/{userId}/locations
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User with whom this location should be associated. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
descripton | String | N/A | The location’s description, to help the user recall its purpose. |
deviceId | String | N/A | The identifier of a device, if any, to associate with this location. The device will then presumably post updates to the location as it moves around. |
disabled | boolean | false | Should this location be suppressed? When disabled is true , this location will no longer cause the user to be included in geographic search results which cover it. |
latitude | float | N/A | The geographic latitude of the location, in decimal degrees. |
longitude | float | N/A | The geographic longitude of the location, in decimal degrees. |
name | String | N/A | The location’s name, to help the user identify its nature and purpose. |
The user location response format is detailed here.
Update a Location
# Continuing with the location object from
# the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the location object from
# the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations/fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"description": "Where the heart is."}'
"description": "Where the heart is.",
"permissions": [ "delete", "put", "get" ],
"disabled": false,
"deviceId": null,
"name": "Home",
"createdAt": "2015-06-15T20:27:50.435Z",
"longitude": 43.034593,
"id": "fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"latitude": -89.421967
Update an existing user location within InformaCast Mobile.
HTTP Request
PUT /users/{userId}/locations/{locationId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose location is being updated. |
locationId | The id of the specific user location to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
descripton | String | N/A | The location’s description, to help the user recall its purpose. |
deviceId | String | N/A | The identifier of a device, if any, to associate with this location. The device will then presumably post updates to the location as it moves around. |
disabled | boolean | false | Should this location be suppressed? When disabled is true , this location will no longer cause the user to be included in geographic search results which cover it. |
latitude | float | N/A | The geographic latitude of the location, in decimal degrees. |
longitude | float | N/A | The geographic longitude of the location, in decimal degrees. |
name | String | N/A | The location’s name, to help the user identify its nature and purpose. |
The user location response format is detailed here.
Remove a User Location
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations/fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations/fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/locations/fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"UserLocations\"} fe254730-139c-11e5-97be-ee186365dac3"
Removes a location from a user’s list of associated locations, so that it will no longer cause the user to be found when geographic searches include that location.
HTTP Request
DELETE /users/{userId}/locations/{locationId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose device registration is being removed. |
locationId | The id of the specific location to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
User Locations Response
The JSON document used to represent a user location resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this location was created. |
descripton | String | The location’s description, to help the user recall its purpose. |
deviceId | UUID | The identifier of a device, if any, to associate with this location. The device will then presumably post updates to the location as it moves around. |
disabled | boolean | Should this location be suppressed? When disabled is true , this location will no longer cause the user to be included in geographic search results which cover it. |
id | String | The id of this specific location, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
latitude | float | The geographic latitude of the location, in decimal degrees. |
longitude | float | The geographic longitude of the location, in decimal degrees. |
name | String | The location’s name, to help the user identify its nature and purpose. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
userId | String | The id of the User to whom the location is registered. |
User Message Templates
A resource for users who have opted out of receiving available Message Templates. Note that not all message templates are available for opting out. An administrator must mark the message template appropriately.
List All User Message Template Settings
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/message-templates"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
settings = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/message-templates"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
settings = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/message-templates" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 0,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": []
This never returns any values because message templates no longer support opting out.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/message-templates
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose message template settings are to be retrieved. |
The user message template response is always an emtpy list because this feature is no longer available for message templates.
User Notifications
This resource provides a view of all Notifications that were sent to a particular User. The user may never have viewed the notification, but it was sent to a distribution list that the user was subscribed to at the time.
The Notification resource may include sub-resources which contain audio, image, and Activities. Activities track how the User has interacted with the Notification, such as marking it read, responding to a Confirmation Request, etc.
List All Notifications for a Specific User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
messages = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
messages = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 5,
"partial": true,
"next": "IjY5NTMyZDcwLTFlNjAtMTFlNC1iMDhlLTY4NWIzNThlYTg0NyI=",
"previous": null,
"data": [
"subject": "Please check your home. The temperature just reached 57ºF",
"read": false,
"distributionListIds": ["13b32cf0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847"],
"initiatorId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"initiator": {
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"email": "craig.smith@singlewire.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"lock": { "start": "2014-03-16T14:00:00.000Z", "end": "2014-09-16T14:00:00.000Z" }
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"imageMimeType": "image/png",
"image": 15859,
"audio": 12555,
"confirmationRequestId": "4f599e70-df83-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"confirmationResponse": null,
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T18:27:10.553Z",
"dynamicReplyText": null,
"messageTemplateId": "85a66790-df80-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"body": "You are receiving this notification because your home has just reached a temperature of 57ºF which is outside your defined threshold.\n\nDo you need assistance?",
"id": "71f4f490-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"confirmationRequest": {
"expiration": "2014-08-07T23:27:10.571Z",
"escalationRules": [],
"dynamicReplies": [],
"createdAt": "2014-05-19T18:28:01.623Z",
"id": "4f599e70-df83-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"expirationPeriod": 18000,
"options": ["Yes", "No"],
"name": "Do you need assistance?"
Retrieves the list of all notifications which were sent to the specified user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. A user will generally be able to see all notifications sent to them, but ordinary users will not be able to see notifications sent to other users.)
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/notifications
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User |
Query Parameters
To make this example more concise, only the first notification was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of five available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The user notification response format is detailed here.
Get a Specific User’s Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/71f4f490-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
message = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/71f4f490-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
message = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/71f4f490-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"subject": "Please check your home. The temperature just reached 57ºF",
"read": false,
"distributionListIds": ["13b32cf0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847"],
"initiatorId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"initiator": {
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"email": "craig.smith@singlewire.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"lock": { "start": "2014-03-16T14:00:00.000Z", "end": "2014-09-16T14:00:00.000Z" }
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"imageMimeType": "image/png",
"image": 15859,
"audio": 12555,
"confirmationRequestId": "4f599e70-df83-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"confirmationResponse": null,
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T18:27:10.553Z",
"dynamicReplyText": null,
"messageTemplateId": "85a66790-df80-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"body": "You are receiving this notification because your home has just reached a temperature of 57ºF which is outside your defined threshold.\n\nDo you need assistance?",
"id": "71f4f490-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"confirmationRequest": {
"expiration": "2014-08-07T23:27:10.571Z",
"escalationRules": [],
"dynamicReplies": [],
"createdAt": "2014-05-19T18:28:01.623Z",
"id": "4f599e70-df83-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"expirationPeriod": 18000,
"options": ["Yes", "No"],
"name": "Do you need assistance?"
Retrieves a single user notification by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/notifications/{notificationId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User of interest. |
notificationId | The id of the specific notification to retrieve. |
The user notification response format is detailed here.
Remove a Notification from a Specific User’s List
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/71f4f490-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"UserNotifications\"} 71f4f490-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
Deletes a notification from the list associated with a particular user. When a user no longer wishes to see the notification in their “in box” this method is the appropriate way to remove it. The fact that the user was sent the notification will still be visible to administrators through the Notification Recipients resource.
HTTP Request
DELETE /users/{userId}/notifications/{notificationId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose notification is to be deleted. |
notificationId | The id of the specific notification to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
Get User Notification Audio
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
sound = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print(sound.headers['content-type']) # audio/wav
f = open('audio.wav', 'w')
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
sound = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)
puts(sound.headers['content-type']) # audio/wav
f = open('audio.wav', 'w')
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/6ef1e300-1e3a-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/notifications/71f4f490-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/audio" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Produces a binary stream of audio data, with the specific MIME type identified in the response header.
Retrieves the audio, if any, that was sent with the notification, as a binary stream. Typically this is μ-law encoded compressed audio.
Deprecation warning: Requesting conversion of the audio format by
specifying a value of pcm
for the convert
request parameter is no
longer necessary, because the content-type
header returned now
allows the audio to be used as-is. This query parameter will no longer
cause the audio format to be converted in a future release.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/notifications/{notificationId}/audio
, audio/u-law
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose notification is being worked with. |
notificationId | The id of the specific notification for which the audio data is desired. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
convert | String | null | Deprecated: Specify a value of pcm to request that the server convert the audio to PCM (WAV) format from μ-law. This takes more network bandwidth, so should only be done if the client cannot handle μ-law compression. |
Get User Notification Image
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
pic = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print(pic.headers['content-type']) # e.g. image/png
f = open('picture.png', 'w')
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the notification object from
# the previous example:
pic = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)
puts(pic.headers['content-type']) # e.g. image/png
f = open('picture.png', 'w')
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/6ef1e300-1e3a-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/notifications/71f4f490-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/image" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
Produces a binary stream of the image data, with the specific MIME type identified in the response header.
Retrieves the image, if any, that was sent with the notification, as a binary stream.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/notifications/{notificationId}/image
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose notification is being worked with. |
notificationId | The id of the specific notification for which the image data is desired. |
User Notification Response
The JSON document used to represent a user notification resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
audio | Integer | The size in bytes of the audio sent with this notification, or zero if there is none. |
body | String | The body of text of the notification. |
confirmationRequest | ConfirmationRequest | The Confirmation Request attached to the notification, if there was one. |
confirmationRequestId | String | The id of the Confirmation Request, above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the Confirmation Request are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
confirmationResponse | String | The response this user chose for the Confirmation Request, if they have responded already. |
dynamicReplyText | String | If a Dynamic Reply was sent in response to confirmation, the text will be listed here. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this notification was sent. |
distributionListIds | Array[String] | A list of the id s of all distribution lists this notification was sent to. |
id | String | The id of this specific notification, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually, and providing access to its audio, image, and Activities. |
image | Integer | The size in bytes of the image sent with this notification, or zero if there is none. |
imageMimeType | String | Options: image/png image/jpeg image/gif . The format in which the image data will be delivered, if there is an image associated with this notification. |
initiator | User | Embeds information from the User record of the sender of the notification. |
initiatorId | String | The id of the sender of the notification, above. |
messageTemplateId | String | The id of the Message Template on which this Notification was based. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
read | Boolean | An indication of whether this user has seen this notification. Initially set to false , will become true if a readStatus activity with value true is posted (until a later one with value false is posted to mark it as unread again). |
readTimestamp | ISO 8601 date/time | The most recent time at which this notification was marked as read by this user. No value is returned if read is currently false . |
subject | String | The subject text of this notification. |
userId | String | The id of the User whose notification is being worked with. |
User Notification Activities
The user notification activities resource provides a mechanism for tracking and reviewing interactions a User has had with a Notification, such as marking it read or unread, or responding to an associated Confirmation Request.
List All Activities for a User Notification
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
activities = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
activities = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/activities?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"readStatus": "read",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"confirmationOption": null,
"notificationId": "69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T19:04:35.917Z",
"type": "set-read-status",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"id": "ac4c4fd0-1e65-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
Retrieves the list of all activities recorded for the specified user and notification. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. A user will generally be able to see all activities performed by themselves, but non-administrative users will not be able to see the activities of other users.)
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/notifications/{notificationId}/activities
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User of interest. |
notificationId | The id of the Notification to that User for which activity information is desired. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more concise, only the first activity was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The user notification activity response format is detailed here.
Get a User Notification Activity
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/activities/ac4c4fd0-1e65-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/activities/ac4c4fd0-1e65-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/activities/ac4c4fd0-1e65-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"readStatus": "read",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"confirmationOption": null,
"notificationId": "69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T19:04:35.917Z",
"type": "set-read-status",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"id": "ac4c4fd0-1e65-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
Retrieves a single user notification activity by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/notifications/{notificationId}/activities/{activityId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User of interest. |
notificationId | The id of the specific Notification whose activities are being examined. |
activityId | The id of the specific activity to retrieve. |
The user notification activity response format is detailed here.
Create a User Notification Activity
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'type': 'set-read-status',
'readStatus': 'read'
activity = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/activities"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'type': 'set-read-status'
'readStatus': 'read'
activity = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/notifications/69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847/activities" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"type": "set-read-status", \
"readStatus": "read"}'
"readStatus": "read",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"confirmationOption": null,
"notificationId": "69532d70-1e60-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T19:22:41.073Z",
"type": "set-read-status",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"id": "3319fa10-1e68-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
Record an interaction between a User and a Notification they received. Currently, two different kinds of interaction can be reported, and they are differentiated by the value sent in the type
is an activity which marks the notification as read or unread as far as the user is concerned.confirmation
records the user’s response to any Confirmation Request attached to the notification.
HTTP Request
POST /users/{userId}/notifications/{notificationId}/activities
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose activity is being recorded. |
notificationId | The id of the Notification for which an activity is being reported. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
type | String | N/A | Options: set-read-status , confirmation . The type of activity to record. The type confirmation is only valid if the Notification was sent with a Confirmation Request and no response has yet been recorded for this user. |
confirmationOption | String | N/A | The confirmation request option chosen by the user as a response. Only valid when type is confirmation , and must be one of the values present in the options list of the associated Confirmation Request. |
readStatus | String | N/A | Options: read , unread . Only valid when type is set-read-status . Use the value read to mark the notification as read by this user, unread as yet-to-be-read. The message may be repeatedly marked as read and unread over time, the most recent activity is considered the current state. |
The user notification activity response format is detailed here.
User Notification Activities Response
The JSON document used to represent a user notification activity resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
confirmationOption | String | When the type attribute is confirmation , this contains the Confirmation Request response the user has chosen. This will be a value from the options list of the confirmation request attached to the notification, and there will be at most one activity of this type recorded for this user and notification. |
dynamicReplyText | String | If a Dynamic Reply was sent in response to confirmation, the text will be listed here. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this activity was created. |
id | String | The id of this specific activity, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
notificationId | String | The id of the Notification whose activities are being examined. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
readStatus | String | Present when the type attribute is set-read-status , and will have the value read or unread . Marks the notification as read or unread as of the time of this activity. The read status can be toggled multiple times; the value set by the most recent activity is considered the current state. |
type | String | Options: set-read-status , confirmation sms-sent , sms-received , call-placed , call-answered , sms-failed , call-failed , email-queued , email-sent , email-failed , dynamic-reply . Identifies the type of activity that was recorded. Extensions may add more type values; this is where the email-related values came from. Such extension-defined types will not be present in the API Explorer documentation, since the API is not aware of them. |
userId | String | The id of the User whose notification is being recorded. |
User Permissions
Permissions are required to perform any action with the InformaCast Mobile API. User Permissions are a direct assignment of a permission to a specific User. These are often implicitly granted by the system, for example, to allow a user to view a notification that they sent, even if they lack the ability to see other notifications. Manual assignment of permissions is usually done through Security Groups, which provide a way to group permissions into a named, logical collection, which can then be tied to users.
When validating an action that a user is trying to perform through the
API, the User Permissions assigned directly to the user (through the
access token which accompanies all API requests) are combined with any
that come from security groups to which the user belongs. Each
permission is made up of two attributes: the spec
which identifies
the resource being controlled, and the verb
which identifies the
action (HTTP method) being permitted. For example, a permission
granting the ability to read a particular User resource
would use the spec
and a verb
of get
. To grant
the ability to read every user, the spec
would use the *
character rather than a specific user id
. This same pattern can also
be applied with the verbs post
(create), put
(update), and
. In the case of post
permissions, a trailing /*
is not
required to give “create” access to a specific resource, because the
value is not assigned until after the post action is in progress.
When Domains are in use, Users are assigned to Domains,
granting them the ability to act in those Domains and their subdomains
(they may also have access to Domains through membership in Security
Groups). Permissions that refer to Domain-enabled
resources, unless their spec
values tie
them to a single resource by id
, are Domain scoped and will be
attached to the acting Domain that was in effect when the Permision
was created. This means the permission will only operate within that
Domain and its subdomains.
Implicit User Permissions
As noted above, in addition to explicitly granted permissions, all users are implicitly and automatically granted a set of permissions to enable basic use of the system. These implicit permissions are not stored, and will not show up when listing user permissions. They are:
Verb | Spec |
get | /users/{userId}/notifications/* |
delete | /users/{userId}/notifications/* |
get | /session/* |
get | /session |
delete | /session/* |
post | /users/{userId}/notifications/*/activities |
get | /users/{userId}/notifications//activities/ |
get | /users/{userId}/notifications/*/image |
get | /users/{userId}/notifications/*/audio |
get | /users/{userId}/subscriptions/* |
get | /users/{userId}/devices/* |
delete | /users/{userId}/devices/* |
put | /users/{userId}/devices/* |
post | /users/{userId}/devices |
get | /users/{userId}/security-groups/* |
get | /users/{userId}/user-permissions/* |
get | /users/{userId}/locations/* |
put | /users/{userId}/locations/* |
delete | /users/{userId}/locations/* |
post | /users/{userId}/locations |
get | /users/{userId}/extensions/* |
put | /users/{userId}/extensions/* |
List All Permissions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/user-permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
perms = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/user-permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
perms = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/user-permissions?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 99,
"partial": true,
"next": "IjY4NjM3NzAxLWRkMDktMTFlMy04YzQ5LWI4ZTg1NjMyNzc0NiI=",
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.704Z",
"verb": "post",
"spec": "/notifications",
"id": "68637700-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"domainId": null,
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
This permission means the user is able to create (send) Notifications.
Retrieves the list of all the permissions assigned directly to a specified user. They may have other permissions indirectly, through membership in Security Groups.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/user-permissions
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose permissions are being looked up. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first permission was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of 99 available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The user permission response format is detailed here.
Get a Permission
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/user-permissions/68637700-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
perm = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/user-permissions/68637700-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
perm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/user-permissions/68637700-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.704Z",
"verb": "post",
"spec": "/notifications",
"id": "68637700-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"domainId": null,
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Retrieves a single user permission by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/user-permissions/{userPermissionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User of interest. |
userPermissionId | The id of the specific permission to retrieve. |
The user permission response format is detailed here.
Add Permissions to a User
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/user-permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'spec': '/confirmation-requests/*',
'verb': 'get'
perm = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/user-permissions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'spec': '/confirmation-requests/*'
'verb': 'get'
perm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/user-permissions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"spec": "/confirmation-requests/*", \
"verb": "get"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-08T16:25:11.538Z",
"verb": "get",
"spec": "/confirmation-requests/*",
"id": "91e5a520-1f18-11e4-b784-685b358ea847",
"domainId": null,
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
This permission grants the user the ability to view all Confirmation Requests.
Grants a user the permission to perform a specific action on a specified resource or list of resources.
Tied Extensions
There are two pairs of extensions which are now treated by the user interface as a single concept: the iOS and Android push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for iOS/Android, and the macOS and Windows push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for Mac/Windows. Because of this, granting a permission to one of either pair will automatically grant permission to the other.
HTTP Request
POST /users/{userId}/user-permissions
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User to whom permission is being granted. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
spec | String | N/A | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the user is being permitted to act on. |
verb | String | N/A | Options: get post put delete . The action (HTTP method) which is to be permitted. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Automatically delete any matching user permissions attached to subdomains of the current acting Domain when creating this one? |
The user permission response format is detailed here.
Update a Permission
# Continuing with the user permission object
# from the previous example:
updated_perm = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the user permission object
# from the previous example:
updated_perm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/user-permissions/91e5a520-1f18-11e4-b784-685b358ea847" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"spec": "/confirmation-requests/*", \
"verb": "delete"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"createdAt": "2014-08-08T16:25:11.538Z",
"verb": "delete",
"spec": "/confirmation-requests/*",
"id": "91e5a520-1f18-11e4-b784-685b358ea847",
"domainId": null,
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
This permission grants the user the ability to delete any Confirmation Request.
Updates an existing user permission, to change the spec
or the verb
, as needed.
Tied Extensions
There are two pairs of extensions which are now treated by the user interface as a single concept: the iOS and Android push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for iOS/Android, and the macOS and Windows push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for Mac/Windows. Because of this, granting or revoking a permission to one of either pair will automatically grant or revoke permission to the other.
HTTP Request
PUT /users/{userId}/user-permissions/{userPermissionId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose permission is being altered. |
userPermissionId | The id of the specific permission to change. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
spec | String | N/A | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the user is being permitted to act on. |
verb | String | N/A | Options: get post put delete . The action (HTTP method) which is to be permitted. |
promote | Boolean | false |
Automatically delete any matching user permissions attached to subdomains of the current acting Domain when updating this one? |
The user permission response format is detailed here.
Revoke a Permission
# Continuing with the user permission object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the user permission object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/user-permissions/91e5a520-1f18-11e4-b784-685b358ea847" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"UserPermissions\"} 91e5a520-1f18-11e4-b784-685b358ea847"
Removes a previously granted permission from a user.
Tied Extensions
There are two pairs of extensions which are now treated by the user interface as a single concept: the iOS and Android push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for iOS/Android, and the macOS and Windows push extensions are jointly managed as InformaCast for Mac/Windows. Because of this, revoking a permission to one of either pair will automatically revoke permission to the other.
HTTP Request
DELETE /users/{userId}/user-permissions/{userPermissionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose permission is being revoked. |
userPermissionId | The id of the specific permission to revoke. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
User Permission Response
The JSON document used to represent a user permission resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this permission was created. |
domainId | String | Limits the maximum scope at which the permission can be applied: will be null unless Domains are enabled and the permission is domain-scoped (that is, it can match more than one domain-enabled resource, rather than referring to a specific resource by id ). In those cases, for Domain-enabled resources, only those belonging to the specified Domain or its subdomains are affected by the permission. |
id | String | The id of this specific permission, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . What operations are possible on this permission resource itself. |
spec | String | Identifies the path to the resource(s) the user is being permitted to act on. |
userId | String | The id of the User to whom this permission applies. |
verb | String | Options: get post put delete . The action (HTTP method) which is permitted on the resource(s) identified by spec . |
User Profile
The User Profile endpoint allows for greater customization of self-registered users in Self Service. This endpoint allows the User to change their name, preferred name, local timezone, and preferred language.
Get User Profile Information
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/profile"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
pro = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/profile"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
pro = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/profile" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"name": "Craig Smith",
"preferredLanguage": "en-US",
"preferredName": "name",
"preferredTimezone": null,
"permissions": [
Retrieves all User Profile information available for modification.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/profile
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose User Profile information is desired. |
The User Profile response format is detailed here.
Update a User Profile
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/profile"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847',
'preferredName': 'Craig',
'preferredLanguage': 'en-US',
'preferredTimezone': 'America/Chicago',
'name': 'Craig S.'
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/profile"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847'
'preferredName': 'Craig'
'preferredLanguage': 'en-US'
'preferredTimezone': 'America/Chicago'
'name': 'Craig S.'
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/profile" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847", \
"preferredName": "Craig", \
"preferredLanguage": "en-US", \
"preferredTimezone": "America/Chicago", \
"name": "Craig S."}'
"name": "Craig S.",
"preferredLanguage": "en-US",
"preferredName": "Craig",
"preferredTimezone": "America/Chicago",
"permissions": [
Update the User Profile information present on a user.
HTTP Request
PUT /users/{userId}/profile
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User to update their User Profile. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
id | String | N/A | The id of the user to change the profile. |
name | String | N/A | The user’s name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
preferredLanguage | String | N/A | The user’s preferred language. Note en-US is the only language currently supported. |
preferredName | String | N/A | The user’s preferred name. Maximum of 140 characters. |
preferredTimezone | String | N/A | The user’s preferred timezone. Visit https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/12212/wcs/tag-ref/MISC/TimeZones.html for a list of available time zones. |
The User Profile response format is detailed here.
User Profile Response
The JSON document used to represent a User Profile resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | String | N/A |
preferredLanguage | String | N/A |
preferredName | String | N/A |
preferredTimezone | String | N/A |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
User Roll Call Incidents
Roll Call Incidents for which the requesting user is a Roll Call administrator.
Get All User Roll Call Incidents
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"id": "7159d9c6-53d0-11ed-a668-2d0c7a8eaf4f",
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"incidentPlan": {"name": "Roll Call Incident"},
"site": {"id": "c3a8c5a5-9f15-11ec-87e2-796d091c34fe", "name": "High School A"},
"locations": ["Classroom", "Gym", "Reunification Zone"],
"statuses": ["Safe", "Injured"],
"createdAt": "2022-10-24T19:17:03.784Z",
"endedAt": null
Retrieves the list of all Roll Call Incidents for which the requesting user is a Roll Call administrator.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/rostering
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the requesting user. Must be a Roll Call administrator for the specified incident. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ongoingOnly | Boolean | If set to true, only active Roll Call Incidents (i.e. those which have not been ended) will be returned |
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
The User Roll Call response format is detailed here.
Get a Specific User Roll Call Incident
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
user_roll_call = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
user_roll_call = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"id": "7159d9c6-53d0-11ed-a668-2d0c7a8eaf4f",
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"incidentPlan": {"name": "Roll Call Incident"},
"site": {"id": "c3a8c5a5-9f15-11ec-87e2-796d091c34fe", "name": "High School A"},
"locations": ["Classroom", "Gym", "Reunification Zone"],
"statuses": ["Safe", "Injured"],
"createdAt": "2022-10-24T19:17:03.784Z",
"endedAt": null
Retrieves a specific Roll Call Incident based on the id
value of the Incident. Since this is not a
list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/rostering/{incidentId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the requesting user. Must be a Roll Call administrator for the specified incident. |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which Roll Call information is desired. |
The User Roll Call response format is detailed here.
User Roll Call Incident Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | UUID | The id of the Roll Call data for the Incdent |
incidentId | UUID | The id of the Incident |
incidentPlan | Object | A JSON object containing the name of the Incident Plan from which this Incident was created |
site | Object | A JSON object containing the name and ID of the Site assigned to this Incident |
locations | Array[string] | A list of the locations that are selectable for this Roll Call Incident |
statuses | Array[string] | A list of the statuses that are selectable for this Roll Call Incident |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Incident was created. |
endedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this Incident was ended. Will be null while the Incident is still active. |
User Roll Call Members
User Roll Call members are the users who are in the list for a particular Roll Call Incident. The Roll Call members will have a status and location assigned, which will be updated by Roll Call administrators during the event.
Only users who are Roll Call administrators for the specified Incident will be able to retrieve Roll Call member data through this API.
Get All User Roll Call Members
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"memberUser": {
"id": "0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "john.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Classroom",
"permissions": [
"get", "put"
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"memberUser": {
"id": "7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "jane.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Reunification Zone",
"permissions": [
"get", "put"
Retrieves the list of all members of the Incident’s Roll Call list.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/rostering/{incidentId}/rostering-members
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the requesting user. Must be a Roll Call administrator for the specified incident. |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which Roll Call member information is desired. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
filterStatuses | Array[string] | A JSON-encoded array of statuses on which to filter Roll Call members. To filter on ‘Unknown’, include a status of null . |
filterLocations | Array[string] | A JSON-encoded array of locations on which to filter Roll Call members. To filter on 'Unknown’, include a location of null . |
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
The Roll Call member response format is detailed here.
Get a Specific User Roll Call Member
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
user_roll_call_member = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
user_roll_call_member = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"memberUser": {
"id": "7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "jane.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Reunification Zone",
"permissions": [
"get", "put"
Retrieves a specific Roll Call member based on the id
values of the Incident and Roll Call member. Since this is not a
list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/rostering/{incidentId}/rostering-members/{rollCallMemberId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the requesting user. Must be a Roll Call administrator for the specified incident. |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which Roll Call information is desired. |
rollCallMemberId | The id of the specific user who is a member of the Roll Call list. |
The Incident Roll Call member response format is detailed here.
Bulk Update User Roll Call Member Statuses and Locations
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'rosterMemberUserIds': ['0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d', '7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a'],
'status': 'Safe',
'location': 'Reunification Zone'
user_roll_call_member = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'rosterMemberUserIds': ['0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d'
, '7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a'
'status': 'Safe'
'location': 'Reunification Zone'
user_roll_call_member = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rosterMemberUserIds": ["0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d", "7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a"], \
"status": "Safe", \
"location": "Reunification Zone"}'
"rosterMemberUsers": [
"memberUser": {
"id": "0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "john.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Classroom"
"memberUser": {
"id": "7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "jane.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Reunification Zone",
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"permissions": ["put", "get"],
Updates the status and/or location of all specified Roll Call members. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
POST /users/{userId}/rostering/{incidentId}/rostering-members
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the requesting user. Must be a Roll Call administrator for the specified incident. |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which to update Roll Call member data. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
rosterMemberUserIds | Array[UUID] | Yes | List of id s of users in the Roll Call list for which to update status and/or location. |
location | String | One or both of status or location required |
The new location to be set for the specified roll call members. To set location to 'Unknown’, pass null . |
status | String | One or both of status or location required |
The new status to be set for the specified Roll Call members. To set status to 'Unknown’, pass null . |
The Roll Call Member response format is detailed here.
Update One User Roll Call Member Status and Location
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'status': 'Safe',
'location': 'Reunification Zone'
rcm = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'status': 'Safe'
'location': 'Reunification Zone'
rcm = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-members/0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"status": "Safe", \
"location": "Reunification Zone"}'
"memberUser": {
"id": "0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "john.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Classroom",
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"permissions": ["put", "get"]
Updates the status and/or location of the specified Roll Call member. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
PUT /users/{userId}/incidents/{incidentId}/rostering-members/{rollCallMemberId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the requesting user. Must be a Roll Call administrator for the specified incident. |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which to update Roll Call member data. |
rollCallMemberId | The user id of the Roll Call member for which to update status and/or location |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
location | String | No | The new location to be set for the specified roll call members. To set location to 'Unknown’, pass null . |
status | String | No | The new status to be set for the specified Roll Call members. To set status to 'Unknown’, pass null . |
The Roll Call member response format is detailed here.
User Roll Call Member Response
Attribute | Type | Description |
incidentId | UUID | The Incident id for this Roll Call event. |
memberUser | Array[Object] | A JSON object containing the user name, email and ID for the Roll Call list member |
status | String | The status of the Roll Call member. null indicates status of 'Unknown’. |
location | String | The location of the Roll Call member. null indicates location of 'Unknown’. |
User Roll Call My List
Roll Call My List is specific to each individual Roll Call administrator. It is the list of all Roll Call members whose status and/or location have been updated by that particular Roll Call administrator. The user making the request determines the list of Roll Call members returned.
Only users who are Roll Call administrators for the specified Incident will be able to retrieve Roll Call My List data through this API.
Get User Roll Call My List
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-my-list"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-my-list"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-my-list" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": false,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"memberUser": {
"id": "0a8f4841-11d2-11ed-87c6-11f85dd7497d",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "john.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Classroom",
"permissions": [
"incidentId": "da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651",
"memberUser": {
"id": "7676808b-d5fa-11eb-aea1-a17da050c75a",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "jane.doe@domain.com"
"status": "Safe",
"location": "Reunification Zone",
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of all Roll Call members whose status and/or location the requesting user has updated. If the requesting user has not updated any status or location of any Roll Call members, then an empty list will be returned. The requesting user can only get their own Roll Call My List, and will be unable to access any other user’s My List.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/rostering/{incidentId}/rostering-my-list
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the requesting user. Must be a Roll Call administrator for the specified incident. |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which Roll Call My List information is desired. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
filterStatuses | Array[string] | A JSON-encoded array of statuses on which to filter Roll Call members. To filter on ‘Unknown’, include a status of null . |
filterLocations | Array[string] | A JSON-encoded array of locations on which to filter Roll Call members. To filter on 'Unknown’, include a location of null . |
Pagination parameters can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
Attribute | Type | Description |
incidentId | UUID | The Incident id for this Roll Call event. |
memberUser | Array[Object] | A JSON object containing the user name, email and ID for the Roll Call list member |
status | String | The status of the Roll Call member. null indicates status of 'Unknown’. |
location | String | The location of the Roll Call member. null indicates location of 'Unknown’. |
User Roll Call Report
The Incident Roll Call report contains the number of users currently assigned to each status in the Roll Call event. This is used to help incident administrators with directing the incident response.
Only users who are Roll Call administrators for the specified Incident will be able to retrieve Roll Call report data through this API.
Get User Roll Call Report
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-report"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-report"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/rostering/da757132-bd82-11eb-a95c-75282fb7d651/rostering-report" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"statusCounts": [
{"status": "Safe", "count": 370},
{"status": "Injured", "count": 3},
{"status": null, "count": 23}
Retrieves the user counts for each status in the Roll Call event.
HTTP Request
GET /incidents/{incidentId}/rostering-report
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the requesting user. Must be a Roll Call administrator for the specified incident. |
incidentId | The id of the Incident for which Roll Call information is desired. |
Query Parameters
Attribute | Type | Description |
statusCounts | Array[Object] | A list of JSON objects that contain the status label and assigned user count for each status in the Roll Call event. A status of null means ‘Unknown’ |
User Security Groups
A User may belong to any number of Security Groups, which are a convenient way of assigning a logical set of permissions to the User. Other than automatically-assigned direct user permissions, which grant users access to resources they create themselves, placing Users into Security Groups is the primary method of granting users the ability to perform actions in the system. Each permission assigned to the associated Security Group will be implicitly granted to the User.
List All User Security Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
groups = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
groups = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/security-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"next": "IjU5MTQ4YmQwLTFlZmYtMTFlNC1iMDhlLTY4NWIzNThlYTg0NyI=",
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"securityGroup": {
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:49:05.964Z",
"id": "3aa5dec0-dd09-11e3-b17e-b8e856327746",
"name": "Administrators"
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:23.126Z",
"securityGroupId": "3aa5dec0-dd09-11e3-b17e-b8e856327746",
"id": "68a3db60-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Retrieves the list of all the Security Groups to which the User belongs. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the User attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. A user will generally be able to see all their own memberships, and administrative users will be able to see other users’ group memberships.)
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/security-groups
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose Security Group list is desired. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first Security Group was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The User Security Group response format is detailed here.
Get a User Security Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/security-groups/68a3db60-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
group = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/security-groups/68a3db60-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
group = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/security-groups/68a3db60-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"securityGroup": {
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:49:05.964Z",
"id": "3aa5dec0-dd09-11e3-b17e-b8e856327746",
"name": "Administrators"
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:23.126Z",
"securityGroupId": "3aa5dec0-dd09-11e3-b17e-b8e856327746",
"id": "68a3db60-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Retrieves a single User Security Group assignment by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/security-groups/{securityGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User of interest. |
securityGroupId | The id of the specific User Security Group assignment to retrieve. |
The User Security Group response format is detailed here.
Place a User in a Security Group
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'securityGroupId': '5422d460-1eff-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847'
group = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'securityGroupId': '5422d460-1eff-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847'
group = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/security-groups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"securityGroupId": "5422d460-1eff-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"securityGroup": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-08T13:24:30.502Z",
"id": "5422d460-1eff-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"name": "Administrators"
"createdAt": "2014-08-08T13:30:57.390Z",
"securityGroupId": "5422d460-1eff-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"id": "3abd40e0-1f00-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Assigns the specified User to the specified Security Group, implicitly granting the user all permissions assigned to the group.
HTTP Request
POST /users/{userId}/security-groups
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User to be added to the Security Group. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
securityGroupId | String | N/A | The id of the Security Group to which the User is being added. |
The User Security Group response format is detailed here.
Remove a User from a Security Group
# Continuing with the security group object
# from the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the security group object
# from the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/security-groups/3abd40e0-1f00-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"UserSecurityGroups\"} 3abd40e0-1f00-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
Removes the specified User from the specified Security Group, so that the group’s permissions are no longer implicitly available to the user.
HTTP Request
DELETE /users/{userId}/security-groups/{securityGroupId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User to remove from the Security Group. |
securityGroupId | The id of the Security Group to which the User will no longer belong. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
List All SCIM Security Groups
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/5972cc1c-8026-11eb-a543-c1a5d6a87b54/scim-security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
subs = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/5972cc1c-8026-11eb-a543-c1a5d6a87b54/scim-security-groups"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
subs = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/5972cc1c-8026-11eb-a543-c1a5d6a87b54/scim-security-groups?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 3,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "37e63af7-8031-11eb-a543-67f151212590",
"userId": "5972cc1c-8026-11eb-a543-c1a5d6a87b54",
"securityGroup": {
"id": "37e63af7-8031-11eb-a543-67f151212590",
"name": "C",
"super_group": false
"id": "569a087f-8031-11eb-a543-2386a627ea5e",
"name": "SCIM Group 1"
"id": "d80aa1de-8026-11eb-a543-53c5fa2d317e",
"name": "SCIM Group 2"
"createdAt": "2021-03-08T17:10:44.452Z",
"permissions": ["put","delete","get"]
Retrieves the list of all security groups to which the specified user is included through associated SCIM Groups.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/scim-security-groups
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose security group information is desired. |
User Security Group Response
The JSON document used to represent a User Security Group resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this group membership was created. |
domains | Array[Domain] | When Domains are in use, this response will list the Domains to which the Security Group belongs. |
id | String | The id of this specific User/Security Group association. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
securityGroup | SecurityGroup | The Security Group whose permissions are granted to the User through this association. |
securityGroupId | String | The id of the Security Group above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the Security Group are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
userId | String | The id of the User whose Security Group membership is being reported. |
User Subscriptions
User Subscriptions connect Users to Distribution Lists. When a Distribution List is included in the recipients of a Notification, all Users who are subscribed to that Distribution List will receive the notification, on all of their registered Devices.
List All Subscriptions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscriptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
subs = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscriptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
subs = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscriptions?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"next": "WyJUZXN0IiwiMTNiMzJjZjAtZGY4OS0xMWUzLTkzYmMtNjg1YjM1OGVhODQ3Il0=",
"previous": null,
"data": [
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"lock": { "start": "2014-03-16T14:00:00.000Z", "end": "2014-09-16T14:00:00.000Z" }
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-07-22T19:15:37.346Z",
"id": "8fee5e20-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847",
"name": "To Just Craig Smith"
"createdAt": "2014-07-22T19:15:42.057Z",
"subscriptionEndDate": null,
"id": "92bd3590-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847",
"distributionListId": "8fee5e20-11d4-11e4-bdcd-685b358ea847",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Retrieves the list of all distribution lists to which the specified user is subscribed. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned. A user will generally be able to see all their own subscriptions.)
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/subscriptions
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose subscription information is desired. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first subscription was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The user subscription response format is detailed here.
Get a Subscription
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscriptions/152f93c0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
sub = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscriptions/152f93c0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
sub = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscriptions/152f93c0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"lock": { "start": "2014-03-16T14:00:00.000Z", "end": "2014-09-16T14:00:00.000Z" }
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-05-19T19:09:18.527Z",
"id": "13b32cf0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"name": "To Just Craig Smith"
"createdAt": "2014-05-19T19:09:21.020Z",
"subscriptionEndDate": null,
"distributionListId": "13b32cf0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"id": "152f93c0-df89-11e3-93bc-685b358ea847",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Retrieves a single subscription by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User of interest. |
subscriptionId | The id of the specific subscription to retrieve. |
The user subscription response format is detailed here.
Create a Subscription
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscriptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'distributionListId': '37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847'
sub = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscriptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'distributionListId': '37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847'
sub = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscriptions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"distributionListId": "37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"lock": { "start": "2014-03-16T14:00:00.000Z",
"end": "2014-09-16T14:00:00.000Z" }
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T15:26:35.674Z",
"id": "37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"name": "Acme Corp"
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T15:26:49.492Z",
"distributionListId": "37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"id": "401a1540-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"subscriptionEndDate": null,
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Create a link between a User and a Distribution List so that the User will receive Notifications sent to that Distribution List.
HTTP Request
POST /users/{userId}/subscriptions
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User to be subscribed. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
distributionListId | String | N/A | The id of the Distribution List to be subscribed to. |
subscriptionEndDate | ISO 8601 date/time | N/A | If specified, the time at which this subscription will become inactive. |
The user subscription response format is detailed here.
Update a Subscription
# Continuing with the subscription object from
# the previous example:
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the subscription object from
# the previous example:
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscriptions/401a1540-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"subscriptionEndDate": "2015-09-16T14:00:00.000Z"}'
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"user": {
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746",
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"name": "Craig Smith",
"lock": { "start": "2014-03-16T14:00:00.000Z",
"end": "2014-09-16T14:00:00.000Z" }
"distributionList": {
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T15:26:35.674Z",
"id": "37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"name": "Acme Corp"
"createdAt": "2014-08-07T15:26:49.492Z",
"distributionListId": "37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"id": "401a1540-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"subscriptionEndDate": "2015-09-16T14:00:00.000Z",
"userId": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Updates an existing subscription’s subscriptionEndDate
HTTP Request
PUT /users/{userId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the user whose subscription is to be updated. |
subscriptionId | The id of the subscription to update. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
subscriptionEndDate | ISO 8601 date/time | N/A | If specified, the time at which this subscription will become inactive. |
The user subscription response format is detailed here.
Remove a Subscription
# Continuing with the subscription object from
# the previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the subscription object from
# the previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscriptions/401a1540-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "deleted {:name \"UserSubscriptions\"} 401a1540-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847"
Deletes a subscription, removing that association between a User and a Distribution List.
HTTP Request
DELETE /users/{userId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the user whose subscription is to be deleted. |
subscriptionId | The id of the specific subscription to delete. |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
List All SCIM Subscriptions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/5972cc1c-8026-11eb-a543-c1a5d6a87b54/scim-subscriptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
subs = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/5972cc1c-8026-11eb-a543-c1a5d6a87b54/scim-subscriptions"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
subs = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/5972cc1c-8026-11eb-a543-c1a5d6a87b54/scim-subscriptions?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 3,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"partial": false,
"data": [
"id": "c5928f66-8b21-11eb-b282-9babf743bf37",
"userId": "5972cc1c-8026-11eb-a543-c1a5d6a87b54",
"distributionList": {
"id": "c5928f66-8b21-11eb-b282-9babf743bf37",
"name": "DL A"
"scimGroupIds": ["d80aa1de-8026-11eb-a543-53c5fa2d317e"],
"id":" d80aa1de-8026-11eb-a543-53c5fa2d317e",
"name": "SCIMSGTEST"
"createdAt": "2021-03-22T15:17:52.983Z",
"permissions": ["put","delete","get"]
Retrieves the list of all distribution lists to which the specified user is subscribed through associated SCIM Groups.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/scim-subscriptions
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose subscription information is desired. |
User Subscription Response
The JSON document used to represent a user subscription resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When this subscription was created. |
distributionList | Distribution List | When this Distribution List is a recipient of a Notification, the User attached to this subscription will be sent the Notification. |
distributionListId | String | The id of the Distribution List above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the Distribution List are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
id | String | The id of this specific subscription, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
subscriptionEndDate | ISO 8601 date/time | If specified, the time at which this subscription will become inactive. |
user | User | The User to which Notifications should be delivered when the Distribution List attached to this subscription is listed as a recipient of the Notification. |
userId | String | The id of the User above. This is what is actually stored; the expanded details about the User are returned as a convenience, to save clients from having to issue a separate request to look them up. |
Self Service Subscriptions
Self Service Subscriptions connect Users to Distribution Lists they can subscribe to. The difference between Self Service Subscriptions and User Subscriptions is that Self Service Subscriptions are applied to any distribution lists that are marked as subscribable, whereas User Subscriptions can be applied to any Distribution List.
List All Self Service Subscriptions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscribable-distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
subs = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscribable-distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
subs = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscribable-distribution-lists?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"partial": true,
"next": "WyJUZXN0IiwiMTNiMzJjZjAtZGY4OS0xMWUzLTkzYmMtNjg1YjM1OGVhODQ3Il0=",
"previous": null,
"data": [
"distributionListName": "Administrator Alerts",
"distributionListId": "12163d67-f790-11ea-a5f1-8fe62d9fe6fe",
"subscribed": false,
"permissions": [
Retrieves the list of all distribution lists Users may subscribe to and whether they are subscribed.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/subscribable-distribution-lists
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose self service subscription information is desired. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first subscription was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The self service subscription response format is detailed here.
Add a Self Service Subscription
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscribable-distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': 'af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560',
'subscribe': true
updated = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscribable-distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': 'af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560'
'subscribe': true
updated = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscribable-distribution-lists" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560", \
"subscribe": true}'
"distributionListName": "Everyone",
"distributionListId": "af94ef60-1d9a-11e4-a054-3c970e7ff560",
"subscribed": true,
"permissions": [
Create a link between a User and a Distribution List so that the User will receive Notifications sent to that Distribution List.
HTTP Request
PUT /users/{userId}/subscribable-distribution-lists
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User to be subscribed. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
id | String | N/A | The id of the Distribution List to be subscribed to. |
subscribe | Boolean | N/A | Whether to subscribe to the Distribution List. |
The self service subscription response format is detailed here.
Remove a Self Service Subscription
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscribable-distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'id': '37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847',
'subscribe': false
sub = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscribable-distribution-lists"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'id': '37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847'
'subscribe': false
sub = JSON.parse(HTTParty.put(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/subscribable-distribution-lists" \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847", \
"subscribe": false}'
"distributionListName": "Administrator Alerts",
"distributionListId": "37dd9fa0-1e47-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"subscribed": false,
"permissions": [
Removes a self servie subscription and its association between a User and a Distribution List.
HTTP Request
PUT /users/{userId}/subscribable-distribution-lists
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User to be subscribed. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
id | String | N/A | The id of the Distribution List to be subscribed to. |
subscribe | Boolean | N/A | Whether to subscribe to the Distribution List. |
The self service subscription response format is detailed here.
Self Service Subscription Response
The JSON document used to represent a self service subscription resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
distributionListName | String | The name of the Distribution List available for subscription. |
distributionListId | String | The id of the named Distribution List. |
subscribed | String | Whether the User is subscribed to this Distribution List. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
User Tokens
Authentication tokens are sent along with every request to the InformaCast Mobile API to associate the request with a particular User, and thereby control access to API resources and actions, as detailed in the Authentication section.
The User Tokens resource manages the tokens which grant access to InformaCast Mobile. Tokens are created or refreshed automatically when users log in through the normal authentication mechanism. Your client code may also manipulate this resource directly if it needs to create application tokens to distribute to components of itself (for example, permanent tokens for headless, unattended operation), or in order to revoke a user’s access.
List a User’s Tokens
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/tokens"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
tokens = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/tokens"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
tokens = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/tokens?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 2,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"data": [
"refreshTokenUsed": false,
"permissions": [ "get", "delete" ],
"name": "My API Token",
"tokenType": "access_token",
"client": null,
"createdAt": "2023-10-27T15:09:31.729Z",
"type": "token",
"scope": null,
"expires": "2023-10-20T08:45:48.957Z",
"id": "d4d204fb-74da-11ee-bba9-3512102fdbb9",
"userId": "bd6508ce-ef1c-11eb-b855-752b3cc63493",
"originId": null,
"subject": "bd6508ce-ef1c-11eb-b855-752b3cc63493",
"originCreatedAt": null,
"object": null
"refreshTokenUsed": false,
"permissions": [ "get", "delete" ],
"name": "IcMobile Web",
"tokenType": "refresh_token",
"client": "ios_secure_v2",
"createdAt": "2023-11-06T15:46:39.144Z",
"type": "token",
"scope": null,
"expires": "2023-11-07T03:46:39.000Z",
"id": "ac981371-7cbb-11ee-a92e-c7524bc59845",
"userId": "bd6508ce-ef1c-11eb-b855-752b3cc63493",
"originId": "ac975020-7cbb-11ee-a92e-3ddeaf4b6aa6",
"subject": "bd6508ce-ef1c-11eb-b855-752b3cc63493",
"originCreatedAt": "2023-11-06T15:46:39.139Z",
"object": null
Retrieves the list of tokens associated with a particular user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to its access token, may limit the resources returned. Generally only administrative users will be able to manipulate tokens.)
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/tokens
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose access tokens are to be listed. |
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first token was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of four available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
The user token response format is detailed here.
Get One Token
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/tokens/d4d204fb-74da-11ee-bba9-3512102fdbb9"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
t = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/tokens/d4d204fb-74da-11ee-bba9-3512102fdbb9"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
t = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/tokens/d4d204fb-74da-11ee-bba9-3512102fdbb9" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"refreshTokenUsed": false,
"permissions": [ "get", "delete" ],
"name": "My API Token",
"tokenType": "access_token",
"client": null,
"createdAt": "2023-10-27T15:09:31.729Z",
"type": "token",
"scope": null,
"expires": "2023-10-20T08:45:48.957Z",
"id": "d4d204fb-74da-11ee-bba9-3512102fdbb9",
"userId": "bd6508ce-ef1c-11eb-b855-752b3cc63493",
"originId": null,
"subject": "bd6508ce-ef1c-11eb-b855-752b3cc63493",
"originCreatedAt": null,
"object": null
Retrieves a single user token by id
. Since this is not a list request, there is no pagination wrapper around the result.
HTTP Request
GET /users/{userId}/tokens/{tokenId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose access tokens is being requested. |
tokenId | The id of the specific token to retrieve. |
The user token response format is detailed here.
Create a Token
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import json
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/tokens"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
'name': 'My API Token',
'expires': '2023-10-20T08:45:48.957Z'
t = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/tokens"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body = {
'name': 'My API Token'
'expires': '2023-10-20T08:45:48.957Z'
t = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers, body: JSON.dump(body)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/tokens" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "My API Token", \
"expires": "2023-10-20T08:45:48.957Z"}'
"refreshTokenUsed": false,
"permissions": [ "get", "delete" ],
"name": "My API Token",
"tokenType": "access_token",
"client": null,
"createdAt": "2023-10-27T15:09:31.729Z",
"type": "token",
"scope": null,
"expires": "2023-10-20T08:45:48.957Z",
"id": "d4d204fb-74da-11ee-bba9-3512102fdbb9",
"userId": "bd6508ce-ef1c-11eb-b855-752b3cc63493",
"originId": null,
"subject": "bd6508ce-ef1c-11eb-b855-752b3cc63493",
"originCreatedAt": null,
"object": null
Create a new access token associated with a particular user.
HTTP Request
POST /users/{userId}/token
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, application/json
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User for whom a new access token is to be created. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | N/A | The name to give the new token. |
expires | String | ISO 8601 date/time | When the token should expire and cease to be usable. If left blank will default to 1 year. |
The user token response format is detailed here.
Revoke a Token
# Continuing with the token object from the
# previous example:
print(requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
# Continuing with the token object from the
# previous example:
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/users/685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746/tokens/18f80750-1e5c-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"status": 200,
"message": "success",
"resources": [
"id": "18f80750-1e5c-11e4-b08e-685b358ea847",
"name": "Feh"
Deletes a token, so that it will immediately cease to be valid for accessing the system.
HTTP Request
DELETE /users/{userId}/tokens/{tokenId}
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
userId | The id of the User whose token is to be revoked. |
tokenId | The id of the specific token to revoke. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
deleteEntireSession | Boolean | Whether to delete the entire session. This effectievly deletes all entries sharing the same originId . |
The deletion response format is detailed here.
User Token Response
The JSON document used to represent a security group resource has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
client | String | The id of the OAuth2 client with which the token is associated. This is an area of active development and the details are changing rapidly at the moment; once client records are available for external developers, this documentation will be updated. |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When the token was created. |
expires | ISO 8601 date/time | When the token will expire, and cease to provide access to the system. |
id | String | The id of this specific token, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The name assigned this token. |
permissions | Array[String] | Options: get put delete . Which operations are possible on this resource, given the authentication token being used to access the API. |
scope | String | The OAuth2 scope for which the token applies. This is an area of active development, and in future might be used to provide access to subsets of the API. When such features become available, this documentation will be updated; for now, consider this a value used internally by the API. |
subject | String | The OAuth2 subject associated with the token; currently the same as userId . |
token | String | The special string which can be used to provide this token as an access_token for authenticating API requests, as discussed in the Authentication section. This value is present only in the response to a post request when the token is first created, and must be securely recorded at that point. It is important to protect this token because possession is enough to grant access to the API as the user associated with the token. |
userId | String | The id of the User the token is associated with; use of this token in API requests allows access to the system with the identity and permissions of that user. |
notValidAfter | ISO 8601 date/time | The time the session will be expired no matter what. |
originId | String | The origin id. This will be the same throughout an entire session. |
originCreatedAt | ISO 8601 date/time | The time the origin/session was created. |
tokenType | String | One of refresh_token or access_token depending on if it is an API Token or a Session. |
refreshTokenused | Boolean | Whether or not the refresh token has been used to exchange for a new token pair. |
User Devices - Direct Access
Unlike the User Devices endpoint, which is used for accessing the devises of an individual InformaCast Mobile user, this endpoint provides an overall view of the devices registered to all users. As such, it can return a paginated list of all known devices. Additionally, client applications can request that the returned list of devices be filtered and sorted. The devices can also be selected by their type or by the category of the users they belong to.
List User Devices
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/user-devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
devices = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/user-devices"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
devices = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/user-devices?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 12,
"previous": null,
"partial": true,
"data": [
"deviceIdentifier": "3cab93ba8b953bccca6f877315d1f3760109ba49ccd6b492cf6ed5287b6459df",
"updatedAt": "2020-08-10T22:20:30.348Z",
"permissions": [
"disabled": false,
"name": "Microsoft Teams Device",
"createdAt": "2020-08-10T22:20:30.348Z",
"type": "msteams-chat",
"build": null,
"id": "b3356516-db57-11ea-bf4d-69bedc344aa1",
"userId": "5339dc92-db57-11ea-bf4d-99c68d4d56f3",
"os": null,
"user": {
"name": "Craig Smith",
"type": "regular",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com"
"verified": true
Retrieves the list of devices registered to InformaCast Mobile users.
HTTP Request
GET /user-devices
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
deviceTypes | String | N/A | A comma separated list of types of the Devices to be retrieved. |
userTypes | String | N/A | A comma separated list of types of the Users whose devices are to be retrieved. |
verified | boolean | false | Whether or not only verified devices are to be retrieved. |
deviceNames | String | asc | Options: asc , desc . Sort devices by their names. |
userNames | String | asc | Options: asc , desc . Sort devices by the names of the users they are registered to. |
Requests can also include pagination parameters that can be found here. There were few enough results in this example that pagination was not required.
The API has pseudo field names which combine the field name, updatedAt
, with a comparison operation. The 4 pseudo field names are
(less than), updatedAt__lte
(less than or equals), updatedAt__gt
(greater than) and updatedAt__gte
(greater than or equals).
When specifying one of these updatedAt filters the timestamp format must be in RFC3339 format, including the timezone offset.
The user device response format is detailed here. Additionally, the individual device records in the response payload
will include the user
attribute with the following data regarding the device’s owner.
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | String | The user’s name. |
type | String | The type of the user. Options: regular , anonymous . |
String | The user’s email address; will be missing for users whose type is anonymous . |
Webex Teams Integration API
To allow you to programmatically add the InformaCast bot to existing Cisco Webex Teams spaces, the Webex Teams extension exposes some API endpoints through its proxy interface, which can be accessed through the InformaCast Mobile REST API.
List Webex Teams Spaces
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab/proxy/api/v1/spaces"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 1
print(requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json())
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab/proxy/api/v1/spaces"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 1
puts(JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query)))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab/proxy/api/v1/spaces?limit=1" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"total": 2,
"userLacksSparkSession": false,
"data": [{
"botIsMember": false,
"userCanInvite": true,
"type": "group",
"created": "2015-12-07T18:03:30.969Z",
"lastActivity": "2017-07-25T17:04:23.579Z",
"title": "Security Webex Team",
"botWasEvicted": false,
"id": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vZDJmZGUwOTAtOWQwYy0xMWU1LWFlZWQtMjE3NmZkY2Q4YTU4",
"isLocked": true,
"creatorId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9mNWIzNjE4Ny1jOGRkLTQ3MjctOGIyZi1mOWM0NDdmMjkwNDY"
Gets a list of all Webex Teams spaces available to the current user. (The Permissions and Security Groups associated with the request, through the user attached to the access token, may limit the resources returned.)
HTTP Request
GET /extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab/proxy/api/v1/spaces
Query Parameters
To make this example more manageable, only the first Webex Teams space was requested using the API’s pagination parameters. The response reflects this, as well as the fact that there were a total of two available when the request was made. The Informacast Mobile API offers a standard pagination mechanism for list requests like this.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the Webex Teams space. |
botIsMember | Boolean | Whether or not the InformaCast Bot is currently a member of the space. |
userCanInvite | Boolean | A flag (a hint to the client) as to whether the currently authenticated user has permissions to invite the InformaCast Bot to this space. |
isLocked | Boolean | Whether the current space is locked. |
created | String | When the space was created. |
lastActivity | String | When the last message was posted to this space. |
title | String | The title of this space. |
creatorId | String | The id of the entity that originally created this space. |
Invite the Bot to a Space
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab//proxy/api/v1/spaces/Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vZDJmZGUwOTAtOWQwYy0xMWU1LWFlZWQtMjE3NmZkY2Q4YTU4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
space = requests.post(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab//proxy/api/v1/spaces/Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vZDJmZGUwOTAtOWQwYy0xMWU1LWFlZWQtMjE3NmZkY2Q4YTU4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
space = JSON.parse(HTTParty.post(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab//proxy/api/v1/spaces/Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vZDJmZGUwOTAtOWQwYy0xMWU1LWFlZWQtMjE3NmZkY2Q4YTU4" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"botIsMember": true,
"userCanInvite": true,
"type": "group",
"created": "2015-12-07T18:03:30.969Z",
"lastActivity": "2017-07-25T17:04:23.579Z",
"title": "Security Webex Team",
"botWasEvicted": false,
"id": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vZDJmZGUwOTAtOWQwYy0xMWU1LWFlZWQtMjE3NmZkY2Q4YTU4",
"isLocked": true,
"creatorId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9mNWIzNjE4Ny1jOGRkLTQ3MjctOGIyZi1mOWM0NDdmMjkwNDY"
Tells the InformaCast Mobile bot to add itself to the specified Webex Teams space.
HTTP Request
POST /extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab/proxy/api/v1/spaces/Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vZDJmZGUwOTAtOWQwYy0xMWU1LWFlZWQtMjE3NmZkY2Q4YTU4
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the Webex Teams space. |
botIsMember | Boolean | Whether or not the InformaCast Bot is currently a member of the space. |
userCanInvite | Boolean | A flag (a hint to the client) as to whether the currently authenticated user has permissions to invite the InformaCast Bot to this space. |
isLocked | Boolean | Whether the space is locked. |
created | String | When the space was created. |
lastActivity | String | When the last message was posted to this space. |
title | String | The title of this space. |
creatorId | String | The id of the entity that originally created this space. |
Remove the Bot from a Space
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab//proxy/api/v1/spaces/Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vZDJmZGUwOTAtOWQwYy0xMWU1LWFlZWQtMjE3NmZkY2Q4YTU4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
space = requests.delete(url, headers=headers).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab//proxy/api/v1/spaces/Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vZDJmZGUwOTAtOWQwYy0xMWU1LWFlZWQtMjE3NmZkY2Q4YTU4"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
space = JSON.parse(HTTParty.delete(url, headers: headers))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab//proxy/api/v1/spaces/Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vZDJmZGUwOTAtOWQwYy0xMWU1LWFlZWQtMjE3NmZkY2Q4YTU4" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"botIsMember": false,
"userCanInvite": true,
"type": "group",
"created": "2015-12-07T18:03:30.969Z",
"lastActivity": "2017-07-25T17:04:23.579Z",
"title": "Security Webex Team",
"botWasEvicted": false,
"id": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vZDJmZGUwOTAtOWQwYy0xMWU1LWFlZWQtMjE3NmZkY2Q4YTU4",
"isLocked": true,
"creatorId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9mNWIzNjE4Ny1jOGRkLTQ3MjctOGIyZi1mOWM0NDdmMjkwNDY"
Tells the InformaCast Mobile bot to remove itself from the specified Webex Teams space.
HTTP Request
DELETE /extensions/299036d0-188a-11e7-a184-fd464c9fabab/proxy/api/v1/spaces/Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vZDJmZGUwOTAtOWQwYy0xMWU1LWFlZWQtMjE3NmZkY2Q4YTU4
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the Webex Teams space. |
botIsMember | Boolean | Whether or not the InformaCast Bot is currently a member of the space. |
userCanInvite | Boolean | A flag (a hint to the client) as to whether the currently authenticated user has permissions to invite the InformaCast Bot to this space. |
isLocked | Boolean | Whether the space is locked. |
created | String | When the space was created. |
lastActivity | String | When the last message was posted to this space. |
title | String | The title of this space. |
creatorId | String | The id of the entity that originally created this space. |
Common Responses
Status Codes
An example of a validation error response.
"status": 400,
"message": "Validation Failed",
"reason": [
"field": "name",
"type": "max-length-error",
"message": "Maximum field length of 140 exceeded for field name"
Here is a summary of the most common response codes that can be received from the API.
Response Code | Meaning |
200 | Successful request. Celebration time! |
400 | Bad Request—The request failed validation; many times, more specific information about the validation failure will also appear (see the example in the right pane). |
401 | Unauthorized—Either the access token is invalid or user/customer is locked/expired. |
403 | Forbidden—The associated user does not have the right to perform the requested operation. |
404 | Not Found—The specified resource could not be found, e.g. the id is incorrect, the id has been deleted, etc. |
429 | Too Many Requests—The API is receiving too many requests; see Throttling for more information on handling this issue. |
500 | Internal Server Error—InformaCast Mobile has encountered an error in its own processing. If this error is due to load or transitory network problems, wait a few moments and try your request again. If this is a persistent error, submit an online support request. Singlewire Support will log the error and assist you in resolving it. |
503 | Service Unavailable—InformaCast Mobile is temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try your request again later. |
Deleted Response
Any time a DELETE
request is issued, the following JSON document will be produced:
Attribute | Type | Description |
status | Integer | The response status code. Success is indicated by 200. |
message | String | A more detailed description of the results of the operation. |
Sync State Element
The JSON object used to represent a syncState
element in various other resources has the following content:
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdAt | ISO 8601 date/time | When the sync process for the resource reached this state. |
id | UUID | The id of this specific synchronization state detail, allowing it to be manipulated or retrieved individually. |
name | String | The name of the endpoint (Fusion server) being synchronized with. |
severity | String | Options: info error . Severity of this state. |
activationGroupId | Int | Associated activation group id (when this is part of a activation group resource). |
messageId | Int | Associated message id (when this is part of a message template resource). |
recipientGroupId | Int | Associated recipient group id (when this is part of a device group or distribution list resource). |
scheduledBroadcastId | Int | Associated broadcast id (when this is part of a scheduled broadcast resource). |
bellScheduleId | Int | Associated bell schedule id (when this is part of a bell schedule resource). |
ringListId | Int | Associated ring list id (when this is part of a ring list resource). |
state | String | Options: complete failed pending . Current state of the sync. |
value | String | Any associated id or extra information regarding this sync state. |
errors | Array[Object] | Any errors related to the sync state. |
Pagination and Search
The InformaCast Mobile API provides consistent methods for performing search and pagination for requests which return a list of resources. Unless otherwise specified, a request which lists a resource will return a maximum of 100 results. You need to be aware of this pagination mechanism in order to detect when you have received partial results, and to obtain the remaining results in such circumstances. You may also wish to choose more specific numbers of results to request, or to filter out specific resources in your query to improve network efficiency if you know what you are looking for.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/resource"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'limit': 10
resource = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/resource"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'limit': 10
resource = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/resource?limit=10" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 26,
"partial": true,
"previous": null,
"next": "IjRlZTVkODUwLTI2ZjAtMTFlNC1hOWE3LWI4ZTg1NjMyNzc0NiI=",
"data": [ "<ten items omitted to save space in the example…>" ]
Listing a resource will always return a JSON document as described in Pagination Results. If the response indicates that it is incomplete (has a true
value for its partial
attribute), you will need to issue a subsequent request in order to retrieve the next set of results. This is done by passing the next
pointer (the value returned in the next
attribute in your current result set) as a start
query parameter in your next request, as described in Pagination Parameters. The example shown illustrates a partial response that can be paginated (again, this is indicated by the next
attribute being present, as well as partial
being set to true
There is also a previous
pointer which can be used to step backwards through the results. In this case, since we started at the beginning, its value is null
The results themselves are in the data
array. This has been omitted from the example in the interest of brevity. Try some list requests in the API Explorer to see these structures in their full glory.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/resource"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'start': 'IjRlZTVkODUwLTI2ZjAtMTFlNC1hOWE3LWI4ZTg1NjMyNzc0NiI%3D',
'limit': 10
resource = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/resource"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'start': 'IjRlZTVkODUwLTI2ZjAtMTFlNC1hOWE3LWI4ZTg1NjMyNzc0NiI%3D'
'limit': 10
resource = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/resource?start=IjRlZTVkODUwLTI2ZjAtMTFlNC1hOWE3LWI4ZTg1NjMyNzc0NiI%3D&limit=10" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 26,
"partial": true,
"previous": "ImM3MmZmZWIwLTI2ZjItMTFlNC05Y2ViLTY4NWIzNThlYTg0NyI=",
"data": [ "<ten items omitted to save space in the example…>" ]
To continue the example, let’s fetch the next ten results. To do this, we would keep the limit
query parameter of 10
and also send a start
query parameter containing the URL encoded value of the next
pointer we received in our first response, which was
The response now indicates that we can move both forward and backward due to the presence of the next
attributes. As with paginating in the forward direction, backwards pagination can be performed simply by
passing the value of the previous
attribute as the start
query parameter (URL encoding the value, of course). In order to paginate backwards through the entire list of results, you need some way to start at the end of the list of resources. This can be done by providing the special value of end
as the start
query parameter.
In either case, once you have retrieved the last chunk of data in paginating through your resource query, the value of the the pointer for the direction in which you have been moving (next
or previous
) will become null
. The value of partial
attribute will only false
if all values were returned in a single query.
The total number of resources available, whether or not all were present in the current data
array, is reported in the total
attribute. This may not represent all the resources which actually exist in the Provider, because the results may be limited by the Permissions and Security Groups attached to the user associated with the access token used to make the request. The number reported in total
is the number that can be seen by the requesting user.
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/user"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
params = {
'q': 'Craig%20Smith'
user = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json()
except RequestException as e:
print('Unexpected error!', e)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/user"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND='
query = {
'q': 'Craig%20Smith'
user = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, query: query))
rescue StandardError => e
puts e
curl "https://api.icmobile.singlewire.com/api/v1/user?q=Craig%20Smith" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer S35QCVBN6S6TUQKHOND=" \
"total": 1,
"partial": false,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"data": [
"lock": null,
"name": "Craig Smith",
"securityGroups": [ ],
"passwordResetRequired": false,
"createdAt": "2014-05-16T14:50:22.656Z",
"email": "craig.smith@acme.com",
"permissions": ["delete", "put", "get"],
"subscriptions": [ ],
"id": "685c2400-dd09-11e3-8c49-b8e856327746"
Filtering a list of results can be performed by supplying the q
query parameter as one of your Pagination Parameters. The example shows how you could search for a user named Craig Smith
This example did not require pagination, because only one available result matched the filter. Even in such cases, the pagination wrapper is present in the response, and all results are embedded in the data
array. If you are paginating through a filtered result set, remember to supply the same value for the q
filter with each request.
If q
does not contain a colon, then the search will be performed against all resource attributes which are of type String
, as well as createdAt
. If the value looks like a date (formatted as specified by ISO 8601), it will match records which were created at any time on that day; if it includes a time, then the resource must have been created at that exact date and time.
You can also restrict the search to a particular attribute of the resource by formatting q
to contain the attribute name, a colon, and the value you want to search for, e.g. name:smith
. The attribute name can contain lower and uppercase letters, underscores, and hyphens. The search value is matched loosely against the content of the attribute, with a bias towards returning more results rather than missing them.
You can perform geographic searches of User Locations using search queries of location.polygon:
and a URL-encoded GeoJSON Linear Ring.
Logical Operators
You can perform searches with the simple logical operators and
and or
Operator | Example |
and | q={"and":["name:craig","type:regular"]} |
or | q={"or":["name:craig","name:linda"]} |
Pagination Parameters
The following optional query parameters are used to control the pagination of resource requests which return lists.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
start | String | beginning | Tells the API which portion of the list of results to return. Omitting this parameter tells the API to start at the beginning of the list. The special value end indicates the API should start at the end of the list and return chunks in reverse order. All other values must come from a next or previous attribute in the pagination results of a prior API response, and instruct the API to continue from that point in its pagination. |
limit | Integer | 100 | The maximum number of resources to be returned in the response. The value must be between 1 and 1000. |
q | String | n/a | The search query with which to filter the result set. |
include-total | Boolean | true | Whether to compute the total key in the list response output. When this is false , total will be removed and previous /next will be null . |
ids[] | Array | n/a | Filters the list to only the supplied ids. Works for most resources. Example usage: ?ids[]=1&ids[]=2&ids[]=3 . |
Pagination Results
Any time a list request is made, the response will be wrapped in a pagination object. The array of resources making up the actual response will always be available as the data
attribute of the JSON response document. The other attributes provide information about the pagination status of the response.
Attribute | Type | Description |
total | Integer | The total number of resources available, not all of which may be present in the current response, due to pagination. When include-total is false , this will be omitted. |
partial | String | Whether the results contains all of the available resources, or only a partial set, in which case further queries will be required to page through the remaining results. |
previous | String | The value which can be passed as the start query parameter to retrieve the previous page of results, paginating backwards. When include-total is false , this will always be returned as null . |
next | String | The value which can be passed as the start query parameter to retrieve the next page of results, paginating forward. When include-total is false , this will always be returned as null . |
data | Array | The array of resources in the current response. |
The system rate-limits incoming requests to protect itself, your application and other users. A request that exceeds the rate-limit fails with an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error status. All requests are subject to the same rate-limiting policy, including sending notifications, creating resources, etc. The policy itself is subject to change depending on system conditions.
Your application should be prepared to receive a 429. Every application should be set up to handle 429 responses. When you receive a 429, your application should only retry after waiting a random amount of time. That wait time should increase with each 429 you receive.
Examples of situations that can cause 429 responses are: when your application sends many requests in parallel or when your application sends thousands of requests in rapid succession.
Overriding the Request Method
For HTTPS clients that only know how to make GET
requests, adding a query parameter of _method
will allow you to override
the request method. For instance GET /api/v1/session?_method=DELETE&access_token=CADDCD33...
will delete the user’s session.
The other request parameters need to be query parameters, so it’s not an appropriate technique for uploading files or updating nested structures.